"Entering Behzad" Log Date: 11/24, 11/26/99 Log Cast: Devi, Faanshi Log Intro: The most frightening task she has ever been commanded to take on has been laid before the shudra Faanshi: to infiltrate Clan Behzad, which has been direly struck by the earthquake that shook Haven, and heal its hurt and ailing people in secret... under the nose of a Warlord who has gone mad and who seems bent on destroying his own Clan in the name of making it 'pure'. Begged for Atesh-Gah's aid by the Nayaka Numair and the Ushasti priestess Devi, the Foreign Minister Ranjeet Khalida has ordered the halfbreed healer to help the benighted Clan for as long as Numair and Devi deem it safe for her to stay -- and has ordered her to at all costs stay out of the notice of the Warlord, for there will be no salvation for a mere halfbreed healer if she should step awry and bring Sakhr's wrath down upon her. Faanshi is unnerved to the depths of her soul by the prospect of having to risk the ire of _another_ mad Warlord, and all the more so for being forbidden to tell anyone -- her teachers or the Mongrel bard who has grown very dear to her -- where she is going. But there are people in need. And so even though she has been told that other healers will be smuggled into Behzad's Clanhall as well, even though she is more afraid than she knows how to express, she does not wait to go to Behzad's aid... and must trust to borrowed clothing and the name of the mother she never knew to disguise her from the eyes of Sakhr.... ---------- A late summer's night, the full moon muffled in thick smudges of clouds. The city is as quiet as it ever gets; even in the dead of night, a half-million souls will generate a goodly amount of ambient noise. Enough so that it could be noticed, perhaps, how very quiet the Behzad Clanhall is. The gates are open only enough for a single person to slip through, and the number of guards are halved. Now and again one will mutter or cough, but the uncanny silence always returns. It is through this silence that Devi slips, moving out from the Clanhall with a stiff, somewhat painful stride. Her usual crimson-and-black silks are replaced with pure black; mourning clothes. No jewelry, no flash. She takes three steps out from the gates and just...stops, looking around as if the entire city had crept up on her unnoticed. Devi Black, blacker, blackest. All feral fluidity and lithe-limbed languor, Devi stands perhaps five and a half feet tall. Her body is a dusky-skinned study of sleek, whippet-lean curves and femininely-sculpted planes shrouded in funereal silks -- blousy black silwar ride her hips, crimson striping stark lines along the swaying, weighted sash; fiery-hued scarves replaced with a bell-sleved choli the colour of midnight. Tawny amber eyes, unflinching and filled with an eerie-odd intensity, are limned with kohl, lids decorated with burnt umber. Onyx hair, smooth as its namesake, is gathered into tiny braids, the ivory finishing-beads clatterclicking like finger-bones. Short enough to brush cheekbones and chin in the front, the braids drape heavy and smooth to the shoulderblades in back. Nightblack nails tip slender, henna-patterned hands, their swift-smooth gestures sculpting additional nuance to words carried on a honeyed-harsh voice. The golden jewelry is gone, turning her footsteps from a series of tiny chimes to a wraithlike progression. < +Views. > Faanshi is not at all certain what bothers her more: wearing the colors of a different Clan, or the distinct lack of the comforting bulk of her dog Kosha at her side. She is alone in the dead of night, with nothing to her name but the tiny knife and the few pouches of precious herbs she's hidden beneath her leyang. Anyone could steal upon her in the gloom and make off with her, and she is achingly conscious of her vulnerability without her hound. For the last hour she has hidden near the Behzad gates, silently repeating prayer after prayer to Ushas to keep her unseen until such time as one or both of the two she has been ordered to seek make contact with her. And now, as Devi slips out into the street, the halfbreed shudra straightens, nervously straightening the black leyang that covers her hair and the red veil that hides the lower half of her face. Green eyes risk a peek over the veil, to try to get a better look. Is this the woman she seeks? Black on black silks, the faint clatter of braid-beads; the braids might give it away, for she is the only Haven-dwelling Behzad with her hair done in that style. The clothing might, too, depending on how thorough the description was. Devi looks up to the sky, rubbing wearily at her nape as she does, then turns towards Atesh-Gah and starts walking in that direction. Now and again a wink of white will show from beneath her silks -- an ivory statuette, the pale surface smudged with ash and charcoal. Slow, painful-seeming steps; she's in no hurry, and looks as if she couldn't hurry if she wanted. It _is_ her. Faanshi swallows behind her veil as the Ushasti woman draws close to where she's lurking between a pair of buildings, and only when she is within range does the girl dare to whisper aloud: "Namaste', imphada... this humble one seeks guidance... and to deliver the mercy of the Lady of the Dawn." Her voice is young and unsure... but she does not stammer. Jumping out of your skin is for people with more energy than Devi -- she starts, shoulders hunching a little with a belated wince, and looks in the direction of the whisper. There's something odd about her skintone, something 'off' in the