"Swim of the New Moon" Log Date: 7/28/00 Log Cast: Artin, Mele, Makani, Shalestra, Kaiulani, Garret, Okalani, Tsaruko, Akane and Ronan (NPCs emitted by Kaiulani), Shiri (NPC emitted by Mele), Raijin Log Intro: Kaiulani has basically been a one-course vessel ever since coming to the lander city of Haven, thanks to the mystery of the unknown man who's watched over her since she was a child dominating her existence. It can't help but do so, since Sarojin, her cousin and Decemvir, has insisted upon keeping her under constant guard every time she leaves the shelter of the Korallion. But occasionally other matters of life penetrate the maiden's sphere of daily activity; oh, to be sure, she's sought advice about her mystery guardian from both Okalani and Naiadre in the temple of Pasiphae, but she's also sought out Naiadre's help for training her erratic mental control--and she's willingly listened to the counsel of the Lirite Loire as well, when it comes to Pasiphae. She's been concerned about the strange feral dolphin graisha involved with Jasmine, and with the interactions between Okalani, mother of Pandion's own heir, and Sarojin. And tonight, even though thoughts of her loyal guardian are never far from her mind, Kaiulani will get another outlet for her ebullient spirit: the Great Swim in which both followers of Pasiphae and the Great Mother Water celebrate the New Moon.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Afternoon Date on Aether: Thursday, November 7, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waxing Gibbous Season: Fall Weather: Rain Temperature: Cool *==========================================================================* You swim through the carved opening and out into the ocean. Deep Central Bay - Haven Bay - Ocean The calm waters of the bay are deeply relaxing, the surge of the ocean muted here to a deep, slow thrum by the sheltering arms to the east and west. Gentle currents playfully tug without the instance to swim of the deeper water-ways. Fish wriggle past singly and in pairs and rarely in larger schools but even more plentiful hunting is evident in the waters to the south. The bay is shallow, just deep enough here in its center to take the deep-draft vessles of the open ocean. It is clear that only the very few berths at the ends of the docks to the west can accomodate the larger vessles. Soft, silvery sands cover the bottom of the ocean, occasionally broken up by a few patches of coral or plant groupings. The bay stretches for some distance in all directions, but the sands themselves gently slope upward towards the north and west. In the east, the shadow of the bluffs loom, casting their darkness into the waters. The ocean itself opens into infinate blue to the south. The foundation of the Korallion looms here, rising in its own sort of splendor from the ocean's floor. Every last curve of it is Shaped stone, coaxed to thrust itself from the sand in order to support the massive structure overhead. Passages open around its entire base, allowing for underwater sea-traffic to flow into and out of its winding halls. One particular prominant entrance opens into the central grotto of the Korallion. It cannot be missed. Contents: Tsaruko Mele Zehran Garret Shalestra Okalani Artin(#1474PVcem$) Makani Obvious exits: Surface Ocean Bay Cavern Entrance Training Area Artin sways slightly in the current, smiling slightly despite the solemnness of the occasion. Like all the others he waits expectantly for the priestess to begin. The arrival of the larger creature startled him for a moment, until he realizes it for the mostly harmless creature that it is. Among the water-worshippers is Mele, a red-headed Atlantean, wearing a loin-cloth. She glances quickly at the Pasiphae-worshipers not far away, but only touches their minds briefly to let them know that she know they are there. She greets the Water-worshipers with warmth, and with confident strokes she swims near Garret. Makani glances at the whale-shark and smiles...her uniform bobbing lightly in the water.. Shalestra idly reaches out a hand letting it trail across the dolphin's back as it glides by her, her pale eyes turning upward to watch the appearance of the Priestess. And that appearance helps boost her inner strength, quells some of her doubts about this endeavour. Doubts that resurface briefly when she notes that massive shape looming in the shadowy depths.. until she sees just what manner of creature it is and relaxes slightly again. Spring Tide, the highest one of the year it is said and indeed one cannot be mistaken that this is true. The mammals can move through this storm with ease but when the lighter built Atlanteans wish to follow them they encounter many problems. At first the current doesn't seem that tough but all too soon they are surrounded by fierce blows of water which carry sand, throwing it against unprotected skin, diminishing sight and giving the race it's threatening look that is so familiar among those who worship Pasiphae. It is never difficult to spot Pandion Kaiulani when she arrives upon a scene. Even if she were not flanked by a pair of brawny young Pandion guards, strikingly distinguishable against her by their dark skin and the blue and green shades of their hair, she surges forth from the Korallion in a liquid play of grace that cannot help but draw the eye. Pearlescent hair streams back from her head in a tail like that of a comet as she slices out into the water, eyes alight with interest. There's a ceremony going on out here. And after weeks of relative inactivity under the stern eyes of the men appointed by her cousin and Decemvir to guard her, an ocean full of her people commemorating the New Moon sounds like just the thing to occupy her restless young mind. Her gaze sweeps through the waters ahead of her, trying to see what she may, and who. Kaiulani With skin just a shade or two darker than the clearest, palest moonlight, and with delicate webbing between her fingers and gossamer fins accentuating her wrists and ankles, this young maiden can be nothing but an Atlantean -- and a noble-born one, if the confidence of her bearing and the beauty of her features is any indication. Her hair is long and flowing, the exact shade of the inside of an oyster's shell: pearlescent white at first glance, gleaming with subtle shades of pink and blue and violet in the right light. Eyes of a deep, rich sea-green meet the world with a regard as apt to change as weather over the ocean, sometimes moody, sometimes gay, but always full of a fearless, vibrant life. When she is actually standing still, she might be noted to stand no taller than five foot two, but her every word and action speaks of a spirit unbounded by her diminutive frame. Like most of the Children of Water, she wears very little. At the moment she's clad in nothing but a halter and breechclout of foam green, leaving most of her starlight-pale skin visible when it's not obscured by the pearlescent curtain of her hair. A coral headpiece decorated with a single pearl is all that keeps that shining mass out of her face. Her feet are bare as well, for at the moment, Kaiulani intends to swim. Garret's own swimming skills have diminished with months of neglect, since he's been forced to remain on land. Still, he fights his way to the top, laughing in his heart at the pains it takes. Every now and then, he gets a little nudge from the whale-shark that sends him sprawling in the water, laughter and mirth echoing in his mind. Okalani waits till most of the eager youths have passed her before she too joins this physical exercise, swimming in the direction of two people she knows best, that of the Korallion Captain and her betrothed. A quick puzzled look is given to Artin and she glances down for a moment at her leather loincloth before her attention is drawn from those around her to that what all others see. Her eyes, glowing with the characteristic light of the true deepdwellers from Lirite, widen at this sight and she attempts to swim further, only to be pushed down by an unexpected blow. Water mages have gathered here to help a few but in turn cause the current to change sides, blocking others. A race indeed. Makani s mind reaches out in welcome to the High Priestess but she has started swimming as well..all joking abouther cushy desk job aside the CAptain is in good shape and each stroke is worth while..but even she struggles slightly as the current turns suddenly. Artin is in no hurry either, knowing that this is not really a race. When he does launch from the seafloor, the High-priestess's look catches his attention, and her response catches him so off guard that a