Log Date: 1/30/96 Log Intro: It's been a couple years standard since Kevlan and Bernadette were married on Kevlan's home planet, Estenar -- a couple of years, too, in which the pair needed time to get used to the idea. And, once they returned to the Heptite Guild, to formally register their union with Guildmaster Maxwell. Time, too, to return to the Ranges and answer the urgent calls of both their symbionts. But once these were behind them, the two Singers were able to share the news of their union with the rest of the Guild -- and to arrange a celebration for it. ---------- You walk through the Beach exit. Beach - WWSF This small beach is bordered on the North by the docks, Ocean Way on the East, and a palm grove next to a rental shack to the South. The bright green fronds of the tall trees, similar to Terran palms, wave lightly in the slight breeze. The trees grow on the bright patches of the short, even grasses which grow here as well. The most striking feature here, however, is the incredibly fine, bleached white sand, which covers the entire beach. It slides smoothly around your feet as you walk along the beach, it's silky feel caressing the exposed flesh it touches. The smell sea-spray fills the air, and the rhythmic crashing of the waves settles into your grateful body. The beach is decorated for a huge beach party. Bright streamers and ribbons float gracefully in the breeze from the tops of multi-hued canopies set up to provide shade and comfort for those who don't wish to sit on the beach. The smells of roasting fish and tubers waft through the air, making your mouth water. Looking out over the water, you watch breathlessly the scene before you. As Scoria begins to dip into the sea, the last of the rays colour the sky in layers, from bright blue, deepening to yellows and reds, and finally darkening to the blue-black of impending night. Looking toward the darker part of the sky, you notice the pale outline of Shankill rising, with the slight, pale green light of Shilmore just above it. The heat from the sun would be uncomfortably hot, if not for the breeze off the water. Contents: Tamber Striped Tent BBQ pit Jeff Joel Keg of Polly Wine Obvious exits: Water Beach Rentals Ocean Way Light House Game INFO: This is a room that may be monitored via +watch. Kevlan(#1982Pace) From the tanned and lean look of him, and the way his actions seem to speak of preternaturally acute senses, this tall and rangy young man can't be anything but a Crystal Singer... and with his lazy, liquid drawl and half-shy, half-forthright manner, he can't be any Singer but Kevlan 'Galahad' Sharr. Kevlan's light brown hair is cut pragmatically short in the back but long in the front, with random strands often getting in his smoky blue, dark-lashed eyes. He frequently fidgets restlessly, drumming his fingers on any available surface, or tapping his feet. A jet, black jacket fits flattering over his shoulders, emphasizing and making them look broader and somewhat squarer. This inky black cloth combines an ancient and well proven style with a couple of exciting, new styles, giving the wearer a flashy, yet dignified look. A dark gray appearing shirt covers Kevlan's chest, where the jacket parts. The shirt is actually jet black, but has an undefinable, almost liquid quality to it, as if flashes of light travel across its surface. However, staring closely at the material just shows pure black. Whatever it is, this effect makes it appear a bit lighter in color than its true black color. The front buttons up to a slight V, where it flares out, to his neckline, where its upturned collar encircles his neck, framing it as if his head was an important piece of art. The bottom edge of this interesting shirt tucks into a loose fitting, slightly pleated pair of jet black slacks. They fall gracefully down Kevlan's legs, giving vague ideas of his leg's contours. His legs end in a pair of flattering dark gray boots. These boots exactly match the shirt in effect and color. They are black, but seem to have a shimmering effect at the edge of one's perception. You notice a rather strong prickling along your skin when you pass too closely to Kevlan. Carrying: Gitar(#2097) Thread Bracelet (worn)(#5126IY) Datapad(#4232Os) Tamber looks at you for a moment. You can detect some crystal resonance in your bones. Non-singers around you see: Kevlan is often distracted. When you are near him the hair on your arms stands on end, which you unconsciously brush down. Jacob walks through the Beach exit. Cori walks through the Beach exit. Jacob walks through the Ocean Way exit. Off across the beach, Tamber looks up cheerfully as people start coming in off the sleds. "At last!" Tamber beams, nudging Kevlan, and murmuring to him, "I assured you, did I not, dear boy?" Jacob walks through the Beach exit. Cori steps onto the beach, pausing for a moment to shake a bit of sand out of her sandals. "Evening!" She greets everyone. Kevlan, perched on a wide blanket in front of the striped tent in plain sight, looks up shyly, but grins. Finally..... "'Lo theah....