Log Date: 2/13/96 Log Intro: After a tumultuous conflict, the party consisting of the Willowholt elves led by Trollkiller and Woodhawk, and the stargazer Skywise of Lostholt, has succeeded in rescuing Strongbow and Rillwhisper from the remote, spider-infested grove in which resides Doreel and his small trollish helpers. Exhausted, the elves return to the Willowholt camp, some lengthy ride away... there, Dawn and Dusk await their tribesmates, as well as the exhausted Moonshade, who came charging on a hunt of her own to find her mate, but who collapsed in the camp. The Willowholters put the archer with his tanner, and the rest of them sleep..... [NOTE: This log is from Strongbow's point of view.] ---------- Safe, though he might know it only in the most unconscious of manner, the archer sleeps the sleep of the weary in ways more than body. Awake, he might be reminded that his belly hasn't been full in more time than he can clearly calculate; in sleep, though, nothing touches him, dreams fluttering when present at all. Now and again, the overfluffed tail of the wolfcub, brown eyes big in self-important guardianship, twitches across Strongbow's nose; as it does, the archer turns, burying his face in the scent of the tanner, brown curling locks catching up in his own reddish tangle of hair. In the surrounding camp, peace reigns, as Woodhawk, Trollkiller, and the rest of the rescuers allow themselves to collapse in slumber. Dawn and Dusk remain on patient sentry watch, in case the distant fire started by Woodhawk in the spider woods shows signs of drawing too near; Woodhawk and Trollkiller, and Rainfire not very far away, huddle near the too-fragile form of Rillwhisper, providing the protection of their proximity as well as the warmth of the furs in which the chieftess has been bundled. Trollkiller rolls over a little, not as solidly at rest as he might be. He nuzzles against Rillwhisper, seeking a little reassurance, even in his sleep. Moonshade feels a movement beside her and slowly begins to awaken, stretching slightly. The wolfcub shifts, blinking with a yawn. Boy, guarding is tired work. She gets to her feet, seeming a bit surprised at the sudden distance from the ground. She sniffs of the tanner; any food in there? As Moonshade stirs, she hops back with a small yirp. Moonshade reaches out, syes still pretty much closed and ruffles the little cub The archer growls, very softly, petulantly. One arm rises to curl over Moonshade's shoulder, as if to prevent her from going far. Some slight small send of comfort escapes his mind, sleep's grasp on him slipping. Moonshade looks tenderly over at her mate, smiling for what must be the first time in a long time. The cub whines softly, poking her cool, leathery nose at the tanner. She pauses as the archer semi-sends, shaking some of her fur down. With a curious, liquid look at Strongbow, she yrfs experimentally, quite near his ear. Moonshades smile brightens a bit as she watches the cub to see what happens. Strongbow startles, squinching his eyes farther shut. ** ... ** He curls up a bit more, hand clinging at Moonshade's leathers. Not quite willing to admit he's awake, he lies still, waiting to find out if peace will return. The cub watches the archer's disappointing reaction and, without another thought, leans her head down to lick his ear. Over by Rillwhisper, Woodhawk lifts his head, briefly, and half-smiles. About time the tanner stirred, he thinks, as he then lies back beside the chieftess. Moonshade tries to stifle a giggle Strongbow slits one eye open, turning his head to look at the source of wet tongue on his ear, hair matting a bit against Moonshade as he moves. The archer growls softly, but only for a few seconds; when the cub puts her ears down and looks liquidly oh-so-repetant at him, he looses his grip from Moonshade to reach out and scratch the cub. Opening both eyes now, he looks up to see if his mate is awake, and goes a bit flushed in the cheeks at the realization that she is. Moonshade murmurs a quiet hello, looking a bit nervous Strongbow lets go of the cub as the nervous tone registers, freeing his arm to join the other in drawing the tanner to him in a fierce hug. You locksend to Moonshade, Strongbow's tone is quiet, but terribly intense. ** _Missed_ you. ** Moonshade returns the hug, holding tightly as tears suddenly break free and course down her cheeks, the anxiety of many many days and months finally overflowing Strongbow just buries his head in the tanner's neck and leathers, holding tight. The cub, left out, tries to climb over Strongbow to snuggle down inbetween the tanner and her mate. Moonshade holds on tightly. You locksend to Moonshade, Strongbow offers, more hesitantly, ** I'm sorry. ** Rillwhisper stirs slightly, very slightly, then lets off a soft sigh before she turns her head to bury her face against Trollkiller's nearby furry shoulder. Moonshade locksends ** YOU Are sorry.. if I hadn't left none of this would have happened. ** The wolfcub looks from one elf to the other, eyes liquid. Thinking maybe she can help this strange situation, she leans down to lick at Moonshade's teary face. Moonshade smiles against her will at the little cub. You locksend to Moonshade, Strongbow's mental negation is firm, almost shakingly so. ** I acted like a cub to watch you go. ** His send is wordless, dark, for a moment, before continuing, ** Too much pride. ** By Rillwhisper, Woodhawk smiles quietly, not disturbing the two Lostholters, and