"A Warlord's Stern Regard" Log Date: 4/25/00 Log Cast: Faanshi, Sumai Log Intro: Shudra and naraki are humble personages within the walls of Atesh-Gah and without -- and when one is a halfbreed shudra, one is a particularly humble personage in the eyes of the Children of Fire, even if (like Faanshi) one also happens to be a mage. Faanshi has grown long accustomed to her betters among the Varati considering her invisible unless they might find her specifically useful, and truth be told she is content with this. To be noticed by her betters tends to mean that she is reminded again and again of the taint within her blood, and the impossibility that the people of her beloved heart-mother Ulima will ever look upon her with anything like respect. To be noticed _especially_ by the proud Warlords, the leaders of the Clans of the Children of Fire, is to risk especial censure and disdain -- and a heavy hand of punishment if she should rouse a Warlord's ire. But despite Faanshi's own personal desires, the ways of the gods are mysterious indeed. And so are the ways of Warlords, who may well bestir themselves to question a humble halfbreed shudra if they find her useful... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Morning Date on Aether: Tuesday, May 17, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: First Quarter Season: Spring Weather: Clear Skies Temperature: Warm *==========================================================================* Courtyard - Atesh-Gah - Haven(#430RJM$) If indeed the Hebrew folk of lost Earth are correct in their legends, then this must be the legendary garden from which mankind was expelled. The flat expanse of the great courtyard of Atesh-Gah is covered in the most luxurious grass of bright emerald green, broken only by a cobblestone path for riding and walking to prevent wear upon the lawn. Rich copses of carefully tended wood grow by the walls, lovingly groomed flower gardens acting as a barrier of colour before the rising trees. Perhaps even more relaxing than the sight of the yard are the sensations of it. The lovely scents of flower and tree; honey-suckle, apple blossom, peach, and jasmine; combine with the soft cushion of green grass to provide a sense of peace and harmony that defies the looming sand-hued walls of unbreakable stone. Not even the shadowed maw of the main gate, nor the blocky, unimpressive presence of the impenetrable main keep can overshadow the beauty of this place. Indeed, the stark contrast serves only to enhance it. Contents: Kosha Sumai Obvious exits: Temple Fountain Out Entrance Foyer Stables It's spring -- and therefore, as far as Kosha is concerned, it's as good an excuse as any to romp. Let his mistress spend her morning saying her prayers; the big hound has contented himself with chasing birds and butterflies not far from the shrine of Ushas which lies nestled in its private glade, and even as Faanshi makes her quiet way out into the main courtyard, her loyal hound companion is chasing after a startled sparrow with all the vigor of any Varati warrior. The shudra maiden casts a swift tentative look about the courtyard as she steps into view, just to make certain that Kosha isn't about to collide with anyone -- and thusly assured, she approaches a bench where she might sit and attend to the sewing she's carrying with her in her basket. A warm day is a day to most Varati's liking, coming from warm lands. This is particularly true of the Messala Warlord whose appearance near the exit of the main building is announced by a rasping of steel on steel; a sound that accompanies heavily armored men who oft move in such covering. Followed by no less than five men in full armor, though lighter and simpler than his own, they are nearly as large in general. Sumai's olive-brown eyes begin a slow trek across the yard from behind the guarded visor until it alights up the sole figure upon the bench. She appears a fairly typical Varati woman upon initial inspection from a distance, one of the vaisya. Soon heavy boots and a scraping of steel against its brother is heard near you as the huge Warlord makes his way towards you. His armor glint and glitters brilliantly in the morning's sunlight, making his easily visible if not heard. Sumai This man is large by most any person's estimation as he towers over a room with broad shoulders and a stone-hard face. A deep complexion like that of bloody mud is the hue of his face and skin, as though holding a manner of fire inside his own body has deepened its coloring. Brown-olive eyes watch the world around him with a hard, yet thoughtful, sense to them as they shield the man's thoughts from being physically read. His face has chiseled, sharp features which make him appear very planar and level while bearing several small scars from battles. Dark hair hangs from his head, long and somewhat coarse as it is braided into a sole, thick cord hanging near to the middle of his back. Braided into the long, rope-like cord are silver bands and tiny, metallic ribbons that seem to be a part of his black hair. At the moment the