stray current twists him aside. He rights himself quickly enough and casts a puzzled look to Okalani. Tsaruko is a slow swimmer, but steady in her pace, face grimacing when she meets resistance as the young Orcini tries to rise to the surface. So wrapped in her shields is Tsaruko, that she had yet to notice the large beast that entered the waters at Garret's call. That was, until now. As Tsaruko attempts to climb higher in the waves, she starts for a moment at the massive thing as it races past with Garret at it's side. A slight frown, disproval of all sharks it seems, darkens Tsaruko's face as she studies the pair. Then it is gone, now is -not- the time to be approving or disapproving. Now is the time to reach the surface, and that is all Tsaruko has the energies to concentrate on. Returning to her endevour, Tsaruko resumes her pace, fighting past currents of sand and heavy water. Graceless on land, and not much better at the moment in the water, Shalestra pushes forth using all her limited strength to battle her way towards the surface. There is little thought of race in her mind, for never does she expect to be anywhere but at the back of the little throng. Merely to complete the little task will be achievment enough for her. But the way the current shifts suddenly, causing her to flounder momentarily, serious doubt crosses her mind as to whether she will succeed without making a complete fool of herself. Garret doesn't seem to consider it a race, in fact. He frolicks in the water, no matter which way it turns, slowly trying to make his way towards the surface. One burst of water knocks him spiraling down intot he depths, until he can halt his descent by grabbing onto the shark's tailfin. Whee! Not far behind Mele follows another Atlantean. She is, by the looks of it, a very untrained swimmer. She follows her mother Mele, who is trying to follow Garret. Mele is a better swimmer than her daughter, and she has to wait for the girl to follow.The two's minds touch, and a happy conversation might be picked up by other. They are unable to reach Garret who's a lot faster and the swifting current pushes them out of direction. Followers of Pasiphae. Worshippers of the Mother Water. Both are gathered here, but as for Kaiulani, the attraction of the matter at hand is not in who worships what or whom. It is in the sheer physical challenge of the swim into the powerful currents, and with barely more than a glimmer of mental warning to her guards, she is out and off and up, throwing herself wholeheartedly towards the others she can see ahead of her. Akane and Ronan have no choice but to try to keep up with her, and though they are both healthy, strong young men, this is a girl who has gleefully ridden storm-tossed waves with nothing to bear her up but her own slender body. She is not unlimited in strength, oh no. But she is swift and sure, and an exultant grin that would not look out of place upon the visage of a lander blossoms across her face. Her joy ripples out of her thoughts as well -- she'll practice shielding again later. Maybe. For now, the _swim_! Makani gives herself up to the water and current wholly focused on the challenge at hand. She slices through her native element passing many..though many are also before her..she consistently picks up speed though. The look on her face is focused..determined. Artin angles into the currents, stretching out with webbed hands over his head as he tries to minimize his resistance to the storms of water. His legs do most of the work, whole body arching and twisting to find the best way through the sandy currents. Occasionally he glances toward Makani, protective, but not interfering. Just as Shalestra finally seems to settle into some sort of rhythm, it seems the ocean conspires against her, throwing up another little challenge to test her mettle. She closes her eyes as she glides towards a particularly murky patch of water, ocean swirling and causing gritty little particles of sand to batter against her face. Though part of a group, her thoughts are turned purely to her own endeavours. The high priestess finds herself pushed back among the latest additions to the throng but is soon caught by the helpful little dolphin who's her constant companion whenever she's going out for a longer swim. She holds on tightly to her fin when the youthful animal pulls her up and through the other worshippers, occasionally grabbing the hand of one of those who have more difficulties in doing so. Other shifters help as well, especially the squids who do not need to leave their people so often to swim through the surface in order to survive. More than a few young ones suddenly feel how the touch of long limbs around their arms when an octopus pushes them up. As is what is done to Mele's daughter. Okalani at last lets go of her friend and finds herself near Shalestra. Notches comes along side his Captain-friend as if offering his help..Makani smiles at the dolphin and just swims harder as if taking strength from the creature. Her eyes do find Artin from time to time..glancing at him as if in playful challenge. Tsaruko continues to struggle onward and upward. Buffeted by the sand and other debris in the water, Tsaruko is still undaunted in her task. Though not strong, Tsaruko is far sturdier than she looks, therefore she manages to keep her pace upwards, despite being srushed aside, off course, and down again. Mele watches as her daughter passes her when getting help from a squids. This makes it easier for Mele to swim, and not having to help another one. Mele shoots up toward the surface, while pushed by the swifting current. Her strong legs carries up and she's not far from the surface. The higher they come the wilder the currents become. Unexpectant blasts of water throw swimmers against one another, though more often than not a couple finds themselves holding on to the other one for dear life. The darkness is nearly complete now and many have their eyes closed so that the sand that is chafing their skin doesn't erode their vision as well. Makani strives toward the surface..hardly making a ripple as she cuts through the water. She's almost there..when a shift in the current makes it feel like she hit a block wall..she goes almost fyling backward. Their young mistress broadcasts her ebullience, not only with her face and the mostly raw strength of her mind, but also with every kick and paddle of her star-pale limbs. But by contrast, Kaiulani's guards Akane and Ronan swim with much more restraint and more attention to holding their positions behind her. Both the brothers keep far more neutral expressions, but Akane's is subtly grimmer, the look of a man set to a task he does not particularly relish. Ronan's holds a bare hint of what very well may be admiration, even as he keeps a keen eye on any creature who seems inclined to draw too near to the Pandion princess. There will _not_ be a repeat of what befell her near the blockade fleet, not if Ronan has anything to say about it. But there _is_ a young dolphin attracted by the girl's white form streaking through the water, and Ronan lets it by. The creature surges up near Kai, and with great eagerness, she flips herself sideways to seize hold of its tail. Garret finds himself not minding the darkness so much as his inability to shift and use the shark's other senses to compensate. Garret pushes such thoughts out of his mind, and instead just concentrates on trying to get to the top. He's let go of his whale-shark now, and is trying to make the last stretch on his own. IT's rough going. The whale-shark, meanwhile, is plodding slowly about, acting as a large buffer of current to partially shield some of the swimmers from the force of the waters, and giving some people a nudge here and there where needed. He's also darn cute. Seemlingly out of nowhere, due to the sand-muddied water, Artin finds Makani hurtling towards him. Without thinking, he casts an arm out to try to keep her from going too far. Unneccessarily really, since she crashes into him. It takes a few moments of fierc swiming before Artin manahes to right himself, just barely managing to keep their progress from being lost altogether. Notches nudges the pair playfully, able to still swim circles around the Atlanteans. Shalestra pushes all doubts in her ability to the back of her mind as she continues on, the sand scratching at her pale skin, eyes not daring to open. But she has a course set, straight for the surface, and so there is little need for vision.. until she is suddenly grabbed by the current and hurled to one side knocking into several others also caught in the water's grip. It takes her several