Ember, acting as chieftess for Lostholt while Cutter and the rest of her family are away from the holt, meets with Lord Rhentagoth, head of the Underworld trade delegation, to finalize the trade between their two tribes and discuss the possibility of a peace treaty of sorts. ===================================== Log file from WOTM -- Ember. 99.09.30 Deep Forest Deep within the southern portion of a nameless forest, you see a monolithic mountain rise out of its evergreen carpet into the sky. The top of the mountain is flattened and its surface black. The large thing is a hill. To the north a small, seldom used trail winds into the bowed depths leading to an unseen destination. Beneath ones feet is a dark, ash filled soil which gleams with red and white quartz. There is something eerie about the quiet stillness. Rhentagoth sits on a stool in the Garado tent. He has a wrapped package across his knees. He sends to you, ** Chieftess Ember? If you are not busy, I would like to discuss some things with you. ** Ember glances over as she enters the clearing. ** Certainly, Lord Rhentagoth. The trees? ** She smiles a bit and crosses to you. Rhentagoth stands, bowing formally to you. ** Indeed, Chieftess Ember. You are quite at home, I did not hear you approach. ** He motions to the stool across from him, ** Do sit. May I offer you something to drink? ** Ember comes to sit with a polite nod. ** What do you have? ** she smiles. Rhentagoth hmms, then chuckles, ** A fine question. I believe some wine, then water. We have brought water from the underground river. ** Ember arches a brow. ** The water may be interesting to try. ** She smiles a little more. ** I think I'll leave the wine until later. ** Rhentagoth nods. He turns, taking up a clay jug and a cup. He fills the cup and hands it across, ** By all means. ** Ember accepts the cup with a nod. She brings it to her lips and tastes. ** <> And what would you like to discuss? ** Rhentagoth smiles, ** Well, I had wanted to present this to you when first we met, but I felt my intent may have been misinterpreted. It is a gift, hopefully to show my good intent. ** He unwraps the package in his lap and reveals a Wolfrider-long sword, the guard in the shape of eagle wings. Jewels are set in the pommel and two lengths of diamonds cover the center line of the blade and taper towards the point. Rhentagoth takes up the sword, holding it lightly by the blade and offering the hilt to you. Ember's eyes open widely. She takes the hilt tentatively and lefts it from your hands, running a light finger along the length of the blade and over the wing-guards. ** It's... impressive. ** She glances up at you. ** For me? ** Rhentagoth nods, ** Of course, Chieftess Ember. The blade is of crysmetal. I have sharpened it already, it should not require more. ** Ember looks mildly perplexed. ** Crysmetal? ** Rhentagoth nods, ** A type of metal we use in the Underworld. It is troll forged metal with crystals set in it. It is rather strong with the added benefit of not needing sharpening. ** Ember ahs softly. ** A worthy gift, then. ** she says after a moment. ** I am honoured. ** Her eyes narrow thoughtfully. ** Your visit here has been... eye opening. ** Rhentagoth smiles, ** I trust it has also served to remove some of the long standing... I suppose the only word is hatred between us. ** Ember nods slowly. ** <> spoke to me about your council. That bodes well, I think. ** She smiles wryly. ** As does the fact that my tribe has remained civil. ** Rhentagoth smiles, ** Lord Naeblis. Yes, Skywise caught a pair of ravvits for us earlier. Though, as good as these things are, we must complete our business. Though you have been kind to us, my fellows and I are not built for long stays on the surface. ** Ember nods. ** I can tell. ** she admits. ** So, you want to trade for our trees? ** Rhentagoth nods, ** Indeed. I believe that the trees already fallen will be fine for our purposes. ** Ember purses her lips slightly and nods again. ** What are your purposes? And what do you offer in return? ** Rhentagoth folds his hands in his lap. ** I must say, my desire for the trees is rather selfish. The main purpose is for my own House. I am changing the shape of my House chamber. I would like the wood for coverings to the private chambers. Alongside this, we would also use the wood for tools and things of this nature. ** He frowns slightly, ** In return, we can give you our cloth, some of our weapons and pottery. ** Ember sits back, laying the sword on her lap. ** The trade sounds fair enough. Although