"By Order of the Decemvir" Log Date: 7/10/00 Log Cast: Sarojin, Okalani, Kaiulani, assorted NPCs Log Intro: For the last several days, chastened by the scolding she has received from her beloved older sister about her unauthorized jaunt into the Rialto, Kaiulani has dutifully kept to the Korallion to go about her family's business... unaware that her sister has confronted their cousin and Decemvir about the mysterious protector who keeps rescuing Kaiulani from peril. Little does Kaiulani know that Pandion Sarojin has reached a stern decision on the matter, and that she is about to be abruptly enlightened about it as she comes across her kinsman and his beloved, the mother of Pandion's Heir, out on a morning swim... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Late Morning Date on Aether: Sunday, October 5, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: First Quarter Season: Fall Weather: Clear Skies Temperature: Warm *==========================================================================* The rippled coolness of Sarojin's mental aura reflects a surge of annoyance as the wind carries the tone of merriment into his requiem of solitude. Those long agile limbs unfold themself as Sarojin spins to confront the source. He had not bothered to actually make out the content of the words, just the mere existance, the bubbling froth of laughter mixing with the booming fall of the ocean, was enough to heighten the man's annoyance. Mouth open for the verbal assault intended for the source of the sounds are deflected by the sight of Okalani. The center of the swirling activity. Jaw set, a refined needle of tamed anger darts through the distance to awaken the woman's thoughts to his own. *Must you always surround yourself with such children.* The image of the Atlantea and the Sylvan is given, but they are done up in cute dresses and ribbons in the manner of how land dwellers atire their young ones. *And such loud ones at that.* Torn between emotions Okalani is pulled to a stand at this warm greeting from her lover after so long a time. Her heart has jumped at the moment she felt his mental touch against her, the wish to run forward to him and share this wonderful morning with him rudely twisted by the 'tone' of his thoughts with which he wishes to quell the flames of pleasure and fun this day is bringing to her and those around her. Even Lehua. Quick is the thought which then comes to her mind as she lifts the girl a little so she may be shown to the long absent father, *Why not Sarojin ? A child is among us, should her life not be filled with joy and laughter?* Lips are plied in a triumpant, if misschievous, smile which mirrors her mental state as she moves closer to him before stepping sideways towards the damper parts of the sand. Her intentions evidently brought by everything she does and think until the connection is closed with ease and her steps widen as she runs into the water, laughing audibly at the sight of her two playful companions who have begun to call the strangest insults towards Eldred to make him join them. The MOngrel refuses however, yet he seems strangely satisfied at the scene which he watches, brown eyes slipping from Decemvir to the shore. Neither Okalani and her little retinue nor the Pandion Decemvir are the only ones to venture onto the beach this morning. The vocal laughter and commentary tossed back and forth between those who cannot speak mind to mind is uninterrupted by the near soundless-emergence of a slender, dainty form from the waves several yards down the shore, but the upswelling of a strong young mind's thoughts surges past the edges of Atlanteans out and about, announcing Kaiulani far more effectively than her rising up out of the surf. *What harm can a little swim do me, anyway, Akane?* she might be heard to send, words ringing out without any apparent care for mental shielding -- or, for that matter, for keeping emotion from flavoring the demand. The young Pandion, it seems, is restless today, and although her comment to the blue-haired spear-bearing fellow who comes up out of the water in her wake is amiable enough, her sea-green eyes glint with determination. Sarojin meets the retort of Okalani with grim silence that is more by necessity then choice as she breaks that ephemreal connection that exists between minds. The arrival of another presence draws the pale eyed impotent fury of the man, though it is softened somewhat by the realization that it is his blood that moves along the rocky strand. The constant gusts of wind that usher in the booming waves pull at the hair and robe of the pale man as he moves in the direction of Kai. *Greetings cousin.* A flicker of his eyes towards the guard, and a nod of acquiensce soon comes, and Kaiulani is given mental permission to swim with a dozen admonishments to be careful from her guard. He turns then towards the frolicing ocean inexpressive mein glowing in the butter soft light of the sun that drips down onto the beach through the splattering of clouds that help ease the summer ire. *A dip would be nice. Perhaps you will help me to catch a fish. See the pretty one there? I would much appreciated it if you could manage to bring her to me.