Log file from Skywise. 3/22/2000 6:44:18 PM Synopsis: The group of elves that are looking for Suntop, camp at Dancer Beach. There they meet up with several elves and end up going to Raft to see if any of the participants of the Festival, might have seen Suntop. Players: Too many to count for. Logger: Skywise. Dancer Beach - Raft Holt(#1537RAJL) The white gleaming sands reflect the light of the sun high overhead. The bay is shallow and warm, and suitable for wading or swimming. A long ridge parallels the beach along the edge of the dunes and shelters the beach from cool winds off the mountains and from the view of folk who might walk by in the forest. Here and there a gnarled madrona tree or a wind-twisted dwarf pine rears its head above the horizon. The brightness of noon fills the cool autumn skies. The tide is in, covering the sand in blue-green. Midday brings the tide back in and covers a large part of the beach with water. The sun is high overhead until it begins the slow fall into the west and the sunset. Windkin floats far above the land, in the bright sunlight just a speck in the sky, really. While his eyesight is good, it isn't nearly as good as his adopted father's, so he must descend a bit to take a closer look. His amber-brown eyes first take in the beach and then the water. Windkin locksends, to Skywise, Flashfire: ** There's a raft out there...and a few elves here on the beach. Do you think they were expecting us? ** Skywise is tinkering about his tent, which he has just packed up. After a brief glance to Flashfire and towards Windkin's general direction, he peers out to the water. You locksend, to Windkin, Flashfire: ** I don't know, no one knows we are coming. I think. ** Jadesong sees the figure of the elf in the air and looks up at it, fascinated. There's a momentary pause. That's not a glider, is it? It couldn't be... She waves up at the figure and moves a little forward, letting the others go exploring the beach in an opposite direction, arguing amongst themselves about whether or not seaweed is edible. Jadesong just laughs and trudges along the beach towards the other elves. She's still not close enough to make out quite who they are yet. Flashfire doesn't answer a couple sends between the Lostholters standing by, but he's peering out at the water from the spot he's at. Riding his wolf hasn't been as bad as walking, so some of his energy's been coming back. Probably should've taken another night to rest, but he isn't saying so. Seafoam has been instructed to scout about Dancer Beach, on his raft, to welcome any guests coming for the Festival. His raft might be seen a distance out, at least from the air. Gliders are usually a little more streamlined than this flying elf. But that isn't generally common knowledge. Windkin circles out above the water to get a closer look at who or what is on the raft before moving in closer to his tribesmates, still not yet landing. The raft holds one other elf that seems to be doing nothing other than letting her wild hair fly all about and relaxing on the front of the raft. Splash is just enjoying the ride. Skywise snuffs the air, the beach must be frequented by a lot of elves. Most of the scents still new and some of them winded down by the salty air here. He tosses his pack over the back of his wolf and looks back out at the water. Jadesong approaches the tent along the beach, walking quite close before she starts to recognize the silver hair. She stops and blinks. ** Skywise? ** A smile comes to her lips. Flashfire sits down next to Skywise, the furry elf not faring the greatest in the warm, tropical weather, breeze from the water or not. He sneezes at the salty air he's unfamiliar with, wrinkling his nose before trying to fluff his arms. This might not be a great time for him. His eyes shift Jadesong's way at her greeting. The raft closes in on the beach, the male of the two elves on it, steering it safely past the undercurrents near the reefs and such. Seaealves are known to have strong sending abilities, having to use this gift all the time. In fact, its rare they speak at all. Though, if anyone was to send from the raft, it would be Splash. Seafoam is sort of.. shy. Jadesong turns from Skywise as she notices the other elf there too. She offers him a smile and a nod. ** Heyla. It's going to be a good party, I think. There are others from Sorrow's End back there... ** She motions back the way the others went and returns her gaze to Flashfire. ** I think we may have met before... ** though it was under MUCH less pleasant circumstances. ** I'm Jadesong. ** The smile returns. Best to think of the more pleasant present. Windkin grins a bit and zooms down, causing a bit of a breeze about his two tribesmates before he goes to float off again, still keeping an eye out on the general beach from his vantage-point. But a send does come drifting down... And send Splash does, getting up onto her feet to stand as near the falling off point of the raft as she can without well.. falling off. ** Tides cousins. ** Her send is that of a warm elf, friendly and open and not without its own touch of curiosity at those elves smattered on the beach. Skywise turns his head to give Flashfire a sympathetic smile, until the send reaches him. Turning, he blinks slowly and looks to the maiden, then a wide smile grow on his face and he's on to his feet. "Jadesong! My eyes see with joy, what are you doing here?" Sure he is blabbering now. Windkin locksends, to Skywise, Flashfire: ** So...you know them? <> ** You locksend, to Windkin, Flashfire: ** It's Jadesong, from Sun Village! ** Flashfire locksends, to Skywise, Windkin: ** I don't know her.. ** Jadesong laughs softly as Skywise replies. "I'm here for the party. Isn't that why you're here?" Her eyes are bright with mischief. She turns as another greets them though. She waves to Splash as she sees the other elf approach from the water. ** Heyla! ** she sends out warmly in return. Flashfire blinks at Jadesong, not recognizing her in the least, unfortunately. "You know me..?" Did she meet him with the fur, or without? Chances are if it was without, he looks totally different. His memory isn't nearly so good as to remember a possible chance meeting, either. The breeze Windkin generates is a welcome one to him though, and his eyes shut slightly as it passes. Too brief, alas. His yellowed orbs snap open again at the send from the raft. But party..? Somehow he just can't get in the right mod. "We're looking for someone.." he tells Jadesong, voice soft, if not somewhat throaty. Skywise heads over to swing Jadesong in to a hug, then looks back around at the approaching raft. Things are really happening around here, isn't it. "Party?" After this trek, it does sound somewhat tempting. He nods to Flashfire's words though. "Aye. You didn't happen to see Suntop on your way here, did you Jadesong?" Jadesong returns Skywise's hug, her arms around him as he swings her, laughter ringing out into the air. Her jade eyes are still bright with that laughter when