"The Simple Needs of Life" Log Date: 10/13/00 Log Cast: Starfang, Faanshi, Raging-Storm Log Intro: With the news of the death of her beloved Lyre, Faanshi has fallen apart to such an extent that her teacher FallingStar is deeply concerned for her -- and has point-blank ordered her to stay with her for the time being in her herb shop, even going so far as to send word into Atesh-Gah as to her whereabouts and invoking her authority as an Adept in healing to keep the young maiden away from her usual duties. Faanshi, barely able to keep from yielding to the burden of her grief, has not protested; indeed, the halfbreed is sorely adrift, reeling not only from Lyre's death but also by the abrupt departure of her mistress Thalia from Atesh-Gah. Rumors abound as to why the Maharani has left Haven... but no one has seen fit to inform the humble shudra who serves her as to the truth of the matter. And so far, no one has seen fit to call her back to the Varati embassy, either. Faanshi is therefore left to her own devices, and to try to make herself attend to the simple needs of life despite the loss she has suffered. Needs like those of her dog Kosha, and those of a wounded stranger.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Morning Date on Aether: Wednesday, March 26, 3907. Year on Earth: 1507 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waxing Gibbous Season: Early Spring Weather: Breeze Temperature: Cool *==========================================================================* City Park - Haven A large, well-manicured lawn covered with soft green grass provides some respite from the daily hustle-and-bustle of the city. Along its perimeter, beds of blue myrtle grow underneath a row of willow trees to the northwest, with a small path leading back streetside. A hedgerow delineates the southern boundary some hundred feet away, and a break in the hedge allows a view into a smaller, more private garden. This area is generally used for large public gatherings and social events, such as public performances or the huge festivals of cairds that flock to Haven throughout the year. At more quiet times, it is frequented by common folk and aristocrats alike, and most notably, the Sylvans seeking brief escape from the confining streets of Haven. Contents: Starfang Kosha Obvious exits: Street Garden Sitting on the neatly kept lawn with her knees drawn up, Starfang watching passers by, while her mind wanders. Every now and then, something people do, or a snippet of conversation will make her smile, and her eyes twinkle with mirth before turning back to her more gloomy ponderings. Whatever she's thinking about, it does seem to have her on edge, at least on the inside. To be sure, Kosha isn't particularly on edge about anything. It's springtime. He's a dog. And he's outside. As far as Kosha is concerned, this is more than enough reason to romp. He comes pelting into the garden at top speed, all senses alert, but not for anything in particular at the moment. No, this big puppy-at-heart hound is running simply because he _likes_ it. Run run run run run run run! By stark contrast, however, the figure that follows the dog into the park moves quite listlessly and slowly. Faanshi is keeping Kosha in sight, but only just, and the look of consternation and frustration in the girl's gentle gaze is distinct despite the veil that conceals the lower half of her face. Perhaps, she tells herself fretfully, it was a mistake to take Kosha out... but he did need it. And truth be told, so did she, going half-mad with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company in the shop this morning. Raging-Storm approaches along the path from the street. Raging-Storm has arrived. Raging-Storm Raging Storm, is tall and lithe, his hair is as dark as a moonless night and his eyes seem to sparkle with a fire of their own. His movements are swift, graceful, nothign surprising there considering his Sylvan ancestory. Yet there is something different about him. Storm seems to carry with him an anger a rage that seems barely held in check. It can be seen in his movements as just barely controlled fury, it can often be heard in his voice as cold rage. The clothing he wears makes one think of a ranger or hunter. Dark browns and greens remind one of ancient and dark forests. Upon the shoulders, knees and elbows of his outfit are patches of jet black fur. Upon his shoulders is the full pelt of a large black hunting cat its head acting as a clasp sits over his heart the eyes of the beast have been replaced with two green stones that seem to catch the light and throw sparks of green fire. Starfang's eyes find Kosha as he runs as if there was no other reason to be. And maybe there isn't, for that lucky dog. A spark of recognition alights in those same eyes and her eyes dart about, looking for and finally finding Faanshi. A beginning smile falters as she sees the state of the woman. She