* A mental projection of Okalani clarifies just who he implies. Haimi moves closer to the shoreline with the broad grin on his face which proves he is speaking the truth when proclaiming his intentions to drag his comrade into the water. He halts however suddenly as mental walls are crushed and he winces visibly at the very loud telepathic 'cry'. Turning around his green eyes spy the newcomers and his lips spread even more when realising the situation. He does pity the Pandion guard however, recognising the situation all too well. The Sylvan behind him looks confused at his face, lips moving in a question about what is wrong. She in turn is distracted by Okalani's enthiusastic arrival which causes her to stumble backwards, feet loosing their ground and her head dissapears beneath the waves. So does the laughing priestess whose mental shields drawn up earlier easily protect her from the telepathic cry coming from the Pandionite. She continues to swim away farther away from the shore, fully expecting her friends to follow her. Danallin grimaces briefly upon resurfacing but she has become an adept swimmer since her first encounter with the Estrel and so it is with delight that she follows her charges, aided by the strong Atlantean man who takes her arm. The one guard trailing Kaiulani becomes two, as short, stocky green-haired Ronan emerges from the waves in his taller brother's wake. Both the young men, Pandions with the darker skin that bespeak their commoner blood, make little bows of respect to the Decemvir as soon as they see him -- while Kaiulani herself starts visibly at Sarojin's presence on the beach. Her thoughts flare up for a moment in a burst of surprise and a little dismay, before she tamps down upon her own broadcasting, with a palpable effort. Dripping, pale hair clinging to her shoulders and shoulderblades in wet and sandy tendrils, the maiden makes a little bow of her own to her older cousin, sending with cautious politeness, *Good morning, Cousin Sarojin...* Her surprise returns, though, as the man indicates Okalani in the midst of her little company, and it takes her a moment before she recovers enough aplomb to append, *That appears to be something of a singular fish.* Both her expression and her thoughts have retreated into a more proper demeanor of noble restraint -- but the latter hasn't entirely done so. A small current of humor colors her mind's voice, escaping the control she's turned towards keeping a crooked little grin off her face. A tinge of amusement invades the frigid deeps of Sarojin's thoughts as they descend upon his cousin. *And please, do try to maintain the dignity of your station. I think the world could care less about your wishes to swim or otherwise, so there is little reason to broadcast it.* The twine of his intentions is ended by a gentle urging for her to move towards the ocean, as an idle pondering manages to escape the confines of the man. *For you there is at least hope, but I fear that this singular fish will never quite learn. I suspect it is the dolphin in her. Horrid beasts. Noisy and playful with no sense of purpose.* Staring towards the spumes of froth coated ocean that fling into the sky around the playful creatures that orbit around the Priestess. Despite himself Sarojin cannot help but allow a blue tainted streamer of laughter dangle from his being before it is quickly furled. A rare moment to see the man caught in such a display of emotion, and Okalani is ever the catalyst, despite how she clearly vexes the man. *Please ask her to pause in her play to come to me.I The face of the Mongrel warrior remains without any expression whatsoever yet his emotions are to the telepaths around him easily readable. Not that they are easy to discertain, he is wary of the circumstance and keeps his deep brown eyes on the Decemvir. The two guards and girl are watched with a certain curiosity however, even faint amusement is tangible. In spite of having no clue what they are talking about there is no obvious discomfort or uncertainty within him because of the silent conversation. His experiences among Atlanteans have taught him to accept their telepathic conversations, though usually either one of his comrades is willing to explain the conversations to him. At this moment a wide body of water seperates them however though the distance is obviously not far enough to forbade the wind and waves to carry the sound of playful cries and outragious laughter. Away from the burdens of gravity and harsh ground Okalani has undone her sling so that her little daughter may drift upon the surface on her own. Beneath it even, a strong current occasionally pulls the babe down yet she always reappaers under the watchful eyes of her appointed guardian, the Sylvan caducean who studies the process of this seadwelling youngster's fluctuating gills with interest. Mother and guard however are circling the other two in a merry chase which leads to miraculous turns above and beneath eachother and more than the occasional 'dumping' head. Oh the pleasantries of youth. Pandion Kaiulani has been living a fairly sheltered existence so far as Haven is concerned for the past several months -- but she has not been without access to the swiftly travelling news that coursed around the blockade fleet that temporarily occupied Haven's waters, and she has not lost access to rumor _or_ factual news now that she's moved into the Korallion. She has not met the High Priestess of Pasiphae -- but even at a distance she cannot help but guess who the mother with the child must be. Kaiulani's fine pale brow crinkles beneath the strands of pearlescent hair falling across it, and after she lifts a finned hand to shove it back across her hairpiece where it belongs and gets a better view, she casts a slightly bemused glance at her cousin. She has exchanged barely two dozen social pleasantries with this man, a kinsman she's known through most of her childhood and adolesence as a remote figure at best. But Sarojin's request seems simple enough, and since what she can sense of his mood seems pleasant -- even though she hadn't missed his rebuke about her lack of mental control, a remark which has brought a flush of faint pink to her cheeks -- Kaiulani opts to go along with him. Bobbing her head once, she replies, *As you wish, cousin...