"Blood on the Snow" Log Date: 9/9/00 Log Cast: Kaiulani, Akane and Ronan (NPCs emitted by Kaiulani), Benja Log Intro: Winter has clenched Haven in an unusually tight, brutal grip. Snow has been falling almost non-stop for days now, and people all over the city are suffering the effects of the hostile weather. Only the Atlantean people have been reasonably unbothered by the frigid temperatures, accustomed as they are to the cold depths of the ocean -- but even the Children of Water find the layers and layers of snow blanketing the streets hinder their comings and goings just as effectively as they do those of the landers. Winter has brought a more personal hardship to the young Pandion maiden Kaiulani, however. Bothered by her cousin and Decemvir Sarojin's relentless insistence that her mysterious guardian may have nefarious motives and cannot be trusted until his true nature is divined, bothered again by hearing a similar opinion from the unlikely source of a Varati Warlord, Kaiulani has grown uneasy at the prospect of her nameless savior and what he might want of her. A little tendril of fear has worked its way through the trust she's built up for him, just enough to make her wonder what kind of man would give her gifts... yet never show her his face. Trying to distract herself from brooding over her personal shadow, the maiden has charged out into the snowbound city in search of something to do. And even as she succeeds in occupying herself with the unlikely diversion of helping landers in need, Kai remains unknowing that her nameless savior is shadowing her as always... and that in the midst of a winter as harsh as this one, even creatures who are normally friendly on land can turn savage with very little provocation.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Night (Duskside) Date on Aether: Friday, January 25, 3907. Year on Earth: 1507 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waxing Crescent Season: Winter Weather: Sleet Temperature: Very Cold *==========================================================================* Old City Garden - Haven A strange thing, to some, to see such a thick, unbridled mass of forest within the city walls. Even during the brightest days, it is shady here; looming tree branches above filter out the sunlight, casting shadows that might be relieving during a warm summer day, or alternatively fearsome by night. The heart of the garden is most often alive with the chirps and chitters of the wildlife that makes its home here. Still, some civilization prevails, if only tentatively. A wide, roughly cobbled road stretches east to west, suitable for the usual traffic of a city street, if a bit precariously. Benches line the various man-made paths, reminding the visitor that this is indeed intended to be a respite from the bustle of the town, and is not merely some uncontrolled mass of trees within Haven. Contents: Benja Obvious exits: Streets Garden Archway Snow. Snow, snow, snow, and more snow. When the winter had come to Haven, Pandion Kaiulani had looked upon it with all the curiosity with which she greets anything new and different -- with a sparkle in her eye and a lift to her chin and a determination to thoroughly investigate the addition to her world. But as the snow has continued to blanket the city, piling deeper and deeper and sending knives of cold into the bodies of the landers, forcing them to bundle up in their thickest clothing, hindering traffic along the streets, and driving even the hardiest souls indoors, the newness of snow has begun to wear off fairly quickly. To be sure, the Pandion maiden hasn't been too personally inconvenienced by the weather -- it's been no hardship to put on a few extra layers of admittedly light clothing along with her green velvet cloak, just to prevent passersby from staring at her strangely as she goes by them. But still. The snow and ice are difficult to walk on, for feet unaccustomed to treading for very long on that kind of surface. Especially when the feet in question have had to put on heavier shoes than is their habit to wear. And tonight, Kaiulani stumbles with as much dignity as she can muster through the gardens, on her way back to the Korallion with her tired, frustrated guards in tow. Fewer work crews have been out here, to clear out paths for those who might need to walk about the city, and too late has Kaiulani discovered that this means the time she gains by avoiding the congestion of crowds on the streets is almost lost right back to having to step through drifts that frequently reach her knees. *I do not,* she proclaims to no one in particular, features crinkled up in annoyance as she does her best to keep inside the trail Ronan is slowly digging out for her through the snow, *care very much for winter. Waters! How do the landers bear this?