"Deliverance, Part II" Log Date: 1/25/99 Log Cast: Khalid Atar, Hashim (NPC), Ulima (NPC), assorted Agni-Haidar (NPC), assorted Akhunds (NPC), Kiera, Faanshi, Thalia, Jhonan (NPC), Aurora Log Intro: At the behest of Khalid Atar, the winged halfbreed Kiera has taken warriors and priests with her to the tents of Clan Sarazen in search of the shudra girl Faanshi... Faanshi's heart-mother Ulima... and the Warlord Hashim. Ordered to bring the three to the Khalid, Kiera discovers that the Warlord has almost killed the shudra, and thus, she must summon a healer to tend to Faanshi. In the midst of tending her, the healer discovers that the shudra, too, is a healer. And thus, the three from Clan Sarazen are brought before their God-King, to await his judgement... ---------- Tent - Varati Camp - Somewhere in the Empyre(#2117RFJnh) Though all which surrounds the God-King should, and usually does, speak reverently of his stature and position, this, his war tent, only whispers. The God-King does not travel in this war with his entire retinue of people or trappings, but his quarters are quality and, in their way, lovely to look at. The material of his tent is fine-woven, water-tight and dyed to please the eye. Its structure is elegant, notable, but without undue pretentiousness. The Khalid-Atar's mobile desk, his bedding, is of fine quality, but practical. Suitable. The area is less cluttered, more roomy, than other tents, but never-the-less, space is conserved pragmatically, effectiveness being far more desirable than impressiveness. Night has long fallen, by the time that Khalid hears that yes, not only have the warlord of Clan Sarazen, the wisewoman of Clan Sarazen arrived, in the company of about half the Agni-Haidar that were supposed to accompany Kiera, and one of the Akhund, but now Kiera herself and a few more Agni-Haidar and the other Akhund, and the shudra named Faanshi have joined them, in the alcove to your main-tent-proper. The chill freezing rain has given away to a miserable sleet and those mages who can, warm the place, so hot bodies who have been moving quickly under so much armour now begin to steam and smell of sweat even, in the cramped waiting space. The Warlord of Sarazen... his expression is strange, hollow-eyed. His weathered features are set in a mask of bizarre tranquility, as he slowly and softly and repeatedly runs a dagger blade over the whetstone held snugly in one gauntleted hand. The wise-woman of Sarazen, by contrast, looks a bit out of breath with the pace with which she was brought into the camp of the Khalid, though she has arranged her wizened face into a stoic expression. And the shudra... she is carried securely in the arms of one of the Agni-Haidar, a light blanket wrapped about her. Seated in his chair, behind the desk that has been setup in his large tent, Khalid scratches a few more notes on a piece of parchment. To the side of him, leaning against the desk, is a large staff. From its design and jewels, it would appear to be Atlantean in heritage. Standing near him, at the moment is Thalia. And on the table, next to her, is another scroll. The God-King of the Varati raises his blue eyes, so as to regard the Empyrean woman as he murmurs, "That is from your brother, Amadeo. It arrived a few days after the missive from your daughter, Oriane. You should read his requests and tell me what you think." The command tent is currently guarded and occupied by ten of the black and silver royal guard, while two members of the Atarvani also loiter within the confines of the shelter. The weave on their robes mark them as the high-ranking judges of the priestly caste, the Nabi. As the entourage makes their entrance, Khalid's attention is stolen from his current conversational partner to those who have intruded upon his domain. Albeit, on his own request. Tranquil grey eyes rest upon the God-King's face as he speaks and Thalia dips her head into a faint nod once his words have gone silent. Sweeping her attention to the desk, she reaches out a slender hand to lightly trace her fingertips down the length of the scroll--expression thoughtful and mutely curious. Her musings are disturbed, however, by the group of people entering the tent and a quiet breath drawn as her eyes snap over to them. Taking hold of the scroll which lays beneath her fingers, she takes a step aside to settle herself a touch behind Khalid. Stay? Go? She will simply wait and see how things play out. Torn between being miserable because of the bitter