"FallingStar to the Rescue" Log Date: 10/6/00 Log Cast: Tanith, Axel, Faanshi, Jana, Fox, FallingStar, Vanora, Ghaliya Log Intro: Faanshi has received the news of the death of the person dearest to her in the world -- Lyre Talespinner, the Mongrel bard she has called her beloved. Devastated, she has been able to do nothing but stoically adhere to her daily duties, certain that if she lets herself vary once from her routine she will be consumed by her own despair. And so she has told no one of what she has learned, neither those she serves nor those out in the city who care about her. But her daily routine inevitably brings her into contact with those who cannot help but be worried for her, and so although the shudra might will it otherwise, her teacher is about to discover the state into which she has fallen.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Night (Dawnside) Date on Aether: Friday, March 14, 3907. Year on Earth: 1507 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waning Crescent Season: Early Spring Weather: Breeze Temperature: Cool *==========================================================================* The aroma of baked goods lures you south toward the Rialto. The Rialto - Haven(#159RDJM$) Reigning over the Rialto is the very heart of Haven: the Delphic Citadel. It dwarfs the other buildings, which cluster around it like so many children seeking a parent's protection. Day or night, rain or shine, its walls seem to glimmer with a light of their own, as if, over the centuries, the magic within had slowly permeated the entire structure. The main tower soars higher than the tallest tree, and each side tapers inward so that it resembles a giant obelisk. Four smaller towers stand at the four points of the compass, representing the unification of each race under Delphi's government. And here is where they all gather. The Rialto is the famed marketplace of Haven, full of shops, stalls, and brightly colored tents. The shouts of merchants, the haggling of patrons, the music of entertainers, and the laughter of children create a nigh-constant cacophony that assaults the senses. But the Rialto is nothing if not exciting, and crowds often gather here for important events and public addresses. (Note: 'places' are enabled here.) Contents: FallingStar Axel Jana Fox Tanith Alexandria Obvious Exits: Streets Delphic Citadel The Smithy Kosha is lured in from the north by the aroma of baked goods. Tanith is amused by the Aesir. His smell no more bothers her as those who travel the tunnels. She will not tell him this, of course, but she bows her head at him a little. "Chinchookma," she falls back on her tongue to give him the proper respect. "You may call me Tanith. Most do." To the Aesir, respect is in actions not words. Thus do they curse their friends as hartily as they curse their gods. "Chookma, Tanith." That's as close as he knows of the Aelflings traditions. Not that it would matter much. He two orders a meat pie, flipping a coin with his thumb toward the vendor. Laughing when the man must fumble to make the catch. He wraps a meaty hand around the meaty pie and chomps down. "As Jana has said..I am called Axel." He speaks with an almost full mouth. By the gods, that's good food. It can never be really argued that Faanshi has much in the way of pride -- but she has enough, just enough, that after being awakened six nights running by nightmares, she will not ask the chief servant of Atesh-Gah for assistance. Or, for that matter, the Sylvan who has been her teacher for some time now. And thus, gritty-eyed from lack of sleep, the movements of her dainty frame turned heavy with the concentration she's having to exert to keep her steps even, the shudra girl slips into the marketplace in its earliest hours. Her ever-loyal hound trots at her side, drowsy but willing to follow his mistress wherever she goes; Kosha's ears are up, and he periodically sniffs inquiringly at the air. And by the gods, that's a disgusting display of machismo on the rampage. Jana silently thanks the Powers That Be that the Aesir and Najada have cleared out of Delphi. Smiling wanly, she takes the position of silent observer, casting quick glances about the area. It is then that FallingStar is noticed, and an old, old memory is awakened in the girl's brain. "Rainmaker," she whispers to herself, thoughtfully. Fox takes both meat pies he ordered and moves to a table. HIs nose is all but quivering at the scent of the meat so close, but he can't attack the food just yet. Once Tanith is sitting, however, then he will. His hands -might- be left free for conversation. Although for a moment FallingStar had lost track of where she was in arguing over prices and goods with the stallkeeper, in favor of staring Axel-wards, she finally shakes her head sharply and turns back to business. She hasn't noticed Jana in turn, although with the black hair and wings, she might not recognize her anyway. Now back to more pressing matters, she starts in on a good-natured tirade against the stallkeeper about how he's going to cheat her out of everything she owns. Jana As slight and frail as a bird, with features similar to such a creature, this young maiden is progressing steadily over the threshold into womanhood. Her eyes, large and grey in colour, hold within them a soul that is both torn and mended. Highly pronounced cheekbones and chin are typical of her Empyrean race, her lips carry a sheen of pink gloss. Purity, however, appears to be a fleeting dream for this young one. Her hair is pitch black, tightly braided in a waist-length plait down her back. There is something odd about the colouring, however. Something.. unnatural. Perhaps it's the fact that the roots are a pale, silver-grey. The maiden wears a loose-fitting kaftan of soft, indigo wool. Its long, wide sleeves nearly conceal her ink-stained fingers, and a thick sash of the same colour binds her wasp-thin waist. On the kaftan's collar, a pin of three opal studs has been secured. Occasionally glimpsed is a fragile silver bracelet around her wrist. Because of her youth and softening features, some might consider this one pretty, however few are the Empyrean men who would choose her for a wife. The wings upon her back are large enough to enfold her completely, but they are sable, dark as winter's night skies. Like her hair, there is an unnatural, dingy, and faded quality about that colouring. The occasional pure white feather may be