Silverdew just nods in response to Pale. Blackwatch looks to Dreamchaser ** Where are you from? ** WildDeer looks over at Ivy and Tempest, wondering what the two could be talking about... Sunfire childishly sticks her tongue out at Pike. "Dreamberries are better." Flashfire's eyes follow the sly Treestump, and he grins faintly. Treestump nods to Silverdew and smirks at both Pike and Tyleet as he makes his way there, chuckling softly. "Aye, aye, I'll be careful.." Flashfire murmurs, "Dreamberries make you sick." Peytianna walks into the crowd. He bumps into an occassional elf, ** Sorry.. pardon.. ** Pike hmms, "Oh come come, Treestump, you can invite the lasses over. I am sure there is plenty to go about." Tempest laughs at her sister, shaking her head. **You and track minds. ...** Sunfire bops Flashfire. "Do not!" Dreamchaser smiles and thinks, the exact direction lost in her head.. ** The Forbidden Grove.. ** WildDeer smiles and shakes her head at the two girls Treestump pauses at Pike's words, tilting his head, then glancing back over his shoulder towards Pale and Silverdew, lifting an eyebrow. Tyleet chuckles, sipping her wine before chuckling softly and glancing to Flashfire before smirking slightly at Pike. Pike finishes his glass in a few gulps, pouring more and handing it over to Treestump. Flashfire yelps a tad, covering up. "When you have four they do!" Sunfire holds out her empty glass. "More, please." Pike says "True, true, having only four will make anyone sick. I say, take the whole bush, not just four." Silverdew scoops up her discarded cup of wine and grabs Pale's hand. "C'mon." Yanking her toward Treestump and Pike. Pale blinks, she glances from Treestump to Silverdew, quirking a brow. She lets out a shriek as her hand is taken. "SIlverdew!!" Sunfire turns to Flashfire. "I've had more then four." Pike pours more for Sunfire, grinning wide, "Ah! More fun-seekers!" Flashfire makes a face at Pike, and shrugs. He pouts a little bit. He can't hold his berries. Treestump reaches to accept the offered glass, still glancing over his shoulder towards both Silverdew and Pale, his head tilted slightly to one side. He grins amusedly and nods, in approval?, and turns back, lifting the glass to his lips and pausing, biting his lip in an effort not to chuckle at Pale's shriek of protest. WildDeer chuckles Blackwatch nods. ** I was in the area briefly, on my way here. ** Sunfire grins at Pike. "do you dance?" Pike grins a full grin, "Me? Nooo, but I watch fairly well." Silverdew tugs Pale along. "C'mon, it's good stuff." She gestures to the mug in hand. Sunfire smiles. She looks a little muzzy. "Then does anyone else want to?" You locksend ** Are you all right? You sound..drunk ** to Sunfire. Meyika lingers in the shade, gaze sweeping over the festivities. Flashfire glances at Sunfire, sending her something privately. ColdFire yawns and leans back, watching the others. Jadesong watches the tall figure of Peytianna as he passes, curious despite herself though the music doesn't so much as pause. Pike says "Come come! Up with you, who needs a partner when you have the wind to dance with?" Pale peeks at it, wrinkling her nose. "Can't we just have dreamberries?" She complains, "Last time I had that wine I passed out..." Dreamchaser grins at Blackwatch, a new sort of respect in her eyes. ** A shame we didn't meet.. ** Tempest laughs at Pike, "You should meet my Mother. She's more than a little fond of the berries herself. . ." Sunfire locksends ** <> Probably. ** Blackwatch grins at Dreamchaser ** Dance? ** Her nerves are still jumpy, so she'd like to burn nervous energy. Shay'la just watches from under her cloak... Sunfire stands to dance. Peytianna goes to one of the baskets and picks up a piece of the huge mushroom, breaking it off. He walks about not, really used to such a crowd... no cavern... no security. "Uh, maybe you should just sit, Sunfire.." Flashfire murmurs. Treestump lifts his glass to his lips, downing a mouthful of the tart stuff, careful not to spill it over his beard and suffer another Timmainknowshowmany hands of days waiting for the pink stain to wash out. Silverdew looks back to Pale. "You passed out? How much'd you have? I only had a couple a sips and I feel fine." 