Part II of the [previous] log. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cutter says "We have incoming company." Jaylorra has arrived. Malandor has arrived. Cutter sits up a little straighter, as sends begin to trickle in from sentries around the holt. Even Rainrunner's attention shifts away from the quiet gathering here. Cutter, with that out-of-place grace, climbs to his feet, eyes narrowing. Flashfire, standing next to Rainrunner, tilts his head a bit to the side as he observes Cutter's movement, wondering what, or who, is coming. He takes a couple of steps towards Ember, and sits down nearby. Ember lifts her head, nostrils flaring as she glances at Cutter. Cutter locksends, to Ember, Flashfire: ** Strangers... ** You locksend, to Ember, Cutter: ** Did they give names..? ** Jaylorra enters quietly, a tall, graceful figure in pristine white. She stands at the edge of the clearing, looking over those gathered. A look back over her shoulder indicates that she is not alone. Malandor walks in behind Jaylorra, stopping to stand at her side, the head turning to look at all present. You sense in a locksend to Flashfire, Cutter: Ember sighs. ** Underworlders. ** Malandor -------- Malandor is completely covered in a relatively thick, white garment that covers every inch of his skin. A heavy hood hangs off, covering his face, but a pair of eyes can be seen within. His hands are likewise covered with fingered gloves, and are usually hidden by the long sleeves. The legs of the garment are baggy and loose, and white boots complete the outfit. The outfit is almost pristinely clean, as if it has not seen much use, and almost hurts to look at in any sun whatsoever. Several pockets and pouches line the outfit, and most appear full. Two daggers can be plainly seen, attached to the belt around the pants. A whip is also attached to a hook on the belt, coiled up, and ready for use. Flashfire scowls at something from Ember, and his eyes snap around, looking for the Underworlders she said are here. ** <> ** Cutter's eyes narrow further as these two step into sight. His chin lifts defiantly. ** Underworlders. Is there a reason you come into my holt? ** Leetah walks over from the Father Tree. Ember stands just to Cutter's right, arms folded and posture at the ready. Leetah slips up and quietly to Cutter's left. Malandor's head turns to look at Cutter. Jaylorra looks startled. ** Treestump...I was invited to come. ** It's clear she's not certain of reaction any more, and every once in a while, a slip of movement will indicate that she has to work for her balance. Her eyes search for the missing wolfrider, but she's perturbed at not finding him. And Flashfire stand beside Ember, eyes finding the pair who have come to Lostholt. His eyes are narrowed, a lip already curling upwards. His memories of the Underworld are very bad ones. You sense in a locksend, Ember's sending is a warning. No need to antagonize: be calm. You locksend to Ember, Flashfire's sending is laced with unease, answering in words. ** I'll try..someone hurt me badly down there.. ** Jaylorra -------- Delicate, like a living porcelain doll, Jaylorra moves through the Underworld like a fey shadow, seemingly half spirit. Her skin is like white marble, translucent in the dim lights of the Underworld. The most lively part of this elf of the surface world is her eyes, bright, sparkling blue. Her face is sweet and slightly sad with high cheekbones and delicate features. Her hair falls in a long, black cascade down her back, bound back in a series of intricate twists and braids. She wears a flowing white dress, that sways around her when she moves, the slight rustle of fabric the only sound of her approach. An intricate collar is wrought about her throat, delicate filigree metal worked with sparkling sapphires to rival her eyes. Inlaid in the collar is the symbol of House Uthraedo, and the personal sigil of her lifemate, Malandor. The collar is by no means a symbol of ownership, but simply an indication that she is firmly tied to her chosen mate. A kirtle falls from her hips, also worked in sapphire-hued threads, and inlaid with the precious stones. And on her feet are a pair of delicate white slippers, also soundless when worn by this battle-trained, forest -reared female. Her eyes stare in defiance at any she would encounter. She is nearly of a height with Malandor and her bones are slim and delicate. She is no longer the compact wolfrider but rather the willowy Underworlder