Jerrik Rawn Deegan has, for the past day or two, found himself taxed in fashions he'd never really expected a sled tech grunt like him would be in the course of his membership with the Heptite Guild. He's no psychologist... hells, he's not even as clever with his words as his friend Tamber, preferring instead to give silent if well-meant moral support. But now, Jerrik finds himself thinking his usual means of support just aren't enough. A slap on the back, a teasing grin, and an affectionately delivered nickname won't help his traumatized friend Kevlan... but, confronted with the sight of the young man seemingly turned into a six-foot-tall helpless child, Jerrik finds himself at a loss as to what _can_ help him. It's Berni who gives him the soft shoulder to cry on, and Tamber who speaks the soothing, gentle words. Jerrik... well, all Jerrik's managed to do so far is make sure Kevlan doesn't trip across his own feet when he tries faltering steps across the room. And the sled tech, unable to hear Kevlan cry out if he's not looking directly at him, has found it necessary to keep his gaze on the young Singer constantly during the time he's kept him company. Easier to do when Kevlan's asleep, but the boy's been waking up at such erratic intervals that Jerrik's found himself getting jumpy himself. Wouldn't do this for anybody but Galahad, he tells himself, as he eyes Kevlan's curled and blanketed shape on one of the room's beanbag chairs, with the rest of his attention on the solitaire game he's got going on the desk. But a third demand on his attention soon announces herself - Rhianna, who requests permission to visit the incapacitated Singer. Surprised by this particular visit request - and noting that Kevlan, his senses skittishly hyperaware, doesn't miss the muted sound of Rhianna's voice over his personal wristunit - is a little reluctant to allow this, but on the other hand, he thinks, it just _might_ help his young friend.... ---------- Rhianna steps in from the hall. Rhianna has arrived. Jerrik murmurs to Rhianna, "Easy, lass... " Across the room, the blanket-huddled figure of Kevlan shifts on the beanbag chair as he looks up timidly. Rhianna enters quietly and smiles a bit tiredly at Jerrik. Jerrik goes quickly to the younger man's side, as Kevlan seems to instinctively sink further down under the blankets, blushing. Jerrik tells Kevlan firmly, "It's okay, son, don't be scared now... " You realise that all of the resonance is now gone from your blood! Non-singers around you see: Kevlan seems to be elsewhere occasionally. Rhianna cringes almost unoticeably at her first sight of Kevlan, but clamps down on her own feelings as she pads quietly across the room. She only comes close enough that Kevlan can see her face and hopefully recognize who she is. Kevlan looks up at Rhianna slowly. His blue eyes seem huge and fearful in his thin face. Rhianna smiles warmly and settles down on the floor, to be close to his level. She speaks to him in quiet soothing tones, "I'm not going to hurt you Kevlan. Do you remember who I am?" Jerrik shifts his regard between the Singers, and crouches beside Kevlan. Trusting that Tamber's apprised Rhianna of their young friend's condition, the sled tech remains a silent but sturdy presence, reading Rhianna's lips. Kevlan stares at Rhianna abashedly before he gives a tiny nod. Jerrik's dark-complected face is just as grave as Tamber's was when Rhianna'd seen him earlier, but Jerrik at least seems more rested. By contrast, Kevlan seems a pale, listless wraith of himself - though aware of it. With a barely audible noise of distress, Kevlan tries to hunker down under his blankets as if embarrassed to be seen in this state. Rhianna continues to smile, "I remember you showing me a locket one one of those not so rare times we were stuck in the infirmary together." She looks like she's concentrating, "But I don't remember who was in the picture the locket held..." "Shhh, son, it's alright, don't hide from us... " His voice taking on an unusual firmness, Jerrik encourages Kevlan, "Can you talk to your visitor?" Kevlan swallows hard as he shoots a panicked glance at Jerrik, his mouth working noiselessly and with evident effort. But Rhianna's voice draws his attention back, and his hand starts fumbling for his throat - which is bare. Kevlan's fingers fumble for a moment before he looks defeatedly down, still silent. Rhianna continues talking quietly, though her gray eyes had caught Kevlan's movement. "Do you remember telling me stories of your family?" She smiles gently, "I'm still envious of you that you have them." Jerrik murmurs softly, "His family on his homeworld, anyway." He regards the youth gravely, but fondly. Kevlan's gaze stays down. His other hand, still buried under the blankets, moves a little; for a moment, Kevlan frowns vaguely and thoughtfully. Kevlan slowly moves that other hand into view; he's clutching an object, a small static holo. Rhianna smiles at Jerrik, but still talks to Kevlan, "You have two families, there are a lot of people here that care about you." Rhianna sees the holo, but isn't able to see who it is of, "Who is that, Kev?" Kevlan's