"The Vanished Light Behind Her Eyes" Log Date: 2/28, 2/29/00 Log Cast: Faanshi, Gaelius, Lailah, Kashtaritu, Thalia, Thalia's secretary (NPC emitted by Thalia) Log Intro: Up until she had been freed by the proclamation of Khalid Atar and by the actions of Kiera Khalida from her captivity under the Warlord of Clan Sarazen, Faanshi had never conceived of what it would be like to have a father... never, that is, until she met the old arch-magus Samein, who joined the Sylvan FallingStar in the task of teaching her the control of her magic. Over a span of many months, Faanshi began to shyly open up to the Varati elder, once she discovered that he would not only beat her for daring to converse with him, he would even encourage her to use her ability to reason. But Samein is a mage of Delphi -- and though he is Varati, the old man has developed a decidedly untraditional viewpoint of his people's way of life. He and Faanshi have clashed over the young shudra's gentle adherence to the Varati traditions, and with catastrophic results. Provoked by what he seems to perceive as the need to break the halfbreed girl out of the chains of how she has been raised, Samein has taken out his anger upon her dog and very nearly suffocated Kosha with his stone-shaping magic -- and tried to invoke, albeit without success, the authority of the Hounds to have Faanshi imprisoned in Delphi. Upon hearing of this, Atesh-Gah has naturally become incensed. But the angry reaction of the Queen-Maharani is far above Faanshi's ken, for all that _she_ knows is that someone who seemed to love her has turned against her. And it's broken her heart. Fortunately for Faanshi, however, there are at least two people in the Varati citadel uninclined to let that situation stand.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Morning Date on Aether: Monday, February 8, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Last Quarter Season: Waning Winter Weather: Clear Skies Temperature: Cool *==========================================================================* Entrance Foyer - Atesh-Gah - Haven The entranceway to Atesh-Gah is a marvel of Varati architecture and art; a half-dome rising from the earth to the heavens, appearing as if solid stone and seemingly made without reinforcing supports. It is but a shell of smooth, solid rock, made unbreakable by a combination of shaping and ingenuity. A long flight of stairs leads up toward the double doors of the throne room, while a smaller door down below and to the right leads to the back hallway. The massive space is acoustically sound, carrying each gurgle of crystal water from the central fountain throughout the entire room. Four couches of rich royal blue upholstery surround the fountain, providing a resting place for any who would wish to sit and speak; though the edge of the fountain itself may function in a similar fashion. Flecks and veins of bright gold streak through the pale marble of the walls, leading the eye ever up... until a breath-taking sight catches the eye. Above all else in the room stands Ashur Masad, the Lord of the ever-rising Sun, and father to Khalid Atar. Surrounding the glorious sun-lord is a vast mural of his son's accomplishments, a millenium and a half of legendary history. Contents: Kosha Gaelius Lailah Obvious exits: Royal Wing Hallway Throne Room Out At this particular hour Atesh-Gah is rather quieter than it is in more active times of the day -- but as far as young Faanshi is concerned, that's perfectly fine. Unable to sleep, rousing before dawn, she is equally uninclined to try to face any more people than absolutely necessary. Heavy of heart, disconsolate of carriage, the girl slips like a brightly clad ghost through the corridors down to the foyer, her only thought a surreptitious trek to the shrine of Ushas where if she is lucky she might perchance find some consolation in prayer. The dog trotting sleepily at her side, however, is far more sanguine. And at this hour, Kosha's rather less alert than a decent guard dog ought to be, and far more distractable. His attention frequently wanders. He sniffs at this and that, and even wags his tail at the occasional stoic Agni-Haidar he and his shudra mistress pass in the halls. In the shadows, the warrior-bard known as Gaelius to most, and a few as Hesperos Tritonides, comes. He'd just returned from a long night of listening to an Atarvani priest read to him the tales of the Amir-al, and the people of the Neverending Fire. Green eyes flick from here to there, his footsteps and rustling wings having become a distinct, known sound to the guards of Atesh Gah. Whurf? Kosha, ambling around a corner and aiming his large doggie form for the middle of the foyer -- not for skulking by the walls is this openhearted canine, oh no -- sniffs Empyrean upon the air. The soft pad-clack of his big paws upon the floor pauses. His big furry head swivels in the direction of the brd. And even as the halfbreed primarily responsible for his daily recommended allowance of food, affection, and outdoor romps starts in consternation at his wandering off, Kosha trails Gaelius' scent right up to the bard himself. Why yes, you do smell familiar, don't you? Whurf! Kashtaritu passes through the grand double doors that lead out into the courtyard and joins you in the entrance foyer. Kashtaritu has arrived. Kashtaritu A tall imposing figure he seems to push the very air aside with his wide shoulders. Out of stark features stare hard unforgiving eyes that seem to hesitate between grey and green. At times there is almost a softness in those eyes, but between one blink and the next it is gone. It is a visage of lines and planes almost no curves touching it whatsoever. Hair as dark as the night between the stars is cut short and combed back out his eyes. Thin almost delicate eyebrows seem odd on this almost brutal face, and a smile, or at least until he brings one to life, seems as if it would cause it physcial pain, as if the very shape of a smile is uncapable of appearing there by the very forces and laws of nature. But if you are there for one of those rare occasions when he does smile a transformation seems to come over him, stone turns to flesh, lifeless eyes glow with vigor and bright white teeth seem to shine in whatever light is avaiable. Across his wide shoulders sits a sleavless tunic of a dark grey which at first glance seems rather simple, but on closer vewing the cut and make of the material are of a fine quality, from which emerge his thickly corded arms