"Katas and Colors" Log Date: 12/16, 12/17/00 Log Cast: Faanshi, Mehul Log Intro: _One_ man professing feelings for her had been amazing enough to Faanshi, but a second one -- who is a Varati at that -- is almost too much for her to believe. Nevertheless, she has found the casteless Varati Mehul, and much to their mutual astonishment they have immediately gravitated to each other, recognizing and passionately responding to each other's inner loneliness and pain. Faanshi has no way of knowing that this man is in fact mad, and had sought her out with an initial plan of using her as a means to find and kill graisha of her acquaintance, for graisha are the focus of the madness that howls within him. But Mehul had not planned on Faanshi soothing the wildness in him into slumber; indeed, the desperately lost child at the center of his soul has fallen and fallen hard for the maiden, and now his only purpose when he is with her is to make himself her own personal guard... and to do what he can to soothe the aches of her heart as she has soothed _him_. His only challenge: to get her to be brave enough to set aside duty long enough to take the time to learn his katas for purging frustration and anger.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Evening Date on Aether: Saturday, July 21, 3907. Year on Earth: 1507 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waxing Gibbous Season: Summer Weather: Clouds Temperature: Comfortable *==========================================================================* Entrance Foyer - Atesh-Gah - Haven The entranceway to Atesh-Gah is a marvel of Varati architecture and art; a half-dome rising from the earth to the heavens, appearing as if solid stone and seemingly made without reinforcing supports. It is but a shell of smooth, solid rock, made unbreakable by a combination of shaping and ingenuity. A long flight of stairs leads up toward the double doors of the throne room, while a smaller door down below and to the right leads to the back hallway. The massive space is acoustically sound, carrying each gurgle of crystal water from the central fountain throughout the entire room. Four couches of rich royal blue upholstery surround the fountain, providing a resting place for any who would wish to sit and speak; though the edge of the fountain itself may function in a similar fashion. Flecks and veins of bright gold streak through the pale marble of the walls, leading the eye ever up... until a breath-taking sight catches the eye. Above all else in the room stands Ashur Masad, the Lord of the ever-rising Sun, and father to Khalid Atar. Surrounding the glorious sun-lord is a vast mural of his son's accomplishments, a millenium and a half of legendary history. Contents: Mehul Tapestries Obvious exits: Royal Wing Hallway Throne Room Out Faanshi hadn't quite conceived that the new duties given her by the Queen would occupy so much of her time and energy -- but then again, she hasn't exactly been able to give up her prior duties as well. The poor of Haven still require healing, as do the few Varati who seem willing to permit a halfbreed's hand to bring them their relief. She still has a student she must teach, though she has heard as of late that the Imphada Maithuna Kerani has borne a child... a fair argument for why the young priestess has not contacted her as of late. But still, it requires investigation, and the child to Faanshi's mind requires some form of gift, though for the life of her she cannot fathom what a humble shudra could provide for a kshatri child's comfort. She must wait for the Elder BroadShoulders to provide her samples of the mushrooms that had been used to disrupt the ritual of Invoking the Flame... and she must speak with both him and Grandmother Tanith... and the Ettowealona... and the Apisachi. It's enough to make her head hurt, but nevertheless the maiden presses herself through the day, deciding she must attempt to draft some sort of formal announcement to be taken around to the Sylvan tribes, and perhaps distributed on the streets of Haven as well. She has acquired paper and ink, and now as evening falls in Atesh-Gah, she has claimed a quiet place to sit not far from the fountain in the great foyer, brow furrowed in intent concentration as she struggles with the wording of what must be announced to Haven about the new Varati Voice to the Sylvans. While Faanshi sits with furrowed brow, struggling over the papers in her lap and contemplating the forming of words to portray what it is she wishes to, Mehul, ever strong, ever proud, stands at her side, hands clsped behind his back, watching over her. He is her guard. He will protect her. He will love her. Every now and again a brief smile and flicker of smoldering eyes is thrown at her, and every once in a while his gaze slides over the scribbled parchment. He can barely make any of it out. He's been so quiet, so attentive, a constant presence at her side all day. Half the time Faanshi catches herself starting, entirely unaccustomed to having any companion besides Kosha at her side throughout the course of a day... but the rest of the time, she finds a marvelous sort of comfort in it. She's pointed out to Mehul's willing eyes and ears the location of her teacher's herb-shop -- "that is where my acarya, FallingStar, lives... and her new pupil as well, an Atlantean" -- and introduced him to several of the merchants in the Rialto with whom she has become acquainted during her time in Haven. There have been a few raised eyebrows at the sight of the halfbreed girl with a _man_ in her company, but by and large the big Varati's been greeted with smiles and amiable chatter. Questions like "Ach, so th' 'rati fin'ly decided t' give Miss Faanshi a touch o' lookin' after, have they?" "Known Miss Faanshi long, 'ave ye, lad?" "Ye be lookin' after 'er well then, ye big lad, an' come ye by more often. A friend o' Miss Faanshi's a friend o' our'n, an' that's a fact!" Now, though... Faanshi looks up, subtly reminded yet again of her new shadow's presence. Green eyes peek anxiously over her veil, and the maiden asks softly, "Mehul, are you certain... you are not bored?" That's seemed to concern her all day, as if she still has a problem believing anyone would want to spend so much time in her company. And he has responded pleasently in kind, for those times, during such amiable chatter, the stone has cracked and the mask has fallen to reveal, though in company, it is seldom there in the first place, a welcoming and heart-warming smile. A friend. They called him friend. And he has spoken with them in return, 'Perhaps I shall at that.' and 'For a little while, yes. And have enjoyed every moment of it.' as well as, 'A trouble maker she is, hmm?' as a teasing jest. He can even joke. Presently a brow is arched and sparks crackle over those smoldering charcoal eyes. "Bored? Of course not, Faanshi." He speaks