moments to work out which way she should be heading, and then a few more to begin moving the right way again. Slower now, as her limbs begin to tire. Raijin swims down from the water's surface. Raijin has arrived. Makani looks at her bethroed gratefully and then with a smile grabshold of Notches giving Artin a raised brow that asks him to grab on too.. Djenghi returns to Okalani's side and again the offer of help is accepted. It is almost odd to see one who's devoted to Pasiphae more interested in aiding the ones who fall behind than in participating in the struggle itself. On the other hand, as some of those who actually manage to communicate with eachother in spite of the physical efforts demanded of them, this is a sign that the priestess is willing to test this ability to prove herself worthy of it to the Goddess. Calm are her thoughts when she is flit higher, grinding her teeth when she feels the blood running over her bare stomach, sand flying into the wounds caused by little shreds of rock which were pushed against her body. Suddenly she feels how the water around her changes it's course and she collides against another ignorant swimmer, forced to let go of her faithful companion. Hands instead cling to the unknown one. A rock sails in from Goddess only knows where..striking Makani on the head..she falters a bit..her grip slipping from Notches. Artin grabs a handfull of Makani's tunic instead, and it is a good thing too, since she loses her grip on the animal. Once more he surges forward, not saving anything in reserve as he pulls Makani with him toward hte surface. Without the meager protection of clothing, his white skin is abraded from the sand, his gills work furiously in the clouded water, flaring from the full exertion. Mele's daughter, the dark-haired Shiri, reaches the surface, having received help from a squid. She lifts her hands to the sky, while waves wash over her, and a scream, a very Sylvan-hunting-scream escapes her. *Mother, I did it!* The joyous words are probably picked up by most nearby. Makani shakes her head as if to clear it and surges forward with Artin..legs working furiuosly to attain the surface..arms and legs look raw from flying sand and her head bleeds slighlty. Still she does not falter..gabbing Artin's hand and surging forward. * * Hanging onto the dolphin's tail for all she's worth, Kaiulani is utterly unconcerned with the darkness of the waves and the grit and sand pummelling the struggling swimmers, pummelling _her_. Her mind resounds outward with her utter delight and excitement and the adrenaline now pounding through her veins. Never mind that she's swiftly leaving her guards behind as she and the dolphin surge up, up towards the surface. She has thrown herself entirely into the moment, and if there's any other thought that sweeps across her mind, it's for one being alone: _Are you out here, my protector? Do you see? Look what I'm doing! Look!_ Not far behind her daughter swims Mele, breaking the surface and a wave washes over her. She pops up again, just in time to see her daughter be pushed down again. Garret stops suddenly, as the scent of Makani's blood in the water reaches his nose. He goes limp, all joy, all laughter draining out of him as it hits. He clamps down his mental shields over his thoughts, to drown out the horror in his mind as he lets the currents sweep him along for a few moments. Then, with a burst of frenetic effort, Garret begins swimming again, in a last, desperate race for the surface, against his own dark urges. A rather large mass moves steadily through the churning waves, only a flick of flared fins evident that any effort is given to navigating through the currents. Not that this may easily be seen in the clouds of sand and silt polluting the water. Delphi's Seneschal is quietly thankful of his talent today, otherwise he'd be struggling and flailing much like a jellyfish helplessly pummeled in high tide. As he draws nearer, Raijin slows his speed, coming to an odd halt amidst the chaos. Ignoring the irritation in his gills, he simply takes a moment to determine just what is going on exactly. Thoughts are calm and collected, if a bit confused. He had heard of a festival... but this really doesn't seem festive, save for the higher pitches of euphoric delight. Artin is so concentrating upon swimming that it takes a moment to realize that he and Makani have broken the surface together, joining the many bobbing heads, no longer fighting the current but relaxing with the wind and wave. His mind sings out, *We have come!* As those towards the front break the surface, Shalestra still struggles to attain that goal, fighting her way forward, seeming to barely move at times. A slow process, slower now by far than at the beginning, and yet still she declines any assistance, determination keeping her going when it seems that there is no energy left in her body. A myriad of tiny scratches cover her skin, a reminder for the coming days of this trial. Makani 's mind sings out a joyful victorius wordless shout of exhaultation as she explodes from the surface..just before she blacks out and sinks like a stone the water a bloody cloud around her head..falling right toward the graisha Garret. Once the few young ones who couldn't make it on their own have been brought to the surface by slender slick octopus's arms the squids dive down so they may aide others as well. Those who have reached the surface however find that staying afloat isn't easy for Spring Tide means high waves and an even stronger current which attempts to draw people back down into the storm. It is now that the larger mammals prove their value by swimming around, offering support for grabbing fingers and bobbing heads. Worshippers also search comfort by eachother when they notice the sky above them. No moon this night, a few stars offering the only light upon those who have managed to come this far. Garret finds the celebration turning into a sore trial for him, more than anyone here may likely ever know. Atlantean blood surrounds the water around him, and helpless, wounded prey is sinking right into his ... no! With a last burst of mental and physical exertion, Garret grabs Makani's arm and hauls her to the surface, his head breaking free of the water, covered in her blood. His gills flare as he does so, gasping with the effort. A large dorsal fin rises from the water near him as the whale-shark surfaces underneath, providing Garret - and Makani - a place to rest. The whale-shark begins to peacefully feed on the krill and plankton that've been forced to the surface by the roiling water. Can the dolphin hear Kaiulani, loud and clear and bright as the ringing of her mind across the waves resounds? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Mayhap the creature is simply a kindred spirit attracted to her, young, carefree, and impulsive, for it seems not to mind in the slightest that it has an Atlantean maiden clinging with reckless abandon to its tail. Maiden and dolphin have no time to react to the falling form of Makani, not as swiftly as they're going; indeed, given the darkness of the water, Kaiulani barely even sees her. But her guards are coming up fast below her, and _they_ catch a glimpse of the woman sinking back down into the depths. Akane hesitates for only a moment, then leaves the tracking of Kaiulani to his younger brother, peeling off from his side to try to intercept Makani... but no. No need? The blue-haired Pandion guardsman eyes the whale-shark and the man who beat him to the punch, or at least as much of them as he can glimpse through the water, before he is forced to pay more attention to his position by the currents sweeping around him. Mele and her daughter fights to stay on the surface, and their joy can surely be felt by the others surrounded. Mele breaks out in song, both vocally and mentally, praising the waters. Her daugther joins in, and the water-worshippers around them who has reached the surface do the same. A surprised man suddenly holds a priestess in his arms who all the soon lets go of him when a helpful little otter is sent her way by a shifter with another affinity. A silent thanks is offered by the young woman before she is dragged closer to the surface when she lets go of the animal so it may pick up a lost youngster who's given up fighting, limbs weak from the strain it costs to stay there. And while Okalani is tired herself she does not yet try to reach that blessed place where more and more people gather, instead she searches for anyone who has not yet come this far, suddenly finding herself distracted by a mental image presented to her. Hands cling to yet another male body, a fat, older one this time and Raijin has the dubious pleasure of being given a parasite. Conciousness returns to the Captain of the Guard and she looks around dioriented for a moment..how did she end up atop a whale-shark?? Artin casts about, not seeing Makani falter. Then he sees the water-worshipper with the whale-shark, and he almost relaxes, his mind calling out a thanks as he makes his way closer. Garret releases his hold on Makani as she awakens. *Are you allright?