"The Distrustful Decemvir" Log Date: 8/18/00 Log Cast: Sarojin, Kaiulani, Akane and Ronan (NPCs emitted by Kaiulani), Alamoana Log Intro: Despite the efforts of her family to remove her from the influence of the mysterious protector who has haunted her presence in their home waters, Pandion Kaiulani's interaction with her guardian has only increased since she set foot in the city of Haven. Moreover, he has kept up his habit of leaving her gifts... only now, they have become finer, lovelier things, crafted by Benja by his own hands to honor the girl he's guarded and loved from afar since she was small. But Benja has yet to reveal himself to young Kaiulani, or to let himself be seen or contacted by her guardsmen or family -- and her family, personified by her cousin and Decemvir Sarojin, is growing increasingly distrustful of the nameless shadow lingering wherever Kaiulani goes, and he is bent on making his displeasure known even in the face of the wrath of Kaiulani's sister.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Noon Date on Aether: Sunday, December 15, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Last Quarter Season: Winter Weather: Partly Cloudy Temperature: Chilly *==========================================================================* Hovering just beyond the Horizon, barely discernable from shore, floats a trio of ships that sway to the timeless rhythms of the sea. Midnight blue sails flap languidly in the wind as the haze and glow of Haven seems just within reach. The middle of the three ships rises above its brethern in a grand display of size and bower. Streamlined to fork through the most angry of waves the shape of it allows for deceptive size that can only be realized upon close scruntiny. Upon the main deck below the forecastle sits a coral throne surrounded by all the pomp and circumstance of the Pandion court. Eerily quiet feet whisper across the creeking wood as courtesans and assistants flit about on unknown errand. The eye of the mute whirlwind is a man draped in molten dawn. Attenuated to the point he might seem blown away if he were not tethered to his throne. A buzz of annoyance has begun to build around Sarojin as the time for Kaiulani's arrival has come and gone. Five minutes. Ten. And then at last the call comes up from the lookout on duty, alerting those on the deck to the figures spotted just off the side of the vessel. Dark-skinned sailors move to make sure the ladder for the young roya's ascent is securely in place, and in moments, the sounds of an incredibly hasty ascent can be heard wafting up from below. Dripping, salt water sheening off her slender form as she finally clambers into view, Kaiulani shoots a deeply chagrined glance around the deck -- and visibly swallows at the sight of her cousin. While Ronan (looking a trifle more visibly uneasy than normal himself) and Akane (looking stonefacedly neutral) follow her up the ladder, their knives sheathed and their spears slung across their backs, the girl squares her shoulders and nervously approaches her Decemvir and kinsman. * Um... sorry I'm late...!* comes her greeting. If she were speaking aloud, she might have squeaked. Sarojin It would seem as if this man was born beneath the pale moon and never bothered with colors afterwards. A fall of foamy silver splashes its way from his head down to his shoulders, the hair has a shimmery quality to it as if it were in perpetual motion as light dances off the spray of silky strands, some unseen hand constantly brushing their fingers through it, or so the shift of light and shadow seem to suggest. Hard flinty dark eyes center a face that looks as if all the flesh was boiled off of it; the nose having just a hint of hook to it like the beak of some bird of prey. High cheekbones and deep hollowed cheeks and the milky whiteness of the skin give it almost a skulls aspect, especially when seen through the hazy light beneath the waves. The grim visage is levened somewhat when a smile deigns to graces those pale blue lips, curving them in a show of pearly briliance. Long rangy muscles ebb and flow beneath the creamy skin, though the thiness of the body looks almost painful at times. His height only adds to the effect making it seem as if at sometime in his life he was placed upon a rack and stretched. When on land, he moves with the carefulness of one not accostumed to this mode of transport, eyes always darting ahead to plan out the path. As if to challenge, or maybe accentuate, the colorless quality of his body the robe he wears about his shoulders is an opalescent riot of shimmering colors. The strange material seeming to catch whatever light there is and turning it into a firey liquid fall of a myriad hues that courses down the contours of his body. Angry gashes mar the perfect smoothness of the skin around his neck, indicating gills. Translucent veined skin sits between his fingers. Upon his brow sits a crown made of thorny coral, the redish-pink color almost as if those spines had pricked many a brow to wash it in blood and then faded by the suns glare. The circlet holds back the spill of cascading silver, while about his feet sit soft sealskin slippers seeming so very dark against the eggwhite skin of his feet. Kaiulani With skin just a shade or