in appearance. Carrying: Bone Dagger Cutter's eyebrows lift, and settle into a darker scowl. "Who invited you?" You sense in a locksend, Ember's send is a wash of reassurance. ** Many people have had bad luck with the Underworlders. We are more than they. There will be no problem. <> ** Treestump walks over from the Father Tree. Jaylorra chews on her lip, looking more nervous. She looks up at the cloaked figure, shaking her head slightly, before turning back to Cutter. ** Treestump did. ** You locksend to Ember, Flashfire responds faintly to the support sent from you. ** Aye.. ** You might sense he's trying to become used to the sense of the pack, something that has been missing for so long. Malandor's gloved fingers clench and unclench repeatedly. Treestump approaches, brows furrowed, and stops at the very edge of the clearing. At his name mentioned, then the private sending that follows, the old wolf steps forward a single step, then folds his arms over his chest, gaze resting on the Underworld pair rather than the others. His head dips once, tucking his chin to his chest, in a nod. Cutter tilts his head, glancing briefly over his shoulder at the arrival of the mentioned elf. His attention swings back to the travelers, however. Flashfire sends, asking pointedly, ** What are your names? ** He is tense, but he remains under control. Ember shoots a glance at Flashfire. Cutter snaps, "Be quiet, cub." You sense in a locksend, Ember's sending is far more of a reprimand, this time. Leetah remains silent beside her lifemate, waiting to see what results. Flashfire nods, his head lowering, eyes to the ground. Malandor looks to Treestump, nodding. You locksend to Ember, Flashfire doesn't answer, aside from returning a sense of regret over his foolish mistake. Jaylorra flicks a glance between Treestump and Cutter, still not sure where or how this will go. Malandor turns back to face Cutter, standing straight, presumably. Treestump's gaze shifts to Flashfire, blinks, then looks to Cutter. His is a face of stone, tight and, he hopes, unbreaking. His throat clears loudly, yet he does not utter a word, instead regarding the ground, sending: ** This is Malandor and Jaylorra. ** Need he say where they're from? ** Jaylorra is a ... ah, friend of mine. A close one. I invited her to come. Her ... mate wished to come and.. ** His eyes flicker. Briefly. ** ... I allowed him to as well. ** Malandor looks to Treestump, but sends to all. ** And our child. ** You sense in a locksend, Ember, perhaps not entirely helpfully, sends, ** You're young. Learn from it. ** Upon mention of Malandor's name, Flashfire tenses visibly, gasping. A shiver passes over him, discomfort evident. Gwydion has arrived. Malandor dropped Gwydion. Ember, without looking back at the boy, extends a hand towards Flashfire, for comfort. Leetah slips around to gently lay her hands upon Flashfire's shoulders. You locksend to Ember, Flashfire answers meekly, ** Aye..I will.. ** But suddenly, his send is filled with..fear. ** ! ** Following his surprise, he send-sputters. ** Malandor..the one..who hurt me! ** Ember locksends ** <> He will not hurt you again. ** Ember locksends ** Tell me what happened, if you can, and quickly. ** Ember glances back over her shoulder at Flashfire, before her eyes flicker first to Malandor and then to Cutter. Flashfire catches his breath, his eyes flickering between Leetah and Ember, before going back towards Malandor and Jaylorra. You sense in a locksend, Treestump's sending is quiet, distracted, and strained, yet strangely comforting in its own unease. It offers strength at the same time it asks for one to stand by him. Where, oh where, is Clearbrook? ** Lad. Its all right. Malandor won't do anything while he's here. He'll be kept in line. ** Cutter says, though his back teeth are locked together, "You haven't answered my question, Treestump. Why are they here, and not underground?" You locksend to Ember, Flashfire composes himself enough to answer you. ** When we were down there, he was being cruel to us again, and I snapped at him..he made my head hurt like it never did before.. ** Leetah locksends ** Wait, kitling... we shall see what is truly going on. ** You sense in a locksend, Ember's sending is a guess: ** Blacksending. Mother will keep it from happening again. ** You locksend to Treestump, Flashfire's answer is tinged with apprehension and discomfort, though you may sense others are also lending him support as you do. ** Aye, Treestump..why