* he asks. *Perhaps there is a healer here?* Garret notes Artin, and wonders if he'd be as thankful if he knew just how tempeted Garret was to ... ah. Nevermind that. He waves Artin over. For the briefest of seconds there is another burst of confusion in Raijin's mind. Who is this? But the feel of her mind is familiar, and a surge of relief courses through the man's veins like cold acid. But of course Okalani would be here in this maelstrom. Though it cannot be seen, a thin smile appears beneath the man's moustache. Wordlessly, he wraps his arms firmly about the frailer body and begins a steady surge to the top of the water. That's where everyone else seems to be headed... With a final, almost desparate surge of effort, Shalestra's head finally breaks the surface, almost immediately bobbing back under again. Now that's she achieved the goal she set herself, there is nothing to stop her from grabbing onto the fin on one of the dolphins, accepting the assistance now that she denied for so long. As her head breaks the water again, her eyes slowly open and she glances around in the darkness, the multitude of shadowy shapes stretching out around her. Makani puts her hand to her head and winces *My thanks...*looks for a name *...and thank you* she pats the whale-shark.* Her eyes search for Artin, relaxing as she spies him. Looking back at the graisha she smiles *Hey we did it!* Garret nods to Makani. *I am Rohan Garret* he says, *and let us praise the Waters for this.* Garret projects some concern as one of Makani's thoughts reaches him, and he corrects her. *I am not graisha* he thinks simply. Temptation and action are two very different things, as Artin well knows. And the goddess can use anyone for her own purposes. He smiles at Garret and Makani. *Barely. Remind me to have you on sentry duty in the water, at least twice a month, heart-tide.* The color of his thoughts turn disapproving as Garrett calls for the praise of the waters during this sacred festival. *We shall thank the goddess.* She can hear the echoes of song both mental and vocal beginning above the surface -- but the Pandion princess holds back her own joining in of the rising harmonies until she and her dolphin break forth through the top of the water with such force and speed that the sea-creature slices a silvery arc two or three feet into the air just above, all of Kaiulani playing exultant comet-tail to her impromptu companion. Her head is tossed back in celebration, eyes tightly closed, but triumph limned in every part of her body. She and the dolphin plunge back underwater, but only for a moment, as the mammal arcs around the edge of the circle of Water-worshippers, sloughing off speed. And at last he surfaces again, Kaiulani breathlessly gasping now, and laughing aloud at the same time. Shortly in her wake comes Rohan, plodding up into view with far less fanfare -- but with a lightening to his own mental presence that suggests he's not unaffected by his mistress' joy. Makani smiles at the two men and offers * Shall we simply give thanks gentlemen? * She lifts her arms up to the sky in an almost pagan look of offering her mind exhault with her new faith..but unable to be truly solmen since she was raised as a water worshiper and this was always a time of celebration. Garret agrees mentally with Artin that this is a festival, but thinks that it is a joyous time to celebrate the life-giving Sea. Rohan Garret is a water-worshipper, no doubt. He respects those of Pasiphae, thought, and quite honestly expects his faith to be respected in turn. He yells in victory as the whale-shark, a much more prosaic creature, begins to move. There's some nice krill over there, and he's hungry, you see. Akane is unfortunate enough to be one of those who couldn't get there soon enough. As a reward of sorts he suddenly finds himself nugged by the stump beak from a bottlenecked dolphin. The royal guard is quite eager to recognise this particular animal for it is Djenghi, the creature which often accompanies his king's lover and heir, and thus accepts the help offered to him. His eyes meet those of Okalani who is linked to the animal come to his help. Their silent exchange amuses both however as when the Pandion warrior joins his brother and ward his mental tone is quite light. Makani slides off the whale shark with another offer of thanks to Garret. Notches appears and bolsters both Captain and First. Artin, chastised by Makani's words, and the color of Garret's thoughts, he offers a silent apology for offense and thanks once more as the man and drag them along. He turns skyward once more, seemingly content to share the moonless night with all. His mind joins in the song, a minor instrument, but no less enthusiastic for it. The impact of the mind of her older guardsman in a pleasant mood for once snaps Kaiulani's gaze around to him in startlement and pleasure, now that she's treading water by the dolphin circling playfully around her. Her brilliant smile might look strange to most Atlantean eyes -- but the spirit behind it lends it meaning as her mind swells out impulsively to welcome the one with whom she's mostly argued ever since he was assigned to watch over her. She'll probably do so again, she's sure. Her moods are mercurial as the waves themselves, and she knows it. But for now, there's only delight, and before either Akane or Ronan can blink, she's mentally pulled them along with her into the paeans being lifted upward from dozens and dozens of minds around them all. Akane has no music within him, but Ronan does, his voice an unexpectedly sweet tenor in contrast with his homely face. But when half the song is emotion and thought, one does not really need to sing _aloud_, and thus Akane lets himself be pulled into the mighty harmonies, in the wake of the clarion soprano that is Kaiulani. Garret merely rests on the huge fish's back, tired out. He joins in the mental song as best he can, but neither his mind nor his voice is truly musical. As he 'sings,' Garret quietly goes about washing the blood from his face and hands. Tired now, Shalestra offers silent thanks to the Godess. No strength to support herself in the water, she clutches to the back of the dolphin, thankful for its support. Her gaze turns up to the sky and whilst she spares a thought for the disappearance of the moon and a brief prayer for its return, she can't help but marvel at the beauty of the stars. Without the light of the moon, they seem to shine brighter than ever, almost mesmirising. For the first time Makani's mind joins in with other Pasiphaeans in corporate worship. The Captain's mind swells with song..a strong steady melody that well suits this warrior woman. At long last the High Priestess herself reaches the surface, carried in the arms of a water worshipper but this does not shame her at all. She is exhiliated at the thought that she made it and her excitement is shared by all when she exclaims in the (not so) silence of her mind, *We proved Pasiphae we are worthy of Her!