the cloth is a little light for us... What is your wine made of? ** Rhentagoth chuckles, ** In truth, I have never asked. I will be sure to find out, though. We do have heavier cloth. The cloth we should you was of the type used for clothing, but we also have a heavier type used for cloaks. ** Ember nods. ** The cloak cloth may be better for life above ground. ** she agrees. ** How many deadfalls do you intend to take? ** Rhentagoth hmms, ** I believe two will be sufficient. ** Ember considers that. ** And how many weapons and crockery do you have with you? Do you have any of the bolts of heavy cloth here? I am thinking about when you might need to make another trip, you see. ** Rhentagoth smiles, ** Another matter I was intending to discuss, but a bit later. To my knowledge, we have a dozen daggers, possibly a short sword to your people. We also have at least four short swords, though again I believe they would be long swords for you. Crockery, we have brought twenty assorted jugs and pots. Of the heavy cloth, we have recieved four bolts. ** Rhentagoth ahs! ** I had almost forgotten, you were interested in the crossbow Lord Naeblis had with him. We have two of those and with bolts. ** Ember taps her fingers absently on the hilt of the sword. She smiles and nods finally. ** Aye. That will be adequate, I think. ** she agrees. She smiles at the mention of the crossbow. ** Very good. ** Her hand moves off of the sword and she extends it to you palm up. ** Trade, then? ** Rhentagoth arches an eyebrow at the strange gesture, but mimics it, ** A trade. ** Ember chuckles softly and lays her palm over yours, brushing it lightly. ** Done. ** She then removes her hand. ** And your later visit? ** It's obvious to her that you wish to. Rhentagoth smiles, ** Now that business does not hang over our heads, I have a very serious thing to ask of you. There may come a time when someone, or even a group, from the Underworld will have to travel over land. I would like to ask a treaty of safe passage from you. ** Ember purses her lips, inhaling slowly. ** It would depend on the purpose. ** she says slowly. ** For trade I might understand. For war I would be wary. My goal is to unite elves, not tear them apart. ** Rhentagoth smiles, ** Mine as well, Chieftess Ember. This treaty will be for the future. Call it a first step towards unity. I would ask that you allow any from the Underworld to travel safely through your lands provided they do not attack any of your tribe. ** Ember frowns slightly. ** We have allies beyond the holt. I could not in good conscience allow them harm, either. ** She wrinkles her nose. ** You need to understand, Lord Rhentagoth. There is a lot of mistrust to overcome. ** Rhentagoth nods, ** This I know. Lord Morganthe greatly soiled the Underworld's image to the tribes. I forsee similar trips to all the tribes. ** He sighs, ** I am sure, though, that the outcome will be worth the effort on my part. ** Ember sighs softly as she considers it. ** I am willing to offer you a provisional treaty. That you do no harm to me and mine, and to those we call friends. Breach that, and you will never have safe passage through our holtlands again. ** Rhentagoth nods. ** We shall tred with care, Chieftess Ember. ** Ember nods. ** See that you do. ** she replies firmly. ** I have to ask, though, what do we get in return for our... hospitality? ** Rhentagoth chuckles, ** It would be futile to offer the same in return, as the Underworld has no allies and few would use our tunnels at any rate. I shall have to seek the approval of the Council, you understand, but I will put the suggestion to you first: The Underworld could provide protection should you come under attack. ** Ember cants her head slightly. ** Possible. ** she concedes. ** Though we do not come under attack often. <> ** Though, she does glance a little bit in the direction of the great Blue Mountain. Rhentagoth continues to look at you, ignoring your glance, and smiles slightly, ** Other than offering goods in trade for the treaty, it is the best I can trully offer without seeking the opinions of the Council. ** Ember nods finally. ** Then, I will wait until I hear what your council has to say about it. ** she says. ** That would be fair, neh? ** Rhentagoth nods, ** Indeed. Though, perhaps I may sacrifice a bit to have you approve of the treaty. I can offer you the assistance of my House. We have, of course, fighters for your defense, but you mostl ikely do not need those. However, we are also strong in magic. The shaping of rocks, for