Log Date: 7/24/96 Log Cast: Zichri, Karga, Alorn Log Intro: Alorn and her two charges, Karga and Zichri, continue in their stay on the beaches of the Vastdeep Water. Karga has been guarding, with vigilant care, the hawk's egg Alorn has brought her -- not only to watch over it for its own sake, but also to keep it away from Zichri, lest he break it. And now, as Azeure has come to find their campsite.... ---------- Zichri is beside the fire roasting a tiny little crab.. alive... Karga makes her way down the beach from its more northerly reaches, a leather sack slung over one shoulder, the pouch containing her hawk's egg making a lump under her fur-lined jacket. Before she fully reaches the camp, however, she pauses, amber gaze immediately on the second of the great hawks in view in the camp. Alorn sits near Zichri, absently working on carving something that might actually eventually have a shape. Zichri twiddles his thumbs as he makes the soon to be dead crab cook... Karga's face tightens at the second hawk, but at last, warily, she edges towards the camp. Zichri she ignores in favor of approaching Alorn, to whom she announces, "" as she unslings the sack off her shoulder. Alorn glances up. "" She holds out a hand, looking now at the sack. "" Karga presents it, then nods once, shortly. "" Zichri gets a lil idea and sends the tiny roasted crab to Karga.. "" Alorn opens the bag and looks into it, shaking her head. "" She pauses, glancing over at Zichri. Karga ignores the offer of the flame-blackened, squirming crab, her eyes clamped shut a moment; Alorn, at least, can see the brief tautness in her cheeks and about the corners of her mouth. But when Karga opens her eyes again, her gaze has veiled itself, and she curtly nods to Alorn, slinking off to the far corner of the campsite she's claimed as her own. Alorn just shakes her head and picks up her sentance where she dropped it. "" Zichri sends the crab back into the ocean... who knows.. it may yet be alive.. Zichri **My egg is fine** Karga drops down into the hollow in the sand by the shelter Alorn has shown her how to craft, and as she takes her flint knife to pry a rock out of the bottom of her boot, she says to Alorn, "" Zichri looks about for something else to amuse himself with Alorn picks a berry out of the bag and looks it over before eating it. "" Zichri doesnt seem to happy of that statement.. **It better hatch...** Karga lifts her gaze to Alorn, and comments, "" She glances down at herself, where she carries the elf's gift under her jacket. Alorn looks up, arching a brow. "" Zichri doesnt comment Karga slips a brown hand under her jacket, considers, then nods. "" Karga stares levelly at the older Glider, then, brows drawing together. "" Alorn nods once. Zichri gets up and floats over the water, looking out at the ocean. Karga slips the egg out of its carrypouch, and frowns intently at it. " haw-uk ." Alorn tips her head slightly to one side, then turns a bit to look at Zichri. ** And yours? ** Zichri sends **My egg is fine.** cause it is.. it's not broken.. though he hasnt noticed any noises from it... Zichri hasn't really been listening for noises either though. Karga, without asking Alorn, moves, then, grabbing an empty leather sack which she spreads out on the ground. To this she adds handfuls of sand from near the fire, and at last, she nestles her egg in this impromptu bed. The human squats, then, next to the egg, and peers at it. Alorn glanes meaningfully over at Zichri, then moves over toward Karga. "" Karga looks up at her mentor, allowing a bit of hope in her eyes. "" Zichri pointedly ignores this... his back to them.. Alorn chuckles softly. "" She leans back a little, thinking. "" Cautiously, the girl brightens. "" She whirls about to reach into her shelter, to rummage for the remaining dried strips of meat from the ravvit she snared the day before, while the egg nestled on the warm sand rattles. Zichri shrugs Alorn frowns a bit at Zichri and turns her attention back to the now noisy egg. She watches it thoughtfully, trying to remember exactly what it is one does with these. Karga mouths a bit of dry meat, watching, as the little hawk's egg gives another audible tap. Cracks begin to trail across its surface Zichri floats over back to dry land, and then stands and starts to walk off. Zichri walks along the shore to the south. Zichri has left. Alorn turns to look after Zichri, scowling now. Entranced, Karga watches the egg as it rattles, and more and more of its surface flakes free. The hatchling's beak can be spotted... and the human girl's expression fills with wonder. Alorn gazes down the sands at the rapidly vanishing figure, her scowl now more of a frown. [The egg eventually hatches -- and the wondering Karga finds herself in possession of a tiny, and ravenous hawk. End log.]`