colouring, though it's hard to tell precisely /what/ in the dim lighting. One blink, another, and then a puzzled frown; she glances towards the gates, then takes a step towards you and murmurs, "What are you doing outside the Clanhall, young one? You know the Warlord's edict." It's been a long, long day. Hopefully the denseness can be excused. For a moment, Faanshi is stricken with indecision. Perhaps the imphada priestess does not know who she is? Perhaps this is the wrong woman? The halfbreed girl pauses, steels herself, and pulls in a long breath before murmuring as steadily as she can, keeping her eyes down but hoping that she's captured this woman's attention appropriately enough, "I beg the imphada's pardon and will explain myself... if you will enlighten me... as to whether you are the Imphada Maithuna Devi Amavasya?" Or perhaps Devi is simply very tired and very, very woolen-brained at the moment. She's definitely had better months. Move to Haven, see the sights, she thought. She straightens a little when you speak her name, brows furrowing gingerly. "I am Devi, yes," she replies, curiosity and wariness edging in on her previously-even tone. Something about this shudra, the voice...but it's dark, and the colours are wrong, and she can't seem to place it. Another glance to the gates, another step forward, then: "I know you. Who are you?" Ushas be praised. It would be an inauspicious beginning, indeed, if she were to make contact with the wrong woman! Faanshi still does not look up, but she steps a little closer, bringing her tall, slim young frame into slightly better view -- and a little horrified gasp escapes her, a hand coming up involuntarily, her eyes almost doing so. "My name is Faanshi," she breathes, "and I am sent to help, Imphada." "What? What is it?" she asks, when you gasp. Devi lifts a hand, sniffing at the silks over her forearm. "The smell of the pyres?" Yes, people are still dying within the Behzad Clanhall, the telltale black smoke-curls wafting up towards the sky three or four times a day. She rubs between her brows for a moment, then lets her hand drop with a sigh. "You-" She stops, frowning at you again. "Faanshi. You-" Another halt. The gears whir in Devi's head, slowly at first, then picking up speed. "Oh." Again, even softer: "Oh." If there was a wall nearby, she'd slump against it in blind relief. "By Ushas' mercy, you've come." She blinks rapidly, trying to clear the fatigue-clouds from her mind. "The Foreign Minister, last night...it was his doing." "Yes, imphada," the younger woman urgently replies, stepping closer still, as close as she dares -- for she dares not raise her eyes, nor her voice. "I am to speak to you and to the Imphadi Hakan Adham-Numair al-Behzad and serve as you command me." A pause, and then, emotion roughens her otherwise soft, solemn words. "You are in pain, imphada. I can help you." "The Nayaka. Yes. He whispered something to the Foreign Minister..." Her shoulders shake once with dry, soundless laughter. "In front of Sakhr. Foolhardy...and brave." She rubs her nape again, slowly, thinking. "There is so much that needs to be done, and so few ways to accomplish it..." She trails off with a sigh, canting her head just slightly to study you. "Aye, the Warlord has ordered all of Behzad through a boiling shower. Purification...it's Ushas' doing that there is not enough wood to spare to heat the water as hot as he wishes it." Another dry chuckle. "Will it tire you to help me, young one? There are others who need your gift more than I." "I am young and strong," comes the shudra girl's earnest, soft reply. "And there are other healers who will be coming, in secret. It will not harm me to begin with you, imphada, but I will heal who and when I am bidden." Faanshi steals another peek over the top of her red veil, green eyes liquid and anxious... but resolved. A glance back to the gates, before Devi steps out of the dim light and into the darker shadows near you. "If you are certain," she murmurs, rubbing briefly at her nape again. "I cannot tend properly to the others if I am ill, myself. And there are several that I cannot help, that are beyond my skills and require magic..." She trails off, shaking her head once. Concentrate. "Can you work here, or would you prefer to return to Atesh-Gah?" "I wish to go where I am needed, imphada." The halfbreed has yet to raise her voice, but it remains steady even as she whispers. "I am not needed in Atesh-Gah." "If we enter the Clanhall, you will have to submit to the showers. All who leave the..." Devi's veils shift as she purses her mouth. "...'purity' of the Clanhall are required to do so when they return. The guards will be watching for any signs out outside aid, as the Warlord ordered, but many are weakened or injured themselves. It would be best to come and go as little as possible, perhaps come in with two or three of the healers at once." Pause. "Best to heal me then, after the showers." Another shower. Gods above. She sends a silent but fervent prayer that the wood supplies have dwindled even more. Behind her veil, Faanshi swallows hard. If the pain radiating off this priestess before her is any indication, these showers of which she speaks are going to be her first trial. But she _must_ pass them, in order to do what she has been entrusted to do. "I..." For a moment, her soft voice cracks a little, speaking of the fear with which she is wrestling. But she goes on, more or less steadily, "I must... go where I am needed, imphada, and they who need me are inside the Clanhall." There. She's