* And with that, not bothering to see whether Akane and Ronan go after her, she turns to trek through damp sand and the tickling wavelets of the surf to approach the nearby gathering. Sarojin then remains, the lonely figure that he is, as Kaiulani abandons him at his own request to join the enthusiastic group that has invaded the timeless rhythms of the ocean. Squinting against the myriad sparkles of light that reflect from the choppy seas that roll into thundering breakers. Refolding himself into his seated position he clears his mind of thought and emotions that leaves him an empty medatative shell while he awaits the coming of Okalani. He has a suspicion she might be stubborn about being summoned so he readies himself for a long wait. communing with the grains of sand that stick with damp allegiance to the taunt pale skin of his legs. The vault of his mind taking in the rush of emotions and feelings that swirl in a mad maelstrom upon the beach. Disecting them to know their source. The little group has split up again by the time the Pandion princess may finally get over there. In fact, it has more than split up for the young priestess and child are nowhere in sight while the splashing waves throw up occasionally block out the remaining two members of the party who appaer to be having a party of their own as the Sylvan is taught how to remain adrift when Atlanteans attack her. Their play comes to an end at the new arrival and it is with a grin that Haimi reaches out with his mind, *Pasiphae's Blessings girl of the free spirit.* Oh yes, he remembers that wild intrusion into his head in which Kaiulani proclaimed her freedom all too well. His voice repeats those words thought mentally for his friend's knowledge. Beneath them the vague shapes of an Atlantean woman can be seen diving down to the sandy bottom below, careful and at a steady place guiding the young babe through the stronger currents, holding her close to her sling once more. Minutes are spent there but eventually her head breaks through the surface, right next to the newcomer. Curious blue eyes study the younger woman as she twists the Aether of Telepathy so she may touch the heads of all, *Blessings of Pasiphae* the greeting is of a more formal nature which nonetheless carries the undertones of enjoyment and curiosity she is experiencing. *What has brought you here among us?* The latter emotion is obviously the dominant one. Pasiphae -- oh yes. How else would she be greeted, approaching those who surround the most important priestess of that very goddess? It's a bit of a startlement to young Kaiulani, and her eyes widen a moment at Haimi's greeting -- _and_ at the abrupt emergence of Okalani immediately before her. Not nearly so well-schooled of expression as her older cousin, the maiden can be seen to blink... and then to smile broadly, unable to help herself from reacting to the affability of both greetings. *Blessings of pure Water,* she replies, graciously inclining her head and holding herself well-balanced in the water that laps about her slender form. Her initial surprise gives way to an returning curiosity, as well as a youthful cheer and respect for the woman who's emerged before her. *I am Pandion Kaiulani, and I have come to greet and pay respects to the mother of Pandion's heir, and the Heir herself.* A prettily delivered speech, this, and not without manners; this one, despite the restlessness that chases through her thoughts like small swift minnows, can apparently conduct herself like a noble when she chooses to do so. Still Sarojin remains. A beacon of emptiness in a land of motion. The wind. The waves. The scurrying thoughts of the youths beyond. The utter quiet marks an accusing finger at this man. Somebody who filters the noise rather then adding to it. The salt colored breeze tugs at the man, turning his hair into a shimmering moonbeam in the midst of day, his opalsecent robe moving through the colors of dawn as the angle of light changes under the air's constant licking. Otherwise he remains the pocket of quiet in the entropy of change. The revealed identity is met with delight and interest by the young priestess and like any proud mother of a newborn she is eager to show the child to those who have come to visit. So carefully the sling which holds Lehua safe is released and the young one is lifted to the surface, drifting upon her mother's hands which gently cup the little head and legs. Layers of fat protect the young one against the fierce cold of the waters which are her natural environment. A crop of black hair stands in sharp contrast to the paleness of the skin which proves Pandion's nobility to those who have come from that region. Her features may resemble those of Okalani yet the most identifying factor, her light blue eyes, carry an almost unnerving resemblance to Sarojin's, in spite the innocence of her frail youth. *You may greet your niece, Pandion Lehua.