frowns and stands from the fresh lawn, starting to slowly make her way to the woman. Raging-Storm walks into the area, his dark eyes seemingly searchnig for something he might recognize. Obviously new to the city he is surprisingly immune to its seeming wonders. Run run, run run run, run run run run run run! Kosha pelts across spring grass, wagging his tail at Starfang for no other reason than the simple fact that she's there and she looks friendly; if this is at all surprising for this particular young Sylvan, that's certainly beyond the ken of the dog. But in the meantime Faanshi -- not exactly a wonder of Haven, though her Varati silks do rather stand out against the delicate greenery of spring -- has to pause even as her big canine burns off his excess energy. She probably _could_ run after him. But at the moment, she just can't summon up the desire to do more than watch him. The shudra girl squeezes her eyes shut, scowling tinily at herself under her veil, and scrubs a hand across her eyes. When she peeks up again she chances to espy Starfang seeming to head toward her; if she hadn't already stopped, that would halt her in her tracks. Green eyes gone dull above her azure veil, the tall young halfbreed blinks bemusedly at the other young woman, almost as if she doesn't recognize her, or at the very least is stunned to see her here. Starfang forces a smile for Faanshi, although a worried frown is more visible on her face. She doesn't ask after anything, though. "Chookma, sister of the fire people." Everything about her, every little muscle in her body is screaming at Faanshi about how she's worried and wants to know if she's alright. But, in the interest of keeping the Varati girl at ease, she won't pry. Raging-Storm eyes flick to the charging dog and rest there for a moment, he moves towards the hedges then stops and turns around and looks back at the people in the park. His eyes wandering from person to person seeming to inspect and catalog them all. Finaly his eyes rest upon Starfang and he frowns slightly. Come on, brain. You know this person. Faanshi's sungolden brow crinkles up for a moment above her eyes, more in self-directed frustration that her ability to think seems to have deserted her these last many days. But at last comprehension dawns, and with a shadow of her usual formality, the halfbreed clasps her hands at her breast and bows slightly unsteadily to the other healer. "Namaste'," she whispers. "Chookma...!" Starfang tries hard, and fails, to untense. One can see the effort it takes her to not ask after what's wrong. "Uhm. Nice day, isn't it? Right?" She puts her hands in the small of her back, where they continue to wring. "Nice day. For a walk." Raging-Storm continues to watch the two converse his attention seems to focuse more on Faanshi than on Starfang, he seems to scrutinize her very carefully, her movements her gestures, the strange lilt of her voice. Starfang Cold, hard eyes. Despite her freckled, upturned nose and her stubby figure, those eyes are most noticable on her. Burning with anger more out of habit than anything else, one would almost expect the green irises to turn red. Wearing a simple, wide, drab brown dress, her stubby figure is only betrayed by her feet and ankles poking out from beneath, protected from the streets by simple, durable slippers. About her left wrist is a surprisingly well-made bracer sporting a vastly less well-made dagger in its sheath. But it _fits_. Some might notice how the leather is shaped instead of sewn. Her long golden brown hair is held back in a string that might be a braid. Her tan skin is oddly clean for her appearance, but the foulness of her mood counters that perfectly. Covering the top of her head is a large dull green cloth, the end of which falls down her back almost as far as her braid. It covers her forehead and is held up by the pointy ears common to most Sylvans. "It is a-a good day, I have brought Kosha out to walk in the park... he needed it...!" The dog in question, now that his mistress appears to have stopped, looks back curiously in her direction -- but only for a few moments. Kosha's more intent upon gamboling out, sniffing at this, inspecting that, and peering over at the _other_ Sylvan he can spy, the one not talking to Faanshi. Kosha flicks Raging-Storm a tail wag on general principles, panting in doggish amiability. Faanshi, in the meantime, seems unaware that she's attracted the scrutiny of more than one set of eyes. She focuses upon Starfang, gazing down at her with a liquid intensity that suggests that the simple fact of making conversation is something she desperately desires... or perhaps that she's half-afraid the shorter healer might vanish before her eyes. "Y-you are well?" she breathes shyly. Starfang hrms. "I guess... I'm alright." That same edge returns for a while, "So Kosha's enjoying the park a lot. Hm. How's it going with the learning