'Dew's always happy, the wine doesn't make much of a change yet. Pike laughs and pours more glasses out for Pale and Silverdew, refilling his own glass. "Indeed! We'll flood the village with laughter." Sunfire wanders out into the dancing square, resting lightly on her bare feet. "Anyone join me?" Jadesong begins to play a faster tune, urging on others who might wish to dance. Her emerald eyes sparkle with laughter as her fingers fly upon the strings. Dreamchaser nods and motions for Blackwatch to start, she'll follow. Morganthe looks to Savah, ** Perhaps later, we could discuss a more united approach to joining the lost together. ** Flashfire bites his lower lip gently, staring over at Sunfire. Shoot. What's he to do now? Blackwatch enters the dancing circle, smiling for the first time since the strangers arrived. Pale sticks her tongue out at Silverdew, she eyes the glass warily before taking it in her hands, ingaling. "Well, alright I guess, not giving me much of a choice." She makes a face at Silverdew before tilting her head back and drinking from the glass. Sunfire takes Jadesong's cue and dances lightly. For being a little drunk, she leaps and twirls rather well. Tyleet nudges Flashfire gently with her foot, grinning softly as she puts her glass down. "Go Flashfire..." Pike chuckles, "That's the point, lass, that's the point." Silverdew takes the second glass and sips carefully. She always did prefer redberries to dreamberries. Savah sends openly ** Certainly, my friend. I hope you will stay as our guests for a while. I will have you shown to a cottage later, if you wish. ** You say "I've never danced before.." Treestump's eyes flicker after Sunfire almost thoughtfully, but glances back to the crowd he already stands with, the pleasing touch of the drink starting to spread as he takes another drink. "Aye, lad, go have fun," he seconds Tyleet. Pike grins at Flashfire, "First time for everything, hero." Peytianna nods as he looks to Morganthe. He steps hesitantly to the dance floor. At first watching the others more than anything, then begins to dance.. not the joyous dancing of Sorrow's End, but a more solemn, yet elegant set of twirls and spins. Flashfire's eyes glance towards what Sunfire was drinking, and he shrugs at Pike. She may complain about it afterwards, when she's -doing- it she doesn't seem to complain. Pale blinks slightly, finishing the whole glass in one drink. She narrows her eyes slightly, then giggles. "I forgot how good this was!" Dreamchaser hurries out onto the dancing area. Jadesong's toes tap in gentle time to the happy music, her fingers showing great nimbleness and skill as they pluck crystal notes from the harp she cradles protectively in her lap. Blackwatch hurries out onto the dancing area. Sunfire grins, pretty much oblivious to the world. Her large eyes sparkle. Without meaning to, she whirls a little closer to the strangers and Savah. Pike refills Pale's glass, "Easy to forget if you don't drink enough." Jadesong watches Peytianna now, facinated as he spins with the others... the same and yet.. .different. She smiles, nodding encouragement to him should he happen to glance her way. Silverdew thumps Pale on the shoulder and points out toward Dreamchaser. "Look!" You locksend ** Do you want me to...come out there? ** to Sunfire. Dreamchaser watches Blackwatch a moment, and tries to imitate her dance. Pale reaches up to cover her mouth, stiffling a giggle then letting out a startled shriek as Silverdew thumps her. "Eeek! What?!" She blinks, whirling around and nearly dropping the glass from her hand as she spots her sister. "Dreamchaser!!" She laughs, her cheeks flushed brightly as she reaches up and pushes her hair back. Flashfire sniffs at the wine for a moment, and blinks. Sunfire smiles broadly, forgetting her suspicion of the strangers and her shyness. All that she knows is the dance. Silverdew blinks as her eyes are in sudden need of clearing, guess the second drink's beginning to do the trick. Sunfire locksends ** If you wish. ** Peytianna gets caught in the motion and music. His spins become more rapid, as his hands raise up. White flesh reaching up to the light, turning to mild pink so quickly. Blackwatch swirls around the dance circle, a borrowed black scarf flashing around her moving form. Treestump grins, following the two's gazes off towards the dancing area, blue eyes dancing cheerfully. Dreamchaser hears her sister and 'Dew's laughter and whirls to grin at them, keeping in step. Tempest goes north. Edge heads for the shelter of the canopy. Jadesong speeds up the tempo of the music, her eyes shining mischieviously. Let them try and keep up with *that*... Pike humdeedums and gives Treestump and idle push towards the Square, "Go ahead old wolf, show them how we used to do it." Pale giggles, she waves widely to her sister, then sips her second glass of wine, blinking hard as she tries to focus her faze. "Ohhh..." Tyleet laughs softly, glancing up at Treestump and smiling warmly. Sunfire doesn't bother leaping. She merely twirls in a circle. Blackwatch increases her movements, not even breathing heavily as she all but flies with Dreamchaser in step. Pike chuckles and finishes off his third, refilling it quickly. ThornCoat arrives from the crossroads, looking around to see who is here. Flashfire rests his hands in his lap, debating whether or not he should go out with Sunfire. Tyleet wasn't helping much, encouraging him. At least that's how he saw it. Treestump blinks as he gets pushed forward, stumbling forward a few steps. He glances behind him, blinking rapidly, at Pike, looking startled. "Me? -Dance-?" he blusters, momentarily off-center. Savah puts on the