he places her feet back on the ground. But she shakes her head when he asks of Suntop. "I didn't, no... Should I have? Is he on his way too?" Well, it seems safe enough. With another breeze, perhaps for Flashfire again, Windkin briefly touches his toes to the sand before floating above it once more. But this time he is not so high...maybe a foot off the ground at most. He looks to the elves with the raft and gives a wave before looking to Jadesong and Skywise, "Shade...Party, what?" It's not the easiest to hear spoken words all the way up there. Rafts are handy things, because they can be sailed up nearly right on the beach. Seafoam skillfully guides it to the shallow and quiet parts of the beach, jumping off as he drops an anchor of sorts. He looks back up at Splash, his brows furrowing though it smooths out quickly. He lets her do all the talking here, he'll just help load these elves and... wolves? on to the raft. Splash jumps off the raft when Seafoam gets it close enough to shore. She gives an exagerated roll of her eyes at him and reaches down to grab his hand to tug him up towards the stranger elves. With raft elf etiquette she sends with blunt curiosity, ** Warm tides to everyone, are you all here for the Party? We, ** She motions back to the elf in tow, ** Are here to bring over our visitors. ** Jadesong can't shake the feeling that Flashfire looks somehow... familiar. Yet completely different. She keeps taking glances at him out of the corner of her eye. She can't quite put her finger on what it is about him that makes her think that. But Spash's approach distracts her. She grins at the other maiden. ** There are others of us from Sorrow's End just up the beach. Thank you for your invitation! ** You locksend, to Windkin, Flashfire: ** Jadesong came from Sorrows End. <> She might have passed him though. ** Or wolfelves, Seafoam? Flashfire looks to be relieved for another moment or two at Windkin's latest pass, the water looking cool and tempting to him. He still doesn't know of any party, having been away from Lostholt for a bit of time before returning only long enough to share news and break out on a new trek again. "We're trying to find him.." he tells Jadesong, in regards to Suntop. But then his eyes settle on the Rafters..taller than he is. In fact, everyone's taller than he is here. He gives them a few curious looks, perhaps a more curious sight himself. Stormbrindle, his wolf-friend, waits nearby, not looking too confident about riding on the water. Skywise exchanges a send with Windkin and Flashfire, before looking back at the elves stepping off of the raft. He is not at all hiding his curiousity, eyes skimming over both. "Heyla. We are looking for a tribesmate.. really." Though a party would be an excellent place to start searching, huh. With all them elves gathered, maybe, just maybe, might have seen Suntop on their way here. Flashfire locksends, to Skywise, Windkin: ** I hope someone's seen him, somewhere... ** Seafoam is dragged along by his hand, after this very wild-haired elfess. He lifts a webbed hand and gives a wave in greeting, though still doesnt send openly. Seem friendly enough though, even if his inspection of the group is brief and his eyes return to the raft. ** Oh.. ** Sends Splash. Tucking a fat chunk of her wayward hair behind her ear, her eyes brighten up. ** We've a good deal of tribesmates on our beach. ** She looks back at Seafoam and laughs, tugging him a little further. ** Maybe you can pick one of them out to take with you. ** When she looks back at Skywise and company, she is laughing in her send though not aloud, she with an overly wide smile. Jadesong nods back to Flashfire as he explains about Suntop. ** I wish I had seen him to give you news. I'm sorry. If you don't plan to come to the party though, ** she glances to all of Flashfire, Skywise and Windkin, ** then I'll keep an eye open for him there. I'm sure there will be a way to get word to you if that's the case. ** She looks over at Splash and Seafoam as the two approach more closely, curious herself at the webbing between the fingers. It's beautiful, in an odd way. She smiles and nods to them both, watching Seafoam as he turns away quite quickly, then returning her gaze to Splash. Seafoam tugs his hand free from Splash and gives her a look, then glances back up at the gathering of elves. And the wolves. And the wolfelf, of course. ** Need help? ** he sends openly, though oddly measuring his send to be light. There, he's done his job now, no reason for Splash to pick on him anymore. Windkin looks over at his tribesmates, "Well? Do we go over the Vastdeep water to the party and see if anyone has seen him there or continue from here?" He couldn't care either way. Jadesong smiles and shakes her head, grateful that Seafoam made the effort. It warms her sending in return. ** I'll be fine. Just need to pack my harp in my bag so that it doesn't get wet... ** She begins to do just that, kneeling to open her bag and slide her harp carefully inside. If Suntop's on the other side of the water or wherever..Flashfire and the rest of Lostholt should probably at least take a look. Perhaps a good time will help settle them..or at least, him - but they can't forget the true reason they're out of the holt. His head tilts faintly to one side at Splash's send, glancing briefly and quickly to Skywise as if to let him do the talking to Jadesong, whom he still doesn't recognize. He likely won't unless any memories of turns past cropped up again. In a way, he hopes Skywise decides to at least look at the gathering. It does sound like a good idea. "I..haven't been on one of those things in a long time." he answers Seafoam, pointing a claw at the raft. Used to be part of Briarholt briefly, and he did ride on a raft then. Stormbrindle, meanwhile, whines softly and backsteps away. Skywise looks to the raft, to his tribesmates, to Jadesong and all around. He takes his time thinking, a little skeptical, but ends up turning towards the nearby forest to send the happenings to Ember. Who should hopefully be nearby. "Thank you, Jadesong. I think we'll wait on Ember's descision." If anything, she is sort of the Chief of this group. ** Take all the time you need. We arn't in a hurry. ** Splash gives a slightly pointed look at Seafoam. While everyone seems to be doing something else she sends, ** I'm Splash, the finshaper for the Raft, and this, ** She gestures back to Seafoam, ** Is Seafoam, one of our hunters. I'm sure he wont mind waiting a little while... will you Seafoam? ** You locksend ** There are Seaelves here, and Jadesong from Sorrow's End. She hasn't seen Suntop, but they are on their way to Raft for a Festival. I think maybe we should go see if any of the ones attending might have seen him. ** to Ember. Jadesong looks up from her packing at Skywise and nods. "Of course." she says, her smile softening just a tiny bit before she turns to look at the Raft Elves. ** Thank you for your hospitality. ** she sends warmly. ** I'm Jadesong. I hope to lend