"The Mischief of the Mind" Log Date: 9/9/99 Log Cast: Sevilen, Faanshi, Timin, Amar Log Intro: With the crisis of the plague still gripping Haven for all that the disease is beginning to slacken its grip, Faanshi is still as of yet not permitted out of Atesh-Gah unless it is to go to the Tent City to aid in the healing of the refugees there... and even when she is permitted that activity, she is not allowed to heal anyone unless supervised by the Nabi Devaki, the healer of the Atarvani who has been drafted into the task of insuring her magic does not get out of control. And although Devaki _has_ caused Faanshi to sharpen her control, she has done it while making her prejudice against the halfbreed girl all too painfully clear. Over the past several weeks the maiden has suffered stoically under Devaki's domineering 'teaching'... saying nothing even to her mistress Kiera, who is once more within Atesh-Gah for the duration of the crisis. Faanshi is convinced that no one will particularly care that the priestess has been abusing her. Faanshi is, however, mistaken. One or two within Atesh-Gah, at least, _are_ concerned about her. And she has no idea of the extent of some of that concern... *===========================< In Character Time >==========================* Time of day: Night (Dawnside) Date on Aether: Thursday, March 26, 3905. Year on Earth: 1505 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waning Gibbous Season: Early Spring Weather: Clear Skies Temperature: Comfortable *==========================================================================* Courtyard - Atesh-Gah - Haven(#430RJM) If indeed the Hebrew folk of lost Earth are correct in their legends, then this must be the legendary garden from which mankind was expelled. The flat expanse of the great courtyard of Atesh-Gah is covered in the most luxurious grass of bright emerald green, broken only by a cobblestone path for riding and walking to prevent wear upon the lawn. Rich copses of carefully tended wood grow by the walls, lovingly groomed flower gardens acting as a barrier of colour before the rising trees. Perhaps even more relaxing than the sight of the yard are the sensations of it. The lovely scents of flower and tree; honey-suckle, apple blossom, peach, and jasmine; combine with the soft cushion of green grass to provide a sense of peace and harmony that defies the looming sand-hued walls of unbreakable stone. Not even the shadowed maw of the main gate, nor the blocky, unimpressive presence of the impenetrable main keep can overshadow the beauty of this place. Indeed, the stark contrast serves only to enhance it. Contents: Sevilen Obvious exits: Fountain Out Entrance Foyer Stables Sevilen stands in the courtyard, one hand lifted. A slender finger is turning over a leaf, allowing him to examine it more closely. Dawn is coming... but for once, Faanshi has been left to her own devices rather than being rousted out of bed to stumble off to the Tent City and heal what few ailing people remain among the refugees. This morning, she's been left to her own devices. And thus, with her loyal dog trotting at her heels and deeply anxious to get Outside Outside Outside, the maiden emerges into the courtyard, scanning the sky for signs of the rising of the sun, the time of Ushas. Sevilen's soft voice drifts to you in the quiet of the courtyard. "I had thought I might not see you again, healer." His voice seems slightly strained, more tired than in the past. "And the eager footfalls with you can be only one other." Kosha barks -- no more yips, not for this dog. He's grown significantly in the last few months, even when penned up inside Atesh-Gah, for the kennels _do_ feed the hounds well enough. Both the bark and that quiet voice, however, make the shudra girl start. Green eyes flash their gaze round her vicinity until they locate the young man, and then, Faanshi dips her head in demure greeting. "Namaste', Imphadi Sevilen... I have been... kept very busy... did you seek me? Are you well?" She ventures uncertainly closer, trying to blink weariness out of her eyes, half-expecting that any save Kiera within Atesh-Gah who would seek her out would do so out of need of her power. Sevilen turns, a supple twist of his body, bringing his own emerald gaze upon you. "Namaste. I have sought you, I confess, with little success. I am well enough,. The reason for my seeking is concern for your well being." The hand release sthe leaf lightly, drifting to his side like a bit of dawn falling in still air. "I... have been well enough," comes Faanshi's stoic reply, though tinged with weariness it might be. Tinged, too, with a flicker of surprise, as though she does not expect her own welfare to be under anyone's consideration. As Kosha sits down on his haunches and lifts up a back paw to scratch vigorously at an itch somewhere beneath his fur, the maiden stands there beside him, tall and