>" Tamber bows smoothly to Cori, and to Jacob, and says, "Welcome -- you're the first. I hope you will help us get the party under way, I fear our good supplies from the Catering division shall go to waste otherwise!" Cori wanders around the tent and pit, exploring briefly before she settles on a seat. "I'm Cori," she says, nodding politely, a soft smile curving her lips. Kevlan leans over to Tamber and mutters sheepishly, "Sure Ah cain't he'p....?" Jacob walks through the Beach Rentals exit. Tamber waves his young friend off with a "Nonsense, dear boy, this occasion is in honor of you and Bernadette, after all." Kevlan murmurs sheepishly, "Cain't hardly have no 'cassion with nobody heah....." He smiles honestly to Cori, though, and adds more loudly, "Kevlan Sharr, ma'am. Howdy." Tamber reaches into the tent behind him, produces a chilled bottle with a cork in it, and puts in serenely, "Welcome, Singer Cori, and I assuredly recall you; sit. Join us! Do you sing?" Kevlan frets again, idly plucking at the gitar he's got leaning against him, nervously. "Mm-hmm," Cori answers, eying the keg of polly wine and trying to decide if she wants some; maybe layer. Her attention returns to Tamber, who she offers a grin, "Although I haven't sung many songs since I got down here." Tamber gives a low chuckle, inspects the bottle to determine whether it's sufficiently chilled, then beams. "Any songs shall do; tonight is the night for it, and marvelous though Galahad's voice might be --" Kevlan protests, aghast, "Tamber!" Tamber continues easily, "It would be uncivil of us to make him sing all evening." Cori cocks her head, giggling softly. "Give me some words and music, and I'll gladly oblige you." Tamber deftly returns the bottle to its bucket of ice, and observes contentedly, "Bernadette shall be bringing a gitar; she and Alexandra should be with us shortly. What sort of songs shall we begin with, I wonder?" Amusedly, the Sorter winks at Kevlan. Cori toys with her dress's skirt slightly, watching the sorter and other singer out of the corner of her eye. Lightly, "A love song would probably be appropriate, don't you think?" Kevlan smiles crookedly, blushing a little, and nervously strumming at the gitar. He stammers to Cori, "Aww, heck, Berni ain't even heah yet...." Feyr walks through the Beach exit. Tamber laughs, merrily, stepping into the tent every so often to check on the status of the food still being prepared. "Soon enough, dear boy, soon enough. And I do hope you both will make merry as much as the rest of us...!" Alexandra walks through the Beach exit. Kevlan confesses sidelong to Cori, "Tam keeps sayin' he wants t' git me polly-bombed," and blushes. Feyr wanders down the beach, robe dragging tiredly on the sand at her feet. Either Cori doesn't notice the blush, or she wants to continue teasing the singer. Smiling, she beckons to Feyr, "Come join us, maybe you can help us coerce Kevlan into gracing us with a song from that lovely gitar." Alexandra jogs along the beach, waving merrily, "Ah'd heah, y'all!" Nadine walks through the Beach exit. Rondel walks through the Beach exit. Tamber lights up, waving to Alexandra as she arrives. "My very dear lady, perhaps your skilled touch can test whether these foodstuffs are fit for human consumption?" Feyr looks up and traipses over to all the others obediently. Alexandra grins and trots over to Tamber's side and looks at the spread. "Ain'tcha tasted it yet?" she quips, quirking one eyebrow. Nadine smiles a bit at the crowd, running one hand through her short tangle of curls. Rondel strides slowly down the beachside from the way of the lighthouse, scanning about the group with a bit of a smile glittering in his eyes. Kevlan, as more and more people begin to show up, starts scanning faces shyly for Bernadette. What the heck's wrong with him, anyhow? Ain't like he's not sung in front of people, before... but then, most of the Guild hasn't heard him sing in years. He smiles weakly to Cori, and mumbles, "Um... Tam's right, Ah-Ah-Ah shouldn't sing 'lone...." Cori tries to get a peek into the tent, "What all is in there, anyway?" She asks, curious. "What?" Tamber returns to Alexandra, mock-mortified. "And malign the repast for which your account will be billed, ere you have the chance to inspect it?" He winks to the Marketer, then adds to Cori, "Appetizers first, and drinks, and shortly thereafter, a meal fit for Passover feeds. Or so the Caterers tell us." Cori smacks her lips together softly, "Sounds great." The lone sledtech's smile quirks a bit, wry, as he sees more than hears the Singer's drawled stammer. Rondel rolls his shoulders slightly, kicking a small bit of sea-polished shell from the damp sand to the surf, turning aside to view the sunset before continuing to near the group. Nadine kicks off her shoes, tossing them over her shoulder with no real regard for where they end up. With a grin, she replies, "And our infamous Catering department would never lie about something like that, eh?" Kevlan reflexivedly strums at his gitar, sending the occasional chord flurrying against the sound of the surf. Feyr faintly shivers at the music, sitting herself in a puddle on the sand, watching everyone warily. Tamber bows to Nadine, green eyes alight. "I should rather be beheaded by the next Singer whose cut I sort, rather than fault the work of our marvelous caterers, my dear. And I do hope tonight will provide ample evidence for you all to agree. As soon as Alexandra gives the word, be you all welcome to partake of what we've brought." Alexandra grins and moves over to the tent to inspect its contents. She calls out, turning suddenly towards Kevlan, "Oh, dabburnit, Ah almost fergot...Berni done called in. Said she's hustlin' her way heah." She smiles. Kevlan, recognizing Nadine from the infirmary, smiles to her shyly. Then, at Alexandra's words, positively beams. Kevlan says very earnestly, "Cain't start without 'er." One of his hands comes off his gitar to fret restlessly with the thread bracelet on his wrist. Alexandra has left. Cori drifts into the background, chatting amiably with those she knows and meeting new friends as well. Rondel scans individuals as he comes near enough to know those present. A nod at Tamber, another at the other Sorter, the second accompanied by a slight smile at her place in the wet sand, as he passes; he smiles to the medic and slips back away from most of the rest, watching Scoria's reflection muddled in the waves. You can hear crystal resonance coursing gently through your body. Non-singers around you see: The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Kevlan's face. Alexandra has arrived. Tamber smiles affably to Rondel, and peeks into the tent for some word from Alexandra...? Alexandra