rope-like hair wraps around his throat, beneath the coif of his mail. His torso is expansive, like that of a great statue carved of some long dead warrior in remembrance of his worth. Powerful arms are corded with muscle and sinew from years of physically demanding training as well as being lined with sometimes criss-crossing scar flesh. Currently the Warlord is clad in a light suit of intricately crafted, and slightly intimidating, armor. The helm of this suit is a single, solid plate that seems to fit firmly to the shape of his skull, etched with swirling silver curls all around it rolls obscurely around his head. The silver-blue plate slopes down into a hawk-like nose piece that hooks sharply just about his lips. Hanging from plate of the helm is a silver coif of loosely linked chain mail that shields his throat and leaves only his chin and lips exposed. The left arm and leg are plated in similar silver-blue enameling of metallic plates. Each seperate plate that sculpt to the different portions of his arm and leg while appearing to writh and contort like living steel. Wrapped around his tree-trunk waist is a plate of silver, which is nearly a foot wide and straps around his lower back with leather ties. At the belt's center is a navy blue enameling of the rune denoting wrath and just vengeance, hanging from its center in a linen clothe colored deep, navy blue with silver fringes. A thick, silver bracer runs the length of his right wrist like a tiny shield, etched upon its surface in navy enamel is a rune empowering it with accuracy. On his right shin is a silver-plated guard which covers the fore of lower leg and his dark, leather boots. The remainder of his body is covered in a silver, loose-knit chain mail rings which provide him with some armoring. A large weapon sling rests upon his back is made of supple, though heavily blacked, leather. Held in the sling, when not held by his side, is his huge war-axe. Made of a single, expertly crafted, piece of steel the black axe is etched with runes invoking the power of righteousness and strength in silvered emblems. The haft is wrapped with a tough, serpent-hide, leather so that its owner may grip it easily. Faanshi is not at all unaccustomed to the sound of armored men, after two years dwelling within Atesh-Gah and seventeen before that at the mercy of the Warlord of Sarazen. Thus, her attention is easily seized by the approach of the figure garbed in metal -- and her head comes up just enough to determine that, indeed, you are on a course towards her. While her dog dives snout-first into a bush in hot pursuit of that bird he'd been chasing, the girl quickly rises. Her head dips again as she does; her gaze, leaf-green, is only fleetingly visible before she fastens it humbly upon the cobblestones and begins to kneel just before the bench, slightly to its side. She knows a Warlord when she sees one, and she isn't about to obstruct your path if you choose to sit. Standing nearby to you, just a few feet away, his size is in evidence, nearly a full foot taller than yourself and probably weighing easily twice what you would even without the armor on. Just about the only flesh you can see are his lips and the area surrounding his eyes, for the whole second or two you look at him. "Namaste, girl." Sumai vast voice speaks to you, as though he draws it from the earth at his feet and summons its force into his chest. The baritone is full and rich, his volume no louder than what a normal person make speak but the strength of his voice makes it appear so much the more so. His armor glinting in the light like a small, metallic weapon had just spiked out of the ground. "Namaste, imphadi," is the girl's soft reply, uttered without her head raising up. She's a small one, this maiden -- or at least, small by the reckoning of the Children of Fire. And she kneels there upon the cobblestones, her basket now held in slim sungolden hands within her lap; its contents might be noted as rolls of bright cloth, a soft stuffed ball into which are stuck a number of needles, spools of thread, and other fripperies of women's mending work. "How may I serve?" Several long moments pass as Sumai watches you, noting your tiny size which barely passes for a Varati woman's. As to yet, he likely doesn't know that you are anything other than a vaisya. "What is your name and position?" comes the question from the large, stoic Warlord whose olive-brown eyes latch upon you with a ferocity of a guard dog. Though not aggressive or even sounding aggressive in his tone of voice, seeming more lacking in emotion or care. His metal clad body remains, more or less, still and much like his voice; lacking a hint as to what the huge man desires or needs from you or anyone around him. Certainly, from her kneeling position, she cannot be mistaken for kshatri -- and it's probably a safe wager that she is not vaisya. This is confirmed as she promptly and earnestly replies, "Faanshi, imphadi, a shudra of--" For a fraction of an instant, she pauses. Her recent change in mistresses is still fairly new and strange