that taper down to surprising long fingered thin hands. There is a strength and power evident in those hands, a competence, but also in evidence is that lack of calouses, a softness that shows he is unused to the rougher sort of work. Tied about his waist with a brightly colored sash,the only real bright color on this imposing figure are breeches of a soft supple material of a soft brown or green, which are tucked into good strudy leather boots that cover his wide feet. Yet another restless shadow can be discerned slinking along the walls of the Embassy. Must be a trend, or something. Slipping in and out from the various flickering torch lights illuminating her path, the dark visage of Lailah melts in with the shadows in the more obscure corners, making it seem as if those brightly coloured garments float by themselves above the ground. Her usual flowing gait comes a bit hesitantly, and once in a while the girl stops, reaches out one slim arm to lean against the cool stone at her side, before continuing on a moment later. Lailah She could almost pass for pure Varati, this one - at least to the untrained eye. She's got the colouring for it, alright - smooth and soft like expensive satin, her skin is tinted a dark chocolate; a rich, near-black tone which seems made for the sole purpose of melting in with the shadows of a dark night. The hair that crowns her head consists of frizzled ringlets which stand in all directions; an erratic halo of raven black, where the lustruous curls have been cropped to end in line with a dainty chin. Seldom you see a Varati this small and thinboned, though - waifish would be the best term used here. Petite, with long, slim limbs, standing by no means taller than 5'4", she carries herself with an unconscious grace; each step arrogant and casual, yet executed with a razor sharp precision, as if months of planning lay behind it. Flowing, flighty - the feral energy of a feline channeled through human form; the spirit of quicksilver evident in each liquid movement. Her features are delicately chiseled; a straight nose, well defined cheekbones, full lips. Large, round eyes, framed by thick sweeps of black lashes provide another proof for mixed heritage - bottomless pools of frosted emerald; twin lanterns in this landscape of night, shining with an icy light and yet capable of burning with such startlingly hot inner fires. Swathes the golden hue of ripe wheat wraps about that slight frame; a simple cotton sari, with a semi-transparent veil to match. Thin stripes of red and blue, the colours of Clan Khalida, border the garments; bare brown feet peek out from under the skirts as she moves. A soft rumbling chuckle from the warrior-bard, his white wings rustling at the approach of the dog. "Ave, dominus." he drawls out towards the dog, even as he ruffles Kosha's scruff. "And where is your pretty mistress?" green eyes glancing up to gaze left and right. The sound of heavy boot heels echoes down the hallway into the entrance foyer trumpeting the arrival of a rather large man. Soon enough the massive form of Kashtaritu melts out of the darkness and into the well lit landing. Following the wraith like shadow that whispers across the stone. Slivers of green tracking her progress with the knowledge given by practice. It is only as the voice of Gaelius wafts out that he becomes aware of the other occupants. A slow sweeping gaze distributes that habitual scowl to person and stone alike. The boom of his feet dying with his foosteps, but soon replaced by the gravel bass rumble of his voice. "Lailah." Arms folding as he address the brightly colored fiagment of silk and midnight. Oh good. This bard, like another bard of Kosha's acquaintance, understands the value of a proper scritching! Kosha lets out a deep yurf of approval, tail waggling back and forth at a swifter rate now, even as the figure of Faanshi might be noted to manifest itself on the periphery of Gaelius' immediate range of sight. The shudra maiden does not look up, but she does pause and murmur towards Kosha, "Heel, Kosha, heel..." This earns her a little whine from the dog, though Kosha does skitter back reluctantly in answer to the quiet order. Faanshi appends to this, clearly for the bard's benefit, "Please accept my humble apologies if my hound has disturbed you, dominus." Her words to both the dog and the winged bard are low and almost lifeless in tone. Conversationally towards the dog, Gaelius' voice comes, "Ah, so that's where your pretty mistress was, dominus Kosha." a grin, and a wink towards the hound, before his green eyes turn towards Faanshi, "Oh, certainly he wasn't being a disturbance. We were having a most gentlemanly conversation." a smile. "It's good to see you again." Eyes of the palest emerald flit to take the people in the foyer in; one black brow lofts onto the naraki's forehead as the vision of white wings is noted. She has heard stories, but not yet seen the man for himself. Laiah's attention is swiftly whipped off dog, bard and shudra maiden alike, at the sudden rumble behind her, and in a flurry of cloth, she turns around, peering back to the hulking man who just entered. The response is just as short. "Kash." Softly spoken, and there is a hint of curiosity there, of wariness, and worry. As Faanshi's form evaportes from the murk the green eyed demon of towering size turns to give her thoughtful look. Vaguely familiar from past meetings, and the intimation of a grin cracks the stone fissure sof his visage. The promise of something pleasant adorning this man is lost when Kashtaritu's attention deigns to rest on Gaelius. An Empyrean invasion within these fortified walls, even sactioned by the Queen, is not the sort of thing often met with approval. Only with the trilling trickle of breath that brings his name reaches his ears does the man return his attention to the purpose of his presence. "I just wished to make my goodbye. You have been busy of late within the Royal court." Misty eyes flick down to the exaspratingly eager animal that previously held Gaelius' attentions. Always a welcome source of amusment within the granite stoicism of the fortress. Gaelius might smile, and his expressive eyes might hold an amiable gleam for the dog and the healer girl, but Faanshi could be made of stone -- as the Children of Fire are sometimes rumored to be -- for all the effect the Empyrean's charm seems to have upon her. Nor, to be sure, does she seem to give any sign of registering Kashtaritu's thoughtful glance. The girl stands with lowered