Morganthe sends openly ** As many as I deem... I am a fair Lord... if you plead a good enough case.. I may not lay waste to all of the village or those here. ** Morganthe smiles to Treestump, ** Or another offer... ** Treestump nods once and stands straight, his burly form much shorter than Morganthe's, yet still holds a certain dignity. ** If you kill her, ** he sends truthfully - for in sending, no matter the breed of elf, there is always truth. ** will have tribes of elves on your head, Underworlder. More than you can possibly count. You may think yourself higher than us, but.. ** His upper lift twitches some. ** many elves, I think even you would lose some of your.. Children. ** Pale blue eyes reach to meet obsidian, flaring wolfishly, but somehow tempered. ** Let her go. She's no use to you alive, but dead, she can be your worse nightmare. ** He then pauses, after giving such a speech. Another offer..? Shay'la arrives from the crossroads, looking around to see who is here. Morganthe drags the talons across her throat idly, ** Oh no.. I think I will keep her.. I don't think that the rest of your kind is as wise as you seem... but agree to my demands and she will not be harmed. ** Treestump looks startled, his eyes widening as Morganthe's sending curls inside his mind. He pauses, looking first to Savah, then turning slightly to those behind him. Then he turns again to Morganthe and regards him for a long moment before he nods.. slowly. He sends, a simple, single send that means so much. ** Aye. ** Savah goes completely unconscious. Morganthe slips behind a twisted and bending pillar of stone and is lost from view as he makes his way to the stairs. Flashfire's head is mostly cleared out now, and he tries to move somewhat closer to Treestump. He's still afraid, but trying to remain strong in all this. He nods to Treestump's mini-speech, before shivering once from nervousness. He could have run when this first started.. Every bone in Slate's body is screaming for him to go after them, to do SOMething....but all he can do is stand there and watch as his friends are dragged off by the invaders... Morganthe looks at Treestump, ** Toss your weapon aside.. it is useless against me anyway... ** Tyleet's eyes weld with tears, "Please..." She whispers, reaching up and pushing her hair back, her fingers holding her locks with cold hands. "Please don't..." Meyika moves toward Twilight, looking down at him, whip limp in her hand. Morganthe looks out into the gathering. He looks to the two archers who were shooting at Grishnak, Slate and Flashfire. He sends to Treestump, ** They are to be brought.. bring them. ** Treestump doesn't even look at Flashfire, tight-lipped and his eyes as hard as blue diamonds. For a moment, he looks down at his axe, then towards Suntop.. and tosses it in the lad's direction. ** Give it to Dewshine, lad, ** he sends tonelessly before looking back to Morganthe. Treestump locksends, to Tyleet, Suntop, Flashfire: ** (something.. defeated about him) Tell Dewshine.. and Clearbrook.. and Shade.. I.. I love them. ** Springsong's eyes widen, she growls as she steps foward, cocking her blade in her hand as she narrows her eyes at Meyika. "Don't try it..." Twilight stands to his full height and does his best to look Meyika in the eyes. He spreads his arms wide, making a point of making no move to his weapons, and merely stands there. ** Do what you must. ** ** What? ** Slate sends loudly, his hand flashing to his dagger and drawing it in a single, fluid movement. Suntop looks at the axe suddenly in his hands and then to Treestump. " can't do this, Treestump!" He looks wildly to the Underworlder and back to his grand-uncle. "Give it to them won't be taken...Please..." Treestump bites his lip until it threatens to split, then turns towards Slate and Flashfire. He gestures for the lad, his pale blue eyes suddenly liquified. "Come on, lad.. over here.." he whispers, his voice strained and to the point of cracking, then to Slate, nodding to him and approaching him. "You too. Come here." Slate looks over at Flashfire and crouches, dagger held forward, tip pointed slightly downward, toward the one who said he should be taken too. ** My lifemate is Cub! I can't leave them. ** Meyika looks into Twilight's lupine eyes carefully. Her face becomes the picture of concentration. Out of the clear-violet of her irises begins a faint gold, growing more intense by the moment. She reaches out to Twilight, with her arms and the strange glow of her eyes. Flashfire swallows, and he finally shows his fear, glancing between both Treestump and Suntop, before he puts the bow over his shoulder and steps up to Treestump's side. He tries to hold the elder's hand, and give it a soft squeeze, sending to him. Springsong nearly drops her blade, "No..." She whispers, her eyes wide and scared. "Twilight you can't!!!" You locksend to Treestump, Flashfire sends ** We'll find a way out..we gotta..I'll be strong, I promise. ** Springsong drops her dagger, her hands shaking as she looks at Meyika, frantic, scared. "Stop