is he here? ** Treestump answers lowly, blue eyes studying the ground, "Because I invited them." Gwydion fusses a bit, strapped to Jaylorra's back, making a few loud cries and shifting around, eyes shut. You locksend to Leetah, Flashfire sends acknowledgement, and you can sense his discomfort despite support he is getting. ** Aye..I'll try.. ** Jaylorra flinches a little, not liking the undercurrents she is getting from those around her. Her eyes go a little wide, studying Cutter once more. You locksend to Ember, Flashfire gives a mental nod, sending understanding. ** Thank you.. ** Ember locksends ** <> ** You locksend ** <> ** to Ember. Leetah's expression is calm but firm. It is not at all welcoming. Malandor looks down at himself, as if making sure his things are there. Cutter asks of the elves in question, "Then you tell me. Why come to the surface, where you're not welcome, and not trusted? Why not stay with your own?" Jaylorra sighs. "Am I shunned then, for the choices I have made?" Her voice is low, and not used for a while. "The sun is not my enemy. Nor would I have you be." Flashfire keeps silent, though his eyes are locked on Malandor and Jaylorra. He heeds Cutter's earlier order to be silent. Treestump's fingers curl inward, then outward, forming a loose fist only to disassemble it. A bead of sweat appears on his brow, yet the old wolf keeps his own silence close and tightly packed around him. His gaze lifts - fractionally - from the floor to regard Cutter, adjusting his stance slightly. Nervously? Cutter grins, but it can't be said to be a friendly gesture. It's more a baring of pointed tooth. "Answer my question." That directed at Jaylorra. Jaylorra raises her eyes to look at Cutter once more. "I was invited. I came at Treestump's request." Malandor turns to look at Jaylorra. Cutter inhales audibly. "Your tribe and mine," he informs Jaylorra, "do not trust one another. Do not /like/ one another. Your chieftain knows that you've come here?" Malandor scowls. ** Our /lord/ is aware of us being here, yes. ** Malandor turns to regard Cutter again. Leetah's face tightens perceptibly at the term Lord. Jaylorra unslings Gwydion from her back, rocking the child gently, even as she pauses to make sure that he is well covered. "I was not born there." Painful truths coming to light, perhaps, but there it is. Ember snorts. ** Gliders and Underworlders always think 'chief' is an insult. ** You locksend, to Treestump, Ember, Leetah: Flashfire's send touches each of your minds lightly, something building again as Malandor's sending is felt. He tries to subdue it quickly. Leetah's hands, resting on Flashfire's shoulders, light with a green glow. Leetah pages: Gentling, soothing whatever hurt may be. Gwydion makes small noises in Jaylorra's arms, oblivious to what's happening around him. Malandor is rewarded by the shifting of Cutter's sapphire gaze to him. "And your chieftain," he repeats, "doesn't mind that you're on the surface?" Malandor returns Cutter's gaze. ** Lord Morganthe gave us permission to be here. ** You locksend to Leetah, Flashfire sends a sense of gratitude, checking his discomfort enough to be all right again. You sense in a locksend, Ember's send is calm, again. ** There's nothing to fear. ** You locksend ** Aye..I..will be fine. ** to Ember. Cutter grins again. "Your chief hasn't got the right to give you permission to visit another holt. It's my permission you need." Malandor sends openly ** Morganthe gave us his permission to leave the Underworld and travel here. It is your decision as to whether or not to allow us in, or turn us back. ** Jaylorra stands a little straighter, shifting Gwydion in her arms. "Please, don't make us leave. I wish to spend some with Treestump. So much time has passed." And while her tone is soft, she's not pleading. Malandor's shoulders move a bit, almost as if he's chuckling quietly to himself. Treestump's gaze flickers between Underworld trio and Cutter, arms rearranging themselves over his chest. He plucks at his beard in nervous habit, then says quietly, "They're here under my invitation, my chief, and I have their word that they'll behave. They're not here to cause trouble. And they won't." This last sentence is directed towards the Wolfrider chieftain, his gaze resting on him, yet it seems to be focused at Malandor and Jaylorra as well. Cutter's eyes narrow on Malandor, briefly. Then, he nods once. Curt, anger clear in the set of jaw and shoulders. ** They camp by