said it. Devi's head cants a little to one side, tawny-amber eyes focussing hard on you. "And you would enter now, then leave, then return again?" She sighs quietly, gaze dropping to the ground, and gives a slight, careful shrug. "As you prefer, young one. Best we return now, while most of the Clanhall sleeps, then." She steps back out onto the street and squares her shoulders somewhat. "I am to stay as long as I am needed, imphada," murmurs Faanshi softly. She does not look up to meet that piercing regard, but her whisper is sure. Willing enough to follow where she is led, she steps after you when you begin to move. Slow, quiet steps lead the way back towards the gates, accompanied with a quieter voice: "If the guards challenge you, I will tell them you are new from the vara, arrived just before the earthquake. Things have been chaotic; it is a likely story." Nearer the gates, dark figures can be seen in the low towers to either side, leaning against the stone walls as they watch for nonexistent enemies. Devi pauses at the threshold to glance back and murmur, "Courage and Ushas' mercy for us both," before slipping inside. "Say to them that my name is Yamineh, imphada," is all that Faanshi whispers, as she moves to follow the older woman back to the Behzad gates. Devi passes through the stone arch marking the entrance into the Behzad Clan Hall. Devi has left. You step through the stone arch and enter the courtyard of the Behzad Clan Hall. Courtyard - Behzad Clan Hall - Haven(#388RAJLh) High walls of roughly hewn stone loom overhead, and the worn stonework of the floor indicates that the dwelling ahead was built a long, long time ago. Obviously built for a wealthy Varati, this courtyard has been constructed to resemble a subterranean vara. Around the perimeter of the courtyard are small buildings--stables on either side, one for horses, the other for firedrakes; a kitchen; a small forge. Over the massive oaken door leading into the house hangs a large crimson flag, matching the livery of the Behzad guards that stand on either side of the door on formal occasions. Contents: Devi Greenhouse - Behzad Clan Hall - Haven Obvious exits: Massive Doors Street Even for the dead of night, the Clanhall is overquiet -- the few guards patrolling the gates are silent, several walking with the same stubborn, pained stride as Devi. The smell of the pyres lingers, acrid and black, a few tendrils of smoke still rising from the freshest one. A few scaffolds have been set up to try and repair the damage to the great hall, but without the stone to spare, they sit abandoned and useless. In one of the far corners are pallets and lean-tos, a few small fires burning; in the other are makeshift sheds and three large water-troughs up on supports, a dying fire beneath the middle one. "This way," she murmurs, as she turns for the showers. The smell is what reaches Faanshi first. The first time she'd encountered the stench of burning flesh, they'd burned the Warlord of Sarazen -- because of her. Many more funeral pyres had been the result of the great plague that swept through Haven some months ago... and thus, now, the halfbreed girl does not need to ask what it is she smells now. The second thing that strikes her as a guard passes her and her escort not far away is pain, held in stoic, grim check, and the sense of it sends a new tendril of fear through her heart. Are they _all_ in pain, here in the Clanhall? It takes her a moment before she is able to whisper back to Devi her acknowledgement of "yes, imphada", and then with renewed worry she hastens after the older woman. Pain. Yes, everyone you near is in pain. A few of the guards might not be as bad -- most of those show signs of sedation, however, their eyes glassy in ruddy-scalded cheeks. And the seriously injured await at the other end of the yard. The guard set to watch the fires is leaned up against one of the supports, dozing; he starts as the two of you approach, studying you both blearily, then rumbles something about more firewood and limps off. "Three showers," Devi says as the man moves off. "Cold, then hot, then cold again." Her shoulders move with a deep breath as she finishes, "I will go first. You will have to disrobe." She looks at you for a moment, then down to the fastenings of her own silks. No screens for modesty's sake, just the showers and the wide open yard and the steam rising from the middle trough. She'd expected this, but still, it comes as something of a distinct shock for a maiden who's spent her life barely able to bring herself to remove her veil, much less any other article of her clothing, before another person. Again comes the "Yes, imphada", but this time it's delivered in the barest of whispers, along with a swift, shy riveting of the shudra's attention upon her feet. Moreover, Faanshi automatically turns slightly away, ready to give the smaller woman a modicum of privacy. "Should I... disrobe... while I wait for you?" Devi permits herself a dry and very humourless chuckle. "I will not dawdle, I assure you. The quicker we are through, the quicker it will be done." Her voice is tighter than it was, and she clears her throat at the end of the sentence. The black shroud-silks are left in a heap on the flagstones in short order, and she steps towards the first shower. A simple lever mechanism releases each gout of water; she gingerly rubs her reddened shoulders for a moment before pulling the first one. In a mixed blessing, time has warmed the previously-icy water to lukewarmth. The middle shower...well. What's to be