glimpsed, interspersed amongst the black. Worn for outdoor weather is a thick, heavy peplos of almost immense proportions. Its colour is that of aged ivory, and it is wrapped about the young Empyrean's head and shoulders, allowed to drape down nearly to her waist. It is quite effective in concealing her hair, and some of the time, it helps to hide her face. Vanora steps from the gates of Delphi and into the Rialto. Vanora has arrived. Tanith's eyes wrinkle at the corner in her good humor. She nods to the Aesir, side steps some falling 'crumbs' and follows Fox to a table. Once seated, however, she looses some of her innate laughter, the thoughts of earlier coming back upon her. The 'seeking' of something that first drew her to the Rialto on this day pulling at her once more. Her mind reaches and she withdraws slightly, then with a sigh, she looks to her meatpie. Absorbed by the meatpie, and noisily eating what doesn't find habitation amongst the hairs of his beard, Axel gives a wave to the trio. "I'll not disturb your breaking of the night's fast that comes from sleep." Chew, chew, chew..he takes a slow look around, wings flicking out and nearly thwacking another passerby. Absentmindedly searching for something to catch his fancy. Following in their footsteps, Jana plods over to one of the tables and seats herself as carefully as possible, rearranging her drab, black wings more comfortably. Remaining silent, her attention is drawn back towards Tanith, and the contemplative look re-enters her own eyes. Her brow furrows lightly, and now somewhat troubled, she distracts herself by studying the obnoxiously gross Aesir. It's difficult for Faanshi to be truly unobtrusive even in pre-dawn hours when she's clad in the vibrant colors of Clan Khalida, scarlet and gold and richest blue. Her movements are those of a bird of much more dowdy plumage, but when she wears the colors of the God-King's own Clan, even when her silks are fading from months of much use and careful washing, she cannot exactly fade into her surroundings. Nor can her big hound, who trots out a bit of ahead of her as his sensitive nose picks up... oh my yes. FOOD. Someone is cooking food, and he lets out a hopeful bark. Perhaps his beloved two-footed companion will take them to get something to eat, yes? Yes? Look, look, Faanshi, smell the FOOD! Fox seems to be focused completely on his own meat pie, removing his gloves so he can eat it better. This does mean, however, that he has to make sure nothing gets under his claws...that's always a pain. His manners aren't the best either as he tries to eat as much as possible as quickly as possible... The Sylvan and the stallkeeper, after assuring the other that they are certainly beggared by the exchange, smile and trade the goods being bartered. FallingStar stows her new acquisitions in the satchel and turns away again, absently adjusting the strap over her shoulder, and pauses at the sound of the dog's bark. Yes, that does look like Kosha, and where there is Kosha, there is...yes, that's Faanshi. Out this early? Ghaliya enters the Rialto from the northwestern intersection of Fairway and Border. Ghaliya has arrived. Tanith sighs, it was not a vision after all. She has been waiting. There has been... something for her, she is sure of it. She picks up the pie and goes to take a bite of it when she feels it... the sudden ripple of information. To those close to her, perhaps watching the elder sylvan, they may see her stiffen and pause as though she is holding her breath... anticipation... Like an ethereal vision, Vanora glides silently from between the imposing gates of the Citadel. The translucent material which ripples along her golden limbs seems to move as if caught in currents of its own, and the chains of silver which thread through her dark hair gleam with a cool, icy light. Pausing for a moment, the priestess then wanders forward, her statuesque form sliding through the gathered townsfolk as if they were water. The Aesir knows little of visions and oracles, having seen them rarely. But the bark of a hound he knows, and that does draw his attention. He smiles and turns quickly, his ashen wings coming catastrophicaly close to wiping all the garments from another vendor's table. He settles down on his haunches, holding out part of his meatpie to the dog. "Come here fella, yes, that's a good puppy." He croons, coaxing the animal toward him with the tempting offer of a treat. As silent and uncertain as if she were a beggarchild afraid of being randomly cuffed, Ghaliya follows behind her slightly bolder shudra, the servant woman cutting a path through the crowd to guide her mistress. Eyes wide above her concealing veil, the Mahisi of clan Messala tries to keep in line with the shorter shudra, but finds it hard with so many dsitracting sights abounding. Yes, she has been here before, but never before was she willing to risk distraction from her duties to actually enjoy herself. And as Ghaliya finds distractions at nearly every stall passed, the shudra waits silently, eyes downcast. The apparent stiffening of the elder before her sharply draws Jana's attention, yet she does nothing to interfere. Not one thing. She only watches now, the Delphic Adept inclining her head forward as her eyes narrow. Perhaps she knows what is going on. Bone-white fingers interlace in the hollow of her lap, then begin to tightly wring at each other. Fox is concentrated on finishing up his meat pie. It's gone just too quickly. Licking his fingers of the gravy he glances to Tanith's pie...is she going to eat hers? Looking up at the Shaman he starts to ask but his hands freeze and then relax back into his lap. Call it a sense, but something isn't right. He may not know what, but he can feel a buzz in the air that sets the hair at the back of his neck standing up. Well, you don't have to tell Kosha twice. As he comes into range of Axel's well-carrying voice, the hound snaps his head around and veritably lights up, as much as a creature of the four-footed canine persuasion can be said to do. Never mind, either, that Kosha weighs a good hundred pounds. He comes scampering over towards the Aesir warrior, ready, willing, and able to practically tackle the man in his interest in that offered tidbit. En route, his tail starts wagging with every thud of his paws against the ground, until by the time he's in range to scarf the meat that proud plume is waving back and forth so quickly that you'd think it was