cold outside, or the crowded conditions inside, Kiera carries her wings somewhat mantled, evidence of her being distinctly annoyed with the last three persons who brushed up against her. She does, after a moment, manage to lose her back-ward position and work her way to the front of the group. "Khalid-Atar," Kiera bows her head then, "I have brought them, as you requested. The shudra is direly wounded." She pauses, to add weight to the next word: "Beaten. I had a healer tend to her, before she was brought." Indeed, as the Agni-Haidar who bears the shudra makes his way into the tent, the healer who has accompanied them instructs the big warrior to carefully hold her so that he can once more inspect her condition. It is equally apparent when Ulima's black bright gaze flashes to the young girl, even as she reluctantly holds her place under the sharp gazes of the party that has escorted them her. Only Hashim seems to ignore the girl entirely, his lifeless stare turning complacently in the general direction of the Amir-al's desk, yet not quite yet focusing upon the God-King himself. The dagger and whetstone are still in his hands, and the small blade glints faintly in what light is in the tent as he slowly draws its edge along the rock. Sparing a sidelong glance at Thalia, as the others make their entrance, Khalid murmurs, "Stay," before focusing his attention on Kiera. "I see." Blue eyes, hooded and veiled by thick, silky black lashes flash out towards the young girl, then onto Hashim and Ulima. "Sachen," he calls out after a moment, "Bring Jhonan here. He should be able to tend to her wounds." Black wings stretch, almost lazily, as the God-King levels his fiery gaze on the Warlord of Sarazen. "I do not tolerate open blades in my presence, lest they are drawn on my command." The dagger ceases its motion against the whetstone, and for a moment or two, Hashim blinks owlishly at the Khalid, as if not quite comprehending what the issue at hand is. But he then sheathes the dagger, and the whetstone vanishes into a pouch. Without the slightest sign of life in his black gaze, he rumbles placidly, "As the Amir-al commands." Nodding to the command of his liege and God, one of the robed Nabi immediately withdraws from the tent. This order, from the lips of any other, would be an insult for such a high-ranking Atarvani, but it does not evoke a second thought in this member who has just recently seen the raw power of his diety. Hah. Hah. Hah-hah-hah. Kiera doesn't look smug, to those who don't know her, but to those who know her... She enjoyed Khalid's reminding Hashim of the way things are. Kiera shifts her wings to a more comfortable, less defensive position, and waits. Not her show now, but she'll enjoy watching. Faanshi lies slumped in the support of the big Agni-Haidar who had carried her; the warrior keep his impassive regard, apparently unbothered by needing to continue to hold the girl. In this crowded tent there doesn't appear to be anywhere else to place her, at the moment. All the while, the gaze of Ulima remains fastened upon Faanshi's face and frame, and the old woman pulls in a silent sigh of relief as the young shudra begins to stir. There are voices around her; she can hear them. Many voices... people, in the Warlord's tent? Surely not... but as someone's hands gently and firmly touch her, and an odd alien warmth surges through her, she feels something alien within _her_ fire off in response. "No," she whispers to no one in particular, vaguely worriedly. "Don't want to hurt..." "So, Warlord, we meet again. Tell me, my loyal subject, why you have been brought before me. I am sure you have some inkling of knowledge on the matter." Khalid's tone is sharp, biting and edged. While the words might be smooth and deceptive, there is a dangerous flare to his lethal blue eyes. He shifts again his seat, as one hand strays to the hilt of his silver-tipped whip. Hashim steps forward, unbidden, and prostrates himself before his God-King in a movement whose grace is at odds with his big powerful frame. His forehead goes down to his fingers, and his voice floats up steadily from his lowered figure: "I expect it is because of the demon, Amir-al." The Adept healer, the Nabi Jhonan, comes hurrying in in response to the summons of the Khalid. Quietly and quickly briefed, he steps up to the Agni-Haidar who holds the shudra, placing his hands upon her and frowning lightly down at her in concentration... only to jerk in very slight startlement at her