Log Date: 10/24/96, and subsequent days Log Cast: Tamber, Rhianna Log Intro: Singer Rhianna Turlough and Sorter Tamber al-Acorrin have been, in recent years, suffering their own private versions of grief: Rhianna due to the loss of her husband Michael, and Tamber for a complex tangle of sorrows he has only lately realized he hasn't conquered as well as he'd like. It is almost natural, then, that these two, who have been friends for quite some time, should eventually draw together to discuss these sorrows.... ---------- Tamber saunters into the room, glancing about. Rhianna looks up from the datapad in her hand as she hears the door to the lounge open. Her face breaks into a grin as she sees who has entered and waves him over, "Tamber!" Rhianna looks at you for a moment. Tamber blinks, and then beams at you. "Rhianna, my dear. I am so pleased to see you." He readily joins you, and his eyebrows rise as he takes in your physical state. 'Oh, my word... the Ranges are not treating you kindly again, I can see..." Rhianna Brilliant gray eyes are the first thing you notice about this charming young woman. Eyes that may change from a soft dove gray to the cold steely color of iron depending on her moods, which may shift in a moment without notice. She wears her long fiery-red hair up in intricate braids, so as not to impede her sight or motion. A few whispy locks, however, often escape her best tries to tame them and curl softly at the nape of her neck. She moves with grace and conservation of motion, her trim Singer's body more than capable of dealing with anything the Ranges throw at her. A bright flash of gold draws your eye to a golden ring suspended from a chain around her neck. A sleeveless emberald green tunic made of some soft material clings to Rhianna's lithe form, its hem brushes just above her knees. Skin-hugging black pants go down to a soft shoe on one leg and a cast on the other. Despite her injuries, Rhianna seems to be in a fairly good mood. Her right leg is in a cast that starts just above her knee and extends down to her foot. Her head has a large lump near the right temple and there is a cast over the lower part of her left arm and most of her hand, allowing her broken wrist to heal. The cast extends over where one of her fingers, should be, but isn't. There is a short row of stitches on her temple. Rhianna grins wryly, "The Ranges giveth and the Ranges taketh away." She chuckles, "It's not as bad as it looks though, I should be out and about in a couple of weeks." Tamber folds himself into a chair nearby, and smiles warmly. "I am thrilled to hear it; I have missed Sorting for you, my dear." Rhianna's eyes widen, "Did you get the greens I brought in?" She looks a bit cross, "I knew I shouldn't have left before I made sure they got to you." Tamber inclines his head sagely. "I did indeed, and to Tuning they have gone. I have requested an octave and a chord of three from the lot." Rhianna visibly relaxes back into her chair, "Good. I know green is cheap right now, but every little bit counts." The Sorter nods affably. "Indeed it does." He chuckles a little. "I yet count myself fortunate that I have built up savings over the years, and can live upon them when the work is slow. And I need not, furthermore, break my limbs." Tamber gives you a little half-bow. "I salute you and your entire profession, for taking such risks, my dear!" Rhianna chuckles, "I'm afraid my credits leave me almost as soon as I get them." She smiles, "I don't know about others of my profession, but I sing not for the credits, but for the singing itself." Tamber's eyes lighten. "Truer words were never spoken, except perhaps by Kevlan Sharr; he and Bernadette are home, by the by." Rhianna smiles warmly, "Wonderful news. I'm sure that I'll have a chance to catch up with them since I won't be going back to the Ranges for some time." Tamber nods, evenly enough, though there seems to be -- to empathic senses -- a hint of worry on the edge of his otherwise calm demeanor. "I am sure you will," he replies. "And I shall be having lunch with Kevlan, tomorrow, myself...." Rhianna raises an eyebrow and studies your face for a moment, but decides to let what ever she had been considering pass, for the moment. She turns the subject to other matters, "I've recently had a letter from Michael's mother. It seems I'm to have a visitor at Shankill in the next few weeks." Tamber's eyes glitter with interest. "She wishes to see you?" Rhianna smiles sweetly, "She always wishes to see me and scolds me for not visiting more often, but she isn't the one who'll be visiting. It seems that Michael's nephew has begun traveling and wants to see me." Tamber considers, perhaps trying to recollect what if anything he knows of Michael's kin; finally he says gallantly, "I hope that it will be a pleasant visit for you both." Rhianna chuckles, "I hope so too, Jonathan was always a very animated young man. He