content to curl a protective arm around Rillwhisper's slight form. Rillwhisper herself frowns a bit, vaguely, where she is nesetled between her two mates. Moonshade locksends ** I am still so sorry... ** Strongbow clasps the tanner tighter, catching one of the wolfcub's paws in his fierceness. The cub yelps tinily and squirms before sitting still, head atilt. Moonshade buries her face against Strongbow's neck. You locksend to Moonshade, Strongbow encircles you in sending as much as in his arms, guardwolf-strong, Strongbow-stubborn. ** Together now. ** Following, almost like an echo, he reaches out, touch as gentle as he can make it -- the effect more halting and unsure than anything else. ** Cia...? ** Moonshade locksends ** Always together. ** Strongbow releases a low, shuddering sigh, relaxing in the tanner's arms. He slits open an eye again, turning his head to look at the wolfcub. Moonshade swipes away her tears altho many of them still shimmer, unshed in her eyes. You locksend to Moonshade, Strongbow remains open, mind's edge at the edge of yours. After a time, something occurs to him, and as if it is as plain as the growth of a tree or the rising of the sun, quietly remembers, ** Bearclaw was...soul-brother. ** You sense in a locksend, Moonshade nods, not sure where this is going. The archer's eyes, though focused on the cub, seem distant, still with his mate in thought. You locksend to Moonshade, Strongbow returns your assent. ** I have always had a soul-sib and a lifemate. ** Where Bearclaw stands in his memory remains untouched, but near there, Rillwhisper stands too; neither comes near his thoughts of you, of his Recognized, with whom he shares den and thoughts and cubs. You sense in a locksend, Moonshade nods, a bit clearer now. You locksend to Moonshade, Strongbow holds you close. ** She knows me now. ** After a short silence, he adds, slightly bemused, ** As she always has, know it or not. ** That much said, the issue is done, and he encloses you in his sending once more. In his mind, he sees the den, empty without you in it; then with you there, with him, working your leathers as he tends his arrows, or sleeping in his arms before darkness wakes you, wolfish. In wistful memory, he rides hunt with you, either of you on a wolf each, or together on one wolfback in memory of another bond lost. The thought of hunt breaks his concentration, reminding him of his empty belly. Strongbow seems to focus after a time and rolls one shoulder, wanting a stretch but wanting more not to let go of his mate. His nose twitches and he sends, softly, at the cub, thoughts of food, a query. Over by Rillwhisper, Woodhawk peers up again, and chuckles very tiredly. ** There's meat. Not much, and not fresh. I'm going to hunt when I can move. ** The cub shakes her fur, bouncing out from between the archer and tanner, scrambling over Strongbow's hip. She yrfs, sniffing around at him. There was food, yes...where was it? Her nose takes her farther away, searching. Strongbow raises a brow with a slight smile and lifts his head enough to look Woodhawk's way. ** Anything. ** It's odd gratitude. He slips an arm under Moonshade, as if to sit up, looking down at her to see if she'll allow it. At the archer's motion, the cub comes bounding back. Maybe he found food? Her nose works furiously at his leathers and his arm. Woodhawk nods gravely, lifting himself from Rillwhisper's side long enough to reach over and start foraging through the camp's provisions. After a time, he comes up with a packet of the dried meat the elves had brought, and he tosses it Strongbow's way. Trollkiller rrr?s, twitches around a little, fails to find Woodhawk, and blinks sorta awake. ** ?? ** Strongbow reaches to catch it; whether weariness or indifference makes him miss is unclear. He picks it up, snatching it slightly as the cub's curious nose whuffles over it, and pulls it open, looking back at Moonshade to see if she'll have some, absently dropping a tidbit near the nose on his leg. The cub slarfs the bit up, hardly tasting it. Moonshade locksends ** We need food! As does your cub ** Woodhawk glances at Trollkiller, smiles, and sends quietly, ** Strongbow's up, Fuzzy. 'Sallright. ** Trollkiller blink blink blinks. ** Um. ** He looks down at Rillwhisper. She's fine, given. ** Oh. Okay. ** Rillwhisper slits open a single green eye, from Trollkiller's shoulder. ** ... ** Strongbow smiles at Moonshade, shaking his head slightly. ** I won't be hunting yet. ** He presses a piece of the dried meat into his mate's hand, then puts a large bit into his mouth, chewing. He sends another wave of gratitude at the firestarter and, hearing him, Trollkiller. Woodhawk grins a bit, inclines his head tiredly, and turns with a ? to his chieftess. Rillwhisper squints blurrily up from Trollkiller's embrace, focuses on the not-far-away figures of the archer and the tanner, and abruptly, smiles hugely. With that, she turns to burrow more firmly against Trollkiller. Trollkiller blinks. ** Hunting. That would be good. ** Mrrrs, to Rillwhisper. Moonshade nods * I understand I don't think i will be soon either * Woodhawk smooths tangled hair out of Rillwhisper's face, and sends, ** None of us well, yet. ** Glancing at the pair of Lostholters, he smiles once more, and adds, ** Rest, both of you. We'll get you home when you're both ready, Skywise too. ** The slightest twitch of a smile creeps onto the archer's face, and he nods, sending wordless assent. [End log.]