"The Doom of Lycenae" Log Date: 1/21/99 Log Cast: Khalid Atar, the God-King Hashim, Warlord of Clan Sarazen (NPC) Thalia, an Empyrean captive Faanshi, a shudra of Clan Sarazen Ulima, a wise-woman of Clan Sarazen (NPC) Kiera, Favored of Khalid Atar Maimun, a Varati wyvern rider (NPC) Aurora, a wingless Empyrean Assorted scouts, sentries, warriors, Warlords, Agni-Haidar, and Atarvani of the Varati hosts (NPC) Assorted citizens of Lycenae (NPC) Log Intro: The riding of Clan Sarazen to war has proven a journey of wonders for the young shudra who dwells under the thumb of the Warlord Hashim. It is wonder enough that she has been permitted to see the wide word beyond the Sarazen vara -- but now that she is within the mighty encampments of the Varati hosts, somewhere in the territory of the Empyre, she has discovered a wonder that has driven almost all else from her thoughts. There is another halfbreed in the camp. One with wings. One who has the favor of none other than Khalid Atar himself, and who wishes to take her to Haven with her. The enormity of her discovery has shaken Faanshi immensely, but little does she know that she hasn't seen anything yet... ---------- It has been days since Khalid has been seen by the vast majority of the grand army. Relegating himself mostly to his own command tent, the God-King of the Varati has taken a majority of his meals in private and is apparently consumed with his own thoughts on the events that are to unfold this day. Only Kiera and Thalia have been allowed in to see him and even then, it has been rare. It is early morning and the sun has only begun to rise, breaking through the stormy clouds that have threatened the horizon for nearly a week now. Pinks and purples mix with subtle reds in an awe-inspiring scene that is played out in the heavens above. Khalid seems to be taken by the beauty of this chilly, winter morning as he kneels before his large ebony blade, which has been stabbed into the icey grounds. Soft words are murmured by the God-King in a private prayer of sorts, perhaps. Days, too, since the warriors of Clan Sarazen have been summoned to patrol, and even longer since any sign of impending combat. But on this morning, when the hues of dawn set the stormclouds aflame, Sarazen rouses as it has each morning. They gather to be led in morning prayers, and then their drills commence. Their sentries are alert, awaiting the first sign of news that their status is about to be altered. In the heart of Sarazen's sector of the camp, Warlord Hashim stalks in nervous, restless wakefulness, smelling change in the frost-clear air, muttering his own prayers over and over under his breath... and keeping his eyes away from the skyborne panorama of fire and light. Thalia emerges from a tent, escorted by one of the Agni-Haidar--as she always is. The early morning sun falls upon blonde hair in disarray, setting the colour on fire and matching the gold tones which are awakening the sky. She has yet to shrug off her slumber completely, a kind of sleepy befuddlement ruling over her expression. After rubbing at her eyes with the back of her fingers, she blinks a few times and pulls her wrap in about her more tightly. It's cold. The icey fingers of dawn strip away the reminants of the dreams and freezes her breath as she releases it from her lungs. In the background, there is a loud snarl as the Wyvern Queen restlessly paws at the frozen ground with sharp, huge talons. Stone and earth are equally torn apart under her not so gentle caresses, as she waits with little patience. She smells the strife in the air, the coming of battle. The coming of something great and terrible. And with another toss of her majestic head, she gazes towards her master in anticipation. Still kneeling before his ebon blade, Khalid murmurs softly, "Today, father, I envoke such magics that have not seen the light of day on this earth for over four centuries. Forgive me for what I must do and understand why I do it. It is not for the Varati, alone. Nor for the Empyre. It is for a world that teeters on the edge of the abyss and if I fail, all will be consumed in darkness. Once more, I am called to be the Destroyer, if I am to save the whole." Large blue eyes, wracked with emotion, gaze upwards to that heavy, golden sun which has only begun to awaken this morning. Slowly, he pushes himself up as flakes of snow fall from his black pants. Mightnight wings stretch and spread, eclipsing the sunrise for a moment , as he brings himself to his full stature. Within the heart of Sarazen's encampment, a shabbily clad figure tries to wriggle her way through a loose seam in the back of the Warlord's tent -- only to be caught by an aged but unyielding hand, pinioned by bright black eyes. "Where are you going, child?" "Ulima--!" Caught on her second attempt to sneak out into the encampment, Faanshi turns red beneath her veils. Questioned, she confesses her desire to see the dawn again... but not, quite yet, the other wonder she has seen, the halfbreed, the one with wings and pointed ears. Her lined face still and pensive with an inner musing, the wise-woman allows the girl to accompany her to the front of the tent, and the two peek out into the morning. "Ushas is awake today, my child," Ulima whispers. "And so is her son. You and I... we should keep within until this morning passes." The halfbreed in question - the one with the pointy ears - is miserable again. If she never sees another snowflake in her life... That will be too soon. Kiera stands huddled, unhappy, under the tarp erected for her small comfort, near a fire - but not over it - and she eyes the Wyvern queen with patented distrust. A light breeze washes over the scene, merrily scattering the falling snow, dancing with the uprising smoke and seeping through cracks and holes in tents and armour alike, to bring a chill of alertness to those within. Grey eyes glance about as a faint crease makes its way across Thalia's brow. There is something in the air. Electricity. Anticipation. A collective breath being held. A slight shiver courses through her form, shaking at the wings which are pinned close to her body and stirring the feathers there. That wrap of hers gets pulled in even more tightly but it doesn't help. She is guided along her course, the soft crush of snow underfoot, and slowly cuts a path toward Khalid. The wind is her companion, playing about her and toying with the fabrics of her clothing. Dance, dance. She comes to a stop a bit aways from the God-King, watching him with a combination of gentle curiousity and nervous dread. His words are too soft for her ears and that's just as well. So, she waits. A gloved hand comes to wind itself tightly around the hilt of the ebon blade as Khalid yanks it free of the snow and ice. Slipping it into his sash once more, he turns towards Thalia and approaches with