also mentioned bringing along a dear friend of mine." Tamber quirks an inquiring brow. Rhianna smiles, "There are many things that occurred on Zevi, other than Michael's death, while I was there." She frowns at that, "Most were almost as tragic." After a short pause she continues, "But one of the results of my time there was that I aquired a ward, Ambrose." Tamber's expression grows somewhat more solemn, as he listens, but his green gaze continues to reflect utter interest in your story. Rhianna explains a bit further, "His parents were very good to me, after Michael died." She runs her hand through her long hair, "Because of this I easily passed for a Zevite and they claimed me as a long-lost relative." She sighs as if picking her words carefully, "Suffice it to say that his parents were found to be sympathetic to the Conlon cause and were executed as traitors." Rhianna grimaces, "I was able to save young Ambrose and I've made sure he has a future that doesn't inclued civil wars and unneedful deaths." Tamber breathes in a soft gasp, then nods, and murmurs, "You have done the right thing, then." Rhianna smiles sadly, "I feel that I have. I just wish his parents could have seen the wonderful young man thier little boy has grown to be." Tamber's mouth flickers a bit in a returned smile; there is the faintest flicker in his attention that speaks of something like understanding of loss. Rhianna pulls herself away from her unpleasant memories, "I've not seen either of the boys for a few years now, I'm looking forward to thier tales of space faring adventure." She smiles, looking a bit more like her old self. Tamber allows a slight chuckle. "Truly, the galaxy is vast, and may their tales be vivid ones." Rhianna chuckles, "I'm sure they will be, vivid and just a bit exaggerated." Tamber's eyes twinkle. You say "And what of your own tales of spacefaring, my dear? The last I saw of you, it was before the Passover." Rhianna chews thoughtfully on her lower lip, "I spent Passover on Shankill, meditating on the past, present and future." She half-smiles, "It was not a pleasant vacation." A ripple of regret and sympathy, from the Sorter. "I do wish I had known; I'd have made a point to keep you company." Rhianna sighs deeply, "I think I would have enjoyed that." She shrugs, "Nevertheless, it was really something I should have done some time ago instead of hiding in the Ranges trying to forget." Tamber leans forward, to gently pat your knee. Rhianna takes your hand as you do so and looks into your face, "And you Tamber? How have you fared?" Tamber's smile falters, ever so slightly. "I..." Knowing better than to try to dissemble to you, he murmurs very softly, "I have been... working out my own difficulties." Rhianna pats your hand before releasing it and nods ever so slightly. "If I can help..." she offers quietly. Tamber's eyes soften, perhaps gratefully. "It helps immeasurably to have..." He pauses, perhaps considering his words. "... to have someone with whom to talk." Rhianna smiles, "I would be happy to share your company, any time you wish it." Tamber half-smiles. "I have not been... a social man, as of late. I have even startled my fellow Sorters." Rhianna nods knowingly, "Please don't allow yourself to become too turned in." Ruefully, Tamber shrugs, just a bit. "I... do try. Though, as I do frequently remind Jerrik, I shan't abandon my friends, for all that I seem to have lost my taste for romantic liasions..." He trails off, eyes slightly distant; again comes that flicker of something like hurt, within him. Rhianna hmms to herself then smiles a bit as she reaches into the carisac on the sofa beside her, "I have something here to help what ails ye and me." Tamber lifts an eyebrow. "I daresay you could not fit me a young man with Galahad's divine shoulders into that, my dear," he says dryly. Rhianna chuckles delightfully as she pulls a clear bottle full of an amber colored liquid from the pack, "Not quite." she agrees, "This, my friend, is called Absinthe." She lifts the bottle, "Be a dear and get a couple of glasses for me?" Both of Tamber's eyebrows go up, but he does rise and head to the catering unit. Guild Family Den The main lounge is a very comfortable place. You can almost always find Guild members relaxing in here. Scattered groupings of chairs and sofas create conversational areas. There is a catering unit off to one side and a holovid screen for entertainment. Overhead a crystal chandelier twists and sings almost hypnotically. The walls are painted a shimmering light blue, and a darker blue carpet muffles the sounds of footsteps. There are a few plants scattered about that are cared for by Guild members with a green thumb. Contents: Tamber, standing before the catering unit Rhianna, sitting on one of the soft couches Catering Unit DataPad Vendor Obvious Commands ("." for list): .leave .couch .table .dispose .browse .order Obvious Exits: Lift Tamber