* Eyelids flicker as she attempts to see all there is to see. The mammals and Atlanteans resting around, exhausted for most of all. She doesn't join the joyous singing of the water worshippers. Her thoughts are more silent now that she lifts her eyes to the sky above them where she sees nothing but the stars, Pasiphae truly has left Her children these days. Head bobbing just above the breaking waves, Raijin cannot help but smile a little. It is not out of his own elation, but rather a reflection of what he feels around him. As strong as the Spring Tide it is. His head tilts back so that blue eyes might regard the starry, moonless skies. Will he sing? Well... why not. His thoughts broaden and deepen into a rumbling bass, and though quiet, it nevertheless carries well. Artin falls silent, as his thoughts turn back toward the moonless sky, trying not to dwell on how sore he will be when the sun rises. Garret pats the shark he's mounted on, and attempts to relax. He suddenly finds himself hungry after that exertion, and for once he has no food on him. Makani 's song can't help find it's source in her dream..the dream where the Lady appeared to her. Perhaps some of this is communicated to others for though it looks like the Lady has turned her face to Makani she is so very present. Many worshippers have flocked together, joining minds so they may strengthen their will when calling out to the Goddess who has left them now. Why? So many stories are told. About Pasiphae being with a lover at this time though whom that one may be is unknown. Or that she is merely ashamed to show her face now that she is testing Her Children so hard during these times. No, not ashamed but afraid... afraid that She will give in to their pleas and never leave them again which would pull an end to nature's course and their wonderful lives beneath the waves. So many theories there are that it is unsure who thinks what and a few lonely souls pray only on their own, believing this is what the Goddess wants them to do now that she has gone. Okalani is one of them and she thinks only of Pasiphae, shutting out all around her as she sends her thoughts far away, unable to touch the mind of any but confident that somehow the one she serves will hear. Garret looks up at the shore, and the distant lights of Haven. He's tired and happy, and wants to go back. Not home, as Haven will never be home ... but it's where he sleeps now. He's hungry, and doesn't think the gathered Atlanteans here would appreciate him, ah, hunting in his own way. So, to shore he goes. As the song ebbs back to individual melody's..once voice suddenly drops out..as Makani passes out again..Notches bolstering her so that she doesn't sink to the bottom. Pasiphae may have turned her back for the time being upon Her children -- but those who follow the Water keep up their singing in their pairs and trios and throngs bobbing up and down upon the waves. For _them_, it is a time to rejoice in the strength of that which gave birth to them all. But for one Pandion royal maiden, it's merely an excuse to sing. Such lofty thoughts as the strength of the Mother Ocean and the behavior of the Mistress of the Moon are almost inconsequential, really. Kaiulani is young, she is strong, and though her body is battered and sore she is _alive_. That alone is reason enough to sing. Her voice soars out both for Water worshippers and Pasiphaeans near her, one silvery thread in a majestic harmony, but one which brightly resonates. She'll sing with everyone, for because of Okalani and her First Acolyte, her spirit's swelling with regard for the faith for those two women as well as the one she herself loosely follows. Artin reaches across to Makani, using notches to help support her and keep her from getting lost in the current. Tired muscles protesting, he begins the long process of making it to the shore. Okalani's mind was closed off from others, she focused only on the one she worships. Yet there is a ripple suddenly and she turns her head around, eyes falling upon Artin and she frowns. One hand is lifted from the water and placed against her temple, pressing tightly in a most worried gesture. This emotion of concern can be felt by all those around her though as it increases at the sight of Makani it's considered quite normal by others. Djenghi suddenly appears at the Captain's other side, working alongside Notches and Artin to prevent the woman from sinking. *She needs to be brought to shore right now.* comes the thought from the High Priestess to those nearby, yet it is to Raijin that she looks next. He is the one who can control the waves after all... and getting ashore won't be an easy task. Garret looks over from his perch on the whale-shark. His thoughts relay an offer to help, if he could. Makani drifts between the two dolphins..a surprisingly happy expression on her face...despite the blood that continues to flow slowly down the side ofher head. Attention drifts from the Priestess in his arms to the woman in question. Raijin's brows draw down in a frown as his song is broken off, the melody dying in favour of thoughts of duty. A wordless nod is given, and he stills his mind... In the immediate area, the vicious waves begin to calm. It is as if the hands of the deities (be it Pasiphae or the Sea herself) ceased to dip their playful fingers in the water and splash about. Although this is certainly no deity - just the rotund Seneschal of Delphi. *It is time to go ashore now,* he calls out in a broadbanded thought. And please, don't dally. This isn't easy. It is a sign of Artin's mental fatigue that he cannot even shape a thank you for a reply, but spares the priestess a grateful nod as he drags his fiance through the suddenly becalmed water. * Kaiulani, look--* The hesitant thought is Ronan's, as the green-haired, stocky young guardsman catches sight of the knot of those gathering about Makani. But it manages to distract his young mistress, and even as her two guardians turn their attention in that direction so does she, stroking out with strength she's saved thanks to her dolphin companion. *We'll send ahead for a healer!* she calls out then, layers of suggestion of herself or her guardsmen going ahead to bring one out if need be. Or alert any already on the shore. Makani 's color is bad though..instead of the golden shimmer her skin usually has it's dull looking..tarnished. Garret's whale-shark's a laconic beast, and Garret really can't urge it to go terribly faster than an Atlantean could move, but still, it may be easier. His thoughts reach out to Artin, offering the huge fish as a transport for Makani. Artin continues dragging Makani along, seemingly unable or unwilling to reply to Garret's offer, though it's obvious that even with the becalmed water, he cannot maintain the pace for long. The young priestess is still filled with concern and worry even though it is clear to all that both waves and animals work together with Atlanteans so they may bring a wounded woman to the shore. She rests against Raijin in spite of the efforts this may bring to the heavy man when he's already engaged in working the waters. Both dolphins move with speed yet with care so they may bring the Makani to the Caducean she so desperately needs. *We will have to clean them too, later.* Okalani thinks absentminded now and she lets go of the Elementalist so he may work without the extra burden of her weight pressing down on him. *Garret... lend me your shark?* She actually grins. Now that the water has been calmed, it is time to give the weary celebrants a little extra push. This would also make it marginally easier on Raijin, as well, allowing the water some outlet for the unnatural pressure exerted to keep it still. With a gentle nudge the waves sluggishly begin to push forward, to aid those who are somewhat weary in making it to the shore. The man allows himself to drift, his mind tightly closed in concentration upon his task. When Okalani departs from him, he hardly seems to notice. It is then he submerges himself, to be surrounded by his element while he works. Garret nods to Okalani, noting that the shark woudln't mind her resting on it, and in fact, might not even notice. It won't go too close to shore, but can go mosto of the way. No particular attention has been given her, but this has never stopped Kaiulani from doing something she determines to do before. Sending out a general broadcast of her intentions, Kaiulani grabs hold of that dolphin who's decided it likes her again, and in short order the maiden and her two guards are peeling out ahead of the slower folk and headed for the shore. The Pandion maiden's call for a healer swells out even farther ahead, as she takes a measure of private satisfaction for once that she's never had a problem making herself heard. She hasn't sensed any real urgency in the minds around her, not yet -- and thus her call is not desperate. But it is steady and clear, asking for attention from any healer within range for the wounded woman. Makani continues to drift between the two dolphins..her expression loosing it's happy seeming though. The blood seeping from her head though makes for an icky bloody cloud around her..not good if there are any real sharks in the vicinty. Garret is in fact concentrating on keeping any carnivorous sharks (aside from himself!) away from the vicinity, and between that, and trying to influnce the whale shark to remain headed towards shore, he's quickly getting worn out. *We have to gt her to land soon! She's losing too much blood, and they're noticing!