it!!" She screams at Meyika, her eyes filling with tears, "Stop!!" A look of pain crosses Treestump's eyes at Suntop's words, shaking his head stubbornly in reply. "No, lad," he whispers, more to himself than his grandnephew. "Its the only way.." He then looks to Slate and something seems to come over him. He squeezes Flashfire's hand tightly in response and approaches Slate, his lips curling back from his teeth. "Now. You come, lad, or I'll make you, curse it!" You sense in a locksend, Treestump gives no answer. Morganthe looks through out the crowd and sends to Treestump ** That one as well.. ** Meyika is oblivious to Springsong, far too deep in concentration. Blackfox eeks ....trying to reach for her dagger.... The look of defiance in Twilight's eyes slowly fade, a rather blank expressionless look now replacing it. His arms slowly fall back to their sides, limpless. With effort it seems, he eventually reaches out a lazy hand to Meyika's in response. Treestump's eyes flicker to Suntop briefly, then to Blackfox in turn. Blackfox snarls....her eyes seem to glow but nods to Treestump's send... Twilight takes another step toward Meyika, both arms now held out to her in return. He looks over at treestump and stands, sheathing his dagger again. ** Tell silvermoon and Winterblessing that I love them... ** Slate sends, showing throat to the elder wolfrider... Tears run down Sprinsong's cheeks down, her legs go limp under her as she reaches out, letting out a sob as she tries to grab Twilight. "DON'T!! FIGHT HER!!!" Treestump nods once, managing a smile for both Slate and Blackfox, then turns to Morganthe, his eyes on him, full of hate, but restrained. He made a deal. Blackfox sends openly ** tell Tightarrow I'll return....or die trying.. ** Flashfire puts his other hand around Treestump's. At least he's faintly comforted being with the elder. All this time, his tunic has remained tucked through his belt. Suntop pulls the axe back into his lap then and nods to Treestump. Blackfox moves out of the crowd to join the other. Twilight finally steps fully into Meyika's embrace, returning it very lazily as he rests his head against her. Slate walks toward treestump, patting him on his burly shoulder and looking as if he's about to bolt. It's taking every bit of self control in his body to keep from running away...but the loyalty and the request is forcing him to go... ** yellow hair...please tell my lifemate and cub that I'll be back soon... ** and he looks to the ground... "I hope..." he whispers softly. "Twilight!" Springsong screams out, her face wet from tears, she stiffles a sob, tilting her head down and covering it, hiding under her arms. "I can't do it alone...!" She whimpers. Suntop looks to Slate and nods. Shay'la stumbles slightly as she moves toward Morg, her hand holding steady a knife stuck in her belly... Meyika closes one arm around Twilight firmly and clears her vision, taking a few brief moments to recover herself. She looks around and points her whip ahead of her. ** Those coming, form a line in front of me. ** Edge walks in from under the canopy Treestump shares a glance with Suntop, pale blue eyes liquified and puddling. No words are spoken, none aloud, yet his gaze says much. He nods, quietly, in his grandnephew's direction, then looks to Slate and smiles bitterly. "I'm coming with you, lad." Blackfox looks toward the caves....and sends out to her friends Not you, yellow hair....the little yellow haired one. Suntop blinks rapidly and watches as the others leave. Meyika narrows her eyes and cracks the whip. ** I said form a line! ** She keeps her other arm closed gently but firmly around Twilight. Back straight, shoulders held back, Slate walks toward the group of people going with as much dignity as he can muster, which is quite a lot. His insides are twisting around themselves, screaming at him to run, to get away from here....Meyika better not crack that whip near him... Twilight looks around the square very drearily. He too has one arm around Meyika, but very loosely, now making no effort to resist at all. Treestump touches Flashfire's shoulder lightly, glancing to Meyika through the corners of his eyes, and moves to guide him in that direction. "Come on, lad.. nicely now.." Blackfox grabs her carry bag that has her leathers...and follows the others.. Morganthe places a hand over the wound on Shay'la's belly. Taking a break to heal his cousin. In a bit of a rush to do so, he combines healing and flesh-shaping to simply rebuild the damaged tissue instead of mending it. Greyriver swallows hard and watches Treestump join the ones leaving. Flashfire continues to hold onto Treestump's larger hand, squeezing back firmly. His eyes narrow towards Meyika, not willing to do this, but going ahead anyway. He begins to find the line with Treestump, nodding quietly to the elder. Slate looks to the horizon, struggling to see his lifemate...... Springsong glances up, her eyes moist as she looks up at Meyika with total hatred, she's weak though....barely can stand...She