Log Intro: Up on Shankill Station, Kevlan Sharr and Tamber al-Acorrin await the arrival of their escort from Hesperia, now that they are finally ready to depart on the journey. The black crystal dodecahedron chord has been packed and made ready for shipment... all that remains is for the two men themselves to depart. They await their escort in the Catering Foyer, on the moonbase.... ---------- Linanna enters from the lobby area. Linanna has arrived. Linanna looks at you for a moment. Kevlan and Tamber sit together off in one booth, Kevlan morosely paying only partial attention to a small meal. Tamber is chatting with him animatedly. Linanna pauses in the entry, looking over at you two. "... ah, come now, my boy, it shan't be too terrible an experience, I can ssure you!" Kevlan looks up plaintively. "Aww, Tam... th' Guildmaster didn't say nothin' 'bout them havin' a music school theah...!" Linanna walks hesitantly to a service slot. Tamber regards his young friend benignly, and tsks. "You, dear Galahad, could teach a few of those so-called apprentices of music a thing or two about the art. Even aside from your chosen profession." Kevlan smiles sheepishly, then blinks, as he sees another person enter the foyer at this hour. Linanna taps atthe screens, staring at the choices as they scroll past. Tamber follows the Singer's gaze, and ahs, sitting back serenely in his chair and quaffing some of the contents of his beaker. Linanna glances over at the two of you, then ducks her head and selects a random foodstuff. Linanna spins the menufax around to display the drink selections. Kevlan adds awkwardly to Tamber, "It's jes'... it's jes', well, Tam, you been makin' a big deal ovah me needin' to act an' look raht an' evah'thin', Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah cain't he'p thinkin' they're gonna laugh me raht back heah!" Linanna peruses the selection of drinks, and orders some hot tea. Linanna takes the tea in surprise, then looks over at Kevlan. "Err...no one laughs at a Singer." Tamber waggles a scolding finger. "Nonsense, my boy! Granted, your grammar is often atrocious, but this is something that can be mended with effort; your accent shall simply endear them to your boyish charm." Tamber beams at the new arrival. "You are so right, my dear," he finishes. Linanna blinks at herself, and rushes to a booth,. Kevlan turns a mild shade of scarlet, while Tamber directs him briskly, "Simply avoid saying 'ain't', and attempt to keep your voice level, and I daresay you will do splendidly." Linanna looks over a Tamber from under her hair as she puts lemon in her tea. Kevlan with a plaintive frown does his best to absorb all this information, but he's looking rather overwhelmed. Linanna warms her hands around the teacup, looking alnernately into the tea and over at the other two. Tamber smiles benignly to the young lady while addressing his companion smoothly, "And if all else fails, Galahad, put on that wondrous garb Joran sold you, and sing to someone." Morcet enters from the lobby area. Morcet has arrived. Kevlan scoffs in the general direction of the table. "They ain' - um, aren't gonna ask me t' sing, Tam!" Linanna is sitting at a separate booth, warming her hands around a teacup. Morcet Before you stands a young man, probably in his mid-twenties. His black hair is bound in a silver band, but the ponytail runs halfway down his back in flowing waves. His voice is a soothing, rich baritone. He is sporting an emerald green silk shirt, which brings out the color of his smiling eyes. His ankle boots are a soft, black suede. Linanna smiles slowly at Kevlan. "That would be their loss." Morcet blinks, as he looks about the room. He appears to be looking for someone. Tamber's elegant eyebrows climb at the sight of the new arrival in the foyer, and his eyes glint appreciatively. Linanna Linanna is tall and gaunt, her long dark hair hanging limply about her narrow, angular face. Her cheekbones jut sharply over hollow cheeks, her lips are thin and compressed thinner. Her skin is deeply tanned, though paler patches seem to haunt her glowing blue eyes. She is clad in a fitting, bright blue spacer's bodysuit. It leaves little to the imagination. Her body is as angular and narrow as her face, her hips narrow and almost unflaring, her breasts small and high, her belly flat. Despite this, she is well-formed, though the initial impression denies it. Carrying: Linanna's Crystal Cutter Kevlan blinks at Tamber, then glances over his shoulder towards the door. Morcet