Bernadette Marshall awakens to find herself - to her surprise - alone in the suite she shares with Kevlan Sharr. Concerned about where Tamber and Jerrik - not to mention Kevlan - might have vanished off to, she checks every corner of the suite, but she is indeed alone. Remembering that when she'd staggered back here from her trip to Shankill to find Rykos Knight here in the suite as well, she notes that Rykos, too, is not in the suite. Perhaps, she thinks, the others have taken Rykos somewhere? But that would mean that Kevlan went with Tamber and Jerrik... the thought that Kevlan has actually left the suite partly thrills and partly alarms her. But surely he'd be with Tamber and Jerrik. That, at least, keeps her from worrying too much. She decides to take the chance to place a call to Kevlan's father Orynn, who is waiting for a chance to see his son, up on Shankill. With Kevlan gone, this is a safe time to speak with the older Sharr... and thus, she calls him up on the terminal. The conversation goes - well, not badly. But Bernadette finds herself faltering, feeling only two centimeters high, after she hesitantly explains to Orynn Sharr that seeing his son would not be the best thing for Kevlan at this time. Orynn doesn't seem to receive this news well, but he does receive it. After Bernadette terminates the call, she finds herself shaken... and takes the time to try to clean herself up a bit, to relax, and to wait for the others to return..... ---------- After what seems like an inordinate amount of time waiting, the suite door slides open, and Tamber and Jerrik help a white-faced Kevlan into the room. Tamber is the first to blink, as he sees Bernadette awake once more. Bernadette, who'd been sitting on the edge of the bed wringing her hands, jumps to her feet and half gasps "There you are!" Kevlan blinkblinks plaintively, though his eyes seem to lighten a little at the sight of Bernadette. Jerrik smiles tiredly; Tamber ruefully says, "We are sorry to have left without you, my dear, but Rykos insisted on going to the Infirmary, and you were sleeping so soundly... " Bernadette looks swiftly from one man to the next, her eyes resting on Tamber as he speaks and she waves a hand. "It's okay...I just wish I'd think to ask the computer for whereabouts more often." The computer responds "Please specify your party." Bernadette scowls and ignores it. "Why did you go to the infirmary? Is everything okay?" Kevlan blinkblinks again, swaying a little, and Jerrik tells him gently, "C'mon, Galahad, you're exhausted, you need to sit down... " Bernadette starts a little and scoots out of the way of the bed, holding her hands out to Kevlan. "Did you walk to the infirmary, Kevlan?" She sounds rather amazed as she asks the question. Tamber tells Jerrik lightly, "As do you, my friend, and I; we have all had a long day." To Bernadette he adds, "Telandra had a crash, my dear. Rykos insisted on seeing her, and we had to make sure he got to her safely, as he could barely walk." Kevlan takes a few stumbling steps to Bernadette, and nods tentatively to her even as he wraps his arms round her. He says very softly, "Uh-huh." Jerrik smiles halfheartedly, thinking that if Kevlan wants to go to Berni, that's fine with him. He sinks down into the chair he'd thought of guiding Kevlan to, looking relieved to be off his feet. Bernadette holds Kevlan and nods at Tamber, looking a little bewildered. She then looks up at her fiance and reaches up with one hand to brush the errant lock of hair from his eyes. "Do you want to sit down or anything, love?" Kevlan nods, less slow to respond than he has been for some time, though his gaze still looks somewhat lost. Bernadette slips an arm around his supportively and asks "Chair? Or bed?" Tamber regards Kevlan speculatively, and says to Bernadette, "None of us wanted to leave Rykos alone - the poor boy is in rather nasty shape. But as he went off to try to take care of Bernadette, we thought Kevlan should get some rest." Jerrik nods, opening his eyes briefly to glance at Tamber's face to watch his words. Kevlan mumbles liquidly, "'Mtired, c'n Ah-Ah lay down?" Bernadette nods at Tamber. "Is Telandra badly hurt?" At the same time she murmurs softy to Kevlan "Of course you can, sweetheart.." and guides him to the bed, only to blinkblink when he's not looking as she realizes this is the most he's said to her since his return from Hesperia. She glances at Jerrik and Tamber in turn, eyes wide. Jerrik seems to be on the verge of dozing off; his dark eyelids have dropped. But Tamber smiles wearily at the small young woman. "Telandra was physically whole, but I fear that she took a blow to her head and was not recollecting her identity. A not uncommon malady