eyes and humble stance, saying in a strangely empty tone to Gaelius, "Thank you for your graciousness, dominus, and if you would permit me to do so I would also like to thank you for your assistance the other night, following my difficulty in the Rialto." A thoughtful pause, at Faanshi's words. Ah, this warrior-bard, it is said, has not only the sanction of the Queen, but the Amir-al himself. This Empyrean has indeed pleased the God-King of the Varati, and thus why he has free roam in these halls. "I would so permit you. Why would I not?" his voice asking the girl gently. A miniscule frown passes over the slave's midnight features. "Goodbye?" Lailah sounds rather breathless, all of a sudden, as the word is echoed through trembling lips. She knew this would happen, deep inside, but somehow, she hoped the man would change his mind in the last minute. Selfish. "Are you going already?" The light tones of her voice soften yet more, and a hesitant step is taken towards Kashtaritu, attention fully fixed upon the large Varati. "Now?" The last coming out more as a squeak than the former whisper. She's not desperate; she just got something in her throat, just then. Yeah. Tree trunk thick legs splay wide in preparation for some asault. Verbal or physical. The myriad possibilities abound for the motivation. The darkness draped in splendor with a rapier for a tongue, or mayhap the infinite exuberance defined in that wagging tail. Nothing of the craggy resolve softens, yet some undefinable element of his aura melts at that breathless query. Almost casually one of Kashtaritu's corded arms relaxes to drift to his side. Holding out a hand for the animal to sniff, while he concentrates on Lailah. "Soon." Curt in nature, the power of his voice still shudders through the air even with only a breif exposure. A thunderous echo from some deep hidden gallery. "But our meetings have been few. Two days time and I will be gone. I decided to burn my bridges while they are still standing." Tilting his head so that void of his hair obscures his features in nothing. "I did not know if you would wish to receive my thanks, dominus, and I did not want to give offense." What happened to Faanshi's stammer? Somewhere, somehow, she's managed to learned how to speak without the nervous pauses that so frequently haunt her speech... but whether her current manner of speaking is an improvement might be debatable. There is very little inflection in her softly murmured words, that gentle voice of hers turned almost... dull. Green eyes narrow thoughtfully at the shudra girl speaking to him, as Gaelius nods slowly. "Nothing you could do, would give me offense, imphada." his voice soft. "I am not an easy man to offend." a slight smile, as he asks directly, boldly, "Why are you so dull today? What happened to that light that shone behind your eyes?" Two days. A sudden chill travels through that thin frame, causing a visible shiver where Lailah stands. The first step taken towards Kashtaritu is followed by a second, but then she slows, and halts, averting that clear green gaze for some obscure point in the distance. No toungue lashing seems to be about to be unleashed; the young woman looks rather lost. Scared, even. "I've had a lot to think about." Well, she sure picks her times for thinking well. "I'll come visiting." Yet again, that half whisper, sure not to carry very far beyond her closest vicinity. The drabness of tone that weighs down the content of Faanshi's voiced thoughts coaxes his attention towards the speaking pair. Gaelius remains a curiousity. A low visceral rumble reverabates within the expansive space that flesh and bone inhabits. Something to distract eyes and thoughts away from the evocation of pain that his words have brought about. It burns with such palpable intensity that his eyes seem to water from the heat. The sudden moisture glinting like a pair of stars within the devestation of his face. Some rough hewn block that the sculptor abandoned. "I am unsure how much you can visit. They are rather solicitous with new entrants. I am sure we will find a way." False hope quivering within the avlanche of words that tummbles about the spirited naraki. Not a look does she recieve while he speaks, the words gifted to the air in front of Kashtaritu, only after they are done does he see the tragedy he has wrought. Kosha, as long as his mistress is standing still, decides that this is naturally an excuse for her to occupy one of her hands by picking up the scritching where Gaelius had left off. The big dog butts his head hopefully against the maiden's fingers, and for a moment, Faanshi's summer-leaf gaze swings down to the dog. For a moment, something in her seems to crack enough to let her rest her hand with utmost tenderness upon her beloved hound's head, scritching his ears. And for a moment, even though she does not look up, her head cants in Gaelius's direction; something about his brash question does seem to make her pause. But when she finally answers him, it is still in that same hollow tone of voice. "I do not know what you mean, dominus." A shake of his head at Faanshi, Gaelius' green eyes narrow thoughtfully. "You do know what I mean, imphada." his voice quiet, white wings rustling in thought once again. "You don't want to admit it, true?" his head canting to one side, causing his silver and gold braid to sway in that direction as well. "What?" A positive squawk, there, but Lailah stays her ground, awkwardly rooted out of reaching distance from the man she keeps her full attention upon, small hands closing into fists, then relaxing, over and again. "Have you known of this all along?" A look of frustration and a brewing anger flashes past what can be discerned of her features through the veil, and sudden flames surge up in the depths of her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? What if I can't visit? Can you come here?" So many questions, and pleading in the end. Don't leave her alone. The grinding of molars lends it awful tone to the melee. Eyes turning to crystal as the frosty breath of her anger freezes those unshed tears. "I have known. As I said, we shall have to find away. I have no choice. You must understand. Life has left few opens doors. I must take what it gives." A rolling shrug of his hilled shoulders. A sea swell of feeling crashing against the shore in suicidal fanticism. The hand that was extended for Kosha's benefit is retracted as the dog finds prettier things to amuse itself with. A slow step backwards is