"Mother's Surrender" Log Date: 1/3/2000 Log Cast: Richard, Dulcinea Log Intro: Young Moirae Julia Nemeides, daughter of the Rook, takes after her father and then some--especially in matters of initiative. She's enlisted the aid of the Mongrel Jenara to arrange a secret meeting with Richard, to beg him to be allowed to stay with him in Haven. Though he's barely wrapped his mind around the notion that he has actual offspring, Richard cannot deny such a request. Moirae's life is at stake, for as long as she's under the power of his younger brother Erasmus. And so he's given the girl instructions to memorize for how she can find him in Haven, and if not him, then Mongrels friendly to him who can keep her safe until he reaches her. Moirae does not yet, however, have her father's skill at completely hiding her tracks. Her mother Dulcinea has discovered her plans, and now, forced to face the prospect of giving up her daughter, what's left of Cea's proud heart is about to break.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Night (Duskside) Date on Aether: Tuesday, October 24, 3905. Year on Earth: 1505 A.D. Phase of the Moon: New Season: Fall Weather: Foggy Temperature: Cool *==========================================================================* Old City Garden - Haven A strange thing, to some, to see such a thick, unbridled mass of forest within the city walls. Even during the brightest days, it is shady here; looming tree branches above filter out the sunlight, casting shadows that might be relieving during a warm summer day, or alternatively fearsome by night. The heart of the garden is most often alive with the chirps and chitters of the wildlife that makes its home here. Still, some civilization prevails, if only tentatively. A wide, roughly cobbled road stretches east to west, suitable for the usual traffic of a city street, if a bit precariously. Benches line the various man-made paths, reminding the visitor that this is indeed intended to be a respite from the bustle of the town, and is not merely some uncontrolled mass of trees within Haven. Contents: Dulcinea Obvious exits: Streets Garden Archway Fog and nightfall: two close friends of the Rook. Tonight's forays for Richard begin on a stealthy, winding course through the old city garden, a circuitous route out of Bordertown to give him time to elude any overly inquisitive eyes before he finally ventures into the Empyrean quarter. Once he reaches that part of the city, once he reaches one of his caches of supplies for disguising his appearance, it'll seem a different man entirely who sets himself to watching the House that is his prey of choice tonight. But for now, Richard is still himself, no more than a normal-seeming, tall and black-haired man making a cautious way through the fog-shrouded paths of this place. The shroud of fog and night are her fellows this eve. Hidden from the world in swirls of formless living grey she can be unseen as she gives vent to grief. Never one to lose control the only thing that betrays her presence is the vague sound of fists pounding near silently on the ground in a dull thudding. The sound does not escape Richard's sharp ears. He slows his trek through the fog, pausing to try to determine the source of that strange sound -- and whether it's something with which he will need to concern himself. Twilight eyes narrow, their gaze flicking in several directions to look for some sign of what or who is responsible for the noise. The fog swallows the sound for a moment until a half strangled sob comes echoing out of it eerily seeming to be right at your side. As if it were some sentient thing with a perverse sense of humor the fog thins to reveal a woman, a woman usually so utterly composed, always calm, perfectly groomed now...well now she is revealed as crying, tears tracking through streaks of dirt on her face, usually perfectly arranged hair streaming down her back, toga once a soft delicate blue now all over dirt and a mark..an ugly half healed vicious bruise that purples the left side of her face can be seen. Perfectly manicured nails now torn dig uselessly into the grass and dirt of the garden. It doesn't take long to track you. Richard pulls in a silent breath as he discovers you from only a few yards away, though full recognition does not yet strike. What he sees first are wings, which are enough to give him pause in and of themselves. The sobbing strikes him next, but the Rook is a wary man and while chivalry might dictate going to your side to seek out whether help can be provided, the hard-learned pragmatism of Bordertown also cautions that this would be an excellent ruse for some sort of thievery attempt. And so Richard settles for a compromise, calling out softly, "Dom'na, d'ye need a hand?" A snarl issues from the fog..a hissed..."