for Singers, although she is quite young for such." Bernadette nods slowly at Tamber. "It's only temporary, though?" Every now and again your mind wanders to thoughts of freshly cut crystal humming in your hands. Non-singers around you see: Kevlan peers off into the distance occasionally. Kevlan sinks down onto the bed, looking rather relieved to get off his feet as well. His hands tremble a little as he touches Bernadette. Bernadette sits down on the bed beside Kevlan, and looks at Tamber for a moment before looking at the napping Jerrik and returning her gaze to the other Singer. "It's good that you got out, Kevlan." She smiles. Kevlan mumbles, "Rykos's hurt," as if by way of explanation. Bernadette nods. "I saw him here earlier." She lightly rubs the back of her fingers against Kevlan's cheek and says softly "You're a good friend to help him out." Tamber comes over and settles down on the nearest chair, smiling quietly at the two. Kevlan turns his face towards Bernadette's touch, as he says plaintively, "H-h-he cain't sing." Bernadette frowns a little. "He can't? Why not?" She glances at Tamber momentarily, then watches Kevlan's face closely as she waits for a response. Kevlan answers mournfully, "Spiders got 'im." Bernadette blinks and looks confused. "Spiders? I haven't seen a spider since I left Chanuuk..." Kevlan nods solemnly, but doesn't elaborate. It is Tamber who speaks up with, "I've read Rykos's file, my dear. It seems Rykos was attacked by a spider creature on Tyr." Bernadette raises her eyebrows as she looks at the sorter. "Spider creature? On Tyr?" She looks at Kevlan and says in a conspiratorial tone "Guess where we *won't* be going on vacation, ever?" Tamber smiles a little, sadly. "His file describes a 'hell spider' which apparently strove to... " He pauses, his nose wrinkling in distaste, and he regards Kevlan searchingly as if attempting to measure his possible reaction to his next words. Then he continues, "... insert its larvae into his spine." Kevlan frowns, shuddering, and curls closer to Bernadette on the bed. Bernadette looks horrified at the thought and tightens her arm around Kevlan's shoulder reflexively. "Oh my word..." she breathes. "It's a wonder he's alive..." Tamber nods gravely. "He was placed into a stasis field while Research and Development sought a way to remove the creature without killing him. They were successful, but I fear Rykos's symbiont has rather strongly overcompensated, and is attempting to heal him at a rate that astounds me." Kevlan huddles in Bernadette's arms and murmurs plaintively, "H-h-he knows 'bout th' dark." Bernadette blanches and shakes her head, clearly not wanting to even consider the symbiont's infallibility. She looks down at Kevlan and says "What about the dark?" softly. You say "R-Rykos s-sees it." Tamber murmurs softly, "Kevlan and Rykos have seemed to help one another, Bernadette." Bernadette frowns a little. "Well, of course he does...we all do if the lights aren't on...." She looks at Tamber and considers his words for a moment. She nods slowly and mutters "It's good someone can help him..." Kevlan clings to Bernadette a little more tightly. His brow furrows, and he shakes his head suddenly, mouth working as he tries to get words out. Tamber leans over - he is within arm's reach, and touches Bernadette's shoulder gently. "We are not medics, you and I, my dear. But we have helped, and are helping." Occasionally, your thoughts turn to your last cut of crystal. Non-singers around you see: You get the feeling that something is slightly wrong as you gaze upon the worried face of Kevlan. Bernadette raises sad eyes to Tamber's and nods with a small smile. "Just doesn't seem like it sometimes..." She shrugs a little and looks down at Kevlan, her expression instantly soft as she sees him struggling and she shushes. "It's okay, love...take your time...." Kevlan finally manages, awkwardly, touching his chest, "D-dark's in heah. Dark a-an-an' quiet, an-an-an' 'sall gone...!" Bernadette lowers her eyes to Kevlan's chest, then meets his blue eyes. "And Rykos has darkness in him?" Kevlan gives a crestfallen nod. Bernadette looks thoughtfully at Kevlan for a few moments and askes quietly "How do you suppose he could let light in again?" Kevlan says sorrowfully, "He g-gotta sing 'gain." Tamber slides a glance towards the pair of gitars in the corner, but doesn't comment, letting Bernadette coax words slowly out of her beloved. Bernadette nods slowly. "Yes...." She looks at the two instruments propped next to each other in the corner then back at Kevlan. "Maybe, to help Rykos, we should play for him?" she suggests softly. Kevlan starts shaking abruptly, and tears begin to well up in his eyes. Bernadette