slim and straight... though with her gaze still shyly averted. "My... apologies. I had not known you wanted to find me... I have been ordered to work in the Tent City. Much of my time has put me there." Sevilen's nod comes easily, his soft voice little more than a gentle caress, this close. "Know that I think of you, and that your welfare is of concern to me... as it has ever been." That tone, and the words it relays, catch the shudra by surprise. Blinking rapidly, her gaze flashing up for a moment before plummeting down to her attentive canine, Faanshi blurts out, "I am... most grateful, Imphadi Sevilen. To know that there is at least one... in Atesh-Gah... who..." She pauses, searching for words, while Kosha nudges hopefully at her with his noses. Distracted into crouching down to scratch the hound behind his ears, she then continues earnestly, "Who is concerned for me... gives me the strength to carry on my duties in the name of the Amir-al." Sevilen's eyes follow Faanshi in silence, his voice breaking the still of morning with gentle tones. "I am glad to know that I can lend you strength, even in such a fashion. Know that I am ever here, seeking to help, when and how I can." So very sorry to interrupt the evening revelry. Flirting. Whatever it may be. It IS Spring, as some are more willing to point out than others, and Timin is just out enjoying a bit of the evening weather. Hell, if he's got to be stuck in a Varati compound, the halfbreed might as well enjoy the scenary. Bipedal and otherwise. Over there, the halfbreed is. Sans hood and cloak. Walking. "Thank you," comes the maiden's murmured reply, along with a momentary lifting of her gaze and a slight lightening of her soft little voice, which might be wryness... and might be stoic resignation. Difficult to tell, so softly does Faanshi generally speak. "I cannot think of very many things... with which it would be possible or proper for you to aid... but I am moved by your compassion." Perhaps she smiles; impossible to tell _that_, with that gauzy veil concealing half her face. Sevilen speaks softly, nodding once to Faanshi as she speaks. "Indeed. I take some comfort in the knowledge thus.." His eyes furrow up slightly as his brows knit, and his thoughts seem to delve elsewhere for a long moment. What a sight. A lone couple, bathed in the dim, soft light of a waxing Haven pre-morning. Exchanging low conversation. What this needs is an interruption. Now, Timin isn't quite the purposeful interruption. He was just ambling in that direction. Honest. But he'll get close enough where, through whatever divine mishap, he'll catch some murmur of thought. Enough to draw attention, and those deep-blue eyes. Kosha might be nearing his full growth, but one thing about the dog hasn't changed along with his size, and that's his propensity for tail-wagging. If anything, the canine's tail wags all the more vigorously now that it's attached to a significantly larger and stronger edition of its owner. And thus, under the scratchings of his beloved mistress, Kosha wags that tail with enough force to make a small breeze near his hind-quarters. Faanshi gives her hound companion a look that can only be described as tender, before peeking upward again as Sevilen seems to trail off. A blink or two of those leaf-hued eyes of hers can be registered above her veil. "I am glad," she ventures, by way of prompting him to continue, or perhaps to let him know he was heard. As of yet she does not appear to have noticed the approach of her mistress's mate. Sevilen's eyes return to Fannshi, his emerald gaze settling upon her for a long moment. Then, ever so slowly, his lips turn upwards to form a delicate smile, like an intimate, shared secret, meant only for the young shudra. Still wrapped up in that conversation, eh? Then it'll be the faint murmur-speak of the halfbreed's baritone that might announce his approach. "Kosha..." To the dog. Dropping to his haunches, to get down on the animal's level, if it decides to march on over and say hello. Or whatever it is that doggies do. Barely lifting a flick of eyes to the pair. Have you ever had the pleasure of Timin in your mind? Settling with almost a faint rush of mental presence, like a sharp, soft gust of wind that lingers in a timid breeze. It's the flicker of deep-blue eyes, opening in your mind's eye. And the sentiments, words, like a lover's lurid secret, as audible as any speech. "Oh, shudra...but he *likes* you..." Attentions paid to Sevilen's mind, just briefly, cursory. Whatever the intentions behind that smile proffered her, it would seem that the halfbreed maiden does not quite comprehend it. Black brows knit together lightly over her wide eyes, and for an instant a troubled expression flashes across them -- before something else, the low whurf of her dog beside her perhaps, makes her start. As Kosha swings his attention around to eye the newcomer, having