some music to your gathering if you're agreeable. ** Seafoam looks at Jadesong's back, then his attention moves to the very wolf-like elf. ** Its safe. ** he sends, just to make sure everyone understands that he can build a raft see. He flicks a look at Splash as he knows she's deliberatly making him stay here with all these elves. But he covers quickly, wading up on the beach. ** When you are ready. ** Compromise. Ember glances over at Skywise, her wolffriend close by her side since she runs her fingers through his headfur. She nods to him and looks about at the other elves gathered. "We'll go." she agrees. "I know that Suntop's met with some of the Seaelves before. He was teaching one of them to 'go out'." She looks hopefully at Splash and seafoam. "Do you know who that could have been?" Jadesong turns as she hears the new sending. She nods and smiles towards Ember, not having met her before. Splash takes a few steps away from Seafoam now that it seems he isn't going to sail off without her or their guests. ** Hmm, I'm not really sure, you may want to ask our chief when we get back onto the beach. ** She gives a nod towards Seafoam, one of thanks before she looks to all the evles on the beach again. ** So.. you will be ready to sail shortly? ** Now she is rushing. Windkin floats over to the raft and frowns a bit at it, poking at it with the toe of one foot before floating back slightly, "This will hold everyone?" Flashfire stands up, toeing some of the sand with a bare foot, frowning suddenly as he shakes his leg to free some of it from his fur, where he'd been sitting. Erf. He nods slowly to Seafoam after that's taken care of, the tone of the send seeming to reassure. Then he smiles at Ember and hurries over to hug her, possibly growing more attached to the 'sibling' he's still able to associate with. "How are you, Ember?" "What about the wolves?" Skywise asks, also very interested if the raft will hold them all. He pets his bond, then peeks over at the Sun Villagers that came for the Festival. Ember returns Flashfire's hug, pausing a moment to brush some of the worst of the excess sand from him. "I'm okay, Flashfire." she smiles in return. There is concern still in her eyes, but she's doing the chiefly type thing and trying not to let it drown out everything else. At Skywise's question, she pulls back from her fuzzy brother and glances to the seaelves. "Will they be able to come?" Yes. That is an important issue. Jadesong turns to watch the reunion of Flashfire and Ember and then turns back to Splash, shouldering her pack with one somewhat graceful hoist of her arms. ** I'm ready whenever you'd like. ** She turns to look down the beach at the other Sun Villagers. A momentary pause where Jadesong seems to be sending to them... and then she nods. ** They will wait for the next raft if that's alright. They're having too much fun exploring. They're not used to all this water, you see... ** She smiles. Splash looks past Jadesong to the wolves.. and to the wolfelf then back to Jadesong. ** Long as they can get along with the wolves already there.. things should be okay. ** She will let Seafoam answer if the raft will hold everyone or not... she shapes flesh, not rafts. Seafoam stops where he is, looking at the elves and wolves. ** There should be other rafts coming, soon. ** He is not going to decide who goes where, though they have brought wolves over before. ** The.. bonds can find a path too. ** Since the Raft's Holt is not on an Island, but surrounded by cliffs and such. Wolves could find a way, hopefully? Ember wrinkles her nose slightly. "Wolves have a tendency to find balance among themselves. They'll sort it out, anyway." she assures Splash. She glances to Seafoam. "Is there a path?" She doesn't actually know what the Raftholt is like. Not even Suntop was actually there. Windkin's question isn't answered, so he floats back over to his tribesmates, "You can ride that think...I think I'll take my chances flying over." At least he knows how the air behaves. Funny how MoonShade's clothing design seems to benefit him...his wingy-things actually work a bit. He'll have to remember to mention it to her. Flashfire leaves Ember's side after nodding and sending something back to her, approaching the water. In fact, he wades in far enough to sink up to his chest. Now that's more like it. Stormbrindle whurfs his way, and he nods. "My bond is going to stay on this side.." Then he blinks at something else from Ember. Skywise looks to Ember again, then shrugs a little. Always a first time for anything, and High One's knows there's yet a lot to find out around here. He trundles after Flashfire, his own wolf deciding that this is a great place to wait. Safer too. "Mine too." Splash answers the question about the path. ** We arn't really sure.. the holt is surrounded by cliffs, but the wolves should be able to find a way if you want to let them. ** Well, enough time spent here on Dancer Beach, Splash starts off towards the raft now. Jadesong looks back at the others before following Splash to the raft. Seafoam cant help but stare a little at the floating elf. He's seen one before, but still, how do they do that? ** My raft will take all of you. ** He indicates the ones in the immeadiate area, allowing the ones Jadesong to wait for next raft. Ember crouches down by Burrtail, sending strongly to him. That's one wolf that, stupidly, would likely enjoy the matted fur the saltwater would bring. After all, if prickle seeds in his tail don't bother him, why would anything else. Even so, he's staying. /She/ doesn't want the job of grooming him. She glances over to Flashfire, though, once Burrtail finally whines his acquiesence, and flashes him something of an impish grin. Flashfire's eyes widen at a suggestion from Ember, and he momentarily forgets everyone else around. Seafoam follows the other's example and wades out to his raft, then waits there to give a hand to those who might need it, to get up on the raft. One can tell even if he is a little shy, he is as patient as a seed waiting for the right conditions to grow. No rush at all. Ember moves over towards Seafoam's raft, now. She'd inspect it, but she wouldn't have a clue where to start. Since he sent it was safe, it must be. "I think we should go, then." she says, marginally impatient to find the one Suntop might have spoken, too. Jadesong moves out to the raft and might need a little bit of help getting herself up there without getting her pack wet... The stargazer cloud-head is not far behind Ember, though makes sure Flashfire is towed along as well. "This will be interesting." he mumbles, then 'accidentally' glances up at the sky. Oh wait, this is an excellent place for star-viewing! Windkin grins and floats behing Jadesong, actually lifting her and her pack up and setting her down on the raft. There. He then floats above, ** I'll follow from here. ** Nope, he's not going to ride on the raft...no way. Jadesong oh's! a moment as she's lifted, then smiles as she looks up at