"Gestures of Affection" Log Date: 1/6/00 Log Cast: Samein, Faanshi, Lyre, FallingStar Log Intro: Now that she has returned from her secret duty infiltrating Clan Behzad and helping heal its oppressed people, Faanshi has turned all of her energies to reuniting herself with her small circle of loved ones. This proved more difficult than it should have been, for Lyre and Kosha went missing, and only after many hours of desperate searching was the young healer able to locate the bard and the hound who are so dear to her. Nuch to her dismay, however, Faanshi has found Lyre suffering from a profound exhaustion, along with a nasty case of the lung-sickness... and thus has she hauled Lyre off to the best sources of help she knows. FallingStar and Samein, the halfbreed maiden's two teachers, readily aid their pupil in purging the illness from the Mongrel man, but in the meantime also learn for the first time where Faanshi has been, a night or two later when Lyre remains under Faanshi's tender vigil. They also get their first impressions of the bard who's captivated their student... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Night (Dawnside) Date on Aether: Tuesday, November 1, 3905. Year on Earth: 1505 A.D. Phase of the Moon: First Quarter Season: Fall Weather: Clear Skies Temperature: Warm *==========================================================================* The soft ringing of chimes heralds Samein's arrival to the shop, a frequent visitor of late. He checks in with his detached concern which seems to pass for fatherly love, his eyes alert as he peers around the shop. It's certainly peaceful enough within the shop for the time being -- though once those chimes sound, they're immediately answered by a soft whurf from the dog keeping a interested watch upon the door. Kosha has been divested of the bells and ribbons he'd come in with and thus looks rather more like his normal self -- which is to say, large and doglike. Upon espying Samein, he lets out another yurf, this one of approval, and signals his clearance of this particular visitor's passage with a wag of his tail. Further inside there's no immediate sign of FallingStar, but there _is_ of young Faanshi. She's currently leaning curiously towards one of the many shelves of jars and bottles of herbs of countless varieties in this place, looking desperately for a distraction from the man still lying curled up in the corner underneath a couple of blankets. Her head swivels around at the sound of the chimes, and only after determining the arch-magus's identity does she seem to relax somewhat. She steps swiftly away from the shelves, bobbing her head and calling softly, "Namaste', sir...!" 'Curled up' might be a misnomer, of sorts; Lyre is more sprawled out on the floor in the corner, deeply asleep. However, his blanket is very neatly tucked around him, despite his odd position. Evidently someone is taking very good care of him. The elderly gentleman in question is picking his way towards Faanshi, moving slowly through the shop. He offers her a gentle smile as he approaches, and only a flickering of a glance towards her companion. He murmurs quietly, "Faanshi. Greetings to you. How is your charge?" There are very few men in the world Faanshi dares look in the face; Samein is one of them. Standing up to her full willowy height, she lifts her earnest green eyes up to him -- and therefore, the old mage can easily see her cast a liquid glance sideways at the bard where he's sleeping. But her attention swiftly comes back as she replies, "He has stayed asleep for hours and hours... over a day now. I think he was very tired... perhaps due to his illness!" It's not exactly easy for her voice to get more gentle than it normally sounds, but somehow the girl manages it while speaking of Lyre. Then she adds, scanning Samein himself with those limpid eyes of hers, "Are you well, sir? I was gone for weeks and weeks, and missed you and Imphada FallingStar so very much...!" Samein nods slowly, leaning forward as he reaches the young woman to deposit a single, chaste kiss upon her forehead. A rare moment of physical contact. He murmurs calmly, "Indeed. I was very worried for you, in truth. Where did you go?" There is another flickering glance towards the Bard, but he seems to merit little attention. He is healing nicely, after all. Lyre continues to sleep the sleep of...Well, not the innocent. That'd be a stretch. But the deep sleep of someone who's been so worried for the last weeks that he hardly slept more than an hour at a time, and then caught pneumonia to boot. He does mumble something, though, that sounds suspiciously like, "...dove." Rarely indeed does Faanshi enjoy physical gestures of affection of any kind, and so as Samein places that kiss upon her brow it can be seen to provoke a