* The winter has caused several inconveniences for Benja as well, but he has taken them in stride, as he always does. He is as used to the odd looks at him as he is to the frigid waters of the sea, and though this freezing wind is a new experience, as is the stiffened precipitation that has collected on the ground in white drifts, the he-man in him has refused to don any additional clothing to combat it. That is only partly due to the scarcity of clothing that allows for fins such as he has. He does not hear the complaint of his lady charge as he keeps his silent vigil behind and around her, skirting through trees and drifts with quiet feet so as not to draw her attention. But, he can see the face she makes, and he must supress a grin. Oh how he wishes to throw a ball of this white stuff at her, as he has seen the children doing in the streets. Kai herself has taken up balls of the white stuff and playfully hurled them, all unknowing of the extra pair of eyes tracking her movements through the city. Only once or twice has she pinned Akane with her missiles, for the look of freezing reproof he's given her was more than enough to dissuade her from trying to engage him in that sort of lighthearted fun. Ronan has been more willing to entertain their mistress' restless moods, actually smiling a time or two and consenting to hurl snowballs back and forth with her, once they figured out how to effectively make them. They've even done so today, but such games were the province of the morning, while the sun still shone upon the glittering blanket that lies across the earth. Now, with night fallen and the wind up, the pair of Pandion guards and she who is their appointed charge are primarily concerned with making their way back to the Korallion. Their day has not been all fun and games -- no, Kaiulani has actually had a purpose today, trying to visit what friendly landers she can find in the name of Pandion Decemvirate, giving freely of her personal stock of money to try to help the cold and hungry keep themselves a little less so a little longer. *We'll get you home soon enough, my lady, don't fret,* Ronan tells her, glancing over his shoulder to catch her eye. *You did good work today, and you deserve some rest and relaxation.* Benja keeps out of sight, trudging through the snow and wind. He is glad for that wind, for it hides the sounds of any crunching the snow makes under his feet. He has rounded a bit ahead and to the side of where his beloved walks with her guards. He's heard of the difficulties at the beach and in the marketplace today, and he will not allow harm to come to the elegant creature who has stolen his heart without ever having spoken to him. Protective, he wanders through the shadows, keeping watch for dangers that may think to lurk within. *Well, I'm glad one of you thinks so,* Kaiulani answers her younger guard, trying to keep censure out of her tone. But even though she and Akane haven't exactly been enemies lately, neither really have they been at peace -- and the older guard's frown of annoyance does not entirely vanish even as the maiden casts an immediately sheepish glance back at the taller guard bringing up the rear. *Ach, I am sorry, Akane... it has been a _long_ day, and I am tired...* Indeed, the maiden's weariness bleeds through her mind's voice, as well as leaking out into her pale visage; the gathering night shadows can't really conceal her features, not when she's only a few shades darker of complexion than the snow that surrounds them all. *Moreover...* And she makes another face, throwing forth a hand to wave Ronan to a stop, before she drops down to pull at one of her low boots. *Curse it! I have a rock in my shoe.* *My lady is gracious to apologize,* comes Akane's stiff acknowledgment of Kaiulani's words, his mental tone cool and controlled, his expression less so when the maiden is not looking at him. His brother is, though, and Ronan shoots Akane a long, searching look while Kaiulani pulls off her right boot, looking for the pebble that's managed to slip in along the back and lodge itself against her heel. Their motion has stopped. Even from the shadows, where lurks the silent guardian, he can see that his lady is weary and not at all pleased about something. Benja cannot hear the mindspeak that is most certainly being tossed about, but he can read the small expressions that occassionally find their way to the three faces. Since they have halted, Benja also stops