said? Devi falters for a moment, fingers white-knuckled on the lever, then whispers something under her breath and releases the gout of steaming water. She shudders, hunching in on herself, a cry strangled off in her throat as scalded skin is burned anew. She keeps her feet for the final shower, somehow, and gestures you towards the first shower with a tiny wave of one dripping hand. The pain she's already sensed coming from you takes a sharp spike upward in the halfbreed girl's consciousness, and she has to bite back a whimper of her own as she senses what that scalding water does to already pained and reddened and blistered skin. _Oh merciful Lady..._ Faanshi winces behind her veil, sends off a desperate prayer for strength, and begins to strip herself down as well. Black and crimson drop forth off her tall young frame, revealing a shape rather more significantly slender than many Varati women typically exhibit. Her curves are a maiden's curves, her skin a paler hue of gold than many Varati women's as well. She keeps her head down, obscuring her features from easy view, and the long rope of her braided thick black hair is left to be the only thing that even remotely covers her back. And thus, unclad, she steps into the first of the showers. She's already blushing, but the heat of embarrassment quickly gives way to the shock of even lukewarm water against her bare flesh. And then comes the second of the showers. Indeed, Faanshi is young and strong -- but when that boiling cascade sluices down upon her, even youth and strength have to falter. Stumble, sputtercough, lean up against one of the supports to reach for her clothes-oh, sweet Ushas, no, no leaning... Devi flounders for one of the 'towels' -- rough, unbleached cotton -- and tries to stay on her feet while patting her hair and shoulders dry. She lifts somewhat dazed eyes from the towel to you as the steaming water pours down, and shivers again. "Here," she says in a thready voice. "Hurry. You're almost done." She tries to direct you to the third shower and offer out a length of cloth when you're through. Keep you moving, give you something to concentrate on other than the pain. Pain. For a moment or two Faanshi can think of nothing else, her teeth gritted, her eyes squeezed shut as an animal whimper slips out of her. With a mighty effort she pulls her eyes open and follows where she is bidden, not having strength to spare for vocalizing an answer now. In, then, to the third shower... and after that is accomplished, Faanshi stumbles wet and reeling out towards you. The world tilts beneath her feet once she tries to touch that towel to her flesh -- especially the most sensitive portions of it that have hardly ever been exposed to air, save within the shelter of a private room or tent. Tears leak out of her eyes; with trembling hands, the girl begins to dry herself. Must not scream. Must not scream. Reach within, Faanshi, find your center where you go when the world seems darkest, you can heal yourself, you can drive away the pain. And for a moment, she staggers, clutching the towel to her. The aether roils up around her, her power snapping up to life like the sword of a warrior surging forth from its sheath in defense of that warrior's master. Devi's already thanked Ushas repeatedly that the good Warlord decided on a shower, rather than a dunk in a tub, to be certain. No doubt his soldiers have, too. "Good, good," she says, voice wavering, as she tries to help as best she can; so little she can do when her own head is still spinning and she knows quite intimately how your skin must feel. She tries to catch you when you stagger, support you with a hand against the middle of your back. The guardsman looks on for a moment, expression unreadable, then goes back to chopping wood. Faanshi will, she tells herself, bear it. There isn't an option here. She tells herself also that it is not as bad, to be sure, as when her magic went awry during the aether-storms that recently swept over every mage in the city. Neither of these desperate, determined thoughts have much conviction to them, or much in the way of conscious substance, however. Their effect is only that the halfbreed girl's power flares up without her really consciously willing it, roaring through her to drown away the pain. Fortunately for Faanshi, the surge in the aether is not visible. But the alteration of her stance _is_ visible, as her muscles unclench in the wake of her own magic, leaving her feeling scalded within... but now, at least, there is no scalding without. "Where do... we go now, imphada?" comes her tiny, breathless groan. Devi gives you an odd look for a moment, envy and respect and anger all wrenched up in a tangle, then carefully draws her hand away from your back and starts wobble-struggling into her clothes. She's only half-dry, but it will have to do. "We. We tend to the wounded," she replies, water dripping from the ends of her braids to silently patter on her shoulders. "The...ones. From the earthquakes. The ones I cannot help." She tries to squeeze some of the water out of her braids as she watches the guardsman return, then clears her throat and calls to him in a scratchy voice: "The...water was nearly cold this time, Imphadi. Truly." The man snorts loudly, and the two shares a weary, mirthless smile. [And with that, the exhausted priestess escorts the new-come healer, under the cover of darkness, in to help the afflicted ones of her Clan -- and to speak with the Nayaka who has been forced to conspire against his own Warlord. To be continued....]