"In the Darkest Hour of the Night" Log Date: 8/3/00 Log Cast: Sumai, Faanshi Log Intro: It has been half a year since Faanshi received the letter from her beloved Lyre, in which he relayed to her that he must leave Haven to seek out his sister and her son. To try to free them from slavery. And to try, if he can, to see them safely to Avalon. Half a year, in which Faanshi's only hint that the man she has grown to love still lives is a mysterious sword that has shown up at Atesh-Gah -- and which is now in the hands of the Agni-Haidar, who have been following her ever since. She has heard nothing since then, and the young healer maiden is growing increasingly frantic for her absent Mongrel beloved. The word of war in the north among the Varati Clans, several of whom may well be threatening the sovreignty of the fledgling Mongrel nation, adds a whole new host of possible dangers that may block Lyre's path back to Haven... and her. Faanshi misses him terribly, and as of late, she has had little recourse but to take this worry of hers and treat it as everything else that troubles her heart: to lock it away where none inside Atesh-Gah can see it, for she has learned the hard lesson that there are few among the Varati who are concerned over her small troubles. And as of late she cannot even trust herself to seek the consolation of Ushas during reasonable hours -- for fear that the Ushasti women, kind though some of them have been to her, may turn their faces from her if they learn that she is unworthy of their compassion. But Faanshi nevertheless needs the comfort of the Lady of the Dawn, when she wakens in the middle of the night. And as she stumbles out into the rainy darkness, after she gasps out desperate prayers to the goddess, she discovers that someone else prowls the night as well. Someone who may be able to provide her a kind of comfort.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Night (Dawnside) Date on Aether: Tuesday, November 19, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Last Quarter Season: Fall Weather: Rain Temperature: Cool *==========================================================================* Fountain - Courtyard - Atesh-Gah - Haven Concealed within the ring of tall, carefully groomed bushes and the oddly comforting sight of droop-branched willows, is the merry and gurgling presence of a marble fountain. As meticulously cleaned as the rest of Atesh-Gah seems to be, the intricate stonework deceptively simple in appearance. Perhaps ten feet across, the fountain itself is filled with clear, cool water that bubbles forth from a raised pedestal in the centre of the great circle. Carefully tended gardens of bright flowers provide a colourful trim to the circle of trees, their combined scent filling the air with a subtle and sweet fragrance. The temptation to linger here and bask in the soothing feast of the senses is only increased by the presence of the four stone benches that are placed around the fountain. You notice, through the thick greenery of bushes and ferns, a small clearing to the north. Contents: Sumai Obvious exits: Courtyard Great flame, its dark out right now. Not to mention the fact that it is cold and raining in the overcast morning on this fall. All things that most Varati hate, being flame obsessed and warm creatures by nature in any case. For whatever strange reason, though, the Warlord of Messala prowls the night with two guardsmen travelling nearby. Without armor, though he appears to never be without weapons short of the End Days coming, the men also are lacking their armor. This makes teh group quiet and fairly well blending in this dark night and rainy weather thanks to the dark, navy hued colors clinging to their bodies. The men of Messala are not the only ones out and about, as it happens. One lone -- and annoyed and damp -- sentry is currently on watch over the sacred grove wherein rests the shrine of Ushas, in these pre-dawn hours where hardly any of the Holy Mother's worshippers can be expected to seek the divine blessing of the Lady of the Dawn. Hardly any, however, does not mean none. A solitary figure in a red sari, damp but stoically bearing it, has passed the guard's laconic gaze already once in the past hour... and now, Faanshi comes creeping out of the hidden grove, more visible in the darkness in her scarlet than the men in their navy blues. The only sign the shudra gives of her awareness of the cold and the wet are her arms wrapped about herself; someone else might think to make haste for the shelter of the nearby great building, but the maiden's steps are not swift. They are slow and disconsolate, and as always, her gaze is upon the ground. With gaze upon the ground might be that Faanshi doesn't see Sumai until she is on top of him with her strides. His vast, seven foot body