Log Cast: Suntop, Treestump, Flashfire Log Date: 11/22/98 Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the branches as leaves turn yellow as flame and red as blood. Brown weeds and night blooming wildflowers lie dead or dying in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a canopy high above the ground, though most of the leaves now decorate the ground and crunch under your feet. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens. Contents: Flashfire Suntop(#2935PBIJOUcm$g) Twotoes Bearpaw Cobweb Patience(#6936Jepq) Skylark SafeRunner Obvious exits: Into the Tree Around the Tree Clearing Suntop sits in the crook of two roots, watching the cloud-shapes it seems...or half-watching. He seems very still once more, though not trance-still. Just...relaxed. Treestump is perched on a low branch above, his axe drawn out and laid out across his lap. A slightly worn and dusty rag is being used to clean the trollmetal blade. He keeps half-an-eye on Suntop just in case something goes wrong, his attention mostly on the weapon. A bit of rustling from up in the tree above signifies the addition of another one to the pair sitting below. Flashfire's legs drape over a low branch, and he peers down at the pair. "Hey." he greets. The eldest of three glances up briefly, polishing rag posed above the axe. With a nod, Treestump returns the greeting: "'lo there, lad," and looks back down again. [Flashfire] At first glance, it is apparent that Flashfire isn't at all like most elves. One can see a fine layer of fur over any skin that's exposed - even his face, but nothing shows on his palms or beneath his feet. Its color is a rusty reddish-brown. The 3'4" elf's face is marked with larger-than-normal eyes of a golden yellow, surrounded by a mane of fire-red hair that darkens a bit as it trails down to partially frame the rest of his face. It is a bit darker at the roots and his hair rests somewhat wildly on his head, with no rhyme or reason as to where it falls. His pointed ears are upswept, and a thickening tuft of fur-like hair can be seen around his earlobes. His nose pokes out slightly, turning up very faintly at the tip, and when his lips part, you can notice his canines are sharp, definitely a telling sign that Flashfire is a 'throwback,' wolfen attributes somewhat stronger in him. Those attributes are clearly enhanced by his current appearance. Flashfire wears no clothing over his fur, though it is thick enough to allow him to look decent in the necessary areas. Currently, he also has no weapons or other items on his person. The once-lanky lad has now filled out, finished growing. He looks to be on the young side, though by now it's not an easy task to pinpoint his exact age. [Flashfire looked at you.] [Treestump] His eyes are a pale blue, yet they darken or lighten with his moods. A lupine shade, the blue of his irises calls up memories of summer skies or crystal waters, calm and serene one moment, then wolfishly flaring with anger, clouded and narrowed. They are set on a bluntly chiseled face with a powerful jaw and a nose that slopes downwards. His chin sprouts facefur, yellow-blonde curls the same color and texture as the unkept hair that curls just over his brow. His form is one that whispers of power in brute strength, his shoulders broad and his frame muscled. He stands no taller than the average Wolfrider, yet he carries himself with a lupine grace and inward pride that gives a touch of dignity to the old wolf. He is bound in attire made almost entirely of fur and leather. A bear-skin vest serves as his top, open-chest with the shoulders lined in thick tufts of shagback fur. The vest tucks into a leather belt with a metal buckle, troll-forged, that holds it in place, another length of fur-cloth escaping out below to cover his groin and rear. A pair of form-fitting breeches bind his legs, leather and a dark brown. They disappear as well, into a pair of fur boots, their toes scuffed and their heels worn, looking old and well-used. Suntop doesn't move his eyes from the clouds lest they change patterns while he isn't looking, But he smiles and greets, "Sleep well, Flashfire?" "Yeah..good nap. No bad dreams, either." Flashfire admits, kicking his legs back and forth a bit. He certainly sounds better now than he had for the last season or so, but who can say for sure how long it'll last? Treestump's head tilts slightly without drawing his gaze from the axe, brows furrowed as he concentrates on removing a smudge carefully, located near the blade's edge. "Hard time sleeping lately?" Suntop does turn away from the skies at Treestump's question to look at the elder. Suntop locksends ** Has father spoken to you lately? ** Flashfire brushes a strand of hair from his eyes, back behind a fuzz-covered ear. "Um. Sometimes..before I left and came back." You locksend ** Not, not lately.. (A thread of curious concern enters his sending.) Should he have? ** to Suntop. Treestump ahs, looking up from his polishing. However, his gaze goes to Suntop, not to Flashfire, but his voice addresses the younger of the two. "Ah... better now, I hope?" Suntop locksends ** It's just that...