as though wondering how she could ever ask such a rediculous question, though of course it is not the first time. Instead, lips, curved ever so slightly upward greet her and faint as they are they touch those dark orbs. "Just being with you is enough for me." It's fairly obvious that the maiden isn't accustomed to those kinds of assurances, either. Only through repeated vows of interest from the man at her side has she seemed to relax a bit, slowly growing used to this strange notion of a Varati who appreciates her company -- even aside from the notion of the same Varati being interested in her for other reasons entirely. "Do you not want to sit?" she asks then, pausing in her attempt to scratch out words upon the parchment... and grateful for the excuse to stop. Little furrows of strain have arisen between her brows, from the concentration she's been pouring into her careful writing. "We walked much today..." "I must stand and be ready." Mehul insists, puncuating the statement with a firm nod. "I can keep better watch than I would sitting." That smile never leaves those lips though, those lips that have held hers in an embrace, that have confessed his affections and intentions to her. He see's the strain in her however, and for the very briefest of moments, a hand slips from behind his back, a rounded knuckle lifting to brush, so lightly, across her soft skin of her veiled cheek. "Perhaps it's you that should take a break?" Yes, he may have told her that he accepted her wish to wait, and she certainly knows he respects that and her... but he seems to have come to think of himself a suitor... or in the words of the child that dwells within him, a boyfriend. Faanshi has long been accustomed to her comparative lack of status around Atesh-Gah and the disdainful glances kshatri have frequently given her -- but she is fairly well confident that nothing dangerous is likely to overtake her here in the very heart of the Amir-al's own embassy. Unaware that that already small likelihood has been reduced by the danger coiled into the big frame of her new self-volunteered companion and guard, she protests anxiously, "I must at least figure out what to say in this announcement... before I can consider going to bed. The Sylvans must be told of the Voice and I don't think I can find them _all_... so I need to write this out..." With the end of the quill unstained by ink, she taps on the parchment spread upon the writing-board she's balanced upon her lap. But there's that hand there at her cheek, and it makes her trail off into a soft exhalation behind her veil. The rounded knuckle removes itself from her veiled cheek, and for a long moment, Mehul simply stares down at the parchment, his charcoal eyes fading distantly in to contemplative though. "Honorable Sylvan neighboors, out of our respect for you, and our acknowledgement of your strong presence within the life of and surrounding the city of Haven, we wish to further understand and improve the relations between us so that we may both work further to a better tomorrow in which we can both live. In order to accomplish this, we have appointed, to you, a Voice, a representative from us to you, through which both can communicate. He is as much at your disposal as he is ours, and we pray, may the Amir-al permit it, that the ties between us will flourish." The suddenly vocal Varati silences then, refocusing and settling his gaze back upon the woman seated before him, giving her a hopeful and encouraging smile. He knows she can do it, but he wishes her rest. He has already seen how everwhemled this position has made her. Rest may come in short time, but for the moment, Faanshi blinks above her veil and then stares up at her companion while the words roll out of im. Surprisingly diplomatic words, and if the maiden lets herself, she can almost imagine him uttering them to gathered Sylvans. Straightening up slightly where she sits, she blurts, "Mehul... you... almost sound like an ambassador yourself!" An embarassed chuckle resonates from Mehul as he averts his eyes, casting them back down to the parchment, clearing his throat soon after as he readjusts himself, his posture his stance, hands clasping again behind his back. "I... It was nothing." he insists, noding again before setting that dark gaze back upon brilliant one. But if there is anyone he could help her be an ambassador to... it would indeed be the Sylvans. Despite his lack of knowledge of Varati culture, he has quite an extensive knowledhe of Sylvan... The parchment already has several lines of tiny, cramped-looking script -- for this is Faanshi's practice parchment, and she is loathe to waste any more of the other sheets she has acquired than she absolutely must. She has sharpened the quill to the smallest possible point she can get out of it, the better to write the smallest possible characters she can -- and it's no small wonder, really, that this effort is what's brought about her furrowed brow and tired eyes. But as she watches Mehul's attention drop to her writing again, the shudra thinks to ask, curiosity welling up, "It sounds better than what I have written so far... do you read...?" Her gaze flickers down to her writing and back up again as she speaks. "Not well." is the response, though there is little shame or embarassment in it. He seems to be able to forget that now with Faanshi, particularly after the other night. She took him, sheltered him, and taught him. "I am able to recognize my own name... and the letters of it... But beyond that, and a word here or there, I can not." His eyes still remain on the paper though, fascinated with the scribbles of communication, at the fact that she can do such a thing. It is truly incredible to him. But now he falls to the ever silent guard again. And as before, Faanshi shows no sign of ridicule at this admission of ignorance; instead, she simply bobs her head in understanding, and ventures, "I could only make simple words for the longest of times... my heart-mother taught me words for prayer scrolls, you see... but then I came to Haven, and was able to learn more. It is good... I am blessed, I know, not many women know how to read and write!" "I learned from the markets. From vendors in the Rialto and writtings upon walls..." His falling tone suggests the latter of them is also the lesser of them and the more unpleasent. Not exactly the most articulate and useful things in the world. "I don't ever remember learning my name though. I just know it." His parents probably taught him a little bit, which would explain why he is a quick study of the words around him... He's just forgotten. "So you grew up within Haven, then...?" Curiosity continues to bloom, for as Faanshi has pointed out before, she has barely had the opportunity to get to know this sloe-eyed Son of Fire. For the time being distracted from her writing, she rests her full attention