Windkin. ** Thank you! ** she sends with warm gratitude before taking her spot on the raft and waiting for the others to join her. Seafoam hands Jadesong a waterproof pack to have her pack in, then as all elves are safely on the raft, casts off. Flashfire wades up to the shore again, dripping and sopping wet, pausing to shakeshakeshake the excess water off. At least he's cooler now. Then, he eyes the raft, hesitating at the best way to board it. "Hrm.." Jadesong looks all around her at the water and the sky... ** It's beautiful... ** she send to anyone and everyone. Then she turns to Seafoam, a smile in her eyes. ** I can see why you would choose to live here. ** Seafoam smiles from his spot on the raft, guiding it safely towards the cove. That would be answer enough for him, he's not that talkative. Yet. Shallows - Raft Beach - Raft Holt Blue-green waves washes towards the beach, foaming at the top and over the sand in a wild dance created by nature itself. The beach extends out towards the vast seas, under the sweet waves rushing into the lagoon like area. One can walk out into the water, enough room for play in shallow waters by the sands. Continuing further out, the ground takes a steep path downwards. Reefs stick up here and there, some washed smooth on the surface, providing perfect seating if in mood for such. The tribal raft bobs in the waves out there, decorated in best Raft manner. The water is so clear, one can almost see clear down to the bottom, corals and sea grass only thing that obscures view. One has to be a fairly good swimmer to reach the deepest parts of the reefs underneath, this is where some of the tribesmembers of Raft make their home. The tide is in, covering the sand in blue-green. Midday brings the languid warmth of noon. The daystar is high overhead until it beings the slow fall into the west and sunset. The brightness of noon fills the cool autumn skies. The sun high overhead dancing attendance. Finally, Seafoam brings the raft in to the cove which is the Raft Holt. He doesn't bring his raft too close to shore, this time. ** Here we are. The Chief is waiting on the beach. ** And you all better know how to swim? ** I can.. help you, if you want. ** he offers though, just in case any of you feel you need him to bring you in. Jadesong remains silent upon the raft as the group approaches the shore. She is obviously enjoying herself - both with the trip and with the way the warm salty air brushes against her skin. And the sky is so *clear* here... She nods as Seafoam instructs them to swim for shore. She has a waterproof bag for her pack now so that should be fine. Well, no time like the present, hmm? She slips into the water, letting it lap about her and getting used to the temperature before turning back to the others. ** It's very nice! Warmer than I thought it would be... ** Skywise looks suspeciously at the water, then slowly slips off of the raft. He still holds on to it though, not quite sure what he was expecting. "Heh.." He can swim, y'know, and the beach is not /that/ far away. Here we go! Windkin still floats above the raft, but swoops down to skim the surface of the water with a hand, sending droplets all over the other elves! Ember glances to Flashfire, all that fur. She smiles wryly. ** Come on, Fuzzy. Let's go. ** And, then, since Skywise is unaffected by it, Cutter's fearless daughter dives headlong into the waves, surfacing a little ways out. She shakes her head, the water whipping from her hair, and grins. Jadesong laughs and splashes up at Windkin though it likely does little good. Seafoam dives in to the water as well, until he is sure everyone is safe up on the beach. Flashfire peers over the edge of the raft, still rather wet and matted. He's a good enough swimmer, having done so in the river near Lostholt. Currents in that one, too. He then tumbles over the side and begins to tread water, surfacing to get splashed by Windkin. Rather than object, he calls out, "Thanks!" For, you know, the water's nice when you've got a coat of fur that, for all intents and purposes, isn't going anywhere. He follows, finding enough of a good mood to grin at Ember before his still-tired joints are used to sort of, ah, wolfy- paddle his way along. Raft Beach - Shoreline - Raft Holt(#10028RL$) Truly magnificent and unique in its beauty, Rafter's beach is unfold before you. The sand is soft yellow, verging on golden, patterns of black sand trickling through the monotone coloring. The soft rushes of the waves playing upon the beach is accompanied by the light breeze which stream through the palm trees further into the cove. There you have it, rising up on either side is majestic cliffs with reefs and rocks underneath. The cliffs rise further, forming a lush green ridge formed as a giant U, which surrounds this secluded area. At the mouth of the U, there is only blue-green ocean to be seen with exception of the tribal gathering raft dipping on the waves. The tide is in, covering the sand in blue-green. Midday brings the languid warmth of noon. The daystar is high overhead until it beings the slow fall into the west and sunset. The brightness of noon fills the cool autumn skies. The sun high overhead dancing attendance. When the buzz starts around the holt that there are visitors arriving, Silverthorn and Surfsinger put their heads together. After a few hushed whispers between the sisters, they seem to reach an agreement. Both disappear back into Silverthorn's tent to emerge a few moments later carrying a huge rolled up canvas between them. They walk towards Redtide and everyone else on the beach with a smile that only the Notorious Raft Sisters can pull off. **Shade my chief.** Silverthorn starts to send quietly. **This is Surfsinger and my contribution to the tribal raft.** The sisters slowly unroll the canvas to show a beautifully painted sail that shows the history of the raft holt in the swirls of colors. Flashfire emerges from the water, stopping to shakeshakeshake again, like he did before getting on the raft on the other beach. Woe unto anyone close enough to get sprayed, but he's got to get some of that water off. Too heavy, otherwise. Don't even start on how he looks, wet. Surfsinger steps back from the sail, a small smile of pleasure on her face as she watches for her lifemate's reaction. She glances to Silverthorn, a twinkle in her eye and suppresses a light chuckle. Jadesong arrives on the beach soon after Flashfire, dripping water, but smiling. There's a small pack tossed over her shoulder. She takes a moment to wring her reddish hair dry and smooth it away from where it lay plastered against her tanned face. Windkin practically twirls onto the beach, perfectly dry, which can't be said for his tribesmates. Seems he is enjoying teasing them about it as well. He doesn't even let his feet touch the sand as he floats towards the others, looking back over his shoulder much of the time to catch the expressions of the others. Ember stays well back of her fuzzy-furred brother, grinning somewhat as she