gift necklace with the help of one of her handmaidens, and watches the dance with interest. Meyika observes the merriment in simple silence, stare flickering about. "Uf...Silverdew..." Pale mumbles, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully at her tribemate and suddenly giggling brightly. Sunfire gestures toward Peytianna. She leaps about him, hoping for a partner. You locksend ** I'm still wary of those Underworlders.. ** to Sunfire. Silverdew grins to Pale, getting a little silly herself. Pike laughs and sets down his glass, taking Treestump's hand, "Yes, you old wolf. Someone has to save you from getting your beard pink _again_. Tyleet? Care to help move his stumps of legs?" Flashfire still doesn't seem comfortable with something, and he seems content to just watch, and inspect Sunfire's bow, which he's got for now. Dreamchaser trips herself up a little trying to keep up with Blackwatch, and settles down to her own pace. Treestump hur-rumphs and glances towards Tyleet almost pleadingly. Either get him out of this or go out with him. He won't make a fool of himself -by- himself should he have to. Jadesong giggles softly as she overhears Pike's words. She keeps up the tempo of the music to an almost alarming rate, daring the dancers with every silvery note. Tyleet grins widely, glancing to Pike and standing up as she holds her hand out to Treestump. "Come on, Elder, we know you have it left in you." Sunfire pauses in her dance, sensing Flashfire's unease. Peytianna spins then stops, letting the long cloak, gather about him before beginning in the opposite. the hood of his cloaks sliding off, revealing a mane of silken black. Sunfire leaves the dancing area. Sunfire sits by Flashfire, her head spinning. Morganthe watches his ward, then sighs, ** he shall be sore for the dance, I am afraid. ** Blackwatch laughs outright at the sheer joy of the dance. Silverdew raises the mug to her lips once again, and getting a bit fuzzier. Sunfire locksends ** What is it? ** Pike has one of Treestump's hands and holds out his free one to Tyleet while tugging Treestump in to the thick of it. "Come come, before Jadesong's fingers burn out." Pale woos, she finishes her glass of wine, then laughs, shifting her weight slightly and nearly falling to teh floor. "Ooop!! Wait!!" She ohhs, whipping around and holing up her glass. "I wan' some more!" Treestump hesitates, then shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath as he reaches to take the red-golden maned maiden's hand. "Ach," is all he can muster in protest. Savah sends openly ** Perhaps our healer will be helpful, if it is needed. ** Flashfire glances from the bow, to Sunfire, sending privately. Something's not sitting perfect with him. Shay'la nods to a send Treestump then blinks as he gets tugged. . o O (Ach.. should Clearbrook get word of this..) Silverdew giggles and offers Pale the remaining contents of her cup. "Here. I don't want any more." Tyleet laughs softly, she squeezes her tribemates hand and pulls him to the dancing area, "I've seen you do it before, so dont say you can't remember." Peytianna finishes the set of twirls, with his hands reaching for his cloak. White hands now red. You locksend ** I dunno..something's just not all right, to me..I've got an odd feeling that I can't figure out. ** to Sunfire. ColdFire watches the dancers quietly smiling and curious. Morganthe smiles, ** There will be no need to tax you healer. ** Sunfire blinkblinks at Flashfire's send. "Why not?!" Pale exclaims, looking at Silverdew with a shocked expression. Mind you, she doesn't wait for a reply, taking the cup and finishing the rest of the wine from it. Pike says "I could tell you some stories about Treestump and his nimble feet ... or Treestump and his numb feet, whichever you want to hear." Jadesong frowns as she catches sight of the burn upon those delicate underworlder hands. Peytianna moves from the dancefloor. He quickly reaches up and replaces the cloak. Treestump wrinkles his nose at Pike in reply. "Just remember that this was -your- idea, lad," is all he gives in answer. Anahita heads for the shelter of the canopy. Silverdew shrugs. "They outta make it outta redberries. Mrf, wish I had my pouch." She glances down at where her belt should be. Flashfire watches Morganthe some more, coming to scratch the side of his head. Sunfire locksends ** It'll be fine. I don't think they mean much harm. They could have hurt us long ago. <> ** Pike laughs, "Oh don't worry, I'll forget soon enough. Go ahead, spin some, wiley old wolf, you're trapped now." Pike starts to dance a happy little jig, taking care to keep hold of Treestump's hand in case he tries to take flight. Jadesong's fingers never once pause though her eyes have partially closed now as if she's sending, her head tilting slightly to one side. Fiery hair slides over one shoulder in a gleaming wave. She nods slowly. Meyika glances to Peytianna's hands and tugs her gloves as far