stuff? Getting any better?" It's fairly clear she's not able to pretend she didn't spot anything wrong with Faanshi. Raging-Storm eyes flick from Faanshi to Kosha, and he frowns slightly, its clear the animal belongs to the veiled being and ignoring it would be a mistake. He frowns contemplating the animal for a moment then focuses again on Faanshi. Not so far gone in her distress that she cannot at least sense something of the moods of those around her, Faanshi dimly realizes that Starfang's expression is one of acute concern... and her gaze drops down in embarrassment at herself. Reflexively, her slender arms wrap themselves loosely about her willowy frame; she must, she scolds herself sternly, try to pull herself together. "I-I have improved the strength of my magic," she whispers out tinily. "My p-power still grows... your own...?" Starfang shrugs. "I've... been busy with other things. I dunno, tho, it's always been slow going for me." A small smile, "I'm sure you're already far better than I'll be for months to come." She sighs, "I guess I'll get there.. slower than you, but I'll manage to learn the stuff that matters." Another shrug. She doesn't seem entirely comfortable with the subject...or is that still worry over Faanshi? Raging-Storm's ear seem to perk at the words of the women. His frown deepens then his face seems to clear, or clear as much as it can and he picks up a large stick. Stepping out from behind his hedge his attention shifts back to Kosha, he whistles softly to get the animals attention and waves the stick in the time honored tradition of a kid wanting to play. "There is always much need for healers," Faanshi can be heard to murmur, though it's almost by rote rather than any conscious control over her tongue. She's still standing there unthinkingly hugging herself, and her gaze shifts off Starfang a bit; in the spring sunlight, even with the veil hiding her nose and mouth, her eyes look shadowed and tired. What's wrong with this girl? There's nothing wrong with Kosha, though. The big dog's ears perk up at Raging-Storm's whistle, and he trots investigatively closer. Especially when he spots that stick. Starfang frowns deeply, almost asks, "Well, yes, it's true. I mean. Healers are always welcome. Erm. So did you have a busy day so far?" Hm, yes, great conversation. Very distractive. Not like babbling at all. Nopenope. Raging-Storm bounces on the balls of his feet, waving the stick before the large anmil, if he had a tail it would be wagging to show his desire for play. His bouncing takes him slightly closer to the two women then he raises the stick and tosses it away. Kosha's enthusiastic bark shows his support for this Stick Tossing Plan, and with a whish of his proud tail, the dog practically spins in place before scampering off for the twig. The sound of that bark makes Faanshi start, though, not unlike the rabbits her hound is so fond of flushing out of the brush. She marks the location of the big dog... and then the location of the Sylvan who's evidently decided to play with him. To Starfang, she answers in small plaintive tones, "FallingStar h-has asked me to label all of the bottles of herbs in the shop, but I am not done yet... Kosha needed his walk..." Starfang nods. "Yeah. Well, he's pretty happy..." She turns around and sees Kosha has found someone to play with and manages a _sincere_ smile. "Well, someone's having fun, at l..." She bites her lip, then coughs for no real reason. "Uhm. So. I bet you know a bit more about herbs than I do, huh?" Raging-Storm continues to bounce lightly on his feet s the large dog dashes after the stick, he slowly moves towards the two women trying to get a better listen in on there conversation. "I was taught... some by my heart-mother, and by FallingStar... as..." With that, though, Faanshi trails off. Her gaze is more solidly upon that distant figure near her rambunctious dog now, and her brow might be seen to crinkle up in a different kind of bemusement. Evidently she has forgotten what Starfang was saying, for she just stares in the male Sylvan's direction for a moment or two. And then she begins to tremble. "Hurt," she mumbles tinily. Starfang frowns, looks at the apparently unencumbered Sylvan over there. Seeing the distance, her brow raise as she looks back to Faanshi. "You can feel it THAT far?" Surprise, as well as awe, is evident in her voice and face. "Want some help?" She's... deferring to Faanshi? Raging-Storm brow furrows, and he stops bouncing, he glances at the two women, and realizes that they are talking about /him/. He mumbles something under his breath and turns towards the entrance of the gardens. His feet set out on the path towards the exit, the playfullness out of his bearing, and his shoulders seemingly set. "I... he does not... he has not come to ask..." Even more than seems normal for her, Faanshi appears stricken with indecision. But even as she peers unsurely