<> Flashfire has seemed...very wolflike of late. He suggested that he needs help in finding a balance...? ** Suntop smiles a bit at his great-Uncle, "Yes, getting there..." he answers, meeting his uncle's eyes. "I think so, for now." Flashfire admits, still looking down at Treestump and Suntop below. "But it's hard.." he murmurs, quieter. The fur-chinned Wolfrider nods in reply to both Suntop and Flashfire. A small wrinkle appears in his brow as he regards the older of his two companions, his expression shifting with a frown. "Hmm," seems to be his only comment. You locksend to Suntop, Treestump's sending seems to reflect the frown on his face. ** Has he spoken to any of the healers? ** Suntop locksends ** No...but I have. If the healers have such a difficult time healing me, it might be nigh impossible to heal Flashfire...his change is so...complete it seems. Besides, can a healer combine both elf-half and wolf-half? ** The fur-covered Wolfrider reaches for a couple leaves nearby, plucking them from the branch they connect to. "How're you doing lately, Suntop?" he wonders. You locksend to Suntop, Treestump considers this, the frown on his face deepening. ** I don't know. I don't profess to know how healing works. ** The elder pauses a moment. ** This is a result of the Snake's work, ey? ** Suntop looks up at the younger elf, wrinkling his nose as a leaf loosened by the plucking falls towards him. "I'm doing well, Flashfire...thank you. I'm glad you're not having the nightmares anymore." Suntop locksends ** Aye...I think so...but him not finding a balance it just what comes naturally from it. Treestump, he reminds me of Timmorn...at least he reminds me of what the scrolls have shown me of Timmorn...elf one moment, wolf the next. ** You locksend ** (There's a grim quiet to his sending as he recalls what /he/ knows of the old stories.) Aye. And Timmorn left when he could no longer control the two halves. ** to Suntop. Treestump seems to have drifted out of the conversation again, his gaze shifted back to the axe on his lap. He rubs the rag against the shiny surface, but his expression is distant and pensive. "Me too. I don't like the bad dreams as much as the fun ones." Flashfire admits, stating what could be considered oh-so obvious. "I'm glad I found my way back, too." At Treestump's silence, Flashfire looks down towards him. You sense in a locksend, Flashfire wonders, ** Is everything all right? ** Suntop locksends ** Flashfire has already run off once... ** You locksend to Flashfire, Treestump blinks, attention divided. ** Eh? ** You sense in a locksend, Flashfire pauses, then repeats his question. ** Umm, is everything all right? ** You locksend to Suntop, Treestump's attention divides briefly; what is concentrated on you falls silent as the elder digests this knowledge, then nods quietly in acknowledgment. ** Aye. A problem we have here. ** You locksend to Flashfire, Treestump sends honestly, ** I don't know, lad. ** He leaves it at that for a few moments, then sends again, realizing that might worry the furcub more than reassure him. ** Don't worry about it. ** Suntop rakes some leafbits out of sun-yellow hair and seems to look back up at the skies. "No, bad dreams are definitely -not- what I would call fun." You sense in a locksend, Flashfire's send can be felt as something of a sigh, but he acquiesces. ** Okay..I'll try not to. ** You sense in a locksend, Suntop's send ripples with a mental sigh, ** I don't know how to help him...father suggested you could perhaps help him find a balance...? ** You locksend to Suntop, Treestump blinks, startled. ** Me? ** Treestump's chin lifts after a few long moments of not moving, his gaze shifting briefly to Suntop with a blink. Flashfire's eyes go back towards Suntop and the younger elf slips down to land softly on the forest floor. "Everyone's quiet." he notes. Suntop starts to shift his gaze to Treestump again but pauses mid-turn to look to Flashfire. With a bit of a smile he asks, "Silence is not always a bad thing, is it?" Treestump comments bemusedly, "Better than noisy, anyway." Suntop locksends ** Since you and he are close, it might be the best idea. You're also the eldest, and therefore the wisest, no? <> ** Flashfire makes a face. "Quiet's okay, but not when it's too quiet." Wide blue eyes look about as Suntop asks, "Is it too quiet do you think?" You locksend to Suntop, Treestump seems more than a