into place as they will go. Peytianna pants as he walks towards Morganthe and Savah. Tyleet shushes Pike, sticking her tongue out at Pike. She smirks, nudging Treestump as she lets his hand go, moving with the music that Jadesongs plays. She laughs, the wine finally starting to take it's effect as she becomes oblivious to her hair falling loose. Savah smiles gently to Morganthe ** The daystar is harsh on those not used to her rays. ** Shay'la checks her gloves as well and pulls her cloak a bit tighter around her, not risking a burn... Flashfire hmms at a send, and shrugs to Sunfire. ** Maybe..maybe not... ** Nevertheless, he keeps the bow close, just in case. Tempest arrives from the crossroads, looking around to see who is here. Morganthe motions for Peytianna to come to his side. Pale hmms, she squints at the people dancing, humming quietly to herself and giggling, tilting her head down. "Ohhh..." Treestump guhs, wrinkling his nose as the younger elves start to move fluidly to the music. For a moment, the elder only stands there, letting Pike and Tyleet keep hold of his hands, before he starts to step awkwardly, his steps more shuffled than danced. Meyika carefully examines the large number of elves, perhaps looking for a certain face or faces. Dreamchaser grins, having fun in her attempt, and waves Pale to come over and join her. Blackwatch begins to slow in her dance as she burns off her energy. She is panting by now. Peytianna comes and stops at Morganthe's side, ** My hands .. they burn like fire. ** WildDeer watches the dancers occasionally looking curiously at the strange cloaked elves Sunfire moves over to Meyika. "What are the mushrooms for? Are they food?" Treestump hurries out onto the dancing area. Flashfire gets up and follows Sunfire, sending only to her. Pike hmms and shakes his head, "Come on Treestump, you swing an ax better than you swing those legs." He grins wide, "Go ahead, watch Tyleet, she can show you." Jadesong lifts her head again, returning her attention to the dance at hand - though she turns to regard Peytianna a moment as he sends. A soft sigh and she turns away again. The music continues, warm and joyful and free. Springsong arrives from the crossroads, looking around to see who is here. Meyika glances down to the one who approaches her and simply nods once. ** Indeed. ** Morganthe reaches and takes Peytianna's hands into his own, ** That is because the light burns our skins so easily, due to the face we see it so little. ** You locksend ** Don't eat any yet..Picture told me not to eat anything unless you know what it is. ** to Sunfire. ColdFire sits up again to watch, beginning to hum idly to himself.. "bah.. da.. roo.. mada.. hum hum.." Treestump pauses in his steps to look back to Tyleet as Pike directs attention to her, eyebrows drawing together for a moment. Tempest hmmms, watching Morganthe and Peytianna. Sunfire frowns a little. "Why don't you put them on the table with the other food?" Tyleet throws her head back and laughs, raising her arms above her head as she dances lightly around Treestump. "Just dance, Treestump!!" Branchfall is content to sit on her bench. Her leg would never allow her to dance, but it is certainly amusing to watch her intoxicated tribesmates do so. Pike laughs and claps his hands, "There you have it, old wolf! That's the key!" Flashfire puts the bow back over his shoulder, crossing his arms as his face becomes serious, watching, just watching. Anahita emerges from the shelter of the canopy. Springsong blinks slightly, drawing her brows together as she steps into teh Square. "High Ones.." She mutters quietly, looking at the crowd. Morganthe closes his eyes for a second. A dim glow covers both sets of hands. The redness dims as the light fades. Sunfire locksends ** Cheer up. You look grouchy, cub. ** Overhead, Nummi flies up. Ivy studies Peytianna, trying to be circumspect, but failing miserably. WildDeer watches Morganthe, openly curious... Sunfire sends something to Flashfire, her eyes cheerful. Treestump hur-rumphs quietly, looking flustered. "Just dance, she says.." he mumbles, shaking his head. He shuffles again, not at all as fluidly or easily as the others, though he doesn't really look as flustered as he did before. Savah smiles quietly, and sips from her goblet. Tyleet locksends ** <> Flashfire!! Come dance with me? ** Shadowhunter arrives from the crossroads, looking around to see who is here. WildDeer smiles at Ivy and shakes her head... Peytianna pulls his hands away, ** thank you, Morganthe.. they feel much better... ** Flashfire glances back to Sunfire, and smiles for her. Then his face goes back to the way it was. He suddenly blinks at another send. Silverdew chuckles, watching Treestump and the others. Realizing she's still hungry, she reaches back and pulls a nice round fruit from the basket. Shay'la watches as another elf enters the square... Ivy tosses Deer a wry grin, **What?