instance. We also have a rather strong healer. ** Ember smiles. ** My mother is a very strong healer. ** she says. ** Even so, I accept your offer. Rock shapers may indeed be useful on occassion. ** She cants her head again. ** But how would we get in touch with you. ** Rhentagoth hmms, ** Perhaps you could send to me. Or, should you desire, I could have one of the Underworld stay with you here who you may use to contact me. ** Ember arches a brow. ** And who of you would volunteer to do that? ** Rhentagoth smiles slightly, ** I will ask someone to. ** Ember nods slowly. ** I suppose that may work then. ** Her jaw works as she considers it. ** If it is necessary, I would meet with your council. ** she offers. Rhentagoth nods, ** You would be welcome as my guest, Chieftess Ember. ** Ember smiles slightly. ** I would appreciate that... Consider it a reciprocation of good will? ** Rhentagoth chuckles, ** Even had you refused to let us stay here, I would still provide for you as my guest if you visited the Underworld. ** Ember looks mildly surprised. ** Why? ** Rhentagoth hmms, ** Respect, in truth, though also to show my intentions. If you tribe had been a House, you would be Lady Ember. ** He chuckles softly. Ember chuckles. ** Me? 'Lady'?** she shrugs. ** Perhaps. It is my father that truly leads the tribe, though. I act in his stead when he is gone, as he is now. My decisions stand as his. ** Rhentagoth nods, ** It is the same through the Underworld. Many Houses have seconds who stand for the House Lord should the Lord be away. ** Ember hms softly. ** I think it will be interesting to visit your holt. ** she says slowly. Rhentagoth chuckles, ** I am sure you will find it interesting. There are many beautiful things in the Underworld which few surface elves will ever see if things stay as they are. ** Ember smiles somewhat. ** And how much do you want to see change? ** Rhentagoth smiles back, shrugging, ** I would like to see the anamosity between the Underworld and the surface die. It is a great shame that we must seperate ourselves because of the misguided actions of one. ** Ember nods. She smiles slightly more. ** We have our own...'misguided'. ** she admits. ** And I've spent a long time fighting her. My mother's right. It's a healing that's needed. ** Rhentagoth nods, ** So, I will provide the resources of my House to your holt, in return you will give a treaty of safe-passage to all of the Underworld provided we do not attack any of your allies? ** Ember nods. ** Aye. I think that would be fair... Though I would meet your council sometime. Perhaps after my father has returned and I am free to go. ** Rhentagoth nods, ** You will be welcome in my House. Would you prefer I send the Underworlder to stay here before or after you visit our Council? ** Ember considers that. ** At this point, I am willing to entertain either. If you have someone willing to stay, then they are welcome to. Otherwise, I will wait until after I have seen your council. ** Rhentagoth nods, ** Very well. ** He sighs slightly, then smiles, ** I am sure I will have to make a full report to the Council upon my return, so I will ask them then. If no one of the other Houses wish to come, I will send one of House Garado. ** Ember nods. ** I can accept that. ** she agrees. ** Then, we have an agreement, Lord Rhentagoth. ** Rhentagoth nods, ** Very well. I believe, then, our business is concluded, Chieftess Ember. Do you have specific trees you wish us to take or are we able to pick the two ourselves? ** Ember glances about. ** Deadfalls are plentiful enough. Select two you feel are suitable. ** She nods. ** It has been an interesting meeting, Lord Rhentagoth. ** Rhentagoth smiles, ** Indeed. ** He stands and bows formally to you, right arm crossed across his stomach, left straight at his side. Ember rises as well, sheathing the sword and laying it aside. She looks up at you. Rhentagoth arches an eyebrow, straightening. Ember smiles. She is not trying to rush, merely curious. ** So you will be leaving soon? ** Rhentagoth nods, ** Indeed. After you have selected the goods from those we've brought and we have taken our trees, we will return to our caverns. ** Ember nods. ** Alright, then. ** she agrees. ** I will look at your goods and you can look at our trees. ** She smiles easily now. ** When would you care to do so? ** Rhentagoth smiles, ** We may do so now, if you prefer. ** Ember accepts that. ** That would be fine. ** [LOG ENDS with a mutual agreement that the transaction consequently takes place and the UWers return home.]