taken. Then another. So very quiet in comparison to his caustic arrival. "You have chores to attend to." A reminder. A dismissal. Kashtaritu and Lailah... Gaelius and Faanshi. An observer might find a strange symmetry in the two pairs conversing in this wide hall, but while Lailah expresses her deep anxiety to the big Varati with whom she speaks, an anxiety palpable despite her concealing veil, the halfbreed girl seems to shrink in upon herself somehow at the Empyrean bard's prodding. "I have no trouble worthy of your attention, dominus," she whispers, and while Kashtaritu attempts to dismiss the naraki from his sight, Faanshi by contrast seems to want to seek dismissal, now. She turns away ever so slightly, adding, "If there is any way in which I might serve you to repay your for your kindness, will you inform me?" A shake of Gaelius' head, gold and silver braid, "You might stay, and speak with me, about your worries, imphada?" as he refuses the dismissal that the shudra wants. But carefully canted as a polite question, so that if she has the will to truly refuse, then she might. His weathered expression cracks into a wry smile. "Is that it?" The brewing anger stirs beneath that soft surface, and Lailah's hands stay closed into fists, now. "Aren't you going to say anything else? Just walk away?" Perhaps she notes the suspiciously wet glitter in his eyes and ignores it; perhaps she is just too caught up in her own misery to see. This one isn't particularly pleased with the dismissal, that's for sure. She stays where she is, but there is a sudden air of alertness about her; a feline ready to leap into motion and pounce its prey. Although how much pouncing she can do here, in the middle of the Entrance Foyer, remains a doubtful question. Perhaps it is all an act. Kastharitu spins on the balls of his feet. Course cloth and heavy muscle rasping together to conserve what remains of his dignity. Loud foodsteps pound their way into the stone floor with such force, that the ground might seem to quake beneath the channeled weight. Three strides are taken before he comes to a halt. Pulled up short by invisible strings. Slave to some unseen master. Torquing his torse he looks over his shoulder. Dark hair drinking in the light greedily to give nothing in return. Thin lips in a grimace. "If you would like to discuss things. I shall be in my room this evening alone. Good morn naraki." The last growled out with more then meant menace. A voice that was never made for pleasantries personifies pure burtality with the fingers of emotion tightening his throat. Kashtaritu's ringing strides seem to paralyze Faanshi, across the room; certainly those heavy footfalls are detectable to her ears, though she's discreetly trying to avoid overhearing the words exchanged between those two others across the way, far more spirited and animated words than any she's uttered. For a heartbeat, she steals a nervous glance in that direction, and perhaps without knowing it gives Gaelius an opportunity to catch sight of her eyes. They are hollowed, haunted, and save for the momentary fear that glimmers there, as empty as the tone she's been using to converse with him. Then she swiftly drops her stare towards her hand and the anxious dog upon whose head it rests, murmuring in resignation, "I would not know what to say to you, dominus." A deep breath, green eyes narrowing slightly at the shudra girl named Faanshi beneath them. And then, boldly, he asks yet again, "What happened to the shining light in your eyes, imphada? Where has it gone? Who has beaten it out of you?" Gaelius leaning in slightly to gaze at her face. She looks as if she might be about to spring into motion to hunt after the man at any moment; nimble feet have moved up on tip-toe, and the slight frame curls in on itself slightly, as if readying itself for the leap. Then, those large eyes blink several times as Kashtaritu turns around; as his words reach ears hidden beneath silken curls of black. Lailah freezes. She doesn't move after the Varati; she doesn't step back, just goes completely still. His last words hurt her, and you can see it clearly in her gaze. No tears, not yet at least; but the way she stares after the departing man shows her emotions as if she had written them with neon paint in the middle of her forehead. A tiny little granite statue, still upon the cold stone floor. Kashtaritu leaves the foyer, ascending the stairs toward the hallway. Kashtaritu has left. "No one has beaten me..." Is that a hint of uncertainty in the girl's tiny voice? Perhaps, just perhaps, a furrowing of her sungolden brow might be noted beneath the edge of her sari, though her veil hides the bemused frown that crosses her lips. "Not lately... Imphada Kiera would never permit it..." Aye, something's just gotten through whatever shell of stone has engulfed the healer maiden. That's confusion peeking into her gaze, for this talk of light in eyes is somewhat beyond her ken. Green eyes narrowing at Faanshi, "Then what has people said that your soul's darkening can be seen by these that you speak with, imphada?" Gaelius' voice coming, almost lyrically, as is his natural bent. "What has happened to you, that you flinch from words, that your gaze is dull?" The dark slave keeps staring after Kashtaritu even a while after he has disappeared beyond a corner; eyes widened to abnormal proportions, freezing cold and scorching hot all the same. Disbelief, raw and stark. Finally, she so eases down from tip-toe; her posture straightens as some sense of dignity attempts seeping back into her visage, with doubtful results. Right. Act normal. A flickering gaze to either side of her; the only people around seem to be quite engulfed in some conversation of their own, so perhaps they didn't notice anything. Slightly haunted, the mongrel so starts making her way out of this place, steps quicker, now. The courtyard seems to be her new goal; perhaps she's heading to hide in one of her favourite bushes. Lailah steps through the great double doors and emerges into the courtyard. Lailah has left. At last, slowly, Gaelius wins a result with his bold questioning: Faanshi looks up at him, needing to see his expression now to ascertain whether his visage is as sincere as his words. Still, though, the shudra girl's gaze retains that stark emptiness, accentuated by the dark hollows left by sleepless nights... or whatever it's been that's settled upon her to crush out that spark of childlike innocence in those twin points of summer's green. "Since