the river. The come no further than this clearing without you, Treestump. ** Malandor glances up at Cutter again, pausing for a moment, and then to Treestump. Treestump's shoulders seem to relax fractionally at this sending, and he offers a faint nod that is both short and tight. ** Aye. ** Flashfire relaxes slightly, making a silent note to himself to avoid the river area unless he's with another, and to stay close to the Father Tree itself. He smiles faintly to Ember, then up to Leetah, behind him. He's getting by. Leetah smiles reassuringly to Flashfire, but the smile leaves her lips when she turns to regard the Underworlders again. Cutter's lip curls, and his decision is amended as quickly as it was made. ** The maiden can stay. ** Malandor chuckles softly to himself. Malandor sends openly ** We all go, or we all stay. ** Jaylorra widens her eyes. "What??" She turns to look at Malandor, her face desperate. "What did you say?" Flashfire's eyes shift back to Malandor, widening slightly at his open disregard of Cutter's decree. . o O (Uh oh..) Malandor turns to Jaylorra. ** I informed him I would defend us if a member of his tribe attacked us. Apparently he disagrees with this. ** Cutter answers Malandor, "Then you all go." Jaylorra stares at Malandor, her brows dipping in anger. "Malandor. Stop this. I was invited, and I should like to spend this little time in peace." Malandor shrugs. ** I simply told him I would defend ourselves. ** Treestump's eyes flicker briefly, looking momentarily pleased, then erasing it as quickly as it appeared, head's tilting to one side as he listens. Then he says, "It won't come to that, Malandor. It shouldn't and it won't. You don't -- /won't/ have any reason to have to defend Jaylorra." Ember inclines her head faintly, watching Jaylorra with mild curiosity. Jaylorra actually manages a smile. "I was a hunter before I found a place by your side, Malandor. I can take care of myself." A gentle attempt to diffuse the situation. Flashfire opens his mouth to vow that he'd leave them alone, but shuts it quickly. Cutter /did/ tell him to be silent, and he intends to do nothing to attract unwanted attention or anger to himself. Leetah gives Flashfire a soft smile. Malandor scowls. ** And I know of at least one... cub... ** He looks at Flashfire. ** who would perhaps enjoy seeing me dead. ** Ember's send is steady. ** Flashfire will do you no harm. ** Ember locksends ** <> ** Ember locksends ** Don't let him bait you. ** Jaylorra turns soft blue eyes to Cutter, thoughtful. "This is your realm, chieftain. We will respect your laws." And there's an underlying strength in her words, as she looks back to Malandor. "Don't abuse his hospitality, beloved. The rules are different here." Flashfire breathes in and out, his eyes locking on Malandor's. But, instead of blurting something quickly, he proves he can take the bait and ignore it, turning up his nose at the Underworlder. Malandor looks to Ember, and nods slightly. ** True. ** Ember makes a small sound, half amused, and her mouth curls with no humour to it. Malandor looks to Jaylorra, nodding. ** So I see. ** You locksend to Ember, Flashfire sends ** Thank you..I needed that..<> ** He also sends the mental equivalent of a hug. Ember locksends ** <> Good, lad. ** Leetah frowns now, softly, but it seems quite dark. "Aye." Treestump rearranges his arms over his chest for the third time, then unfolds them completely, hands resting on his belt. "Malandor, no one's going to hurt you or Jaylorra unless you give them good reason to." The slight frown that has settled over his face creases further. "If you /do/ do that, I'll tie you in a knot myself and bury you." Malandor turns to Treestump, scowling. ** I mean no harm. If it will make you feel any better... ** He reaches for his blades, one hand to each, and pauses for a moment. He pulls them out and hands them to Treestump. Treestump's brows furrow now, tense expression smoothening out briefly at the offer of the Uthraedo's weapons. Cutter is cast a sidelong glance, eyebrows now lifting in a slight arch. Leetah's frown deepens. Cutter snorts audibly. Tone wry, he tucks his long arms across his chest and asks, "Does that make you feel better, Treestump?" Flashfire's eyes lift from Malandor to look at Leetah, becoming concerned when he sees the frown. A hand touches one of hers, on his shoulder. You locksend ** <> Are you all right..? ** to Leetah. Tyleet walks over from the Father Tree. Treestump's head turns