* He doesn't have to say just who 'they' are. Artin reaches the end of his strength, only managing to hang onto Makani. The help of the creatures and the waves from the water wizard are the saving grace, forcing the pair to shore, a little more violently than would be best, but safely. No Menders, or Healers as some landdwellers prefer to call these gifted persons, were among those who swam through the current. Too dangerous, too much blood and too much confusion. They would be needed when it was all over and thus they are waiting at the beach for the ones who did go through. The majority belongs to Delphi's Caducean cast though none wear their traditional robes. At Kaiulani's cry for help a couple of them wanders through the shore, waiting till the wounded Makani is brought to them by the helpful creatures of the sea. There are other patients of course, with less serious wounds, who take advantage of the current brought on by Raijin. Waves near shore aren't easy at high tide yousee. The Delphic Seneschal holds his position until he can feel that everyone has passed him by. It is then he begins to follow, maintaining this oasis of peaceful coersion towards the shore in the hurricane of high water. There is precious little he could do at the moment, almost all of his concentration going into the manipulations of such a large mass of water. Yet the closer they come to shore, the easier it becomes. Finer manipulations become possible... One lagging Atlantean is given an extra gentle nudge along, sending the individual careening ahead until Raijin is satisfied. The help from the whale shark is appreciated and Okalani smiles, thinking of the irony of this case.. and for a while her mind plays with a thought, only to be shut down immediately. If she's suffering from telepathic consumption she really shouldn't consider the possibility of taking such a dangerous risk. Soon her 'steed' cannot be forced to go further and the woman lets go, watching Garret closely, growing quite anxious with what's going on. *Don't let yourself be consumed.* Garret thanks the whale-shark, and slips off the gentle beast once it's brought him (and anyone else who wanted a ride) close enough to shore. Such a large fish can't (and won't!) move in too far, but it's enough. While the others make for the beach, Garret remains with his own task of keeping the other sharks in the waters well away. There's too much at risk. Makani is dumped on the sand..a lot of dead weight. Her head rolls revealing a perfectly nasty gash on her temple from a flying bit of coral. It's looks like it may be deeper than it appears at first glance..which might explain the unconciousness. *Lady, we should get you out of the water as well,* Ronan's voice chimes in under Kaiulani's outcry for a Mender. Lagging behind his older brother, the guardsman catches a tendril of Garret's concern for whatever 'they' might be drawn by Makani's blood seeping into the waves, and then whips around to toss this suggestion as respectfully as he can do his mistress. He's better at restraining his thoughts than Kaiulani is, and so he doesn't exactly specify _why_ Kaiulani is probably best off on the shore right now... After all, there's no reason to tell a girl whose last shark encounter resulted in her own wounding that there may be more sharks not far off. Kaiulani frowns vaguely, but soon enough she's deposited in the shallows by her dolphin companion, left to wade out onto the sand on knees that might turn wobbly if she didn't have far too much pride to let herself stumble in front of so many onlookers. *There!* she broadcasts to the first Caducean she sees, pointing towards Makani. *Go there!* Artin crawls closer to Makani, eyes filling with concern once he sees the extent of the damage. *help her* The thought is less that words, more of a raw note of desire for aid, not unlike that of an Atlantean child. The Caduceans kneels down next to Makani so he may examine the younger woman. Blue eyes study the warrior's wound before he probes into it with the flows of Aether that he is capable of. Makani 's body twitches as Aether flows into her...she does not wake not yet..but her color slowly get's bettter..the bleeding slowing. Being left in the water by the shark Okalani wades to the shore by herself. That is to say, she finds herself thrown on the stony edge just below the waterline and has to cradle upwards and run as fast as possible before the current beneath the white crowns topping the waves pulls her back. She has never been known to be very graceful or quick on land and this time is no different. She is nearly exhausted when she falls on her knees next to the Caducean who steps back upon seeing just whom this woman is. "She will be all right?" she asks between heavy breathing, eyes not looking away from the Korallion's captain. The young Captain's breathing regains it's depth..no longer the harsh rattle it was a moment ago. Garret finally relaxes his exertion once he sees the others have made it to land, and finally the sharks, drawn by the blood in the water, come to investigate. The Feralis, however strong his will, is still only an Acolyte, and has pushed himself nearly past his limits tonight, both physical and mental. He struggles to swim to shore, fighting to retain consciousness. If Kaiulani were a member of an Order of Delphi, that Order would really have to be named the Order of Action Before Thought -- but although the maiden is frequently reckless, impulsive, and headstrong, she is not insensitive. As her two guardsmen coax her off to a place where she might sit and rest for a bit, Ronan even taking the opportunity to fetch a jug of clean water which they can pour over their faces and gills to cleanse the grit from irritated skin, the maiden peers hopefully in Makani's direction. They'll heal her, right? She'll be well? The notion that the Great Swim might have a pall of tragedy lain over it brings a furrow to her white brow, and her sea-green eyes have taken on an uncertain hue. Only after the last Atlantean has staggered onto the beach does Raijin himself emerge. Stumbling himself and somewhat weary from the expectations placed upon him, he nevertheless continues to maintain that forced calm in the water. He doesn't bother to come far inland, merely plopping down on his rump in the sprays of sea-foam. Here he will sit his vigil, keeping the waves from pounding too hard at the shores while the people remain in their injured, weary states. Artin relaxes a little as Makani's breathing steadies. Allowed to rest, he lays on the sand next to her, chest still heaving from the exertion and worry. Without looking, he takes her hand in his, resting Slowly Makani's eyes open..blinking..disoriented..the first thing she see's is Okalani looking down upon her..but it's not the High Priestess that she see..her mind still filled with fragmented images..that now broadcast to all an sundry...The young warrior reaches out a hand..her mind voice a murmur but shared with all *Lady..Lady you returned..* athe though flavoured with such joy and a smile filled with an aching sweetness. Kaltsune swims down from the water's surface. Kaltsune has arrived. Okalani suddenly moans, hands pressing against her temples, hard. Eyes are shut tight, muscles can be seen shivering due to the extreme pressure to keep them closed. People around her can sense the despair whelming up inside of her. A nudge from the Caducean at her side brings her out of this state however, forcing her to look down at Makani so their gazes may be locked together. The thoughts streaming from the warrior's mind are strange enough for her to gasp and she immediately shakes her head in denial. *No... I am not Her.* A brief smile touches her lips. Deep within the enforced calm of the waters, Rohan Garret has lost consciousness. He drifts towards the bottom of the ocean floor, and comes to rest in the partial shelter of a large rock. Makani 's mind clears a bit..and the bright image disappears and she murmurs to Okalani.."you are more than you know" before her face turns to her beloved..andthen the gathered crowd.*umm..what happned??* she asks plaintivley. Artin is caught up in the vision/halucination shared by his betrothed. His eyes open once more to focus on Okalani, shaking his head slightly at the double vision. *So people tell.* Okalani thinks wryly in response to Makani's last thoughts yet she is rather irritated as well. Oh, she is relieved that the captain has been healed but memories of people believing her to be more important than a hundred other people are storming her mind and she does not like those things. *You were helped by a Mender.* She looks at Artin now, *I believe I had better go.