being buffeted by a storm. "Kosha--" Faanshi has just enough time to see him bound off before she realizes that someone has distracted him. And the halfbreed girl freezes in startlement for a moment, torn between her need to find that herbalist she was seeking as quickly as possible... and the need to make sure her dog isn't about to mow down some hapless early-morning marketgoer. Oh, aye, she's trained Kosha to obey her in a number of helpful fashions... but she hasn't managed to persuade the creature that he isn't still a puppy small enough to fit in her lap. Puppy. Kosha. Riiiight. FallingStar chuckles slightly as she watches him go after the Aesir's offering, shakes her head slightly, and starts to head toward Faanshi. She may not find the herbalist she was seeking, but another one is about to find her. And she's quite curious about why her student would be wandering the Rialto this early in the morning, anyway. It is mere moments later when the Elder shakes her head to clear her mind. The meat pie drops back to the table, forgotten. Tanith stands and takes a few steps... Her gray eyes, misted by cataracts, scan the Rialto for someone even though she could not possibly see more than a few feet in front of her with any clarity. A swirl in the crowd as Vanora moves slowly forward reveals a pair of Atlanteans, standing next to a merchant's stall. The priestess pauses nearby, exchanging what must be a telepathic greeting, though it is only identifiable as such from a great deal of head-nodding and the occasional smile from all concerned. And then she moves on, gracefully moving around obstacles without appearing to be heading in any particular direction. The pups enthusiasm (And to an Aesir, a pup he is. He's battled ice wolves unarmed.) is returned. Axel allows Kosha to gobble up the treat, heedless of the dog accidently biting his thick fingers. When the dog leaps at him, Axel simply places his hands on the animals legs, supporting it and keeping the large hound from bowling him backward. "Hei! Your a friendly fellow. The two-legged folk around here should follow your example, by Idun's apples they should!" He even lets the animal lick his face and beard, booming out amused laughter. It seems he's a puppy with wings. Fox jumps up, ready to follow the Shaman should she need assistance. He too has forgotten the pie as his concern for the Elder overwhelms the leftover hunger. He looks to find Jana in the crowd...she's of Delphi...maybe she can help? He doesn't like this...the hair still stands up at the back of his neck. The Oracle looks hesitant, but at last she herself drifts up to her feet. Jana doesn't seem to be too concerned over what is happening. Looking to Fox at roughly the same time he glances to her, she instructs, "She is in a vision. Make certain she does not fall and hurt herself." Like she's done on many occasion. Piers is lured in from the north by the aroma of baked goods. Piers has arrived. Tanith does wander, as through a haze. Where is ManySmiles when you need him? is a vague thought. She looks and then turns sharply as Jana speaks behind her. If there is any focus it is odd. "You," she says softly, moving to the Oracle. "You?" Kosha bellows out an enthused bark again, delighted that this big winged fellow not only gives him food but also likes to wrestle! The dog happily paws at Axel's broad chest while licking his face in a show of boisterous gratitude. And his tail keeps going, wag wag waggity wag wag wag wag. It would seem that Kosha has made himself a new friend -- but then again, that's not exactly difficult. Axel, after all, offered him FOOD! In the meantime, biting her lip behind her veil, Faanshi espies where her canine's managed to get to and turns towards that direction, her thoughts spinning as she tries to figure out what exactly she might have to say to the Imphadi from the north. But before she can reach Axel she catches sight of FallingStar as well heading her way... and the shudra girl stops dead, eyes going wide over her veil. And, strangely enough, just a trifle alarmed, as though the sight of her own teacher is almost something to fear. Fox follows right behind Tanith, ready to catch her should she falter just one step. At least his magic is tangible...this vision stuff always creeps him out. First with Brighid and now with her...hopefully he didn't bring this vision on. Snarls, of the human variety, erupt from Axel's throat. His voice deep and rumbling. He wrestles with the big dog; steering him this way or that with his heavily muscled arms. His wings spred a little farther, helping him keep his balance and steady against the playful onslaught. "And what is your name, hmm?" He inquires of Kosha, as if expecting an answer. "Faanshi?" FallingStar frowns slightly as she approaches her student, tilting her head to one side just a little. "Are you all right, child?" She's certainly acting somewhat odd. No, the graisha is not the cause of the visions. It is, instead, that little drab-winged Oracle. Jana's expression slowly melts into something akin to guilt and concern, and as she now steps forward, she lays a hand upon the elderly woman's shoulder, murmuring a quiet, "Elder." Perhaps it's time to intervene now. Completely oblivious to the various dramas playing out around her, Ghaliya, in fact, attempts to keep herself out of them, her shudra helping in the effort at keeping a respectable distance between the Mahisi and the Candala. The pair have now stopped at a textile vendors stall, delicate fingers gliding over fine silks and velvets. Vanora manages to suddenly find herself standing quite close to Jana and the two Sylvans. The priestess is examining a series of coral sculptures displayed in a nearby merchant's stall, but she loses interest eventually and drifts onwards, recognizing Jana only as she is about to wander past. Unfortunately, so engaged is she in watching the Empyrean Adept that she stumbles on a loose paving stone and pitches towards Fox, arms windmilling helplessly. So much for the vaunted Atlantean grace. Fox turns upon hearing a scuffle and manages to brace himself before an Atlantean nearly falls on him. Reaching out he tries to catch the woman before she pulls them both down onto the cobblestones. Hopefully Jana can handle Tanith for the time being. Tanith trips and reaches towards Jana. Eyes close suddenly, and she arches her back slightly before collapsing. The magic begins to fade from her and she