Log Date: 7/9/96, 7/11/96 Log Cast: Karga, Alorn, SongBird, Goldensweet (run by SongBird), Zichri (spoofed by Alorn), Patience Log Intro: The Vastdeep beach camp of Alorn, Zichri, and Karga has for the most part gone undisturbed. Only one stranger, an elf called WaveDancer, has found their camp and witnessed Karga's presence there; Karga herself has been spending as little time as possible in Alorn and Zichri's company, as she struggles with whether she wishes to stay with them. Only the need to care for the hawk's egg which she has accepted from Alorn -- and for which she doesn't yet know how to care -- has kept her from fleeing; the hawk's egg, and the fact that Karga is still troubled over Zichri. But before she decides either way, more strangers find their camping place.... ---------- The beach is rather crowded, at least compared to what it has been. Alorn sits up near the high water mark, looking down toward the water itself, where a small blonde elf lies, half in and half out of the water. A small winged thing darts around that elf, pulling gently at her hair and chattering rather loudly. Zichri is here as well, looking less than pleased about something. As usual. Goldenwing flutterflits over to the seated elf. ~Tallhighthing helphelp beesweethair? No make wrapstuff?~ Alorn considers, still watching the prone figure. Before she can answer, though, Zichri pipes up. "Go ahead and wrap her! Wrap yourself, too!" Up the beach, the barefoot figure of Karga comes loping into view. Thegirl has gotten taller, arguably gawkier, over the last few moons, but for now, at least, she moves with reasonable assurance. Toted on one hip is the pouch she uses to gather food. The bug flitflutters over nearby the smaller elf. ~*Splut*~ ~Helphelp Beesweethair!~ Alorn nods a bit to the bug, but gives her son a warning glance. He shrugs and crouches by SongBird to watch. SongBird is once again the attention of the bug, which proceeds to land in her hair, patpatting her face. ~Wakewakeup Beesweethair!~ Up the beach, Karga spies the crowd near the campsite, and slows, scowling. Goldenwing Goldenwing is aptly named, it's wings a brilliant yellow and orange color. The wings are mainly yellow, with only small bits of orange that match the skine hue of the preserver, a bright orange. Goldenwing's personality is exactly as her coloring, bright and energetic, too energetic in fact, just ask anyone. Goldenwing is always flitting about, from one thing to the next, always looking for more 'highthings' to take care of and look over. Goldenwing's eyes light up as you look it's way, suddenly you wished you hadn't seen the annoying bug. SongBird Young and lithe, this small blonde elf seems to have all the joys of the world wrapped around her. Frequently lost, SongBird doesn't mind. She just pushes her blonde hair out of the way, and peers about with her blue-green eyes. Now in that long golden summer of her years, her youthful litheness is slowly being replaced by an older beauty. Zichri glares at the bug and tries to wipe off the wrapstuff inflicted on him. "No." He tells it and throws more sand. Goldenwing ignores the small elf now. ~Beesweethair! Wakewake!~ It moves towards her ear, inhaling, then: ~~Breee-deee-deee Breee-deeeeeeee-deeeeeeeeet!~~ Alorn stays where she is, absently tracing patterns in the sand with one hand. And still she watches. When the bug starts to screech, she winces. ~Beesweethair needhelp! Tallhighflything help Beesweethair!~ ~~Breee-deeeee-deeeeeeet!~~ The blonde form twitches weakly again. Karga comes to a halt, staring at the... thing she can see clearly, now. What in the name of... she doesn't complete the thought, and as she spies Zichri present at the camp, she stills herself. She's learned better than to let Zichri see her troubled, or scared, about anything. "Then you help it, bug." Alorn holds out a hand to Zichri, who tosses a small shell at Goldenwing before heading up toward his mother. Halfway there he pauses, noticing Karga. "You're back too, huh?" Alorn glares at him again, then glances over at Karga. "" Karga frowns, brown hand still on her pouch of gathered eggs, pilfered from what nests she could find on the beach. She nods shortly to Alorn, keeping most of the rest of her attention divided between Zichri and the strange Others. The bug continues to sing in the ear of the elf it sits on. ~~BREEEEE-DEEEEEE-DEEEEEEDEEEE-DEEEEEEEET!