murmur, or perhaps something that goes along with it. "Be at peace, child," he can be heard to whisper, very softly, even as his expression takes on a sharper concentration. Thalia glances at Khalid as he asks her to stay, nodding her consent. As if that was needed--would she really consider walking out on the God-King of the Varati? Certainly not after he obliterated a city, thank you kindly. Turning her eyes forward once more, she passes the scroll she holds from one hand to the other before finally settling it back against the small of her back. She keeps her curiousity in check, the Empreal woman appearing passive and calm. A silent observer set within the shadow of the Amir-al. Straightening slightly, she draws herself up enough to gain a better look at the girl all bundled up and the very whisper of a frown pulls across her lips. "Rise," utters Khalid in something near a bored tone. Yet, that illusion is dispelled once a single glance is spared towards the God-King's fiery blue eyes. "Demons, you say? Ah, weave me your story, Hashim. I have not heard a good tale in many years." Venom rolls off his tongue as he cautions, "Yet, know the penalty of attempting to deceive me, Warlord. I am not know for my...generosity." Thick feathers hide the presence of Thalia, momentarily, as his wings stir once more. Soon enough, however, they are pressed against his back. Beyond the tent walls, freezing rain washes down from the sky. The weather has been poor ever since Lycenae was destroyed, and ash has mixed with earth on the ground to leave it muddy and, at night, icy. Of course, it is winter, so this is to be expected. Brisk breezes are not so uncommon either, and the tent-flaps flutter open on the heels of the Nabi, Jhonan, with a particularly strong one. Rain spatters across the threshold. Ulima flicks a dark glance forward to Hashim as the Warlord takes on the brunt of Khalid Atar's wrathful attention, and there's an odd mix of pity and peace in the old woman's lined countenance... perhaps she has expected this. But if she has, it is apparent that she doesn't like it. Hashim, in the meantime, rises as he is bidden, entirely calmly, entirely tranquil. "There is not much of a tale, Amir-al," he replies in his deep ponderous tones. "The shudra girl is a demon. I was going to bind her to keep her from running loose upon the camp... but you summoned us to your presence before this could be accomplished." Shuffle. That's Kiera, who was standing utterly still, and that is not in response to the wind, which she could as easily quash as ignore. She's taking the latter route, but the wing-shuffle at Hashim's words, and her sharp gaze to the Khalid, is only an attempt at silent communication, to one who knows how how long Kiera can remain motionless. "Mm." Disappointed with this answer, or perhaps expecting it, Khalid cants his head so that blue eyes may take in the countenance of Ulima. "Your tale, priestess of my mother." Curt and to the point, the God-King seems to have little patience for nonsense this eve. He leans back into his cushioned chair, so as to hear what may be said. "I wish the -entire- tale. From the start." Jhonan, in the meantime, soon lifts his hands from the girl held in the arms of the Agni-Haidar... and the girl stirs more visibly, green eyes opening, cognizance in their regard. She immediately starts upon finding herself surrounded by the faces of strangers, and a choked little sound of fear and dismay escapes her as she begins to realize that her location has changed. Significantly. One hand shoots up in search of the veils she had been wearing... now gone. Ulima, in the meantime, steps quietly forward, kneeling with a bit more difficulty than Hashim had done on her more aged legs. "I speak at your bidding, Most High," she replies, her voice grave and a trifle quavery with her venerable years, but without hesitation. "The tale begins with the marriage of my sister's daughter to the Warlord Hashim of Sarazen." Moments after that icy wind blew into the tent, bringing with it a smattering of rain, the flaps part again. This time, a human hand is the cause. Someone has dared to intrude upon the God-King's private domain while he is conducting an audience, and that someone is Aurora. She enters silently and halts upon finding the confined space even more confined. Her hair is uncovered, wet, and plastered to her skull, and more rainwater drips from the hem of her kamiz. Seems she's taken an impromptu 'shower' in the rain. Ulima's