rests her hands on her knees, head bowed forward. For all her age and petiteness, she looks like a collapsed marionette. After a moment, a shaking hand raises to her temple. The Empyrean move surprisingly quickly, reaching out her arms to catch the Elder before she falls to the ground. Jana quietly gasps, then presses her lips into a thin, tight line of concentration. "Tanith?" she asks gently, only lifting her eyes moments later towards the odd and erratic movements from Fox and Vanora. There's a blink of surprise there as she recognises the Atlantean. "Vanora!" she gently exclaims, but little more is said as she again looks to the older Sylvan woman. "I... namaste', Acarya," Faanshi blurts out, managing a semblance of her habitual formal bow as FallingStar comes up to her. "I am... I..." She cannot quite meet the Sylvan woman's concerned gaze, however. Not only is the shudra maiden extremely shy, she's also an extremely poor liar. Untroubled by whatever appears to be haunting Faanshi this morning, Kosha gleefully tussles with Axel, before deciding that he needs to acquire either further Food or further Skitches from the big winged fellow. Another bark pipes forth from him, while he busies himself sniffing the Aesir all over and then butting his head against his nearest hand. Vanora stumbles into Fox with a small gasp of dismay, but manages to keep herself on her feet after a momentary balancing act. Dark blotches bloom across her cheeks as she hurriedly straightens, flowing back from the Sylvan so quickly she almost trips over the hem of her gown. Obviously, this isn't her day. Her head snaps around at Jana's soft exclamation, but it is to Fox that she breathily murmurs, "Please forgive me. I....I'm not sure what happened." Big hands move to scratch the dog behind his ears. Axel laughs gain, gripping tightly and worrying the dogs head back and forth in a fashion that is gentle. At least to such a large beast. He glances up at the small ruckus, but seems unperturbed. No one is bleading after all. Why, Kosha's more fun then half his scrawny cousins! Tanith is most fragile at these moments after a series of visions. Without the Aether element, the control has changed and as she is no youth, she has not easily conquered the ability without it. Steadying breaths calm her beating heart and she looks up to thank the dark-haired empyrean. She looks at Jana a moment, then takes a strong hold on the woman's wrist. FallingStar reaches out one hand to touch Faanshi's shoulder gently, concern easing not one whit. In fact, it seems to be getting more intense. "Faanshi? Whatever is the matter?" she asks, with a frown. Fox offers a nod at the apology...it happens. Patting her arm before letting go he then turns to Tanith, concern heavy in his eyes. What a morning this has turned out to be. No wonder so many prefer to remain in the tunnels. And no wonder Jana often prefers to remain in her own chamber. Blinking at the woman as her wrist is seized, she again echoes a quiet, "Tanith?" Her weight is shifted from one foot to the other uneasily, skirt of indigo swirling gently about her ankles in the chilly breeze. Vanora has not been forgotten, nor has Fox, for the little Oracle briefly raises her gaze to them both before returning to the filmy eyes of a cataract grey. Vanora suddenly seems rather taken aback as she studies Fox, crystalline eyes narrowing just slightly at something. A small shake of her head is followed by a series of brisk movements as the Atlantean tries to straighten her clothing and regain some of her lost dignity. As she does so, she eyes the other Sylvan -- Tanith, Jana called her -- with some curiosity. "You must not," rasps the elder. "I should not be done. We all have our personal tortures, Jana, but look at me... I have survived them." Tanith coughs then and lets the Empyrean go. She looks around and decides to stand up. "It... it is cold. Very cold now." She murmurs to neither Fox, Jana, nor Vanora - all three so very nearby. "I... I need," her gaze rests again on the Oracle curious and concerned. "Why is it so with some, you think to yourself, and the answer is 'It is the same with all' just differently." Even though she towers several inches over the little Sylvan who has trained her in the control of her magic, half the time Faanshi still nevertheless manages to keep her gaze demurely lowered away from FallingStar's. Now, though, her teacher's urgent question prompts her to look reflexively up, enough to let the older woman see a stricken, hollow look in green eyes so exhausted that one might wonder if she hasn't slept in a week. The halfbreed girl opens her mouth behind her veil, but nothing comes out; instead, under FallingStar's sharply concerned attention, she simply starts to tremble, violently. Fox seems to scent Vanora's repulsion and merely sighs. At Tanith's words he whips his cloak off of his shoulders to wrap her up in it. It's probably too long, but maybe it will be that much warmer. He doesn't understand her words though...is she still caught in the vision? Placing a hand on her shoulder he seems to ask if she is all right now. Most would likely be confused beyond hope by the Sylvan elder's advice, but so used to the convolutions and unpleasantness of visions is she that Jana assumes whatever the woman saw dealt with her personally. She lightly lifts her hands from the elder, allowing her to stand alone and unaided on her own two feet, before she murmurs, "I am sorry, Tanith." The ashen-winged Aesir stands, searching for a handhold on Kosha, and finding his collar. "Let's get you back to your mistress. I'm certain she's worried." He does uses his wings to scritch the dogs back as he looks around. Ah! There's one of those Jotan women with those silly veils. By Freya's pendulous breasts, what a ridiculous custom. He half-drags the dog toward Ghaliya. "Mm. I think...perhaps you should sit down, child." FallingStar casts about quickly for the nearest place to sit, spots a bench at a table not too far away, and turns the hand resting on Faanshi's shoulder into a gentle pressure in that direction. Vanora's brow furrows as she studies Tanith, her recent mishap submerged now in frank curiosity. Lifting her gaze to Jana, the Elementalist studies her as well, perhaps wondering what connection lies between the two Clairvoyants. And then, her eyes dart back to Fox, studying the graisha furtively. She hardly notices that she's standing right beside