smiles as he notices the man with the fascinating hair watching him. He approaches, and in a rich baritone, says, "Would you happen to know where I could find a CS Kevlan Sharr?" Kevlan manages a bashful half-grin to Linanna, in the meantime, but just as the young man at the door speaks, he blinks, and says earnestly, "Um... Ah'm Kevlan Sharr... " Tamber's eyes light up, and he rises, gracefully gesturing the newcomer over to their vicinity. "Might we be of assistance?" Morcet wanders over to the table, and smiles at Tamber. He then casts his gaze briefly towards Kevlan, and says, "My name is Morcet Zaldon. I'm a member of the Artisans' Guild-- Guildmistress Fallon sent me here to pick up CS Sharr, and his guest." Linanna looks over at Kevlan, eyebrows raised. Linanna looks back down at her tea, and sips it. Morcet sits down at the table. Kevlan too starts to get up, belatedly and awkwardly remembering his manners. He ohs, then flashes Tamber a glance to which the Sorter responds with an assuring nod; for a brief instant, Kevlan seems to be struggling hard for the right thing to say. He settles on, "Glad t' meet yah, then... " Kevlan continues, "This heah's Tamber al-Acorrin... " Tamber clasps a hand to his chest, and inclines his head smoothly. "At your service. I have been asked to accompany CS Sharr, as you have clearly been informed, good sir." Kevlan asks, only slightly rattled-seeming, "C'n we buy you anythin' off th' caterer? We were jes' eatin'." For once, Kevlan manages to keep the stammer out of his voice, but his knee makes up for it by twitching under the table as he sits down again. Morcet bows his head deeply to both of you, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "A pleasure to meet you both, gentlemen. " Linanna sips her tea, then stands. "I ... will meet you later." Morcet smiles at the twitchy Singer, "My good Singer, I was told that *I* should offer to purchase a meal for the two of *you*." He chuckles, good-heartedly. "That is, if you two would prefer to dine before our flight. We could, of course, dine on Hesperia, if that would suit you." Tamber's green eyes glint, speculatively, but he merely nods, scooting dishes aside to allow for clear space on the table. He lifts an eyebrow and slides a glance under the table at Kevlan's restless knee, making Kevlan turn pink and cough. Tamber does not miss Linanna's spoken words, though, and he smiles at her affably. Linanna smiles shyly at Tamber and Kevlan, tnods to Morcet, then walks out. Linanna leaves the dining room to return to the main corridors of the base. Linanna has left. Kevlan glances embarrassedly from face to face - sit _still_, boy, by the Lady! - and manages, "Ah-Ah've had 'nough f'r now, Ah believe... " Tamber smiles, and says engagingly, "It would be a pleasure to partake of our next meal on your world." Morcet nods, "As you wish, then, gentlemen." He rises, and walks to the nearest terming You say "Mighty nice o' you t' offer, though...!" Kevlan gets to his feet again, and regains enough composure to pick up his carisak without mishap. Morcet enters something in at the nearest terminal, smiling and nodding at Kevlan's repsponse. "It was my duty and pleasure, Singer." Morcet frowns. Tamber briskly gathers the few remaining dishes, whisking them back to the dispenser before returning to gather his own possessions. Between them, the two men have four carisaks; Tamber's are perfectly matched, clearly part of a set. Morcet says "I've spent so much time on Hesperia that I can't make the terminals work anymore! One moment more, gentlemen." Kevlan slings two of the carisaks over his shoulder, and blinks at the visitor while Tamber inquires, "Might I provide any aid...?" Kevlan nods earnestly, though, and tries very hard not to bounce on his feet. Morcet hmms, "I think I've got it, now..." You are notified that Morcet has transferred 200 credit(s) into your account. Morcet smiles, "There we are. Shall we make our way to the shuttle, then, gentlemen?" Kevlan squints as his wristunit chirps at him, but before he can ask why in the world he's just been given money, Tamber smoothly interposes, "At once. Come, my friend...!" Kevlan decides Tamber knows what he's doing, and that he'd better keep his mouth shut until asked about the installation details, maybe. He follows after the other two and strives to practice looking competent. Morcet smiles, as he leads the two guildmembers out of the foyer. Tamber warmly smiles to their escort, and asks on his way out of the door, "Shall