little amused by that last comment, but his sending is dominated more with blue-grey threads of concern and uncertainty. ** I'll talk to him. Might not hurt to have a healer look at him too, though. ** You sense in a locksend, Suntop nods very slightly and adds, ** Mother has, but not lately... ** Flashfire nods once. "Too quiet." For him, at least. He begins to play with the leaves nearby, making piles. Treestump offers in way of filling the silence, tone distracted, but nonetheless sly. "Suntop can always tell us a story to pass the time." That brings the mystic out of his pseudo-reverie. "What? Me? But you've probably heard all my stories..." Treestump points out, arching an eyebrow at the sun-haired elf, that, "I haven't heard much about your last visit to the Palace. How's ol' Black-Hair doing?" The edge of Flashfire's mouth curls in a bit of a grin. "Yeah, but I forgot all of them." That might be funny were it not so true. [Suntop] Named for the sun-bright golden hair which now falls freely to the middle of his back, Suntop, although no longer a child, still retains a bit of innocence linked with that past time. But upon a closer, deeper look into his brilliant blue eyes, that innocence seems to be intertwined with an unlearned, unstudied wisdom and power that seems far too old for his seemingly young age. Of late, these eyes seem darker, wilder; Not in color, for they still shine brightly, contrasting with his dusky skin, nor in intensity, but somewhere deeper inside this mystic's mind. That is not the only change this young elf has seen. His movements seem sharper, less relaxed than they had been, and his slight scent has grown stronger. His clothes are a mixture of desert and forest, in the bright colors this elf favors. . Suntop finds he's out-numbered and sits up a little bit. To both elves he answers, "Oh, Rayek is the same as always...but I think he rather enjoys having a family. You see, it's something for him to protect...to fight for if he has to." His mouth begins to quirk into a smile, remembering one instance in particular. Treestump ahs softly and nods his head, giving his axe one last quick wipe with the rag, then reaching beside to sheath it in leather again. "Heh! That's good. Finally got something other than the Palace to obsess about, eh?" Flashfire remembers much less of Rayek than Suntop and Treestump do, so he just nods along, sorting through the leaves - something Suntop's been known to do on occasion. "Family's really good to have, though." Suntop lets the smile free, "Obsess...I think that may be the word for it. Ktai's son, Tyree, poor cub...he's barely been out of the Palace at all." The elder, having set his axe aside, listens attentively. He nods slowly, expression sympathetic, but points out with a sad smile, "Not much for a little cub to go, really. Palace is rather out of the way.. though there is Sorrow's End." Suntop nods to Treestump, "Exactly...and I even tried convincing Rayek to come with me when I went there...bringing the cub. But he refused, saying the trip was too far, too dangerous...he offered many excuses." "Was there anybody there for him to play with?" Flashfire wonders aloud. "Any agemates?" Red leaves, yellow leaves, brown leaves. All begin to be separated. Treestump blinks, surprised. "Huh! I'd think Black-Hair'd /want/ to take him to the Village.. show him off to all the Sun Folk." Suntop shakes his head in answer to the younger elf's question. "No one...Just Rayek, Ktai, Tilia and Eveshka...all elders even to Treestump." (Except for Rayek maybe... ) To the ender here he nods, "That's what I thought too...but he wouldn't take the cub away from the Palace boundaries." Flashfire frowns, shaking his head at Suntop's explanation. "He's going to grow up without any friends." he figures, shaking his head a bit. What a bummer. Suntop's mouth twists slightly, "No...no friends, but he will be safe." He says this perhaps as Rayek might think it. A frown appears on Treestump's face. The Wolfrider sighs and shakes his head, fingering the end of his beard. "That's Black-hair for you," is all he feels he should say. "Everybody needs others to grow up with. Friends to play with." Flashfire mumbles, poking a finger at those leaf piles, which he runs a hand through, messing them up again. Suntop nods, "I agree, Flashfire...Perhaps one day Rayek's cub will try to rebel and then he will see what he has done by denying him agemates and friends." Treestump tries to change the subject gently. "How's those Glider friends of his doing?" Flashfire finds a bit of a smile. "I bet I would, if I was his cub. I'd tell him how wrong he was not to let me see anybody else. And stuff like that." A few leaves get crumpled up and tossed Suntop's way, just 'cause. Suntop sends Flashfire a bit