all these people, intruding on a moment which has nothing whatsoever to do with her. Tanith accepts the cloak with grace and smiles to the foxling. She closes her eyes briefly. "You should not aplogize for your sorrow, Jana." The old woman sighs softly and looks up to the Oracle. "You are young. Be young. And when you wish to learn of what I have seen, send our young Fox here to fetch me." She pauses, the humor returning, "I believe I am still welcome in the Citadel..." Huh? Send him into the Citadel? But graisha can't be there! Has Tanith forgotten? Fox goes to remind her, signing rapidly. Besides, he isn't sure if Jana hates him now for trying to steal from her. Glances are given to the Atlantean who stands so close by. "Kosha," Faanshi mumbles helplessly, but now that she has in fact been found by her teacher the halfbreed girl is easily guided away. Pride or no pride, the maiden is in desperate need of comfort, and FallingStar is arguably the best person in Haven to give it to her. Part of her knows this, and so the young shudra lets the smaller Sylvan briskly guide her to the closest bench. Even as she half-sits and half-collapses onto the bench, she keeps trembling. And now that her gaze has made it to FallingStar's, it stays there in pleading supplication, the gaze of someone whose entire world appears to have shattered about her. Though Ghaliya is completely oblivious to the erroneous and bold approach, her shudra is not. The woman's eyes immediately glue themselves to the ground, and she nudges gently at her mistress, attempting quietly to get her attention, and receiving only a puzzled glance for her troubles. "Perhaps I shall, Elder, if you are amenable to it," replies the young Oracle, inclining her head briefly. Jana then lifts her gaze to Vanora, the sight of the Delphic Adept rather comforting at the moment. A long sigh causes several dark strands of hair around her face to be stirred. "Ave, Adept Vanora," she says in a more proper greeting than her earlier exclamation. Tanith has warmed some and turns to hand the cloak back to Fox. "I will be going home now," she tells him. "And no, we are not going into the Citadel." She ruffles his hair slightly. Past his shoulder she smiles and whispers a kindly 'chookma' to Vanora as well. She turns back to Jana when she speaks, nodding. "Oh, I believe I will be," is her cryptic answer. A little stronger than before, Tanith begins her slow walk home. She hums a sylvan tune to keep her company. Tanith ambles toward the northwest. Tanith has left. Shudra ignored, Axel steps right up to Ghaliya. "Hei, jotan. I've brought your pup back to you. He's a pleasant animal, a proud beast." He then lets go of Kosha's collar to allow him to properly greet his mistress. Or who Axel thinks is the dogs mistress. Before she can protest that Kosha is not hers, Axel bends his legs and leaps skyward, wings flapping in a rush. He has other places to be. FallingStar settles down on the bench beside Faanshi, sliding her arm around the girl's shoulders. "Kosha is fine, I'm sure," she replies. He tends to be able to take care of himself, especially when he's found a food-friend. "Now what has happened, child?" Jana's greeting comes as Vanora is trying to watch Fox without anyone noticing. So much for that. Clearing her throat softly, the Elementalist attempts to look as if she were simply gazing off into space, and her head swings around towards the Empyrean Oracle as if she'd completely forgotten the other woman was there. Pausing to intone a soft, "Blessings," to Tanith as the elderly Sylvan moves away, she then lifts her gaze to her fellow Adept. "Blessings, Jana," she murmurs. "That was....unusual, was it not? The Sylvan, I mean." Wait a minute. Who's this new person? Kosha's romped over to Ghaliya apparently willingly enough, but as Axel leaps into the air, it's one confused hound indeed who finds himself right next to a couple of women he doesn't recognize. There's only one remedy for this. He promptly thrusts his muzzle at Ghaliya, to commence the obligatory thorough sniffing. And Faanshi sits and shivers under FallingStar's maternal arm. For the longest moment she can't seem to manage to answer, and when she finally does, her voice is dull and wan. The whisper of it is almost too soft even for the Sylvan healer to hear: "He's... dead, acarya... I-I think he's dead..." Fox gives a bit of a frown as his Shaman is called unusual, but he doesn't want her to try and make it back by herself. A nod is given to both before he turns to leave as well, following the elder Sylvan. Besides, she can't translate for him anymore...and trying to communicate would just get frustrating. What? Someone's bringing her Sumai? Has he been scuffling again? Ahem... Bad Varati. Turning slowly, confusion all over the furrowed brow, and surely in the eyes too downcast to allow one ot tell for sure. "I'm sorry," she says, quietly, "I believe you've made a mistake. I've never seen this dog before..." Fox has left. But the Empyrean is gone before she can finish the thought. So now, Ghaliya is faced wit ha hundred pound dog happily wagging his tail, and likely about to pounce her. With much more distrastrous effect than was found with the Aesir. "She is a clairvoyant," replies Jana, as if that should provide answer enough to any question about the situation. But the Empyrean elaborates as she slowly turns from watching the departing figures of the Sylvans, "And one might say we are an unusual breed." Narrow shoulders lift in a shrug, and she asks, "What brings you out to the Rialto, Adept?" Well, that certainly sounds like bad news. FallingStar frowns a little, giving the shudra girl a one-armed kind of hug, in an attempt to be comforting. "Who is, child?" Vanora considers Jana's words for a long moment, before replying quietly, "I find the confines of the Citadel a little stifling at times. Not that the Rialto is much better." Her nose wrinkles slightly as she gazes at the throngs of people around them both. "I usually spend some time here, wandering from stall to stall, before continuing on to one of the beaches. It is really quite soothing." "Ah, yes, that is.. understandable," replies the Empyrean at length. Jana likewise glances about the thickening crowds, the trickle of newcomers steadily increasing as the newborn day waxes towards full morning. Inhaling sharply, she retrieves her mind from the temptation of reveries before asking, "Might I accompany