slight glimmer of startlement in her eyes, easily readable, as though she pours each and every sentiment she feels into her gaze to make up for half her face remaining unseen behind her veil. The surprise is swiftly followed by a glow of warmth, however, and she shyly lifts up a sungolden hand to clasp the old mage's shoulder. Comfortable she's grown with him, but she doesn't dare to hug him, not quite yet. "I had to go to Clan Behzad," she explains then, a bit of the brightness of her gaze dimming down again. "They needed... help. Much help." Once again her attention flickers to Lyre as he murmurs, soft though that noise might be. Kosha, too, looks his way. The dog's spent weeks in the man's company, so now Lyre's habit of mumbling in his sleep has grown familiar to him. While his young mistress seems to absorb each little noise the man makes as though searching it for inner meaning, the canine is immensely more straightforward. He just yawns, showing off a mouthful of sharp teeth. It seems to take Samein a moment to remember what or who Clan Bezhad is, exactly, but after a moment of pursed lips and wrinkled brow he seems to grasp that tidbit of information. "Ah." He apparently does not choose to pry further, and one thin hand comes up to touch the hand which Faanshi lays on his shoulder. "And you made it back alive and unharmed. Remarkable." The curtain to the back room twitches aside and FallingStar enters the room, pausing uncertainly in the doorway until she's determined just where everyone's situated themselves in the room. Wouldn't want to step on anyone. Especially not Kosha, he wouldn't take it well. Even after she's figured things out, she stays there for a moment longer, just listening. Faanshi can be seen to blink again, several times. Intellectually aware that she was in danger, she is nevertheless not entirely certain why Lyre was so angry before -- and why, now, Samein seems to find her return worthy of the word 'remarkable'. Her brows knit together in consternation as she hastily clarifies, "Oh, but I was very careful, sir...! I was given good orders, to hide when I wasn't absolutely needed, and to keep my eyes down at all times, and I had a disguise, too! And the Imphadi Nayaka -- he rose up with his men and put down the Warlord when he tried to harm the Clan's women -- and so everything turned out all right...! The Warlord never saw me." This is declared in tones of earnest modesty. Apparently Faanshi has the idea that if there is anything remarkable in what she did, it has little to do with _her_. Samein slowly arches one bushy eyebrow, the disbelief in his features obvious. The old man takes a moment to finally exhale, shaking his head slowly from side to side. "This.. defies logic or probability. Suffice to say I am happy you are here again. And I would request that you refrain from such foolish danger in the future." He turns, striding towards the sleeping Bard to check more thoroughly on his condition. Awww. Maybe the stodgy old gargoyle really /does/ care about Faanshi. FallingStar approaches her student, steps slow but not halting. "How fares your...friend?" Boyfriend, whatever. The Sylvan tilts her head to one side a little, physical eyes unfocused while her attention remains firmly upon the aether. It's what she can see, now. And something about Faanshi has her curious. Lyre lets out a muffled snore and rolls over, pillowing his cheek on his arms and absently kicking at the blanket covering him. Other than that, the bard seems to be fine. Just exhausted. Old beating scars and the like nonwithstanding. Samein crouches beside the bard/patient in question, his robes pooling around him upon the floor. He lays a thin hand on the man's shoulder just lightly, so as not to wake him as he closes his eyes, performing a renewed diagnosis. Perhaps not much to see, but something to do. "But... it was my du--" She's tried that argument on Lyre already, and was met with much the same response. Blinking bemusedly as Samein turns to go inspect the sleeping bard, Faanshi finds herself distracted by FallingStar's voice. "Namaste'," she greets her in a bit of relief to see her other teacher. "Lyre still sleeps...!" FallingStar only nods slightly, the faintest of smiles touching her lips. "Good, good. He needs his rest, I'm sure. And if there were any trouble, I'm sure Samein would know." Her face turns toward the Varati as she speaks, ending on a questioning note. Hey, you. Gargoyle. Now would be a good time to insert a comment, perhaps a guess of how much longer he'll be taking up a corner here. Not that she minds the houseguest, oh no, of course not. Samein's hand lifts, and he straightens to his feet, squinting at the blind woman with the bad attitude. He murmurs quite politely, "Ah. Hello to you, Falling Star. As I would