sits down on one of the soft couches. Tamber returns, then, with a couple of glasses. "What manner of drink would this be, then?" he asks, brow arched. Rhianna smiles warmly as she pours, "This drink is from Michael's homeworld. It is triple-brewed from apples and several different spices. Each brewing is different and contains different ingrediants." She hands you a glass, "It is usually drank at special occassions; weddings, funerals and the like." Tamber leans back where he has sat, and sniffs delicately at the concoction, smiling a bit at the aroma. "To what, then, should we drink now?" Rhianna lifts her glass solemnly, "To memories, both happy and nought, of love and lost love." Tamber's green gaze turns wistful. In respectful salute, he mirrors the toast, then leans back to sip at the amber stuff. Aria wanders in from the lift area. Aria has arrived. Rhianna sips at her own drink then sighs deeply at the remembered taste, "I love this stuff. Michael's brother, Robin, sent me a case of it when Conlon won its independance." Aria marches over to the catering unit. Tamber takes his time with the drink, as if pondering each swallow. After one, he smiles, quietly. "Intriguing," he remarks. Then, he glances up from the couch at where he sits, as Aria's arrival catches his eye. Aria tosses off a wave to Rhianna and Tamber as she crosses to the catering unit. Aria spins the menufax around to display the drink selections. Aria peruses the selection of drinks, and orders a frozen strawberry daquiri. Aria sits down on one of the soft couches. Aria relaxes back in her seat and sips at her drink, "Ahh...what a day.." Tamber inclines his head to his superior, greeting her simply, "Good lady." Rhianna smiles at Aria, "Mine's not been the greatest either." Aria grins, "Oh...I don't know whether I should be glad or dismayed by that.." Rhianna chuckels a bit as she waves her bandaged hand, "Well, I'm not so sure about that myself." Aria shakes her head as she looks at Rhianna's hand, "Cutter accident?" Rhianna chuckles, "The missing finger was the cutter...the broken wrist and leg were from trying to climb back to my sled with a missing finger." Aria shakes her head sadly, "So I guess you won't have anything for me for a little while?" Tamber puts in, mock sternly, "Dear lady, I have already put in a claim on Rhianna's sorts." He winks at Aria, apparently at ease now. Rhianna smiles, "Krellin said it'll be a couple of weeks before I can go back out." Aria chuckles and sips her drink slowly, "Ah..well in that case I defer to you my colleague...", she grimaces, "Give me more time for the paperwork." Rhianna grins, "Oh the curse of a civilized society." Tamber's eyes sparkle a little more. "I do not envy you your position, Aria." Aria chuckles wickedly, "Watch out...your name got put up for department second...and I'm still deciding on that.." As innocent as -- well, Kevlan Sharr -- in expression, Tamber replies smoothly, "Why, dear lady, whatever have I done to warrant such?" (If Rhianna is paying attention, she might well note with her othersense that the redheaded Sorter has quite abruptly relaxed, and in fact seems to have become suffused with a warm humor.) Aria chuckles, "You are a Sorter with many years experience my dear Tamber...Feyr was also suggested..." Rhianna smiles warmly and refills Tamber's drink, "You are one of the best." Tamber inclines his head, and flutters his eyelashes at both of you. "You are both too kind -- ah, thank you, Rhianna dear. An excellent drink, this..." Rhianna fills in, "Absinthe. I thought you'd like it." Tamber grins and resumes looking at that second glass of Absinthe you've poured him, which you've just reidentified. Rhianna smiles warmly, "I had a feeling this drink would be acceptable to your refined tastes." Tamber, after Aria takes her leave, returns his attention to you and sips at the second glass, slowly. "Absinthe," he repeats, savoring the sound. "Thank you, my dear, for introducing it..." Tamber's face shifts ever so subtly as he speaks; it's almost as if a veil across it is delicately nudged aside, leaving him ever so slightly more readable, just a hair more fathomable than is normal for him. "Quite... potent," he adds. "You said that there are apples, and spices, in it...?" Rhianna chuckles softly as she sips at her own drink, "I've never been able to charm the true recipe from any of the brewers. I do know it begins with apples and some spices, then is brewed a second and third time, each time with different spices." The Sorter smiles, vividly, with his green eyes. "A mystery! How delightful." Tamber cradles the glass reverently in his deft fingers, and for a few moments, stares entranced into the amber contents. Rhianna takes a close look at you and smiles widely, "Why, Tamber, I do believe the you are starting to relax a bit." She shakes her head in a mock scolding, "You really should take better care of