you? I.. I originally came here to purchase a crystal, but I think I shall simply leave it for another time." Faanshi's gaze, already hollow, goes strangely distant. Her veiled countenance is still turned to her teacher, but now it might seem perhaps as if the halfbreed girl is looking past her rather than at her, her presence making only a partial impact upon her now. So too does FallingStar's question seem to only partially affect her, for Faanshi doesn't directly answer it. Instead she murmurs in that same stricken tone, "A-A girl... in Atesh-Gah, a girl with the sight... she came to me, acarya... she said... she had seen I had lost someone and it would break my heart and... Kosha is here... and you are here... and... he... he has been gone so long and I-I-I cannot think of who else it could be..." She keeps trembling all the while, the words beginning to go higher in pitch as they come out of her, turning childlike and utterly bereft. Entirely in contrast to his young mistress, Kosha carries out his duty of sniffing every available portion of Ghaliya's person, only encourage every time she squirms or seems to pull away. In the world according to Kosha, that only means an encouragement to play! But the woman doesn't seem to WANT to play, he finally realizes. Neither does she appear to have any FOOD. With a disappointed little yrf, the big dog bounds around and promptly pounces Ghaliya's shudra. Maybe SHE has food? And here the little shudra thought herself immune. With a squeal very un-Varati-like, she goes down hard, squirming and kicking in a manner in danger of being indecent. Ghaliya just stares, wide-eyed, any shock relieved by the exit of the unfortunate sniffing, has been replaced by shock at her shudra's position and actions. Another moment of silence passes, before Vanora inclines her head slowly. Her cool self-possession has returned, and she watches the other Adept closely as she half-turns, preparing to move on. "I would appreciate the company," she assures the Empyrean, lips curving with a faint smile. "Have you been well of late? I heard some sort of rumour involving yourself and a Varati woman, but I could hardly believe it." "Ssshhh. Faanshi, child. You don't know for certain, do you? There's no reason to grieve before you know for sure." FallingStar's concerned frown deepens still more. "And you haven't been sleeping, have you? That will only make things worse, you need to take care of yourself." "Ahhh.... um," is Jana's initial reply. Her black-haired, grey-rooted head briefly ducks in a nod, and she does not attempt to lie to the Elementalist. "The rumours are likely to be true, unfortunately," she says. Somehow she refrains from adding the statement 'but it was the other woman's fault.' Walking at the Atlantean's side, she lifts her eyes once more to cast a glance at the older woman's face. "Otherwise, I am as well as can be expected. How have you fared?" "I have been well," is Vanora's serene response. Her slim fingers are interlaced, hands clasped in front of her as she moves slowly across the cool paving stones. "You likely did not notice, but I was absent from Delphi for some months recently. I had a need to cleanse myself, spiritually. My time in Haven has not been as smooth as I would have liked, and it left me feeling....tired." Kasia is lured in from the north by the aroma of baked goods. Kasia has arrived. "Oh, no, I fear I had not noticed," mumbles the Oracle, a little sheepishly. She again bends her head, but quickly trots to keep pace after a brief moment of slacking. Jana adds, "I am sorry for that, but I suppose I have been ... tremendously occupied." And that is quite the understatement. Yet she falls quiet again, thoughts turning inwards towards the matter of Tanith's visions. What had she seen of her future? She is going to have to ask her rather soon. For the moment, however, she continues to walk at Vanora's side. FallingStar doesn't exactly need her power to tell that Faanshi is exhausted; it's obvious enough by the bruised look of her eyes and the way the girl seems to list sideways even as she's trying to sit upright. But the evidence of simple sight is also augmented by the senses of a healer. The halfbreed needs sleep, and she needs it now. Unthinkingly and tinily she babbles, "I know that... I-I rested when I got ill, but since the M-Maharani left Atesh-Gah I-I have had to ask to talk to the Amir-al and ask His will about the Syl-Sylvans..." The words begin to tumble out of her faster now, still too high-pitched, as if she were only five years old. But then she seems to catch herself, her gaze abruptly re-focusing upon her teacher with a terrible clarity. And she concludes mournfully, "Everyone I loves d-dies, acarya... it only makes sense...!" Awww. This other woman doesn't have any food either? After thoroughly sniffing the person of Ghaliya's shudra, giving her veiled face a lick or two for good measure and then making a little *chf* noise of dismay -- ptui! silk on the tongue! -- the dog seems to take mercy upon the startled woman and bounds off her, tail still a-wag. Hey! Where'd his mistress get to? "We are all occupied with our studies," Vanora agrees quietly. "This life consumes so much of our time, and yet sometimes we hardly seem to notice it. It has its rewards, however, as well as its trials." And with that sage observation, she falls silent, content to simply watch those around her as she glides along beside the Empyrean. There is only so much scandalous behaviour a kshatri lass can take. And so she grabs her shudra at the first opportunity, dragging her up bodily, and takes her off towards Atesh Gah. Jana has left. "That's your fatigue talking," FallingStar replies, firmly, draping Faanshi's arm about her shoulders and moving to rise, bringing the shudra girl with her. "I'm still very much alive, and I intend to stay that way for some time. Come on, child. I'm going to make sure you get some rest." The pair of Adepts eventually disappear back within Delphi's grounds, leaving behind the bustle of ordinary life for the moment. Vanora steps through a tall set of gates and enters Delphi's grounds. Vanora has left. "The Amir-al might summon me," Faanshi mumbles in protest, even as FallingStar hauls her, height difference or no height difference, up into a standing position. "I must be present... if they choose to permit me into His presence..." Oh. There's Faanshi! The two strange food-less women having