* Artin dips his head respectfully to Okalani, too tired to properly thank her, or evern call upon a blessing of the goddess. Instead, those around him recieve a general sense of well-wishes and warmth. Makani looks up as the HighPriestess leaves..her thoughts reaching out to say thank you..thank you to the person Okalani is..rather than her postion. Go. Sounds like a decent concept, hey? Kaiulani has gratefully accepted the jug with which her younger guardsman has presented her, pouring the water over herself till sand is cleared away and she can merely revel in the sense of brine against her skin. She even drinks some of the jug's contents as well, tipping it back for a long draught of the salt-water -- much cleaner stuff than the sand-laden currents through which the throngs on the beach have just swum. But even though many of the younger worshippers of Water are beginning further revelries on the sands, some enterprising souls producing conch shells through which to add swells of wordless euphony to voices lifted up again in song, the princess wrestles with herself for a few moments. Join the fun -- or go and pay her respects to the High Priestess? _She_ is alright too, isn't she? Makani smiles up at the Caducean and sends a wordless thought of thanks for his efforts on her behalf. As he sits in the spray of water, listening to the waves begging to be released from his grasp, some distant thought trickles down to Raijin's consciousness. Something is missing... forgotten. The Seneschal turns his head so that his eyes gaze across the dark expanse of the ocean, and lumbering up to his feet, he begins to head back deeper into the water. It is not long before he completely disappears. Relieved that Makani has seen the light, Okalani rises and moves away from the people gathered around her. A mender who attempts to get close to her so the cuts on her stomach may be healed is warded of by a small gesture of her hand for the priestess is tired and requires nothing but the right to be alone. Far from those joyous feasts held by the water worshippers, far also from those who worship Pasiphae. But these too leave the beach so they may go to their homes in and below the city. A ritual held every month does not need to last very long after all. And so the young woman stumbles in the direction of the docks, for once glad that it's too busy for any guards to keep an eye on her. Artin rises slowly, giving a small smile and a shake of his head to those healers who inquire after his abrasions. Once up he silently offers Makani his hand so that she may rise as well. Makani takes her intended's hand and rises slowly..still alittle wobbly but still better than most of the others since she received such attention from the Mender. Now, granted, no one on the beach is going to raise an eyebrow at Okalani's comparative lack of garb -- but only as long as she's on the beach. The possibility that she might be headed somewhere besides the Korallion, the Temple, or Delphi is not lost upon either of Pandion Kaiulani's guards, though it is again Ronan who warns his mistress of something that requires her attention. Kai shoots both of her guardians a look that suggests that if she had any choice in the matter, she'd cheerfully be doing exactly what Okalani is -- and who knows? Maybe that's what she intends to do, even as she gets up and breaks into a trot to catch up with the High Priestess. Her feet make very little noise on the sand, but it's nigh impossible to miss the oncoming wave that is her mental presence, as she sends out a polite inquiry as to Okalani's intended destination -- along with a youthful mental grimace and the rueful observation that her guards had strongly suggested that the High Priestess should have an escort. Artin does not even think about his own lack of clothing as he walks up the beach slowly. Makani puts an arms around Artin to support and be given support as they walk up the beach. Despite the pitch black gloom that pervades the ocean's depths, Raijin continues to sink and search for what had been forgotten. By now he has remembered it... The younger Ferine whom he had briefly heard. The Seneschal does not have far to go, fortunately, or Garret would be spending the night down below. Hands alight upon an arm, and with relative ease he pulls it up... Aided by his own waning strength and the buoyancy of the waves, the aging Atlantean begins to resurface, one arm slung about the chest of the Acolyte. Garret's eyes open the second his head breaks the surface. There's a second where his gills flare wildly before Garret realizes that he ought to breathe with his lungs instead. With a wee scramble for his legs to find purchase, Garret mentally expresses his thanks to Raijin, and stumbles out of the waves under his own power. He's thin as a rail from months of spartan living and medidation at most times: now he just looks worn out. The priestess stops and turns around so she may answer the princess politely. She grimaces wryly in return, a mirror of Kaiulani's feelings about this whole matter. On the other hand, she knows what this part of Haven can be like at night so she looks around to make sure no one's around and drops down on the sand beneath her. *I'll wait for people who also go to the Korallion.* she announces, strongly hinting that she has no interest if those people happen to be in for strong mental conversations. Okalani sighs deeply and begins to move her hands over her bare upper body, stroking herself with extreme pressure so that the drying sand covering her may be removed. The substance has hardened however and clings to her skin so not much success is gained. *Would those two actually have grasped their change at a religious sensation?* she asks the younger woman, *Or are they merely interested in watching us?* A group of Korallion Guards appear..in full armour and uniform. A full complment of guards to escort tired Atlanteans home. They nod to their Captain and First..a couple break off to approach the High Priestess and eseically the other women. It seems Makani planned for this and arranged for escorts. Garret, it would seem, planned for this as well. He walks over to a secluded spot on the beach, and picks up his Delphic kaftan from where he left it. Shrugging the garment on, he's now ready to return to Delphi, and collapse into sleep. Before he does so, however, he seeks out Raijin, and bows to him. *Thank you again, Sensechel.* The man pauses as he studies the slighter form of the Acolyte, and Raijin nods in return. His mind is also weary, and now that most of the Atlanteans have moved away from the beaches, he releases his hold upon the waves. It is then that the full force of his weariness hits him, and the Seneschal nearly falls over. His thoughts express a wordless 'your welcome'. For now, that's all he can manage. She still has a little bit of water left in her jug, and so Kaiulani impulsively proffers this forth if the High Priestess wishes to put it to use to cleanse the sand from her body. As she does, she casts a wry glance back at the two guards coming to catch up with her. *Ronan says he follows the Water,* is her reply, *and Akane refuses to discuss such things with me. But if they have any convictions of faith, _I_ think it's the faith that Cousin Sarojin will skin them if they let me out of their site for five minutes.* KG approach various persons of rank..like the Sensechel and other Delphites..and offer escort home. Even as the main group of Sentries escort large groups of everyday Atlanteans home thorugh the streets of Haven. Garret isn't a person of rank, but he'll stay with Raijin until they make Delphi, and offer the older man any help he needs in getting home. Garret really is quite happy about the night's festivities, which lends him just enough strength to overcome his weariness - at least until he gets to Delphi, whereupon he intends to collapse, and sleep like a coral reef. Artin ignores the caking sand and protesting limbs, offering a wave of acknowledgement to the Guards nearby. They know their duty, and can carry it out without further instruciton from him. He leads Makani out, or she leads him. The way they lean together, it is hard to say which. Taking whatever help is offered to him, Raijin staggers home accompanied by Garret and the few Korallion Guards. All in all, he supposes it wasn't such a bad night. No one was seriously hurt, and he could most certainly have used the practice in stretching his talents to their boundaries. Despite his weariness, he smiles a little, though his mind remains quiet. The water is accepted most graciously and drops are splat against her body so she may be cleansed just a little bit, particularly around the sensitive gills. *Sarojin has strange ideas about people's relative importance.* Okalani muses, *But he is right, if I die he will be the one to take care of Lehua and I do not want that.