you have asked, dominus, I shall answer," she says then. "My eyes have been opened; I understand now my place within this world, as I have never done before." There is no bitterness in her words, no sullen discontent; no, these are instead the words of a maiden who has quite suddenly made the transition from the last stretches of childhood into adulthood... and has found no joy in the change. A thoughtful pause at that, green eyes narrowing thoughtfully. Suddenly, an impulsive question, "Tell me of this Lyre Talespinner." Gaelius' voice direct, and to the point. "I... I beg your pardon, dominus?" Faanshi takes a startled step backwards, quite apparently thrown off guard by this seeming non sequitur. But even as she does so, there's another subtle buckling of the shell about her heart. Its outward signs are nothing more than that step of hers and a widening of her haggard eyes -- but they're there. Moreover, at the utterance of the name 'Lyre', Kosha abruptly barks and wags his tail. That weathered face grows into a larger smile, "Tell me of this Lyre Talespinner." a glance towards Kosha, and then back at the shudra girl. Gaelius' green eyes twinkle, "You love him, do you not?" another direct, blunt question. Lyre. As if the word is somehow a talisman of earth-magic, or a charm to coax a lost spirit back from the dead, the ghost that is the shudra girl slowly gives way to a flesh-and-blood maiden with anguish and a knife-edged need beginning to fill the void of her eyes. That same charm prompts another bark out of Kosha, who looks this way and that across the room as if hoping that the Mongrel who taught him tricks might be about to appear. Faanshi, stricken, lifts the hand that had been mechanically scritching Kosha's ears; that hand and its mate curl about her body as she hugs herself, trying to ward off a trembling beginning to well up within her. "I-I do not... know," she whispers. No doubt about it... the uttered name is having an effect, for her voice seems to take on a bit more life, immensely confused and bereft life though it might be. "You're coming with me, imphada." Gaelius' callused hand gestures at Faanshi, while he snaps his fingers at Kosha, summoning him to follow. "We're going to go find this Lyre Talespinner." We are? What? Wait! Faanshi starts palpably, overcome for a moment by the wave of emotion that crashes over her at the mere simple concept of a particular pair of arms around her, a particular shoulder on which she could lean. "It... is but dawn," she blurts. "I have not said my morning prayers... I..." Find Lyre! Find Lyre! This concept, at least, is one of which the hound wholeheartedly approves. Already on his feet, Kosha nudges hopefully at Faanshi, trying to get her into suitable Lyre-ward motion. Whurf! "We're going to find Lyre." the warrior-bard smoothly interrupts the shudra's protests, moving around behind her, to gently nudge her forward with his aura and presence, without touching. "Right, Kosha?" Gaelius glancing at the hound. How in the world did this conversation move from Gaelius asking her what troubled her to this mysterious demand to go and find the Mongrel bard? Still, though, there does not seem to be much room for the halfbreed healer to try to reason this out -- not with memory of Lyre holding her welling up sharply across her mind, and a budding hope that perhaps there is at least one person who does see her as something more than a servant, someone to order around, someone whose blood is tainted... someone to betray. Someone who... loves her, she realizes all at once, as memory brings her that very sentiment professed in the Mongrel man's gravelly baritone. Someone that she loves? Thunderstruck by this last concept, Faanshi seems incapable of movement for the longest time, till at last she turns a stunned, shy gaze upon the winged man behind her. As she speaks, her voice is still tiny... but now, it's got that hint of life again. "I... know where he... lives, dominus... you wish to escort me...?" "I am going to take you to Lyre Talespinner, aye." Gaelius' hand gently shooing her towards the direction of the exit. His worn face is full of laughter, suddenly so young with the joy of it all. "And we have some things to do." The dawn is long past and the fullness of day has come upon Atesh-Gah. Those of the Queen's court have marked the passing of the hours with blinks and yawns, but Thalia appears full of pep and vigor as she strides into the entrance foyer. "Yes," she says as if continuing a conversation which had been proceeding for some time before her arrival, "yes, I wish to speak with Faanshi the halfbreed healer." Another woman would sound exasperated, but the Queen's legendary serenity is unmarred. The Queen's officious secretary, his pinched face easily recognizable, appears quite displeased with this idea and recalcitrant over the prospect of searching out the halfbreed in question. "Your Majesty," he whines, the inherent but heard eventhough unsaid. At this moment, Thalia spies Faanshi and gestures to the halfbreed. "You need not search far," she says kindly to her secretary. "Luck has provided generously." With an audible sniff, the secretary patters over toward Faanshi and Gaelius. Lifting his chest and attemtping to make himself appear larger in the presence of the bard, he says pompously, "The Queen-Maharani wishes to speak with the shudra Faanshi." The footsteps of the others register but dimly in the consciousness of the young healer; it's Kosha, really, who notices the secretary coming first. The big dog yurfs disgruntledly at this officious individual drawing near his young mistress, and paces back and forth even as the maiden starts as if struck. Green eyes, already deeply flustered of gaze by what Gaelius has asked of her, swing their gaze to the secretary and then immediately send it plummeting to her toes. "Sh-she does?" she mumbles timidly. "I am hers to command..." A blink, dark cloak swirling as Gaelius turns upon himself. A slight annoyed flicker comes over his face as he sees the officious secretary. Arms cross, powerful muscles flexing. white wings spreading. His aura seems to spread, his demeanor shifting, growing bigger, a skill that he's acquired from being a bard, and a trained warrior. He definitely looks intimidating. Thalia strides across the foyer towards Faanshi and Gaelius rather than making the shudra cross to her. "Hesperos," she says by way of greeting. "What brings you to Atesh-Gah? I hope I am not disturbing anything, but I