"One More Healing" Log Date: 6/15, 6/16/99 Log Cast: Thomas, StormBearer, Kira (NPC emitted by Faanshi), Faanshi, Samuel (NPC emitted by Thomas), Gaiden (NPC emitted by Thomas, Faanshi) Log Intro: The party led by Thomas Murako has suffered an attack just outside the city of Arcillium -- with dire consequences. His Hand, Milane, has been abducted by the Varati renegade Drazhar, and the band of Mongrels has suffered a number of casualties, including injuries sustained by Thomas himself. But in the aftermath of the battle, the timid maiden Murako has brought along with the company, the girl called Faanshi, has demonstrated in an unmistakable fashion the reason for her presence among them. Nine wounded Mongrels have had their lives saved by the abrupt burgeoning forth of the shudra maiden's healing magic. However, before she could heal everyone, Faanshi collapsed. And thus, with Thomas stoically hiding the pain of his wounds and presenting as strong a face as ever to the men and women and children he leads, the company has sent word ahead into Arcillium to alert the city to their coming... and with two more wounded among them, they stagger into the city which is their destination... ---------- Not long after the attack by the bandits and Milane's abduction, a line of soldiers from the city could be see riding down the road towards the stricken party of travellers. Camp was quickly established and the wounded who remainded after Faanshi's storm of healing magic given care and made to be comfortable. The night passed without incident, Thomas Murako keeping to himself in his tent and talking only occassionally with his advisors. He would see no visitors, but rumors abounded that he was stricken with a grave wound. That morning, the camp was broken and all made ready to complete the last leg of the journey. The procession was somewhat more somber, but Thomas did make an appearance, mounting his steed and riding at the head of the train towards Arcillium. If he was wounded, he didn't show it outwardly. Perhaps this was a sign of his mental fortitude or his desire to be strong for his people. By mid-day the "settlement" of Avalon's only city was visible on the horizon. Once an Empyrean trade city, Arcillium lies along the road which leads deeper into Arelate's heartlands and was a major route of goods into and out of this part of the Empyre. In the wake of the war, the city had mostly been abandoned and stripped of all useful goods. Only the architecture remains, but this has been enough to turn it into something of a functional encampment for the new arrivals. The city's outskirts have been turned into farmlands, skilled Mongrel farmers have begun to construct irrigation devices to bring water from distant places, but for now many a'person is seen with buckets. Tents and other small hovels grow more common as one approaches the main walls, holding within craftsmen and living quarters for those that have yet to find shelter. As Thomas and the band make their way along the road towards the city's gate, many who have been working in the fields or in the 'booths' stop what they are doing and watch, wave, or even offer a cheer of support. Certainly, this place has become more than a nexus for this new civilization and any who doubted that the Mongrels and Outcasts could make their own place, might begin to reconsider in the face of these efforts. Among those healed, and indeed the first to have such done, is StormBearer, the Herald. He sits atop his steed, riding next to Thomas, though slightly back. The crow, if you wish to call it that, sits atop his shoulder, calmly examining the people and proccession as if the events of the previous day had never transpired. The Herald himself is somewhat somber, as are many, as he thinks upon the previous days events. Many in the company witnessed what that crow had done during the battle with the renegades that had ambushed them -- and now, StormBearer and his winged companion are given a wide respectful berth. An equally wide berth is given to the cart in which rides the Mongrel woman Kira, keeping a stoic maternal watch over the young healer who had caused a number of their ranks to be on their feet and healthy for the ride into Arcillium. Kosha, too, is keeping watch over Faanshi, curled up determinedly at her side. As the procession with Murako at its head approaches the city, though, the young halfbreed stirs, with the kind of headache one gets from a heavy, overlong slumber. Insubstantial and fragile-feeling, it seems to take her a while to gain awareness of her surroundings -- and Kira, for all that she knows that there are still wounded people among them, for all that she's heard the whispers that Murako himself might