* The sheer horror that the child's father would actually raise their daughter is a very sobering thought and shows just how serious the priestess takes this 'time of reflection' now that she can talk about it with someone who actually might be under the same pressure. *Just imagine...* she considers, *if something happens to you, your guardian will be deprived of you and neither of you will ever have truly shared your thoughts together.* The guards are ignored, thus far. Makani staggers her way toward the Korallion ..offering a brief image to Artin of the pool in the Guard room to wash off sand. Artin disappears into the murky ocean-haze to the east. Artin has left. Makani disappears into the murky ocean-haze to the east. Makani has left. Akane and Ronan are by now well within earshot -- er, rather, mind-shot -- but discreet enough to hold back out of the way until the women appear to show some sign of interest in actually leaving. The older brother narrows his eyes for a moment, but he isn't about to criticize the High Priestess of the faith of Pasiphae -- not to mention the mother of his Decemvir's heir -- for showing such indulgence about a 'guardian' who shouldn't be following Kaiulani around in the first place. Ronan, mostly unsuccesfully, tries to look suitably neutral. And as for Kaiulani, she can't help a sidelong peek around the lingering throng upon the shore as if half-hoping that this mysterious watcher of hers might actually be lurking somewhere in the midst of them all. *I do not want to lose that opportunity,* she admits tinily, unable to hide swirls of curiosity and longing and frustration. Akane's gaze is answered by a lifting of Okalani's brows which indicate that he is free to go in discussion with her about this if he wishes to. Until he chooses to do such a thing however she turns her head so she may communicate with the young princess. *And surely your guardian could find ways to communicate with you being guarded, not? It would be more... thrilling for both of you to do this without those two noticing.* Naturally Kaiualani had better train herself some more control about her telepathic abilities so she could hide things from her guards... like the high priestess is doing now so that those two warriors won't exactly hear the advice she's giving their ward. Her gaze drifts to the throng, *Perhaps he is there, perhaps he remains at the beach to worship the water.* Oh no, for the time being, Akane is not going to argue with the High Priestess. Such is not his place. And so he grudgingly lingers at polite distance, trying to match his brother's earnest attempts at giving the women a modicum of privacy. Kaiulani doesn't notice this, however. As the older woman's more skilled mind shields her off from the prying thoughts of her guards -- not to mention other casual passersby -- she draws in a soft sharp breath in reaction to the suggestions she's offered. *He's never answered me before,* she sends then, wistfully nibbling at her lower lip. *And he has had plenty of opportunity! I've called and called... * *Strange* Okalani muses, *Why would he hide? Disfigured perhaps?* The memory of the glimpses of this mysterious man convinces her that he is at least not a hideous creature, *Or perhaps he is waiting for you to come of a certain age?* She tries at last, stroking with the back of her hand alongside her temple, clearing the skin around her eyes now. *Some people believe one can only understand things after having been through experiences.* Now that the Pandion princess has gone to Haven, hasn't it become more obvious that she has met this guardian more often than before? Or at least seen more of him? *Are you ready to meet him? Is he ready to meet you? One answer you must know, the other one you will never do till he believes both answers to be true and positive.* *He is strong... vigorous!* Kaiulani sends this with absolute assurance, turning back to the priestess now, her mind full of memory. Granted, the older recollection is blurred by time and the pain she had been in when the young shark had attacked her -- but it is buoyed up by a more vivid remembrance of a pair of arms seizing her from out of nowhere in the marketplace, lifting her clear off her feet and swiftly setting her aside again just before the wagon wheel careening her way could slam into her. He cannot be crippled -- no crippled man could have done that! A hint of her ready smile curves her mouth as she shifts from foot to foot, unconsciously acknowledging the full sonorous rhythms of the shell-blowing musicians further down the beach, their songs still resonating through the air. *But oh... perhaps he has scars and thinks he must hide from me because I wouldn't find him handsome... or perhaps he is the outcast son of a great family!* Sent away for some perceived crime, perhaps -- but he would not have done it, naturally. Not her stalwart protector! Her eyes twinkle, full of eager consideration, her mind full of romantic notions. *Of _course_ I am ready to meet him -- I've been ready for _years_! But do you think... maybe he's been waiting for me to grow up?* *That would seem plausible* Okalani answers at last, *You are young and have much to learn. This is a man who can hunt sharks and stay away from your guards and you... and you are a strong swimmer.* Yes, she did notice what the little princess has been doing during the sacred swim. *He is not normal and he may wish to know till you are old enough to be considered special...* she falls silent, reflecting on her own childhood and how her guardian had kept things hidden from her so that she would be nothing but a student in Pasiphae's order till he deemed her ready to know the truth. Naturally she fled Atlantis in order to discover things by herself... something which lead to her growing up very soon after all. Not that Kaiulani should follow her example, the lady may be older than she was at that time but does she know as much as she, acolyte of Pasiphae, had learned by that time? *If you are ready, you must show him such. Only then will he come forward, if he is ready himself as well.* She smiles briefly, *Men do not show the world the face they show the women they love.* Her thoughts dwindle on Sarojin and she rises, stretching her limbs, *I am needed by my child. Think about this, little one.* Kai stops, entirely still, her head cocking slightly sideways and her eyes going round as the import of what Okalani has said washes over her. Her thoughts blank out for a fraction of an instant, and when she manages to formulate a reply, all emotion has drained out of her except for a sudden heady wonder. *My... my sister said he wants me... you think he loves me? Do you really think so?* If she were speaking aloud, the words would be breathless; as it is, they blaze with her startled joy. *I'll think about it, I promise...!* Laughing Okalani responds, *I do not know whether he loves you, Kaiulani. Only he knows that. But...* she ponders, *like you think you are attracted to him, he may believe the same. He may not wish to act upon that.* She allows her eyes to study the girl's figure most thoroughly, making no secret of what she's doing, even to the guards who're coming closer now. *You are good looking. Perhaps you ought to seduce him * A wave of coral tinges Kai's cheeks as she realizes her curvy young form is under scrutiny -- but she doesn't have time to modestly avert her gaze, not with the new, delightfully scandalous suggestion Okalani's now presented her. * I've _NEVER_--* she gasps. And then she cuts herself off. Not only are Okalani's escorts drawing near, but so are Akane and Ronan, and the two young guardsmen are enough of a deterrent to her that she'll have to save this tempting, fascinating notion for another time. *Your child,* she belatedly acknowledges then, *of course you must go to her. Blessings, Okalani! I hope we can speak again soon!* And she steps back, unaware even as she removes herself from the protection of the curtain round her thoughts that the flavor of what's on her mind reaches out to her guardsmen -- and brings a slight frown to both their faces. She is too enamored now of the possibilities that have just been opened up to her to consider anything else -- and besides, there is singing going on further down the beach, a more than ample distraction if the High Priestess must now depart. Kai lifts a hand in farewell, then takes her leave, her step light, her eyes brilliant with hope. Maybe, just maybe, she can find someone on the beach who can teach her how to play a certain recently discovered set of pipes.... [End log.]