his feet, hiding behind a tree not too far off, and watching. A small grin flits over his lips as he watches Kaiulani wrestle with the strange footwear. He stiffens quickly though, as the snow crunches several times, accompanied by the sniffing sounds of the rather skeletal city dogs who have been finding this winter particularly hard for scavenging. If it had been easy for Benja to track the maiden and her two 'official' protectors, equally easy had it been for the small pack of hounds who have been foraging for what little food they can find tonight in the garden. One of them slinks forward out of the shadows between the trees, wary, hungry gaze upon the three in the midst of the impromptu trail through the snow. Under ordinary circumstances it might be a big handsome specimen, this dog -- but at the moment it's a rather pitiable creature, fur matted along its frame, ribs sticking out along its flanks. It approaches Akane as if not entirely certain whether it can get away with begging, a piteous whine building in its throat. *What in the name of--* Kaiulani looks up, past her older guard as he whirls around, and makes a startled little exclamation of surprise. *Waters--! What's that?* *A hound, my lady,* comes Ronan's reply, though his homely face crinkles with a touch of uncertainty, as if he's not entirely convinced of his own conclusion. Cold green eyes watch guardedly as the canine approaches the man set to guard Benja's Kaiulani. And the shadow Guardian glances around quickly to discern what might be the best way to lure the mutt away if anything should happen, without allowing Kaiulani to see him. Webbed fingers grip the bare branch of a nearby tree as he tries to devise his plan of action should anything threaten the maiden. Kaiulani rises cautiously to her feet, her boot held forgotten in one dainty finned hand, and she begins, *The poor creature -- see how thin it is! Do either of you have any--* But then her mind's voice dies away and her eyes go round as two more hungry-looking canines come creeping out in their pack leader's wake, too timorous to come as near as the first dog had, yet too hungry not to pass up the chance of food. These are dogs, not wolves, and thus they dimly recollect even in the grip of the brutal winter that creatures of two legs are supposed to be Friends. That they might have food. A remnant of this hope is what propels the first hound forward, even as Akane sends sharply, *Kaiulani, what little meat we still carry would not be able to sate the beasts -- it would be a mercy to put them out of their misery! Ronan, keep her moving--* *What?!* the maiden demands, shocked at even the suggestion of violence towards the dogs. *Great Mother Ocean, Akane, must you be so brutal? Look at the poor things, we could surely at least give them what's left of our dinner, I know I didn't finish it and we've got more waiting back at the Korallion. Give it here!* And before her blue-haired guard can protests, the maiden reaches forward with impulsive fingers to pluck a pouch from his side, rummaging into it for some remnant of the meal the three of them had shared before heading home this night. It's not much, but she does come across a few scraps of dried jerky, which she promptly holds forth to the hound in the front-- -- who lunges forward, growling plaintively, jaws nearly snapping shut on her fingertips. A twig cracks beneath Benja's foot as he takes a reflexive step forward. But hearing the sound himself, he ducks quickly in case anyone should look his way. Slowly, he begins to creep around , keeping low to the ground, watching through the branches as he manuevers himself to a place that will give him the best vantage point. If the dogs do not attack, he will remain where he is, but if they do, he will need to find a way to help without being seen. His fingers reach over to the dagger attached to his arm and slowly pull it free. Fortunately for Benja, the attention of Kaiulani and her two young guardsmen is now firmly upon the dogs. Two more are in view now, lingering timidly back there in the drifts, their stark forms outlined against the snow; one small creature is practically up to his ears in the stuff, shivering with cold, and possibly about to drop any second. But the bigger beasts are closing in, and the lead dog hungrily inhales the scraps of jerky dropped by the startled maiden even before they hit the ground. Kaiulani yelps her surprise, while Akane shoves her backwards towards his brother and growls out loud, unsheathing his knife, "Back, cur!" That snaps the dog's head up, and the whine that had been rumbling in its throat abruptly turns to a snarl. Benja sneaks closer as silently as he can, only making the barest of noises and hoping that the wind will cover them. The growl urges him to hurry, and before he knows it, he finds himself directly behind yet another dog. The dog jumps as it senses the man, startled at first. This motion brings it partially into the clearing before it jumps back into the trees with a vicious growl and a thud that is probably heavier than just the dog hitting the ground. Benja makes no sound though as he fights the growling, snapping beast that is now atop him. Twigs and snow and dead leaves snap and crackle with the sounds of the unseen fight that has just begun. *Get her out of here, Ronan!