have been wounded, is almost of a mind to convince the maiden to go back to sleep. But worry for her compatriots nags at the Mongrel woman, and thus, while the company rides up to the city, she begins with rough gentleness to coax Faanshi into consciousness. The line of travellers finally reaches its destination, passing beneath the gateway that leads into the main city. Those walls which surround the once-Empyrean city are perhaps ten feet in height and constructed of an earthen material. Men patrol the tops of the ramparts armed with spears, their careful eyes watching the horizon for signs of intrusion or raiders. Once inside the walls, the procession comes to a halt as the residents which are already here emerge to greet the new arrivals. Several friends embrace each other and it looks as if not a few reunions are made. Thomas himself urges Tempest forward and brings the beast to a stop before a young boy -- Samuel, the "squire" which assists him with some more menial tasks. "Greetings Thomas." the boy intones softly. "I trust you had a fine trip to Haven?" "Aye, Samuel." Murako grunts in mild pain as he moves to dismount from his horse, "But now I am in need of rest. See to Tempest and then come to my chambers." Settling onto his feet, the Mongrel looks back towards the ground for a moment, one hand holding his side lightly. It is then that Gaiden appears, riding up to his 'leader' upon his own mount, "Thomas, we are overseeing the distribution of these goods. All should be settled by evening." "Excellent, Gaiden. I am going to retire to my chambers for a bit. Would you ask StormBearer to join me as soon as possible? I would like to speak with him." The large man glances over to the spot where the Sylvan herald rides. "I will." A pause as the Avalon commander glances carefully over the man on foot, "Are you well?" A nod is given in answer, "I am fine. Thank you." And then, Thomas Murako takes his leave, travelling down one of the streets a ways and into a stairwell which leads to the place he has made his "home". As the Herald dismounts from his own horse, and even before then, his gaze can be seen to move about quickly over the crowd, scanning though it for any faces he might have seen before, and indeed he sees one or two whom he had previously noticed in Haven, before their flight here, however, none of them seem to merit much attention. Once firmly upon the ground, he lets someone take his horse after he has removed the satchel which had lain behind him on the horse's back. As Gaiden tells him of the Mongrel leader's request, his head swivels to see Thomas's departure. He quickly moves to follow the man into his dwelling place. The Herald duly apprised of Murako's wish to see him, the soldier Gaiden peers thoughtfully at his leader's departing back before wheeling off to oversee the arrangements for the company that's been brought into Haven. In the midst of joyous reunions are a number of concerned faces, for some of those who have ridden in from Haven are still wounded, and Gaiden hasn't forgotten this. It doesn't take the man long to get reports on the states of those who still require care... or on the state of the girl who had walked through their midst the day before unleashing magic upon every injury she touched. To the soldier's way of thinking, the slip of a lass being helped out of the cart by Kira looks barely steady enough to be walking, much less healing anyone else... but still, he's compelled to approach her and ask, "Er, miss... if you're up to it, there's a few more left over from yesterday that need your attentions...?" (Like, for example, a certain stubborn leader of his...) [Thomas and StormBearer make their way off to the Mongrel leader's abode, leaving Gaiden to speak with Faanshi and Kira, trying to ascertain whether the young halfbreed is at all up to healing the leftover casualities from the conflict of the day before. Although Kira is distinctly bothered by the notion of putting the girl through any further strain, Faanshi cannot help but readily agree to take care of the two injured Mongrels... despite the further drain on her strength. The fact that she doesn't faint after tending to the wounded ones gives Thomas's second enough assurance to ask her to do one more healing. And when she hears who else needs her attention, the shudra is stricken with anxiety and concern. Her heart in her mouth, she lets Gaiden lead her off to Thomas's quarters, a short time after the Mongrel leader and the Sylvan herald had retired there...] The passage up to Thomas' abode is a narrow set of stairs that is shrouded in shadows. He has chosen chambers on the second floor of a modest-looking home that apparently once belonged to someone