says softly "Okay, maybe not, it's okay." She thinks for a moment. "How do you suppose we could help Rykos to sing again?" Kevlan mumbles miserably, trying to bury his face in Bernadette's lap, "Ah-Ah-Ah cain't!" Tamber sighs, leaning nearer, regarding Kevlan speculatively. The Sorter's eyes darken for a moment, and he glances at Bernadette to see what she will do... Bernadette shushes again. "You don't have to, Kevlan, it's okay...." She rubs his back, but tries to keep him from hiding and repeats her last question softly. "How do you suppose we could help him sing, love?" Kevlan helplessly looks up, and stammers, "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah don' know... don' know h-h-how t' git outta th' d-d-d-d-d-dark... " He continues to cry, and his voice roughens over his consonants. Bernadette frowns worriedly and looks at Tamber as she tries to soothe Kevlan. Tamber murmurs mostly to himself, "How does a blind man heal the blind?" Then, he leans over to add his touch to Bernadette's, trying to soothe the distraught young Singer. Tamber says quietly to Bernadette, "He is exhausted." Kevlan sobs, mumbling something that is mostly incomprehensible, but the words "Go inna tree," can be gleaned out of the muddle of low sounds. Bernadette nods quickly and leans forward to kiss Kevlan on the forehead. "I'm sorry, Kevlan...I didn't mean to tire you so...." She presses her cheek to his, murmuring quiet reassurances. She frowns in confusion for a moment at the words she catches, then nods as she remembers. "That's right, love, go into the tree...and sleep, honey." Her voice is calm and soothing, but her eyes looked panicked...and sorrowful...and suspiciously moist Kevlan repeats thickly, "Tree," and huddles against Bernadette. Gradually, though, his shaking begins to subside. Tamber murmurs softly, "Yes, dear boy. Rest now." Bernadette squeezes her eyes shut and rests her chin lightly on top of Kevlan's head, nodding. "In the tree, love. You're safe there...." She rocks him gently. Kevlan after several long minutes relaxes, at least mostly; his right hand clutches at the front of Berni's clothing. But his eyes have closed. Occasionally, your thoughts turn to Ballybran. Non-singers around you see: Kevlan seems to be elsewhere occasionally. Bernadette continues to rock Kevlan gently, her eyes shut, for a few more moments before she opens them to look mournfully at Tamber. She mouths the words "I didn't mean to upset him..." Tamber murmurs wearily, "I know, my dear... I know. I fear he will be upset many more times, however, before we can get him whole once more." Tamber goes on, as he helps Bernadette rub Kevlan's shoulders and soothe him into sleep, "But I think we know now that he is convinced he is unable to make music." Briefly, the Sorter relays the exchange with Kasie in the Infirmary, and Kevlan's claim that he couldn't play the gitar. Tamber finishes quietly, "Now that he has seen the same proble in Rykos... I am unsurprised that he is in turmoil." Bernadette frowns. "Can't play the gitar?" She shakes her head, and still in soft tones, mutters angrily "What have they done to him? If I ever find out who's responsible...." She sighs and squeezes her eyes shut again for a moment while she regains her composure. She nods in response to Tamber's words. Tamber gravely nods, the sudden hard glint in his green eyes suggesting much the same sentiment. But he abruptly tilts his head... Bernadette's eyes flutter open again as she's once again sort of got her emotions in check and she glances at the SOrter again....curiously as she sees his tilted head, her eyes questionning. Tamber looks over. "A theory, my dear. It is obvious that Kevlan's self-confidence has been damaged... a fact I cannot help but notice, as I was striving to teach him more of that very same trait prior to his unfortunate capture... " Bernadette nods, as she waits for you to continue. Tamber looks down at Kevlan once more; Kevlan has fallen into an uneasy doze, curled as small as possible into Bernadette's arms. He says softly, "He has always lacked confidence in his abilities as a singer - both of songs, and of crystal. I cannot help but wonder if his capture attacked that very confidence. Surely I too would be sorely shaken, if I fell into miscreants' hands, and knew nothing of how to defend myself or free myself." He glances at Bernadette once more. "Particularly if those same miscreants took me because of the very skills in which I already lacked faith." Bernadette frowns. "So how do we go about restoring his confidence?" She pauses silently a moment and gazes at nothing in particular. When she focuses on you again, she says "I don't know how much longer either of us can stay