voice...! Faanshi's gaze snaps round in that direction, and the girl's countenance, noticeably paler by nature than that of most beings in this tent, goes a shade paler. But now that she is stirring, the healer Jhonan nods briskly to the Agni-Haidar who holds her, indicating that she should be set upon her feet. Faanshi nearly falls once this is standing, but between the Nabi and the warrior, this does not occur. "Go on." Khalid's gaze slips past Ulima, towards the newest arrival and it causes a shift in his own stance. His solid jaw clenches, for but the briefest of moments. Yet, no orders are forthcoming to remove Aurora from the premises and with a wave of his slender, bejewelled hand, he utters, "Continue." Blue eyes lid over entirely. Ulima, thusly bid, goes on from where she kneels: "I saw that there would be a doom upon my sister's daughter if the marriage occurred, O Khalid, but I could not stop it. Yaminah was wed to Hashim." As she speaks, a slight flicker of... something... crosses the unnaturally still visage of the Warlord. A trace of wistfulness, perhaps; a trace of pain. "Yaminah," he whispers. And Ulima continues: "Her doom was a Sylvan, who loved her, and whom she loved." Those who might notice Aurora's quiet entrance, and who would care to study her face, would glimpse a subtle change in her expression at Khalid's reaction to her arrival. Her throat works, and her hand falls away from the tent-flap. She remains where she is, standing just within the entranceway. Troubled grey eyes leave the Amir-al as she skims over the others, and because Ulima is speaking, her gaze settles on her at last. Kiera returns to being still, now cocking her head to listen to the voice to the side of her. It's night, and Kiera, being Kiera, now finds herself fighting to remain awake, despite the stimulating surroundings. She does, however, miss the arrival of Aurora. There is no noticeable shift or further change in Khalid's expression. In fact, one would wonder if he has fallen asleep, for his eyes are closed, his wings are still and he shows no interest whatsoever in what is transpiring. The woman in the white robe remains kneeling before the God-King, her head bowed, but her old voice clear and quiet and strong. She continues her tale, keeping it short... but perhaps of her brevity, the implications of the situation are made all the more clear. She speaks of how Hashim put the Sylvan Jord Lonewalker to death; of how Yaminah was found to be with child by the Sylvan, and how Hashim would have put her to death, but for Ulima's persuasion that the child might be his, and might be a son; how, at last, Yaminah took the Jhor when she bore the baby. And how Ulima saw that the child would save the life of Hashim when her first flow came upon her... for the child had magic within her. "Healing magic, Amir-al." Throughout all of the wise-woman's quiet words, Hashim's face and frame grow even more preternaturally still. A faint hint of life animates his black gaze at each mention of the name of Yaminah... setting off the rest of his uncanny lifeness stance and expression. Slowly, he begins to look less tranquil, and more troubled. From Faanshi, there is a tiny gasp, promptly stifled as she slaps her own hands across her mouth. "Ah. Quite a tale, priestess of Ushas. I wonder, if my mother saw you now, whether she would judge your words wise or not." Khalid's lips curve slightly at the edges, as his deadly blue eyes open anew. No, he was certainly not sleeping throughout this tale, but rather absorbing the words with serious intent. "A half-breed. And one with magic. Mm." His gaze flashes towards Kiera as he queries, "Your own thoughts on the matter, little hawk?" Ulima makes no vocal reply to the Khalid's conjecture; if Ushas might have opinions about her tale, Ulima is not the one to speculate upon them. She merely sketches a symbol of the sunrise across her breast, inclining her head into a slightly lower bow as her God-King speaks, and falling into silence now that someone has been called upon. Little hawk. The words startle Kiera back into a full wakefulness, so that her eyes blink wide open and her mind reels back to catch the words spoken. "Someone..." Kiera couldn't name them right now even if pressed, "Told me that halfbreeds are feared, because they have magic. Timin has magic. I did not know if Minowee or Proudwing or Geraldine did. Do." Blink, the hazel eyes are shuttered, then focus fully on Khalid, "I did not know that the Faanshi