steps out of the tent, licking her fingers, a drink in her hand. "Well, Tam...Ah'd say we're gettin' our credits' worth!" She grins. Kevlan strum strum strum strums, one foot twitching against the blanket he's sitting on. Bernadette walks through the Beach exit. Tamber looks inordinately pleased, and inclines his head. "Then if you would do the honors, dear lady, or shall we wait for Bernadette?" Bernadette smooths the waist of her dress hastily, then runs her hands along her hair and smiles around apologetically. "Sorry I'm late..." Kevlan's face lights up, as he spies his wife before Tamber does. "Berni honey!" he calls out, for once without a stammer. Bernadette rushes over to Kevlan, hands out-stretched, "Hello, love..." Alexandra grins. "Well, Tam...don't think Ah gotta wait no more!" She chuckles. Kevlan hops up from the blanket he's sitting on, and hugs Bernadette one-armedly, his other hand still on the neck of his gitar. Feyr looks up, an almost-baffled expression on her face as she watches the couple greet one another. Rondel, near the high end of the beach now, where the sand is dry, chuckles softly as Bernadette goes by. He nods to Alexandra's comment with a dry smile that soon fades, eyes again wandering toward the surf. Tamber winks to Alexandra again, then says blandly to Bernadette, "I do believe that this means Kevlan can sing now." Bringing her hands together in a cheerful clap, Alexandra pipes "Shall we dig in?" Bernadette smiles at Tamber, after returning her husband's hug, and says "He didn't have to wait for me." She grins up at Kevlan, giving him a second squeeze. With a quickly raised brow, Rondel looks back at Tamber, bemused with the tone of voice. Kevlan looks around hopefully at the assembled. "Um, y'all have at it," he agrees with Alexandra, looking much more at ease now that Bernadette has arrived. Bernadette takes a moment to look around at the crowd. She waves cheerily to those she knows, adding "Hiya, Alex...Tam." and smiling pleasedly at those she's not familiar with. Jerrik walks through the Beach exit. Jerrik comes striding in after a time, looking quite pleased with himself, and hauling another pair of sledtechs with him. "Galahad! Berni!" he calls cheerfully. Bernadette waves to Jerrik, too, slipping her arm comfortably around Kevlan's waist. Rondel's expression dims slightly at the arrival of the other techs, and he slips down from the higher sand toward the crowd, pleasantly enough losing himself within it. Nadine runs a hand through her short tangle of curls again, looking a bit ill at ease within the large crowd. A caterer emerges from the tent and calls out, "Appetizers are getting cold, everyone. Please comes and help yourselves!" He grins from ear to ear and steps aside, allowing free passage into the tent. Jerrik grins widely to Bernadette, inclines his head peaceably to Rondel, and demands of Kevlan, "So, Galahad, when do we sing?" Kevlan looks around timorously, and ventures, "Well.... when folks want to, Ah guess..." Alexandra chuckles and adds "Yeah...an' when do we start cuttin' a rug?" She grins and winks. Tamber chuckles smoothly, turns, and politely offers his arm to Nadine. "Shall I escort you to dinner, madam Medic?" Feyr continues to sit in the wet sand, observing. The caterer looks around aghast and comments "Well, I certainly hope that you good folks don't start the complete merriments without proper sustenance!" Jerrik declares staunchly, "Well, if it's food first and then song, far be it from me to complain..." And he strides into the tent to inspect the wares. Jerrik has left. Alexandra looks up at Kevlan, laying a hand on his arm, "Let's eat first...I'm famished!" Nadine smiles and takes Tamber's offered arm with a small curtsey. "Most kind, sir Sorter." Rondel slips past the Sorter in the sand with a gentle grin. "Food?" He extends a hand to her, turning as he sees the Medic and Tamber speak to face Feyr fully. Tamber, with that, turns to guide Nadine into the tent. Tamber has left. Rondel notes, blandly, "You'd best get out of the sand." Kevlan smiles earnestly, and pipes up, "Well, c'mon folks...." Kevlan takes his wife's hand, beams at her, and follows his friends. Striped Tent The interior of the tent is airy and light. The tables along the back of the tent are piled high with mounds of food. To see a list of the foods available, type 'menu'. Contents: Tamber Jerrik Nadine has arrived. Alexandra has arrived. Rondel has arrived. Bernadette has arrived. Feyr has arrived. Feyr trails absently behind Rondel into the tent. Bernadette ooohs as she eyes the array of delectable appetizers. Rondel guides the addled-appearing Sorter toward the appetizers and leaves her off there, hovering not far, a bit motherish. Kevlan earnestly passes things to people if they seem to want them and he's in the way, and spends most of his time fatuously beaming to Bernadette. Feyr Feyr's hair, once carefully washed and trimmed, has now reverted back to being a tangled mess. It frames her thin face where her dark eyes stare out from the depths of her sockets. Covering her eyes is a thin veil of black gauze. She is wearing a black dress made out of some kind of warm material. The cowl is pulled up over her head, leaving her face in shadow. Her feet are bare. Peeking out from the sleeves and over her hands and feet are a myriad of bite marks, somewhat reptilian in nature, but only faint scars now. Her eyes are misted over, rather vague. Listening carefully, you might just hear her mumbling to herself, though the occasional snarl gets out. Periodically she glances behind her, concerned about something. Alexandra turns and greets Bayr. "Why, howdy! Glad you could make it!" Feyr stands by the tables, vague expression of puzzlement seeming to have attached itself to her face, but her lips are curved in a smile. Bayr smiles and nods. "Just wished to assure that everything was acceptable. Tamber