* Akane spares only enough time to snap a glance back to catch his brother's eyes and make sure the younger guardsman heard him -- and with that, he too is engaged in battle, his obvious disgust for this mangy land creature limned in the curl of his mouth and sparking in the depths of his eyes. Akane is swift, though; not for nothing has this young man been appointed by his Decemvir to guard the young royal. He surges in with his knife, crouching low and aiming a slash at the dog's throat even as it attempts to jump him. Blood in the air and blood on the snow is enough to provoke the rest of the pack forward, all save the tiny dog who's stumbled a halt in the drift that's caught it. That leaves four converging on Akane -- much to Ronan's horror. *Get up a tree, my lady!* he urges Kaiulani, shoving her towards the nearest trunk and then drawing his own knife, intent on plunging into the fray to help his brother. *I can help--* *Decemvir Sarojin ordered us to protect you! _Climb_, Kaiulani!* The urgent plea in Ronan's mind-voice makes his point far more effectively than any hard command of Akane's might have done, and with consternation now crinkling her dainty visage, Kaiulani stumbles back against the nearest of the trees. She doesn't have time to try to pull her other boot back on; instead, she grabs onto it as best she can with her teeth while frantically whirling to peer up at the dark snow-weighted bulk of the tree. Climb, Ronan says! But _how_? The growls and wrestling noises that come from the direction of the trees, could very likely mean that one of the dogs has found some other bit of quarry. It would have to be another dog, or a young deer perhaps though, with the heavy sounds of the scuffle. Luckily or perhaps unluckily, Akane and Ronan are both occupied and are not about to investigate. A strong fist, bearing a bone dagger plunges toward the ribs of the dog that has sunk his yellowed teeth into Benja's shoulder and neck. The sudden yelp of pain echoes over the snow-covered garden, but the fight is not over. The flesh has been torn and the blood has been tasted, driving the ravenous dog into a fury to win this battle. Four dogs, armed with teeth and claws, desperation and hunger. Two Atlantean guardsmen, armed with spears and knives, and the grim determination to keep their charge safe -- though neither Akane nor Ronan had expected to have to fight off a pack of half-wild dogs. But their battle has been joined, and indeed, if either of them notice the strange echoes of the sounds of their fight coming out of the woods not far away, they certainly give no sign of it. Kaiulani, for her part, manages to find a foothold and a handhold on the tree before her, though her hand slips and her palm is scratched before she's at last able to haul herself up along the ice-slick trunk. It does not occur to her to wonder exactly why so many of the tree's branches are bent down so close to the ground, bearing the burden of snow that they are; at any other time, she might register it, but not now. Ronan has told her to climb, and climb she will. It is not as if she could be useful in the battle... could she? As Akane and Ronan wrestle with the canines, she laboriously hauls herself a few feet higher, dislodging snow and tiny bits of twig as she goes... And the first of the dogs sinks his teeth into Akane's arm, just before the guardsman manages to fling it up to protect his face. Temper flares up in his eyes, and a heartbeat after the dog strikes, so does he. His knife plunges into the creature's chest. Grunting from the pain in his neck and shoulder, Benja pulls the dagger out for the dog's side and reaches up for his neck. He rolls over in the snow in hopes of getting the dog on its back, but the dog is faster, and not quite the same body type as a shark, so it manages to jump away just in time and then attack again, this time at the back of Benja's neck. The shark-hunter has had just about