two darker than the clearest, palest moonlight, and with delicate webbing between her fingers and gossamer fins accentuating her wrists and ankles, this young maiden can be nothing but an Atlantean -- and a noble-born one, if the confidence of her bearing and the beauty of her features is any indication. Her hair is long and flowing, the exact shade of the inside of an oyster's shell: pearlescent white at first glance, gleaming with subtle shades of pink and blue and violet in the right light. Eyes of a deep, rich sea-green meet the world with a regard as apt to change as weather over the ocean, sometimes moody, sometimes gay, but always full of a fearless, vibrant life. When she is actually standing still, she might be noted to stand no taller than five foot two, but her every word and action speaks of a spirit unbounded by her diminutive frame. Like most of the Children of Water, she wears very little. At the moment she's clad in nothing but a halter and breechclout of foam green, leaving most of her starlight-pale skin visible when it's not obscured by the pearlescent curtain of her hair. A coral headpiece decorated with a single pearl is all that keeps that shining mass out of her face. Her feet are bare as well, for at the moment, Kaiulani intends to swim. Silence. The empty void of nothing swallows her greeting as frigid eyes fixate upon the two guards in telling censure. Then it comes. The connection is not the gentle entreaty of most. It is a whiplike fillament that wraps about her mind and demands her attention in the most brutal of terms. *My patience has come to an end.* Like the crashing roar of an incoming breaker his thoughts roil through her mind. Blackened fury dances around the fringes of the deep vibrations he emenates. *I have had enough with your games. Your disrespect. It is time you grew up.* Some of the ire bleeds out of him, and the overly stiff posture slackens into obsidian clasp of his dark throne. *Now, your guards have been telling me things that greatly disturb me.* Fingers steepling beneath his chin, a stray brush of intent wishes her to step forward towards those haunted eyes. The maiden visibly flinches in reaction to the thoughts that lash over her own; behind her, it is Ronan's turn to swallow hard, though the green-haired guardsman is holding his deferential pose before his Decemvir. His taller, blue-haired brother still remains entirely unreadable at Kai's other flank, at least to the eye -- and to Kaiulani's mind, whether or not he is readable to his brother, their leader, or anyone else on board the vessel. Unable to suppress a flare of shock and hurt -- _Akane_ she can understand reporting to her cousin, but Ronan?! -- the girl whirls to glance at both of them, before hauling her attention back to her implacable kinsman. She is only a few subtle shades darker of complexion than he, palest cream rather than pure ice-white, but it doesn't take much to make what little color normally lives in her cheeks to drain away entirely and leave them stark and grey. Bidden to do so, Kaiulani inches forward, sending only now a small wordless acknowledgement that she is paying attention. An imperious finger points to the ground right in front of him, long lithe arms extend to cradle the woman's shoulders in a surprisingly tender gesture from this frigid crystaline figure. *Kaiulani.* Cousin. Pandion. Friend. All wash over in a torrent of affectionate emotion that is quickly turned off with a flickering of his will. Dark thoughts now pool upon the beaches of his mind. Liquid shadows gathering and then unleashed upon her soul. What might be. What could be. The possibilities that exist in her current choice of roads. What men can sometimes be like. The ugliness that often hides behind the gift giver. The harsh truth of ulterior motives. *I care for you. I don't want to see you harmed.* Once more fluxing back into a mode of caring mingled with the essence of fatherly worry. *Your parents made you my responsibility. I shall not shirk from it, no matter how hard the task. Do you understand?* Hope that she does blossom before wilting. The young woman stops before her kinsman, more than a little startled at the touch to her shoulder, not to mention the torrent of familial sentiment he sends out into her mind. Her own shifts with the surprise of it all, for she had had no idea that Sarojin, decades her senior in age, perceived throughout her childhood as a remote figure at best, harbored that kind of affection for her. That he saw her as anything but an errant and annoying child who required discipline -- and she isn't entirely convinced even _now_ that this perception has necessarily changed all that much. One of her own hands comes up unconsciously to grab at a wet lock of her pearlescent hair, twining it about in her grasp and squeezing the salt water out of it. *I... understand all of these things, cousin,* she answers awkwardly, much of her mind's youthful force subdued. *Do you really? Do you understand the darkness that can reside in the heart of man? Is there not a saying among the land dwellers. 'Beware of Empyrean's bearing gifts.' But that is true for all men.