yourself." Tamber blinks, then looks up again. His mouth quirks wryly. "Will you play medic for me, then, my dear?" he parries. Then his gaze turns slightly introspective, as he adds, smile still playing slightly about his mouth, "I do feel... very good." With a smile still on her face she answers your question, "A medic I am not, only a friend who is concerned about you." Tamber's face actually softens at that, and you can feel, more palpably than usual, a wave of embarrassment mingled with gratitude from him. "Those words are... a balm to my soul," he murmurs confidingly, after another sip from his glass. His eyes go oddly full. Rhianna raises an eyebrow questioningly. Tamber shakes his head a little, then smiles ruefully. "I... I'm sorry, my dear. I should take my time with this concoction of yours." Rhianna shrugs slightly in response, "It's quite all right, really. The first time Michael introduced this to me was on our first duet in the Ranges." She smiles fondly at the thought, "I was so drunk that when I passed out I didn't stir, not even the usual dawn.." she pinkens a little, "..urges...were able to rouse me that morning." Tamber actually blushes, ever so faintly. "Drunk," he says thoughtfully. Then he laughs, a silken sound. "From what I am told, you must have been very intoxicated indeed." Rhianna chuckles, "Well, we spent the better part of the night drinking and talking." Her grin is a bit mischievous, "After that Michael always managed to stow a bottle onto his sled when we went a-singing." Again, Tamber's eyes turn strangely full. "I'm sure it was wondrous," he says gamely. Rhianna's eyes are a bit distant as she remembers, "I always loved singing, credits where just a nice bonus to the experience." Her lips twitch to a wry smile, "Michael used to say he was the second love in my life, behind cold white crystal." She shrugs and the smile slowly fades, "I didn't want to sing anymore after he died, it's taken me a long time to find joy in it again." Tamber does not speak, as he sips slowly at the rest of his glass; his eyes remain brimming with a tangle of something, something that seems to swirl on the edge of empathic senses as well. Rhianna drinks deeply before commenting again, this time she seems very introspective, "I once had two men in my life who loved me very much." She inhales deeply, almost to calm herself, "I don't think I really appreciated that until I lost them both." Tamber murmurs, wistfully, "I.... understand more than I can express..." Rhianna sighs and sits in silence, mulling over her memories as she fills her glass once again. Tamber breathes, "I... too... have been in the place you describe, my dear..." He blinks rapidly, then, and rubs at his eyes. Rhianna cocks her head slightly to the right and watches your face. She studys you for a moment then nods, "Yes, I believe you have. And your memories are as painful for you as mine are for me." Tamber blinks at you, then, owlishly, and seeming rather surprised. "Long ago," he murmurs huskily. "Very long ago, my dear." Rhianna says "But in your memories, it is as fresh as if it were yesterday." She smiles a bit, "I'm can't read thoughts, but I know that very intense memories remain intense for a very long time."" Tamber murmurs, "I... I am... broadcasting that clearly to you?" Rhianna nods slowly, "I can feel a bit of your pain, so I know it's still pretty strong for you. I also think that if you hadn't tied yourself up in such a worry knot that I'd never have felt it at all." Tamber looks down into the remnants of amber liquid in his glass. "I have been..." He blushes again, just a bit. "Been quite... gnarled, verily." Rhianna nods and fills your glass once again, "Would you like to talk about it a bit? I've found at times that sharing a pain makes it lessen." Tamber protests, "I... I did try to talk, my dear, with Kaylin... but... yet, it remains..." Rhianna looks troubled, "Many things in the past continue to keep us victims for a very long time. I may be able to help you distance yourself from it, sort of like padding your emotions, but I can not erase that pain entirely, only time and your own healing can do that." "Oh, my dear, believe me, I do remember when you helped Kevlan..." A flicker of suppressed... well, not quite pain. But definite wistfulness. Tamber smiles, onesidedly. "And I do know that these things take time and time to heal..." Rhianna answers his onesided smile with one of her own, "Yet it is nice to have a bit of help? Something that will make getting to sleep at night a comfort and not a chore?" Tamber's face softens into something that suspiciously resembles... yearning. "Someone to help me sleep... oh, my dear..." He presses his glass to his forehead for a moment, as if trying to cool -- or perhaps heat -- his skin. And you can sense, all at once, a brief flash: Tamber is horribly, horribly lonely. Rhianna is startled by the depths of the emotions