in her mind, and although Kiera Khalida was nothing at which to sneeze by way of mistresses, it still catches this shudra girl oddly to realize that she now serves the Maharani herself. But she does not let herself wallow in surprise for very long; a Warlord has asked her a question, and thus she will answer it. "--Clan Khalida, and of the Imphada Maharani." Rustlings in the bushes and a strange surprised squeak hint that Kosha has captured his prey, but the girl doesn't let herself be distracted by the noises of her dog's hunting. She remains poised exactly as she is. Curious. Quite like she is a half breed or a mongrel who has more Varati than anything. A pity such refuse and cast off need exist at all, but for race traitors and fools who mate outside their kind. "Very good, girl. You may stand. I have questions which I would ask of you and I do not wish them spoken to the ground, as well this may take some time so I do not wish you to be overly uncomfortable as I speak. You attention will be mine alone." Sumai commands to you, his olive-brown eyes looking to the bushes for a moment while he considers the sound of an animal at hunt. A dog; an animal prefered primarily by Sylvans, being the only race to live in temperate environments and live on the ground regularly. "You have a great mistress, you must be proud." A dog, indeed -- and a big, handsome one. Kosha emerges from the bush with that fat sparrow caught smartly in his teeth, looking inordinately pleased with himself. He shakes himself thoroughly, and then promptly flops himself down in a warm patch of sun where he can both eat and bask at the same time. However, Faanshi does not look Kosha's way. Setting her basket down at her feet, she murmurs "Yes, imphadi" and rises. Her hands, now empty, clasp themselves before her; her head remains bowed, her gaze respectfully lowered. Now that she is on her feet it becomes easier to note her uncommonly pale complexion, though she is still darker than most of the candala who dwell within Haven. For a moment she pauses again, then ventures in that gentle voice of hers, "I am most grateful that I have been honored with the opportunity to serve her." Again, the large man is silent for several long moments before he speaks in a voice that expplicitly enunciates each word almost as though to drill those around him with it. A soldier's habit, you may guess. "Very well, shudra. I would question you as to your knowledge of this city and some of its inhabitants." the vast voice emanates from some fathomless cavern within the glittering Messala Warlord as he speaks to you. FOlding arms as thick as the trunk of a moderately sized tree across his chest as he looks down at the top of your head, "I would know of a woman named Cynara. She is a healer of sorts, I am told." he comments to you. Truly it is a question, phrased in such that it is a statement that commands you to respond to his inquisition. Startlement is the maiden's first reaction, and though she still holds her attentive, humble posture, still it can be seen momentarily seizing control of her slender frame. She does not know your name -- but it is obvious enough to her, who has been near to three Warlords in the course of her young life, what rank you must hold. The colors of your armor confirm your Clan; shy she may be, but she has furtively studied the colors and symbols of the Clans whose warriors may visit Atesh-Gah at any time. That someone of your stature would wish to question _her_ about Haven is the first surprise -- and the name you utter is the second. There sounds a soft intake of breath behind her azure veil, and then she replies, "I... am only generally aware of the Domina Cynara, imphadi; I have had but one meeting with her, and those in Haven and in Bordertown that I see regularly do not speak much to me of her." Hmm. The shudra, it seems, is at least capable of framing a cogent reply, though her tones are still shy and soft. "Do you wish me to describe that meeting?" Sumai is fully aware of exactly how intelligent some of the shudra and naraki are. Most can't read or write or understand proper tactics or fight, but they learn how to survive right damn fast when its all said and done. Being the little men on the food chain means they have developed a measure of self-presering instinct so they aren't decapitated by irrate Warlords. "Ah, very good then shudra. Please, describe the encounter and the woman 's appearance." he says as though it were a conversational piece, though in truith it is as much a command as if he told one of his soldiers 'Kill that Empyrean'. Still, his voice is impassive and his olive-brown eyes observant. Faanshi's lashes are thick and dark, and she bats not a one of them; nor does she even nod or otherwise change her stance as she gives her earnest report. "It was during a speech given by Thomas Murako of Avalon in the Rialto, imphadi. There was a riot... and the Provost was hurt. I attempted to reach him and heal him, but the Domina Cynara was also present. She permitted me to assist her and afterwards offered to