at the Sylvan across the way, Kosha bounds back over to him, stick in his jaws. Hey! You! Where are you going? The Throw the Stick Game isn't done yet! Starfang understands what Faanshi says, sees how he's walking away, doesn't know if/how bad it would be. Hm. Doubt, indecision, hesitation... does she even _want_ to find out? Well... the man's not having any trouble walking, and was seeming to be quite active. Not the marks of a dying man. With an unsatisfied sigh, she shrugs. "Fine, I guess it's not that bad, anyway." Raging-Storm stops and looks down at the animal blinking, he relaxes slightly and grabs at the stick, then tries to wrest it away from the large animal. "Give me that." he growls playfully at the animal. He seems to have forgotten about the women's notice focusing again on the dog. Ooh! Wrestling! Kosha knows this game, and his tail picks up in speed of wag as he tugtug tuggitytugtugtugs at the stick. Torn, Faanshi watches the dog, and at last stumbles in that direction. Her eyes crinkle up more distinctly even as she draws nearer to the Sylvan man... and her gaze drops swiftly downward in a manner Starfang's already seen more than once, even before this day. "Kosha... Kosha, be a-at peace," she calls out shyly, sounding almost as if she's afraid of drawing Raging-Storm's attention to her. "Leave the imphadi be..." Starfang almost seems tall as she walks at Faanshi's side, showing no signs of being shy, or insecure. She does seems to be anticipating something nasty, though, as she walks closer and closer to Raging-Storm. Raging-Storm continues to pull on the stick his teeth gritted in an almost pained expression. "Give it," he growls softly, "give it, give..." he lets go of the stick quickly, and straightens, his breathing slightly shallow, his skin slightly pale. His eyes close as he seems to be concentraiting on something. He _is_ hurt. Panic strikes Faanshi for a moment, a desire to just go somewhere and curl up and hide -- but regardless of whatever's reduced her to this strangely disoriented state, she _is_ a healer. As she comes near, though, the dog barks again, leaping happily towards her, stick still triumphantly clenched between his teeth. Maybe she'll throw it? But the shudra glances just a little wildly back and forth from dog to man and back again... and with profound shyness she murmurs towards the latter, "I-imphadi... do you require a healer...?" Raging-Storm eyes fly open and his head snaps in the direction of Faanshi, he sways slightly on his feet. and raises a hand to his head shaking it to try and clear away the stars that have covered his vision. "No.." he says to her his voice soft yet seeming to lack any form of conviction. Starfang now comes close, now feels what she feared to feel. Her eyes narrow, she pales a little herself. "Look.. you... You're not alright. We can have you _be_ alright, right now. No longer weak, no longer wavering like an old man. Come on... don't you want to be rid of that?" Don't you want to rid her of this sense of pain and weakness? Raging-Storm he lifts a hand in warning to them then opens his eyes looking at Starfang and Faanshi. His eyes narrow as he stablizes, "You are of the Delphi?" he asks them. It is difficult at the best of times for Faanshi to insist upon aiding someone if they tell her no, especially if the afflicted person happens to be a man. Now is not the best of times. The Sylvan's refusal of her timid question seems to throw her for a significant loop, and she shoots a pleading gaze to her smaller companion as if desperate to take a cue from her as to how to pursue this. "I... I-I will step back, if I am objectionable, Imphadi..." And then the girl starts violently, wide-eyed, shaking her head dumbly back and forth. Delphi, it seems, is not who holds claim upon this tall maiden in silk. Starfang seems uncomfortable at the mention of the name of That Place. "I'm not. Does it matter? Whoever comes to you, they can take away those cuts, and whatver else you'd rather see mended. You shouldn't turn people down just because you don't like them." A hand wraps about Faanshi's elbow, as if the small woman could ever hope to support this Varati. Raging-Storm looks from Faanshi to Starfang his eyes search their faces and he nods his head once and steps towards them. A quick movement that brings him to stand just before the two women. This close a dark staind can be made out upon the side of his chest just underneath his arm. Kosha, now that all three of the two-leggers appear to have decided to congregrate, circles hopefully about them. _Somebody's_ going to throw the stick again, yes? Unfortunately, at least for the time being, the hound is due to be disappointed. Faanshi only glances uncomfortably down at her pet, finding him a far safer place to rest her gaze than a strange Sylvan man. Her eyes do not, however, lower so swiftly that it cannot be seen that they're as green