upon Mehul, looking up at him as he stands beside her seat... up, and up. Sitting down as she is, she can only find Mehul's looming presence rather... looming, but at least she seems to have begun to grow more at ease with it. With him. "Sort of. I spent as much time in the forests around Haven as I did in the city itself. I had to survive, and I did not want to be killed for thievery. So I hunted." He stops there, pausing rather sharply, stunned at himself, at what he speaks, that single word sending an alarm ringing through his entire being, an alarm clock that wakes the beast, the cackling darkness from its slumber and it threatens to wrest control from the little boy, to strangle and cast him aside. What is he doing? What is he saying?! Careful... no. He only said he hunted animals, not Graisha. Calm... "As I grew older," he still sounds steady, and the pause, despite conflict, was short, "I simply continued to do so because it became habbit and it was what I knew. So from time to time I would come in to Haven to sell what I had caught, furs and what have you. Thats where I learned from the markets." He also did spend many a night within the city, but he assumes thats implied. The Hunter within Mehul roils... but no. Faanshi does not see him. She does not sense him. Is it because the shudra is unversed at sensing such threats even when they look her in the face -- or because of the struggle to suppress that inner growl, when the Child wants to stay forward and in contact with that gentle interested gaze? For whatever reason, though, the healer girl seems to see only the Child as she listens to the Mehul without sharing the details of his past. Shyly, she observes, "But you grew up... with the freedom to move about, and the sun and sky above you... and people to watch..." Is that envy, in her soft voice? If only it were that simple and that wonderful. "But I also had to fend completely for myself," Mehul insists, meeting her gaze as his features soften as the Child regains more complete control from the Hunter who, though no longer slumbering, for the time being is subdued by the woman before him, by her presence. The woman who said she would be his wife. The cackling, the howling, is a faint echo now. "I had no one to help me, no one to look after me, to feed me and teach me. What was a roof over my head one day would be throwing me out in to the street the next for all I knew." Though she does not have much faith in her own wisdom, still Faanshi can understand these clarifications. "I have seen... the difficulty of living in the streets," she murmurs solemnly. "This past winter was so very cold... and there have been the other hard times that have come to the city since the Most High caused my deliverance and I came here to live as Imphada Kiera's shudra. The great plague, and the storms in the aether that harmed all the mages... and the shaking of the earth." "I... I did not mean to say that you hadn't... I apologize if it came across as such." Mehul's eyes dart away momentarily and the cackling, for the time, grows in intensity. He swallows hard and quickly puts his dark, smoldering gaze back to hers, and it quiets, subdued again. Never does his smile waver. "But yes, the winter was dreadful." A pause as he studies her, the parchment, the lines of concentration that still linger on her exposed brow. "Faanshi, you are certain you would not take a break? You are no good to the Voice if you are exhausted to the point where you can not perform." Besides, he has a plan. "All is well," the shudra swiftly assures, touched by the apology, though she hadn't felt one was needed; indeed, so seldom is Faanshi accustomed to men of the Varati apologizing to _her_ that Mehul doing so now brings a bit of wonderment to her gaze. Then she tilts her head slightly sideways, those expressive eyes of hers turning sheepish, a trifle shyer. "That is... true," she admits, unable to deny that particular wisdom. And tinily she concludes, "I appear to have given myself a headache." "You are simply stressed, tense." Now Mehul turns completely to face the maiden seated at his side, a knuckle once more lifting to brush her veiled cheek before coming to rest on her shoulder, as he leans down, the other reaching for parchment and quill, attempting to take them from her. "I know of an exercise that might be able to assist you. It's one that was taught to me, and that I now try to do at least once a day to calm and ready myself." An encouraging yet surprisingly bashful look is in his eyes as he speaks to her of this, but still, he does not pull away. "It also helps you to get to sleep at night. It relaxes and soothes you. If you would be willing to try?" He has after all, yet to do it today. The parchment and quill must needs be accompanied by the writing-board in the maiden's lap; the bottle of ink is already resting upon the rim of the fountain, within reach, but not in the way. Faanshi blinks, but permits the taking of the items she still holds, her curiosity -- shy, but no less intent for all her shyness -- still at the fore of her thoughts. "Meditations?" she asks. "Of a sort..." Mehul says with a nod as the things are taken. Now all he has to do is keep them away from her until she goes to sleep, hopefully she will forget about them. "It's actually called, Kata." He pauses, quite unsure as to whether or not she has heard of it before, that bashful flush taking his smoldering eyes and hardened features swiftly, disappearing just as quickly though. "It's a physical form of meditation. Might you be willing to try?" The word is unfamiliar to her, though this does not seem to bother the maiden; rather, the curiosity only strengthens in her leaf-colored eyes, for in Mehul's company she has a rare safety indeed. That of being able to freely express interest in things that are new and strange to her. "I am willing to learn," she answers in earnest tones. "What does it involve...?" Mehul pauses, unsure how to explain this to her for fear of scaring the beautiful maiden off. "It is like what you saw me doing in the garden a couple days ago." Wow... was that really only a couple days ago? It really does seem as though he has known her his entire life. "Slow and disciplined motions, though your body is relaxed, calm. It's to slowly push out any negative energy in you, to leave you cleansed and pure." He swallows hard, nervousness sparking in those charcoal eyes. He truly just wants to help her, that is why he brings this up. He wants to protect her, guard her, keep her from any form of harm at all. "And most commonly, as it is best practiced and most effective... it is performed bare..." And -- oh dear, yes, the notion immediately flusters Faanshi, who starts quite distinctly. Down goes her gaze and up comes a heated blush behind her veil, though only the former is easily detectable. In a strained little voice she