steady, determined steps. Blue eyes search the Empyrean woman's face once he is within striking distance as he says quietly, "Do not judge me on what you see today, for what I do, I do for a reason beyond the obvious." His great wings flap once more, agitated and ready, perhaps. "I have precious little time. The other nations will not watch on the sidelines forever. Eventually they will also take sides, against the Varati or the Empyre. Or for their own advantages. And no matter what they do, it damages of their actions will have consequences ten-fold of what I must do this day. Time is something we do not have and the it is paid with a hefty price. A price in blood. The blood of all our people." As a young girl of Clan Sarazen draws unconsciously closer to her heart-mother and teacher, unnerved by the older woman's unvoiced implication that on this morning the presence of the Son of the Dawn is to be avoided rather than sought out, the warriors of Sarazen... and of other waking clans across the gigantic encampment... prepare themselves. Weapons clash in practice drills, their noise a rhythmic dissonance all across the tents of the Varati Clans. Shudra hasten back and forth, blinking sleep from drowsy eyes in their rush to fetch and carry, to get gear into the hands of those who demand it. The Agni-Haidar, their black-clad presences a dark counterpoint to the vividly hued banners of the Clans, begin to lift their gazes to the dawn, for they, too, sense something building with the birthing of this day. Kiera could, of course, use the breeze to harass the Wyvern Queen, to pass the time. Then again... Kiera glances over, spies the black wings of her God-King, and sighs. Khalid-Atar probably wouldn't like that. Now, upon further inspection of that entity, Kiera also realizes that Something is Up. Her gaze sweeps over Thalia, then scans the rest of the immediate area, before drifting back to the Amir-Al, where it settles comfortably, unblinkingly. All considerations of Wyvern Queen harassment drift away, as Kiera may now Watch. Thalia draws in a deep breath, the cold air stinging her both inside and out. The blood of all our people. What kind of day will this be? Her eyes remain on the God-King's face for a long, silent moment before she turns them out to the rolling lands beyond. Tents, soldiers, steeds, weapons ... everywhere she looks, the preparations for war. Sadness sweeps over her features and she drops her head slightly, shaking it a bit and setting her locks into a soft sway. "Don't do this," she pleads quietly, although she knows it is all for naught. "There must be other ways." Another shiver slips through her soul and her mind wanders to the thought: Do all such days begin like this? So quiet and pure. Simple. The woman finds Khalid's face once more, a desperate helplessness riding her features which cannot be comforted. A dark speck appears in the midst of the overcast sky. It is far away yet, and difficult to discern. A bird, perhaps. But no, it is too big to be a bird. A Praetorian scout? That is another possibility, and those sharp-eyed Varati who've been instructed to keep watch for scouts might notice this far-off shape, and frown, and study it. A few might touch their bowstrings -- especially when it becomes clear that the shape is headed directly for the Varati army. But by then, its unique shape has grown familiar. It is a wyvern -- a queen -- and it is descending toward the camp. "There is no more time. Each day I wait, the war rages on. Each day I wait, more die. It must end and must end soon. I must show the Empyre I will do anything to end this war and that they cannot stand against the might of the Varati kingdom. That even if they sacrifice thousands of lives to save their precious seats on the Aegis or the crown on the boy-Empyror, that I will be victorious. And that I will come for -them-." Khalid speaks these words to Thalia in impassioned, fierce tones that are carried on the winds of this cool, bitter morning. As those infrequent rays of light shine down on the pair he says, "Kalypso has failed. As have the others. I can no longer put my faith in any other save myself. I must do this terrible deed, so that others may live." He does not wait to hear what Thalia might say in response; perhaps he cannot stand the pain that he knows is within her heart. Regardless, with a quick scan of the camp, he spies Kiera and makes swiftly towards his Clanmate. Oh! Kiera startles as fate changes her from being the Watcher to the Watched, and Watched by such a one who Watches her. She shifts her wings, her eyes widening somewhat and her head tilting in that distinctly avian gesture of closer examination, of attentiveness. Still, she watches Khalid, and a light breeze swirls around him, like an unseen welcome, a pleasant greeting. Kiera studies the God-King's face until he is within ten paces of her, then she drops her gaze, hoods her features to a respectful neutral. Only the gentle wind continues to caress his feathers, his cloak and hair. Thus absorbed, Kiera misses the speck in the sky, the approach of another Wyvern Queen. The airborne queen senses another -- smells it, spies it, and issues a challenge. Its high-pitched, grating call is as distinct as its shape -- like steel against slate, and those who hadn't noticed its approach do so now, wincing as they gaze upward. Broad, leathery wings beat the air as the queen circles. It holds two riders, and the more skilled of them steers the beast away from the king's mount. The queens would fight to the death if they could, and today is not the day for such a battle. "A Queen?" "A second Queen, my Lord!" "Nayaka, it descends upon the camp!" "Ready yourselves, but stand fast." The sentries nearest to the heart of the camp spy the passengers upon the descending creature, and then, swiftly, the word spreads across the camp. Warriors and those who lead them remain in readiness. Rumors do not fly, at least not among the Warlords. But the rank and file, and the shudra and women who tend the gear and the lesser beasts, send their whispers flying from mouth to ear. Screeching her own challenge, Khalid's Queen seems ready to take to the air for battle. -She- is the mistress of this domain and none shall contest her mastery of all that she surveys. Quickly, her own handlers move to intercept the ferocious beast and in moments, they manage to get her under control, though not without some injuries. One man nurses a bleeding hand, while another rubs at his back after being tossed aside. Sparing a momentary glance at the ensuing chaos, Khalid's expression softens slightly as he spies the second Queen. He mutters something to himself, before finally closing in on Kiera. "Little hawk, you must ride with me this day. We will approach the enemy and closely. Shield me from their weapons, for I shall be distracted." As