had desired to speak with Faanshi for some time." She smiles over at the halfbreed. As soon as Thalia draws near, Faanshi drops immediately to her knees and then bows her head forward to place it upon her hands. Her face drops therefore out of sight, and she offers no greeting to the queen; she simply waits, even as her dog fidgets restlessly behind her. The officious secretary tries to keep his chest out, but after a moment, he must breath and thus his chest subsides. He steps back after Thalia approaches, apparently quite happy to leave the Queen to the candala. He gives the deeply offended impression of a man who has been soiled after having merely stood in Gaelius' presence. And slowly, Gaelius' battle-aura subsides into himself, his wings relaxing behind him, green eyes flickering towards his cousin, a smile. "Thalia." that casual greeting perhaps only heard by the Queen's and Faanshi's ears. "I was merely here to conduct some studies, and I happened upon Faanshi here." a thoughtful pause, "I was about to take her out on some tasks and errands." Thalia says to Gaelius as a small frown takes the place of her smile, "Should you be doing that? She is Kiera's shudra. Is Faanshi really yours to order around?" She looks down at Faanshi. "Please rise, Faanshi. I wanted to have a small chat with you, if you have a moment." "Yes, Maharani." The maiden's voice is extremely small -- and retreating to the same near-lifeless tone with which she'd been addressing the Empyrean bard before. She rises as bidden, but still somehow might be noted to seem shrunken in upon herself, her head bowed, her gaze lowered. "How may I serve?" Eyebrows arch, a slight smile crawling across Gaelius' face, "I am hardly ordering Faanshi around." a shake of his head, silver and gold braid swaying behind him. "I am merely taking her where her soul might be healed." Thalia gives Gaelius an arch look. "Yes, but did you ask her or did you tell her?" She sounds faintly amused despite her look. She glances around the foyer then says to Faanshi, "Would you mind if we had a seat by the fountain?" "No, Maharani," murmurs the halfbreed girl without inflection. A faint smile, "Her body mannerisms and language spoke for itself," Gaelius protests, arms still crossed, as he smiles at Thalia. Thalia moves over toward the fountain and seats herself on a padded bench. She pats the space next to her for Faanshi. "A short moment, if you please. Are you very busy, Faanshi? I shall not keep you if you are extremely busy." Behind the healer girl, the hound whines impatiently, not quite understanding why the treat of Going to Find Lyre has been suddenly interrupted. The girl herself pauses, still not looking up... and then she steps mechanically after the queen, sinking just as mechanically into the seat to which Thalia gestures her. "I am not busy, Maharani," she murmurs. A shrug of Gaelius' shoulders, wings rustling, as he follows after as well, a slight quirk on his lips. A silent Empyrean shadow he is now. Thalia persists in asking, especially as Faanshi's dog whines quite piteously, "Are you sure, Faanshi? We can always speak another time if you would rather go out with Gaelius. I can wait." She sounds entirely understanding. Kosha lopes towards the halfbreed now that she is sitting, and settles down on his haunches to watch her. This seems to make absolutely no impact upon the girl, who says lowly, "I am certain, Maharani." A slight roll of Gaelius' eyes, unseen by the pair, as he hovers over the two. Thalia flicks a look over at Gaelius then returns the focus of her attention on Faanshi. "I know that you have been disturbed by the incident with Samein. I just wanted to make sure that you were recovering from it. Has anyone told you that Samein came to apologize for his actions?" The maiden is already sitting extremely still, her gaze settled dully upon the hands she's laid in her lap. And there is a distinct pause before Faanshi murmurs at last, with only the barest detectable hint of bemusement, "No, Maharani." Thalia looks up at Gaelius at Faanshi's reply. One eyebrow goes up questioningly. "Samein said that he wished you to know that he was sorry and that he overreacted in the Rialto," says the Queen in her calm voice. A faint smile at Thalia's questioning expression, and Gaelius' shoulders shrug once again, wings rustling a bit, as he shakes his head, braid swaying behind him. "I..." A fraction of a pause, then, in Faanshi's near-toneless voice. "I understand, Maharani, and am grateful that you took the time to inform me." Still she does not raise her gaze, and if anything, seems no more affected by this news than by anything else the Queen has said thus far. Thalia sounds rather concerned as she leans toward Faanshi. "Are you alright? Is there something wrong?" She peers at Faanshi's face, throwing another glance in Gaelius' direction. A slow nod towards Thalia from Gaelius, lips quirking once again. A shrug of one shoulder, as he motions towards the exit to Atesh Gah, from behind Faanshi, eyebrows arched. Faanshi slides her arms about herself, her stance growing troubled, and her gaze as well. She wants to reply in the negative -- but this shudra maiden is far too earnest a girl to lie, despite the profound uneasiness that blooms deep within her at the notion of telling the truth. _I must,_ she tells herself dully. _I have been asked..._ "Yes, Maharani," she murmurs in a monotone, not bothering to specify which question she is answering. Thalia apparently takes this as an answer to her last question and she continues to give Faanshi the fullness of her attention. "What is wrong? Please tell me. I want you to be happy." A slight wry smile at that, as Gaelius just continues to hover, wings spreading out slightly, arms crossing. Kosha sinks his head down to rest upon his front paws, his ears dropping back along his head, liquid brown eyes watching the two seated females. Faanshi's attention, in return, settles upon the hound as the only safe place within the immediate vicinity. "It is nothing worthy of your gracious attention, Maharani, and nothing that you can mend, though I am honored at your concern." From anyone else the words might sound fulsome; from this girl, they are spoken with a stark simplicity. And a lack of what seems to be Faanshi's usual stammer, as well. Thalia still sounds quite concerned and she says a bit wistfully, "I'm not even allowed to try, Faanshi?" She bends over to let Kosha sniff her fingers while trying to think her way through the