recognized his scent, Faanshi blurts, "T... Timin!" Has she been given leave to refrain from calling him 'imphadi'? At the moment, she does not remember. Flustered, she leaps to her feet, a dainty bird almost startled into taking flight. Without a sound, Sevilen turns to regard the crouching halfbreed. His features school once more to neutrality, his unblinking gaze directed at this Timin for the span of long moments. No need to stare, Sevilen. He's not *that* ugly. Is he? He's had no trouble with the ladies, if that's the case. Ask Kiera about it: she'll get really mad. But the halfbreed is busily scritching behind Kosha's ears, as is necessary when greeting any dog. Oh, Timin, say hello to Faanshi. It *is* her dog, after all. Lifting the lightest of smiles, tinged with arrogant amusement, to the healer. "Good evening, Faanshi. Morning, whatever the case is." Back to the dog, for a moment. "It's been some time." And the ghost-eyes flicker, using yours only as long as they stay trained on Sevilen. His thoughts, words come as tender whispers, warm breath *almost* palpable on the soft skin of your ear. And they continue. "A bit skinny, isn't he? Perhaps you could find a more...strapping suitor, Faanshi?" Please, read into the double entendre. It's intentional. As far as Kosha is concerned, Timin has earned himself a doggy sainthood, with that delightful back-of-the-ears scritching; the only thing that'd do more to insure the male halfbreed's doggy deification is if Timin decided to offer him some sort of tidbit of nice fresh meat. The young canine regards his self-appointed new scritcher with quite the benign gaze now, and the tail-wagging picks up its pace. Faanshi, in the meantime, can be heard to gasp aloud, a hand flying up to where her mouth must be behind the gauzy azure veil. Above its top edge, her eyes go as round as dinars as her attention flashes from Timin to Sevilen and back again. "G-good morning," she stammers out in the tiniest of voices, a reaction not at all in keeping, it would seem, with the polite greeting offered her. Sevilen's eyes travel again to Faanshi, concern evident in his silent gaze, though he speaks not. His body is eerily still, as if not breathing at all, though the motion of his eyes betray his conscientious attnetion No matter how big Kosha gets, he'll just be some overgrown puppy to Timin. As long as he keeps greeting this enthusiastically, that is. Alas, Timin has no meat, so Kosha will have to be disappointed. "And how do you fair this morning, Faanshi? I hear..." The tentative pause, as Timin's head tilts gently. "Disturbing news, about you. Perhaps my source simply heard the name incorrectly." A lift of brows. A chuckle, soft and tinged with the halfbreed's baritone. And the voice is even closer, in a chiding, teasing bit of speech. "Or perhaps, he's...shaped a bit differently, under all that cloth and armor." Another languid blink, the ghost-eyes flicking gently. Oh well, Kosha will cope; scritches will content him, for now. However, the little gasp thrown off by his mistress _does_ seize his attention. Overgrown pup he might be, but he is trained to watch over Faanshi, and any signs of distress from his mistress distract him even from scritchings. The maiden's other hand flies up to join her first as if she strives to push that gasp back the way it came, while she stares round-eyed at Timin as though he has perhaps sprouted wings or a second head. "I wouldn't know!" she cries out in mortified tones that suggest she's blushing crimson beneath her veil; then, uncertainly, she babbles, "I... I mean... I am well enough... I..." Her gaze flashes then to Sevilen. If anything, she seems all the more mortified now, taking an involuntary step backward and dropping her gaze quite firmly to the nice, straightforward cobblestones beneath her sandaled feet. "I am fine!" Sevilen tilts his head, a tease of motion betraying that there is life in him, despite outwards appearances. His unblinking emerald gaze orients once more on Timin, as if trying to pry out what it might be that he seems to be hinting at." "And that is good to hear. Your mistress, as well as I, have concerns for your well-being." Timin will be trying to gently guide Kosha baaaack to the scritchings. Shifting gently on his haunches, bring his feet under him more firmly. "What keeps you occupied, of late?" It's the grin, the actual phantom-touch of lips against your ear, that crinkles the eyes, brightens them in your mind. "Ah," comes with a gust of imagined, strong warmth. Contact, skin on soft skin, with the question. "But don't you *want* to?" So he doesn't talk much. Just cuts out all the pillow talk. Torn, the dog lets out a low baffled whine in the back of his throat, quirking his fluffy head up at the shudra maiden before Timin's dextrous fingers seduce his attention back again. But now Kosha is not losing himself as