usual, Kiera forgets the various social niceties, and she looks up sharply, fully in the face of Khalid with her wide eyes gone even wider. This task seems even more daunting than the near-battle that just occured, this honor rivaling those two others Khalid has given Kiera. She draws a breath, then straightens unconciously, half-mantling her wings in a proud gesture. "I will serve you," she speaks, lips curving up slightly, "With all my life." Those eight words, before Kiera bows her head again and closers her wings, "Khalid-Atar." The name is clipped in Kiera's odd almost-Sylvan accent, with her own peculiar Graisha twist to it, but it is as Kiera has always spoken the God-King's name, except softer and with considerable pleasure. Space clears below the second queen as the spectators -- some anxious and apprehensive at having two wyvern queens in such close proximity -- make way. Those massive wings beat the air and send up plumes of snow from the ground, forcing the watchers back even further as they struggle to keep clothing and veils in order. By now, the two riders are easily visible. The first is a dark-clad Varati, stoic of form and stern of feature. He is preoccupied with keeping his mount under control. The second, seated behind him, is smaller, feminine, and distinctly non-Varati. She is dressed like one, but her 'leyang' has slipped free. Her hair is golden. Maimun, the rider, coaxes the queen to rest on the frozen ground, and he keeps tight hold of the reins while his 'passenger' dismounts. Those words cannot help but bring a smile to Khalid's own worried lips. For a moment, the concerns, the doubts, the risks are all forgotten. He gazes down at Kiera, sharing a private moment, as reflections of old conversations and old heroes are remembered. Placing a gloved hand on Kiera's shoulder, he squeezes tightly as he murmurs, "Thank you. With all my heart. As do -our- people." His blue eyes flicker towards the second Queen, waiting for its passengers to disembark, before speaking once more to the half-breed, "You do yourself honor. You do the memory of Vinita honor. And you do me honor." And then the mask is upon him as explains, "Yet, I shall be invoking great fires at the end of this day. Will you be able to master your fears, or will you have to retreat the field?" Fire. Fire fire fire fire fire. Brief horror escapes Kiera's expression, to lighten the hues of her eyes to a momentary light amber, before she shuts those eyes entirely and draws a ragged breath. Khalid, through that hand on his shoulder, will feel Kiera's body shudder with the notion. Another breath, no smooother than the first, then a third, before Kiera can open her eyes again to meet Khalid's. "With all of my life." Kiera's normally quiet voice is weaker still; with the inescapable conclusion that she likely will die this day. "If I run, I would have you kill me." The halfbreed's jaw twitches as she speaks this, or asks this in her own way, but her gaze remains steady on Khalid Atar. Maimun does not dismount; he knows that the queens will be unruly as long as they can see and smell one another, so the instant the slender, fair-skinned woman is on the ground, he urges is steed back into the air. He makes some salute to Khalid -- perhaps unnoticed -- before wheeling the queen back toward the rear of the army. His former 'passenger' stands where she is, heedless of murmurs that had rippled through the onlookers at her appearance, and heedless of the winds that the queen's wings had roused, which disturb her leyang even further. She simply remains in place, and her eyes are on the God-King and his hawk-winged companion. Filled with joy at the sheer strength and conviction of his young, but already world-weary Clanmate, Khalid speaks, "You shall never come to harm at my hand, little hawk. I have eternal faith in you." His gloved fingers squeeze once more, tightly, at Kiera's shoulder. Then dipping into a bow of sorts, he places a kiss on the half-breeds brow as he murmurs, "No matter what shall come of this day, know that you are dear to me. A daughter of my heart. Wait for me by the Queen." He says no more to the girl he has come to cherish as his own over these last few years, for no more can be said. Twisting on a heel, as black boots crush packed ice, he searches the crowd until Aurora is found. And with quick steps, he begins to move in her direction. The second queen has moved. The word spreads, relayed from scout to scout, and occasionally amongst the tents that fringe the heart of the vast encampment there are jockeyings for position, subtle contentions for the best positions to view the doings of the Amir-al, his Favored, and the one who has arrived. Some of the watchers are sent sharply on their way by their masters, reminded with stinging swiftness that their assigned duties do not include gawking at their betters. But several scouts remain, some in the garb of the Agni-Haidar, some in the colors of the Clans, for the anticipation in the air has not diminished. Each scout retains the surety that they will have something of vital importance to relay soon, and each is on the alert to be off and running with the news to their commanders. Only slowly does Kiera follow Khalid's orders. She returns to Watching him, tracking him to Aurora. And Aurora's presence has its effect on Kiera; her face cracks into a small smile. Likewise eddying breezes come up to meet that woman and slide about her in a brief, playful greeting before Kiera turns away, trudges toward that hated Wyvern Queen. A breath is drawn in and held for a moment as Aurora watches the god-king's approach. Her expression shows nothing -- not the adulation that shines in so many of his people's eyes, nor challenge as some might expect, given her Empyreal features. She merely watches, looking neither to the left nor right, where she might encounter the curious gazes of the onlookers. When he has drawn closer, she speaks, and her tone is low and quiet, yet with a peculiar, musical quality that seems unique to many Empyreans. There is also a slight accent to her words, of no known origin. "I have done what you asked of me." Apparently the Queen dislikes Kiera just as much as the half-breed dislikes her. The gaping maw of the tyrant beast opens to reveal rows of jagged, horrific teeth as the 'little hawk' approaches. From the gleam of her black eyes, it would appear that she is considering the value of making this newest rider into a snack. But for the moment, she desists in further displays of her dominance, prefering to gain what little warmth she can from the sun. "I know. Now I must ask for more. I know the cost. We bear it both." Those words are Khalid's only answer to Aurora's statements. Fiery blue eyes take in the countenance of the diminutive wingless Empyrean woman as he looms before her. There is no threat in his