you be able to tell us of your world, then? Neither of us have had the fortune to visit... " Tamber leaves the dining room to return to the main corridors of the base. Tamber has left. You step down out of the catering area to return to the lobby of the moon base. Lobby of Shankill Station(#0RJs) This is the small lobby area on Shankill, one of the three moons of Ballybran. There are five irised exits leading off into the rest of the moon station, and an archway which leads to the shuttle area. The arch has an opaque force screen below it which occasionally dilates to let people through. This is a central spot on the moon base and there seems to always be someone walking swiftly through the small area, intent upon their business. Contents: Tamber(#1213Pep) Obvious exits: Shuttle Area Meeting Hall Administration Transients' hostel Catering Foyer Guild Hall Morcet steps out of the catering foyer. Morcet has arrived. Morcet makes his way to the Shuttle Area. Morcet has left. The computer responds to your query with a pleasant voice, "You are a confirmed passenger for the shuttle to Hesperia which will be leaving in 5 minute(s). Please make sure that you are in the shuttle area at least 2 minutes ahead of time. Your account has been billed." You make your way to the Shuttle Area. Shuttle Area on Shankill A huge area filled with bustling people and noise. Periodically a shuttle launches from its bay with a whine of its crystaline drive into space. The area is kept scrupulously clean. Towards the north is the large, opaque force screen of the debarkation arch, a panel to the left of it blinking a small red light. This Moon Base is still under construction, so pardon any lapses for now. Contents: Morcet Shuttle bound for Hesperia Shuttle bound for Ballybran Shuttle Control Officer Obvious exits: Cargo Area Debarkation arch Morcet is placed into the cargo area of the shuttle destined for Hesperia. Morcet has left. Tamber enters from the lobby area. Tamber has arrived. Shuttle bound for Hesperia The inside of the shuttle feels confining. The seats are set close together and there are no ports which allow viewing of the outside of the shuttle. The forward section contains the pilot and is closed off. Each seat is equipped with a sturdy buckle. All passengers must be 'buckle'ed in before the shuttle will take off. Contents: Morcet You pass through the portal and into the shuttle destined for Hesperia. Morcet securely buckles in. Tamber passes through the portal into the shuttle. Tamber has arrived. Morcet nods to Tamber, smiling, "Hesperia is a nice planet, if a bit quiet at times. We're a rather small colony." Kevlan radiates barely suppressed nervousness, and often blinks a little, as if surprised that for once, his hair isn't falling into his eyes after the haircut Tamber ordered him to get. Tamber himself smiles placidly. "Quiet is frequently to be desired," remarks the Sorter. Morcet smiles, "Indeed. I just moved there but five years ago." The flight officer shows the threesome to their seats while baggage is efficiently stowed away. Kevlan with commingled relief and anxiety folds himself into his, and grins tentatively. "Ah come off a l'il bitty quiet world, mah se'f," he ventures. Tamber smiles to Morcet? "You mentioned you study with the Artisan's Guild... in what field?" The pilot announces that the shuttle is ready for launch and is now waiting for all passengers to buckled in. (type 'buckle' if you have not ready done so) Morcet smiles, "I mostly do metalwork-- sculptures and fixtures for the home. I do quite a bit of architecture on the planet, as well..." Kevlan securely buckles in. Tamber securely buckles in. An official discreetly checks the occupants of the shuttle against the passenger list. The shuttle shudders with the vibration of its powerful crystalline drive as it launches from the bay. Kevlan seems to relax a little - this sounds like a nice innocuous topic. You rise slightly in your seat with the weightlessness of space and are held securely by your buckle. You settle comfortably back into the long rather tedious journey. You awake from a slight doze at the feel of the shuttle descending and slowing with some retroblasts. The shuttle vibration ceases, signalling arrival on Hesperia. The Shuttle pilot announces over the intercom system, "The people of Hesperia would like to welcome you to their humble planet. Hesperia is a restricted-technology planet by choice, please respect their wishes. All people wishing to make Hesperia a more