blurts, "I-I-I do not think it would be proper for me to do that, Mehul..." "I don't want to force you in to it if you don't want to...!" Mohid insists instantly, quietly, and almost as embarassedly as her, his gaze too falling downcast. Apparently he is ashamed to simply have asked her to bare herself in front of him. But at the same time, he is willing to do it. He feels safe with her, secure with her, more comfortable with her than anyone he has ever known in his entire life. To her, with their connection... he already is bare to her. "I just wanted to offer some help... I know it does me when I feel myself coming apart." He looks back up to her then, charcoal eyes smoldering, flushing with crackling sparks, searching for her own, pleading for it to return to him. "I... I-I just..." Drawn as she is to this man, willing even to allow the possibility that some time in the future she could consider him a husband if she could somehow win permission to wed, Faanshi nevertheless still is a maiden raised in the ways of the Children of Fire. These ways have dictated to her that she should not take off her veil before the eyes of men, much less anything else she wears, and the prospect of being entirely unclothed is enough to make her blush so brightly that it begins to peek even above the edge of her veil. And perhaps she senses his pleading... for she does look up again. "Mehul, I-I-I understand, but you see... I just... I-I-I have never..." "Like I said..." So quietly he speaks, such a hushed and quiet whisper, so full of apology and understanding, and embarassment at himself for asking her to do such a thing. He will probably be kicking himself for this for a long, long time. "You don't have to... I was just trying to help... It's an act of cleansing and purity..." He none the less manages to hold to her eyes, even if the bright sparks begin to completely consume those dark orbs. Anything for her... he would do anything for her. Even give his life. "Is... the kata always performed b... I mean... as you say?" the girl asks, sensitive to Mehul's embarrassment and agitation for all that she seems too modest even to speak easily of going unclad. But even in the midst of her shyness she seeks the hand of her companion, wanting to offer comfort. "The ways of the Varati... you see... it is not proper to be, um... revealed... except in the eyes of one's husband... or one's mahram. If a woman is concubine, a-and not wife." The hand she seeks is found. But Mehul was seeking it as much as her. For the comfort provided, at least he hopes, is indeed a shared one. One that she provides him and one that he gives to her, his strengh, his presence, his assurence of protection... /always/. "It does not need to be performed bare... but doing so is part of the ritual of cleansing and purity... It is performed in our purest form. But Faanshi, you do not need to do it. I understand." He squeeze her through their bond, affectionately and with a touch of concern. If he damaged the connection between them at all... "It would be best to wait... to see if we could be wed first," Faanshi explains in utmost earnestness. Still very flustered, she peeks this way and that, half-certain someone may well come along and demand to know why a shudra is discussing taking off her clothes with a man. Only when no one is seen near does she peek up again, voice dropped to a shy whisper as she goes on, "If it... is a holy thing, of which you speak... then I could stand before you blessed by the Amir-al's fire as your wife... do you see...?" "Faanshi... you need not explain yourself or defend yourself to me." Mehul says... dropping his voice with hers as he squeezes her hand and slowly falls down to sit beside her so that he might lift it to his lips for a tender kiss. "It was just an exercize meant to rid the mind and soul of troubles, I thought it might help, so I offered to teach you." He still manages to stare in to her eyes, though shame still grips him. "You do not want to do it. So it wont be done." He smiles though, at the mention of being blessed by the Amir-al's fire as his wife... as she speaks those words. Certainly the joy it brings him to hear that is noticeable. "But if you... wish to tell me... I would gladly listen... I know of herbs to purify the heart and mind, and the meditations my heart-mother taught me... she was Ushasti, you see." Faanshi relaxes, ever so slightly, now that her companion sits beside her... now that her hand is squeezed and assurances are offered. "But I have never heard of... exercises that purify." "It is part meditation, you go in to a similar state." Mehul begins, his lips again brushing the back of Faanshi's hand before he allows it to fall, fall to his leg where he hopes it will rest, his fingers caressing its back. "The motions are meant to slowly exercise both body, mind and soul in concentration and deliberate tested movements." His eyes still stare in to hers. He's never hard to explain this before... it doesn't come very easily to him and he struggles to get the wording right. "These also push out the negative unwanted energies from your body... It is difficult to explain though... it is something that just has to be experienced... but the feeling of serenity that grips you afterward far surpasses normal meditation." Prolonged contact of any kind with _anyone_ is still a rare and marvelous thing to Faanshi, she who has been accustomed for so long to her contact being shunned by those who consider her blood tainted... and seem to think that she will taint them as well with her very touch. There is in her fingers an increasingly familiar little tremor as her hand is settled to rest cradled within his upon his thigh. "I have had to do much meditation," she says then, "to gain control over my power... I have only been able to master it these past two years." Her brow crinkles then... but in a way that suggests that beneath her veil, she might perhaps be ruefully smiling. "But I am not sure if we think of the same things, when we think of energies?" He is quite unsure what she means by that last question, and his brows furrow at the statement as he caresses and squeezes her hand upon his thigh. "I mean negative and hindering emotions, memories of the day that have left their taint upon your mood, demeanor and general being..." He pauses, still staring in to those beautiful eyes with his, tilting his head lightly to one side. "As I said, it is a cleansing exercise." He'll never press her... he just wants to help. And he is -- in a way that perhaps can be sensed, as her slender fingers trustingly squeeze his own in reply. There is a great deal to be said for the simple uplift of spirits that can come from knowing someone is concerned for her... and Mehul in particular is radiating a concern that humbles her with its intensity even as it warms her to her very heart. Abruptly her eyes brighten, as