that made a decent living. It is clearly not of Empyreal design and perhaps once was in the possession of a Mongrel or lower caste Empyrean citizen. Near the top of the stairs is an open living area that seems to be spartanly appointed with a wooden table and several new, but very simple couches for sitting. Beyond that chamber lies a piece of cloth that covers the entrance to what one can only assume is the bed chambers. A window along the right wall looks out into the street, that now bussles with activity. The chamber is shrouded darkness as the only source of illumination appears to be the natural light which filters in from the sun outside. A cool breeze fills the room. Thomas sits in a chair near the center of the room, having shed the armor which encased his upper body. He looks to be in a mild bit of pain, but relaxing comfortably. StormBearer sits not far from him. The two men appear to be talking about something serious, for neither of them wear pleasant expressions upon their features. The tread of a heavy, booted pair of feet upon the stairs is the first warning that someone is coming up from below; the second, Gaiden's voice calling, a trifle echoing in the stairwell, "Ho, the upstairs!" The figure that first emerges up into the dimly lit room, however, is the shudra Faanshi, her sandals making far less noise upon the stone than the soldier's footwear. Unused to being invited to precede anyone anywhere, and moving with the cautious deliberation of someone who is not entirely steady upon their feet, the maiden ventures gingerly into the room. Her eyes are anxious over her veil, and her voice calls out plaintively, "T-thomas?" Just behind her, then, Gaiden tromps up the stairs, saying gruffly, "There you go, now, miss, up you get. He won't bite you." Thomas hears the ascension of the boots from the level below and recognizes the familiar tone of Gaiden's voice. But as the maiden appears on the threshold of the stairs, he can't help but turn his gaze to her first and then to the commander, "What is going on here, Gaiden?" Faanshi's nervousness is clear and from the looks of things she's here at the soldier's bequest. "Was there something which you needed? StormBearer and I were just discussing some matters of state." He looks back towards Faanshi, this time with open curiousity, "Is something the matter?" From the way he reacts, you would think that the Mongrel didn't even make the connection that the girl was here to tend to his wounds. StormBearer's head swivels back to see towards the stairs, for indeed, his back was previously in that direction. His eyes seem, .. pained, though they lighten somewhat at the appearance of Faanshi. Remaining silent as Thomas speaks, he then turns back to the leader, untwisting himself. There at the top of the stairs, Faanshi pauses, swaying ever so slightly where she stands, her gaze flying to Thomas's seated form and staying there. Behind her, the commander reaches to take her arm, supporting her with care, as though she were constructed of thin glass and might shatter at the slightest touch. Guiding Faanshi on into the room, closing the distance between himself and his leader, Gaiden stoically announces, "Sorry about the interruption, sir, Herald" -- and he inclines his head to StormBearer -- "but it seemed to me you might need a bit of this lass's attention now that she's awake." Faanshi doesn't speak, but once she's within a few feet of Thomas's chair, her eyes are eloquent enough in the dim light, overbright above her veil, pained. She lets out a small choked cry, then, and totters forward towards the seated Mongrel man. Her hand comes up, palm forward and fingertips extended and quivering. "You _are_ hurt," she breathes in a heartsick little whisper. Behind her, then, Gaiden settles into an at-attention stance, satisfied that the maiden's already demonstrated the reason she's been brought up here. He gives a short little cough and appends helpfully to Faanshi's exclamation, "... Sir." As the healer steps forward, Thomas watches her approach with mild skepticism, one hand resting against the table's edge. Gaiden's words seem to wash over him and no reaction is invoked. Faanshi speaks and his gaze drifts to her alone. Despite the commander's consideration in bringing the shudra girl here, there is a tone in his voice that implies he's not entirely happy with being 'doctored'. Though the Mongrel isn't a particularly harsh individual and he appears to see little benefit in turning away the aid of others. "Very well." a pause as he looks towards the soldier, "Thank you, Gaiden. You may go now and continue overseeing the unpacking of the goods." Then, he looks over towards StormBearer and his face lightens