But every time you kiss me My heart pounds like a drum So if trouble is a woman Trouble, here I come - "Adam and Evil", a song from the Elvis Presley movie _Spinout_ Log Date: 9/5/96 Log Cast: Ynderra, Dart Log Intro: When last we left Lostholt, Trouble, daughter of Myriel, had been seen storming out of the Holt with the vow that she wasn't coming back till she was "no longer a cub." Since then, Ynderra and a few of the other members of the tribe have been taking turns keeping an eye out for her, but they note with some dismay that Trouble's tracks indicate she has left Lostholt territory. Reluctant to disclose this news to Dart, for she doesn't want to worry him, Ynderra nevertheless continues in her usual ways around the Holt, as well as trying to figure out how to approach her sister about her errant cub.... ---------- Ynderra(#2211PQXace) This is an elfin maiden of unremarkable height, and a slim and lithely curved build. Her hair is curly and raven-black, and pulled back from her face into a braid that reaches down to the small of her back and frequently bounces when she moves about. Loose curls too short to be held in the braid wisp about her face. High cheekbones give that face a delicately sculpted look, and a lupine slant to her smoky, dark blue eyes. When she speaks, it's in a high, clear soprano. You walk back out of the Father Tree. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy but new growth and thick strong branches cover the worst of the scars left by the terrible blaze. Weeds and night blooming wildflowers grow in a riot of natural disorder around the trees roots, taking advantage of the NewGreen warmth. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a dense canopy high above the ground. The daystar shines brightly down on the hazy green surrounding trees, waking the forest from its long WhiteCold sleep. Contents: Dart SafeRunner Calmwind(#7032Jopq) Obvious exits: Into the Tree Around the Tree Clearing Dart is dozing quietly on a low branch of the Father Tree. Ynderra steps out of the tree herself, blinking sleepily and stretching. Watchtime. She studies the clearing, notes the sleepy Dart, and smiles a bit, fondly. Dart sniffs in his sleep. Stirring from his wolfnap some he murmurs, "Heyla Ynderra." Ynderra smiles, and starts climbing up into the tree. "Hi, Dart..." Dart rubs his eyes tiredly, "Napping in trees will never match a long nap on the rocks in the village." Ynderra settles on a nearby branch, and quirks her head. "We've got dens, you know..." Dart hmmphs, "Unh-huh, most of them I end up banging my head on the ceiling or have to sleep with my feet sticking out of the den." Ynderra giggles, and dangles her feet off the branch she's chosen. "Silly, I can make them bigger! Or Grandfather can..." Dart says "I know but that would mean staying in the same den for more than one night." Blinking, the black-haired maiden asks blankly, "This is bad? I mean, you've been here for seasons now..." Dart shrugs, "Yeah, I've been here for seasons but really don't want to hassle anyone about getting a den. If my feet didn't so cold, I wouldn't mind so much." Ynderra wrinkles her nose, not quite understanding this: he doesn't mind sharing our hunting grounds, but he doesn't want to impose for a den? But the maiden shrugs mildly. "Okay. Well, at least we can give you furs or something." Dart shakes his head, "Nah, I brought a few with me. They're enough." Ynderra considers, then just nods. "Okay... well, um... I'm next for watch anyway." She says this around a light yawn, blinking rapidly, trying to wake herself up. Dart drifts back off to sleep, shifting a little to get more comfortable. ** Wake me if anything happens, or Trouble turns up. ** Ynderra bites her lip, and answers, "Um, okay..." Ynderra settles into a watchful pose on her branch, and peers carefully off in various directions as she takes stock of the state of the Holt. Dart sends openly ** What's wrong, she's coming back isn't she? She said she would. ** Ynderra's eyes widen. "Oh, I didn't mean... I was just thinking... never mind me, I'm just sort of nervous." She smiles wanly. Dart yawns, ** Thinking what? What's wrong? ** Dart awakens again and glances over at you, "What aren't you telling me?" Ynderra blushes. She hadn't MEANT to wake Dart up... she finally says meekly, "I just want her to come back, is all. Still kind of nervous about any of us leaving for too long, I mean, after your parents were missing..." Dart says "You said she knew the territory, she should be fine. Right?" Ynderra says in a small voice, "Well, she knows Lostholt territory. So, um, she'd be fine... if she was in it..." Dart says "She's not in holt territory!?" Ynderra wilts, ever so slightly, and shakes her head. "Clearbrook