stance, however, or in his voice. One would have trouble reading his emotions, in fact, though perhaps there is regret. Or resignation. As if in anticipation for what is to come, his glorious black wings unfurl once more to catch the winds. Unseen by the Queen's master, Kiera returns, tit-for-tat the Wyvern's expression. On her, however, it's much less dramatic - only a drawing back of her lips, showing of her ineffective canines and a decisive /hiss/, rather like that of a peeved hawk than Kiera's current form. Never-the-less, the halfbreed halts quite far enough from her soon-to-be-mount to launch a serious offensive tactic or two, if the Queen really decides to take Kiera to task. Whatever the 'cost' is, it must weigh just as heavily on Aurora's shoulders as on Khalid's. Her clear grey eyes close for a moment, and her brow wrinkles as if the images she sees beneath those closed lids pain her. "This is necessary?" come her soft words -- just those three. "I would not do it if it were not." Khalid speaks those words as if that was all that had to be said on the matter. As if there was some level of implicit trust between the two that would convince an Empyrean woman to aid the God-King of her people's sworn enemies. The Wyvern Queen hisses again, at Kiera, at licks her chops with a long, serpentine tongue. Yet, there are no more threats issued to the graisha as she waits for her master. Aurora's eyes open, and while she had noticed Kiera earlier, and caught that small smile, and felt the welcoming breeze, she cannot tear her gaze away from Khalid. Her fair-skinned face is paler still. Her throat works, and after drawing in a labored breath, she whispers, "I... can't. I cannot watch. Once, perhaps. But not now." Swallowing, she lowers her eyes to the ground, and there is a kind of resignation in the slump of her shoulders as well, to match Khalid's. But most of all, her stance is defeated, and she couldn't raise her eyes to him if she tried. "I understand." The words are kind, gentle and forgiving. There is no disappointment in his voice, only deep understanding. Khalid's right hand slides upwards to cup Aurora's cheek as he murmurs, "I won't ask this of you. Kiera will be my shield and my sword, if I should need either. Stay in my tent and await me. We will...need to talk after this is deed is done." Once again, black wings flutter in nervous anticipation. Likewise, the Graisha studies the Wyvern with a once-more impassive expresion. Only she is considering the size of a rotisserie, and what spices, if any, might soften the flesh of a Queen over hot coals. Even Kiera probably couldn't eat Wyvern meat raw. Those leathery wings - must be good for something, though they provide no feathers. Maybe... Permanent arches in Kiera's favorite spot in the garden of Atesh-Gah. Rain-proof hide to shelter those infrequent guests who may visit Kiera there.... And what could be made of Wyvern bones, of those mightly talons? --To all others, of course, Kiera appears as immobile, as mute and as deaf as some have guessed her to be. And it's a good thing that Wyverns cannot read minds. A fair, slender hand raises and dares to touch the dusky skin of the God-King. Aurora folds her hand over his for an instant, where he touches her cheek. Moisture slides from beneath her lashes and trails down to wet Khalid's fingertips, and Aurora whispers, "Be merciful." If there is more she wishes to say, she cannot find the words. "I will spare those I can." Khalid has no tears, or perhaps he has already shed them. Yet, blue eyes are full and round, deep with the emotion that fills him at this very moment. Angrily, his black wings extend to their full height and width, shielding the pair for a few spare seconds. And in that time, the God-King of the Varati takes the opportunity to plant a gentle kiss on the cheek of the tiny woman he towers over. A kiss to steal away the tears. And then he is gone, his wings furled once more and his back turned to her. "I will see you soon," are his parting words as he marches towards the Queen. His stoic mask is in place and fierce determination fills his fiery blue eyes. No sooner has Khalid left Aurora then Kiera's breeze is with her again. Just a little something more than ambient air-movement, just a silent whisper of unseen movement against her hair and cheek. When Khalid nears her, Kiera's breeze stutters, pulls back. Uneasy farewell to the Teacher. Kiera still stares at the Queen. Aurora watches him go and folds her arms around herself, cold outside of the shelter of those ebon wings. Despite his reassurances, more tears trail after the first, and even those gentle breezes meant to console do not ease the pain from her expression. She stands in the same spot, mute and still as stone, and she watches Khalid Atar and Kiera approach the Queen. She will watch until they have mounted and flown away, and she will continue to watch, long after the Queen is no more than a speck in the sky. And she will pray. "We ride to Lycenae. And where we ride, flames shall follow, little hawk." A small sack has been attached to the saddle of the Wyvern Queen by the handlers. It apparently carries a few objects. With a growled command, Khalid forces the Queen to steady herself, so that she may be mounted. Launching himself onto the back of the monstrous beast, the God-King settles down into a comfortable position as he picks up the reins with gloved hands. "Remember this day, little hawk. And when you have learned to the letters of our people, write of what you see today. Write so that none shall forget; so that I shall not be called to do this again." First she has to deal with fire, and now she's supposed to learn to write and become some sort of historian. Kiera mentally shunts Khalid's command to the back of her mind, in the 'If I Live' pile, right next to 'Find a Mate', 'Never Look At Snow Again', and 'Get Drisana Her Feathers'. She mounts the Queen with a weary familiarity; she'd done this a few times, recently. And Kiera pulls her wings in tightly, curled against the flanks of the big beast. Those talons of hers dig into the Queen's harness, and Kiera automatically calls forth a wind which will both help the Queen launch into the air, and keep Kiera herself astride. Pressing his heels into the sides of the Queen, Khalid urges her upwards. Snarling, the Queen tosses back her head and screams another cry to war. A cry of joy for finally being allowed to fly. A cry in anticipation of battle, destruction and mayhem. Massive, leathery wings beat once, twice and a third time as the beast takes to the air with remarkable grace and poise. Soon, she is high in the heavens and bearing down upon the poor city of Lycenae. Kiera finds shelter against the broad back and the unfamiliar wings of another, the God-King. Her own brown-speckled wings press against his, thus limiting