stands clearly in her path, his side born to her as his olive-brown eyes look down on the approaching maiden in this early mornign hours. Surely, she is as drenched as he is with clothes clinging to him and matted against parts of his body. His hair is soaked, though the rope-like braid is knit so tightly that water seems to have no effect upon it. The Warlord, however, doesn't say anything as you move nearer to him in your solemn concentration. Cobblestone... cobblestone... booted feet and legs! _Ushas_. Faanshi starts violently, skittering backwards as if she's just been hit by lightning or the flat side of a warrior's blade, and just barely avoiding bumping into the massive figure that to her appears to have melted quite literally out of the surrounding gloom. "F-forgive me, Imphadi, I did not see... I..." The words escape her hoarsely, and although she's managed not to slip upon the pavement stones, there's a notable lack of composure in the shaky way she drops to her knees to kneel. "I have frightened you." Sumai's powerful voice descends on you like thunder from the clouds above, the rain dropping easily and freely onto all the people in this yard. The roiling sound of his voice like the noises of an angry sky continues as his voice breaks free from its container again, "I hadn't intended to frighten you so dramatically." he says as his huge hand reaches out, calloused from work and sinewy with the muscle and tendons that flicker beneath the skin with power, to touch your head in a gentle manner. As though stroking a favored pet that he had found laying in some manner of rest nearby and had caught his eye for a moment. "The fault is--" The words catch in Faanshi's throat, then, as a second wave of startlement floods through her at something so simple as the casual touch of a hand. If the Warlord's benign contact might be akin to how he might touch a favored hound or horse, the halfbreed girl's reaction can only be likened to how that hound or horse might react if it were a creature who had once known a cruel master. No Warlord has touched her since Hashim of Sarazen. That she healed Numair of Behzad, aye, that she's healed Sumai of Messala, does not matter to the little voiceless instinct in the back of her head. A tremor starts at her bowed head and shoulders and shoots palpably through her for a moment, and only after this does she manage to croak out, "Th-the fault is mine..." Not just her shock roughens those gentle tones, though. There's a suspicious tiny noise that might be a sniffle lodged within those syllables. "If you wish to claim the fault, then I will allow you to, though I saw you coming and deliberate stood in your path." Sumai explains to you in his deep and thundering voice while he measures your reaction with his eyes and feels the tremor of your body with the fingers of his hands. Gentle fingers that go no where that may be hurtful or invasive upon you, but seem to strike fear in you. naturally, the Messala Warlord finds this odd as he touches his shudra and naraki frequently as a sign of compassion and favor. It is rare, indeed, that he has been heard to beat or abuse any of his folk though it has happened when they have disobeyed him directly. "Why do you tremble so when I touch you?" he questions you in a simple manner. She hadn't entirely realized she'd done so, not until she'd felt herself do it -- and now, called on it, Faanshi swallows hard behind her veil. Holy Mother, how to answer _that_? Another young woman, less guileless than this halfbreed, might be better able to dissemble, to divert the question without actually lying or speaking pure truth. But this is Faanshi. And this is a night in which she's woken in the midst of uneasy dreams, driven out into the rain by a pang of loneliness and desperate worry, to breathe prayers at the feet of the image of the Lady of the Dawn. In the darkest hour of the night, her heart is stark and clear, and so all she can think of is the unvarnished, abashed truth. In that tiny, tear-roughened voice, she answers hoarsely, "P... part of me fears you, Imphadi." Considering this for a very long time, several minutes he leaves his fingertips upon your temple as he considers your blunt honesty. Literally, several minutes of silence where only rainfall can be heard and, perhaps, some sounds of nature. Finally he speaks in that deep voice, "It is good that you fear me, in a manner. It keeps you from being disrespectful and obscene, which is one reason I like you." Sumai begins before he pauses again and moves his fingertips down your cheek to the tip of your chin which he presses upwards on so that you will be forced to look in his face, "I would rather, however, have your respect. Fear is a motivator that breeds mistrust and secret feelings of hate. Respect, however, never leads