a bit, "Where were we, StormBearer? You were speaking of the legacy of your people. I wanted to assure you that in no way was it my intent to misuse that which would be provided." As he talks, Murako begins to unfasten the ties which hold his tunic closed so that he might expose his 'wound' to the air. He keeps his conversation relatively ambiguous until all parties have left the area. "I give you my word that it would be put to good use and proper acknowledgement was given. I know that this must be a difficult decision for you, but I am more honored that I can say that you decided to honor this humble people with such a glorious gift." StormBearer continues "Yes, I trust you Thomas" he says. As he talks however, his eyes follow the work of Faanshi, and his gaze turns like quicksilver from one of pain to one of fascination. Somewhat distracted, he continues "It is my hope that this benefits your goals. The only concern is not if I shall take your men to it, but when I shall take your men to it. It is not a short journey. It is far to the west, a journey which would take almost three weeks on foot, and a wagon loaded down with gold might take longer than that." Far be it from Gaiden to disobey an outright dismissal -- though if he hadn't seen the girl in sari and veil heal as many of the wounded as she had the day before, including one or two he'd have written off as bound to meet their gods, he'd be much less comfortable with leaving his leader in her hands. As it happens, the commander merely bows and retreats down the stairs, willing enough to leave the task of escorting Faanshi to a proper sleeping place to the woman Kira, stationed to wait at the bottom of the stairwell. Faanshi doesn't see him go... and for that matter, she is barely cognizant of StormBearer's presence in the room. As Thomas grudgingly consents to her touch, and as he begins loosening his tunic, she goes down on her knees just before his chair. Seventeen years' worth of being sternly trained to avoid touching her betters without their leave is all that keeps her from reaching immediately forth to make contact with the dull fire she can sense in his leg and his side. Her palms begin to prickle, furiously, and sharp little stabs of sensation through her hidden ears seem to play havoc with her ability to hear. Thomas continues to disrobe until he slides the stained, worn tunica from his shoulders. One can see now that he has made a makeshift bandage and placed it over his left side to apparently cover the wound which was there. A tiny bit of blood can be seen seeping through in some places, but it looks dried and old rather than fresh. The cloth is no longer white as it has been thoroughly stained by his sweat and the grime of the road. Setting the tunica aside, Murako slides a bit closer to Faanshi as a incidation he will allow her to examine the wound as she might -- suspecting that she may need to have a look at it before she applies her art. "That is a complication." pausing in consideration the Mongrel leader lets out a soft breath, "Three weeks is sometime and you are right that it could take even longer were we laden with goods. But.." ..for a moment his voice fades off. "..there might be a way to get there faster. Cynara, of the Outcasts has promised us griffon mounts should we have the need for speedy transportation. I could ask her if we could use these mounts to ride to the place you have mentioned and retrieve a small amount of the gold. In this way, we might be able to get enough to aid in our defenses and hide the rest once again for a time when it is safer to transport that much wealth overland?" If the Herald is suprised by this, he lets it be known not. "Yes. That sounds good." Griffon Mounts. Though he seem neutral, the idea shakes him a bit. Then he realizes why "However, " he adds to the end of his last statement. "the final part of the journey would need to be made on foot. For I fear, that if the beast still remains there, something flying would catch its attention where a few people on foot would not." Look at it? No, not really; the halfbreed's only method to her magic is to sense pain, touch it, and cause it to cease to be. She does not need to see the damaged flesh beneath the bandage to know that it hurts. As Thomas leans forward to her, Faanshi's fragile grasp on her control slips away, and her hands flit forward of their own accord. One presses lightly against his leg, the other against his bandaged side... and the aether surges. To the senses of the Sylvan, the awakening of Faanshi's magic the day before had been a thunderstorm. This time it is far less vehement, perhaps simply because the shudra's reserves have not yet rallied from her prior work, perhaps