enough of this, and Kaiulani could be in danger! He reaches back with thick fingers and grabs whatever fur he can manage into a strong, painful hold. Another yelp, and the vicious teeth of the starved animal sink into Benja's wrist, trying to free itself. Benja does not know how right he is -- and neither does Kaiulani, for that matter. As she manages to haul herself up into the v-shape of the trunk she's trying to scale, the maiden finally marks the weight of ice and snow upon the branches around her; indeed, the tree seems almost smashed down to the ground, where it should have provided her more cover overhead. Maybe, though... maybe she can turn this to her advantage? Break off a branch, or something, with which she might help drive off the hounds? Even as Ronan manages to dispatch a second dog, the girl starts trying to creep further out along one of the lower, thicker branches, hoping to reach a limb thin enough for her to break. Clumps of snow and ice begin to shower down in response to her efforts, and the branch beneath her gives an ominous creak, though this is drowned out by the snarls of the remaining hounds and the grunts and hisses of the guardsmen engaged in battle. Wincing from the pain that shoots through his now bleeding and torn wrist, Benja gives a growl of his own. More irritation than pain. This mutt keeps him from his duty. Rolling over, he keeps the squirming, yelping, snarling, biting dog within his grasp as his other hand reaches over. He'll snap its neck and give it a quick death. Can't do that with sharks, but a dog probably wouldn't be as fun to tear apart with his bare hands either. Akane whirls to drive his knife into the throat of the third hound -- leaving the odds two to one, in favor of his brother. The remaining hound edges backwards a moment, its hunger beginning to be outweighed by the threat of the two creatures that have slain its fellows... but not entirely, for the spilled blood reddening the snow is provoking that hunger up again, and the dog can't quite seem to make up its mind whether to snarl or whine. The question is abruptly rendered moot, however -- for the creaking of the branch under Kaiulani grows louder. All at once, the dead and rotted wood of that particular part of the tree begins to give way; feeling it begin to give, Kai lets out a little shriek and tries to scramble back the way she'd come. But she is a Daughter of Water, and encumbered besides by her cloak in the tree. It doesn't take much for her to lose her hold on the branch... To fall... And to strike the ground hard in a hail of snow and twigs, the broken branch dropping down on top of her. The growling of the dog who thought he'd overpower the large Atlantean man, suddenly turns to painful whines and yelps, and just as quickly, it ceases completely. One good yank of its head leaves the animal lifeless in Benja's grip. Standing, he drops the dog with a heavy thud into the snow and then snaps his head around quickly in an effort to find Kaiulani. He searches the area he last saw her with wide eyes trying to locate where she might be. *My lady--* This alarmed mental shout comes from Ronan, but it's promptly cut off as the last of the hounds, panicked by the snapping of the branch, overcomes its own paralysis and leaps upon him. *Brother--?!* Akane whirls, his handsome visage still flushed with the heat of battle, and not without concern for his sibling. *Get Kaiulani, brother!* Ronan writhes around just enough to catch Akane's eye, before he too is blooded, the dog's teeth grazing his shoulder before he can properly strike it-- --and Akane scowls, but whirls to the massive dead branch that has snapped down off the tree, and the prone sprawled form beneath it. Kaiulani does not stir, and nor can he get her to answer him. Determinedly, the blue-haired guardsman unslings his spear, thinking to use it as a lever to pry the branch up off her. Pale green eyes widen immediately as they fall on the scene. Kaiulani is still and unmoving on the ground, and the man with the spear is obviously angry as he approaches with that spear. A deep growl emerges from Benja's throat. He is behind Akane, and he uses that cover to his advantage. Quickly he charges, rushing through the leafless trees and bushes and angling himself just so, so that when he tackles Akane, it will be slightly from the side, so that Kaiulani will not be harmed by the impact. Lowering his shoulder to aim it toward the man's side and mid-back, the shadow hunter is as swift as he is unexpected. * * Akane goes down, and he goes down hard, his spear clattering out of a suddenly nerveless hand. But he isn't out, and even as Benja's bulkier form slams him against the icy earth, the young guardsman struggles to roll over. Or turn. Anything to get into a position to confront this new threat. *RONAN!