Kevlan 'Galahad' Sharr, hearing that the Heptite Guild has several special orders pending for black crystal, proceeds to accept the first one he can get. Heading down to the Hangar, he is intercepted by a couple of his fellow Singers - Bernadette Marshall, herself on her way out to the Ranges. And Tance Vokrim, on _his_ way out of the Infirmary. Tance emerges from the ready room with purpose. Bernadette emerges from the ready room with purpose. Kevlan sings under his breath, softly, as he heads towards his sled with a carton in hand. Bernadette seems oblivious to everyone and heads for Corbin and the sled rack, intent on checking out her sled. Tance shuffles towards the sorting bay. His eyes are glazed, and his movements awkward... he halts, though, as Kevlan's baritone reaches him through the ambient noise in the hangar. Bernadette mutters quietly to Corbin, who smiles at her then looks a little concerned, but shrugs and sends for her sled. Corbin nods to Bernadette and manipulates the machinery to unload the sled from the racks. Bernadette's sled has arrived. Kevlan flicks open the hatch on the _Teesa_, smiling lopsidedly to himself, singing, "Ah wanna be free, oh yes, free, oh yes, free-ee-ee-ee... " Tance growls suddenly, "_Galahad_... ", eyeing the younger singer contemptuously and hobbling in Kevlan's direction. Bernadette looks around at the sound of Kevlan's voice and smiles. She calls out, "Hi, Kevlan." Bernadette's eyes shift towards Tance, a slight frown on her face. Kevlan blinks, and looks up, starting to smile in Bernadette's direction.... Bernadette starts walking towards Kevlan, keeping an eye on Tance. Tance spits, "'Hi, Kevlan!'" His voice is slurred, and from the way he's weaving on his feet, it's evident there's a large amount of painkillers in his system. Bernadette comes to a stop beside Kevlan, watching Tance warily. Kevlan stores the carton in his sled, turning slightly, a puzzled look flickering through his eyes as he faces the older Singer. "'Lo," he answers, readily enough. Tance snaps, "Gonna go out 'n' find more black crystal, huh, _Galahad_? Don't have enough credits yet, _Galahad_?" Bernadette raises an eyebrow at Tance, then glances at Kevlan out of the corner of her eyes. Kevlan stiffens at the other man's tone. His voice is quite calm, though, and still amiable as he replies, "Ah got me a special order." A few of the hangar techs, attracted by the activity, look up from their work. Bernadette nods, finding Kevlan's retort thoroughly sufficient and looks at Tance. Bernadette says quietly to Tance. "Hadn't you ought to be in the infirmary?" Tance bursts into raucous laughter. "Special? Oh, sure! _Galahad_ has to have a _special_ order, cuttin' regular crystal like the rest of us isn't _good_ enough!" He hobbles closer, and then barks at Bernadette, "None of your business, girlie." Kevlan frowns. "Ain't no way t' talk to a lady, Vokrim. You git. Git healed up, you c'n git out 'n' start cuttin' again." Bernadette sticks her chin out and presses her lips together, hands on her hips, as she glares at Tance for a moment before turning to Kevlan, ignoring the battered Singer. "Good luck with your order, Kevlan. I know it was really rewarding when I filled a special order for white dodecahedrons." Tance eyes Bernadette, and gives a sudden, gutteral growl, his haggard face turning white... Bernadette continues to ignore the older Singer. Kevlan takes a step closer to the wounded Singer, blue eyes suddenly gone hard. "Don't even think 'bout it." Bernadette returns her attention to Tance, staring coldly, levelly at him, arms folded beneath her chest, defiantly. Tance slides his glassy gaze up and down Kevlan's lean - unwounded - frame, and giggles slurrily. "Noble knight Galahad!" he cries sarcastically. Kevlan repeats, a firmness in his voice that usually isn't there, "Git on, Vokrim." Bernadette puts her hands at her sides and steps forward, standing a few inches in front of, but to the side of, Kevlan. "I don't need protection, Tance," she says quietly. Tance's mouth curls. Ignoring Bernadette, he eyes Kevlan stonily. "Gonna make me, pup?" he