bows to Bayr in greeting, and contentedly. "We have only just begun...." Kevlan says hopefully, "You gon' stay an' he'p sing with us, ma'am?" to Bayr. Bayr chuckles. "I don't sing much any more, Singer. And I congratulate you." Bernadette looks up from stuffing her face long enough to grin wordlessly at the caterer. Feyr's nose twitches and she finally takes a few small portions of food from the magnificently laden tables, eating them delicately. Rondel nods to Bayr, looking up from keeping one eye on Feyr and the other from the food to Tamber and back. Selecting a small appetizer in as odd colors as he can find, he observes lowly, "I'm sure all is well." Jerrik passes a few mugs of something steaming to his two compatriots, declares, "Beach for me!" and ambles out. Bayr nods and goes to speak with one or two of the catering personel. Bayr smiles and walks out of the tent. Bayr has left. Bernadette pours out glasses of polly wine and champagne, passing them around to those who want them, "There's plenty, everyone. Don't be shy." She grins. Alexandra chuckles and adds "That's raht...bottomless wells, so t'speak." Feyr finds herself with a glass in her hand. Bernadette returns to Kevlan's side, handing a glass of champagne first to Tamber, then Alexandra as she passes them, and handing one as well to her husband. If you pay attention to it, the crystal resonance can be heard coursing through your body at all times. Non-singers around you see: The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Kevlan's face. Kevlan grins at Bernadette, then, is hustled outside by Tamber, who proclaims him in need of fresh air and moonlight. Beach - WWSF Contents: Striped Tent BBQ pit Jeff Joel Keg of Polly Wine Obvious exits: Water Beach Rentals Ocean Way Light House Game INFO: This is a room that may be monitored via +watch. Tamber has arrived. Krellin walks through the Beach exit. Krellin has arrived. Tamber sits Kevlan down on the blanket by the striped tent, then smiles cordially as he spots someone unfamiliar. "Good evening, are you here for the party?" Aria walks through the Beach exit. Aria has arrived. Aria smiles and waves. Krellin looks around feeling slightly out of place, "I just thought I'd come and say congradulations." Kevlan looks up, from where Tamber's sat him down, and smiles shyly. "Thankee... there's food, if you want some," he says to Krellin. And to Aria, "You too, ma'am!" Kevlan points behind himself, at the tent, as Tamber bows smoothly to Aria, one eyebrow arched. Aria smiles warmly, "Congratulations Kevlan, Good evening Tamber...", she peers at the tent, "Berni inside?" Krellin says "Thanks, no. I'm not hungry." Bernadette has arrived. Alexandra has arrived. Kevlan nodnods, sipping at a glass of champagne someone must have handed him, then grins. "Or, maybe they're heah...." Aria smiles, "Ah...here she is...Good evening Berni, Congratulations..." Aria grabs a mug and waits in line to fill it. Aria fills her mug and moves off to the side to savor it. Bernadette laughing, as she converses with Alex, turns at the mention of her name and beams happily at the head sorter. "Aria! I'm glad you could make it!" Aria smiles warmly, "I don't know how long I can stay...but I couldn't not come." Krellin The man is well built with a sturdy frame and broad shoulders, but lacks intimidation due to his barely average height. His clothes are modest, and obviously inexpensive, but are clean and pressed. At first glance he seems to be a man of relative unimportance and hardly noteworthy, but as you catch a glimpse of his intense green eyes your assessment of the man is instantly changed. Before you is a man of great intelligence and has a purpose in life. Not one of these people that wanders around never deciding what he wants to do with his life. Carrying: Note black rose Krellin looks at you for a moment. Feyr has arrived. Feyr steps out from the tent, drying sand dropping off the back of her robe, half-full glass still in her hand. Tamber throws out a few more blankets for people to sit on on the sand, and smiles a little more readily to Aria. To Krellin, he invites, "New to the Guild, dear fellow?" Krellin turns to Tamber, "Yes, I am." Bernadette eyes at Krellin and says "I think I met you in the hangar a few weeks ago..." Aria smiles her thanks to Tamber and takes advantage of one of the blankets, "Latest class?" Krellin says "Oh, by the way, the names Krellin." Kevlan smiles to Krellin, and leans over his gitar, strumming at it quietly. "Kevlan," he drawls. Krellin looks at Bernadette, "Is that were we met? I couldn't remember. Aria leans back on her blanket and sips her polly wine, "Aria, I'm a sorter.." Bernadette smiles and nods, satisfied, "Yes, I'm quite certain we did." She nods again and says "Berni, of course." "Tamber al-Acorrin, at your service," puts in Tamber. Near him, a dark-haired, dark-eyed man adds, "Jerrik. Sledtech." Krellin nods, "Of course. Congrats to the both of you." Kevlan smiles a little more widely... Alexandra swallows her mouthful of shrimp and says "Ah'm Alex Behrens," dipping in a slight curtsey. Krellin smiles, "Nice to meet all of you." Aria peers down at Berni's sleeping figure, "How much of the polly wine have you been giving her Kevlan?" Nadine has arrived. Kesya walks through the Beach exit. Kesya has arrived. Feyr wanders down onto the sandy area and puddles once again onto it, oblivious to the blankets nearby. Kesya takes off her shoes as she ambles onto the beach, wading through the shallow water as she approaches the group. Shana walks through the Beach exit. Krellin sits down on the sand. Kesya treads up the sand, dropping a small blanket on the sand before she flops down on it. "Hey everyone," she says sunnily. Bernadette smiles and waves to Kesya. Feyr's feet emerge from the edge of her robe and her toes scrunch up the sand beneath them. Aria smiles and nods to Kesya waving