had magic. But the soldier who guarded her said she had burning hands. I did not touch them." "Corrupted healing magic?" For the first time during the entire audience, Khalid seems to take an avid interest in the situation. His attention riverts to Ulima as he presses, "Speak on this matter and explain why her hands burn those she touches?" Interest commands the depths of Thalia's features as she listens, as subtle as it may be. A pursing of the lips here, an arch of an eyebrow there. Occassionally she looks to Khalid, regarding how reaction molds his expression. The faintest rustle comes from behind her, the woman no doubt toying with the scroll she rests against her back, and her gaze trips from face to face. On some it lingers longer and on others it passes in a heartbeat. Through it all, though, she remains absolutely quiet and out of the way. The girl kept towards the entrance of the tent turns a darker shade of gold along her cheeks, and dips her head towards her hands, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Her hands flutter about for a moment, like lost birds looking for a place to roost, before she presses them tight to her chest. "Sometimes, O Khalid," is Ulima's solemn reply, "Faanshi's magic is greater than she can contain. She has... harmed, when she was to heal." "The demon has seared my flesh," comes an eerie, almost inaudible murmur from Hashim, "to purge my sin from my body..." And Faanshi, looking stricken, tries to shrink down between the Agni-Haidar and the priest who flank her. The Healer Jhonan studies her out of the corner of his eye, looking rather disturbed himself by this unfolding tale; this little slip of a maiden, a halfbreed at that, is a healer? Aurora stands unobtrusively at the rear of the tent, and she watches and listens in silence. She does not shiver, for all that she is soaked with rain. It is warmer in the tent, and maybe she's clenching her teeth to keep them from chattering. She pushes a strand of wet hair back from her face, and her gaze darts between Ulima and Khalid, and then, the subject of this discussion -- the girl, Faanshi. "Very well." Khalid pins Hashim to his place with a sharp retort, "Warlord, when I desire to hear your voice, I will command it. Otherwise, you will not speak. I will know your sins soon enough." Having launched this minor verbal assault on the Clan leader of Sarazen, the God-King makes a study of Faanshi. "Come," he intones. "To me. Place your hand in my own, so I should know your power. And tell me the truth of these tales." His right hand, ungloved, extends towards the half-breed shudra. No longer directly in the Khalid's attention, Kiera draws in a breath and looks again toward Faanshi, noticing - and lingering her gaze on - Aurora for a moment. From within the tent, the air warmed by the Khalid's presence, eddies, then drifts toward the Teacher. Kiera's attention draws to the other halfbreed, remains there now as she is called forth. Faanshi turns as white as it is possible for a girl of her complexion to turn. The Agni-Haidar releases his firm grip on her shoulder, the grip that had been intended to keep her from falling to the tent's floor; on her other side, Jhonan, trusting he's done what he can to make sure she can move under her own power, releases her other shoulder. And Faanshi moves uncertainly forward, her eyes going no higher than the hand stretched forth to her... for she remembers that the imphada Kiera has told her not to look upon the Amir-al unless he bids it. Remembering, too, that she is to kneel, Faanshi goes to her knees once she is in range, and closes her slender golden fingers about the right hand of the Khalid. "Ulima speaks the truth as I understand it, Amir-al," she says, her voice small. Watching the girl, the old woman kneeling nearby gives the tiniest of smiles, the look of a mother taking a small kernel of pride in a daughter upholding patiently taught lessons... and Hashim does indeed fall silent, but his gaze has drifted off into the air, that faint air of troubledness still creasing his dark, stony features. Slender, graceful and smaller than the hands of the people he rules, Khalid's grip is still powerful and firm. "Rise," he instructs, "And gaze upon me. For I shall weigh your soul this day and know the truth of your words." As if on cue, his ebon wings spread open to their full width and glory, shrouding Faanshi in shadow. His other hand slips up from his resting place within his lap, so as to cup the girl's