wades into shore, her red hair slicked back against her head. Of course, she's not going to appreciate the stiff crusty leathers that she'll end up with once the water's dried, but for now, she's fine. She casts Windkin a wry glance. "Your turn's coming, Flyboy." Skywise has to remove his headpiece, as he stands out of the water. Just as he shakes his fluffy hair, Flashfire's water droplets hit him and he makes a face. "Hey!" Then, he stands absolutely still as he takes in the beach.. and them elves on it. Redtide's eyes drift over the story which the huge canvas displays, blinking slowly as each image brings out a memory. After a long moment, he finally looks up and to the two maidens. Unmistakeably proud, he gives both a warm smile. ** It will make the tribal raft complete. Thank you. <> ** At the spectacle by the surf, he turns and lets his eyes drift over the guests. Surfsinger glances now towards the surf as well. She smiles, stepping across to the wolfriders she recognizes from Lostholt. ** Ember! Skywise! Welcome! ** She remembers them from her somewhat recent journey to the mainland. ** What are you doing here? ** Not that she's not glad to see them, you realize... Sorry Skywise. Flashfire finishes the shake, brushing out some of the thicker bits of fur on his arms, upper body, and legs. He's going to be having to groom himself for a while, most likely. He grins at Ember and nearly pounces him impulsively, but he wouldn't like all the sand clumped in with already wet fur. The sail..he can only look at it for a few seconds before all the stuff on it is too much to figure out, and he peels his eyes away from it, looking at some of the other taller, different elves. Shyly, he waves quickly. As for Windkin, he's not seeking revenge on the floater. Ember looks up the beach at the send. She grins in return. OH, sure, she recognizes the other redhead. And her silverhaired sister, too. ** Heyla, Surfsinger. Ayooah, Silverthorn. ** She raises a hand in greeting. Her eyes become a little serious. ** Actually, we're sort of looking for help. ** Heckuva way to start off the introductions, neh? All right, who put the tree here? Windkin has to make a quick ascent to avoid running head-first into it, so he circles around to float behind Ember, wondering just how she plans to make good on her threat. He then pauses and looks out at the other elves gathered. This really -is- a party! Skywise's face brightens and he takes another step up on the wet beach, grinning from ear to ear. He knows this maiden, from a little ways back. "Heyla." He cant possibly miss Windkin's sudden movement, and he starts snickering, flicking off a send. Silverthorn turns at the sends and smiles **Shade Ember!! Skywise..good to see you again!** She laughs and shakes her head. **Now we will have a true celebration!** She moves the sail back out of the main path to keep it from being damaged now. You locksend ** <> It almost had you! ** to Windkin. Willowcry smiles and waves to the elves he sees. He has heard stories of Skywise and Ember, but has never really met them. He sends openly. ** Ayooooah friends! ** Jadesong hangs back a bit, not really knowing anyone. A momentary glance is spared for Skywise but it's only momentary. He has other things to worry about right now. She'd best leave him be. For now, she's smiling and nodding to those upon the beach - none of whom she recognizes... and she begins to wonder at the wisdom that told her to come here without the other Sun Villagers... Well go ahead! Redtide looks to his mate and her sister, then intelligently assumes they know at least two of the elves stepping up the beach. He simply turns where he is, to face the group fully. He did invite all these elves, didnt he. Oh well. ** Calm Tides, cousins. ** He finally sends, even giving a friendly appearance. Windkin locksends ** Who ever thought to put a tree there was crazy! ** You locksend ** Someone who walk on two feet, maybe? <> ** to Windkin. Windkin locksends ** Well, maybe they shouldn't! ** Surfsinger looks to everyone gathering on the beach, and then to Seafoam. She smiles. ** How was the trip across? ** ** It's so *beautiful*! ** pipes up Jadesong before anyone else can answer. And then she flushes at just how idiotic that sounded. ** I can see why you live here. ** she says a bit more softly, still blushing. The same words she'd said to Seafoam earlier. Redtide's eyes seem to beam in pride, at the outburst from Jadesong. He even smiles, motioning for everyone to come further up the beach and dry off. ** Thank you. You are all welcome here. I'm called Redtide, Chief of Raft. ** Flashfire finds himself sticking closer to his own tribemates, not really surprised that others know Skywise and Ember. They've been around, right? "Do you think anyone will know anything about Suntop, Ember?" he murmurs quietly to the fire-haired daughter of Cutter, stopping to stand a little straighter as the chief here speaks. Silverthorn turns and looks at the stranger who just sent. She feels like ...home?? After a moment Silverthorn crosses over to Jadesong. **Shade I am called Silverthorn. Are you .. from Sorrow's End?** The curiousity in the send just tickles thru her words. "Wet." Skywise answers for himself, though likely could speak for the others too. He glances at Flashfire, then gives his back a sloppy patpat. "We'll ask in time, Fur-cub. First, we have to be polite." Or at least attempt to be, without buzzing the trees around here like some of us do. Ember takes in the sight of the beach herself, now. She nods to Jadesong's words, turning to smile at the maiden from her birthplace. ** It is beautiful here, isn't it? ** she agrees. Idly, she reaches up to tighten her hair tie and unstick some of the heavy mass from the back of her soaked tunic. Her attention is brought back to focus at Flashfire's words. "I don't know, Flashfire." she says. "But, we'll find out." She agrees with Skywise. Jadesong returns the smile and nods. ** It is good to meet you, Redtide. I'm Jadesong. ** She turns a bit as Silverthorn approaches and nods. ** From Sorrow's End. Yes. You have been there? ** Her sending is warm and friendly. She seems to welcome the stranger as she knows her kin would do were they all in Sorrow's End now. Jadesong smiles at Ember as she catches that send and nods, grateful that not everyone thought she was being foolish. Windkin is no longer buzzing trees, but he is finding a bit of leaf stuck in his wrist-bracers. Huh. Still floating above the sand he tries to wrench it out without having to untie the whole thing. But wait, his tribesmates went on without him! He zooms over to catch up. ** Well met. ** Redtide looks to the sail, then starts rolling it up so no one steps on it. Good thing some of these guests float. Or one is better than none? ** I am sure the raft over was.. interesting. Have a seat, rest. ** he offers to everyone. Surfsinger smiles a little wryly and watches her sister greet Jadesong. She crosses, then, to stand nearer to Redtide. To those that