her mug of polly wine in her direction. Alexandra grins. "Thanks for comin', Kesya. Appetizers an' drinks're in the tent," She jerks a thumb over her shoulder. Krellin smiles as he see's Shana, and Kesya, "Hello" Shana smiles and waves, slipping off her shoes as she walks toward the group. "Hey, all." Kesya beams, getting quickly to her feet. She grins at Alexandra as she heads for the tent, "Can't pass that up." Kesya has left. Kesya has arrived. Bernadette flows from one group of people to another, chatting amicably with each before moving on to the next group. Kesya emerges from the tent, making her way across the sand with a plate loaded with food. She flops back down on the blanket again, and looks around at the crowd. Alexandra raises eyebrows and says "Who all brought instruments? We should git some music flowin'..." Kesya takes a sip of the Polly, glancing around from person to person. "So... I'm late, but did I miss the swimming and dancing?" She winks cheerily. Alexandra chuckles. "Ain't been doin' much but eatin' so far, Kesya." You can hear crystal resonance coursing gently through your body. Non-singers around you see: Kevlan is often distracted. When you are near him the hair on your arms stands on end, which you unconsciously brush down. Feyr sits, looking vaguely mesmerised by the light off the water. Nadine grins and politely swallows before speaking. "But what's wrong with that?" Kesya shrugs, a smile teasing her lips. "Nothing wrong with eating, either." She sets her plate of food down, then points to it. "Nobody step on that," she directs. Shana grins and gives Kesya a wink, pantomiming stepping in her food before plopping to the sand. Kesya grins cheerfully, "Well, it's been too long since I've been swimming, so I'm going in. Anyone gonna join me?" She strips off her jumpsuit, revealing a swimsuit underneath. Alexandra grins and shakes her head. "Ah think Ah'll stay on th' sand fer now." Bernadette smiles and politely declines, Bernadette says "I didn't bring my suit, personally." Kesya shrugs, and heads for the water. "Allrighty." Kesya pauses for a moment, before splashing into the pounding surf. Kesya has left. From a distance, Kesya enters the warm water with a splash, coming up with her hair plastered to her head. Paul walks through the Beach exit. Paul has arrived. Bernadette clears her throat and announces, "I think I've sort of got something I'd like to sing to Kevlan." She grins, blushing slightly. Alexandra waves cheerfully to the newcomer. From a distance, Kesya dives under the waves, then comes up to sit in the shallow water, to listen to Bernadette. Kevlan, where he's been sitting listening to the chatter and merriment, looks up and smiles shyly to his wife. Bernadette smiles at Tamber and winks. She pulls her own gitar around in front of her and starts strumming. She explains, "See, this is one of the very first songs Kevlan ever sang to me..." Paul smiles at the gathering as he comes into view. He stands at a respectful distance, his eyes upon the happy couple. Alexandra grins. From a distance, Kesya pulls herself out of the water, and treads up the shore to listen. From a distance, Kesya splashes out of the water, and climbs onto the beach. Kesya walks through the Beach exit. Beth walks through the Beach exit. Beth clicks into the room. Bernadette picks out a very jaunty tune and continues speaking, "You see, as a recruit, I was really worried about adapting." Strum strum, "And Kevlan explained that singing crystal..." strum strum strum "...is rather like dancing..." Kesya flops on the blanket again, wrapping a towel about herself as she listens. Tamber chuckles, recognizing the tune Bernadette is playing and starts humming in accompaniment. Shana smiles and settles back on the sand to listen. Kevlan grins shyly again, and, blushing, looks around at the crowd before raising his oh-so-blue eyes once more to the face of his beloved. Aria settles down and listens. Beth shuffles through the sand towards the crowd. Bernadette taps her foot in time to the upbeat, lively tune, takes a breath and opens her mouth to sing, her strong, clear voice ringing across the sand. Feyr twists about to listen, caught by the music. Never found a four-leaf clover... To bring good luck to me. No rabbit's foot, no lucky star... Kevlan's grin widens and he shuffles his feet in the sand. No magic wishing tree! Beth sits quietly at the edge, listening intently to the singing. Bernadette sings, grinning, with Tamber repeating her sungs words in his own, rich voice, "But I got lucky!" Tamber repeats "I got lucky..." Francis walks through the Beach exit. Bernadette sings "Yes I got lucky, when I found you." Kevlan gets to his feet, grinning from ear to ear now, and picks the tune up on his gitar, taking over the lyrics, as well. Got no rainbow 'round mah shoulders... No horseshoe on mah door. Kesya chuckles softly, tapping her foot to the beat as she listens. It's Bernadette's turn to grin now, as she continues to strum her gitar, accompanying Kevlan's. But Ah got you to hold me tight... An' who could ask fer more? Tamber joins in once again, singing backdrop. Kevlan sings "'cause Ah got lucky..." Francis finds a place to sit down and listen. Tamber echos "I got lucky..." Kevlan continues "Yes I got lucky..." Tamber adds "Lucky when..." Kevlan grins and sings "When I found you!" Bernadette, laughing, picks up and continues. "I always walk around..." Kevlan adds "...with all mah fingers crossed..." I'm afraid the love I found... Just might git lost! Together the married couple sing, their voices raised happily. So won't you tell me that you love me... Hurry up an' name the day! Bernadette grins at Kevlan, who grins in return. And then I'll know that my good luck Is really here to stay! Jerrik joins Tamber in singing backup, and giddily, Alexandra adds her own mellow voice. Kevlan and Berni chime, "'cause I got