attentively in the scritchings as before, especially when Faanshi makes a soft anguished sound of self-directed dismay, shaking her head rapidly as though to try to clear it, rubbing dainty golden knuckles across her eyes. "I... I have been... working in the Tent City... healing..." Oh dear, she's starting to sound unwell, overwhelmed. Whatever could be troubling the girl? She inches back a bit more, obviously shaken; her gaze remains locked downward now, meeting neither Timin's azure gaze nor Sevilen's green. Beats Timin. He's just playing with her dog. Cute doggie. "Imphada." With a lightly stern edge, and more than a touch of concern. "You don't sound well. Are they letting you get proper rest, while you heal the masses?" Scritchscratch, behind Kosha's ear. And the blue eyes watch. Carefully. Sevilen turns, feet carrying him to Faanshi's side, despite what her dog may do to him. "Let me assist you, please. You should sit." The rest need not be spoken, but his eyes mirror the concern in his soft voice. One hand is offered to Faanshi, the slender arm holding palm up to her. Another chuckle, and the whisper is abated, for a moment. A wash of warm calm, projected gently through your mind. "There, there, imphada. No need to fret over it." The blue eyes softening, fading out as Sevilen approaches. "Just a...consideration, perhaps." Let the Varati take over from here. "I... I am fine, tr... truly... the dawn comes... I need to pray to Ushas...!" The words burst away from Faanshi like leaves blown from a branch in a stiff wind, and as Sevilen approaches her, she shows absolutely no sign of lifting her gaze to him. "P-perhaps I am... a-a-a little weary..." A -lot- weary; she must be imagining things, surely? This, however, does not get voiced by the shy stoic maiden. "But it will pass!" "As you say, Faanshi." He doesn't seem to quite believe the girl, Timin. Regarding her with a careful stare, and the gentle pursing of lips. "Perhaps a bit of rest would do you well, rest. You need your strength for the Tent City and the ill therein." Right? And the halfbreed will lift himself from his haunches. Stand up, Timin. Sevilen nods, moving his hand down to his side. Voice gentle as a feather's caress, he *requests* of the girl, "Please, Faanshi. Sit and rest yourself." "I... I, I have no time, the Nabi may come looking for me, I never know when to expect her..." Faanshi's voice, at the sound of Sevilen's, turns almost too small to be heard. Only Kosha manages to get into the maiden's line of sight, as the anxious dog steps over to nudge at her with his nose. With a shaking hand, the halfbreed girl sketches a sigil of the Lady of the Dawn across her breast, and an unintelligible murmur sounds somewhere behind her veil. Perhaps she's praying already. Looks like a Kodak moment. Which doesn't require Timin for further conclusion. He'll be turning, to continue his walk through the Atesh-Gah. Enjoying the morning sunlight and the cool temperatures that have been so go as to settle on the area. "Enjoy your morning vigil, Faanshi," is almost an amused thought, slipping out through a low murmur. Dunno how much praying one can get done with a conversational mate, but hey. Timin's just the kafir. What does he know? Amar passes between the heavy stone pillars that flank the entrance to Atesh-Gah, and joins you in the courtyard. Amar has arrived. With the coming of the morning, the courtyard is still fairly deserted, save for a single flustered shudra maiden, her anxious canine companion, and the young man hovering attentively near her. Faanshi, to anyone who might care to glance her way from afar, is clearly obviously deeply shaken, her gaze pointed solidly downward on the dog Kosha who pokes at her concernedly with his muzzle and one of his front paws. Where is this half-breed healer? Not only the priestess, but she as well, saved the life of his friend, not to mention saving him from a lot of likely pain, had he not been tended to.. Amar walks across the courtyard, a seemingly empty leather backpack hoisted over one of his shoulders, his unkempt hair blowing backwards from the winds. Sevilen stands nearby Faanshi, eyes showing concern, though he is silent, so as not to disturb her apparent vigil. Vigil, perhaps, or just simply the fact that she's deeply flustered. Since Sevilen has made no further move to cajole her into sitting down, Faanshi turns her attention and her trembling hands to first trying to soothe her dog... and only then does she stammer to Sevilen without looking at him, "I... should go. I do not have much time to rest... " Why is it always impossible to find anyone at this place? Amar sighs softly, then his eyes widen slightly as he spots Faanshi, the man next to her and the dog accompanying her.. Adjusting the weight of his backpack, he takes a deep breath, before he starts heading in that direction. Sevilen's voice cuts the air, worry