_you_!" and then a delicate form is flying at you all claws and teeth like a spitting cat. "If you take her from me I'll _kill_ you..I swear I will..how could you!..how could you agree??" words disovling into raging sobs as she does her weak best to beat you senseless. Recognition, then, strikes like a thunderbolt. And even as you hurl yourself at him, Richard takes a sharp step backwards, his hands surging up to intercept your wrists as he braces himself against the sudden assault. In a fraction of an instant startlement becomes shocked chagrin that the one he's found sobbing in this garden is you -- and chagrin turns into a low, dark heat within his chest as he shoves the emotions that flare up within him down within him, refusing to give them sway over him now. "_Moirae_ sought _me_," he snaps harshly, pitching his voice down low, with just a hint of his lilting street accent to soften the words. "She _asked_ for my help. If you've a problem with her having done so, Dea Nemeides, I suggest you take it up with her!" Your words seem to break the flow of violence as the woman sinks to the ground again, shame forcing her head into her hands as she sobs. She draws a shuddering her breath , her voice muffled.."I ...I can't. I know why she wants to leave and I can't blame her._ I _ want to leave, how can I fault her for finding a way out and for wanting to take it." What a reversal. The once proud Dea crying in the dirt at your feet. He cannot say, after fourteen years' worth of living as a wingless, outcast thief in Haven because of what you did to him, that he still loves you. But Richard is not as invulnerable as he would like to be to the sight of you so broken, weeping with such despondency. He stares broodingly down at the droop of your wings and the top of your bowed head, and because he dislikes the strange way his gut has twisted at this turn of events, his voice turns more cutting than he would allow for any other woman in this kind of a state before him. "I would have thought that the opportunity to marry not one, but _two_ brothers of Nemea would have been a blessing from the gods for you." Bitter laughter is what greets your vicious cut. Her bright head nodding mirthlessly.."you'd think so eh? One a brute with the brain of a squashed cabbage leaf and a taste for violence..the other vicious, cruel, jealous and with the same taste for blood in his women though he keeps it better hid than his elder did. The gods?? The Gods if they exist blessed my _family_ not me..me they've chosen to ignore but for the bright light that is Moirae..and now you are going to take her from me." "She is leaving my benighted family," Richard corrects bitingly, refusing yet again to be made out as a villain in this, "and I have agreed to shelter her when she does. You would perhaps prefer that I ignore her request and leave her to take on Haven without guidance?" Dulcinea shakes her head.."no..no not that. " Cea raises her tear streaked face.."she's been sheltered Julian, purposefully. I've kept her wrapped in wool trying to shield her. She's smart though and adventurous..she's more than likely to go seeking adventure and end up getting herself killed..or worse. She's quick. you'll have to keep a tight eye on her you know"..she mutters on small little things about her daughter, your daughter that she thinks you should know..things a Mother would find important. Somewhere along the way it seems she's accepted the fact that Moirae will be moving from her care to yours and her voice slowly goes flat and expressionless. Hearing the name with which he'd been born, too, causes a strange little twist in Richard's gut. He allows himself no sign of that discomfort, however, keeping rigid control upon his expression and his voice. But now, as your words change again, he takes the time to study your disheveled appearance and the ravages of grief upon the features he once called lovely. And despite the black resentment lurking in the very back of his mind, he finds himself gruffly demanding, "If you have finally realized the nature of my younger brother's charms, Cea, then why do you stay with him?" Dulcinea tilts her head wincing slightly as that pulls at the bruise, gently wiping at her tears she shrugs.'I realized Ras' charms years ago, Julian. I may have been young and naive but I don't think I was ever stupid. I stay because of Momus. He's Deus of Nemea, I can't leave him to be raised by ERasmus. Always assuming Ras would let him live. If Momus dies Ras becomes Deus. Also Momus is too much Cleon. I am hoping I can raise him better than your mother did his father and mitigate what damage Cleon's blood has wrought in the child. I married Ras to save my son. It's as simple as that. _Just what the world needs,_ Richard thinks dourly, _a smaller edition of Cleon._ He has his doubts about any child of his elder brother's turning out to be anything except a brute and a bully -- but then again, he has to admit that the chances of that are greatly increased if Erasmus has a hand in his raising. "I have no interest in Momus," he says then, his tone curt, his gaze upon that bruise. "But Moirae, when