permanent stop on their voyage are requested to register in the Council building, located in the middle of Capisidra, Hesperia's capitol city. The people of Hesperia bid you welcome, and good visit." The shuttle opens its airlock and the pressure pops in your ears as the entry is unsealed. Kevlan releases the buckle around him. You step through the portal and onto the debarkation area on Hesperia. Shuttle Area The shuttle area is rather understated. There are step-ladders wheeled up to the arriving and departing shuttles, and human attendants care to all of the tasks that in most 'ports are handled by robots. There are no robots at all, in fact, and there are few trailers, used only to carry the heaviest of objects. The area is mostly surrounded by large trees, which bow and sway in the wind, and the scent of fresh earth and foliage pervades even your first breath on this planet. To the north, where most shuttles leave and take off, you notice a beautiful, large lake, the other side of which appears completely unsullied by man, as its verdant hills contain no signs of civilization. To the west lies a building, moderate in size, which has an elaborately carved wooden sign on it, bearing the words, "Welcome to Capisidra, capitol city of Hesperia" in a rolling script, surrounded by tooled trees of varying species. Contents: Shuttle arriving from Shankill Neiryn Leandrika Obvious exits: Welcoming Building A shuttle launches from its bay. A shuttlecraft has left. Tamber> You step through the portal and onto the debarkation area on Hesperia. Tamber steps out of a Shuttle. Tamber has arrived. Kevlan and Tamber emerge from the shuttle, Tamber smiling confidently, and Kevlan gravely earnest as he attempts to see everything quickly. Neiryn looks at you for a moment. Kevlan halts long enough to look admiringly up at the tall, tall trees before Tamber taps his shoulder and reminds him gently, "Galahad, my boy, we are to be met." Neiryn nods, glancing at you with quick, sharp eyes, "Welcome to Hesperia." Kevlan ohs, and nods anxiously; he and Tamber look over at the stranger, and Tamber is the first to respond with, "Many thanks, good sir." Neiryn sizes you up with his eyes. "Unfortunately, you are rather early for the Festival or I'd invite you over to my Gallery. But perhaps you are staying?" Kevlan ums, and ventures, trying to sound steady, "We come f'r business... " Tamber inquires, "Might you direct us to where we may find Guildmistress Leandrika Fallon?" Neiryn umms. "Well. That is rather difficult at the moment, kind sirs" he says disgenuously Kevlan frowns vaguely, as Tamber's eyebrows go up. "Why might that be?" the latter man asks? Kevlan notes, "She was th' one that sent f'r us... we come in from Shankill, sir." Tamber scans the shuttleport, wondering where that attractive young Morcet might have gotten to... but the young man seems to have vanished. Neiryn says "I'm afraid that I know not of Shan-kill." Tamber smiles, the expression equally ingenuous as the stranger's. "Nevertheless, the Guildmistress should be expecting us; is she unavailable?" Kevlan hoists his smaller carisak into a slightly more comfortable position on his shoulder, looking somewhat plaintive as he looks around for any sight of the woman he met back on the moonbase. Neiryn says "I'm sure she will be here shortly" Neiryn says "In fact, I was just coming to see her myself." Tamber nods thoughtfully, then with that same even grace, he asks, "Might you direct us to where we might rest and await her? The trip has been rather long." Kevlan smiles, tiredly, and agrees with his companion, "We're awful wrung out." Neiryn He is wearing a navy blue suit of fine silk. He is medium-tall with dusty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. His skin on his face is tanned, as if he spends a lot of time in the sun, but his hands are smooth as those of one who is unused to hard work. He is wearing a pair of loose trousers and accompanying long-sleeved, light blue pullover. The shirt has some paint stains on it. He is carrying a knapsack. Neiryn looks a bit suspicious. "I have never heard of this Shan-kill. I will take you to someone who can take care of you though." Tamber says "That would be most kind of you, my friend." Kevlan explains earnestly, "It's a moon. Shankill, that is... " Neiryn waves. "follow me this way" Neiryn opens the huge doors, and enters the welcoming building. The doors are shut behind them. Neiryn has left. You open the huge doors, and enter the welcoming building. An