to any such manner of vileness." he says as his own olive-brown eyes look down to your own verdantly green eyes, brilliant as any Sylvan's. Wait. The Warlord of Messala _likes_ her? Faanshi has no time to bend her thoughts around this stunning pronouncement, though, for her face has been uplifted, delicate chin in the commanding grip of the massive dark hand. She does not resist it, even though it brings her face into view. Her veil is damp, bringing more of the shape of that chin to the eye than might otherwise be done. And her those Sylvan-green, Sylvan-shaped eyes of hers are damp as well, not only because of the rain. It is dark out this night, with only the wan light of protected lanterns here and there to illumine the path from grove to fountain to courtyard and to catch the hint of tears in the maiden's gaze and the way the black brows above her eyes crinkle together in agitation. She makes no answer, but even in the near-darkness, what little can be seen of her visage might well be answer enough. "You think it is impossible for a Varati, letalone a Warlord who leads his men so fiercely, to like a shudra halfbreed. Don't you?" Sumai says to you in a simplistically regal voice, one of a man so well trained and skilled in the paths of twisting thought and non-contiguous logic, Highly educated and skilled in the use of this education beyond the means that you are likely to have received, though you are quite far from stupid or dense in any manner. "I've never looked at your face before, not really in any case. You didn't seem to want me to, so I obliged." he explains before continuing, "Indeed, I see many more things now than I saw before." "I-I-I am unworthy of a Wa... Warlord's regard," Faanshi mumbles, thunderstruck, frozen now where she kneels with her chin held up. Her arms tighten a bit about her, as a corner of her brain reprimands her severely for her trembling. As for her hiding of her face, reaction to _that_ as well shoots through her features, veil or no veil. Damp black lashes flutter as she blinks; her chin shudders ever so slightly, out of the self-admonishing reach of her arms. "I-I am... not supposed to let anyone see my... face, Imphadi," comes a confused addendum. Considering this a moment the huge man chuckles a moment, a deep barking sound that is rarely heard by his own folk and, perhaps, never before heard by someone who wasn't one of his lovers or close relations. "Perhaps you are unworthy, but it is that very stoic belief that you are unworthy that makes you worthy." Sumai's voice explains to you as the tough pad on the end of his thumb taps on the tip of your chin carefully, "You know your place, you accept it. You do not like it, but you do not rail against as some futile child might. That is why I like you, Faanshi." he says to you and bends over a little to take your forearm gently in his power grasp and hauls you, with the ease of a father lifting a wee babe, to your feet, "Stand." his voice commands you, though he hold on to you in case you wobble or fall again, "Not supposed to show your face. Do you hide it so furtively because our culture asks you to be modest, or because you feel that a man looking on your features would find you repulsive?" The support of that strong hand is very likely a blessing, for the tide of conflicting emotions that now swamps the girl could otherwise be enough to tilt the world around her and tumble her right back down to the rain-slicked cobblestones. A Varati man... a _Warlord_.... voluntarily touching her. Speaking words of praise to her. That takes care of the half of her mind that's filled with shock. But the rest... a choked little gasp sounds somewhere behind the dampened veil. Her eyes squeeze shut, hard, on memory of a pair of fire-lit brown eyes and a Mongrel man's rough, rich voice telling her she is more beautiful than any words can say... and his are the words of a bard. The stuff of fragile little dreams, hoarded against a broad, bleak reality. "I... I-I... do not know how I should answer that," she whispers in desperation, shame in her voice broadcasting a confirmation of that latter guess for all that she cannot bear to put it into words. "You should not fear so much, Faanshi." Sumai says as his paw-like hand holds onto your arm easily and without any of the foce you are certain he could bear against you. In contrast it is far mroe gentle than you might think it would be, and very warm compared to the cool wet morning here near Atesh-Gah. "In fact, I do not find you repulsive in the least. I merely reserve a detachment away from any manner of attachment to your appearance due to your... misfortunate heritage." he speaks to you in a firm, confident manner as he holds you your straw-like frame easily, "I believe those who care not what racial background one comes