* The estrel's thoughts carry that emphasis to remind the other ones that this is her child as much as Sarojin's and that she has no intentions to let go of her. Her protectiveness is washed away by amusement however as through the link she begins to catch hints of the noble's personality which seems to please her. Appaerently her lover is the only cold one among his relatives, or so she thinks. Curious eyes drift to the beach now that he has come to her mind again, *He has sent you to come, hasn't he?* she asks and a smile plays around her lips while silver sparks seem to lighten up her mind, symbolising her amusement. How smart to send a relative she will like... even though she is dismayed he didn't come himself. Sensing this may be a private moment Haimi as well as aware of Danallin's plight of having been in the water a little too long the other two have already begun to make their way back to the beach. Dart, dart, dart, go traces of emotion and reaction across the young Pandion's mental presence in the minds of the other Children of Water near her. Kaiulani is holding up well as of yet in tamping down her broadcasts to all and sundry, but the maiden has apparently not perfected the art of reining in her own thoughts, and little tendrils and swirls of her reactions keep leaking out: charm for the tiny youngster. A surge of delight at Okalani's friendly bearing. And a shiver of something like nervousness, as she tosses a glance back over her pale shoulder at the figure of her cousin upon the beach. *He did ask me to come ask you to come to him,* she answers readily, *but I've been wanting to pay my respects since my sister and I came ashore. It seemed only proper!* And another little not-entirely-restrained tendril: self-directed chagrin, and a desire to do something to stay in her family's good graces. It seems the infinite patience that Sarojin projects is limited after all, for the man has become tired of waiting for pleasantries to take their course. Annoyance becomes chief among the emotions that play along the usually clear texture of his aura. *I asked you to bring her to me, not to become life long friends.* That mental surge is pressed into the fragile texture of Kaiulani's mind with undo force as he begins striding into the lapping press of the waves. A deep breath pulled in through flared nostrils manages to bring some calm to the man, as he speaks once more. *I apologize. There is much I wished to discuss with Okalani and I have felt the weight time press upon me of late and to see her dancing care free in the waves did not do much for my usually placid demeanor.* With the iron heel of his will used to good effect he manages to sumberge the mometary flaring of emotion as he moves waist deep into the ocean to join the trio. *Hello my love. How are you? And our child?* An aproximation of fondness painting the man. With the depth adepthood provides it is almost impossible not have stray thoughts and emotions being shared between the two women. So while Kaiulani's lack of closeness is noticed by the teacher it is of no meaning towards Okalani. Instead her thoughts are filled with curiosity and wonder *Your sister?* Another relative she can meet and so get an inkling of the family her daughter is fated to rule one day. Even the thoughts of Sarojin are chased form her mind but the loose thought thrown in their direction changes that... as does the sight of him coming to them at last. But she pays him no heed yet, impish smile tugging up salt covered lips which illustrates her gay mood when she replies, phraising her thoughts in formal sentences, *Proper it may be, a pleasure it most certainly is.* The irony that the girl has technically left the shore for this meeting isn't lost on her and the deepdweller glow in her blue eyes seems to deepen. *You can always go to the temple ask one of the priestesses to teach you.* Pasiphaeans are, after all, known for their ability to discreetly cover part of their minds for others. Only when her lover's thought does grace her in an affectionate manner does she turn her attention upon him, and more, as she swims to meet him on his way, outstretched arms still presenting the child. *Heart of my life, with you I am feeling complete.* Private as the thought may be it is not sheltered from his cousin, nor is the deep emotion of love she feels for this man of ice. Kaiulani's cheeks flush a darker pink at Sarojin's latest rebuke, and for a fraction of an instant, the maiden's features tighten up into a stoic mask, her mind going shuttered at the same time. Her back is to her cousin as this occurs, and so the approaching Decemvir cannot see her expression -- but it is plain enough to Okalani even though the girl does not actually meet the priestess' eyes. Then, like a wave crashing upon a cliff, Kaiulani's surge of -- what? Anger? Frustration? Embarrassment? -- passes, leaving a far more subdued countenance in place as she turns to acknowledge Sarojin, unconsciously slipping into wordless thought as she sends a taut little apology of her own for her delay. To Okalani, she sends after a moment, *You are most gracious to make the offer, Lady... but my activities are in Haven are the province of my cousin, and my sister.