don't know her, she sends. ** I'm called Surfsinger. ** She gives her mate a smile, though doesn't actually reach out to touch him at all. She also smiles out to the rest, equally welcoming. ** I believe we've some food and drink about, if you're hungry? ** Flashfire glances over his shoulder as Skywise's hand smothers a bit of still- wet fur, nodding quietly to his words, then Ember's. Maybe an introduction should be made? "Er..I'm Flashfire, of Lostholt." Still not very good around strangers, he is. The short one doesn't act that much unlike a wolf in someone else's territory, careful and unassuming. Oh, sit? Not on the sand, hopefully? Silverthorn smiles at Jadesong **My cub and I were born there** She says simply. Then remembers her manners as well. **I will bring the furs out so that there are places to sit. ** With that she turns back to the tent that she stashed all the supplies in. Skywise nearly ducks his head, giving Windkin a playful glare. Now he's going about aiming for heads, is he? At the mention of sitting, the same thought as Flashfire must be having strikes him. Do you all know where this sand goes, when you sit on it?! He quickly scans around for a log or someting, giving a triumphant yipe as he spots a rock and darts for it. "I'm Skywise. Heyla." As the next best thing to the chief of Lostholt, Ember approaches Redtide. ** Well met, Redtide. ** she sends. ** I am Ember, of Lostholt. Thank you for allowing us to come. ** She spies Skywise on his rock and rather has to grin a little. Some elves are so predictable. Windkin wasn't really aiming for heads, but he can! As he passes the others he sends, ** Ayoooah...I'm Windkin. ** He actually races Skywise for the rock. Like he needs it, but it seems he and the stargazer are having a bit of a competition today. No one knows for what though. Twinkletoes appears out of nowhere, to carry the sail out to the tribal raft. Redtide glances briefly to his mate, then motions to some rocks and a place where they seem to have a lasting fire going. ** My tribesmates will see that you have fresh water and food. ** As Ember approahces, he turns to face her though and offers a crooked grin. ** Well met, Ember. It's a pleasure to have you all here. ** Ember nods in response to Redtide and gives him something of a smile before she turns to find a rock of her own to perch on. ** It really is a lovely holt. ** Jadesong oh's! and nods to Silverthorn as the other speaks of her heritage. She smiles and watches her disappear again soon afterwards. Still feeling a bit awkward, she manages to find a rock to seat herself on, setting her pack nearby and taking out her harp to make sure that it wasn't touched by the water... Hopefully she won't have to restring it while she's here... Of course, that'll take a *lot* of luck. Skywise actually dives for the rock, now that he notices Windkin going for it too. Really a good example to set for Lostholt, these two. Skidding along the golden beach, sand finds its way in to every creak and opening possible, of the 'gazer's leathers. "Hrruff! I'll pluck your feathers, Windkin!" It's all his fault. Flashfire's still caught up with the fins these new elves have, never seen those on any others before in his life. Different, like him. As Skywise and Windkin seem to have it out for that one rock, he almost follows but instead stays put, only following along afterwards, looking for a spot of his own somewhere. Hmm, what about perching in the tree? Jadesong giggles softly as she watches this, unable to help herself. It never ceases to amaze her when she sees and elf glide. She finds herself watching Windkin's skill in the air rather than Skywise's skidding on the beach below. Silverthorn reappears from the tents carrying fruit baskets and water skins. Behind her comes a couple of lads carrying furs for laying out on and some more furs for drying off in. **Here we go! Plenty for all** As she directs the youths where to lay out the furs. **And there is even dreamberries for later!** she announces. Redtide nods slightly to Surfsinger as she updates him by a send, then gives another slight grin to Ember. ** Thank you. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. ** He turns to look at the elf basking in the sand, his grin widening as he just tries to imagine all that sand in the already salt-stained leathers. Surfsinger notes Jadesong pull out the harp. She smiles to her. ** Are you a musician, too, then? ** she queries. At her hip hangs her flute in a small waterproof pouch, you see. She crosses to where the sun villager sits and kneels down nearby, looking at the instrument. ** It's lovely. ** Windkin can't help but laugh as he lands on the rock, watching as Skywise slides along the sand. Ooh, that can't be comfortable. He brushes off a bit of sand from his own clothes, noting smugly that none got into any odd crevices. While on the rock he crouches and grins to the stargazer, "I don't think you got enough sand." As if a wind were blowing it, sand begins to cover Skywise's feet...then legs. All in good fun, of course. Skywise scrambles up, crouched to leap at Windkin. "I'll get you yet, Flyboy." Even if he is very much uncomforable right now, he is in a playful mood. Must be the surroundings, likely. He narrows his eyes to avoid getting sand in them, and leaps for the smug looking tree-buzzing soon to be sand-dunked elf. Jadesong turns to greet Surfsinger as the maiden returns. She nods. ** Yes, I play a little. I have a reed flute too. A friend of mine taught me how to play it... but I left it at home. I'm certain you and I could think of some beautiful tunes to play together for the others at some point during the party, don't you think? ** She smooths her now drying fiery locks out of her face and smiles. Ember snickers as she watches Skywise and Windkin 'joust'. Her gaze returns to take in the beach. Y'know. It's easy to see why Suntop was so taken with the Islands. Redtide chuckles, though it seem more a mental chuckle than an audible one. Stepping up beside Ember, he starts conversing with the daughter-of-a-Chief. ** There is a waterfall and pool, further in. Cooler water, and fresh. ** Might be more to some of yours liking. Windkin isn't quite fast enough as Skywise manages to grab onto his feet. Uh-oh. "I don't think so..." If he can't get rid of the tenacious elf, he'll lift him up as well. Now both elves are floating! Surfsinger chuckles to Jadesong. ** No doubt. We'll take our turn with the others, I'm sure. ** No way this elf isn't going to dance at least /once/ this Festival. After all, she hasn't had a chance to dance or get a serious berrybuzz since that darling of a pip was born to her not so long ago. That thought, of course, has her grin to her soulsister. Oh, good. Berries. ** Good idea, sister. ** she grins widely. Silverthorn stops as she sees a floating elf. Ok, she saw one once..but still. Highones how does he do that? At a send she turns to smile at Redtide and nods. She goes around to make sure everyone has a place to