because there is only one wounded man in the room... and perhaps because of that man's identity. The flow of her power is still deep and fast and forceful -- but this time, it might well be better likened to a pouring waterfall lit through by sunlight, rather than a storm. And for the man receiving that power, insensitive to the currents of magic, the effects of this maiden's touch are still undeniable. Pain seems suddenly arrested, seized in the sunlit flow of the current of her magic, until it begins to dissolve and subside. Curious ripples in the flesh beneath the bandage and the cloth of his breeches can signal that _something_ is happening there. And perhaps most telling of all, Faanshi's green eyes, pointed up towards the seated Mongrel man, seem to have gone blind and dazed. Even as the waves of magic surge over his form, the Mongrel leader remains in his position upon the chair, gaze turned thoughtfully towards the Sylvan across from him. Yet, even as strong as his will is, when the wound begins to heal over, he is forced to close his eyes for a moment and make a pause. The gash begins to close, flesh knitting over itself and miraculously restoring it to its former healthy condition. As the pain subsides he lets out a slow exhale of relief, for while he carried out without incident, it was clear that it took considerable focus to keep himself in that state of being. "Thank you, Faanshi." Thomas addresses the shudra healer in a soft tone which reflects genuine gratitude. Reaching a hand down, he removes the piece of cloth that was once held over the injury and tosses it upon the table with a casual motion. The place where it once was, now is little more than reddened as the last of the skin fixes itself into place. "Your story spoke of the creature, but you did not mention if it was slain or not. If the beast still lives then it will be guarding its treasures most jealously." Pausing, he looks once again Faanshi and offers the girl a small smile before he continues on with StormBearer, "Can you tell us anything of its nature? What kind of a beast it is? Admittedly, it did great harm to your people and your friend the crow, who is a formitable warrior, was not able to best it. What makes you believe we can escape its harm?" StormBearer's head tilts back lightly. "They are not its treasures. It cared not for the gold or the silver, but apparently only that the people were dead. When my companion " a slight twitch in eyes grants the crow a slight gaze "and I moved through the village, and then the forest, no move was made against us, if we were even noticed. We know little of the beast, for we saw it only at a distance. It took of residence in a deep cavern, and I believe if we approach on foot and bring not too many, we should escape it's notice." Only when her power seems -- to her -- to carry off the last of Thomas's pain do Faanshi's hands release their contact, or at any rate, the one that had been pressed against his side. That one goes dropping, soundlessly and heavily, into his lap; her other, which had channeled healing force into his limb, still presses there for a moment, trembling, as if she has to suddenly rely upon it for support. Her unseeing eyes find Thomas's face, then, and her vision clears just enough to let her dimly note that small smile before she slumps bonelessly forward, her head grazing lightly against his knee. As Faanshi falters beneath the exhaustion of her power's usage, Thomas' head whirls towards the shudra girl as she slumps down. Before she hits too soundly against his stocky legs, the man's strong arms cradle her descent. "I hope so as well, StormBearer." the Mongrel answers a bit distractedly. Then, he rises, easily lifting the halfbreed into his arms proceeding with her towards the couch that lies across from the table at which both men sit. He doesn't speak again before he rests the girl upon the pillows, seemingly content to focus on one action at a time. After ensuring that she is comfortable, he turns back towards the Sylvan Herald and furrows his brow, "Faanshi has done much to help our people in the last few days. She appears to have worn herself down somewhat." Glancing back towards the spot where the maiden lies, he smiles a touch, "Her rest is well-deserved." Pausing, he seems to snap himself back to focus once again, "Where were we? Ah yes, the gold and the creature. I wish you to assemble a party to make for the valley. You may pick whatever warriors you see fit and equip it with all the gear we can provide with our meager resources. I shall speak to Cynara in the meantime and see if I can acquire us some steeds." The Herald watches as Thomas places the healer and his vision flickers there