have guessed, he merely needs some sleep. I am sure he could be moved even now, if he so desired." He gives a faint, amused smile. Of course she wouldn't mind having him longer. And from the bard himself comes the first words, sleep-thickened though they are as he mumbles, "Be happy to leave if I'm in the way." Lyre doesn't seem able to really open his eyes much, despite Samein's wakening touch. A soft gasp escapes Faanshi as the bard speaks, an audible version of the light that comes into her eyes at the same time. She breathes his name and in moments crosses the room, dropping gracefully down to her knees at his side. It is only then that her gaze falls upon the tanned flesh his sleepful rollings about have revealed in their further dishevelement of his shirt... and the glimpses of scars. Again she blinks. But Lyre's rousing is of more immediate interest as she adds more loudly, "Lyre, how are you feeling?" "Of course you're not in the way," FallingStar assures, sounding sincere enough about it. It's not Lyre she minds, it's that grumpy old Delphic mage who keeps hanging around. "If he needs to sleep more, he might as well do it here as elsewhere." The shop isn't exactly crowded with customers at any time of day, after all. Samein's eyes flit briefly between FallingStar and Lyre, and he gives a mild shrug. "Good, then. Amazing how much rest they often need, even when healed completely by the Aether." His eyes inevitably return to Lyre and Faanshi. He still seems a bit uncomfortable with their open affection, for some reason. "Tired, dove. But much improved. How could I not, with the skills of so many fine healers working upon me?" Lyre offers Faanshi a smile and lightly brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. Glance to FallingStar he says quietly, "You have my thanks for your hospitality, madam. If there is anything I may do to repay you, you have but to ask." The shudra girl's dewy-eyed regard had been resting upon Lyre's face, just now. But as the bard props himself up on his side and lifts up his rough hand to meet the silk that covers her cheek, Faanshi immediately and bashfully lowers her gaze... only to find the Mongrel man's bared throat and chest in that direction. Oh dear. Flustered, she starts fidgeting ever so slightly, one hand flitting up near Lyre's while her gaze flits towards Samein. To the Delphic mage she blurts, "Th-thank you for helping me heal Lyre, sir...!" FallingStar chuckles softly as she looks toward Lyre, shaking her head. "I don't keep a tally-sheet of debts; I do what I do because I want to, not because I expect anything in return. Besides, friends don't need to keep score." Friend, now. Apparently the Sylvan's taken a liking to the man in the short time he's been around, if only for the way he and Faanshi interact. Some of Samein's pensive caution seems to melt in the force of that innocent joy which Faanshi projects in his direction, the blurted gratitude. He covers it up with a faint, grumpy grimace, and shakes his head once again. "It was nothing. I am glad to see him become better. Both of you become... well." The old man looks at Faanshi with a fleeting expression of affection, before he begins to look a tad uncomfortable again. Lyre seems a little amused at Faanshi's flustered gaze, but does tug the blanket up so that he's not quite so shocking to young eyes. Speaking to FallingStar, "Aye, they do not. Still, friends help out now and then, when it's needed." He offers a slow nod to Samein, "You've my gratitude as well, Imphadi. For your teaching of Faanshi, as much as the healing; she speaks highly of you." Samein fidgets a bit where he stands, glancing towards the perfectly healed patient with something like resentment. Not much left for him to do, and he fidgets a bit, caught between Faanshi's disarming warmth and the possibility of FallingStar's acrid disapproval. He seems to be pondering flight. You wouldn't think Faanshi says much at all, from the way she's not uttering a word now. When Lyre drops his hand down to move the blanket, for a fraction of an instant the halfbreed girl seems to begin to move her fingers to follow his... but then she changes course, dropping both her hands to her lap and quickly twining them together, and planting her gaze firmly down upon them. "I am truly blessed by Ushas to have two teachers," she murmurs, trying to sound as composed as possible. And as though she's not blushing vividly under her veil. But Samein's motion catches her attention and she looks swiftly up to him again -- and past him as well, towards FallingStar. Speaking of teaching... "When do you wish to teach me more, Imphadi, Imphada? Now that I am free of the duty to Behzad?" "Whenever you're available for it, feel free to come by." And whenever that Delphi person over there isn't