Log Date: 2/17/95 Log Intro: This meeting takes place on Shankill, immediately following Kevlan Sharr's encounter with Jarred in the Catering Foyer. Summoned for his appointment with Guildmaster Maxwell, Kevlan discovers to his astonishment that the Guild wishes him to take a cut of black crystal to Hesperia and install it in a new communications relay for that world. Why _he_ would be picked for this is beyond the young Singer - but Maxwell seems to have decided. And Kevlan, morosely thinking that perhaps it'd be better than staying on Ballybran, when Bernadette's departure to Markianali is still so raw in his mind, hesitantly consents to this assignment. Maxwell then invites Guildmistress Leandrika of Hesperia's Artists' Guild to join them.... ---------- Maxwell inclines his head, as Leandrika enters in response to his communication. "Good day, Guildmistress, and do have a seat." Leandrika nods, and takes her seat. Kevlan blinks a little nervously, but instinctively rises, greeting the visitor with, "Howdy, ma'am... " As soon as the woman sits, he does again. Leandrika looks amused. "Good day, Guildmaster, and Singer, I presume?" Maxwell gestures at the young man here, and says formally, "Guildmistress Leandrika, may I present CS Kevlan Sharr. He has consented to perform the installation you request, and is the one who brought in the black crystal which will be used." Leandrika gazes over at the Crystal Singer with an appraising look. Kevlan tries not to blush, but can't quite pull it off. He quickly nods, though, as his Guildmaster introduces him. Leandrika hmms, "Have you been informed, Singer Sharr, that this operation is to be kept completely confidential?" Maxwell leans back in his chair, his dark eyes searching, as he observes the interaction between his Singer and his visitor. Kevlan blinks a little, and answers earnestly, "Well, uh... Guildmaster Maxwell tol' me Ah wasn't t' tell nobody why he wanted t' see me... " The idea seems to confuse him, but he adds forthrightly, "Ah-Ah-Ah c'n keep mah hat on it, though, ma'am." Maxwell smiles slightly at the young Singer's demeanor. Leandrika chuckles, politely. Leandrika nods, "I believe you'll do just fine, Singer Sharr. How soon can you leave for Hesperia?" Maxwell leans forward slightly, and informs Leandrika, "If you are content with our choice, madam, he may accompany you back to your world immediately." Kevlan relaxes, slightly, and nods wide-eyed agreement to the Guildmaster's statement. You say "Ah-Ah ain't got much stuff, ma'am." Leandrika hmms. Her brow furrows as she considers her options. Kevlan, his overall behavior suggestive of a shy small boy admitted to the intimidating company of his elders, looks tentatively between the two Guild leaders. His fingers are tightly interlaced with one another, and his foot twitches a little. Leandrika says "I'd-- I mean, the Council as a whole-- would prefer it if Singer Sharr could come to Hesperia in one galactic week, so that we may be prepared for his arrival, and treat him with all the respect due a Crystal Singer-- especially one who sings the blacks." Leandrika smiles reassuringly at the Singer. Kevlan blanches a little, and mumbles, "Aww, heck, Ah-Ah-Ah don't need... " Maxwell puts in dryly to Kevlan, "It would be good public relations for our Guild, lad." His slight smile remains, and he doesn't actively comment on the young Singer's frightened modesty, but it evidently has put him into an amused and not unkind mood. Kevlan does his best to look composed as he says earnestly to Leandrika, "Whenever y'all want me t' come'll be okay with me, ma'am." Leandrika shakes her head. "Nonsense. And in any case, we still have yet to find out exactly what sorts of clamps we should have ready for the crystals." She turns to the Guildmaster, "I do believe we still need to discuss the other hardware that needs be installed before the crystal can be installed, as well." She also seems amused, and more than a bit surprised, at the modesty of the Singer. Maxwell serenely nods, and replies, "I have already made files containing the data you will need accessible to your personal code. Singer Sharr has experience from before his joining the Guild with the tuning of crystal and its installation in starship drives" - he nods encouragingly at Kevlan, who nods somewhat dauntedly back - "so we expect that the installation should proceed without hindrance." Leandrika nods, "Well, then, I should collect the information I need, and get back to Hesperia. We will send an escort for you, Singer Sharr, in approximately one galactic week, provided we can set up the rest of the system that quickly." Leandrika smiles slightly. Kevlan nods somberly. "Yes'm." Maxwell states smoothly, "We will be prepared at the appointed time, madam Guildmistress." ---------- And with that, the meeting ends, leaving Kevlan Sharr to nervously face his first important assignment with the Guild.... fortunately for him, however, his friend Tamber al-Acorrin soon discovers what's going on, and commandeers preparing Kevlan for the trip (see my logs about their visits to the tailors)...