from would find you attractive, certainly." Lyre's arms, cradling her close against his shoulder as she wept for the death of a friend. Lyre's easy laughter and his little tricks and whistles he taught her beloved dog. Lyre's form held close to _her_ as she poured healing magic through his ailing frame. His voice, uplifted in song. A dozen different memories assail her at the Warlord's clinical surmise, and all at once, her features twist up hard beneath their concealing silk. Her head, already bowed again now that she's reached her feet, jerks sharply away. And she cries, new tears scalding the edges of her eyes and leaking out to add more wetness to an already dampened face. As if her voice belongs to someone else she hears it utter in strange, strangled tones, "I... I have... very little experience in such things, Imphadi..." The forefront of her mind is far too overcome by self-directed disgust -- _the man has said he likes you, shudra, and you disgrace yourslf with this weakness?!_ -- and a sudden vehement need to bring her free hand up to scrub at her eyes. In vain, for her hand is as wet as her face, now. He watches you with his olive-brown eyes and face impassive as the stone walls of Atesh-Gah itself as he does so. His voice speaks again to you in an easy manner, unilaterally lacking emotion yet not seeming condemning or hateful either, "Faanshi, the world is not fair to you, I am certain, but niether is it fair to any of us." his deep voice says to you. Remembering his own woman for a moment, taken from him by a stray arrow in a battle that didn't need to be. Yet, the pain doesn't show in him at all. SUch things are meaningless, because he will be what he has all been; unbreakable. "I will leave you now, I can see that I have dishevelled you and left you with too much to think on at one moment. Go back to your room. Dry yourself, sleep late today if you can. Play with your dog. Do not dwell on the world's hurts, because if you do you will kill yourself in ways more than physical." he says to you and then slowly his powerful hand releases your arm while he watches you. After ascertaining that you are, at least, concious and capable of understanding him Sumai says simply, "Namaste." and begins to move along the path easily. He turns a blind eyes to your sad moment of weakness, not mocking you or abusing you for it before he takes his own leave. Oh, aye, she is conscious and cognizant, achingly so. Sumai of Messala may be unbreakable, with the mountainous strength of the Sons of Fire at his command... but Faanshi of... well, no one and nowhere in particular is not so adept and wise at dealing with her pain. Her gaze does not lift, but her head does turn slightly back in the big warrior's direction, and even as he turns and steps away, her voice trails after him, small and hollow as though part of her soul has drained away through her tears. "Imphadi... would you... p-permit this humble one a question?" Looking back to you for a moment as his huge, booted feet come to a slow halt and pause in the steps. Sumai holdst his position for a few long seconds before his voice comes out from teh opposite side, not looking at you as he speaks, "Yes, Faanshi. You may ask your question if you wish to." his huge shoulders lift a little bit beneath the moist clothing that he wears, cutting a powerful figure against the faint glimmerings of light around him. "Why" -- _do you not strike me? Call me demon? Find me repulsive? Consider your hand defiled by having touched my head?_ -- "do... you... care whether I live or die o-or... am happy?" Her head understands the advice. But her heart, assailed through nearly twenty years of the life she's had to lead, cannot comprehend why it is being given, and for all that Faanshi's voice has fallen again to the toneless inflections she often gives her betters, perhaps the very utterance of the question might suggest a stunned and wondering mind behind her veil and behind the grief that's driven her out into the darkness and the rain. His huge hand, tough as you can remember its touch to be from just moments ago, lifts up to touch the firm and strong chin of its owner. Rubbing and tugging at the hairless flesh that it fidns there for a few seconds, "That is a hard question to answer, Faanshi." his deep voice says to you in a simple manner before he goes on to add, "There are many answers. You are a valuable asset. You have done me favors in the past." he pauses again as he considers and then finally says, "I think the best answer I can give you is that... a king without a kingdom isn't really a king, is he?" and with that he makes his way along the path and into what left of the darkness of night here. His steps, without armor, are veritably silent and soon move him and his guards out of sight from you. [End log.]