mouth shivers a little again, but still he is silent. He turns the holo around a little, and you can see the small face within the clear surface: a dark-haired, gentle-eyed woman. Rhianna slowly slides a bit closer, but not close enough to be threatening, "Oh, she's beautiful." She looks from the holo to Kevlan, "Is this one of your sisters?" Jerrik encourages, "Tell her, son... " There's a slightly defeated note undercutting Jerrik's voice, as if he's been trying to make this same encouragement without result for a while. Kevlan looks awkwardly between the others, and finally mumbles thickly, slurrily, "Mama." He breaks out in a slight sweat as he speaks with effort. Rhianna tilts her head slightly to the side and regards him with a smile, "Oh, I should have known. Your eyes look so much like hers." Jerrik clasps Kevlan's nearer shoulder somewhat awkwardly himself, but earnestly. Less facile with his empathies than Tamber, Jerrik nevertheless seems to be striving to be as comforting as he can. Kevlan blinkblinks a little, and seems to relax very slightly. "M-m-m-m-mama's p-p-purty... " Rhianna looks back at the holo and nods, "Yes, she is. I remember you telling me about her." Jerrik smiles crookedly, and tells Rhianna, "He hasn't put that down in hours." Occasionally, your thoughts turn to your claim sites. Non-singers around you see: Kevlan seems to be elsewhere occasionally. Rhianna smiles back at Jerrik, "When we hurt, we all, in one way or another, want our mothers to make it all better." Kevlan looks forlornly at the small image, his eyes nearly obscured by his forward-fallen bangs. Jerrik flicks Kevlan a wistful look and almost says something, but changes his mind, simply settling for a gruff nod to the visitor. Rhianna distracts the other singer by talking to him again, "Kevlan, do you remember helping me when I got hurt so bad in that sled crash?" Jerrik nudges Kevlan gently. "Look at us, now, son... " Kevlan hesitantly peeks out from under his bangs. Rhianna repeats her question, "Do you remember that?" Kevlan slowly nods, biting his lower lip a bit. Rhianna nods, "And do you remember how scared I was and how you stayed with me in the infirmary so I wouldn't be alone?" Kevlan by way of reply automatically fumbles at Jerrik, who moves quickly closer, assuring him, "Right, son, like Tam 'n' Berni 'n' I are doing for you." Kevlan then shyly looks back at Rhianna. Rhianna continues in her comforting tones, "Everyone is scared to be alone sometimes. I'd like to help you as well, like you helped me then. Would that be all right?" Kevlan clutches the holo a little more tightly, almost as if he's a small child and it's a treasured toy animal. He regards Rhianna for a moment, wide-eyed, sadly, and abruptly seems more troubled. Jerrik nudges Kevlan once more, trying to get him to answer the question. Kevlan gives a little whimper, and finally blurts miserably, "N-n-n-nothin' c-c-c-c-c'n h-h-h-he'p, Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah... " As he stammers each syllable he blushes more deeply, and whimpers again. Jerrik says gruffly, "Lad, that's not true, promise. Shhh, now." Rhianna shakes her head a bit and talks soothingly, "Its okay. You've nothing to be ashamed of. I might be able to help you a bit." She pauses, not knowing exactly how to frame her next words. Kevlan curls in on himself a little, but looks up with a nakedly pleading gaze. At the word 'ashamed', tears well across his eyes. Rhianna bites her lower lip before continuing, "When I went through transition the symbiont brought a talent deep inside me to life. I can feel your pain and confusion, just as I can sense the feelings of anyone I feel close to." Jerrik blinks. Kevlan sniffles, looking very abashed, before he blinks uncertainly at Rhianna himself. Jerrik mutters, "Learn something new every day... " Jerrik doesn't quite look like he knows what Rhianna has in mind, but he tells Kevlan firmly, "Listen to her, now, she wants to help you." Rhianna blinks back the brightness in her own eyes, "You don't have to be alone with everything that's going on inside you." She shakes her head as she senses Kevlan may panic, "No, I can't read thoughts and I won't ever purposely use my talent unless you give me permission. But I might be able to help you fashion the tools you need to deal with everything that's happened to you." Kevlan mumbles huskily, as if by way of explanation, "'S-sall g-g-gone." His eyes full of supplication, he uncurls slightly. Rhianna tilts her head to the side, encouraging him to continue, "What's all gone?" "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah c-c-cain't... " Morosely, Kevlan trails off, his free hand again fumbling at his bare throat. Kevlan finishes, "'Mnogood." Thoughts of your claims pass through your head every once in awhile. Non-singers around you see: You notice that the thoughts of Kevlan seem to wander every now and again. Rhianna shakes her head a bit, "I won't ever believe that you are no good. You saved my hide and my life more than once. You taught me how to let people back into my life and how to care again." Kevlan hangs his head as