now to look at Cutter fully, frown reappeared and deepening. "Eh?" Leetah nods softly to Flashfire. Ember closes her eyes momentarily, shaking her head. Jaylorra steps forward, one step only, and studies the faces of those that are here. "Tyleet. I remember you." Even if she is not recognizable at this point. Her eyes widen as she puzzles out who Flashfire is. "Cub! You look so different. As do I." No sadness in the changes, just mild disappointment at the reception of her appearance. One of the chieftain's shoulders rise and fall. "He's disarmed. Does that make you feel better," he repeats. Tyleet makes her way into the clearing from the base, she knits her brows slightly, hesitating in her steps as she looks at Jaylorra slightly, green eyes paling and widening a bit as they fall on Malandor, holding back a squeak as she looks at Cutter quickly. Malandor turns to regard Cutter, still holding the blades. ** I do this to make you and your tribe feel... better... as well.... chieftain. ** Flashfire isn't sure Leetah's completely fine, but he doesn't question. He offers a faint smile, hand returning to his side. His eyes snap suspiciously to Jaylorra, and he blinks at her, frowning. His tongue slips out to wet his dry lips. After finally accepting the offered blades from Malandor, Treestump's fingers curl over them uneasily. He regards Cutter for a moment, then only nods silently, for lack of any other response come to mind. Malandor scowls and again turns to face Cutter. Leetah's green eyes are more focused upon Jaylorra and her frown deepens. Cutter does not look satisfied. He nods, however, once. ** Then he's your responsibility. ** You locksend ** I..know her. Morganthe, or someone..must have shaped her, changed her, like Winnowill did to me.. ** to Leetah. Tyleet frowns a little, glancing at Leetah, eyes lightening a little as they fall on Flashfire, but, once again confusion taking face on her features as she looks from Malandor to Cutter, biting her lip slightly. Leetah turns swiftly to go, hands slipping from Flashfire's shoulders. She seems quite upset. Leetah walks toward the Father Tree. Jaylorra watches Leetah go, her face troubled. She does not want to bother anyone. Treestump's reply-sending is released like a breath held for many moments. ** Aye, chief. ** The fur-chinned Wolfrider seems to pause for a moment, then his gaze shifts to the pair. Roughly, he sends to them, ** I'll show you to the river. ** Malandor has left. You locksend to Leetah, Flashfire sends carefully, concerned. ** Leetah..? ** Jaylorra nods, Malandor staying not one step behind her as she moves to follow Treestump, casting a glance back at the stern chieftain in the clearing. A puzzled frown lights her face as she turns, her steps light and soundless, a sign that the forest is still natural to her. Cutter's attention is drawn by Leetah's swift departure. Ember looks back towards the Father Tree and her mother, curious. Flashfire begins to relax as Malandor leaves, eyes following Leetah as she leaves so quickly. She looks to Ember, concern in his eyes. Treestump tucks the pair of blades in his belt, casts a glance of his own towards those gathered here at large, then, biting his lip, indicates for the pair to follow him before trudging off. Treestump follows the path out of the clearing. Jaylorra follows the path out of the clearing. Tyleet frowns, looking distinctly frustrated. "What in the High Ones name is going on here?" Gwydion follows the path out of the clearing. Tyleet sighs quietly, pressing her lips into a line as her gaze settles between Flashfire, Cutter and Ember. Flashfire looks between Cutter and Ember, for one of them to explain. Leetah locksends ** <> Worry not, kitling. ** Cutter answers, in admittedly distracted fashion, "Underworlders, Tyleet. That's what's going on." He then steps after Leetah. Tyleet frowns a little, perhaps looking a bit hurt as she glances to Flashfire. "Why are they here...?" You locksend to Leetah, Flashfire tries to offer some strength, as you did to him earlier. ** I'll try..please be well.. ** Flashfire watches Cutter head off to see Leetah, and he turns to Tyleet, seeing her again for the first time in turns. "Uhm..Treestump invited of them befriended him in the Underworld, but Morganthe..or someone...changed her. The other one..Malandor, I don't know why he demanded to come..but he hurt me down there." You notice Tyleet looking at you. "I remember...." Tyleet replies quietly, watching Cutter