Kiera's view of anything around her. "When we are wherever I am to protect you, Khalid-Atar," Kiera calls forward against the blast that is made by the Queen's speed, "I will fly away from the Wyvern. I cannot see, here, to protect you. Unless I am in front." "This is fine," calls back Khalid against the cold, biting winds that tug at both hair and skin. His black mane whirls around his face and back in the frigid airs that assault the pair of riders. "Our scouts have reported that the Praetorian Guard has already abandoned the city, but beware for archers, nonetheless. There might be some, still." The Queen soars towards her target, as fangs are bared. There is murder in her eyes and hunger in her heart. "I shall make a declaration to the city. And toss down scrolls upon their streets, so that they may read my words. We shall give them a half day to flee. I would not kill women and children, if I may avoid it." And on the ground, the startled scouts hasten to relay the news to their commanders. Several other sentries have already taken up their designated places, ready to relay the news of what is to come. Among the tents of Clan Sarazen, Hashim stands a tall and forbidding figure, his countenance impassive as he stares off at the distant city. Within his tent, the wise-woman Ulima bids Faanshi keep silent -- for neither of them dares to attract the attention of their Warlord. But Ulima's eyes, too, linger in the direction of Lycenae for all that she cannot quite _see_ the place, even the spires of its tallest structures, from her vantage point. "Pray with me, my heart-daughter," are the only words she utters to the girl who keeps her company. This information is absorbed in clinical silence, digested during many beats of the Wyvern's wings, before Kiera calls back, "It is OK, if they see me? This time I do not hide, Khalid-Atar?" Kiera's eyes simply remain shut, she seeks the warmth of his body. He can anticipate her speech by feeling her draw breath, her jaws separate to speak. "And do I kill them or only take them down." That last might well be intentionally vague. Taking them down could have so many lovely possibilities. "You may kill any who dares strike at me." Those words are not vague. Khalid's intentions are not kind this day and many will surely die. "All soldiers in the city are fated to die. As are all nobles and officials. We spare only the common folk. It is the soldiers who wage this war and it is the nobles who order them. They shall pay the price." Even as he speaks, the Queen begins her descent upon Lycenae. Its buildings are clearly visible, as are the panicked citizens within. They have heard word of the approaching army and have been fleeing for days now. "Fly, Kiera and be seen. For this is your day, as well. You will not hide." In distant and half-deserted Lycenae, chaos reigns. The eyes of Varati scouts have seen truly: the Praetorian Guard has fled, but not only those elite warriors. Many more souls in their hundreds and thousands are fleeing the city, on foot, by wing. Only two sentences are on the lips of the citizens who race as swiftly as they can to escape their doomed home. "The Varati are coming!" is the more widespread. But uttered by the more panicked are the words "The God-King is coming!" By the time the wyvern Queen appears in the skies overhead, the truth of these statements is all too clear. Chaos is lent strength by burgeoning terror. Now Kiera's delight matches that of the Queen. She waits only a few moments longer, until the Queen is nearly upon the city, for Kiera knows her speed does not match the Wyvern's. Then the halfbreed launches from the Queen's back, spreading her own wings to catch the air. That for a moment, to get her bearings, before Kiera tilts herself and the winds lend her speed. She follows the Amir-Al, her gaze intent upon that which occurs below and above, around him. Hawk's eyes bless Kiera with marvelous long-range daytime sight, the only concession for her hopeless night-blindness. Hawk's wings are broader than the Empyreans, catch drafts and eddies and ride them easily. Hawk's coloring, however, strike Kiera as a start contrast to the blue sky above. She will be seen. "People of Lycenae, hear me!" Those words are shouted towards the city below, as Khalid brings the Wyvern Queen into a dangerously close position to the city. If there are indeed archers, they have a clear and easy view of him. "On this day, you have been judged! You have been judged for the -failure- to end this war. You have been judged for your inaction, for your apathy, for your pledge to an Empyror and Aegis that is corrupt! And you shall pay!" The Queen appears to agree with this sentiment, for she tosses her head back and roars again, another challenge. The dark-winged Son of the Dawn draws all eyes skyward, and his voice, descending like thunder, adds to the mounting panic. The Praetorian Guard has fled. But on the ground are some few last desperate souls who have seized up weapons, bent on defending their homeland and themselves, and who send volleys of arrows into the air in reflexive, terror-stricken reaction to the God upon his mighty winged steed. Archers, yes. Kiera also seeks any who might be, like she, a mage. Any who might use magic to disarm her God, if that could be done, or to distract him,m as he has suggested. Vigilant, Kiera sweeps to the sides of the Wyvern, but watches, with steady survey, all directions. The Empyreans usually dress their mages in clothes that mark them as different, and, even if they do not, Kiera suspects that those who would present a threat are those who appear calm, collected, in the face of his wrath. All mages are trained in will. So it is these, as well as the possible martial foes, that Kiera seeks. The arrows are seen, inexpertly plied, and swept away with a slashing gust of wind. The halfbreen then focuses on the attackers. One by one, an unseen funnel of wind which could, in other instances, bouy them safely aloft, reaches to catch them within it's strength, whirl them at the mercy of its' vortex and, in the process, snap the studry bones that hold wings up from the shoulders that bear them, so they sag helplessly upon once-proud Empyreans. Slaves, or thsoe without wings, are plucked up to a height from which a fall will kill them, and dropped. No time, this takes. Bones shatter instantly and bodies are droped, one or two at a time. Entrusting his safety -entirely- to Kiera, Khalid continues to circle around the city at a low altitude. He screams out to the populace below, "It is -your- responsibility. Who do you pledge to? An Empyror? An Aegis? No, it is the -Empyre- that should command your devotion. And this Empyre is -sick-, sick with a disease that eats at its heart. And that disease is your Aegis. Remove it and save your Empyre before it is too late!" Even as he speaks, the