and I, um, we were taking turns keeping track of her, and Clearbrook says she's passed outside the farthest any of the pack claims as its range..." Dart blinks, "And.. and you didn't tell me sooner? How could you keep that from me when you knew, Ynderra?" The healer-maid wilts further, eyes going liquid. "I-I didn't want you to worry... you're supposed to be relaxing..." Dart says "I've been worrying becaue I didn't know where she was." Ynderra wraps her arms around herself and says meekly, "I'm sorry..." Dart says "What if she's hurt? What if the humans got ahold of her!?" Ynderra offers, "We-we haven't heard any of their drums...." Dart jumps down to the ground, "Drums or not, she's not in the holt territory. Which way did she head?" Ynderra blurts, "Towards Sun-Goes-Down, but then she veered towards the Hubstar... where are you going?" Dart heads towards the denning tree, "After Trouble..." Dart walks away from the tree, back into the clearing that marks the entrance to the Lost Holt. Dart has left. Dart walks up to the Father Tree from the clearing. Dart has arrived. Ynderra blurts as you come back, "But... we're keeping eyes out for her... Mother, Clearbrook, they've been helping, Skywise too..." She trails off, though, certain she's angered you, and not wishing to get you madder. Dart walks back in struggling with his pack, "Keeping eyes out for her, you should've followed her once she left holt territory. Who knows what sort of mess she's gotten herself into!" Ynderra starts to frown, not liking the decision of the tribe being called into question, and she cries, "Dart, she _chose_ to leave the pack's range, we could hardly have sat on her and wrapstuffed her..." Dart glances up into the FAther Tree, probably sending the news of his departure to his parents. "Make sure the other's know where I've gone. I'll come back when I've found her." He scowls and turns on his heel, departing the holt. "If I don't come back , don't bother looking for me." Dart walks away from the tree, back into the clearing that marks the entrance to the Lost Holt. Dart has left. [Dart sets out on a quest to discover where Trouble has gone; with some effort, he picks up a trail he thinks leads to her, off towards the north... a day passes, and another, before the trail grows warmer. Finally, he catches up with her.....] Dart creeps out from the forest edge, looking around warily and sniffing the air. North of Lostholt at last... and after a day or two of wandering, a familiar scent begins to lace the trails. Indeed, it is in the very air here, coming downwind, though the owner of that scent isn't in immediate view. Dart calls as he has repeatedly in the past day, ** Trouble? Trouble? ** Off across the valley, something rustles. And within the copse Trouble has infiltrated, the huntress scowls, as the sudden sending distracts her from the sling-throw she's trying to make on a scampering rodent. Her shot missed, her prey escapes, and Trouble jerks around warily. Dart makes his way towards what he thinks is the source of the faint rustling he's heard. Silently sliding his dagger from it's sheath, he creeps as quietly as possible. Sniffing occasionaly he relaxes his hold on the dagger and smiles faintly, ** Trouble? Where are you? ** A gruff sending snaps out, then, from not too far away. ** Go away! ** Dart pulls himself up to his full height, ** No, I won't go away. I'm not going anywhere except back to the holt and then I'm not going without you. ** A flash of reddish hair herald's Trouble's presence, before her pale face comes into view across the wide meadow. ** I'm not going back! ** she send-shouts in reply. Dart scowls and stomps across the meadow, ** Then I guess I'm not going anywhere either. ** Trouble steps into view out of the stunted trees, bristling. Now that you have a full view of her it's evident that she's been roughing it; her leathers are ragged, and her hair longer, unkempt. Her gaze, if anything, is fiercer than when you last saw it, and she snarls in sending, ** I was _hunting_! You made me miss the shot! ** Dart narrows his eyes, ** You can hunt from the holt, my friend. I'm sorry for making you miss one shot, but there's game enough for you to chase donw another of whatever you were stalking. ** Trouble stares at you for a moment, hot and hard, then snaps, ** Do what you want. I'm not going back. ** She whirls and stalks further into the copse. Dart follows a few yards behind, ** I always do. ** Trouble doesn't answer. In fact, she seems focused on eying the copse, on sniffing the air, perhaps seeking anew the scent of the prey she's lost. Dart whispers softly, "You know solitude's not necessarily a good thing." ** It's the Way for a soulname vigil, ** Trouble barks. Her grip