cheek. Aurora's gaze had settled on Kiera for a few seconds, but as Khalid Atar spreads his night-black wings to cast mirror-shadows of them upon the tent walls, her eyes are drawn to him. A line bisects her brow as she frowns in vague consternation, but she does not speak, or make any move to interrupt. Faanshi's hand, held, flutters again like an uneasy bird before she tentatively firms her grasp, needing to do so to rise up as she is commanded. A tremor courses up the length of her arm, ending in a swallow that ripples along her slender throat. But stand she does, and her green gaze lifts up to the azure one of the Khalid. She, too, is smaller than most Varati, paler, slighter; there is something subtly Other about the structure of her face, and most of all in those leaf-hued eyes. Once her eyes reach the face of the Khalid, another gasp escapes her, and her expression turns to one of mingled awe and fright and wonder. For a long moment, Khalid gazes into the depths of Faanshi's green eyes with his own intense, unyielding blue ones. Like the seas meeting the forests, he drinks of the girl's countenance and general demeanor, as if he were able to see into her very heart and soul. Moments pass without word or interruption until finally the God-King releases Faanshi's hand and face. "Step back, shudra," he instructs. As he focuses his attention on Hashim, he calls back to Thalia, "Thalia of House Tritonis, what council would you give me?" From the look of the shudra girl, gazing into the very depths of her soul is exactly what the dark-winged Son of the Dawn has done. Visibly shaken, but with more awe and wonder in her gaze and slightly less fear, she bobs her disheveled dark head and steps back, instinctively moving near Ulima and sinking down to her knees beside the old wise-woman. Ulima just as instinctively reaches to clasp Faanshi's shoulder; Faanshi, in the meantime, gazes wide-eyedly at her hand, the one the Khalid had held, as though it has turned into something entirely new and strange. A quick breath is brought in as she is called upon and Thalia sweeps a glance about the room, considering. She does not answer right away; it is foolish to plunge forward without thought. However, her answer is not terribly long in coming and arrives in soft, calm tones. "A man is defined by his actions," she speaks, her attention focused solely upon Khalid now. "Perhaps it is not the girl who is the demon, but someone else." She is reluctant to give her opinion any further, being a stranger to this culture. That said, she slips back into silence and waits... "Thank you, Thalia." As his right hand sweeps up to brush away unruly black locks of hair from his forehead, Khalid says, still in the direction of Hashim, "Since you have seen fit to join us, Aurora, do you have any opinion on the matter." His tone is distant, almost cold. Blue eyes do not once touch upon the wingless Empyrean woman. Hashim still gazes off into space, his expression now oddly twisted, pained... remorseful, perhaps. If he is registering the voices of the Amir-al and those upon whom he calls, the Warlord of Sarazen shows no sign of it. Beside Ulima, Faanshi touches the hand the Khalid had held to the cheek the Khalid had touched, and begins to look as one whose world has suddenly grown much, much bigger than she'd ever thought could be. The wise-woman curls a white-robed arm about the girl's shoulder, a silent gesture of comfort. As she is addressed, Aurora stiffens slightly, for she had not been expecting it. Her grey eyes fall on the members in question -- first Hashim, then Ulima, and finally Faanshi. There is no discernible change in her expression until she lifts her eyes to Khalid. Unlike others in the tent, she will look on him, directly, meeting that fierce, blue gaze without fear -- at least, if he were looking upon her. Her mouth sets in a firm line, and her shoulders straighten as if she's steeling herself for the reply. "I would not wish to judge hastily, or deny anyone the opportunity to... explain themselves." She pauses, and it seems as if something else hangs in the air -- some subtle tension that has nothing to do with the current situation. But it passes as her gaze moves on to the Empyrean standing at Khalid's side. "But given what I have heard, I would agree with the Domina Tritonides. The child is not the 'demon,' here." "Thank you for your council, Aurora." Khalid's words are absolutely devoid of emotion, or perhaps too laden with them to be easily