she confides, "My days of late have been anything but negative...!" "Nor have mine, Faanshi..." Mehul breaths silently, lifting his other hand, his free one, up to lightly caress her clothed cheek again, smiling softly in to her eyes, his own crackling briefly with an intense tenderness. "All thanks to you..." The hand lowers after a moment, and he continues following the pause. "But they have been stressful. I have seen it wear on you already. Kata is such a wonderful release for stress. You'll find the burden lifted from you and then some... you'll feel like a brand new person, reborn." His voice is quiet, concerned, sensitive to her and her worries, her wants, her needs and it is assuring. Increasingly familiar, too, is what seems to be Faanshi's habit of withholding any pain or stress she may be feeling. She shivers a little at the touch to her cheek, eyelids drifting shut for a moment to make delicate dark crescents of her lashes. "I... am accustomed to bearing stress," she murmurs. "I think it is my lot in life, Mehul...!" Mehul shakes his head, caressing that hand with his fingers, now patting it with his other as well as he stares, still, in to Faanshi's eyes, deeply, with increasing concern. "Faanshi... please. Let me show you how to deliver some of that stress, to lift it from you. You don't deserve it." he breathes softly, quietly. He only looks out for her, for her well being. He is her guard. "If it can be done while I remain clad," the healer answers... and then she pauses, shyness threatening to overcome her, before she appends soft enough that only Mehul's ears could catch the words, "I could... take off my sari. I Have worn only choli and silwar before... when healing..." "That..." Mehul says, swallowing lightly before continuing, still holding, caressing her hand, maintaining that bond, "would do I suppose. It's not the purest, but as long as it leaves you free to move, it should be fine..." His smile twitches, for a moment, then grows further as he gazes deeply in to her gentle eyes, letting out a long contented sigh as he becomes steadily lost. Two twin fields of green, like summer itself. Her eyes are a haven, a refuge, where a small lost boy could curl up safe and sheltered... where a hunter has no need to prowl. They meet the charcoal black gazing raptly down into them, and even as Mehul begins to be lost in her gaze, so does she feel the pull of his. "What should... we do, then?" she whispers. The answer is a time in coming as Mehul remains lost within Faanshi's gaze, simply staring, his charcoal eyes churning, smoldering with their invisible flame as the boy emerges from behind them... and with tentative steps walks in to that secluded grove of green and lays down... lays down to rest. There, the Hunter can't find him. "We could... go try?" he whispers just as quietly in reply. "My things," murmurs the maiden, thinking of her parchment and ink and quill and writing-board, though she does not turn her head to seek any of those objects out... keeping her gaze in line with that of the small boy within Mehul so desperate for its refuge. "I should not... we should not leave them here..." "I will take care of them," Mehul promises, and the briefest of sparks flourish within his charcoal gaze. Indeed he will take care of them. "So... shall we try then...?" He shouldn't have asked her to bare herself the first time anyway. Perhaps if she became more used to it, then se would, once she became comfortable with the kata, and with him. His smile remains, a constant, the child is at peace, he rests, and the Hunter can not find him, can not stalk him and haunt him... not now. Slowly Faanshi bobs her head... shy still, but at least comfortable enough with meeting Mehul halfway in this endeavor. "All right... but perhaps... not here... out by the fountain, perhaps... it is too late to go out into the city." And though she has grown comfortable enough with this man to try this thing -- even with a lingering flush of shyness over her thoughts when she considers the beauty of the movements she'd caught him doing in the park -- she is not bold enough to do it where other eyes could see her. She has been bold enough to try singing a song to the dawn up upon the stable roof... but she has only so much boldness. Mehul nods and stands, turning to face Faanshi with a new light in his eyes, still clasping her hand in both of his, smiling boradly. "Of course! I wouldn't expect you to here... People might see." He chuckles lightly and even himself colors a little at that. She sang upon the roof? If only he knew... how he would love to hear such a thing. "Shall we then...?" he whispers again tugging at her lightly in an effort to assist her to her feet. Shyly... but readily... she bobs her head and lets herself be helped to stand. "Let us go...!" [And in a few moments...] Fountain - Courtyard - Atesh-Gah - Haven Concealed within the ring of tall, carefully groomed bushes and the oddly comforting sight of droop-branched willows, is the merry and gurgling presence of a marble fountain. As meticulously cleaned as the rest of Atesh-Gah seems to be, the intricate stonework deceptively simple in appearance. Perhaps ten feet across, the fountain itself is filled with clear, cool water that bubbles forth from a raised pedestal in the centre of the great circle. Carefully tended gardens of bright flowers provide a colourful trim to the circle of trees, their combined scent filling the air with a subtle and sweet fragrance. The temptation to linger here and bask in the soothing feast of the senses is only increased by the presence of the four stone benches that are placed around the fountain. You notice, through the thick greenery of bushes and ferns, a small clearing to the north. Obvious exits: Courtyard Mehul enters the lovely seclusion of the fountain area from the courtyard. Mehul has arrived. Guided by a double clasped hand, Faanshi is led near the Fountain by Mehul, his pace slow and steady, not wanting to rush the maiden in to such a task as she is about to undertake. He wonders if he will ever get her to attempt it in its purest form. But as they draw in to the secluded area he turns to her, smiling and staring in to her eyes, "Are you ready?" he asks, whispering feather soft. There is no one out -- though Faanshi is never sure where the Agni-Haidar may be at any time, and so even here in this relative bit of seclusion on Atesh-Gah's grounds, she is not quite entirely at ease. But she does nods... let out a slow breath... and peek to her left and her right amongst the night-shadowed trees and flowers. "Where...?" Slow movements carry the pair to a more secluded section of this garden, one well hidden by shadows and trees that would keep people from view quite well, but one with enough room to manuver. If there is anyone who could find a spot like this, it would indeed be Mehul. "Here." he