flinches slightly, grabbing her blade and sliding away from the Underworlder with her chief, hopingly unnoticed. Morganthe looks at Suntop as he starts down the steps. ** You I shall leave... and I shall leave you to ponder why... but remember this... while you breath fresh air.. your friends and family... are mine. ** Edge's hand touches the hilt of his sword Morganthe motions for Treestump to collect a few random souls from the crowd. Suntop clutches his grand-uncle's axe close to him and stands slowly. Flashfire growls halfheartedly at Morganthe. ** Don't you have enough already? ** Meyika begins to walk toward the gate, guiding the rest along with her. Edge, at the suggestion of a tribesman lifts his hand away from the weapon. Morganthe motions to the small crowd that Treestump has gathered... ** These will be joining us in the caverns. ** Edge spits Treestump nods, but only once, his movements stiff and awkward. Quietly, he guides each elf to the line, eyeing all those already lined up as he does so. When the last one that is gestured to is lined up, the elder says nothing, shooting Greyriver a meaningful look and a slight shake of his head, then back to Suntop, his eyes resting on him again. Clearbrook.. he hopes she was not captured. Slate doesn't move.... Twilight follows lazily along beside Meyika, bumping against her occasionally as he thoughts and movements are not entirely his. Flashfire does not leave Treestump's side. Blackfox wonders where Tightarrow is and hopes that he's safe Blackfox follows TreeStump and the others Greyriver chenches her jaw and nods Treestump pauses, then reaches to lay a hand protectively on Flashfire's shoulder when he comes to a stop, squeezing it a bit gently. Meyika runs gentle fingers through Twilight's hair. ** Walk, all of you! ** Slate stands there, growling, fists clenching.... Meyika lashes the whip toward Slate, she will not tolerate disobedience. Morganthe walks forward, holding Savah's limp body with unnatural ease. His talonned hand is still placed carefully at her throat. Blackfox growls at the sight of the mother of memory being treated like this. Flashfire sends openly, though meant for Slate, ** Please, don't resist any more. He could kill Savah in an instant..don't make him.. ** Shay'la follows Morganthe, moving slowly due to her wound Treestump pauses, then moves forward, urging Flashfire with him. "Come on, lad.." he murmurs and casts a glance a final time in Suntop's direction. This time, though, it is of.. relief. Slate yelps at the sting of the whip across his chest, grabbing at it and pulling on it.... Suntop's eyes move from Treestump's to watch as Savah is carried off. Slate sends openly ** Allright...(growl) ** Meyika urges the elves on. Meyika goes north. Greyriver watches with cold, tearless, angry eyes Edge scowls darkly at the Underworlders. He uses his greatest discipline not to draw his sword. Slate literally flings the whip back at Meyika Slate goes north. Flashfire falls back into step with Treestump, taking about two or three for each one of his. He may still want to fight, but he's learned when to wait. "I'm coming, Treestump.." he murmurs. Blackfox goes north. Treestump goes north. Shay'la goes south. You head north. Crossroad Crispleaf does have a dagger strapped to her thigh...but her hands are up. Slate takes up his pack....he may need it... Twilight approaches from the south. Starnut is lying on the ground, out-cold. Treestump looks tired, beaten, to any that look, his hand resting protectively on Flashfire's shoulder. Slate has several daggers....all in easy reach. Grishnak lunges at Crisp Shay'la approaches from the south. Crispleaf tries to nimbly duck to the left. Meyika narrows her eyes as she looks upon them all. She hisses to Slate. ** You keep walking, not a move otherwise. ** Flashfire keeps close by Treestump's side, holding on to one of his hands. His tunic is off, tucked into his belt. Grishnak swings out a massive hand at Crisp.. Twilight continues to step lazily along beside Meyika, eyes gazing without much thought in them straight ahead. Tightarrow stands and watches the fight... Crispleaf catches it in the shoulder, and is pushed back. Snarling, she crouches. Meyika wanders North towards the Well and the desert beyond. Slate sends openly ** allright....but if that green thing dosen't stop attacking that elf, I will kill it... ** Twilight wanders North towards the Well and the desert beyond. Blackfox stands near TreeStump... Shay'la watches the melee o O (Foolish child. She hasn't a chance in hand to hand with Gris) Treestump wanders North towards the Well and the desert beyond. You wander North towards the Well and perhaps the desert beyond. Winding Path [And so the captives were brought back to the Underworld. Treestump falls rather silent and brooding once he and the rest of the captives are kept inside a chasm, but he manages to swallow that down as he concentrates on finding out who exactly was held captured and comforting as well as taking comfort in others's presence.]