~~ Alorn points to the sand beside her, looking quite meaningfully at Zichri. Grudgingly he sits, then turns his attention back to the bug. SongBird twitches again, a weak motion. Zichri glances up at Alorn, then peers around the sands nearby. When she isn't watching, he picks up small rocks and more shells, settling them in his lap. ~~BREEEEE-DEEEEEEE-DEEEEEEET! BREEEEEEE-DEEEEEEEET!~~ Karga finally points with her free hand, towards the form on the beach. "" Her finger takes in the Preserver, as well. Alorn watches the pair by the water for a moment before answering. "" A brief pause. " Preserver." Goldenwing crees to the elf. ~Wakewake Beesweethair!~ Zichri picks out one of his sharper shells and pitches it in at the noisy bug. " pest." The bug flutters, looking up to ~*Splut*~ towards the sitting elf. Karga's face darkens. "" she demands. Setting down the food-pouch, she approaches the fallen figure, and eyes the... what IS that colored thing?... flittering about it. Zichri throws another, sticking his tongue out. "You can't hit me from that far away." Alorn sighs softly, then nods. "" The bug crees at the elf some more. Karga reaches the elf on the sands, stands over, it, and scowls down at it, and the shrill-voiced bug-thing. Then she flicks a yellow gaze -- though arguably a troubled one -- back at Alorn. "" The softest of weak coughs issues from the limp form... to the loud delight of the bug. "" points out Alorn, "" The Glider shrugs lightly, reaching over to disarm Zichri. "" ~Beesweethair coughcough!!~ Karga jerks back at the voice issuing from the flittering creature. "" she demands, pointing at it, now. Again, the small form coughs. Zichri rolls his eyes. Stupid human, doesn't know anything. "" Alorn nods lightly to that. " Preserver. " Hazy blue eyes flicker open. It's doubtful she can see at this time. Karga reaches to poke at the Preserver, half-scowling, half-curious. But the stirring of the demon catches her attention, more, and she freezes a moment, before staring down at it, again. _This_ is a demon? This small, delicate thing? Delicate indeed, frail, even. The bug turns and ~Breeeedtts~ at the new form warningly. Alorn reverts to watching, mostly silent. Beside her, Zichri as well watches, only he plots as well. Another frail cough. Water comes with this cough, lending to more coughs. Karga jerks back, staring, fascinated. Demons cough up water? SongBird coughs again, the bug patpatting her. ~Yesyes, Beesweethair coughcough up nastybad water. Poor Beesweethair no breathe water!~ The elves on the beach continue to watch, both apparently silent. SongBird moves slightly now, the bug happier. Karga crouches back slightly, still watching in utter fascination, but her wary scowl remains on her face. Is the demon going to live? Karga's hand closes on the spear without which she goes nowhere. Goldenwing crees happily as its elf attempts to sit She doesn't exactly sit, no... she more or less rolls over and coughs up lungfuls of water. Alorn watches this all for some time before speaking again. "" Karga frowns. "" She does not try to pronounce 'Preserver', but she does flit her free hand at the little thing. "" Goldenwing eeeks, and flits out of the way of the water. ~No get Goldenwing wetwet! Nastybad water!~ Alorn shakes her head, then looks up at something. She frowns and shakes her head again. "" SongBird leans against the sand, her head down, trying to take a lungful of air into water-damaged lungs. Alorn narrows her eyes faintly and looks at the sand. SongBird sits up now, blinking sea-green eyes, Karga skitters back, scowl deepening, hands closing on her spear. The bug sits on her shoulder now, happily creeing to her. SongBird looks at the water and shivers, thoughts crossing her mind... Karga clings to her spear, and squints at the little elf. "" Alorn shrugs lightly. "" Said little elf watches the water with a dumb expression. Patience has arrived. Karga jabs a brown finger at the Preserver, and asks Alorn, "" Goldenwing is too busy watching the elf to answer. The Glider tips her head slightly to one side and looks at the Preserver. After a