** You locksend ** I'm worried, that's all. ** to Sunfire. Pike grins wide, continuing his jig, "Here Treestump, I think I learned this from you so just do it again!" And he goes in to more of a shuffling jig. WildDeer chuckles, **Nothing Ivy dear.** ColdFire blinks for a moment. ** Wow.. healers grow on trees I guess.. ** Sunfire nods. Tyleet laughs softly, she tilts her head back and smiles widely at Flashfire before turning around and nudging Treestump. "Come on..! Stop acting like you're to old to dance, I know you aren't!!" Shadowhunter enters the square, looking travelworn and more than a little tired Sunfire locksends ** Don't be. ** Blackwatch halts on the edges of the circle, attempting to catch her breath at a stitch in her side. Tempest laughs at Coldfire, **Well, don't tell mother. She'll have us scouring the world for a healer-tree** Anahita tries to closely examine the strange weavings here, without getting in the sun. You locksend to Tyleet, Flashfire's thoughts are distracted, and you get part of another send. ** ...worried, that's all....Huh? You want me to dance? ** Meyika shifts her weight, still just the silent, watchful one in the shade. Pike chuckles, "Not too old, maybe, too dignified, Tyleet. Yes, that could be it." WildDeer chuckles at Tempest Sunfire moves over to Petiyanna. Why are you wearing that mask?" ColdFire blahs and sends ** Oh fun.. hey how do you know she isn't looking for that right now? ** Springsong reaches up and runs ahand through her hair, she quirks a brow, tilting her head as she sees the Underworlders, "What in..?" She sighs, glancing around. No Twilight...oh joy. Tempest laughs, **She may be...that and a mate-tree.** Peytianna sends openly ** because I was told to... because of the light. ** Dreamchaser finds she's getting tired, ad the S'good is starting to go to her head a little.. She heads towards the dance area's edge. Treestump keeps moving shuffled steps, wrinkling his nose in reply to both Pike and Tyleet's comments. After a moment, he shakes his head, a flustered look once more on his face, until he starts to mimic Pike's steps, his booted feet moving more easily to those movements. Tyleet laughs, grinning widely at Pike as she makes her way closer to him, dancing near him. Sunfire blinks. "I live at night, usually. I'm not scared of the light, though." She looks very puzzled. "Why must you?" Silverdew swiftly polishes off the fruit, wiping the juices from her face. Blackwatch moves closer to Dreamchaser, smiling despite her windedness. Pike claps his hands in time with the music and his steps, dancing now more with Tyleet, laughing and grinning. You sense in a locksend, Tyleet pauses slightly. ** You alright, Flashfire? ** Morganthe looks to Sunfire, ** Because this is the first time he has ever seen the light of the surface... ever.. ** Jadesong plays for a little while longer before she is forced to stop, her fingers raw. She lets out a few breaths, blows upon her fingers and rubs them lightly together, hoping to make them feel a little better. Right now, they sting. She frowns, then sighs. Perhaps she's not practicing enough... She carefully sets aside her harp though one of her hands remains upon the glossy wood, fingers gently caressing with an almost loving touch. Shadowhunter rubs the back of his neck, glancing around at all of the elves gathered. He pauses and sniffs at the air for a minute, and a slight smile plays on his lips. Flashfire gives up on something, and wanders over towards Tyleet, not wanting her to be disappointed with him for being a stiff. Dreamchaser grins at her new friend. ** That's fun! ** You locksend ** I'm just worried about those Underworlders.. ** to Tyleet. You hurry out onto the dancing area. Shay'la watches silently, keeping to herself ((We lost Morganthe here for awhile, so we just went on with the festival until he returned)) Springsong blinks, her eyes narrowing slightly as her gaze settles on Meyika. She sets her teeth slightly, a quiet growl escaping her throat as she folds her arms over stomach. Brightfall emerges from the shelter of the canopy. Sunfire says "You mean you live underground? You never see the light? Why do you send then?" Tempest frowns slightly at Morganthe, **Zotahska didn't wear a mask. . .a heavy cloak, but no mask** Brightfall smiles, waves "Hihi..." Tyleet laughs softly, she tilts her head and holds a hand out to Flashfire. "If you don't want to you don't have to!!" Blackwatch nods in agreement. ** Yes, much fun. ** Shay'la nods, **Zo is a scout.. She visits the surface often.** Silverdew turns, spotting Brightfall and dashing to him with a squeal. Shay'la sends openly ** Some of us have never been to the surface, however... ** Jadesong has just finished playing her harp for a goodly long amount of time and is now seated upon the edge of the gathering with her instrument beside her and a pleasantly warm expression upon her face. Tempest hmms, nodding to Shay'la. **So that's what she meant by 'I find things'. Tell me, why did you ask her to get you a red bird?