sit and something to drink if they like. Ember turns to regard Redtide, and nods. She smiles. ** That's good to know. ** She eyes Skywise. ** I know of at least one that will find himself at the top of those falls. ** Nope, she hasn't seen it, but the tops of high places do seem to attract the stargazer. Skywise sputters and coughs, having caught some sand in his snout as he leapt. But he's not letting go, he's got the impish floating elf now! Or, does he have him? Who cares, Skywise tugs and hangs on, kicking with his feet. "Hah!!" Windkin flies with Skywise hanging off of his feet, "Where did you say that waterfall is?" He grins at the stargazer. Maybe he should let go while he can? Jadesong nods to Surfsinger. ** There will be dancing? ** she asks, eager to hear about how the parties here differ from the Festivals at Sorrow's End. She glances up as she watches Windkin and Skywise float up into the air and laughs aloud. Well, that's ONE way to get to the highest place available... Flashfire shakes his head at the antics between Skywise and Windkin, but he doesn't go far enough as to tell them to cut it out. He's quickly getting overwhelmed at all the talk and stuff going on, though. Hard to keep up with so many different things. He finds a fur to sit on, plopping down. He'll just..dry off, and listen. What's this about dancing? Redtide inclines his head slightly, watching the antics of the visitors. ** Even as we are elves of the sea, many of us will linger by the cliff of the waterfalls. ** He can understand that, standing there quite a few times himself. As Windkin asks, he points towards the jungle-forest. ** That way. ** Surfsinger's eyes sparkle as she regards Jadesong, laughing lightly. ** Oh, aye! Lots of dancing. Music, contests, food like you've never seen before... ** Her grin widens. ** And enough dreamberries and dreambery wine to sink the Tribal Raft! ** Think this elf just might like her berries? Jadesong grins as she hears about this party. ** It sounds *wonderful*! ** she returns, more captivated by the music and the dancing than the wine... but wine isn't so bad either. When was the last time she really allowed herself to enjoy a good party? Hmmm... FAR too long. ** I look forward to it. ** Silverthorn laughs at the mention of berries and watches the two fly off to the cliffs. She can't blame them that's her favorite spot too. ** Would you two like someone to show you the way? Or do you intend to float across the whole island looking for it?** She needs to step away from the crowd now. Skywise would answer, but is far too busy with hanging on to the scrawny legs of Windkin. Windkin debates going all the way up to the waterfall, but the ocean might work well enough. "You sure you want to be holding on, still?" He asks of Skywise as he floats towards the ocean, getting lower...and lower...and lower... Flashfire locksends, to Skywise, Windkin: ** <> Are you two okay..? ** SpiritDawn comes up onto the beach, looking for food, it would seem, as when she spies the aforementioned item, she swerves in her path to get there more quickly. Two days of deep thinking and fasting will make you hungry, yes. Great, now he's being used as bait at the end of the Windkin-pole. Skywise tilts his head back and glares up at the elf who has him floating above ground. ** In the sand. ** he requests, no more salt-water for him. Surfsinger nods again to Jadesong, smiling. Her gaze drifts to Silverthorn and, though she continues to smile, a light 'something' flits through her eyes. To Jadesong, she sends, ** So do I. ** And, there's an impishness in the send. Redtide just barely manages from rolling his eyes, these maidens and dreamberries! As SpiritDawn treks across the beach, he arches his brows. All right...time for the game to end. It was fun while it lasted. Windkin actually floats Skywise back to the rock and sets him down on it. There. Of course, he is going to float just out of the stargazer's reach... Jadesong watches these antics, chuckling softly. She returns her gaze to Surfsinger and queries the maiden some more. ** How often do you have parties like this? It must be very difficult to arrange. I know how far in advance a Festival is planed at Sorrow's End... ** SpiritDawn comes to a pile of fruit arranged artfully on a large leaf (yes, they grow them large in the tropical areas), and picks one off the top of the pile, all the while looking around at the new guests. ** Tides, strangers. ** she greets one and all. Skywise starts dusting himself off, as soon as his feet feel solid rock underneath. Now he looks over to Silverthorn, he did catch the mention of waterfall and cliff and everything. "I'd like to see more of this place." He's just hoping there's no sand there. You sense in a locksend, Flashfire complains, suddenly. ** I feel..hot, and wet. It's too sticky here. ** Surfsinger nods. ** Oh, aye. We have to plan far in advance as well. But, there's a regularity to them. ** After all, beaches require parties. ** We celebrate the beginning and end of the Storm Season and we celebrate our accomplishments, such as the Tribal Raft. Too, we celebrate the births of our new pips. ** And, yes, she's particularly focussed on that idea. Of course, good Aunts Stormgrace and Shay'la are currently doting on the child the thinks of, so she's free to sit here and enjoy the company of adults. You locksend to Flashfire, Skywise is instantly concerned. ** Come on, Fur-cub. At least the trees will offer cooler spots. ** Flashfire wipes at his brow, the tropical weather beginning to wear on him again, but at least there's a chance to rest from the journey. "Shade.." he says to the ones he hasn't yet seen, scooting closer to Skywise as he listens further before glancing at the stargazer, nodding at a send. Silverthorn laughs at all the odd guests and grins over at her sister. Yes, the berries!! She grins and her eyes dance with mischief now to. Whatever could be amusing the sisters, surely means trouble for someone. **Aye there will be dancing, berries, songs, berries, games for all and ...did I mention berries?** She turns back at the request. **Gladly Skywise.. Anyone else care to see the falls and cliffs right now?