fled, his winged playmate departed into the air, the hound sniffs about until he recovers his mistress' scent... and just as playfully as he'd bounded to Ghaliya and her shudra, Kosha comes scampering over to the pair of healers. FallingStar chuckles dryly and starts to walk, moving in the direction of her shop. "In the condition you're in now, child, I doubt you would want to be in his presence. I doubt you'd be able to string words together well enough to give a good impression. You wouldn't want to come before him all tired and tongue-tied, would you?" She just hopes Kosha will keep the bounding and pouncing down to a minimum, while she's trying to direct the taller girl. Strangely enough, that makes sense to Faanshi even in her desperately weary state. A ripple of startlement shoots through her slender frame as she considers this, stumbling along with her acarya's support, and then she answers absently, "It would not be good to shame m-myself before the Most High. You are very wise, acarya...!" Still that childlike, haunted tone dominates her voice, and her gaze as well conveys the impression that she's almost half-asleep on her feet as the two of them make their way northward out of the marketplace. Kosha does bound along beside them, tail periodically wagging, but something of his doggish enthusiasm has died down a bit at the way Faanshi is moving. [And soon enough...] You open the door to the herbseller's shop, entering admist the soft sound of chimes. A Moment in Thyme - Haven A multitude of smells mingle in the air of the small shop, combining from plants hanging from the ceiling or sitting on the shelves, or concoctions simmering over the hearth set into the side wall, or any of a number of sources. The wall opposite the hearth appears to be a work area of some sort, with a scarred table covered with tools, containers, and partially finished projects. The back of the shop is where all the finished goods are kept, it seems, judging from the full shelves - all organized with careful precision, despite how full they are. In fact, the entire shop is kept clean, the wooden floor well-scrubbed to an almost glossy shine. A set of chimes hangs near the door, jangling softly whenever the door is opened. Contents: FallingStar Obvious exits: Private Quarters Out What with the number of strays and people seeking healing that come to the shop, FallingStar has added a cot to an unobtrusive corner of the room, and it's there that she directs Faanshi after nudging the door closed behind them and Kosha. "Hopefully you'll feel a bit better after getting some good rest," the Sylvan observes. Only when the safety of the shop has been reached does a fractional portion of Faanshi's tension seem to leave her, just enough for her to stop and stare at the cot, and then turn half-uncomprehending eyes to her little teacher. In doleful accents she then says, "But I... I can't sleep, acarya." Kosha in the meantime, as comfortable in this place as he is anywhere in Atesh-Gah, contentedly ambles into the room and proceeds straight to his favorite comfortable corner. Either he or Faanshi must have left a toy of his there, for he finds a large half-chewed strap of knotted leather already lying there, and this the dog takes up and happily begins to gnaw. "Faanshi, you're in the middle of an herb shop. If there's nothing here that can help you sleep, then I'm in sore need of supplies." FallingStar's voice is gentle, though she teases just a little. "Just have a seat, child. Rest your feet, if not your mind." Obediently the shudra sits down in the very center of the cot, but her liquid, pleading gaze is still following FallingStar about the room. "I k-keep having bad dreams," she says, her voice extremely small. "I can't make them stop...!" FallingStar nods thoughtfully, moving to fetch some of the aforementioned supplies and giving Kosha an absent pat as she wanders by. "So since you're having the dreams, they disturb your sleep? Is that it?" Abashedly Faanshi hangs her head, but she also bobs it up and down a single time. As always, even in the grip of complete exhaustion, she seems bent on trying to sit with perfect posture -- shudra's habits and shudra's learning still trying to manifest itself. Slowly, inexorably, she's nevertheless started to list sideways again; her eyes, too, seem to lose their focus every so often. "Yes, acarya," she whispers. "I-I... did not want to tell you..." "Mm? Didn't want to tell me? Whyever not?" The clink of jars is followed by the sound of liquid pouring into a cup, coming from the direction of FallingStar's workbench. But since she has her back to her student, it's hard to see just what she's doing. "I... I am... I am supposed to be strong," Faanshi blurts out, her childlike tone taking on a bit of a desperate rasp now. She doesn't elaborate, but then again, she doesn't really need to; it's never been anything less than obvious that the stoic, stubborn ways of the Varati command all the halfbreed girl's thoughts of how she should behave. And never mind whether her gentle soul is at all suited for it. "I-I thought... if I just got the right herbs myself... I-I could make the dreams go away... sh-show there's something I can do w-with strength... take care of myself...!" FallingStar turns away from the table again, cup in hand, and moves across the room back to Faanshi. "Ah, but you are strong. You're strong and brave and good, child, but sometimes strength means being able to ask for help." The Sylvan smiles slightly, settling down on the cot beside her student and offering the cup to her. "I've learned that lesson. Remember...remember how I hurt my eyes? I had to seek another's help to fix it, but I was so stubborn about it that it took a very long time." "I remember," Faanshi breathes, even as she numbly accepts the cup proffered her. Tired enough -- and trusting enough of the Sylvan who's taught her for many, many months now -- that she does not bother to pause to sniff at or taste the contents of the mixture within it, the shudra lifts up one hand to loose the chain that holds her veil in place. Difficult to drink with the silk in the way, after all. With the other, though it shakes with effort, she lifts up the cup and begins sipping down the herbal concoction. As she does, she adds embarrassedly, "I don't... feel very brave or strong...!" "Then I'll just have to keep telling you that you are, until you believe me," FallingStar replies, firmly. Very