as Starfang's, eyes that would look equally at home upon the smaller healer. She says nothing else at the moment, but instead stands there meekly, her arm in the other woman's grasp. Starfang lets go of Faanshi, stepping forward, with some difficulty, "Best if you took that off, so I can put my hands on the cuts. It's easier for me, that way." She doesn't even consider to look to Faanshi, now, and her eyes are filled with strained focus. "I can't imagine walking, or even _standing_, if I had those." Raging-Storm head held high glances down at Starfang then begins to undoe the laces of his tunic . When he is finished he pulls the garment over his head, as he does so he inhales sharply, as scabs are pulled from cuts to new. Along his right side from armpit to waist is a long deep slash freshly reopened, while along his back from shoulder to hip is another deep wound, dried and caked blood covers both wounds and it is surprising that this boy is still alive. He lets the tunic drop to the ground and continues to stare into the distance. Shy though Faanshi might be, mourning though she might be, she cannot help but be affected by the Sylvan's stoic, grim baring of his injuries. She starts again, breathing out, "Holy Mother... Starfang...? D-do you wish me..." The halfbreed girl cannot quite finish the thought, but it's obvious enough what she means. Does the other healer need her aid? Watching all of this, now, the dog pauses his scampering. Blood. Eew. With a sneeze, Kosha drops the stick. Starfang places her hands on the cuts, right in the middle. Her eyes close, she breathes deeply, then relievedly as the pain is taken away. No more pain. Good. Just an amazingly wonderful feeling. Much better than pain. It's almost possible to forget gaping wounds with blood dribbling over Starfang's hands. They start to creep shut, very, very slowly. "I wouldn't mind a hand at all, even if I could manage without." Despite her absent face, her voice rings with complete clarity. At least the bleeding has stopped. Raging-Storm doesn't move continuing to look straight ahead as he is administered to. Timidly, then, Faanshi inches forward to lend her aid to the smaller healer. Her touch is far more uncertain -- at least, until her sungolden hand reaches over to connect with Raging-Storm's nearest shoulder. And with that, a roil of power swells up from within the willowy maiden, entirely at odds with her skittish demeanor, bolstering up Starfang's own magic and extending its strength. Evidently Faanshi does not actually need to see the damage, for her gaze is still solidly lowered to the ground, and in fact, her eyes are squeezed tightly shut. Starfang smiles as the aid comes, giving no other reaction to it. "You're a fool to have walked with this for this time. You could've been dead by now. There's no shame in seeking help to _live_. Really. You can't count on some healer just happening by to notice you're dying, despite pretending not to be." As she berates Raging-Storm, the wounds have lost their depth and are starting to creep shut faster and faster. Raging-Storm stands seemingly taller, his breathing is easier, his eyes lose an aspect of something, anger hatred mistrust. As he feels the pain ebb from his wounds and the wounds themselves sealing together. His eyes though do not move to the two healers he continues to look straight ahead seemingly awaiting the word that they are finished with their work. Like Raging-Storm, Faanshi says nothing. But it is arguable that her motives for silence are different... and simpler; the girl still radiates a sense of helplessness and panic, and despite the flow of power she's putting forth to bid the Sylvan man's flesh mend itself, her frame is shaking now. Only her hand remains steady, and once it drops away, her magic content with what she's done, those delicate fingers begin to tremble as well. "H-he will be well," she mumbles, mostly under her breath. Starfang doesn't let go as soon as Faanshi does, instead checking and rechecking for traces of injury, removing every single little tiny one she finds. Arguably, that's a waste of time and effort, but she does it anyway. "You can go wash, now." she says as she pulls her hands off the man. Her hands are soaked with blood and she bends down to wipe them on the grass. "You cn even put your clothes back on, if you like to forego the washing." She shrugs and stands, her hainds stained a tinge of green, now. Raging-Storm looks from one woman to the next, then he bends down and picks up his tunic. He does not put it on yet just holds it in his hands. Again he looks at the two women, he considers them for a moment, then says softly. "Thank you." turning he moves out of the park. [And with that accomplished, it does not take much to persuade Faanshi to flee back to the sanctity of A Moment in Thyme... never thinking to try to explain what troubles her to the anxious Starfang. End log.]