situation. A silver eyebrow arches at the words, as Gaelius' faint smile continues to mark his face. Green eyes glance left and right, before falling back upon Thalia. The hound lifts up his muzzle in inquiry, even as the halfbreed girl replies bemusedly, "It is not my place to dictate the actions of the queen." Even now Faanshi does not look up -- though her black brows knit together ever so slightly above her summer-green eyes. Thalia says softly but with certainty, "Only you can decide your place, Faanshi. A person creates her own future by her own present actions. Assuredly, there are limits, but you cause your own destiny by your decisions. No one can force you to obey." At this, she gives Kosha a quick touch on the top of the head and rises from her seat. "My place is shudra, Maharani, by the will of the Amir-al; my place is to obey." There is nothing sullen or bitter or ill at ease within Faanshi's toneless words... but then, there is no other emotion either. Her hound seems far more animated, sniffing measuringly at the graceful feminine fingers with which he is presented. "Come, Faanshi." Gaelius speaks softly towards the shudra girl, perhaps sensing a close to the conversation, "And we shall find Lyre Talespinner for you." green eyes flickering back towards Thalia, his arms uncrossing. Thalia scratches Kosha behind the ears, but doesn't appear to be trying to keep Faanshi. "All people create their own destiny, if only through belief and action. It is a choice, to act or to react. I would like to help you, Faanshi, but I cannot if you are unwilling." Lyre Talespinner. Again, that name seems to provoke a reaction from the shudra girl; her head lifts slightly, towards Gaelius, and perhaps just enough to give a glimpse of her hollowed, haunted eyes. But then she whispers, still in that same dead, soft voice, "I am halfbreed, Maharani; I am shudra, and I am a woman. My place is to obey. To try to do otherwise is to be candala, and not only will I risk my next life, but the Amir-al will have me put to death, as the Son of the Dawn first decreed when I was delivered from the Warlord Hashim." Slowly, ghost-like, she rises as she makes these quiet statements... and her gaze swings to Gaelius, bringing more of her troubled stare into view. A glance towards Thalia Tritonides Khalida, from her cousin, Hesperos Tritonides, his wings rustling slightly once again, "Something has crushed this shudra's soul, and I am hoping that Lyre Talespinner might be able to restore the light and joy in her eyes that I've seen." a simple statement towards the Queen. Thalia nods to Gaelius, but then she does something unexpected. She reaches her hand out and, as the Queen has rarely done, touches Faanshi under the chin, tipping the shudra's head back towards Thalia. It is the only truly forceful action Thalia has performed in the entire time she has spoken with Faanshi. She makes the girl look at her, eye to eye, as she says, "I would be your friend, Faanshi, even if you are a shudra and a halfbreed, but you must decide if it is worth the risk. I want nothing but your happiness. Go to Lyre and may he put joy back in your heart." With this, she releases Faanshi's chin. Lyre; that name again. It provokes a sudden glimmer of tears within the girl's big green eyes. And even as her head is turned, even as she resists that no more than she had done when Gaelius had made that same gesture, Faanshi raises that wet gaze of hers to the older woman. Something seems to crack behind her veiled countenance, visible despite the silk that hides the lower half of her face. And that dull lifeless tone with which she has been speaking turns almost childlike, confused, as she asks, "But... why do you care?" Thalia puts her hands behind her back and tips her head to the side. "Why should I not?" returns the Queen simply. "You are a person. You deserve consideration and care." The Queen betrays her heart's largress of love in this simple statement. "She cares because she is Thalia Tritonides Khalida." Gaelius adds, with a wry smile. "I am a Tritonides as well, and we both have gone through quite educational experiences, Faanshi." he adds. To have Gaelius expressing his kindness to her was almost too much for the halfbreed girl to easily comprehend; to have Thalia added, saying what she has said, sets off an inexorable reaction within her. Her arms curl more tightly about her, attempting in vain to stop her trembling. Her gaze flashes unsurely between both Empyreans, its prior blank void buckling and giving way to a flash of fear. Childlike her voice might have sounded, but the wariness that floods those expressive eyes now is far too old and far too untrusting for this gentle maiden -- or at least should be. Troubled by her behavior, her hound stands and whines while she herself shakes her head back and forth in unthinking denial. "I... I do not understand... how you could help, Maharani," she whispers then. Thalia smiles over at Gaelius as he makes his statement. The Queen still appears to be quite attached to her family even if she has acquired a new one. "You can tell me what is wrong," she answers kindly. "I can listen. I can try to help you. I can always try." She does not reach out and touch Faanshi, allowing the girl to make her own decision without physical coercion, though it may be at the moment that Faanshi desires physical comfort. Yet, she is still a Queen and however much her voice invites Faanshi to unload her woes, Thalia cannot reach forward and cuddle the shudra in the middle of the foyer. A smile back at Thalia, from Gaelius. Queen, or no, of the Varati, no less, she is still his cousin, whom he remembers fondly. Green eyes flicker back towards Faanshi, his arms crossing once again. Physical contact -- oh, aye, Faanshi desires that more than she can even think of bearing. Two comforting shoulders and two pairs of sheltering arms that leap to her mind, but the owner of one is long dead, passed on to her next life... and the owner of the other is not here. Disturbed by the way the back of her mind is refusing to let go of an achingly clear memory of Lyre embracing her close, disturbed just as powerfully by the fact that she is, indeed, being questioned by the Queen on such a personal topic in such an open and public place, Faanshi turns ever so fractionally away from the Amir-al's consort and her bardly cousin. "What is... wrong," she breathes out then, "is that I... am not happy... as I am, but _that_ is wrong, and..." Ah, _there_ it is, that