God-King begins to remove scrolls from that sack, tossing them towards the ground. That the God-King of the Varati seems to have the winds at his command surprises no one -- or at any rate, is questioned by no one, for the vast majority of those in the ground wail in fear at the vortex that lashes out of nowhere to seize and shatter the hapless archers. A few more panicked arrows are launched skyward, but these swiftly fall away to nothing as the hurled scrolls plummet to the streets. Most have expected fire and death, and thus are shocked into numb gaping at the falling parchments. Only the very bravest... and among those left in Lycenae, this now means very little... dare to begin to pick up the scrolls, to open them, to see what Khalid Atar has decreed. The halfbreed ignores the decent of the scrolls, neither hastening nor spreading their fall as they swirl away from the Queen's beating wings. Kiera, features taut with concentration, now scries the distance horizen for those who might approach parallel to the Khalid. "To the Praetorian Guard, I say this: You shall have -no- mercy from the Varati until you do away with your cruel masters. I will not accept that you were 'only following orders'! The world shall not accept this! I have seen a thousand atrocities done in the name of orders! Your vows are to no Empyror or Aegis. Your pledge is to the Empyre! End this war and tear down the thrones of your would-be kings in their safe halls! Only then shall we have peace!" Khalid, who rarely speaks about a murmur, is now issuing his decrees and statements with the full strength of powerful lungs. And those words carry to the citizens of Lycenae, even in their panicked state. More scrolls fall to the stone-paved streets -- they carry the same message as his speech. There, a man atop a building braces himself to send shafts from a heavy longbow. Kiera slants through the scrolls, dips under the Wyvern's claws, and angles herself closer to the bowman, so she can see him clearly. Clearly she sees him snapped off that building, wings cruely wrenched, so he cannot save himself from the fall. His bow, now cracked with the impact of the ground, lies useless. Kiera impassively scans again, under the outspread reach of her own wings. Reactions flare up across the half-abandoned city. Despair wells up in the hearts of the Empyreans on the ground -- are they to relay this message, then, to the Guard which has deserted them? Will the God-King let them leave, to relay it? And worst of all, might he be right? Many fall to their knees, clutching at one another in their terror, and many more seek shelter from the wind-wielding companion that flies at the side of Khalid Atar, spotted by the sharpest eyes, comprehended by none, for none know what to make of the figure save that it calls down winds in Vengeance. "I shall also not spare -any- city official or government official of the Empyre! Your crimes are as terrible as that of the Aegis, for you are willing pawns in their games and manipulations. Lords who issue those commands to an unknowing people. As with all soldiers of this city, you -will- die with this city! Bring this message to all, so that they may hear my fury and know it will not end until this war is finished and the corrupt have been removed from their golden seats!" These words stream down upon Lycenae as Khalid issues proclamation after proclamation. Still, he is protected by his loyal adopted daughter as he rides atop the might Queen. She, however, seems restless and appears to desire combat herself. She looks balefully at Kiera, for a moment, as if jealous of the half-breed's opportunity to kill. This time, Kiera misses her longtime foe's vicious intent. The 'breed focuses narrowly only upon her task, and she revels in it. Long practice enables her to fly effortlessly, yet wield her magic with willful thought, and that magic courses with the sharp speed of the air it drives. Some of the last, the most desperate of the remaining soldiers rally together their wits out of the shards in which their fear had pounded them. Powerful as the God-King of the Varati might be, who is _he_ to issue demands to the people of the Empyre? To claim supremacy over their own Gods? Arrows, hastily seized and nocked to longbows, sing skyward. One extremely brave -- or extremely foolhardy -- individual launches herself into the air with eyes streaming tears of despair and fury. Mortal fury, puny in comparison to the wrath of a deity, but fury enough to lend her swiftness to her ascent and accuracy to her aim. "And finally, to the mongrels of the Empyre, I say this: It is -your- time! It is your time to break the chains that bind you. This Empyre has more -mongrels- in it than -Empyreans-! Yet, most of you are no more than slaves or servants at best! You have no seat on the Aegis, you have no say! You are used as fodder for their armies and beasts of burden in their fields! This is your time! Break free from your shackles and forge your -own- nation! No mongrel will be harmed, as long as they do not take arms up against the Varati! You are not our enemy, do not make us such!" These final words are screamed down to the terrorized population of the Empyrean city as Khalid makes yet another dive atop the powerful Queen. More scrolls are dispersed among the citizens of the besieged city. Oh bad scene. He's going down and the arrows are coming up and that damn Wyvern is faster than Kiera. The halfbreed slams her wings toward her, follows the queen in her dive and reaches forth with her wind. In an instant she sees that too many arrows come, from too many directions, that Kiera can safely remove them all, without risking the Khalid. So..... A whipping blast drives upward, lifting with strong and steady pull, the queen herself, and her divine rider. When Kiera can see, the queen is again on her own, and that wind turns brutal, slamming shafts aside, even rolling Kiera herself with its strength. First problem removed, Kiera then turns to picking off the attackers, with no particular compassion for tears or femininity. Buffeted by the chaotic winds for a moment, the God-King falls silent so as to allow Kiera to deal with the threat. Then, "You have one-half day to abandon your city. No soldier or government official shall be allowed to leave. I shall kill any who attempts to flee. Only the common citizens and mongrels shall be spared. And the children of all. At the end of that half-day, this city shall be nothing more than a legend!" Bring the Queen up above the very center of the city, Khalid tosses down the last of the scrolls to those who might still be listening to him or watching his actions. "Save your Empyre! Save it from itself! Save it from the little girls, the old men, the war mongers and the puppet masters of the Aegis! Save it from the boy-child who plays at being an