here. FallingStar absently runs a hand over her hair, pushing it back from her face. "I haven't been all that busy lately, so I've been available quite a bit; I don't foresee that changing anytime in the near future." Samein turns and begins to move, walking not towards the exit but rather decisively towards FallingStar. Leaning towards her slightly, he murmurs in a quiet tone, "We truly should meet to coordinate the lessons, somewhat. It works very much better that way." Lyre lets his glance drift between the two teachers before returning his attention to Faanshi, stroking her cheek one more time before the pull of exhaustion drags at him once more, causing him to yawn, though he fights the urge. It is as if the bard executes a magnetic pull upon her. While Samein murmurs to FallingStar, the youngest healer in the shop turns her attention swiftly back to Lyre's drowsy features. "You should rest some more," she advises gently. "I could feel so much weariness in you...!" And, swallowing hard, she finds the courage to reach a hand for his cheek as he'd done with her, fingertips barely brushing his skin. Even more bravely, she comes closer than she ever has before to chiding a _male_, adding, "You should not have been walking about while you were sick...!" FallingStar arches a brow in Samein's direction, but can find no objection to that admittedly logical suggestion. "Indeed. I suppose it would, yes," she admits. "Well. When did you wish to meet?" "I was looking for you. Besides, I was more tired because I hadn't been sleeping well..." Abruptly realizing that admitting such might get him into even more trouble, Lyre snaps his mouth shut and tries a charming smile, almost hopefully, "I was worried about you, dove." Lyre's smile is a somewhat safer place to rest her gaze than the hollow of his throat... but still, Faanshi stares at that crooked grin with no small measure of fascination, oblivious as the two older healers discuss how to teach her... and Samein, evidently still nagged by whatever has been causing him discomfort, slips quietly out of the shop past the dog lolling at the door. Let's get this straight... Lyre was not sleeping because he was worried about her? The thought turns Faanshi's eyes abruptly soft and full. Gingerly, with utmost shyness, she lifts her fingers to smooth his hair back from his brow as she'd done when he'd fainted in her arms. "You can sleep now," she breathes. "It's all right." You don't have to worry. Exit one teacher, stage right; exit the other teacher, stage left. FallingStar starts to move quietly toward the back room again, leaving the pair to their own devices. They hardly need a chaperone. The bard's smile deepens and he shakes his head, slowly, "I don't want to close my eyes, for fear you'll be gone when I wake." Even sleepy, Lyre's a charmer. Must be in the blood. The shudra is just as oblivious to FallingStar's exit, captivated as she is by the half-blanketed bard. A blush begins to creep up into view, peeking pinkly over the very top of her veil, as she lifts her fingertips an inch or so away from his face. "I will not go anywhere," she promises, with all the earnestness of a solemn blood oath. "I will stay right here." FallingStar brushes aside the curtain in the back and enters the private quarters. FallingStar has left. Lyre drawls playfully, "Well, you can move a little. I don't mind." Just in case Faanshi took him literally and stayed there on her knees all night. He lifts his head just a bit and places a light kiss upon her fingertips, smiling once more, before murmuring, "Goodnight, dove." And his eyes slip closed, exhaustion tugging him once more into sleep. That blush, to Faanshi, seems to soak throughout her entire being at the contact of Lyre's mouth against her fingers. "Ushas keep you in your slumber," she whispers, flustered all over again as he sinks down onto his back... and she is left to reach for his blankets to settle them more solidly about him, an even odder feeling seeming to seize her fingers as she realizes that the muscled flesh she'd glimpsed is just beneath that woven wool. Once his eyes close, however, she pauses. And then, her hand comes up once more, pulling down her veil to bare her face, her nose, her lips. She won't keep the veil off long... but surely, the halfbreed girl tells herself, it will be all right if she does it just long enough to lean over the exhausted man, to kiss his forehead just as Samein had done her own. Though she knows now that sleep is reclaiming the Mongrel musician, she murmurs tenderly, "Good night, Lyre." Perhaps it was just wishful thinking, the dreaming bard muses, to feel a gentle goodnight kiss upon his forehead, such as he's not felt for a very long time. Regardless, as he slips completely asleep, Lyre is smiling. [End log.]