moment, she nods. "" Karga, as neither the little demon nor the creature with wings seem inclined to do anything dangerous, continues to stare at them, fascinated. At least for the moment, she does not notice that a stranger has come within view of their camp -- if indeed the stranger is visible. Patience This petite Wolfrider has finally succeeded in integrating her blood and her Island home into a unique self. She wears a scant leather top, no more than a halter knotted closed through a ring of coral between her breasts and a blousy skirt of woven cloth. An odd belt made of many separate lengths of leather circles her waist and hips without any apparent pattern. Her hair is a rich chestnut color, short all around except for two chin-length tails, one in front of each ear. Eyes a pale blue like the cloudless sky are as friendly as they are shy, slow to meet yours, but sparkling with warmth and gentle confidence. She wears a necklace of two circles, silver inlaid with gold, showing the Child Moon in her Mother's arms, and a silver and blue-stone braclet that slips between her wrist and elbow. Both ornaments are tokens from beloved mothers, one from the sea and one from the shore. Carrying: Crystal Dagger belt Patience shifts slightly, rolling over to face the voices as she wakes The small blonde elf simply stares mute and dumb at the water. Karga finally declares bluntly, "" Patience blinks once or twice, trying to place the strange words Mute, the small elf in question starts to shake. Alorn chuckles softly, nodding to Karga. "" Karga's black brows draw together over her nose, giving her a fierce look, but as the human girl flicks her gaze back to Alorn, that look wavers, slightly. "" Does she notice the slight quaver in her voice? Alorn folds her hands together, steepling fingertips. "" A wave laps at the silent elf's feet. The small elf suddenly becomes all feet and hands, scrambling backwards a foot or two. Patience draws her feet under her, staying beneath the sheltering bush still Karga's eyes darken. "" Karga, with that, stands, and hefts her spear. She moves it towards the small creature by the water, and barks, "" Alorn chuckles again, quietly. She leans forward a bit, quirking a brow. "" A soft keening sound from the small elf. She remains shaking, staring at the water in terror. Karga snaps to Alorn, "" The gawky human pokes the small elf harder, then, with the butt of her spear, and yells, "" The small elf only shifts slightly, the odd keening becoming strangely melodic. Alorn nods a bit, picking herself up off the sand. "" She considers for a moment, chewing on her lower lip. "" Karga, seeing no response to her spear-poke, growls, "" She lunges, then, with one hand, clearly intending to grab the small elf with it. She is an easy catch, seeming to see nothing but the water that sits before her, singing now a strangely hollow melody. Karga shouts, hoarsely, "" Dropping her spear, Karga rattles the limp form's shoulders, her eyes now blazing, her face contorted. The Glider moves over, pausing to rest a hand on Karga's shoulder. "" Shaken, the small form only continues to sing, the melody shaking as she is shaken, yet reedy and thinly terrified. Karga holds the smaller form in her strong young hands, then abruptly drops it, and spits to one side, disgusted. "" The small elf lands, now senseless, in the sand. Karga stands there, trembling now -- if Alorn notices. Alorn brings up her other hand, placing it on Karga's other shoulder. "" Goldenwing flits above Song, landing on her chest, she moves up to her face and tugs on one of her lips, ~Beesweets upup! Sing 'gain! Goldenwing sing with!~ The small elf twitches, a low keening cry issuing. Karga's two fists clench. "" she repeats, but now her voice is far less certain, carrying a ragged and anguished tone. Alorn withdraws her hands, folding them again. "" SongBird continues to softly moan, the moan turning into a low song "" mumbles the girl, at last, still scowling, but much more sullenly now. Conscious of Zichri lurking in the camp, watching all this with his supercilious smirk, she remains stiff of carriage, fists balled. Karga's gaze turns oddly distant. Goldenwing moves onto Song's forehead and belts out a rather loud and obnoxious tune, if you could call it that. Seeing Song's eyes still closed she tries to open them, by pulling on the eyelashes. ~Beesweets all wake up! Goldenwing make prettyhair 'gain!! And Sing!!