teach me and gave me her name." Teachers. Faanshi doesn't let herself dwell overlong on the notion of teachers of healing -- nor is there more than the barest of indrawn breaths suggesting a bit of unease behind her concealing veil, between that last sentence and her next. "She looked... as I am given to understand most Empyreans do... her hair was golden, her wings white." "Intriguing, shudra." he makes a strange statement, interested for the first time since he began speaking to you. His eyes flicker a hotter color, if one can indeed use that to describe eye color, as they look down on you and then over to your munching dog. His own guardsmen make no open moves, but they eye everything about them in a suspicious and cautious manner. Including your pet, though its highly unlikely than any normal dog's teeth would pierce the finely crafted steel of their Warlord's armor. "Were there any notable marks or garments that she seemed to wear? Do the people talk of any of her places of rest or places she frequents?" he asks you in a deep, though relatively quiet voice. Certainly, Kosha seems interested in penetrating nothing with his array of fangs save fat sparrow flesh. Which he does quite contentedly, till there's nothing left of his catch except bones which he happily crunches. It doesn't take him very long, and once he's inhaled his morning snack he hops up again to find a place where he might bury the remains. Faanshi flicks a tiny, furtive glance in the dog's direction -- she's tried time and again to keep Kosha from burying his prey in the courtyard, but she is not in a position at the moment to intercept him. "I was unable to observe her raiment at the time, imphadi," she murmurs in apologetic tones. She doesn't bother to explain that this was because she'd drained herself healing the Provost at the time -- and that Cynara hadn't bothered to stay in the area for very long. "And I... do not in truth recollect seeing it myself... but it is said within Bordertown that she has a brand upon her brow." His large head nods slowly as he considers your words, the mail about his neck and face clinking just a little bit as he moves his head about. "Intriguing. A mark on her brow? She is a healer? She must have harmed someone unjustly to receive such a mark." the blue and silver clad battleship comments to you in a thoughtful and absent manner before he shrugs huge, girthful shoulders upwards towards the treetops. "You may summon your animal, if you wish, but make sure it remains calm. I'm not one for small mammals, I prefer a good wyvern myself." he says with a half-grin upon his face, as though he were amused by something. "I wouldn't want him destroying any of the Amir-al's gardens." A hundred-pound dog is not small -- but then again, size is all a matter of perspective, especially when one is comparing a dog to a wyvern. If Faanshi is amused in turn it is not nearly so obvious, with her features hidden behind blue silk, but she allows herself to relax ever so slightly at this Warlord's apparent good humor. "Thank you," she says gratefully, and then turns her sari-wreathed head. From behind her veil sounds a three-note whistle that immediately catches the hound's attention; with an inquisitive whurf, Kosha re-emerges from the foliage, sans what's left of the bird. Tail a-wag, remnants of his snack still visible upon his muzzle, the hound comes trotting over to the shudra maiden. Alert brown eyes survey the armored man as he approaches, but still, this creature is apparently well-trained enough that he doesn't do more than whurf in general query as he sits down at his haunches at Faanshi's feet. Faanshi, in the meantime, appends, "I... do not know much more than that, imphadi. There are... people in Haven she leads, but if any to whom I have ministered serve her, they have not told me." He looks at the dog, considerably smaller than himself in size and weight and probably power even though animals tend to have more densely packed muscles. Olive eyes remain disinterested and unafraid, you seem to have it well heeled and in the worst of cases he could kill it if it attacked. "Very well. I will tell you now that if I discover you have told me any falsehoods or with held any valuable information, I will notify your owner and have you punished. I do not think you have, however, and for your aid know that I am grateful. You are a credit to your Mistress and a statement of what shudra everywhere ought be." his deep baritone voice comments to you in a manner of appreciation. Kosha now waits patiently for Faanshi's attention, taking a moment to lick his muzzle as he does for the last few tastes of the sparrow's blood; though he waits, too, his attention wavers back towards the bushes, a hungry gleam in his eye. One sparrow is not enough to sate a dog his size, after all. And his mistress, flushing pinkly behind her veil yet otherwise unmoved -- at least if one judges by the stance of her slender, even dainty frame -- murmurs, "It is my duty and honor to serve, imphadi." [To be, perhaps, continued... but for now, end log.]