out of the ranges, Tamber...and I'll be damned if I'll let him go crazy...or worse...from withdrawal..." Bernadette blinks as an idea occurs to her. "What aboout..." she glances down at the dozing Kevlan in her arms and mouths the next words in case the other Singer can hear her "...his dad?" Tamber's eyebrows go up. "You did mention he is here... " Bernadette sobers and nods, a blush creeping into her cheeks. "He is indeed...and he reduced to me to this..." she holds one hand towards you, her fingers spread about two inches apart, "...while you were gone and I told him now isn't a good time for him to speak to Kevlan." Tamber blinks, nonplussed. "Is our Galahad's father such a harsh man?" Bernadette's blush deepend and she shakes her head after a moment's thought and says quietly "Guess I'm just nervous talking to him...." Tamber almost smiles. "I can hardly blame you, my dear... but I do not know. I have not met Kevlan's sire, but then, I have never heard Kevlan speak ill of him. Perhaps he could aid us. But there is the problem that he is on Shankill, and we, and Kevlan, here." Bernadette says a little more defensively "BUt he kept saying "A boy needs his daddy when he's hurt" and "Ah wanna see mah boy" and being really firm...but he wasn't mean about it or anything..." She stops babbling and admits quietly "He just intimidates me, I guess." Tamber smiles gently. "Hardly the best of times under which to meet your beloved's father. I too would be intimidated, my dear." Bernadette shakes her head with a rueful smiles. "You? Intimidated?" She manages a soft chuckle. "That'll be the day." Tamber says "You would be surprised, dear girl, at the wide-eyed waif I once was." Bernadette lets go of Kevlan with one hand long enough to place her hand on your arm...a hand which displays absolutely no trace of resonance...and smiles. "I can't picture you as a wide-eyed waif." Tamber glances down at your fingers thoughtfully, his eyes not flickering into their red lenses, but nevertheless glinting critically. But the look passes, and he half-smiles. "You were not yet born when I was that waif. But there are holos - I can prove it." Bernadette smiles. "I believe you. I don't need proof." She withdraws her hand and returns it to its place protectively around Kevlan. She sighs. "Maybe we should ask Kasie if Kevlan can be moved to Shankill?" Tamber wrinkles his nose slightly, considering. "I am not sure it would be wise to move him, not till he is able to deal with the larger number of people." Tamber says "But it could not hurt to seek the advice of the meditechs." Tamber smiles at you, and simply nods as far as the holo goes. You can't quite tell, but he might almost look relieved. Bernadette nods and mutters "If only we could get Mr. Sharr down here..." She glances at you again. "But I woudn't want him to have to do the whole biomed suit thing...Kevlan needs to be able to SEE him..." She thinks quietly. "Maybe the terminal?" Tamber allows, "It might move him to want to go up to see his father himself. But I think that we should seek the medics' advice, my dear. One wrong word said, and his father may well cause Kevlan to break down." Bernadette nods. "You're right, of course..." She thinks quietly again. "Mr. Sharr said something about the Star Lady putting Kevlan on the earth to sing...." Tamber smiles in manner of one confronted with a poetic thought. "And?" Tamber pats the sleeping Kevlan lightly, as he listens. Bernadette blinks and looks at the Sorter, shaking her head with a shrug. "Just thinking out loud...but that might be an...angle, for lack of a better try." Tamber considers, again tilting his head thoughtfully. He finally admits, "I confess that is one... 'angle' I could not be certain of playing properly. Kevlan has far more faith in his Lady than he does his own talents." Half-smiling, he adds, "I for one choose to place more faith in palpable human endeavors, but then, I have always maintained that Kevlan possesses divine shoulders." Bernadette nods contemplatively "True, but maybe if we just mentioned the Star Lady and singing...." She sighs and shakes her head. "No, you're right. I don't know enough about the Star Lady to even attempt to use Her name." She gives you a half smile. "I've never been one for religion, personally." Bernadette frowns as she thinks some more. "Okay, so he's convinced he can't sing...and he can't play the gitar..." She looks down at the top of his head. "But he also is afraid to hear me play the guitar, or sing...." Tamber asks, "Do you think so?" He sounds slightly uncertain. Bernadette looks at you. "Well, remember when I asked him if I could play for him? He got really upset." Tamber says "Yes... but what did he say, dear girl? 