leave before looking back to Flashfire, before realizing he's not /usually/ here. "High Ones forgive me, Flashfire! I didn't even give you a proper greeting yet!" Cutter walks toward the Father Tree. Flashfire smiles awkwardly, given the entire proceedings that have gone on this night, and he nods. "I've..been around..all over." "I can tell!" She pads over to you and musses your hair gently, smiling warmly. "By Goodtree's Rest you've grown so as well!" Ember, with a shake of her head, finds a place to sit. Flashfire smiles sheepishly under Tyleet's mussing of his hair. "Aye, I'm close to four whole hands now.." He doesn't think of the fur, which Tyleet might be alluding to. Tyleet doesn't much seem to notice, and if she does, she hides it well that she can even see anything. She laughs softly, putting her hands down. "Well, it's good to see you again, perhaps after you leave I can go visit you sometime...." She tilts her head a bit, green eyes flickering toward Ember. "You all right?" Ember nods amiably. "Fine." Flashfire glances towards Ember, still looking concerned over what transpired. "Thanks for everything..I needed it, all of it." Distractedly, he nods to Tyleet, murmuring, "Aye..wherever I go.." But he /likes/ it here.. Ember smiles crookedly at Flashfire. "It took me a long time to learn when and when not to speak, too." Tyleet has disconnected. (Maybe, uh, Tyleet had to go elsewhere suddenly) :) Flashfire ehms, making an uncomfortable sound in his throat, as Ember explains what he learned so quickly this time. "Aye..uhm, when he snapped at me I thought it'd be a really good idea to listen.." But he'll probably forget and make the same mistake down the road sometime. Ember laughs. "Aye," she agrees, "it was." Flashfire glances worriedly back towards the Father Tree, where Leetah and Cutter went, but as concerned as he is, it's not his place to intrude on whatever's going on, so he sits down next to you, resting his chin in his hands. "I'd hoped I'd never see Malandor again.." Cutter locksends, to Ember, Yun, Flashfire, Leetah: ** It is time we talked... ** Ember looks up. Flashfire looks up in unison, glancing to Ember quickly. "Uh oh.." You locksend, to Ember, Yun, Cutter, Leetah: ** Coming.. ** Ember stands, and heads for the Father Tree. Ember walks toward the Father Tree. You walk towards the Father Tree. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the branches as leaves turn yellow as flame and red as blood. Brown weeds and night blooming wildflowers lie dead or dying in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a canopy high above the ground, though most of the leaves now decorate the ground and crunch under your feet. It is a cool autumn evening. You hear hushed noises as the holt slowly comes to life as elves and wolves awaken from their daytime slumber. Contents: Ember Yun Cutter Leetah Cobweb Rainrunner Patience Skylark SafeRunner Obvious exits: Into the Tree Around the Tree Clearing Please type 'losthelp' for commands you may use in this territory. Leetah stands with Cutter, eyes soft, but frustrated. Flashfire hurries over, along with Ember. Ember comes to perch on one of the gnarled roots, eyes curious. Flashfire stops near Ember, a hand reaching behind his back, gripping his opposite elbow. Yun leans on one of the tree, arms behind her. Cutter stands with his arms curled around Leetah. He looks up, at each elf's arrival, then then at Leetah once more. "Seems I made a mistake.." Yun says "A mistake?" Ember's eyebrows crawl to an incredulous height. Leetah hugs Cutter gently. Flashfire chews at his lower lip, blinking at Cutter. He waits to hear Cutter's reasoning as to why. "A mistake," Cutter repeats. "The Underworlders." Ember says "In letting them stay?" Yun frowns, one hand reaching to touch the pommel of her sword. Leetah remains quiet, arm gently around Cutter. Flashfire continues to listen for the moment, biting down on his lip harder as the Underworlders are mentioned. Cutter nods faintly, gaze shifting over to Ember. His eyes move again, to the cub, and he asks, "They hurt you, eh, Flashfire?" "Some, aye.." Flashfire answers the question immediately. "Malandor worse than the others..they hurt a lot of elves." Cutter nods once again. "The Underworlders have a history of asking sanctuary from us, and bringing trouble. Of claiming friendship, and turning against us. I can't keep them out, maybe," he tells Yun, then moves on to Ember, "but I can keep them from staying." Leetah