* Spiderly fingers crawl up to brush lightly along the line of her cheekbone, as if sweeping away unshed tears. Silvery lockes tumble down to shield the liquid intensity of his gaze in a segmented mist. *Do you know what can happen to you? There are things worse then death. I have not shown you for I cherished in your heart that need to believe the best of your fellow man, but this gift giver will force me to show you the worst. And that I don't want to do. I am bitter enough for two people. Abandon him. I beseach you. Otherwise you will force my hand.* He settles back into his basalt seat and lets go of a long kept breath in a desultory sigh. *I have to be sure. I will be sure. There can be no doubt.* The image of a wraith like figure draped in mystery being dragged at trident point from the sea is offered, alive and to be questioned. *It is time to grow up.* Kaiulani has not yet wept -- but at the touch to her cheek, the girl's contenance begins to grow strained, as though she may be about to do so. She flinches again at the dark suggestions and implications Sarojin's older and far more experienced mind thrusts forth for her consideration; however, her eyes harden, wet though they may be, and a deep horrified anger wells up from within her. Not at the possibilities her cousin suggests... but at the image of the nameless one at the points of Pandion tridents. *He has _never_ harmed me!* she cries, pulling back from the hand that has touched her. *He saved me from the shark... and... and you want to answer this with violence?! With _death_? * Once more his hand flash out, darting like an eel ready to strike. Agile and able fingers surround her chin and hold her gaze to his own. *I want to be sure. I have to be sure.* Fingers tightening to the threshold of pain before relaxing. never quite crossing that indelicate boundary. *I will only kill him if he gives the wrong answers, and if his answers are right. Well then I shall bless what ever grand illusions you too wish to create with your time together. What is wrong with that? I will just be sure. You can even be present for the questioning.* She is released so that his hand might fold in a sedentary manner within his lap, the ebb and flow of his emotional tides have reached a momentary lull. Drained he seems. Beaten down by the responsibility a people have rested on his shoulders. *You can't be sure. He has done what he has done to get close to you. There are types of men who feel a woman has to walk into their trap. That she has to be given a choice, so that when she does choose to go with them and pays the price, she gets what she deserved. He can always say to himself. I gave her a choice.* A flattened hand passes before her field of vision. *Why not let me ask him what his intentions are. If all is well then all shall be left alone.* Alamoana emerges from between two waves from the ocean and joins you. Alamoana has arrived. Kai's features grow tauter as her chin is seized, but she does not remove her gaze from her kinsman's forbidding pale visage -- even as a strong distrust and wariness surges across her mind, lingering hurt that someone who has guarded her even if from afar all her life is now risking harm from her own flesh and blood. *What are the 'right' answers?* she asks, her mind's voice now as strained as her expression, as though it takes her great effort now to form the coherent thought. *He... he... * And at last she finishes, dainty white hands clenching, her entire frame stiffening with the force of her rising anguish, *How can you say these things... when all he's ever done is _protect_ me?! If he wanted to harm me... he could have carried me off... not brought me back at all!* *I spoke of the element of choice. That is very important to some of the bad sorts. If he carried you off he would deny you that choice. Perhaps he wants you to come willingly to your doom for it will make his triumph over yoru body and spirit all the sweeter.* Attenuated fingertips rise up to push back the scintilating wave of moon washed silver silk that has tumbled into his eyes, as his voice once more reverberates within the mind of Kaiulani. *As for the right answers. I am mainly concerned with the fact that he means you no harm. If necessary I shall bring a powerful telepath in to discern that answer, though I doubt he will remember the procedure.* His posture straightens, eyes growing distant as he wanders the trails through deep thoughts. Climbing over the side of the boat comes Sarojin's worst nightmare. No, really, she is. Alamoana's face is already consumed by a lander expression, and not a very nice one. Her scowl sweeps over both parties, anger and concern seething from the edges of her thoughts, in reaction to what she feels from her sister, and then stronger at what she sees. *Still bullying little girls, Cousin?