Jerrik awkwardly sits down on the floor. Rhianna bites her lower lip again, "Kevlan, please look at me." Kevlan's brow furrows. He doesn't protest Rhianna's contention, but he does make a small weeping sound again before he looks up, eyes damp. Rhianna blinks back tears of her own as she speaks, "You have more good in you than anyone I have ever known. You don't have a cynical eye; you gaze at the world and love life for itself. I know you're hurting right now and I know you're afraid and I'd like to help you if you'll let me." Kevlan regards the other Singer mournfully, helplessness warring with the pleading in his face. Far more expressive than his voice is capable of being right now, Kevlan's eyes broadcast - at least, perhaps, to empathic senses - a desperate need for aid, but fear that nothing can help.... Jerrik finally asks, "Lass, what do you want to try?" Rhianna looks from one man to the other and asks, "Kevlan, are you having a lot of nightmares?" Kevlan pales and pulls the blanket around him tighter. The flash of panic across his eyes is answer enough, though Jerrik says gravely, "Every night." Rhianna nods slowly, "When we sleep, sometimes we feel defenseless against the fears that our waking mind can keep at bay. I might be able to help Kevlan build a sort of defense that his sleeping mind can use to keep most of the nightmares away. When fears that make a person feel helpless keep attacking him every night, very little progress that's made while awake stands up to the assault." Kevlan suddenly blurts, "M-m-m-m-make th-th-the dr-dreams g'way?" Jerrik straightens slightly. "He could use a peaceful night's sleep," he allows. Rhianna holds up a hand, "I can't make them go away. I can help you build a defense against them so that _you_ can make them go away." Kevlan looks tearily from face to face, visibly trembling. "Ah-Ah-Ah c-cain't!" Rhianna shakes her head, "You can. I'll show you how. You'll have to trust me and trust the defense that we build together." Kevlan again looks from Rhianna to Jerrik and back again; when the sled tech nods slowly, Kevlan pleads to Rhianna, "H-he'p me... p-p-please he'p me..." Rhianna smiles warmly, "I will help you with all I have." She stands slowly and walks over to kneel beside the chair Kevlan is curled up on. She takes a moment to calm and compose herself before she speaks again, "Kevlan, I need to touch you. My gift works better this way. Will you give me your hand to hold?" Kevlan slowly obeys. His big hand seems too fragile, too pale, and his fingers shake. You realise that all of the resonance is now gone from your blood! Non-singers around you see: You feel something is wrong as you gaze upon the pale face of Kevlan. Rhianna gently takes his hand in both of her own, then talks quietly, "Do you feel safe here, in this room while people who care about you are here?" Kevlan instinctively looks at Jerrik, who smiles a little, and gives a childlike nod. Rhianna smiles warmly, "Okay Kevlan, what I want you to do is close your eyes. It's okay because you are here where its safe and where people care about you. Feel my hands around yours to remind you about this place. Close your eyes and remember that safe feeling." Kevlan's eyelids, too dark and hollow-seeming, slowly lower. Rhianna speaks in soft reassuring tones, "Keep remembering that feeling because we are going to build a place inside you that feels safe like this." As she speaks you are enveloped in a warm comforting presence. She bolsters the feelings of security and being cared for. Kevlan gives a hoarse little gasp, seeming surprised at the outside rush of feeling. But the effect in his stance is dramatic; he palpably relaxes, sliding backwards to mostly lie on the beanbag instead of sit on it. Rhianna says "Now, I want you to picture a place you liked to go to when you were very young. A place where you felt good and maybe where you'd fall asleep on a warm afternoon. Can you tell me what this place looks like?" Kevlan's hand tightens on Rhianna's, though with a fraction of his usual strength. The feeling that broadcasts out of him is one of a drowning man clinging to a lifeline out of the water. Jerrik watches his young friend concernedly, remaining quiet as he trusts Rhianna knows what she's doing, but nevertheless looking quite obviously like a protective parent. Rhianna gently soothes him with her mind as she softly caresses his fingers, "I'm here and you're safe. Can you remember a place like I'm talking about?" Kevlan's mouth works a moment or two before he is able to mumble, "Tr-tree." Rhianna smiles, "A tree. Did you like to climb up in the thick branches?" Kevlan shyly nods - but readily, this time, as he clings to the hand in his. Rhianna continues to talk quietly, almost rhythmically, "I want you to remember everything about this tree. Remember what the leaves smelled like, what the earth beneath it smelled like, and the flowers or plants surrounding it. I want you to concentrate on the feeling of warm sunlight on your face as you relax there. I want you to feel the comfort of being there." Rhianna says "It feels a lot like being safe here in this room with