'It'll go away.' Do you recall?" Bernadette frowns as she thinks upon it. "Yes, he said that....but what did he mean? Me? Or the music?" The Sorter considers, leaning back in his chair and letting you snuggle the by now quiescent Kevlan. "Would he not have said, 'You'll go away', if he feared you would vanish?" Bernadette sits quietly, pondering. "Maybe," she allows, "But he wasn't exactly talking really well at the time...he might have said one thing and meant another..." Tamber shrugs lightly. "I think you have assured him that you will not vanish, my dear. Perhaps you should assure him that your music will not, either." Bernadette leans her head back against the headboard and thinks. "Perhaps you're right..." Tamber smiles softly. "Music _is_ his life's blood, my dear. He needs to be reminded." Bernadette nods and glances down at Kevlan, that at her guitar, then at Tamber momentarily, before returning her gaze to the top of Kevlan's head. She clears her throat softly and takes a breath, muttering "Here goes nothing...." and begins singing softly... Gently, your eyes met mine Tender, trusting, true.... Gently, your hand took mine Thrilled me through and through... Tamber comes in very quietly on the chorus, clearly familiar with the words. As you both sing, Kevlan shifts a little, his brow furrowing in his sleep. Gently, oh so gently Gentle as the dawn Gently, oh so gently Our true love was born... Bernadette keeps her arms around Kevlan and her eyes on him, as well, as she continues. Genty, your lips kissed mine As we stroll along Gently, your heart touched mine Young, and warm and strong Tamber harmonizes with you, his tenor and your soprano the only sounds in the quiet room. Kevlan doesn't wake, but he does turn his face slightly against Berni, nuzzling at her unconsciously, almost like a baby cradled in his mother's arms. Bernadette snuggles Kevlan to her as she sings with Tamber, her voice a little stronger and clearer now. Gently, oh so gently Gentle as the dawn Gently, oh so gently Our true love is born You whisper "You feel rather than hear Kevlan sigh, his chest's slight movement signaling a slow release of tension within him...." to Bernadette. Tamber smiles slightly, remembering the _last_ time he and Bernadette sang for Kevlan. It had been to cheer him up then, as well... Bernadette looks at Tamber and smiles a little before going on to the final verse. Gently, the hour is near When true loves have to part Bernadette frowns just a little, but continues after taking another breath. Gently, we'll meet again One more kiss, sweetheart Kevlan reflexively moves his free arm, hugging at his love sleepily. Bernadette meets Tamber's eyes and harmonizes with him. Gently, oh so gently Gentle as the dawn Tamber, if he notes the significance of the words about parting, gives no sign, and simply sings, his tenor steady and strong. Gently, oh so gently Our true love was born Bernadette looks back down to Kevlan and repeats in song a little slower in tempo... Our true love was born Kevlan frowns a little, as if in confusion. As you trail off the last line, he whimpers just a bit, and his eyes flutter as if he's trying to wake up. Bernadette brushes her hand through Kevlan's hair, and sings "Home is where the heart is, and my anywhere you are. Anywhere, you home..." She continues humming softly. Kevlan blinkblinks, but his gaze is absent. He seems startled, but as soon as Bernadette begins to sing again, he settles down, clinging to her tightly. Bernadette continues singing and humming a medley of songs for the next few hours, until she's sang herself hoarse...but she tries to keep the music going for Kevlan's sake. Some time during all of this, Kevlan falls into a deeper slumber. And although he remains curled against Bernadette, his desperate grasp on her relaxes until he is simply cuddling her. Tamber maintains soft accompaniment, staying awake with you, and occasionally singing alone when your voice falters. He seems to know all of Kevlan's own songs - not surprisingly, considering how often the Sorter has sung with him. With her head leaning back against the headboard, her arms curled gently around Kevlan and her eyes shut, she weakly croaks out a few more verses and choruses before she shakes her head finally and whispers "My voice won't hold up any longer.." to Tamber, as she reaches for the glass of water you'd brought her at some point. Tamber smiles tenderly. "You have done marvelously, my dear. See... look at his face." Bernadette takes a long swallow of the liquid and leans forward to peer down at Kevlan's face; seeing the tranquil expression there, she looks back at the Sorter and smiles. "Next is to sing while he's awake," she speaks hoarsely.