Log Date: June 11, 1996 Log Cast: Ayerth, Alorn, Karga Log Intro: Having caught Ayerth trying to befriend her human, Karga, Alorn has punished him by using her magic to block off his ability to glide, and by throwing him into the Cage. Karga has grown troubled by this, not understanding why Alorn has taken such a drastic step towards someone who was being nice to her -- but she is also troubled by Alorn's claim that Ayerth consorts with demons. Alorn takes the chance to use this as an excuse to teach Karga a lesson she is not expecting.... ---------- From behind the bars, Ayerth looks up from his seat behind the bars in the cage. . . Alorn moves to the edge of the bars and looks in. She smiles faintly at it's occupant. "Are you enjoying your stay?" Karga hangs back behind Alorn, frowning, her amber gaze unreadable. From behind the bars, "What kind of question is that? I hate this . . ." his eyes flick behind alorn. . ."" Karga says uncertainly, "" From behind the bars, Ayerth shifts uncomfortably behind the bars.. .his cloak has been tossed in one corner, a makeshift pillow, and behind it a small dall in the chosen style. . ."Happy now Alorn? I am out of the way now. . .your manipulation of Karga can continue unhindered. . ." "You were warned, Ayerth." Alorn glances over her shoulder at Karga for a moment before looking back in the Cage. "You should know by now that I always make good my threats." Karga, recognizing her name in the flow of elf-words, chews at the back of her lower lip for a moment. From behind the bars, Ayerth says "But to this extent Alorn? Tossing me in the cage and taking my powers? Nothing I have ever done deserves this treatment. ." Alorn shakes her head. "Wrong as usual, Ayerth. " From behind the bars, Ayerth looks back at Karga, then moves to the back of the cage. . . Karga blinks, a bit surprised, when Alorn suddenly switches to words she can understand. "" she says slowly, "" Alorn considers that for a moment before nodding. "" You look through the bars into the shadows beyond, and see.. The Cage Shadows, dark and dank and cold, flicker in the dim torch light that sheds faint light in the place beyond you. Twisted, thorn-laced bars keep you from that, and keep you locked in a small cavern which gives you no place to hide. All you do is visable, though you are probably so broken by now that you do not care. Contents: Ayerth Obvious exits: Out Karga says, lowly, "" From behind the bars, Ayerth looks up as his name is mentioned. . . Alorn nods again, lightly. She steps up next to the bars, resting her chin on one of them. "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" Karga's features are very still. "," and she has a slight emphasis on the pronoun, "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" "" Alorn then smiles at Ayerth. "" From behind the bars, Ayerth shakes his head in disgust. . ."" Karga points out, her child's face extremely solemn, "" Alorn turns to face Karga, tipping her head slightly to one side. "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" From behind the bars, "" a glare at alorn. "" Looking troubled, the human girl turns away, frowning off down the stairs. "" Her voice is very low, dejected. From behind the bars, Ayerth says """ Alorn does not speak, she mearly stands, watching Karga. Karga then turns her head back, abruptly. Her gaze has turned hot and pained, and she cries to Alorn, "" Her voice grows rough. "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" Alorn frowns slightly and shakes her head. "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" "" Alorn folds her arms over her stomach. "" Karga glances at Ayerth, then up at Alorn, and says bluntly, "" Karga suddenly grows much more quiet, and asks, "" Alorn pushes up her right sleeve, baring an arm that bears the scars of what might be bite marks, as well as several long, slender scars. "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "That's good alorn. . .treat her like a person when your control is threatened. .." From behind the bars, Ayerth grins at alorn. . . Alorn watches Karga. From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" Karga's stance eases, but only somewhat; the offer of a better place to sleep has perhaps mollified her, but not entirely, for her eyes are still wary. "" Alorn shrugs faintly. "" From behind the bars, Ayerth sighs and lays back, one arm around a small doll..." Alorn sighs softly. "Ayerth " Now, the human girl's eyes flicker unsurely from the elf in the cage to the elf without, and back again. From behind the bars, Ayerth sighs again. . ."Shadowfox From behind the bars, Ayerth just huddles in the back of the cage. . .looking tired and a bit afraid. . . Alorn snorts softly, turning back to look at Ayerth. " Ayerth?" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" Alorn nods a little. " Shadowfox " Karga frowns. From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" Alorn shakes her head. " Ayerth. " "" From behind the bars, Ayerth says "" [Not knowing what to make of this, Karga retreats from the scene. End log.]