evident in the gentle tones. "If the healer does not rest, they will be too weak to help more. You must rest, or you will fall." Dainty though Faanshi might be, significantly more so than a maiden of pure Varati blood, still she has the stoic determination that eighteen years of being raised among the Children of Fire as a shudra... and a halfbreed... has instilled within her. It is not necessarily exhaustion that puts the tremble into her slender frame, not now. But whatever it is that plagues her, she seems to wrestle with it, pulling in a breath and murmuring, "I have rested enough." It will be enough; there is no other option. "A-again I thank you for your concern, Imphadi Sevilen... but I will be as well as I can..." "He's right, you know", Amar comments, finally coming within hearing range.. He slows down his steps, and a small, lop-sided grin curls his lips. His usual manners. "You may remember the condition I was in.. I think you resemble quite well how I felt. Get some rest, or someone will have to carry you to it.. " He glances at Sevilen for a moment, grey blue eyes taking the slight built man in for a moment, seemingly recognizing him from somewhere. Sevilen's head dips slightly. "There are other healers, and they are working. But they rest, when they must. To do otherwise would be an abuse of self, which He frowns upon, and a squandering of precious skills for the future." _Another_ one? Oh, Ushas! Kosha and Faanshi turn as one, and while the dog shifts position to place himself protectively just before the young healer, Faanshi pulls in another shaky breath to steady herself. "Namaste', Imphadi," is her first acknowledgement of Amar's arrival, along with a maidenly bob of her blue-saried head. But she looks neither at Amar nor at Sevilen, even as she murmurs determinedly, "I _have_ rested." Five hours of sleep counts as rest, doesn't it? "I will not faint." There is no other option; who knows when, after all, the Nabi might appear out of nowhere and call her sternly to task for her failure? And for all that her soft voice contains a certain hollow resignation, still, there is something like resolve relayed in those quietly uttered words. Amar furrows his brow slightly in confusion at Sevilen's complicated tangle of words.. Then he shrugs his broad shoulders, his hair shifting over them, must be one of them poets. His insolent grin returns, this time directed towards Sevilen.. "Hey, aren't you that fellow who tried to get my sister into maidenly trouble with your smooth tongue?", he accuses humorously. He turns to Faanshi again, and folds his arms across his chest. "Alright.. Just make sure it /is/ enough, alright?... " He pauses, and takes a deep breath. "I would also like to thank you for what you did. I owe you one. " Halfbreed or not, what does it matter? The woman saves lives. Faanshi has been thanked for healing before -- by Mongrels. Being thanked by a Varati on the other hand is a bizarre enough experience that she is caught utterly by surprise, her throat beginning to constrict, moisture beginning to prickle at her eyes in reaction. For just a moment she dares to peek at Amar, a startled joy kindling in her gaze. All she says, however, is a huskily breathed, "It was my duty... as the holy surahs dictate... you owe me naught, imphadi, but you are welcome!" Kosha, in the meantime, peers intently at this new strange young man, as if trying to figure out exactly how he should be classified in the canine lexicon of People Generally Encountered By His Mistress. Something like a friend, it would seem! Sevilen looks at Amar in momentary surprise, but quickly dismisses the jest as just that, with a nod of understanding, and returns his attention to Faanshi. "Very well. I do not wish to see you ill, or hurt. Please mremember my concern." So ignorance of customs in society can render some good effects as well on occasion, such apprechiation? Amar is who he is, often getting into trouble for exactly that. Grey blue eyes blink slightly, and he pushes some wild curls of dark hair away from his face. He didn't at all expect a reaction like this. He chuckles softly. "Well, in that case I am glad that you did your duty then, yes?" He still seems slightly taken back, or at least a bit puzzled, by the joyful reaction.. Not that he minds of course, as his intention after all were to thank the woman. He glances at Sevilen, and his lips form what could almost be a smirk. But it's more contemplating than mocking or intending to annoy.. Why doesn't he answer with more of those smooth words of his? Faanshi does not exactly smile -- though if she did, it would not be visible behind her veil. Still, though, as she bobs her head in Amar's direction, there is genuine relief and concern in that soft little voice of hers as she inquires, "The imphada... she is recovering well? She was so very badly hurt..." Having a dog nearby is a handy