says with a smile, lifting Faanshi's hand to his lips for a tender kiss before he releases her and slowly turns his back to her, the laces of his shirt coming undone as he pulls it up... and off, throwing it to the ground beside him. He contemplates removing his leggings as well, but he worries of making her /too/ uncomfortable, so he doesn't. But it does feel awkward with clothing on... very awkward. The shoulders and chest and torso of a Varati man still make for a good deal of bare muscled flesh... more than enough to give Faanshi modest pause, and her gaze dips shyly down to herself as with more hesitation she begins the task of unwinding her black sari from her frame. It takes a bit of effort, but apparently she is long practiced at it, folding the voluminous stretch of cloth even as it bares more and more of what lies beneath to the night. And what lies beneath... a bright red choli hugging her upper form, blue silwar flowing loosely down her legs. A thick black braid that reaches down to the small of her back, tied with golden ribbon. And a form that seems all the slenderer without the yards of black wound around it. And Mehul has now turned, whether by this time she has realized it or not. But it is not over her exposed body that his eyes gaze. They do not wander, roam over her as she reveals herself to him, no. They remain on her face, her eyes, her ears, kissing them with their tender, affectionate stare, her lips... but mostly those green orbs. "Beautiful..." he whispers quietly, dreamily almost as he smiles at the woman, lifting a hand slowly to cup her cheek as he had done the last he kissed her, just holding her there for a good moment. As the sari comes off, so too does Faanshi's veil... though they are not rejected, simply reverently set aside to rest until it is time for them again. It is a bare face she turns up to him, framed and crowned for his sight by the coal-black hair pulled back from her dainty features into its braid. Those features are full of timidity, a nervousness at wearing so little before someone... but there she is, nevertheless. "What must I do?" she whispers, keeping her voice soft, as if afraid to be overheard.... or perhaps to shatter the peaceful solitude of this place. Mehul releases her features, then turns a little, settleing down in to a stance that looks as though he were riding a horse, his legs spread apart a short distance past his shoulders, his knees bent, his hands in a heel-palm shape, palm exposed but beginer knuckled, and arms pulled back by his hips, thumbs pointing to the ground. His posture is as tall as possible, is proud, bare and impressive chest pressed outward as his back arches a little, his head and eyes staring straight forward. "Come," he whispers, "stand right here beside me and do as I do." How this is awkward with pants! Her ways might be Varati -- but here beneath the shade of the willow tree, her sungolden skin dappled by the moonlight filtered down through its fronts and the distant torches placed here and there around the garden, Faanshi could seem almost completely... Sylvan. For a moment or two she watches as Mehul settles into his stance, feeling bashful and fascinated and curious all at once. "All right," comes her reply, as she steps closer to her companion. "Do I... um... face you?" "You can if you want..." Mehul whispers quietly, still staring straight ahead, forward, not shifting his gaze, maybe not even blinking. "But normally you'd stand right beside me." He remains in that stance, unmoving, waiting for her to mimic him, his breath coming slowly, his chest rising and falling in a gentle and regular rythm as his body relaxes, settling in to the meditative state. Then Faanshi will do what is normally done, for she does not want to do this thing incorrectly -- it seems to her that the structure, the ritual, will help keep her concentration away from the acutely unnerving sight of Mehul's dark muscled form even partially bared to the night air. She stops beside him, turning to face in the same direction as he, trying to make her slender limbs match that position of grace and power. Only a glance of dark, charcoal eyes, sparkling lightly in the black of night, flitters over to Faanshi to ensure she has settled in to the correct position. Already she is probably finding clothing just a little retricting. And it will only get worse. "Now, you have to allow yourself to enter the same state of mind that you would when meditating. You have to relax and loose yourself, but remain focused on your inner emotions and being. You have to feel yourself and your energies and harness them. Because with these motions we are going to channel them and cleanse ourselves of the unwanted." She can bear the restrictions: she has borne many greater ones, in the course of her life. Locked away from the sight of her people and the warmth of the sun, consigned to servitude because of the sin of her mother, called tainted and shunned... after all of these things, the sense of her clothing pulling at her body is trivial. And it is balanced by the sense of lightness that comes from the sari being removed, of the kiss of summer night air upon her arms, her wrists, her cheeks. That alone is almost enough to distract her... but Faanshi has meditated before. Each day, with sage and sandalwood burning in her incense bier, she takes her mind through the exercises taught her by her one blood kin who loved her. Ulima, the wise-woman, priestess of the Ushasti. Because of Ulima, Faanshi can find a clear small space within her and begin the exercise of colors. Red. Like her choli, like the apples sold in the Rialto, like the veil she wore when she lived among Clan Behzad. She thinks of red, and for all that her stance is awkward compared to that of the man at her side, her breathing grows slow and measured, her features calm. "All right," she murmurs. For once, there is no hesitation in her voice. Touching her inner core: that's something she knows as well. "Ok." Mehul begins, and his hands, the fingers take on a different shape, index and pinky finger pointing straight upward in the air, the two between knuckled down and the thumb now curved, also pointing upright. "Most who perform Kata use different hand signs to signify the different energies, the emotions that we are going to channel through our motions. The sign is a helper in channeling. This one is for anger." He then proceeds, having slowly driven, with much intensity, his arms quivering as he does so, his hands outward to be held locked in front of him, not a bend at either elbow, to explain to her each individual shape and its meaning. Eyes turned a darker green by the shadows of the willow fronds falling across her face flicker sideways, watching the controlled movement of those chocolate-hued hands. "Channel... anger?" comes Faanshi's reply. There's a hint of bemusement in her tone, almost