"A Quiet Farewell" Log Date: 6/6/99, 6/7/99 Log Cast: Sevilen, Faanshi Log Intro: Faanshi's life is about to change... again. With the reading by the Herald StormBearer of a letter from Kiera Khalida, the young halfbreed healer has received permission to journey to the new nation of Avalon in the company of Thomas Murako. Not even a stern questioning from Nefer Maat al'Samar as to the whereabouts and motivations of her mistress Kiera can really dim Faanshi's anxious, hopeful anticipation of what this journey will mean for her. Asked to return to Atesh-Gah to prepare herself for the journey, the shudra has passed a restless night, and when the morning comes it turns out that among the various things she must do before meeting Thomas Murako and his company is a farewell to one of the few in Atesh-Gah who have shown her friendship... ---------- You wind your way through an opening in the bushes and head toward the fountain. Fountain - Courtyard - Atesh-Gah - Haven Concealed within the ring of tall, carefully groomed bushes and the oddly comforting sight of droop-branched willows, is the merry and gurgling presence of a marble fountain. As meticulously cleaned as the rest of Atesh-Gah seems to be, the intricate stonework deceptively simple in appearance. Perhaps ten feet across, the fountain itself is filled with clear, cool water that bubbles forth from a raised pedestal in the centre of the great circle. Carefully tended gardens of bright flowers provide a colourful trim to the circle of trees, their combined scent filling the air with a subtle and sweet fragrance. The temptation to linger here and bask in the soothing feast of the senses is only increased by the presence of the four stone benches that are placed around the fountain. You notice, through the thick greenery of bushes and ferns, a small clearing to the north. Contents: Sevilen Obvious exits: Courtyard Sevilen watches as you bustle along, curious. Bustling... aye, that word might actually for once be aptly applied to the movements of Faanshi. For the last half an hour she has hastened about Atesh-Gah, doing what tasks she needs to prepare herself for her impending journey to Avalon in the company of Thomas Murako and his Mongrels. She does not own many possessions; what few precious items she calls her own, including a book of herbal lore bestowed upon her by her now-dead great-aunt and barely decipherable to her fledgling reading skills, are nestled in a woven-string bag at her side. Messages have been sent to those who need to know of her departure... and now, nervousness creating a lump in her throat, the girl takes a moment to steal into the garden that surrounds the fountain, wishing to impress the sight of its graceful form upon her memory to sustain her for the time she'll be gone. Sevilen stands before the fountain, gently rolling a white-petaled blossom between two fingers. His poise and posture are pensive but still, the cant of his shoulders and back gives away his attention tot he world around him. His head tilts a bit, and his silvered voice lilts upon the air to you, "Namaste." His head completes a half-turn, revealing his profile to your sight. A soft gasp behind her veil, and Faanshi pauses then, to drop a small curtsey and bob her head down over her own hands. "Namaste, Imphadi Sevilen, forgive my disturbing you," she murmurs in mild alarm. Gentle words upon gentle tones swift upon you to caress your ears, "It is nothing, healer. I am joyed to see you once again. To see you well and able is a gift greater than sunrise." His emerald eyes shift from you to his hand, and he lets the blossom fall to the waters. "You...interrupt nothing, in truth." Wait. Deeply startled, Faanshi glances over her shoulder, and then peeks left and right before turning her gaze more or less back to the young vaisya before her. In the brief instant her eyes are visible, surprise can be glimpsed in them, and even more palpable is the surprise in her voice as she blurts, "You... are pleased to see _me_, imphadi?" With a nod, Sevilen confirms your question. His hand lowers to let his fingertips stroke the surface of the water lightly, dallying for a time before he speaks once more, "I am, healer. To see you well is a great relief to me, but to know you are leaving brings meleancholy, though I know such things do not last forever." Beginning to redden deeply behind the protective curtain of her veil, the maiden absorbs this, finding the offered words as deeply bemusing as many of the events both large and small which have marked her last hand or so of days. "I will... return in a month's time," she ventures then, in awkward and flustered tones. "But I do not understand, imphadi... why... why do you say such things to me...?" "I speak my heart." Explains the soft voice, as his hand lifts from the waters, turning over slowly to let the droplets collect together before falling back into the fountin waters. "I would say that which I feel, and make note of such things as I perceive." His head turns, emerald gaze fixing upon you. "Why do you travel?" Taking refuge in a question for which she can provide a fairly easy answer, the maiden pulls in a breath behind her veil and then replies, "I need to practice my healing... and the Mongrels that follow Thomas Murako have no healer." Faanshi then pauses a moment, and appends wistfully, "Imphadi Thomas... seems to think that perhaps they will not mind that I am a halfbreed and that I am not a very good healer yet." With a nod, he speaks once more. "Your courage and determination shall see you through, I am inclined to believe. You may find them less mindful of your appearance and station than others. And, in some ways....more so." His hands fold before him, as he turns to face you completely now, unblinking stare leveled at you. Faanshi stands there, her head demurely bowed, her gold-hued hands curled about the strap of the woven bag that hangs from her small shoulder. Though she does not look up, she does nod tinily as she murmurs, "They may look at me and... not like me, because they will see a Varati." All she allows into her tone is a stoic resignation, even as the memory of the winged child with hatred in her eyes flashes across her mind. Sevilen speaks softly. "They may find you desirable because you are not. They may seek your company because you are unlike others, and view your breeding as something that brings you closer to them. Indeed, they may regard you as superior for it, more like themselves." "Perhaps," comes Faanshi's uncertain whisper. If that is doubt lurking under her quiet little voice, she does not permit it to be vocalized in her words. Maybe, just maybe, Murako's people will look upon her with favor; she can hope so, for a small number of folk she has met within Haven have already done so. But Faanshi is keenly conscious of her station and her place, and so she works to bury any expectations of how the Mongrels of Avalon will receive her. "I... hope only that they will allow me to try to heal them, if they are sick, or hurt," she concludes. Slowly nodding, Sevilen speaks again. "Look to the future with raised eyes, and see the light of dawn for the promise it presents. Do not let fears color all things, and never let the breath of hops die in your breast." Dawn... the time of Ushas. If there is something in a large and oft-frightening world that Faanshi understands, it is the Holy Mother of the Khalid, and the time of day which is sacred to Her. She ventures a ready nod of her own, murmuring reverently, "Blessed is the time of the Mother of the Khalid... I will try, Imphadi Sevilen, to do as you bid." Then, considering, the maiden appends shyly, "I should not tarry..." Sevilen inclines his head, of all things, and responds. "Yes. May yuor path be safe, your way clear, and the time of kindness to you." Most of her face is hidden, but behind her blue veil, Faanshi smiles to herself, just a bit. She drops a small curtsey to the young vaisya, replying gravely, "May you walk in the warmth of the grace of the Amir-al, Imphadi Sevilen... and thank you for your compassion to this humble shudra." With that, then, the halfbreed girl turns to slip out of the garden, nervousness fluttering within her, and perhaps just a bit of anticipation; as she goes, though, she peeks back at Sevilen, and a fleeting glimpse might be caught of her timid leaf-colored eyes. Sevilen hasn't moved. Not a whit. His eyes continue to adress the form of the girl, his hands held still before him. His kind smile remains as before, with a sincere hope of promise and warmth. "Thank you," comes the tiniest of whispers, but heartfelt-sounding, from somewhere behind Faanshi's silken veil. One more bob of her covered head... and then, on soft-hastening feet, the maiden is gone. [End log.]