she feels and, without thinking, reaches out and touches your arm, letting you know with that touch and her mind that there is someone with whome he can share. Tamber looks down at the glass, then at you, and breathes, "My dear... wh... what _have_ you had me drink? I..." Rhianna chews on her lower lip a bit before answering, "I really want to help you, else I'd not have offered the Absinthe. I knew it would help you relax." She chuckles softly, "You'd have to be in the throes of rigor mortis for this stuff not to relax you." Tamber abruptly chuckles, slurrily. "Relaxed...? My dear, I think... that is an understatement!" Rhianna grins widely, "Good! My plan worked." She teases a little, "In all the rumors this is the part which usually goes, 'And the evil Crystal Singer seduces the unsuspecting lad.' I have a feeling, however that I just don't have the shoulders for that." Tamber's strangely full eyes blink at you over the rim of his glass, and he murmurs wistfully, "Shoulders... ah, by the First Ones, why must the lad be wedded, and hetero, and remind me of..." He trails off. Rhianna's eyes widen as she begins to piece different snippets together, "Remind you of?" She nudges a bit, hoping to get him to open up to her. To your 'nudge', Tamber might seem strangely pliant, tender; either the drink has gone straight to his head, or the sore spot in his psyche around which he now verbally dances is extremely tender, or both. His green eyes glimmer, damply. "Such a lovely man," he breathes. "Forty years, and I still have not been able to..." Again, he trails off, pressing his eyes shut for a moment. Rhianna nods slowly and gently touches your arm again. Very gently she draws a little of the pain she feels from you into herself, "Who was he?" Tamber takes from his glass an unsteady sip that turns into a long draught. "Mirrik," he whispers, "Mirrik... never another Singer like him, ever..." Rhianna's forehead furrows as she searches her memory for any mention of this Singer, "What happened?" Tamber fixes you with a most sorrowful expression which makes him seem, oddly enough, like a bereft young boy. "The bane of all Singers... a mach storm. I could not be there to save him... a-any more than I could be there to save Kevlan... ah, confound it!" The Sorter is starting to weep, and the glass in his hands is shaking. He finishes in visible bemusement, "Rhianna, my dear... am... am I drunk?" Rhianna chuckles softly and takes the drink from you. She then shifts and wraps her arms and mind around you in a friendly comforting hug, "Yes, dear Tamber, I believe you ar." She pauses, "And it's quite all right." "How... extraordinary," Tamber mumbles, voice slurred. He allows himself to be embraced; somewhat awkwardly, he lifts an arm to curl it around you in return, and leans his spinning head against you. "Most potent.... potent brew..." Rhianna smiles to herself, "Just the medicine for all that ails ye." Tamber whispers mournfully, "I... thought I'd conquered it... why does he still haunt me....?" Rhianna sighs deeply before answering, "You can never completely conquer the emptiness you feel after loosing a loved one." Her tone too, is mournful, "That's why we have friends, to ease that lonely emptiness a bit." Rhianna adds, "And that's why we have memories, to help remember to wonderous times we shared." Tamber lifts his head and attempts to smile. "Truly marvelous friends," he mumbles. "I have truly marvelous friends..." Rhianna smiles and sits back a bit, "As do I." She sits for a moment, lost in her own memories, "Tamber, I..I need to tell someone how Michael died." Tamber blinks a time or two at you, then nods, slowly and solemnly, sitting up from his unsteady hug. Rhianna half fills her glass with the bright amber liquid and drains it in two long draughts before speaking, "We were on Zevi...Michael's brother was in charge of the Conlon revolutionary forces. Michael was his second." Tamber leans sideways against the couch's back, fumbling for a moment at it as though grateful for its support. He studies your face as you speak; his own keeps its oddly wistful, open expression, as he listens. Rhianna stares at the empty glass in her hands as she twirls it absently back and forth, "Because of my red hair and my.." she is at a loss for words but just points to her head, "extra sense, I volunteered for some recon." She sighs deeply, "I know Guild members aren't supposed to become involved with the doings of other worlds, especially if it means we might be found out." Her voice takes on a haunted tone, "But it was so important to Michael. And his people were suffering so much." Tamber murmurs, his usually crisp accent softened by the drink, "You could not help but feel for them, my dear..." Rhianna ducks her head, allowing her hair to fall forward and veil her face a bit, "They had become my family too." She takes a deep breath before continuing, but you can see her