momentarily even after he has turned back to speak. "This will be good Thomas. I hope that it will benefit your people greatly." he seems to be thinking still though, maybe going over the route in his mind... Not entirely unconscious, merely reeling under a too-soon drain on talent barely replenished by a night's exhausted slumber, Faanshi murmurs something indistinct against Thomas's shoulder as he scoops her up off the floor, veil and sari and all. As she's lain down upon the couch, her gaze lifts up to find him again; her green regard unfocused, but oddly clear, shining with palpable relief. "Healed them," she might be heard to murmur, only to subside again at the sound of Thomas's voice addressing StormBearer, and the Herald's voice in reply. Only then does it occur to her -- wait, aren't there people in the city who will need her? Isn't that why she's here? Giving a dismayed little gasp, then, she tries to sit up. "It is my hope that this gift will save us from those who would see us fail." Thomas speaks quietly to Stormbearer, even as the Sylvan man drifts off into thoughtfulness. "Sadly, a people cannot make a nation in this world based solely on hard work and spirit. If that were the case, Avalon would certainly grow to be one of the most powerful presences in Aether, for we lack none of those." Faanshi's stirring causes Murako to look back towards the shudra for a moment, his words still continuing in those moments before she sits up, "Today will be a time of rest, to gather our strength, but I fear we will have to move quickly. We must find out about this 'Traxis' and where he lairs. Right now, he has Milane in his grasp and it is clear that we must save her." When the halfbreed moves to sit up, the large Mongrel is almost instantly back to her side, grasping her shoulders and seeking to push her back down onto the pillows, "Faanshi. Be still. All is well. Everyone who needed your help has been tended to. You need to rest." Like a paternal figure, he hovers over the couch to see that she won't rise again. The Herald's gaze watches carefully as Thomas hovers over Faanshi, silent agreement ringing in his green eyes. He thinks though, accessing those parts of the brain which remember, trying to find something more than he has already offered... Even when her frame is at its fullest strength, there isn't much at all to the shudra girl. Right now, with her magic swirling back down into that portion of her where it hides in its sleep and taking her energy with it, Faanshi is easily kept prone by the big hands upon her shoulders. Another dismayed little noise escapes her, though, at three of Thomas's words: 'Milane' and 'save her'. "Commander Gaiden said Milane is gone," she whispers, her voice drifting up hollowly and dreamingly from beneath her veil, her eyes full of anguish. "Help her, Thomas... she looks like me... so kind to me... help her..." With that, though, her words grow even more frail of tone, and her dark-lashed eyelids threaten to drift shut. "Shhhh." Thomas intones softly, his words seeking to silence the anguished words of the shudra, "We will find Milane, Faanshi." Lifting his hands from her shoulders, he no longer sees the need to restrain her, instead one comes to a rest upon her brow as if in a comforting gesture. "We will bring her back safely. I promise. Now, you need to rest. You have done much work, much good over the last few days. You have helped so many. There is no need for you to give more of yourself." The large Mongrel's words are soft and soothing, surpringly so for a large man such as himself. Looking back over his shoulder towards StormBearer, he eyes the Herald with some mild concern, eyes seeming to reflect the sentiments that the shudra expressed about his missing advisor. Murako remains next to the couch, his presence seeming to want to encourage the halfbreed's looming slumber. StormBearer simply waits and watches, that expression still settling upon his face. He thinks, indeed, but what of? Maybe this, maybe that, they all have an opinion, but who actually knows whats he's concentrating on? Nokomis only knows.. Still, he looks up the ceiling as if concentrating hard on something, or trying to remember, or who knows what else... "Healed them," the healer whispers, comforted by the soft, low rumble of Thomas's voice, even if his words are beginning to run together in her hearing. Her brow beneath the Mongrel's touch is ever so slightly damp, a sheen of sweat glimmering on the skin only a few shades darker than his hand, but beginning to dry in the relative cool of the dim room. That touch, though, coaxes a soft sigh out of her, and Faanshi appends in apparent deep satisfaction, "Healed you." Tension eases out of