* *Akane?!* The other guardsman, distracted at a crucial moment, cannot spring to his brother's aid. All he sees is a shadow leaping out of nowhere and tackling Akane, before the dog he's wrestling sinks its fangs deep into the flesh of his already wounded shoulder. Pain lances out from Ronan's mind, then, and his world focuses by necessity on the crazed hound that's pinned him. Benja was expecting to tumble down with his victim, so his recovery is a bit faster. Bringing his upper body upward, his hard fist swings quickly toward Akane's head. Straddling over the man's legs, since he is mostly upon his side, the shark hunter attempts to trap his foe in a way that gives him the advantage. The thousands of little spines within the wing-like fins are extended and dripping with venom. Akane had been flailing a hand backwards, trying to land a blow against his unseen attacker even as he struggled to writhe around and face him head on. But the young guardsman only manages to wriggle halfway around before the shark hunter's fist lands its blow, and everything goes white for a moment behind Akane's eyes. He goes limp, seriously dazed now, only a vague tendril of pain and alarm flaring out to his brother... ... while Ronan finally manages to drive his knife into the throat of the final hound, given extra impetus that surge of alarm and pain from his sibling. But Ronan, too, is wounded, and it takes the stockier, shorter guardsman considerable effort to hurl the hound away from him, roll over, and begin to try to haul himself to his feet and stumble to Akane's aid. Benja gives Akane another heavy belt to the head, before he realizes the guard is no longer moving. Blood dripping from his shoulder and neck, and from the arm that was mauled by the dog, he rises to his feet, standing over the still man for only a moment, to be sure he is not going to get up again. A dark scowl rides upon his lowered brow, as he turns his face toward the other guard. The shadows aid him concealing the fullness of his features, and from the position in which he stands, the wing-like fins are unable to be seen as anythin more than the folds of his garment. Concern flashes through his eyes as he glances at Kaiulani, but it gone when he spies the other guard. This one poses no true threat, other than that he might be able to identify him, so Benja ducks back into the bushes to circle around behind Ronan, and wait. Ronan is not normally a religious man, but the sight of the dark apparition looming over his fallen brother is enough to strike a bit of terror into that young man's heart. He rears back, squinting through snowflakes resuming -- again -- their descent from the sky, but before he can rally his wits enough to charge forward, the shadow's leapt aside. Still brandishing his knife, the green-haired guardsman whirls about as best he can, crying out hoarsely, "Stay back, in the name of Pan... Pandion..." He stumbles. Once. Twice. Then he goes down hard on one knee, the world whirling about him as his blood leaks down from his own torn shoulder. To Ronan's credit, he tries to keep moving. But before he can truly reach his brother, the young man loses his hold on consciousness, keeling over in a heap not far away from Akane's crumpled form. That is enough for Benja. The man is down, and he /must/ see to Kaiulani. A slithering is the only sound as he makes his way quickly to the fallen form of his lady. He bends down quickly and lifts the trapping branches from her frail body heaving them aside as emotion wracks his face, worry, near panic. Dropping to his knees, he halts before touching her as if knowing she will dissolve into the mists of his imagination should he dare. But this is not imagination. Slowly, he reaches down and slips his arm under her neck and around her shoulders, lifting her carefully, with more gentleness then could possibly be expected from a man of his nature. His heart beats wildly with a combination of rage, panic and excitement. She is so beautiful... Slowly, hesitantly, his lips whisper the name he's been practising for months now. "Paaaa..ddddeeanne Kaiulani..." The husky edge that accompanies her real name caresses it upon his tongue with all the passion he holds for the maiden in his arms. "Be ... well..." He urges in a pleading voice. The girl does not stir as the big branch that had fallen upon her is lifted up and hurled aside. Nor does she stir as Benja lifts her up and cradles her close. Her