tightens on her bow. Dart sends openly ** Found it yet? ** Dart sends openly ** Hear me, Trouble. You may not care that you're upsetting people by being out here on your own. But I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have come looking for you if I didn't care. ** Trouble turns, eying you, expression still fierce, but green eyes glittering. ** I haven't... found it, ** she returns, tautly. Dart tries his best to hide his disappointment, ** I don't care if you know your soulname, or if you even know your own name. I... I'll always care deeply for you. ** The maiden stands there, blinking once, then her eyebrows crinkle together in bemusement. Something more of the fierceness leaves her face at that stark admission, and is replaced by startlement. And perhaps a tinge of fear. Dart takes a single step towards Trouble, holding one hand out to the maiden, ** My feelings are pure, my friend. The feelings I hold for you run much deeper than those I ever held for my Recognized. I won't hurt you.. and I don't mean to frighten you. ** Trouble eyes the offered hand, then its offerer. At the further confessions, her face reddens slightly, and that wary look hasn't quite left her eyes. But her sending loses vehemence even as she insists, ** I'm not going back yet. ** Dart nods, hand still extended towards you, ** I'm not asking that you ever need to return to Lostholt. I'm asking you to come with me, come with me back to the Village. Or where ever you want to go. I just ask that you don't go without me. ** Trouble stares at you, her face suddenly shifting, slightly, making her look every eight of days as young as she is. ** I'm a cub, remember? ** she sends, then, abruptly, and blushes and looks away. Dart's hand drops to his side, ** Words said in anger often come back to haunt the one who spoke them. I was angry, Trouble. If anyone is a cub.. a young fool, it's me. I shouldn't have thought that you might feel the same way about me. ** Trouble shivers, then abruptly drops her bow, wrapping her arms about herself. Her face turns away. ** I don't... know what I feel, Dart... ** Dart moves closer, hesitantly. He reaches out to put the offered hand on your shoulder. Trouble glances at the hand, and beneath it, she can be felt to be shivering. Dart moves to stand directly behind you, he slips his other arm around you. He let's the hand on your shoulder slip down and rest at your waist, he hugs you gently, "Know how I feel first and go from there, my friend." Trouble looks up at you anxiously, then, gaze unguarded. Turning you around so that you're facing him, Dart smiles faintly. He leans down some and kisses you gently on the cheek, ** <> ** Trouble's eyes widen, at the unfamiliar gesture. She almost shies away... but doesn't, quite. Her nose does twitch, though, as she seems poised to sniff you out, as though your scent has suddenly turned into something new and strange. Dart puts a hand at the small of your back to keep you from moving to far away and kisses you again, this time on the lips. As he pulls away from you after the kiss, he murmurs, "I won't hurt you, my fire-haired one. I can't." Trouble quivers, clearly nervous, clearly perplexed by this strange behavior. But she doesn't shove you away; her lips part somewhat, at the brush of contact, and you can faintly sense her intake of breath. As you draw back, she stares at you, apparently transfixed. Dart studies you for a moment, more to reassure himself of his actions than to analyze your reaction. He leans forward to kiss you again, his manner more insistant than before. ** I... don't know anything of this. ** The admission is blunt, frightened... but threaded with that shyness that can be seen lurking behind her usually fierce green gaze. Dart blinks a few times, considering what to say in repsonse to the admission, ** Then I shall teach you.. if you want... ** He smiles reassuringly, or at least he thinks so. Trouble draws in an uneasy breath, signaling fright... but she doesn't look away, which signals courage, at least of a kind. A blush still lingers about her cheekbones, though, and _that_ signals the unsureness of one who, despite being adult in form, is still a half-grown maiden within. She finally sends, oddly meekly, ** I... need to think about it... ** Dart nods, ** I understand.. ** He release you from his embrace. ** Shall we see about finding that snack I cost you earlier? ** Released, she seems to regain composure; retrieving her bow, she seems to regain reserve, something of her earlier wariness. But something has changed, for although her sending is still gruff as she tells you, simply, ** Aye, ** there is no sign of rancor at your presence. In fact, she might almost be sensed tobe... pleased. [End log.]