attendant closes the doors behind you, quickly. Main Room - Hesperia's Welcoming Hostel(#4867RJ) An aura of friendliness washes over you in this warm, rustic building, with its high ceiling and its dark hardwood floors. Candles burn brightly in wall-mounted wrought iron fixtures, and a nice-sized fire roars in the enormous fireplace. There is a corner for cargo, in which large bags and boxes sit with their brightly colored identification tags, waiting to be delivered somewhere in the city, or to be loaded on their shuttles. Opposite that corner is a flight of stairs with a dark wood plaque reading, "Transients' Quarters", winding up to a balcony beyond which lie the quarters for Hesperia's shelterless. Near the heavy wooden door which leads to the outer ring of the city of Capisidra lies a beautifully carved desk, upon which lies a stack of papers and a placard reading "Information". Along side of the desk hangs a large black wooden plaque, upon which a map has been painted. The shuttle area lies out the double wooden doors, to the east. Contents: Neiryn Information Desk Map Obvious exits: Door Stairs Shuttle Area Tamber opens the huge doors leading to the shuttle port, and enters the room. An attendant closes the doors, quickly. Tamber has arrived. Neiryn goes over to the desk, talking with an attendant there. Kevlan brightens at the overall decor... this place is downright homelike. Tamber pats his friend's shoulder, and Kevlan breathes softly, "Ain't seen trees that big since Ah lef' home, Tam...!" Tamber waggles a finger at the young man. "'You have not seen,'" he corrects drolly. Neiryn peruses the map of the city. Neiryn turns back. "you're in luck. The attendant here," HE nods to him. "Says that you are expected. but does not know where the Mistress was going to put you. You can stay here. Or find an inn in town Kevlan blushes, and embarrassedly nods, while he and Tamber wait. When the still-nameless man returns, Kevlan says, "Heah looks purty... " Tamber inclines his head serenely. "Indeed; these accommodations will be more than adequate. You have been most helpful!" Neiryn glances at the gitar. "Your music will be welcomed here. I hope we get another chance to meet. My only regret being I could not take you to she whome you seeked." Tamber inclines his head amiably to their benefactor, thanks the attendant, and leaves a message stating his and his companion's awaiting of contact while Kevlan blurts, "Oh... well, it's kinda gotta couple busted strings on it... thankee, though...!" Tamber smiles. "Perhaps we will have time for Kevlan to sing; we will see. But for now, I fear we both must rest. Thank you again, good sir." Neiryn chuckles. "If you'd like I can show you a shop where you could get that repaired. Kevlan, with that, is guided by the red-haired man up the stairs, but he flashes a hopeful grin at the repair suggestion as they go. "Ah'll 'member that...!" You head upstairs. Balcony The balcony is, like everything else in the welcoming house, made from a rich wood and elaborately carved. You can hear bits of the conversations from the main room from here, as voice carries well in this high-ceilinged house. Along the back wall, doors lead to the transient quarters for men and women, and the main room of the welcoming house is downstairs. You can see the main room with 'look main room'. Obvious exits: Men's Quarters Women's Quarters Main Room Tamber climbs up the stairs from the main room. Tamber has arrived. You enter the men's transient quarters. Men's Quarters This room, like the rest of the house, is beautifully crafted, from the carved door and bed-frames, to the embroidered quilts and fine sheets on the beds. Several beds lie in this open room, but it is obvious that few of them are in use. A sign affixed to the back of the door leading out reads, "Please enjoy your stay, but try to find a hotel or residence to house you soon. There are many jobs available here. If you wish to remain on Hesperia on a more permanent basis, please apply at the Council Center, located in the middle of the city. Thanks!" A carved wooden door leads back out to the balcony. Obvious exits: Balcony Tamber walks in, from the balcony. Tamber has arrived. Tamber has connected. Tamber> To: Leandrika Cc: Kevlan Subject: IC communique Text: Madam Guildmistress: CS Kevlan Sharr and I have arrived safely on your world. I fear our escort was separated from our company upon our landing, but we were helpfully directed to the Welcoming Building. Here, we await your contact.