of a 'look' and waves the leaf-bits away. "Oh, they're fine. I didn't see Ktai very much...she seemed to keep to herself. Eveshka is..." Again the smile starts, "She will definitely keep Rayek on his toes I think." A soft chuckle escapes the old wolf, sensing something more behind that smile of Suntop's. "Oh?" Flashfire flashes a grin at Suntop, then starts to pick at some leaf bits stuck in his arms. Suntop shakes his head, still smiling a bit. "She has been rather upset at the loss of her mate...and I asked if I could help. She seemed so caught up in the past that I suggested perhaps looking to the 'Now'. She was willing to try so I tried to help her meditate and find it..." He pauses to get the right words together. Treestump waits patiently. After a few moments time, he urges, "Aye?" The Now. Flashfire sure knows a lot about that. "Did it work?" he wonders. "She sort of got lost in the Now..." The mystic continues, "At least I thought she did. The problem was, how was, how to hide this from Rayek? Remembering what happened last time I tried hiding something from him, I decided the best thing was to not try and hide from his...err...wrath this time. Meanwhile, Eveshka was just going about as if in a daze. We waited to see if she would pull herself out of it, but after a few days, there was no change. So I tried to help her find her way back...Rayek ended up helping me as Eveshka retreated farther and farther away...or so we thought." He has to pause again because the retelling has caused his smile to grow to a chuckles, and now it seems he needs to stop his laughter before continuing. Treestump waits a few more moments, then leans forward slightly, impatient for Suntop to get to the point. "Well, lad? What? Out with it!" Pushy old fart, isn't he? Flashfire sits there, just listening to the story about how Eveshka seemed lost in the Now. He, umm, knows a lot about that, too. He manages to keep a bit of a straight face. Suntop takes in a deep breath which seems to calm him enough to finish the story. "It turns out, it was all a trick. Eveshka was just pretending to be lost to get us to work together. You should have seen the look on Rayek's face...although I think I was just as surprised." It takes a moment for the surprise to set in, then Treestump slaps his thigh and barks out a laugh. "Hah! Clever girl!" Flashfire lets out a laugh of his own, and a good one at that, rolling onto his side in the leaf-pile. "Hahahaha!" Been a while. He'd forgotten how good it felt to laugh. Suntop grins, eyes bright. "She certainly was...I hope it worked though...She put a lot of effort into it..." Flashfire sits back up, rather covered in leaves now. Gah. "I bet she did, too!" He starts to rub leafy bits out of fur. Treestump starts to say something, but stops, looking down at Flashfire's... mess. An eyebrow arches and a smirk crawls across the old wolf's face. "You got some leaves stuck in your fur there, cub," the elder points out ever-so-helpfully. Suntop slaps a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. Flashfire shoots both elves a look. "Thanks for letting me know." he mutters, looking like he really got into something. Feh. Amusement twinkles in the old wolf's eyes. "Any time, lad." "We'll remember next time..." Suntop slides a glance to Treestump, "Won't we?" Treestump plays along, his face the picture of innocence. "Aye, of course." Flashfire stews a bit, though it fades quickly because even he realizes this is rather amusing. Pick, pick, pick. Slowly, leaf bits find their way from him to land on the ground. Suntop stretches, trying not to smack a Flashfire in the face as he does so, "I think it may be time for a rest..." After all, he has been up for most of the day... Treestump tilts his head to one side, casting a sidelong glance up the tree, then rises to his feet as well, collecting his axe. "Go rest, Suncub. I'm going to go check on Galasia." Flashfire stands up abruptly, and sees what shaking back and forth gets him. Ooh, a few more leaf bits are dislodged. He deftly avoids Suntop's hand while probably covering him in a few leaves. Heh. "I'm gonna go see if a bath'll get this stuff out." Suntop wrinkles his nose teasingly, "That's a good idea, Flashfire..." He nods to Treestump and to the younger elf. "Shade, you two..." Treestump can't help smirking at Flashfire's comment, but hides it as he nods quickly and reaches a hand to grasp the branch above him and clambor up. "I'll see you two about, lads. Sleep well, Suntop." That said, the old wolf disappears amongst the treelimbs above. Flashfire waves to the departing mystic, repeating his farewell. "Shade, Suntop." He also waves to Treestump, before jogging off. Suntop turns to go back to the Den tree and to his sleeping furs for a nap. [end log]