** Pike laughs as Flashfire joins in, "Hail the hero has come!" Pale gacks, she starts, hearing her tribemate, she whirls around, startled as she looks at Silverdew and Brightfall. Dreamchaser leaves the dancing area. Springsong presses her lips into a thin line, tilting her head down and letting her hair fall over her eyes. Shatter snuffles about, hoping for meat. Jadesong looks up abruptly as she catches a sending from Brightfall. She blinks, then smiles a little tentatively. She nods to him. Treestump continues in his awkward, though gradually decreasingly so, steps to match the younger elves, glancing up to Flashfire with a faint grin. Dreamchaser offers to get Blackwatch something to drink as she leaves for the tanbles. Shay'la sighs heavily, **I did not tell her to do that... I just humoured her. She wishes to feel useful.** Shadowhunter spots WildDeer and grins, then slips into the crowd and approaches her from behind. Meyika rolls her gaze around until it falls on the one who sends to her. Tempest ahs, understanding now. **Well, she is quite determined to find you a redbird. It's the first thing she asks everyone, 'Do you have a red bird"** Blackwatch nods in acceptance. ** No bite. ** Pike hurries over to join the dance. Springsong smiles thinly, eyes narrowed slightly as Meyika seems to finally sees her. Flashfire looks a bit awkward as he's out on the dance area with the bow still on one shoulder, but he's not losing it. Sunfire watches the Underworlder's leave curiously. Shay'la nods, **I believe that. Once she sets her mind to something...** Brightfall stands there, smiling - looking at all the elves gathered here. So many.... Tyleet pants, she reaches up and pushes her hair back, laughing. "I'm taking a break, Elder...I need a drink." Shadowhunter stops behind her, folds his arms and sends Tempest nods, **She's very determined. Nice too, though sometimes hard to follow** Sunfire heads for the garden. She's tired and starting to get a headache. Silverdew skids to a halt just in front of Brightfall, smile threatening to leap off of her face. Sunfire leaves the dancing square, heading for the peaceful cool green of the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water. Shay'la nods, **She takes some getting used to...** Pike grins and shakes his head, "Good, old wolf, teach our hero some steps." And he stops his jig and goes over to the drink. Springsong shrugs slightly to Meryika, she glances down and examines her hands before turning slightly and looking at the spread of drinks and fruits on teh table. ColdFire listens but decides to keep quiet on the Zo thing. Treestump tilts his head slightly to Tyleet with a faint grin and nods his head, slipping his hand from her grip and offering it to Flashfire then as the red-gold haired lass and the berry-eyed lad step away. Tempest nods, **Well, she's not so bad as some. I mean, we got used to Coldfire, Zo was fairly easy** She grins at Coldfire, teasingly. Tyleet leaves the dancing area. WildDeer jumps slightly at a send, then turns and looks over her shoulder. She springs up quickly and squeals, throwing her arms around Shad, **Shadowhunter!** Pike leaves the dancing area. Meyika says nothing to the shrug, attention turning back out to the rest. Jadesong watches Silverdew as she skids to a halt before Brightfall. She smiles a little. Life goes on. Of course it does. Her head bows as she looks over at her harp, one slender finger tracing an arch over one of the strings though no sound is made. Shadowhunter smiles broadly and returns the embrace Tempest hmms? peering over to where Deer is squealing. ColdFire looks over at Tempest ** Hey. Grumble ** he turns and looks at Wilddeer and the stranger. WildDeer looks at Shad, **Where have you been?** Tyleet lets out a soft breath, she brushes her hair from her eyes, walking over to the table to get something to drink. Tempest grins, shaking her head as she walks over to where Shadowhunter is, **It's about time you showed up** Pike twirls his way over to the drink, pouring two glasses of wine and setting one down, slapping his thigh and urging Treestump on. Flashfire seems to be excused from dancing, with Tyleet leaving the floor. So he does, too. Ha. You walk away from the dancing area. Shay'la goes back to watching silently from a shady area... Brightfall smiles at Silverdew ** Heyla! :) **, then walks on to Jadesong. Dreamchaser grabs one mug of S'good and after a moment's thought, ladles out some Zwoot Kick for herself. Pale and Silverdew were drinking it, right? She returns and hands a mug to Blackwatch. Treestump lets Flashfire leave as well, looking fairly flustered now, all alone out there by himself. He continues to dance, though awkwardly, and slowly embarrassed. . o O (Aaaacchhh..) Shadowhunter shrugs, ** Here and there, a better question is where haven't I been. ** he turns to look at Tempest ** Look at you cub, taller than