** Might as well take everyone at one time. Redtide crosses his arms over his chest, sending a greeting towards SpiritDawn before turning his eyes to his mate. Silver brows arch ever-so-slightly at a send, eyes sparkling. SpiritDawn crosses near to Jadesong as she wanders along the beach, before stopping and smiling at the stranger. She glances up at Redtide's send of greeting, nodding slightly before she offers her name. ** I am SpiritDawn. ** "You have dreamberries here?" Skywise seem find this place better and better by the moment. He rises and waits for Flashfire, since he'll just have to come with him. "Me and Flashfire will go." He looks at Windkin. "Coming?" Flashfire locksends ** Where are they, again? ** Willowcry waves to Spiritdawn, not noticing her before. ** Heyla Dawn. ** Windkin wouldn't mind seeing the falls. He nods to the others and begins to follow-float, his eyes taking in the island now that he's done with the playing. Jadesong looks up from her conversation with Surfsinger, her harp in her lap. She smiles as SpiritDawn approaches and introduces herself. ** Well met, SpiritDawn. I am Jadesong. From Sorrow's End. ** She glances briefly at the others departing for the cliffs... and decides she'll have a look around later. Silverthorn grins impishly at her sister and waves the others to follow. **Well then let's go find those cliffs** She heads up the beach and laughs at something. Her long white braid bobs down her back with each step. Rest assured she will be back in time for the berries sis! Dreamberries? Been a while since Flashfire's had those. He tends to let elves like Skywise and Pike more than take care of his share, and then some. Chances are, though, Skywise will find a way to get him in a dreamberry haze. He'll just tag along. Yep. SpiritDawn smiles and arranges herself in the sand. She motions to the harp in Jadesong's lap. ** Do you play, or does the wet in the air hurt your instrument? ** She's been to Sorrow's End before, though the circumstances were vastly different from those that bring Sorrow's End to the beach. Ember turns to glance at Skywise as he dusts off. And at Silverthorn. Tempted to go see the falls. She rises. "Think I'll join you." she smiles, trotting over to join the rest of her tribemates. Waterfall - Surface - Raft Holt The waterfall towers before you, the surroundings so magnificent, everything coming together in perfect harmony here. When the daystar is up, the mist created by the water flowing down into the big pool at the base, create a faint image of a rainbow. A cliff juts out just by the waterfall - vines dangles down from a tree on the very edge, the grass thick and green up there. The sounds of the water rushing into the pool dominate the area, a crescendo that carries out into the jungles. The pool is naturally formed, a big oval shaped edging, a big stream running into the trees, heading for the ocean. A ledge, wide enough for an elf or wolf to pass has been pulled from the cliff face. It runs along it heading behind the crashing waterfall. The grass is thick and lush surrounding the pool, a few rocks and boulders closer to the very base of the waterfall provides perfect seating. Wildlife tend to drift this way, across the pool one can catch a glimpse of some creature wanting a fresh drink. The whole place is open, lined only by the trees which leads deeper into the forests, a path can be seen there. Evening at last and the first moon rises setting the world aglo with the silver light. There is a soft breeze, warm and gentle over the ground. The starry outlines of the Human Hunter begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills the cool autumn skies. The setting sun. dancing attendance. Skywise steps lightly after the tour-guide, looking this way and that and taking in all them odd scents. Hey, this place is nice and all. As the arrive to the waterfall, he stops and just stares. Up.. up and up his eyes goes, to the cliff. What an excellent place to watch the stars! "Wow!" he exclaims and starts jogging up the hill. Ember follows along as well, walking beside Flashfire, watching him. She knows how weary her brother's been lately, so she's not pushing the pace any. Watcher's Cliff - Surface - Raft Holt The view from the top of the cliff is absolutely spectacular. Down below you lays a pool of water and the surrounding lush forests. It is an ocean of blues and greens, the color of water and the color of the wildlife blending in a brilliant harmony of color. The sounds of falling water blend with the sounds of wildlife to bring forth a brilliant symphony of sound. Water rushes from a stream in front of you down the face of the cliff to form the spectacular waterfall. The area here is full of life, lush grass surrounding you all the way to the water's edge. Trees and flowers are scattered about up here, lending more color to the whole scene. When the daystar is up the light from it and the mist from the waterfall create the image of a rainbow. The whole picture is one of peace and serenity, a perfect place for relaxation. When you are done relaxing you can even move to the edge of the cliff and jump down into the pool of water below, there is even a thick vine which you can swing yourself further out with. The water is deep enough to accommodate for the drop. For the less daring, the path back down the cliff is relatively easy and far less wet. Evening at last and the first moon rises setting the world aglo with the silver light. There is a soft breeze, warm and gentle over the ground. The starry outlines of the Human Hunter begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills the cool autumn skies. The setting sun. dancing attendance. Silverthorn laughs as Skywise runs up the cliffs. That's her favorite spot too.. Great for diving into the pool if you are brave enough!! **Wait up Skywise!!** Her duties as guide are done. Time to feel the wind in her hair. She races up the hill as well. Windkin isn't going to be left out at all. He takes the easy way up though, flying straight to the top. Unfortunately, Flashfire's rather tired after the long walk, and he's not moving as quickly as the others, shuffling his feet. Sorry, folks. One long trip, followed by a short rest, followed by another rather long trip..he's tired. He goes so far as to see if he can't use Ember as a crutch of sorts...kind of. His eyes follow Skywise up the way, watching the plunge. "Eeep...? Ember continues by Flashfire's side. Okay. Now, wet fuzzy-elf is not the most pleasant of scents. See how much she loves her bro? She'll even put up with it to act as a sort-of-crutch for him. As they enter the clearing by the falls, she gazes up at it. "Wow." she says softly. "Look at that." Then, of course, there's the big dive from Skywise and so forth. And she grins. Fenris pads out of the woods. This cub is grinning wolfishly at all the new scents. He boldly goes up and sniffs at the closest elf curiously, just happens to be the fuzziest one! Skywise clambers out of the pool and then finds a spot to curl up, to rest. He will have to admit, he is tired, and even here, the stars are so clear. He is soon enough snoozing safely, hands tucked under his head. Windkin climbs out of the pool and shakes his head, laughing out loud. Now - that- was fun! He really must be an adrenaline-hound to do stuff like that...even when he could have flown over the pool. He'll have to remember that. But what Skywise does looks pretty good...a nap could be in order. Besides, he's been flying for some time now... Gee, thanks for the compliment, Ember. No, really. But, well, maybe wet fur isn't so pleasant. It's nice that she helps him along, but he doubts he'll be taking the plunge any time soon. "Thanks, Ember.." he murmurs, pausing at the wolfcub as he boldly sniffs at him. He blinks, crouching to, of all things, sniff back.