she comes to me, will be safe from my brother." Dulcinea 's eyes watch your glance fall upon her marred flesh and she vain enough to blush. Her tone though is hard."Ras doesn't dare tough Moirae. Physcially she's safe enough though he does his best to wound her heart every chance he gets. I try to make sure he get's very few chances of that." Reflecting on your comment about her son she laughs softly, love for her son mingling with bitter reality.'I am afraid very few have an intrest in Momus outisde of those who'd seek to use him. It's just as well Cleon died though, he doted on the boy and would ahve made sure I had very little influence on the child. As for Moirae, safe from Ras perhaps but safe from a hard life?? I've come to know the mongrels who work for us, I trust them but they've told me their lives on Haven's streets..can /you/ keep Moirae safe from the life she is chosing? Richard smiles, small and tight, and a glitter of not unfounded pride momentarily sparks across his twilight eyes. "That will depend upon what kind of life she chooses," he points out, not bothering to clarify that if his daughter might happen to choose to follow in her father's footsteps and start robbing the Children of the Air on a regular basis, her safety will be at daily risk. "But aye, I have the resources to keep her safe." Dulcinea takes that in in silence, she rises slowly to her feet and brushes back her hair. Bright blue eyes simply study you for a long moment, their expression unreadable..she seems to be weighing something.. Richard doesn't move, and neither does he shift his gaze. He's stared down far rougher individuals than you, in far more tense situations. He merely watches as you stand, aware of the scrutiny, humoring it to some extent. But his expression is as shielded as your own. Dulcinea finally shakes her head as if in answer to some inner monologue. "I'll send word when we are ready to leave Haven. She'll be ready. " she brushes at the dirt on her skirts and then sighs giving voice to her last worry, her last plea.."love her Julian. Not for my sake but for your own and hers. She's always been more like you than me. I think...I think she'll be happy with you, happier than she ever was with me." It is a disturbing thing, to know that he shares a daughter with you when he's spent nearly half his life having considered himself to have washed his hands of you as well as his entire family. Richard pulls in a breath, but now he remembers the vibrant young face of the girl who has his hair and his eyes. And that memory prompts him to pledge quietly, "She'll be... cared for." Dulcinea nods curtly, gathering up her hair to twist it inot a knot at the base of her neck. Those sky blue eyes travel across your features one last time, filled with regret and sorrow for a moment before her own personal prison slams down upon her emotions once more. "Should I ever hear different Julian..." her voice stops leaving the threat unvoiced and unfinished. "Nevermind. I entrust you to her. You couldn't possibly be worse a father than I've been a mother." she doesn't know what else to say..so much to say but what good would it do anway..still she can't quite make her feet leave as her head tells her she should. Even after fourteen years his countenance is different -- but familiar all the same. Familiar, too, is the hooded, neutral expression set in those elegant features; the only difference now is that they are the features of a man and not a boy. Implacable, that expression, but perhaps there is one saving grace. He has good reason to hate you, good reason to be vicious, to be cruel... but this man is not Erasmus. There is no pleasure in his eyes, no sign that he is deriving even the slightest enjoyment from the jabs he has delivered you or the condition in which he's found you in the fog-veiled night. "I'll watch over her," he promises, his tenor voice dropping down to a husky rasp. Dulcinea gathers up her torn and stained skirts attempting to gather her dignity in a like manner. The night swirls around them cocoon like..or like a tomb. As her steps start to take her away she turns after only 2 and says softly.."I am a fool Julian, just how much of one I did not fully realize until I saw the man you've become. Despite everything you've triumphed and you are a far better man than either of your brothers could even dream of becoming. Wings or not..you fly higher than they" fliushing slightly as if she's said more than she intended she turns again, the fog threatenging to swallow her once more. A hoarse intake of breath is Richard's reply to this -- that, and a surge of discomfort that he should be so praised by you, you who caused the path his life has taken ever since his youth. But before he can make any kind of reply you have already made your retreat into the tendrils of chilly evening mist, leaving Richard alone with the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, he too might have been wrong. [End log.]