I remember ** Blackwatch takes the mug and sips at it experimentally, her face puckering briefly at the tart flavor. Tyleet chuckles, pouring some of the wine and turning around, sipping it and grinning widely as she watches Treestump. Greyriver arrives from the crossroads, looking around to see who is here. Tempest scrunches up her nose at this cub thing, **Taller than my mother, at least** Silverdew would be in much worse shape if she had been drinking the Zwoot Kick instead of the Dreamberry wine. But she's a bit surprised, and turns to follow Brightfall somewhat miffed. ** Heyla? Just Heyla?! ** Tempest hmms, **Frost is here somewhere. I saw her wander off with one of the sunfolk boys earlier** WildDeer chuckles, **I think I am taller than your mother Tempest...** Pike downs his glass and picks up the second, taking it in smaller gulps. Sunfire arrives from the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water, brushing an errant leaf from her shoulder. Tempest grins, **Yeah, well Moonstone is taller than Mother too** Shadowhunter chuckles, ** That wouldn't be hard. ** his eyes tighten slightly at Frost's name ** How is she? ** Anahita shakes her head and crouches down, covering up every piece of her sking with her cloak. Sunfire staggers a little. "Pike...I'm gonna kill you. My head /hurts/." Tempest hmms, **As always, still a handful and lots of fun. She'll be glad you're back** Brightfall grins, fuzzles Silverdew as he passes. WildDeer chuckles, **She is not...** Sunfire sits down hard. Pale tilts her head slightly, squinting slightly as her gaze settles on Silverdew and Brightfall. Tempest grins at Deer, **Ah, give her another turn** Pike waves his hands idle, dismissing Sunfire's headache, "You can't yet, Tyleet isn't ready." Dreamchaser takes a deep breath and sips her mug.. And finds out why it's called zwoot kick. Blackwatch sighs, her skin beaded with sweat. She wipes at it with her filmy scarf, then remembers that it was borrowed. Flashfire purses his lips, and moves over to help out Sunfire, such the gentlecub. Tyleet sighs softly, she sips her wine, then chuckles glancing at Pike and Sunfire. Sunfire glares daggers at Pike. She hates hangovers. Pike motions at Tyleet, "See?" Shadowhunter crouches, ** High ones, I'm tired. I feel like I've been walking for a turn without a break. ** Treestump's steps almost slow to a stop, bordering on following the rest out of the Dancing Area. For a moment, the elder stands there awkwardly.. and then he starts dancing, almost wildly in fact, finally just letting loose. If he's going to make a fool of himself, the old wolf reasons, he can do it and know it too. He folds one arm over his front and the other behind him, turning slightly as he continues in the shuffled step he adopted before. WildDeer smiles at Shad, **Oh yeah, that's right. You missed it. I have a daughter. Two in fact. Wolfspear and I recognized. We now have Moonstone. And we adopted a cub who wandered into camp, Sweetberry.** Silverdew stops her pursuit and turns, seemingly satisfied. Tempest hmms, **Have some wine, it'll loosen you up** Jadesong gathers her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms about her knees, her harp resting lightly upon the ground at her side. She watches the others quietly from her spot at the edge of the gathering. Shadowhunter grins ** Congratulations. ** Shatter walks over to his rider, snufling her. Sunfire leans against him, owing the whole time. "I don't suppose any of you are healers?" Pale erms, she starts at a send, glancing around frantically before waving brightly to Brightfall. "Heyla Brightfall!!" She calls out, giggling. Shadowhunter smiles at Tempest ** Ah, a voice of reason. ** Pike's mouth stays agape at Treestump, then he howls with laughter and starts clapping wildly. Flashfire stands by Sunfire, helping out as he can. ** Nay, I'm not. ** WildDeer smiles, **Thank you. Moonstone is 3 now. Hard to believe.** Tyleet snickers, nudging Pike, "Be nice!!" Greyriver looks over at Shatter as she enters **Of a sorts...I heal with herbs..who is hurt?** Tempest hmms, **And I've got a 'brother' <> too. . .but that's a looooong story. What else? Er...Treelimb's got a cub. . . .and Freesoul....** Springsong heads for the shelter of the canopy. Treestump knows he's acting like a fool and his grin can only show that he knows it, turning about in another circle, switching arms so that the opposite faces his front and the other his back, feet shifting back and forth and about. WildDeer nods, **we have lots of cubs it seems...