hands shake a bit, "I was away from the city when...when the Zevites put forth one final, all out attack..." her words trail away. She sets the glass down and clasps her hands together so hard that the knuckles whiten. Tamber awkwardly clasps your knee, and mumbles after a moment, "I... I know, my dear, what it is to live in a place of horror and strife...." He then blinks at himself, as though startled by his own words. Hastily, he closes his mouth, and reverts to patting at your knee. Rhianna has obviously drawn into her own memories and though she softens a bit at, not so much your words as your intentions, she seems to be seeing someother place and time, "Michael had been in charge of the city's defense." A deep shuddering sigh escapes her thin frame, "Somehow he managed to keep his tenuous hold on life until I made it to him." Tears are now falling from her face to make small dark spots on the carpeting, "He...he..." her voice falters, "his last breath was my name." Tamber just stares at you a bit, tears glimmering visibly in his eyes. Rhianna stands suddenly and a bit unsteadily. She shakes her head and her hair almost completely escapes her braids. She paces a bit unsteadily on her casted foot, her voice now tinged with as much anger as grief, "Damnit all! He said he'd never leave me." Her voice catches, "He said he was worried about me, being away from the protection of the city." She turns and angrily brushes her hair from her eyes, "He wasn't supposed to be the one who died." A sudden flare, perhaps even unconscious, of empathy from the Sorter, as he sits there watching you, his expression pained. Rhianna takes a deep breath and wipes the tears from her reddened cheeks, "If he hadn't left me, I'd not have been so fardling stupid to run off that night..." her gray eyes looks haunted and perhaps even a little frightened, "That patrol wouldn't have cornered me..." For just an instant a complete look of terror crosses her face, angrily she shakes her head, dispelling the memories then sinks back to her seat. Her words are a mere whisper, "He shoudn't have left me." Tamber dazedly watches you. For once, his glib tongue seems tied, for he doesn't speak. But his emotions are raw and present in his green eyes, starkly commiserating. Tamber finally breathes, almost to himself, "Strife-ridden streets, a hellhole, the poor broken one in need of rescue... First Ones, no, he should not have left..." He starts to tremble. Rhianna curls up awkwardly, seemingly deflated of all her anger, "I wanted to die as well, for a very long time." she shudders slightly, "I almost did too, but the crystal called me back." Tamber does not answer you immediately; nor does the pained expression on his fine-lined features ebb. The tautness along Rhianna's form finally begins to loosen as her body finally begins to feel the affects of the potent drink. Her breathing becomes easier, and she sighs deeply, "I couldn't cry when he died." Tears slide down her smooth cheeks, "It would not be becoming of an officer in the Conlon forces." Tamber snaps his attention back to you, all at once. "Wh.... what, my dear?" Rhianna looks up sadly, "I didn't cry for Michael the night he died. I gave orders on how his...body was to be treated." She almost sneers, "I made certain the Guild's secret was safe." A slight lift of her shoulders, "Then I left to rejoin my unit. We were in the middle of a mission that ultimately lead to the end of the war." Her eyes darken once again, "Only I didn't make it back to them..." Tamber's hands fidget a moment, as though he isn't sure what to do with them. They drop at last to his lap, as he seems to drink in your words at the same rate he'd drunk the Absinthe. Rhianna rests her chin on the knee that she'd drawn up and absently plays with the ring on her necklace, "So much has happened since then." Tamber licks his lips a moment, then stammers, "I... I do not know what to say, dear girl..." This seems to baffle him immensely, and his brow furrows under his red hairline. Rhianna looks up and chuckles a bit wryly, "That's okay. You don't need to say anything," she gives you a half-smile, "Words may escape you, but I know you care and that's what counts." She leans over and kisses you on the cheek, "Thank you." Tamber smiles vaguely, and awkwardly hugs you, once more. Rhianna stands up from her couch. Rhianna stands and stretches slightly, picking up the nearly empty bottle as she does so, "I think it is time we both headed for our rooms to sleep this Absinthe off." Tamber sits up, a little, and murmurs, "A... capital idea, dear girl... I... am having problems seeing. Extraordinary..." Rhianna chuckles and awkwardly helps you from the couch, "I'll lead you back then." She smiles, "We'll have to go slow anyway, I'm not running any races with this cast." Tamber blushes, but allows a smile, and allows you to help him to his feet... and back to his room. [End log.]