* A beat. *Pandion Alamoana.* *And I am feeling tired.* Indeed the bone weariness that echoes in his tone speaks of something that cannot be cured by sleep, though Time maybe able to sooth the rumpled folds of his being. To Kaiulani he turns and with stern tenderness sends her. *Whoever your secret stalker is, I want you to avoid him at all costs. If he comes too near to you I will instruct the guards to capture him, and failing that to kill him. I do not trust him. Nobody has been able to sense his intent. If you can get a message to him I think it would be fair to warn him of his danger. The guards you bring with you know their duty and are quite able to handle it.* In suprising move he does reach to rest a hand upon her shoulder, actual physical contact firming the link of minds so that subtle nuances envelope each gifted word. Separating the blanket of emotion into individual strands of a weave like a prism. Affection. Worry. Humor. *Do yourself well.* He then turns to Okalani and what he communicates to her is tightly enclosed with a sheild of adept making, so that none but he and she are aware of what passes. *Kaiulani, My name is Okalani.* the woman's touch is gentle and like a swift caress over the younger one's brain which leaves the impression that she would not object to either priestess, her full name or any other title which may be considered appropiete by the princess but that she strongly dislikes the impression of being from noble birth, a claim which is not true. *And not your king and family head?"* she inquires, teasing thoughts streaming through her as she wishes to address said person but she is stunned into silence by the strange messages she receives this way and the Pandion lady is considered with a frown, shaking her head about what is going on before she lets it drop, this is obviously a matter of privacy among the Decemvir's family in which she will not intervene unless given the trust for more information. Lehua is held close to her as she tilts her head, listening with a secluded mind to the thoughts whispered into her mind. Still, her emotions cannot be completely hidden so that the happy glow within her may be picked up by curious empaths. _Kill_...? Touching her as he does, skilled as he is with the touch of minds, Sarojin cannot help but sense the horror and surprise that knifes across Kaiulani's mind. All color drains from the maiden's dampened face, and for just a moment, it seems as though she's just reacted to a physical blow. *But you can't -- _they_ can't --* That's all she has time to get out, though, before the Decemvir turns away again, leaving her to try to cope as best she can with the thunderbolt with which she's just been struck. Kaiulani surges forward a moment in the waves, as if she might reach for her cousin and try to tug him back around to face her. But with his turning to Okalani, she apparently changes her mind, face twisting into that stoic, hurt mask again. Her finned hands drop to her sides, She can manage only a swirl of acknowledgement to Okalani by way of reply, and a query to her cousin: may she return to her swim? Once more, she's retreated to wordlessness in her mind-touch, much of her mental voice pulling back like a turtle into its shell -- but leaving disturbed echoes in its passing. With a curt nod in response to whatever Okalani was saying Sarojin turns and dives into an uncoming hill of water. From the a rocky outcrop two darkened shadows come to sudden life and chase the pale ghost into the waters as they race towards the horizon. The big yellow sun setting behind them turning the sea awash in blood. Left alone in the comfortable luke warm water Okalani does not immediately move towards the shore. There is much to think about, the strange thoughts and sensations of the Pandion young girl and the treat spoken by Sarojin. So different from the warm thoughts which have been slipped into her mind. An odd situation which she will inquire after once more important things have been discussed. Delphi's Citadel beckons to her and the child lying against her breasts is hungry for food. So it is to the shore that the priestess swims, to the beach where companions have waited patiently. For like the guards of the Pandions Haven's Hounds do not leave their charges unattended. Abandoned. Intellectually, Kaiulani knows that neither her cousin nor the mother of his heir are deliberately and maliciously leaving her alone -- but nevertheless, the maiden cannot help but feel it as the Decemvir returns to his guards, the High Priestess to her companions. She stands there in the water, casting a sharp, full-eyed glance out across the waves, swallowing hard. Is he out there, the shadow who saved her from the shark? She has nothing more to go on than the memory of a strong pair of arms holding her close, a glimpse of impassioned eyes -- she doesn't even have his name, much less his station or motives. How can she warn a shadow that his life is in danger? And Waters, _why_ is her cousin ordering this? _He's never harmed me,_ she thinks wildly, mutinously. _Never...!_ At last, Kaiulani too retreats to the shore, but it is with far greater reluctance that she approaches her own guards -- and with far more distrust in her eyes that she approaches Akane and Ronan, wondering exactly when and how these two brawny young men might have to be forced to kill. [End log.]