lucky..." Their backup repeats "I got lucky!" "Yes I got lucky.." "Lucky when!" "When I found you!" The Sharr backup singers finish "When I found youuuuu!" as the two Singers play the ending melody. Bernadette laughs and pushes her gitar around onto her back and throws her arms around Kevlan, hugging him tightly. Kevlan, grinning like a cheshire cat, folds his arms around the smaller Singer. Kesya beams at the pair, applauding from where she sits, huddled and dripping, on her blanket. "Oh, well done!" Tamber, Jerrik and Alexandra smile at each other, laughing and congratulating each other on their performances. Paul's hands clap together, giving the whole crew a big round of applause as he whistles appreciatively. He grins broadly as he stands, "That was cool." Bernadette and Kevlan turn their heads to grin at Kesya. Bernadette laughs and nods towards Paul. "Thank you." Kesya smiles, leaning back on her hands. "Sounds like you all are well used to singing together," she comments appreciatively. Beth stands, wiping off her backside and grins. "That was very, very nice you all. Thank you." Kevlan, eyes wide, nods solemnly, "We sing duo togethah, ma'am." Alexandra smiles at Beth. "You fixin' t' leave already? Why, we ain't even had th' banquet yet!" Francis chuckles. Beth looks around the beach with her eyes, her hand going to her stomach. She licks her lips and grins, "Banquet?" Jerrik raises his bushy eyebrow, Alexandra having been turned just enough for him to clearly read her lips, "You say something about a banquet?" Aria applaud (belatedly sorry) Aria waits patiently for her meal. A look of hunger is on her face. Alexandra laughs and nods "Glory, yes! Lemme go make sure th' caterers are layin' it out..." Alexandra has left. Kesya shakes her head, gesturing to Tamber and Alexandra. "That's not what I meant.. I meant, all of you, not just you and Berni." She smiles, "Seemed to fit." With that, she flushes, and quiets. Bernadette grins at Kevlan once more nad says "I'll go help her..." Kevlan, sitting back down on the blanket, nods down to Berni, smiling. Bernadette has left. Bernadette has arrived. Alexandra has arrived. Bernadette grins as Alexandra announces "AH'm pleased t' report that there's a bunch of good vittles in thar!" Kevlan smiles shyly to Kesya, and nods to her, while nearby, Tamber says smoothly, "We often sing, Galahad and the rest of us." Crystal resonance is humming pleasantly in your body. Non-singers around you see: If you happen to be near Kevlan, the hair on your arm stands on end. Paul grins broadly, his eyes brightening noticibly as he looks over to Bernadette, "Real food?" Francis works his way over to Kevlan. Beth chuckles softly, scuffing her boots in the sand. Bernadette laughs at the recruit's comment and nods, "Yep. No subsistence here...and it won't cost you a credit." She grins at Alexandra, who winks at the Singer. Krellin chuckles. Kevlan settles down with his gitar again, apparently almost as loathe to leave it as Bernadette, and he grins crookedly at his wife's comment before he spots Francis, and turns an inquiring blue gaze to him. Aria munches on her hot fish and goes to see what else there is to eat. Aria has left. Tamber with a sweeping gesture of one lean hand points you all towards the tent once more, smiling proudly. Beth looks around and shrugs, making her way towards the tent. Paul has left. Bernadette drops to her knees to kneel directly behind Kevlan, looping her arms loosly around his shoulders and resting her chin on top of his head. Beth has left. Francis nods to Bernadette and Kevlan, "Congrats you two." Kevlan beams happily, and giddily, to Francis. Bernadette smiles at the medic and replies "Thank you, Francis." Francis says "Oh, there going to be some more singing later?" Alexandra chuckles and says "Sure hope so! You wanna sing?" She winks at the medic. Kesya nods a bit at Tamber's words, and she shrugs with a smile. "I have no idea who sings with whom around here, really. Been too busy to get to know that sort of thing." Looking a little out of her league, she stands and heads for the tent. Pleasant distraction, that. Kesya has left. Francis smiles. "Yes actualy. Have a song from home that fits. Even though most probably wont be able to understand the words." Feyr hauls herself up off the damp sand, trailing along behind Kesya back into the tent. Feyr has left. Bernadette smiles broadly, "Well, by all means! Feel free!" She leans to the side to smile at Kevlan. Tamber beams. "By all means, my good man," he says to Fracis, "Do sing!" Francis smiles. Kesya has arrived. Francis says "Just let me know when time is right." Kevlan ohs, "Well, whenevah ever'body's got food...." Bernadette peers at Kesya's plate and mmms. "Whatcha got there?" Tamber settles down contentedly, sipping at something that bubbles, and says sagely to Francis, "Now is a splendid time for song, say I...." Francis smiles. Francis says "Well, if someone could quiet the crowd, I can start. It starts low." Kesya blinks down at the plate's contents, "Not really sure. I grabbed one of everything." It's hard to see what is actually on her plate, being different items are piled haphazardly around on it. Bernadette moves around to set herself down in Kevlan's lap, smiling at Francis. "Ready when you are." Bernadette grins at Kesya. "Well, it looks good, anyway." She winks. Krellin stands up. Kevlan nods earnestly, settles Bernadette's small frame in his arms, and looks around at the others. Jerrik promptly goes silent -- after all, a sledtech's used to that -- and his two friends from the hangar settle down as well. Kesya takes her seat quietly, languidly laying on the blanket to listen. With a lopsided grin to Bernadette, she starts in on the meal. Tamber inclines his head cheerfully to Krellin, as does Kevlan, and the sledtechs. Krellin frowns, "I have to go. It was nice meeting all of you. See you around. Alexandra