fine velvet cloak has been snagged and snarled, the rich fabric sorely abused by her attempt to climb a tree while wearing it, not to mention her fall -- but of far greater concern for he who holds her is the rising lump across her brow, just over her left eye, where something must have struck her head as she hit the earth. Her flesh has been damaged, and even in the darkness of this part of the garden, the shadow of the hurt can be seen against her pale skin. Only as her head settles into place, supported by the strong arm beneath it, does she let out a shuddering breath. Delicate dark pearlescent lashes flutter, as she utters a tiny moan. Swallowing with absolute concern, Benja glances around, back to the fallen men and then again to his love. Gingerly, he grabs a bit of the cold snow and places it upon that lump. He saw a healer do this earlier today, perhaps it will help. If his emotions could be sensed, there would be a feeling of utter desperation and powerlessness. He can kill sharks without difficulty, but he knows nothing of healing. Drawing his own shakey breath as he slides his mangled arm beneath her knees. The muscles in his neck and shoulder rage with pain as he slowly pulls her body in against his chest, and staggers to his feet, holding the precious form tightly against him. Concern for the younger of the guards is in the back of his mind, and he does glance around to be sure there are no more dogs about, but first, he must see to Kaiulani. Slipping upon the snowy ground a few times, he slowly heads out of the garden with her body safely nestled in his embrace. "...Pandion... Kaiulani..." He murmurs again. Somewhere within the veil of unconsciousness over Kaiulani's mind, a glimmer of awareness flickers; Kai's world shifts, lightening from black to merely gray. Is she dreaming, she wonders? It feels as though she is being carried, borne up by someone's strong arms, nestled against someone's chest... and a voice is murmuring her name. It sounds nice, low and rich, and the sound of it resonates through her. A dream, she decides, a good dream. She'll stay in it for a while... And so she does not stir or protest, even as her self-appointed savior, fiercely oblivious to his own pain, bears her away into the snowy night and leaves two guards, several dead dogs, a massive broken branch, and one dropped and forgotten boot behind him. Not exactly sure-footed, while he bears the weight of the young maiden, despite his torn muscles, Benja slips a few times during his slow, arduous trek toward the Korallion. Blood drips down in a trail behind him, from his wrist, the tunic he wears completely soaked through already. His head descends so that he may press his lips softly to the crown of her beautiful, pearlish head. Oh that hair smells as good as it looks! Nuzzling his nose and lips tenderly against her fair pate for as long as he can, before he approaches the bridge to the Korallion, he murmurs he name yet again, softly, his deep, smooth voice savoring the sound of it. At length, he does reach the area just before the bridge, before he can be spotted by the guards that stand upon it. Reluctantly, he looks for a place to set his beloved. Finding a suitable place, enough in the open that they cannot miss her, but not where she might meet more danger, he carefully places her upon a soft snowdrift. Wrapping her tattered cloak tigher about her, he looks over her face once more. So close... His finger trails down the side of her face as he beholds her, love shining brightly in his eyes. He cannot resist the urge, he might never be able to be this close to her again! Slowly, hesitantly, he bends forward, watching her eyes until he is too close, and then he closes his own for the very brief moment it takes to brush her lips with his own, soft, warm, oh so tender. He pulls back quickly though, as if just realising what he has done. A rush of color suffuses his cheeks and he stands quickly and finds a place to hide among the shadows. Then, shouting loudly for the guards, he waits for them to respond, watches as they carry the limp body of the woman he loves, hurriedly into the Korallion. When he knows she is safe, he returns to the garden, and carries Ronan back to as far as he needs to go, before the guards will find the young man. He knows they will be searching for them. Akane, he leaves where he lays in the snow. He will not kill him, but he will watch him closer from now on. After calling the guards attention to the wounded Ronan, Benja slips off into the night to nurse his own wounds, and dream about the feel of her lips if someday they are able to respond... [End log.]