Empyror, but has neither the strength nor the will to wear the crown! Save it, so that your people do not fade into the dying sun -- so that they too do not become a legend as this city is fated to be on this day!" With nothing more to say, rider and Queen retreat from the immediate vicinity of the city. ...Followed by the dark-winged wing-mage who has silently, stoicly defended him. Once out of range of immediate range of Lycenae, Khalid speaks to Kiera, "You did well, little hawk." A wry smile breaks his dark demeanor as he murmurs, "That last trick was...interesting. I shall have to remember it." Glancing towards the city, he continues, "We shall patrol the borders for the next few hours. Kill any soldier you see leaving or any who wears the marking of an official. Be...generous. Yes, many soldiers and officials may escape, in guises. We shall let them. I would kill less than I must. Today is a day to make a point, bloodless as possible." "Together," Kiera asks, glancing back at the city. "Or apart? The walls are large, and the Empyreans fly. That is," she tries to explain, "They may leave in any direction, and there are two of us. Many of them." Kiera played with ant-hills when she was small, like any child. Even despite her superior size and two hands, many ants escaped, when she riled the nest. "Apart. I shall be fine. I have handled Empyrean arrows more than once in my years." There is faint amusement in Khalid's voice, but it is not reflected in those large, blue eyes of his. "They shall turn to ash before they even leave their bows. I shall take the western half, you will patrol the eastern." Turning the Queen away from Kiera, the God-King begins his vigil over the city. The last few scrolls delivered, taken into the hands of the remaining citizens of Lycenae, the reactions to them continue to flood the city. Small riots break out as already far-too-frayed tempers snap, and fights erupt over the remaining horses and wagons within Lycenae's boundaries. Many of the common folk seize their opportunity to flee while the fleeing is good, abandoning everything save that which they can carry in hands or on their backs. The remaining few soldiers and officials, as the Khalid predicts, begin to launch each and every frantic ruse that comes to their minds to sneak undetected out of the doomed metropolis. Buoyed by her own magic, when Kiera's wings tire, she selects a distant spot from which she can, and does, watch for those who leave. She need not approach too closely to determine if they appear to be soldier or civilian, and only a few require Kiera's 'attention'. If the halfbreed is feeling particularly bloodthirsty, this is not clear; her killing is as quick as it can be. The mercy is likely due to pragmatism rather than generosity. In the hours before the afternoon deadline, Khalid has been forced to kill a few dozen soldiers and officials who have been less than intelligent in their tactics and methods of escape. Yet, he is as merciful as he can be, sparing those that were in doubt. Finally, as the appointed hour approaches, the God-King of the Varati abandons his Queen and takes flight on his own black wings. Gliding on the cold, winter winds, he gazes down on Lycenae as he whispers to himself, "The time of reckoning has come upon us all." Black gloves are removed and tucked into his sash even as his fingertips begin to glow with a fierce, blue and red flames. Those flames quickly spread over his entire body, though they do not appear to touch or burn Khalid's clothing. It is an aura of flame that surrounds the God-King and that aura spreads in violent blue, orange, red and green flames. Higher and farther, outwards, from his body. Soon the horizon is lit with a second sun -- the child of Ashur Masad takes the form of his father -- not greater or lesser than the one that claims its spot in the heavens, but rather a terrible reflection of the first. And as that second sun erupts within the sky, the ground itself begins to rumble and shake. Slowly, at first, but steadily as time continues. Fissures begin to crack in the earth and steam pours from the holes. Buildings shudder under the strain. The appearance of the riderless Wyvern gives Kiera more than a few second's pause. Someone Is Going To Die, until she spots Khalid, flying alone. Kiera eyes that flame, then snaps her attention to the city. So startled is the wind-mage that she forgets to flap, has to then tear herself back to the immediacy of a dire fall, to rescue herself. Then Kiera, together with a last few who had thought to meet the Khalid's attack, begin backwinging away from the city, staring at it in horror. By now, perhaps a thousand souls, perhaps fifteen hundred, still remain within the walls of the city below. Some of them are sick, wounded, facing their impending doom alone. Some are officials, and of these, some have been locked within their chambers by citizens and slaves desperate to avert the wrath of Khalid Atar by abandoning their leaders. Some others, made of truer stuff, have chosen like the captains of sinking ships to face destruction with the city they've tried to serve. In the surrounding plains, roads out -- and fields, for that matter -- have grown dark with the figures of those who flee. And some have taken to the skies, skimming away with as much speed as a single pair of wings can provide. The last few within range turn as the ground trembles... and they flee with all the more desperation as the earth answers the call of the Son of the Sun and Dawn. In the camps of the Varati armies, clansmen and clanswomen, Warlords and shudra and naraki, all now look to the distant doomed city. Prayers erupt spontaneously across the mighty campsite. Soldiers fall down to their knees in worshipful reaction to the shadow-sun that has kindled in the sky overhead. In the tent of Hashim, Ulima wraps her arms around her young healer-charge, breathing into Faanshi's coal-black hair, "Holy Mother of Khalid Atar, guard us and keep us in the face of the wrath of thy son. Succor those who deserve not his vengeance. Holy Mother of Khalid Atar, guard us and keep us..." On this day, there can be no doubt of his true divinity, for only a God could invoke such powers that Khalid Atar summons at hand. As he hovers above the city, a wrathful sun judging the souls of the condemned, the earth itself gives way to his commands. Larger cracks tear open at the ground and stone, while hot, molten lava springs forth from those gaping holes. These are flatlands...no volcano could possibly exist here. Yet, yet one has been summoned by a creature that has existed beyond the memory and understanding of mortal creatures. Buildings begin to crumble and topple, while smaller structures are slowly engulfed by that fiery lifeblood of the earth. As made-made constructs give away, a new one begins to take its place. The