smiles and waves to Krellin, "Thanks fer stoppin' by!" Bernadette grins and waves, also. "I'm sure you will see us about." Krellin says "Oh, and congrats, again." Francis starts to sing quietly in a low, perfectly clear tenor voice. He is singing in a language that seems to be a blend of Chinesse and Japanesse. The song slowly increases in volume and seems to fly/flutter about as a beautiful butterfly in flight. Krellin walks through the Ocean Way exit. Krellin has left. Beth clicks into the room. Beth has arrived. Paul has arrived. Beth Azure eyes brimming with spirit, Beth walks through the world as if she hasn't a care. A light sprinkle of freckles adorn her pale, smooth complection, offset by her strawberry blonde hair that hangs limply down her back. Her wine-red tank top clings tightly to her curvatous form. A black leather skirt hugs her hips and thighs, ending just above her knees. Pointed toed, suede, thigh-high boots, with taps on the bottom, announce her arrival into every room. Paul As your gaze drifts towards this brutally assuming young man, you can't help but notice a strange sense of wrongness that surrounds him. His dark, tanned complexion, the small strip of dark curly hair that seems painted to his freshly shaven, clean scalp - none of this seemingly out of the ordinary, but doesn't abate the winter chill that you feel twisting slowly in your midsection. As he notices your eyes upon his, he returns your gaze with a harsh questioning glance, his heavy booted feet shifting to meet your body squarely - an almost offensive posture that somehow matches the brutality of his gaze. Paul is wearing a plain drab grey jumpsuit and a thick black plas belt that cinches his waist tightly. The plainness of his clothing accentuates the stockiness of his build. This, along with the chiseled hollowness of his face and the knotty rope of muscled neck, gives you the impression that the person you see before you is a product of many chemical manipulations. Bernadette listens with interest to Francis, her head tipped slightly to one side at the imagery. Francis seems to be singing two altenating choruses, one as fluid as an spring breeze, the other solid as the earth. Paul returns from the tent, the faint opalescent glimmer of a fine sapphire goblet in his hand. He raises the goblet to Kevlan as he catches his attention momentarily, his eyes almost warm upon his. Beth very slowly makes her way out of the tent.. her plate piled high. She glances around for an empty spot in the sand and lowers herself carefully. Setting her mug of polly wine in the sand she grins as eyes all the food. Francis slowly blends the two into one chorus, each adding to the other, changing and growing as they add to each other. The song cojures slowly conjures up something of the image of two people becoming one and then taking flight in a flight that brightens the universe in it's intensity. Kesya listens raptly, shoulders swaying slightly to the tune. Kevlan stares at Francis as he sings, his own expression turned rapt and reverent. Kevlan nods earnestly, distractedly, to Paul, most of his attention on the singer. Bernadette's hand finds Kevlan's and squeezes it lightly, as she continues to watch and listen to Francis. Francis brings the song to an end in a way that seems to more him letting the song go, as if freeing a bird to take flight than ending the song. The song fades out as if it flies out of hearing range. Beth looks at you for a moment. Eyes wide, Bernadette makes a small sound of appreciation and says "That was beautiful, Francis." She smiles and nods her head towards him, "Thank you." Aria has arrived. Francis bows to the couple and goes and sits down. Kesya simply remains silent, eyes half closed as if enjoying the mood brought on by the song. She finally focuses on Francis again, and smiles. "That was beautiful." Kevlan breathes, "Star-Lady, aye..." He nods gravely to Francis, gaze respectful. Beth smiles towards Francis and then licks her fingers of BBQ. Tamber murmurs, "Almost a shame to follow that...!" He smiles. Alexandra nods slowly and smiles at Tamber. "Don't know many who could pull it off!" Paul chuckles softly as he wanders close to the gathering, his voice a rich and deep baratone, "I know I certainly couldn't.." Alexandra grins. "Ah ain't nevah been one much t' sing, so it sure wouldn't be me." The crystal resonance is zinging through your body. Non-singers around you see: The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Kevlan's face. Kesya starts in on her meal again, pausing to grin ruefully at Alexandra. "Me too. I think crystal's my best audience, somehow." Francis smiles. "Is an old song." Aria thinks she missed something.... Bernadette chuckles. "Depends on who you ask. It was new to me." Jerrik slides Kevlan a pointed glance, and the young Singer turns a mild shade of crimson.... Kevlan protests, "Aww, Ah-Ah cain't..." Feyr has arrived. Feyr comes back to the beach, plate full of delicious goodies. Paul drops down in the sand next to Kesya, his great bulk almost eclipsing her slight frame. He looks over to Francis, his eyes alight, "It was beautiful.. I don't think I've heard anything of it's like in my life." Tamber smiles mildly at his young friend. "Surely you cannot think of something appropriate, Galahad?" Bernadette turns her head to look at Kevlan and smiles, saying softly, her forehead against his "Sure you can, honey." Kevlan ums, and strums a couple of times, earnestly, at his gitar. "Well, Ah-Ah guess every'body's kinda got songs 'bout wheah they come from, y'know?" Alexandra sits down in the sand finally and nods. "Sure, we know." She smiles. Kesya smiles surprisedly as someone takes a seat near her, and she scoots over on the blanket to make more room before turning her gaze expectantly to Kevlan. Kevlan hits another chord, a strange one, that seems to reverberate out of his gitar