as if she finds the idea of anger entirely alien to her. Can this gentle maiden contain such a violent sentiment within her? "How...?" The reply may come across as an odd one to Faanshi, but it is indeed the truth, how its done, and the only way at all to explain it. "You just... do it. Meditate and focus, concentrate on the rawest of emotions. Frustration, sadness, anger... Everyone has some of it in them. It's ok to admit it." As he says that last another brief glance is thrown at her, charcoal eyes crackling before facing forward again. Faanshi's brow crinkles at that reply, indeed... though as she thinks about it, still holding the mental image of 'red' within her, she has to confess to the truth of his words. She is a gentle creature indeed, but even she has known sadness and frustration. And even a little bit of anger. She has accepted her place in life, and the ways of her mother's people -- but this doesn't mean that they are easy ways to follow, or that even the gentlest of souls cannot feel strain beneath the pressures of the life she leads. For a few moments her hands wobble as sentiments she almost always stoically represses swirl up from the bottom of her mind; the wobble travels along her arms, then, until with a force she does not generally seem to be able to produce, they come round before her into an approximation of the position of Mehul's. And she breathes, voice slightly roughened, "Like this...?" He is staring at her now with a touch of surprise lingeirng in those dark charcoal orbs, surprise at her intensity and accomplishment, but there is also... pride. Something within him knew she would be a quick study to this and she would find herself enjoying it. "Very good." he says quietly, letting out a long breath after doing so before taking in another one. He even smiles. "Now follow." Straight forward again, and just as slowly as the hands were extended, they are now retracted, back toward his body, where they were to begin with. Here he pauses. "This is to cut the channel, to release the final trace of the negatice energy we just expelled before going on to the next." And his hands shift to a different sign before one slowly cocks to his side, lifts to neck level til the back of it touches his shoulder, and then, shaking with the strain and focus, extends outward. It is not at all very often that she is encouraged to show it -- or even just permitted -- but there is a kind of strength within this maiden, and perhaps now hints of it can be glimpsed in her arms' motions. She can remember being angry... and saddened, and frustrated all at once. All three came to the fore when an old mage tried to take her into Delphi... and tried to imprison her dog with his magic within the ground. She has been frustrated time and again when she has tried to explain why she accepts the life she leads to those who live out in the city and who do not understand the Varati people... and frustrated at the same time as she realizes that she cannot bring herself to call them candala and kafir as she knows most of the People of Fire would do. She remembers these feelings, delicate shoulders quivering at what they call up within her... and tells herself that it seems to strangely match the sheen of red she has called up over her inner thoughts. Red, the color of anger. And she draws her hands in, tracing in her mind's eye a scarlet aura about them, into which she sends the feelings roiling sullenly beneath her surface. Make the red brighter... and then will it away. She has done it before with her fractious power, and this isn't so different now. As Mehul's hands shift position, hers follow a beat or two behind, not quite as steady. But she banishes the red, leaving herself a little shaken... but still in focus. And now, simultaniously, as the extended hand draws in, weight and body shift to the and the left pushes out in the same manner as the right had done, shaking qith the focus, the intensity of channeled emotion as he pushes it through and out of him. And since he has turned such, he can see Faanshi, can watch her, her face, her motions, her breathing. His own body is already covered in a light sheen of sweat, flowing chocolate skin, wrapped about impressive muscle shimmering in the torch and moonlight. He smiles again. She may have meditated like this before, but the physical exertion that this entails far surpasses that of sitting down with legs crossed and hands clasped upon them... far. He can already see the lines of stress, not the lines of concentration surely as they are seperate things, vanishing from her body. Orange. With the red inner aura gone the shudra would ordinarily flow next to an orange one -- but she holds back, trying to keep her mind dark and clear as she unsteadily alters her position. The mental clarity... that's not new. But aye, her body is unused to this kind of exercise, and so she has to take it slower than Mehul, earnest as she is in her desire to learn the kata properly. "What now?" she whispers. She, too, is beginning to sweat. This is where the clothing restriction will come in to play quite a bit and make moving very difficult. Slowly, MEhul draws himself back to the starting stance, the horse straddle, legs just past shoulder width, arms tucked by his hips. But gracefuly, entire body still shaking, sweating, covered in a sheen that sends an aura about his chocolate skin, he draws up tall, standing at a form of attention, arms now upward against his chest, fists stopping at his collar, clenched. Now his right leg draws up, until his knee nearly touches his stomach and it hovers there, toes pulled back. He remains like this, waiting for Faanshi. It's perhaps not quite as bad for Faanshi as it could be for Mehul -- for one thing, she is a maiden and simply made differently. For another, her silwar are loosely cut, though she has never had to subject them to this kind of exertion. Nor has she ever had to try to stand on one foot. Something like alarm flashes through her eyes as she peeks sideways at her companion... her teacher of the moment, as she has been his. Then she swallows hard and tries it. Returning to the starting position... that's not too difficult. Nor is pulling herself up to her entire height, though the slowness with which she does it creates pulls in muscles that normally do not register their presence unless her magic reacts to damage to them. Pulling up her leg, though... _that_ is difficult. Faanshi wobbles significantly the first time she tries it, her balance threatened, and down comes her foot again as a new frustration kindles in her expression. "Do not get frustrated. Do your best, you may stand on toe if you wish, instead of drawing the leg all the way up." Still he remains, without a flinch or waver in his body other than the normal shaking of the focus and exertion of his body. His voice even seems a touch distant, emotionless