matter-of-fact, that's the way it is and you'd better believe it sort of attitude. "Because you are. /I/ think that you're a wonderful young lady, gifted and strong, able to deal with things I wouldn't want to imagine, and with a giving heart. Child, if you truly were my own daughter I couldn't be more proud of you." The cup begins to quiver harder in Faanshi's hand now, and awkwardly, she lowers it down as FallingStar's words roll over her. Those words, that firm loving assurance, is exactly why a small corner of her mind knew she needed to be here; already proven chronically starved for any kind of approval and affection whatsoever, the maiden's heart drinks them in. It is not the same kind of affection a certain ruggedly handsome Mongrel bard had given her -- and nor is it a replacement for it. But it is enough to make something shift in Faanshi's thoughts, enough to bring a sharp upswelling of tears in her eyes. Unveiled, her face can be seen to be as haggard from weariness as her shadowed eyes, her expression lost, hopeless. And only now that she is here in her trusted teacher's presence does she let herself wail tinily, "W-what am I going to do withouut him...? What am I going to do...?" "Oh, Faanshi." Both of FallingStar's arms go about the younger girl, drawing her into an embrace should she allow it. "You go on living, it's the only thing to do. It's not a comfortable answer, or a comfortable thing to live through, I know, but if I tried to tell you that everything would be fine and happy...I think telling a lie would be worse. The best thing I can do is tell you that I know what it feels like, and I'm always here for you." It would possibly be wise to take the cup away from the girl before embracing her, but this little tidbit of wisdom eludes Faanshi for the moment. She crumples into her teacher's arms, dizzy from her exhaustion, desperately craving consolation for what has left her inconsolable. "D-d-don't even have his b-body," she sobs. "A-and didn't m-marry him... cannot carry out the suttee...!" Well, if the cup falls and possibly breaks, it's no big deal. Really. FallingStar can always clean it up later. "Ssshhh...ssshh, Faanshi, child..." Someday, it will feel better. Not soon enough for either of them, certainly, for in the face of Faanshi's distress the Sylvan can but echo it as she tries to soothe the girl. Indeed, the cup drops out of the halfbreed's fingers, landing with a clatter on the floor, sending what's left of its contents to spill out around it, and making the dog in the corner look up. Kosha whines softly, but for once Faanshi gives no sign of awareness of his attention as she wraps violently trembling arms about the smaller woman, curling herself into a tight little ball of misery in FallingStar's embrace. A thousand thoughts shoot through her now, of how she'd wanted to be a good wife to Lyre, to live peacefully with him in a small house in Avalon, bearing him many strong Mongrel sons who would live as free men. Of how she had never felt happier than when his arms had held her close. Ofhow his rich voice had rumbled in her hearing like gravel wrapped in velvet. A thousand thoughts... none of which make it into her voice. Perhaps later, she might be coaxed to speak them. For now, all she can seem to do is sob. FallingStar, for her part, doesn't manage to stay dry-eyed either - as though she were empathic rather than a healer and were thus echoing the feelings of the crying girl she so desperately tries to provide comfort for, tears leak from her eyes and down freckle-dusted cheeks. She murmurs basically nonsensical words in a soothing tone, stroking Faanshi's hair through its fabric cover without breaking the embrace. What the girl drank of the cup's contents should help her to at least sleep the night through...and perhaps things will look a little bit better in the morning. A little. And at last, finally, somewhere in the midst of her weeping the herbs finally seem to take hold -- or is it the comforting, wordless nonsense the Sylvan is crooning to her? Or the simple fact that she's bone-tired? Whichever of these is responsible -- perhaps all three of them -- it makes Faanshi's body begin to go slack, albeit in fits and starts. Her torrent of weeping begins to subside down to trickles, and the frantic hold of her arms about FallingStar's small frame eases. Even now, though, Faanshi cries. "Love him," she mumbles, delicate features squeezed up tightly in her agony. The Varati might try to be stoic and strong to the rest of the world, but though they might put a veil upon this healer maiden, still they have not taught her how to keep her pain from searing itself into her face. "I know," FallingStar whispers, breathing out a soft sigh. "I know." She hugs the girl a little bit tighter for a moment, then loosens one hand to fish a clean square of cloth from a pouch at her belt. She begins to delicately dry Faanshi's tear-wet face, or at least do what she can. "Try to sleep, child. I'll do what I can to keep the dreams away." Slowly, Faanshi's head slides downward until it more or less rests in her teacher's lap. "Keep dreaming he goes a-away," she moans, voice losing what little strength it had had left. "Killed. Don't wanna dream he's killed... he's not coming back, a-acarya, he's not coming..." The tears keep coming, even as FallingStar dabs them away from Faanshi's sungolden cheeks. But now the halfbreed's dulled, wet eyes are beginning to drift shut, her trembling at last to drain out of her system. It may be a losing battle for the moment, but FallingStar still persists with the handkerchief. Once she falls asleep, the tears should stop coming for the time being. "Ssshhh. Sleep, child. Sleep," she murmurs. "I'll be here." Silently, Kosha rises up from the corner in which he'd been gnawing upon his leather toy and pads over to the cot where the women are sitting. Another tiny whine sounds from him as he gazes at Faanshi; then, he cranes his head over and nuzzles at her side. As if this is the final assurance the girl needs, she lets out a single shuddering breath... and goes still at last, her breathing slowing and softening. FallingStar silently finishes drying the girl's face, then knuckles absently at her own eyes and manages a small smile for Kosha. "Aye, and you'll be here too," she whispers, for fear of waking the sleeping Faanshi. Now how to work herself out from underneath her without doing the same. [End log.]