** Sunfire looks at Greyriver. "Pike talked me into drinking the wine, and now my head hurts." "Ayoooooaaaaahhhhh Treestump!!" Tyleet calls out, her eyes bright and shining as she watches her elder, she laughs warmly, putting down the glass she holds and clapping. Shadowhunter shakes his head ** It's been too long. Where is everyone? ** Dreamchaser feels suddenly dizzy and heads for a seat. Tempest grins at Shadowhunter, **Well, it does work, you know. ** Blackwatch smiles and moves over to her new companion. ** Are you well? ** Tempest hmms, **Most of them are outside inthe camp or wandering around the village. Mother's taken a group off to find us a new holt. <> I really want to settle down** Pike slaps the stone he sits on and propels himself up, joining Treestump in the happy dance. Pike hurries out onto the dancing area. Silverdew returns to the bench beside Branchfall, curling up and just happy to sit and look around for the moment. hHer head is a little fuzzy. Sunfire glances at Blackwatch. "If you're talking to me, then no. I hate wine!" Pale just stands there for a while, twisting her fingers nervous as she looks around. She tilts her head, finally trotting over to Silverdew, nearly falling in the process. "Eeek!" Tempest pours a jugful of dreamberry wine from the cask on the table "I knew you shouldn't have tried it, Sunfire.." Flashfire murmurs again, before he looks around again. Shadowhunter grins ** I could use a drink. ** he squints ** You know, you're prettier than I remember too. ** and winks. WildDeer nods, **Yes, Wolfspear is off with Clear...** Treestump turns about and about and about, catching the berry-eyed one's approach through the corners of his own eyes and his grin only grows broader. He rumbles with laughter, moving to place both hands on his hips and moving in an awkward sidestep. Blackwatch chuckles. ** It is a novelty for me as well. ** She places a hand on Dreamchaser's arm. Greyriver walks over to Shatter and Sunfire, chuckling softly **Drank too much eh cousin?** She tugs out a bit of reddish root and lays it in Sunfire's hand **Chew this and spit out the fleshy bit once the taste is gone. It will help some** Shay'la nods to Coldfire Tempest smiles widely and drinks some more wine. Shadowhunter sends openly ** We're still homeless? ** Tempest grins, **So I've been told. . .** Oddly, she doesn't take offense as usual. Maybe we should keep that wine coming. . . Dreamchaser giggles and nods. ** > I'm just.. Dizzy. ** She grins at Blackwatch and scoots, giving her room to sit too. Silverdew reaches out to help Pale from falling, but not getting up. She giggles. "Someone's going to pass out again if she isn't careful." Pale oofs, she pauses slightly before just crawling up on SIlverdews lap, giggling. "Never!!" Sunfire nods. "I know. I'm just going to lay down in my tent." She accepts Greyriver's offering and does as instructed. "That feels a little better. Thanks." She starts to stand. Pike laughs and watches Treestump a few moments and then takes a mirror approach, doing the opposite steps of him, grinning his full grin, "And Clearbrook said I couldn't get you to dance!" Tempest nods and sighs, **For the moment. But Mother is determined to find us a place. She's off now.....I think she wants to go past those mountain, across the plains** Blackwatch sits, making herself comfortable. She turns to Sunfire and nods. ** I am Blackwatch. ** Greyriver smiles and nods to Sunfire, making her way to a quiet spot to sit. Sunfire groans. "Anyone mind if I just sleep here?" Silverdew eeeeees! "Oof! Get off. You're heavy!" She gives Pale a firm shove. You locksend ** I'm going to go to the gardens for a few minutes. Do you want to come? ** to Sunfire. Tempest hmms, looking at Deer, **True...but if she's got Wolfspear, I guess that means you can take Starnut?** Flashfire looks at Sunfire, sending something. Shadowhunter gives in to his fatigue and just sits down in the dirt, then lays back Pike turns his head and looks at those sitting on the sides and hmms, leaning more in to Treestump as he dances, "I don't know what's wrong with cubs now, they can't take their wine." Jadesong sits quietly upon the outskirts of the gathering, chuckling quietly at all the antics of the various elves nearby. She rests her chin upon her upraised knees. Sunfire stands, with an effort, and heads for somewhere quiet. WildDeer nods, **I think that was the plan.** She scoots over to give Shad some room to sit.. "Did she, lad?" Treestump grins, his eyes crinkling about the edges, his face slightly red after dancing about for a while. Poor old wolf's used to hunts and trees, not bouncing around like a mind-addled treewee. Tempest grins, pouring Shad a mug o'wine and handing it to him. **Here. Drink this** Sunfire locksends ** <> Yeah. That sounds good. ** Sunfire leaves the dancing square, heading for the peaceful cool green of the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water. Greyriver watches quietly, eyes scanning the skies and all areas for something it seems Brightfall smiles, sits down next to Jadesong. Flashfire heads over to the gardens, for a bit of shade Treestump chuckles, then, about the comment about wine and shakes his head amusedly. You leave the dancing square, heading for the peaceful garden. Pleasant scents, and soft sounds--wind through leaves, water burbling--envelop you.