as he goes through this ritual of ridding himself of the unwanted, the act of cleansing. "You are doing wonderfuly." Encouragement is as rare and precious to Faanshi as companionship and touch, and even thoug Mehul's taken on a detached tone, still his words ring down into her and bolster her resolve. Orange, she tells herself, taking a few moments to remain as still as she can make herself; eyes closed, she breathes in and breathes out, constructing a mental aura of orange that she builds up along the length of her entire frame. Clarity returns with that exercise, until she is able to resume the straddle and put her arms back where they need to be. But this time, she slowly rises up on her toes instead of trying to lift her leg. Achievement is one of the holy surahs... but then again, so is Wisdom, and the maiden opts to try something a bit less difficult on this, her first time with the kata. She shivers upon her toes, but seems to figure out how to keep her balance in that position, and she manages a tiny shy smile. "Thank you...!" And then, slowly, carefully, deliberately, with what must be extremely difficult to do, Mehul's leg shifts, parrallel to the ground and then extends, straight out to his side, and even upward, high upward, near the level of his head. Yet his perfect balance remains, and a shuddering breath leaves him as he goes through the motion. "Again, you may keep your toe to the ground, go at your own pace, whatever you are capable of. The Kata is about the release of ones self, not of the person next to you. It is what you must do to channel out the unwanted." "What are we releasing now...?" Faanshi's voice goes thready with her exertion... but even so, her stammer is still absent. Orange, she thinks. Orange, like the fruit and several cats of her acquaintance in Bordertown, stripy little felines that Kosha likes to chase... and even as her thoughts try to diverge to that, she pulls them back to the simple visualization of _orange_. Within her mind, she sheens herself over with orange, and tries to see then if she can hold the inner color steady even as she begins to draw her leg upward. Orange within... and sweat without, beading upon her brow and trickling in a rivulet down the side of her fine-boned face. "The frustration that leads to the anger..." Mehul explains, his voice light, feathery... yet hard and disciplined in its distant caress. The leg then draws back in, following the same precise course it had out, lowering before the other then repeats both motions, out, and back on the other side and the same painstaking speed. Through the entire basic Kata form the Varati runs, taking careful consideration for Faanshi at his side, explaining its motion, its meaning, what is being released, when, and how, allowing her simpler movements when things become more complex and difficult to manage. By now, surely, she sees how confining clothing is for this... But eventually, the physical meditation draws to a close, and the Hunter resumes his original horse stance, though dropping much lower, arms, in the shape of arcs, sweeping down around his body, low, fingertips meeting then he stands tall and they lift, forming a circle about him as the touch again above his head. "This is to protect us til the next time." Faanshi is half Sylvan... but she has been raised Varati. The restrictions of clothing are second nature to her, and thus, when she finally drops into the horse stance once again, she is aware of the strange feel of her choli tugging against her in her curved places, the wrap of her simple sash about her waist, the straps of her sandals wound about her calves. They are restrictions... but she accepts them, for now. And they do not prevent her from feeling an unaccustomed peace. As she looks up to find Mehul's gaze, her own has taken on a newborn clarity that shines even against the sweat that dampens each line of her face. "In the name of Ushas," she whispers reverently, mimicking the circle, "and Her Holy Son...!" "You see then. Feel it, hmm?" Mehul is smiling at her, beaming at her actually as his gaze finds hers and he breathes one last deep, long sigh, his head tilting to the side as his arms fall and he relaxes, still in stance, but relaxes. He knows that the exhaustion of what she has done will settle in soon and she will be heading for bed. It truly is a spiritual thing. "And you did not even do it in its purest form." And the hidden message is... 'Perhaps you'll try it next time?'. He's such a sneaky suggestive little devil isn't he. Yet managing to appear innocent as if it wasn't his intention. Of course, it's not just to see her bare, he wants to help. Of course. "You did absolutely wonderful." Through orange and yellow, green and blue and finally violet, Faanshi has pulled herself through the attempted melding of the meditations she knows and this new form that Mehul has shown her. Now, the circle etched in the air, Ushas and the Hawk who is her Son invoked, Faanshi takes a moment to sketch the sigil of the sun across her breast... and only then does she straighten up out of the stance. "I feel... good," she whispers, drawing breath into her lungs and letting it out again. Mehul's entire body is covered in a brilliant sheen of sweat, an aura of golden fire upon flawless chocolate skin which wraps his ever impressive muscles. And now, he too stands tall, beaming down at Faanshi probably the brightest smile she has ever seen him wear. He too... feels incredible. "I'm glad." he says breathlessly, the exhaustion starting to settle in upon him. "Would you... do this again with me?" Perhaps they could make it a daily thing. Transfixed by that smile, feeling the pleasant weariness of exertion all over her frame. Her own smile wavers a bit -- and then blossoms like a sunrise across her face. "Yes," she murmurs, bobbing her head a single time. "Allow me to escort you to your room." Mehul says with a smile. Where has her parchment gone? Oh... thats stuffed away in a safe place. He only prays she does not think to remember it as he comes to stand before her, gathering her clothing and his as well. But he pauses there, his smile still beaming, his charcoal eyes no longer seeming so dark, but to glow with their own light. He he lifts a hand to touch and caress her bared cheek, a finger sliding along her jaw, under her chin, and then back to cup the side of her face again. "You are an incredible woman Faanshi. And I think the Amir-al for every moment I'm alive to spend with you." And slowly he leans down to her, to press his lips to her, again leaving her enough time to react either way. Though this is just a soft and tender kiss, not to say it is not passionate, but it is far from furious, simply gentle and affectionate, parting after a moment and allowing his knuckles to brush her skin one last time before he hands her her garments and puts on his. [End log.]