~ "" asks the Glider, still watching. Now she holds out a hand, toward the Preserver. "" When the thing starts singing again, she sighs. "Goldenwing?" The song is familiar to SongBird, even if it is racious. It begins to pry her out of her trauma. Karga jerks away, then, eyeing the Preserver, and finally grabbing her spear, as if for some odd kind of comfort. "" she blurts at Alorn, too promptly, her gaze still oddly unseeing. "" Goldenwing continues singing, its hands between its feet, almost like a sitting wolf. It pauses for just a moment to look at the flyhigh curiously. ~Want Goldenwing make prettyhair? Is GOOD!~ "" Alorn keeps her hand out to the bug, nodding. "" Karga yells, abruptly, "" She whirls on Alorn, still fiercely clinging to her spear. Goldenwing dashes to Alorn.. though not to her hand.. Rather her hair. ~Is good! Goldenwing make all prettypretty!~ SongBird's singing rises now, a hollow terrified sound./ Alorn scowls a bit at the bug.. oh well, at least it's not trying to wake the 'demon' up. "" Karga edges back a step, still not trusting this fluttering creature, nor the prone demon. A derisive snicker from the direction of the camp makes her turn noticeably crimson, and she strives to make up for it by growling, "" Goldenwing divebombs into Alorn's hair and continues singing loudly, trying to drown out the sound of Songbird's horrible singing. She happily starts tying /pretty/ knots into Alorn's hair, and pulling the hair up and tangling in with it. SongBird pushes herself into a semi-seated position, singing softly Karga flashes her yellow gaze to the rising demon. For all the human girl's fierce glower and stance, there's a real fear in her eyes, and her grip on her spear tightens. "" Alorn again scowls up at the Preserver. "Why don't you find some flowers?" She asks, then looks back at Karga. "" Another scowl as the bug pulls hard. "" Karga stares hard at the demon, and snarls, "" Alorn nods a bit. SongBird shivers as her blue-green eyes scan the water again, and she grows oddly silent Goldenwing pauses for a moment in her singing, though not in her tying knots.. she looks over at Songbird, ~Beesweetshair want flowers too? Bring pretty shaperocks!~ Karga glowers at the little elf, then, pondering Alorn's words, her gaze smoldering. "" she says suddenly, coldly. Alorn nods again to Karga. "" She reaches a hand up to poke at Goldenwing. "She does. Go find some." A sudden sharp keening, and SongBird scuttles away from the water some more. Karga demands, "" Goldenwing flits away from Alorn, though not to get soem flowers.. instead it tries to wrapstuff the water, as it the wrapstuff floats on the water and sinks it scowls down at the defiant water. ~Is nastybad. No good for wrapstuff. Badbad.~ "" The Glider steeples her fingers together again, watching. Karga frowns, not liking this, not trusting. "" "" Karga glowers. "" She knows water. Water she fears. But as big blue-green eyes turn now to regard the one standing over her, a dumb confusion settles. Human, she does not know. So she does not fear. "" Alorn frowns a bit. "" Goldenwing flits to Song, ~Beesweets awake! Is good! Now /really/ sing with Goldenwing and Goldenwing make prettyhair!~ Karga cries, "" Her gaze flashes fully to Alorn now. Alorn nods a bit. "" Wide blue-green eyes blink as she absently reaches out to offer a hand to the Preserver. What is this thing that screeches so? "" insists the human. "" answers Alorn, shaking her head. "" Goldenwing flies to Song's hand, landing lightly, it's grin nearly splitting it's face in half. ~Goldenwing make prettyhair? Yesyes?~ Karga's voice suddenly drops again. "" Alorn nods slightly. "" SongBird absently gives the a scritch on the back, nodding. Goldenwing oooohs! and darts into Songbird's hair, happily tying /pretty/ knots.... SongBird, for her part, simply blinks at the other, noting the small ears and odd hands. Alorn reaches a hand up to her hair and attempts to undo a knot. SongBird seems to be totally oblivious to the bug's antics, not even wincing when the bug pulls too tightly. [To be continued...]