jagged outline of stone tears its way up from the ground in the beginning of what can only be a volcano. No more, can Kiera fly, nor wield her own magic. So shattered is her concentration, so imbued with pure terror, the mage just barely breaks her own fall with outstretched wings. She cannot stop watching, cannot stop shaking. The effective killer of the last few hours is replaced by a stricken, shivering cold creature who huddles within the ineffective shelter of her own wings, crouched upon the ground like a maimed bird, head up and staring at the city. Or what was a city. "Great is the vengenance of the Amir-al!" "Earth-shaker!" "Fire-caller!" "Mighty Khalid Atar!" Voices raised in ragged but heartfelt cries resound within the armies of the Varati. The Agni-Haidar gaze upon the terrible flaming shape high overhead with rapt and fathomless devotion, and what Atarvani who are not already engaged in similar abasements lead the clans in impromptu chorused prayers and hosannas. One Warlord among the many feels far more fear than religious fervor -- the mind of Hashim threatening to snap as he wrestles with the knowledge that he has crossed blades with a being who can call forth a flaming mountain from the very earth. And that Warlord's two humble servants cling to one another, ignored, forgotten. In Ulima's arms, feeling the ground heave and shudder beneath them, Faanshi echoes her venerable teacher's prayers: "Holy Mother of Khalid Atar, guard us and keep us..." Time seems to have stood still as Khalid Atar, Divine Flame of Heaven, commands creation itself to bend to his will. There is nothing in existence except him and Lycenae. And soon even Lycenae will fall away, to become a testiment to the raw, unbridled power of the God-King. The flames that surround his body are only matched by the ones claiming the city below. And as the God-King calls forth his powers upon Lycenae, his commands are answered. More buildings topple and collapse, eaten up within that raging lava which spews from the mouth of the volcano. And as tortured souls scream their last pleas, and as the mighty structures of the Empyre dissolve in the face of the wrath of an immortal, the volcano is completed. Nothing is left of Lycenae; there is no Lycenae. Only that angry, horrific symbol of Varati's sheer power and might. Flames and smoke shoot out of the top and black clouds and ash covers everything for miles. OK, so now the quivering mess of halfbreed who sometimes calls herself Kiera is a soot-covered, coughing and quivering mess of halfbreed, whose eyes tear to protect sensative corneas from sulfur fumes, whose very feathers drop out in a terror-induced molt, who for once wouldn't mind the sight of snow. Anything, to block this vista she cannot stop watching. As this masterpiece of destruction is completed, the second sun of the heavens is no more. Khalid's flames disappear and his fury seems sated as he assumes a more 'mortal' form. The Queen, anticipating the desires of her master, sweeps down towards him and grimly, covered in soot himself, Khalid swings himself onto the Queen in mid-air. He scours the area for Kiera and after several minutes of searching, spies the girl. Urging the Queen onwards, the God-King's expression is now a mask of pain and sorrow. He shakes his head, once more, at what he has wrought before he turns his back on it entirely. Ash rains down from the now thickly darkened skies. The refugees who have managed to make it alive out of what was once Lycenae drop in the dubious safety of whatever places they've reached in the surrounding plains, stricken down by their atavistic, mindless fright. _This_ is who Khalid Atar is, that he dares to claim supremacy over their Gods, their Empyre's rulers. Among the Varati hosts, the massed voices of the worshipful throng send up their continued rapturous praises. The most devout ignore the descending ash, for it is inconsequential in the wake of what the Amir-al has wrought. Really, the last thing Kiera wants to see is the grinning 'smile' of that Wyvern Queen, uncowed by something she probably didn't understand either. Kiera scuffles her wings toward her, cowls them over her head and just loses herself in her body's last feeble attempts at panic. The God-King will find his Clanmate hidden and retching, tear-streaked and exhuasted from terror. "Kiera," whispers Khalid as the Queen descends on the position of the half-breed, "It is time for us to leave this place." The Queen has landed beside the hapless Kiera, its powerfully muscled legs itching to push their owner back up into the sky. Even the Queen, even this beast of legend, seems uneasy with all that has happened. The God-King regards Kiera with slitted, blue eyes, hooded in silky lashes and stained with ash. "Come, daughter of my heart." When her neck will obey her, Kiera will look up, revealing glazed-bright hazel eyes. When Kiera's legs and arms will obey her, they will stiffly, rockingly shove her upright. Her wings act somewhat to balance her, but Kiera's coming is jerky, frozen, slow. She stops by the side of the Queen, staring up at Khalid hollowly. "Come," echoes Khalid. To punctuate this statement, the God-King offers his hand to his young Clanmate. A gloved hand covered in soot. That same hand that summoned such horrific fires and drew up a volcano where there was only farmlands. A hand of absolute destruction. "We did what we must. Weep for the Empyre, but not its rulers." A trail of brown feathers, of bronze feathers, of amber-hued and mahogany feathers mark where Kiera cowered, mark as she approaches. Woodenly she gives her hand, will allow herself to be drawn up upon the Wyvern, for Kiera lacks the strength to do even this simple task herself, right now. You might look to helping keep her mounted, as well, Khalid-Atar, or Kiera may not survive the Wyvern's ascent. By all appearances, the halfbreed is in shock. Understanding his Clanmate's plight, Khalid does indeed clasp his arms around the waist of Kiera, allowing her to sit in front of him this time. Holding the woman-girl tightly to him, the God-King orders the Queen into the sky with a final word of command. There are no words exchange between Kiera and her Warlord. There is nothing more to say this day. The volcano at Lycenae is encompasses all -- words, thoughts and deeds. Eventually, the soot covered Queen spirals down into the camp of the Varati. Landing in its designated spot, Khalid dismounts slowly, as he tenderly cradles Kiera's form in his arms. Calling out, he instructs one of the higher ranking Atarvani, "Take my Clanmate into your care and see to her, for I cannot this day. Leave me to my thoughts; I will not be bothered by any until my command, save the Empyrean Aurora." And striding forward, to his tent, the last expression seen on Khalid's face is one of utter sadness and pain. [End log.]