those who care about you, doesn't it?" Gradually Kevlan's face turns as tranquil as it's been in days, making Jerrik smile in startled relief. Kevlan doesn't answer the question, though... Rhianna smiles and continues, "Keep this place in your mind. Does this place make you feel safe?" Kevlan slowly gives that same childlike nod. Rhianna nods to herself, "This is your special place, Kevlan. This is where you'll always be safe. The thick sturdy branches around you will protect you from anything and the thick greenery of the leaves will shield you from anything that wants to harm you. Here the warm summer sun will ease the tensions from your muscles and let you sleep soundly as if wrapped in a soft thick blanket. This is your safe place that you can come to any time and no one can take it away from you because it belongs only to _you_ and will protect only _you_." She closes her own eyes a bit as she speaks, surrounding him in a cocoon of comfort and safety; giving him a bit of her own strength to make his safe place even more real. You realise that all of the resonance is now gone from your blood! Non-singers around you see: Kevlan seems to be elsewhere occasionally. Kevlan makes a tiny, odd noise, almost a note of yearning. As if hoping to feel bark there instead of the cloth of the blanket, he turns his face slightly sideways. Rhianna nods, "Your safe place is real, Kevlan. You can't feel it with your hands, but you can feel it with your mind. What I want you to do when you are getting ready to sleep is to close your eyes like you are doing now and picture your safe place. Imagine crossing the grass to the trunk of the tree and climbing up to your special place. Once you get there smell the living protection around you, feel the rough bark and the smooth leaves. Let the sun soothe you and send you to sleep." Rhianna says "If in your nighttime wanderings you begin to feel frightened or uncomfortable, remember your safe place and flee there. Let it soothe you back to sleep again."" Kevlan sniffles a little; there's a glint of tears along his closed eyelashes. But the feel of his mind, behind the crying, is different this time - colored with a flood of relief and exhaustion, an automatic reaction to the easing of the fright built up in his mind. Rhianna expends what little is left of her own energy to strengthen the defenses they had built together. She gently removes her hands and places Kevlan's own upon his chest, "You have you're special safe place where no harm can ever come to you. Its time to sleep now, and not be afraid any more." Kevlan blinks a little, his eyes flying open, and he pleads, "D-d-don' go...!" Rhianna gently touches Kevlan's forehead with her fingers, "Shh, its okay. You don't need me now, you have a huge guardian to protect you in your sleep. Trust in your safe place, go there when you need to." Kevlan still has his other arm wrapped around the holo, and now, as Rhianna tries to ease him back, he blinks again. He frowns a little uncertainly as his body, snatching the opportunity to demand that he rest now that his mind has been soothed somewhat, makes him yawn hugely. Jerrik stares at Rhianna wonderingly, as he leans forward to agree with her, "You should rest again, lad, yes." Rhianna smiles tiredly herself, "That safe place we built in you is still there. Close your eyes and you'll see it... feel it. You have to trust that'll protect you from every possible harm." Kevlan mumbles - but this time, oddly, a little more clearly, "Fuzzyheaded." His eyes remain on the other Singer, though, and he tries to move a hand gone suddenly leaden back to her. Jerrik agrees mildly, "Symbiont's taking all your energy to fix you, Galahad." He grins a bit, studying his exhausted friend. Rhianna touches Kevlan's hand once again as she stands a bit unsteadily. The smile on her face is warm and caring. "The sunshine is calling you, why don't you close your eyes and let it help you sleep." Kevlan's hand drops heavily; his eyes drift shut once more. He is immediately asleep. Jerrik stares at Kevlan for a long moment before rising and moving to Rhianna's side. "I don't know what you did, lass," he murmurs, "but that's the best I've seen him since Tamber brought him home." Rhianna tucks the blanket up around the child-like man whom she had given all her energy to help. When she straightens she sways slightly and looks pale and exhausted herself. Jerrik catches Rhianna's arm with one dark-skinned hand, and offers solemnly, "I think it'll be okay if I leave him alone long enough to get you to your quarters." He adds after a beat, "If you can make it that far?" Rhianna chuckles softly, "Even though I'd like nothing more than to curl up in the corner and sleep for a week, I think I can make it as far as next door before I collapse." She looks back at the sleeping Singer once more in wonderment, "You know, I don't exactly know what I did myself. I just did what felt...right. I hope it was enough." Jerrik smiles gravely. "We'll see. I'll be here all night, so I'll know if he dreams. But let's get you to bed, too, lass. And... thank you." And with that, he escorts you out... [End log.]