awkwardness that so often seems to infuse this girl's words. Here and now, though, it seems birthed far more in ragged, barely withheld pain than in anything so simple as shyness. "And I-I do not think that a-anyone can just... make me happy... I must... figure out how to accept what I am, th-the second surah says so, and the ninth." Silver eyebrows arch, as Gaelius reaches out a hand to touch Faanshi lightly on the shoulder, a featherlight touch, "I know. That you are unhappy with the way that you are." his soft baritone offers soothingly. Thalia appears quite aware of the fact that she is standing in the middle of the foyer with a fountain at her back, though she does not turn away from Faanshi, not needing to look to know where she is. "Happiness," she says softly, quiet enough that her words only travel the short distance to Faanshi, betraying nothing of the conversation to the few courtiers who have followed the queen this morning nor to the guards which stand attentively just beyond earshot. "It is a precious commodity, more than gold or gems, everyone wants to be happy, but very few people find it often or even for a long time." She takes a breath, pausing for thought before continuing. "I am not the person to know if you are right or wrong, Faanshi, for your feelings. I am only learning all the true and varied meanings of the surahs myself. But, sometimes, it isn't acceptance that is necessary, but finding other joy, other things which make you happy despite the limits imposed. I am not a fool. I know that Oriane is not accepted by Empyrean society, but I love and her loves me and that is enough to make me happy." Her voice falls even softer, like the caress of a lullaby. "It can be little things that make life better, like having friends, or having love. They add up." Faanshi freezes under Gaelius' light touch, but she does not otherwise move. For the longest of moments, and then she murmurs, "I... thought I loved the Imphadi Samein, f-for I have... never had a father, but... then he... did what he did, and... and...." Her trembling increases, then, and in immediate self-reaction, her entire form goes rigid. Her gaze plummets anew, as she strives to hide her sudden tears. That sobbing makes no sound; indeed, the only hint that she has begun to cry might well be a miniscule hitch of her breathing. What wetness falls does not make it past the silk of her veil. Kosha, being where he is, has a far more excellent view of Faanshi's face than the two Empyreans. Mournfully, the hound whines and lays himself down at the maiden's feet. Thalia's face hardens at Faanshi's admission. The look she now gives Gaelius is full of portent and quite ominous. "You can make your own choices, but it is rare that you can make anyone else's choices. Sometimes, it is possible to patch the results of a rash action. Only you can decide if you still want a relationship with Samein. Fathers--," Thalia breaks off and sucks in a breath. "Fathers, even when you have one, are not always the nicest, kindest souls a hundred percent of the time. Fathers make mistakes. Sometimes, they even apologize. Only you can decide if you are willing to forgive and patch the hole left by the mistake." Her voice betrays nothing of her look to Gaelius. It is as if her facial expression and her larynx are divorced. The warrior-bard's light touch remains on Faanshi's shoulder. "Indeed, and I have met all sorts of fathers." he adds, "Some good, some bad. Some loved their children, some didn't." a glance towards the girl, "I've no doubt that Samein cares about you, but, yes, what he did was rash." Faanshi's trembling only increases, despite the comfort in both of the Empyreans' tones. Slender hands clench all at once into fists, crossing at her breast -- and then, quite abruptly, she bursts out with far more force than it seems her slender frame can by rights produce, "I don't _want_ to forgive him! I _don't_! He hates my imphada, a-and he hates our ways -- and _he_ _hurt_ _Kosha_!" Immediately on the heels of this, she pivots on her sandaled feet, stricken at her own outburst, panic flaring up in her expression, easily readable despite the veil. The dog skitters out of the way with a startled yelp. "I-I-I'm sorry," she croaks, trying to fall to her knees again before the Queen in her fright. How dare she shout before the Maharani? "I-I'm sorry...!" While Thalia's secretary appears quite shocked at the outburst and ready to extract blood for Faanshi's outburst, the Queen is unperturbed. She merely extends her hand, grabs Faanshi's elbow, to touch the shudra for the second time, and keep the girl from falling to her knees. Sunnily, she says, as if Faanshi had not shouted mere seconds before, "At least now I know and I prefer that to ignorance." Once it seems that Faanshi will not be prostrating herself, Thalia lets go of Faanshi and returns to her former hands off position. "Though, we probably should have these sorts of conversations in my room or yours in the future." Her attempt to inject levity into the situation is most likely falling sadly amiss, as the secretary appears to be purpling with rage. She bends down to pet Kosha, as if trying to sooth the dog when she cannot sooth his mistress. A gentle squeeze of Faanshi's shoulder, "I should be taking her to see this Lyre Talespinner, domina." a nod towards Thalia, from Gaelius, braid swaying behind him as he awaits the shudra's rise. Faanshi visibly cringes at the apoplectic state of the secretary; from the look of her, she's apparently fully expecting the man to start beating her any second now. Only the intervention of Thalia's hand keeps the girl from kneeling, and now, Faanshi's wet green eyes stare at the Queen as though she'd just sprouted a second head, or perhaps transformed into a wyvern. But as Gaelius utters that apparently magic word once more -- 'Lyre' -- her attention jerks to him. And the look she shoots him is almost prayerful. Thalia nods her head to Gaelius and says to Faanshi without missing a beat, "If you can spare the time, I would like to speak with you later. Go enjoy yourself with Lyre." She says in the same manner that a mother might tell a young child to have a good time at the playground. A nod towards Thalia from Gaelius, and his aura expands slightly, his wings herding both shudra and dog into the direction of the exit. "We're going to find Lyre Talespinner." he repeats, reassuringly. Large footsteps, smaller footsteps, and even smaller footsteps echo off into the distance. [End log.]