tilts her head a little, listening. Ember purses her lips, watching her chief. Yun takes a deep breath and replaces her hand behind her back. Eyes darken, lips tighten, but she gives a brief nod to Cutter. Flashfire nods to Cutter, listening with the others. He has something concerning him, but he decides to let it sit until a time comes to voice it. Cutter says "Do we agree that they should go?" Leetah says "Can any good come of their staying?" Ember says "Has the girl done any harm?" Ember casts the question to Flashfire. Leetah says "Perhaps harm merely follows her." Flashfire makes a faint sound in his throat, and asks, "If I can say something..?" Ember looks at Leetah. "It's not like you to be so untrusting." Leetah ducks her eyes from her daughter's gaze. "I am uncomfortable with the fact that she chooses what is inflicted upon others, and moreso that she brings potential danger to the Holt with no concern save for her interest in being here." Ember frowns faintly. Cutter says "Say what you need to say, Flashfire." Yun looks to Flashfire. "Aye." Flashfire nods, taking a breath as he searches for faint memories regarding Jaylorra. "The female that came..I think Morganthe or someone else down there did something to her..she was at the Sun Village when the Underworld attacked and took a lot of us down there. She had another name, but I can't remember it. Then..she started calling herself Jaylorra..but she wasn't that tall..when I was down there with Treestump, he tried to help keep her safe, but when we got out, she was kept there, or stayed for some reason..I don't know what they did to her, though..but Malandor's terrible. I wouldn't ever trust him. Never ever." Leetah shudders slightly. Yun lets out a short, quiet curse. Cutter's eyebrows lift. "They shaped her?" Leetah nods. Leetah says "She would not say she had been forced, but she indicated it. Coerced rather." Ember stares at Leetah. "Co...?" Leetah nods "Tricked, it sounded like. Forced with words rather than physical harm." Flashfire nods once to Cutter, answering, "She's taller than I remember her, so I think so." At Leetah's explanation, she raises an eyebrow. "They /would/ do that.." Leetah lowers her eyes ** If complicity is an illness, I believe she has succumbed. ** Yun says "Then she cannot be trusted either." Leetah sighs, "I do not believe she would intend evil, but she would most likely bring it here unawares, and soften the path until it is nested into the heart of us all." Ember says "Timmorn's blood, Mother. You sound like she's Winnowill." Flashfire is forced to agree with Yun. "I don't think she understands what she's doing, or what's going on..she was nice, but if she's with Malandor, I can't trust her either." He quiets again, waiting to hear what Cutter thinks. But at Ember's words, he turns to her. "Morganthe's as bad as her, maybe worse..he's so open about everything.." Yun says "Morganthe seems that he would make these new followers of his seem that they are free, instead they are sympathetic to him and will return... with all the information they have gathered about being above for him to use." Leetah shakes her head a little. "My greatest concern with Jaylorra is that she brings the other. She seems not to notice when people are using her. That is all." Yun says "That is why she is dangerous." Cutter says "Ember?" Ember looks up, expression tired. "I used to think we could all be one people," she says quietly. "So much has changed within me that I no longer know if I believe that. If no one ever begins to trust, how can we?" She sighs, then, and shakes her head. "But I don't trust, myself." Ember says "Send them away. Solitude seems safer." Flashfire listens to Ember's words, and finds himself wishing elves - /all/ elves - could just get along peacefully too, but even at his young age, he's seen enough to suspect it might not happen for quite a long time. He nods silently to Ember's advice. Cutter says "If Savah's vision could have come true, Ember, no one would have been happier than I would." Leetah nods quietly, closing her eyes. Ember lifts her eyes to her father, sending, and nods unhappily. "I remember Savah, from the Sun Village," Flashfire murmurs aloud. "She was so nice to everyone, and Morganthe would have just killed her like it was nothing.." He stops, realizing he was speaking aloud. "That's what evil does," Ember says, almost absently. Cutter sighs, audibly. "I'll talk with Treestump. We'll send them away." (END LOG)