lingeringly for a moment or two. He quirks his eyebrow at Alexandra, and gives her a very full look, for a moment, before murmuring, "There's... songs. On Estenar. Um...." Alexandra nods encouragingly at Kevlan. Kevlan glances around, meets the encouraging gazes of Jerrik, Tamber, and Bernadette, then adds with a little more confidence, "There's, uh, parts o' Estenar that... kinda git undr your skin. Like Ballybran. Maybe y'all git what I mean...." Bernadette nods knowingly, "It's a beautiful place," she says quietly. Beth is completely engrossed in the scarfing of her food, nodding absently at the conversation floating around her. Kevlan, with that, slowly rises, swinging his gitar back in front of him, propping his foot on a chair, and his gitar on his knee. And he begins, at once, to beat out a rhythm on his gitar's side, that might speak of running horses across an open landscape. The sledtechs, including Jerrik, grin at that; Jerrik picks up the rhythm, banging on something handy. Kevlan then begins to sing: This wild, proud land where the wind blows free Has always been a part of me It's in my blood, I just can't get it out For a hundred miles a man can see And be about as wild as he wants to be If he feels like shouting, all he's gotta do is shout Kesya smiles softly, nodding encouragingly. She picks at her meal as she listens, her attention mostly on the couple at the forefront of the group. Bernadette smiles softly to herself, her eyes on Kevlan, arms wrapped about her knees. Feyr sits quietly on the sand, head tilted to one side listening. Kevlan gets into the song, the foot not propped up on the chair beginning to tap against the sand. His strong, clear baritone carries on its own strength, with a volume that has no problem making itself heard, powered as it is with a black crystal singer's vocal cords. Atropos walks through the Beach exit. Atropos has arrived. Kevlan continues, eyes lifted skyward: Where the purple mountains reach up high And look like they're gonna touch the sky Where the canyon walls have stood for a million years Where the days are hot, the nights are cold And the skyborn star-lights look like gold Their trails were set by the Lady's love and tears Atropos walks in quietly, so as not to disturb Kevlan's singing. Beth waves to Atropos, then waves her over. Atropos nods to Beth, as she walks over to the trainer. Alexandra smiles, her own foot tapping rhythm with Kevlan's singing. Atropos settles down by Beth, her fingers following the rhythm of Kevlan's singing. Beth leans over and whispers to Atropos, lifting her plate towards her in the process. Aria smiles as she listens and eats her food slowly.. Kesya shifts to lie on her stomach, tapping her fingers on the blanket to the beat. Francis listens quietly. Kevlan continues, strumming as he plays, his body occasionally keeping time, as he twitches every so often: Where the deep green forests as you go by Echo with their song 'neath a starry sky And the flowers bloom in the early morning sun Where the night winds sing, and the eagles fly Clouds paint pictures in the sky And the wolf's long howl tells you when day is done Feyr leaves her plate forgotten in the sand beside her, hand limply holding her glass. Kevlan swings into something that must now be a chorus, or a bridge, as he continues reverently: Coming home, this time I'm gonna stay Coming home, and I ain't never goin' away Kevlan returns, then, to a verse: My feet are itchin' to get back home Had the starlight in my blood since I've been gone I need the woods so badly I can't see Where your kin can look you in the eye With gazes gone bright as the Lady's sky To stay away any longer'd be killin' me Kevlan then begins to fade, singing over and over, "Coming home...." His gitar's rhythm finally trails off. Tamber sucks in a breath. And beams, brightly. Bernadette simply smiles at Kevlan, her reverant gaze never leaving his face. Kevlan ducks his head a little, and peers at his audience from under a dangling fair forelock, hopefully. Beth sets her now empty plate onto the sand and claps. Kesya claps softly, nodding appreciatively. "That was great." Bernadette springs to her feet as various voices from the crowd mingle to compliment Kevlan's singing and the song he chose. She cries "Oh, Kev...that was wonderful!" and throws her arms 'round his neck. Francis smiles and claps. Jerrik, and the sledtechs beside him, sensing that young Galahad's mood fits it, just toast him, rather than bursting out into cheers. But Jerrik's dark eyes are prideful, as he grins. Paul nods once from his sitting position next to Kesya. Aria smiles at Kevlan, "That was lovely..." Kevlan oofs a little, hugged, and mumbles, "Ah-Ah been workin' on that'un...."| Bernadette grins and says "So that's why you've been going off on your own lately." She smiles and hugs him again. Atropos smiles at the music. Kevlan peers briefly at Alexandra, looking almost as if he were a boy hoping an older relative might be about to approve his homework. Then he smiles to Bernadette, and drps his gitar beside him to hug her. Crystal resonance is humming pleasantly in your body. Non-singers around you see: If you happen to be near Kevlan, the hair on your arm stands on end. Feyr smiles faintly and returns to herself, remembering to pick up her plate from the sand and continuing to eat. Alexandra stands, smiling, and crosses over to Kevlan, gazing earnestly up into his eyes. "Ah c'n honestly say, Kevlan Sharr, that Ah ain't nevah heard it sung as well as you sung it t'night." She pats him on the arm and says "Thank you. Ah ain't heard any Estenar songs in a long tahm..." Kevlan's eyes light a little, and he just beams at Alexandra, relieved.... Alexandra looks down at Bernadette now and lays a hand on her shoulder. "You done good, gal." She smiles and hugs Berni, who grins back. [Here, as Kevlan and Bernadette both had to log off, we end the log.]