distraction, and Faanshi goes down on one knee next to her hound, occupying her gaze with scrupulous inspection and periodic thorough scritchings of his thick, fluffy short fur. As this is quite acceptable to Kosha, he starts wagging that tail of his once more. Sevilen withdraws quietly, surrendering the custody of conversation to Amar. Once more he becomes still and unmoving, almost a statue among the ardens. My weren't we all talkative today? That's something that could be interpreted from Amar's smirk, arms still folded in front of him. As Faanshi speaks again, he nods his head. "She is. Although she is somewhat.. shaken.. It would be a pity if something puts traces.. She's got quite the set of wits that woman.. " His smirk turns into a grin again. Since when did Varati men encourage such traits in women? This one obviously does. He looks down at the dog, and his gray blue eyes turn somewhat wary for a moment.. He never trusted dogs.. "You must have had your hands pretty full lately? There has been quite the amount of injuries after all. " He looks sideways at Sevilen again. Is the man going to say anything? What happened with that honey tongue.. ? Sevilen seems content to observe, wanting not to cause Faanshi more distress, and not about to interrupt the nonsensical interrogation Amar seems to be performing. The change in topic, not to mention having someone a trifle less alarming then Kiera's mate present in the courtyard, seems to steady the maiden somewhat. Faanshi's head still remains demurely bowed, but her voice gains a bit of strength and clarity as she solemnly replies, "I am not often called upon to heal injuries, imphadi... most... do not permit me to heal them." ".. That's a complete waste of talent.. ", Amar mutters, mostly to himself, but likely aloud enough for the others to hear. Perhaps he shouldn't question things in society too openly, might get him in worse trouble than he has been into so far. He finds what he seems to think is a better response instead, and his lips curl slowly upwards towards one side. "Now that's their dilemma, isn't it? " He pauses and takes a deep breath. "Imagine the honor, to die because of the pride and arrogance of who does the healing. " He looks down at Kosha again. Better be careful of that dog.. His intentions is perhaps not to cause distress, although his manners are insolent from the very start, not to mention he does a lot of .. perhaps unnecessary talking. Amar's sardonic words give the shudra healer a bit of pause; she goes still, just long enough to make Kosha nudge inquiringly at her fingers, and then swing his steady regard up around to the newcomer. A good dog to be wary of, this one. Kosha is large and still growing, and the intelligence in his stare is unmistakable. A moment pauses, though, in which Faanshi seems to somehow... catch herself. Then she murmurs only, "It is not my place to comment upon such things, imphadi. But by the mercy of the Amir-al and his Holy Mother... if a wounded or sick one... chooses to be healed by another, the Children of Fire do not lack for healers." Amar nods slowly. "This I know.. But the waiting for a new healer.. may result in death. " He shrugs his shoulders, having spoken his opinion. His insolent grin returns to his features, as he opens his mouth, about to likely drop another remark, before his eye catches a faint glimmer on the ground. Stepping back, he squats, and picks up what seems to be a discarded, rusty piece of iron.. It could come from basically anything. He twirls it between his fingers, and his grin widening a little. He tugs the straps of his backpack loose, and drops it in there, pulling it back again. "Could need more of those", he murmurs. Brushing dust off of his trousers, he stands. "Well, I done what I came to do. Please send the priestess the my best thanks as well. Not to mention Jasira's. " He turns to leave, then suddenly pauses. "Do you have a name, by the way?", he grins lop-sidedly once more. "Faanshi," says the maiden softly, once more bobbing her head a single time. "Of Clan Khalida. I will relay your thanks to the Nabi, imphadi, and those of the lady as well." Perhaps hoping for an opportunity to withdraw, the shudra healer rises to her feet, prompting Kosha to move along with her. "In fact... I... should seek her out... if she expects me to work in the Tent City... if you will excuse me." A brief, uncertain glance is flashed towards the silent and stoic figure of the other young man in the courtyard. "Namaste', Imphadi Sevilen..." Back flashes the green gaze, to Amar. "Namaste'..." To both young men, the halfbreed bows over her hands, clasped at her breast. The last thing she says before she beckons to her canine is a softly whispered, "Come, Kosha, come...!!" And as the dog barks, his mistress turns and flees... with the sort of swiftness that suggests a turmoil within her gentle heart. [End log.]