what little is visible of her face as her eyes close and she floats off into slumber. As the girl vanishes into sleep, Thomas rises from the couch-side and turns to look at the Sylvan, "That was all I had wanted to talk about, StormBearer. And to thank you for all you've done." Taking a step towards the man, he extends a hand in friendship, his face bearing a small measure of a smile -- gratitude, "Your efforts and sacrifices will not be forgotten now, or in the years to come. I have not had many friends of the Sylvan race, but you have proved to be a man who is both trusted and wise." StormBearer lifts himself from the couch, and reaches out a hand to accept Thomas's, clasping it warmly. "Thankyou, and you may call me Conner, which is my private name" he says. Wether or not the mongrel king understands it, the Sylvan has just made a grand gesture, for a person's private name is the link to their soul. Thomas's hand grasps the Sylvan's and his head nods in recognition of the other's gesture, "Very well then, Conner." It is clear that some measure of understanding was made in reference to this "private name", as the tone that Murako takes is one of great respect. "I will await word of your efforts. If any contest them, you may say that you speak in my name and go your way in safety." Releasing the other man's hand he glances towards the exit for a brief moment, "If you wish lodgings within these walls, speak with Gaiden and he will find someone who can assist you." His words trail off as he focuses once again on the Herald. StormBearer straightens himself and answers, though not as quickly as usual. "I will do such." and with a final glimpse at the sleeping form of Faanshi he moves off towards the stairs.. Now rendered oblivious to the exchange between the men, Faanshi drowses there on the couch, her head turned slightly to her side. Even as she lies peacefully still, though, a small plaintive whine can be heard wafting up the stairwell. Shortly in its wake comes the form of the puppy Kosha, as the creature scampers up the last few stairs, sniffing anxiously. She's up here, he knows it! He can smell her! Ooh, others, too! He passes StormBearer, stumbling over the Herald's boots, and then scampers over to Thomas, sniffing at him furiously before he catches sight of the girl on the couch. Yap! And another sound comes up the stairs, then: Kira's voice. The woman calls up sheepishly, "Er, Murako, sir? Sorry about that, the little fellow wouldn't sit still anymore..." So much for a peaceful slumber. Thomas espies the puppy rapidly moving towards his mistress, and as the pooch sniffs his feet, he reaches down to take him into his arms, mummuring softly, "Now, now, Kosha. Faanshi's trying to sleep. Why don't we go and get you cleaned up? Maybe get you some food, eh?" Then if the dog doesn't fidget too, too much Murako begins to follow StormBearer down the stairs towards the origin of Kira's voice. "Kira?" he seeks her out with his eyes as he comes down. StormBearer descends down the stairs, into the city... StormBearer has left. Kosha yips in satisfaction as he's lifted, but when Thomas fails to place him on Faanshi's chest where he wants to be, the yip turns into a whine, and he does in fact wriggle in protest as he is deftly born down the stairs, his muzzle poking over the Mongrel's bare shoulder. "Commander Gaiden asked me to wait for the lass," the stocky-framed, graying Mongrel woman at the bottom of the stairwell calls up, moving into view so the men up at the top of the stairs can see her. She stands aside, though, so StormBearer can pass her, and so that Thomas can as well if he wishes. "She was looking wrung dry." As Faanshi fails to come down the stairs as well, Kira appends, squinting up into the shadows, "Er, she _is_ still up there, aye, sir?" Thomas descends the stairs, his frame emerging from the shadows, "Aye, she's still up there, Kira." Promptly, he hands the protesting puppy over to the Mongrel woman and smiles genuinely, "She's sleeping and I would hate to disturb her. Faanshi needs her rest as she's been through a lot these last few days. Why don't you take Kosha and give him a bath? See that he's fed and bring him back in several hour's time? Then we can wake his mistress and find a place for her to be more indefinitely." Clearly the Mongrel leader has few problems with keeping this maiden in his chambers, which is certain to spread gossip about the nature of their relationship. But, it certainly isn't anything to him, for as he finishes speaking, Thomas Murako turns right around and proceeds up the stairs and back into the chambers above. Poor Kira is left on the stairs with a squirming puppy and probably quite a few questions. [End log.]