snarls. Bernadette says in a low, hard voice. "Do as Kevlan says. Leave." Nearby, one hangar tech pokes another, and muttered comments fill the air: "Galahad won't swing at 'im! He's hurt!" "Vokrim's a nut! Always knew it!" Bernadette glares stonily at Tance. Kevlan's stance alters subtly, the Crystal Singer's body remembering earlier days - of spacegoing, and more than a few tavern brawls. "Ah don't wanna fight you, Vokrim. You ain't got hardly any fingers on one hand, and your other arm's busted!" Tance's drawn face is crossed with a malicious smile. "Aw, ain't that just noble of you. So fardling noble you make me wanna retch! High 'n' mighty black crystal singer... " His eyes glittering febrilely, he suddenly lunges... Bernadette looks surprised and reaches out to grab Tance as he lurches past... Kevlan moves. And as the watching hangar techs shout out encouragement, Corbin summons a couple of his brawniest workers... but Kevlan reaches Tance, blocking the man easily. The younger Singer stands with his weight firmly planted on his feet... Tance lets off another low snarl of frustration, swinging at the boy, and cursing again as his ruined left hand refuses to make a fist. But Kevlan's arms are sound and strong... and Tance is pushed backwards into the arms of Corbin and his workers. Kevlan says tightly, "Git 'im outta here." Bernadette mutters about foolish old Singers. Corbin smirks, and says, "Our pleasure, Galahad." Tance shrieks, as he's hauled off, "Mark me, pup, your luck can't hold out forever! Lemme go, you fardling... " Tance ducks into the ready room, escaping from the swirling wind. Bernadette watches in disgust as Tance is dragged from the hangar. Kevlan watches wordlessly, and then, that hard look draining from his face as suddenly as it had come, he turns dejectedly to his sled. "Ah feel sorry for 'im," he murmurs... Tamber has arrived. Tamber runs out from the Sorting bay, frowning. "Did I just hear... Galahad, what's going on?" Bernadette shifts her eyes to Kevlan, saying nothing, her body trembling from her anger and, to some extent her fear. Bernadette snaps her gaze over at Tamber, watching him quietly. Kevlan looks up again, and smiles half-heartedly. "Tance is awful upset with me," he murmurs. Bernadette folds her arms across her chest and stands quietly. "Tance Vokrim," states Tamber decisively, "is crystal-mazed, as well as shot up with so many painkillers that it's a wonder he's awake. Neither of these excuse his being a boor." Kevlan shrugs a little, and ventures, "It... it ain't his fault he's been havin' bad luck." Tamber looks Kevlan up and down, eyebrows quirked. "My boy, I just saw him take a _swing_ at you. You're lucky he doesn't have enough coordination to handle a cutter." Bernadette looks at Kevlan. "It's his fault that he behaves the way he does...painkillers or no." She unfolds her arms and strides towards her sled. "Excuse me." Kevlan starts, and turns to Bernadette belatedly... Tamber calls softly after Bernadette, "Good cutting, my dear... " Kevlan cries, "Berni!" Bernadette walks past Kevlan, angrily, and waves a hand in acknowledgment at Tamber's well-wish. Kevlan's face falls, and he turns back to the _Teesa_, crestfallen. Bernadette stops beside her sled and says "What?" Her back to Kevlan. Kevlan swallows, and says huskily over his shoulder, "G-good luck... Berni... " Bernadette turns her face, looking at Kevlan for a minute before she sighs and says "Same to you." Kevlan risks a look around, and smiles wanly. Bernadette looks at Kevlan and twitches her lips in a slight smile, then turns around again and walks towards the sled's hatch. Tamber smiles slightly to himself, and politely voices a request for pardon as he steals back to the Sorting bay, satisfied that the disturbance is over. Tamber walks across the noisy bay and into cargo storage. On the other side of the sled, out of everyone's view, she leans her head on her arm against the cool sled and tries to regain her compusure before flying. Kevlan pulls in a breath, and clambers into the _Teesa Narie_... but not without a last glance in the direction that Bernadette vanished.