* her mind almost spits. Vivid as the sea is deep, fueled by the glimpses she's caught of her mysterious guardian -- both with her own eyes and through the mind of her sister -- Kaiulani's imagination surges forth with a half-formed image of a broad-shouldered, dark-haired figure crumpling beneath the onslaught of a telepathic questioning. It flares up without her willing it in the back of her mind, but she is not skilled or disciplined enough to keep it from the far more honed power of her kinsman... especially not when it succeeds in doing what Sarojin's warnings and adminitions have not, bringing tears to the maiden's sea-green eyes. *What if--* she begins, her mind strident, frantic... and abruptly interrupted, as her older sister comes up the same ladder she and her guards had ascended only a short time ago. Kaiulani shoots her sibling a hot wet gaze from where she stands before their cousin and Decemvir, and a raw wave of relief at the sight of her. Ronan, behind and to the right of the maiden, smiles fractionally -- but doesn't dare hold it for long. By contrast, his brother Akane's eyes narrow just a bit, but like his brother, the older guardsman is keeping his place. A flicker of his the pale fires of his eyes towards the newest arrival and then a dimssive glance. His voice broadcasts to all who are willing ot accept his message. *I am merely a vessel for the truth, or the potential truth. I seek to instill within her the proper caution. So she is aware of the potential danger she is willinging throwing herself into. You might ask her.I have not bullied her. I do care for her. She knows that. You are welcome to search my heart. I do want the best for her.* The clasped hands unwind themselves and comes to rest on the arms of his throne as he leans forward to fill Kaiulani's eyes with his acid etched features. "Will you allow me to question him? I ask for your blessing in this." The fireflower that blooms within the mind of the younger cousin's brings about a tightening of Sarojin's visage. *Control. You had a question. Finish it child.* Gently insistant. The change of the cool pattern of Ronan's mind, and the subliminal flexing of his lips, does not go unnoticed by Sarojin, but he tables the matter for another time. *Oh really, Cousin?* Alamoana advances on the pair, taking up a post close to her sister with hands on her hips. *And you call threatening to have the lad killed caring and tender? Perhaps Kai and I should go home before this Lander place warps us so horribly as well. What sort of people think killing to be an act of love, I wonder? Certainly no one of /my/ family would think in such a fashion. Then again, you've been here for a while, haven't you? No wonder you should forget the gentle ways of our people. Forget that we are not a violent race.* An arm circles around her sister, seeking to draw the girl protectively close to her side, as a mother would a child. Her beloved sister. Impulsively, Kaiulani throws her arms about the older girl, but she does not let herself bury her face against Alamoana's shoulder -- not when Sarojin's mind is still commanding the attention of her own. Now though, buoyed up by her sibling's arrival, Kai's mind strengthens and steadies. It is, after all, Alamoana who has shared with her the image of a half-seen shadow casting flower petals upon the waves -- Alamoana who has assured her that for all that she will do everything in her power to make certain of her little sister's happiness. Heedless of tears and seawater drying upon her starlight visage, Kai swallows hard and looks her cousin in the eye, from the shelter of her sister's arms. Her lower lip juts out just a bit -- and where did she pick up that lander-like, girlish pout? -- but there's nothing childlike about the determination taking shape in her thoughts. *Promise me you will not harm him if his heart is true!* she insists in fervent waves of emotion. *We kill for necessity. To eat and to protect. I have offereding Kaiulani a viable solution. I just wish to question this mysterious fellow. If he is truthful in his answers and willing to provide them then I shall offer my blessing on whatever may transpire afterwards. But if it is felt that he has harmful intents, then I shall feel it is necessary to kill him.* At the end of his thought flow the river of emotion is damned and he patiently awaits the moment of sibling bonding to find its end. At Kaiulani's question his answer sounds the toll of truth, for there is no way he could lie within this most intimate manners of speach. *If his heart is true, he shall keep it to give to your or to jealously guard. If it is not I shall put it upon my trophy mantle as reminder to those who would dare to threaten the royal family.* A turn of his head towards the purpling sky, and he comments. *The hour groes late. If we are satisfied with this agreement perhaps we can all find some rest?* Indeed. He seems moe wan of late, emphasized by the pale mist his robe has become without the golden sun to set it aflame. Eyeing the Decemvir warily, Alamoana raises one last point. *First, I feel I must extract a promise from you. Any gifts exchanged will remain in their rightful hands. There will be no stealing by you or your guards, and no hurtful destruction of them. I assure you I will check any Kaiulani receives for hints of danger, and have the priestesses double-check. However, I will not allow my sister to be needless traumatized for the sake of you... pride.* _Destruction_ of her gifts? Kaiulani draws in a sharp, hissing breath, looking for a moment as if Akane had just come up behind her and thrust his knife into her back. *There's nothing harmful about pipes!* she exclaims vehemently. [Unfortunately, Sarojin's player had to log off at this point, so the scene terminates here. End log.]