discernable. "Warlord Hashim," he intones in a dry tone, "I find your tale to be somewhat...lacking. Perhaps you would wish to revise the statements you have made?" There is a promise hidden in his words and black wings raise, just a bit, as if the hawk was ready to pounce upon its prey. The sound of his name delivered in the cadences of his God-King does seem to strike a chord of response in the Warlord, though the big warrior does not shift his stance or his gaze. "I... _was_... certain she was a demon, O Khalid,_ he murmurs, sounding oddly confused. All had seemed so clear in his tent...! And then, he looks at last round to the Khalid, saying plaintively, "I did not wish her to harm the men of the armies." "This answer does not satisfy me, either. You have known her all your life. She has healed you in the past. Do not bandy words with me, Warlord." Khalid's lips slash a tight, cruel line that speaks volumes of the anger that must be contained in his black heart. "You understand my surahs, yes? Respect? Honor? Compassion? Yet, you do not obey them?" Hashim's bushy black brows knit together over his troubled black eyes, and those nearest the Warlord might be able to tell that the man is beginning to tremble. "I... have erred, Most High?" he rasps, the sound coming painfully up from his throat as beads of sweat begin to break out across his brow. Snorting loudly, Khalid hisses out his response, "You have -erred-, Warlord." Like a coiled snake ready to strike, he speaks, "And greatly. For your abuses on a shudra would be one matter, but that you have -lied- to me and broke my sacred surahs is something unpardonable." With a single flap of his wings, he rises to his full height and stature as he announces, "I shall give you two choices, Warlord. You may undergo the Jhor or you may battle me. If you do the latter and are victorious, you shall be allowed to leave this army and return to your vara. Unmolested. If you fail in combat with me, I shall teach you the true meaning of pain." Unnoticed by most, perhaps, Aurora's eyes close, and with a shift of wet fabric, she folds her arms across her chest. The tent seems colder, all of a sudden, and it is not entirely due to those chilling words from the God-King's lips. An unsteady breeze circles through the small audience, and without a word or a nod of farewell, the wingless Empyrean steps backward toward the entrance. Something in the tone of the Warlord of Sarazen makes the wise-woman Ulima lift her head -- something akin to a kind of compassion, though the woman makes no sound as she draws Faanshi close to her in a loose maternal embrace. The pronouncement of Khalid Atar, however, brings Faanshi's head up as well, and the girl presses close to her heart-mother, still looking thunderstruck. And as for the Warlord, Hashim turns pale, stricken, the very life seeming to drain out of him at the words of his ruler. He sinks down heavily to his knees, trembling harder now, the very image of a man whose personal reality is crumbling to ashes about him. He does not bother to point out that he had not consciously lied -- after all, if the Khalid has told him he has erred, then he has erred, period. "I will... undergo the Jhor... Most High," he whispers. "Very well. Poison, fire or disembowelment?" Is there a hint of disappointment in Khalid's voice at Hashim's choice. Has the bloodlust of the God-King of the Varati not been sated? Flicking a glance towards the ranking officer of the Agni-Haidar, he issues, "Send for fifty men of the Agni-Haidar. And ten of the Akhund. Have them waiting outside the command tent." Having seen and heard enough, Aurora slips soundlessly outside. The rush of the rain is more pronounced for a second as the tent-flaps open, and then it returns to being slightly muffled as the wingless woman disappears outside. Aurora leaves the tent for the encampment beyond. Aurora has left. Even as the words leave the lips of the God-King, the officer in silver and black cuts a sharp nod in acknowledgement, before retreating from the tent on the heels of Aurora. And in the meantime, the Warlord Hashim kneels there, his mind reeling, his gaze now twin dark points of despair. He has sinned against Khalid Atar; he can think of no other way to atone for it now save the Jhor, and without consciously considering his answer, he rumbles in crestfallen tones, "All... three, Amir-al..." To this, the woman Ulima presses her eyes closed, a wince flickering across her lined visage. She cradles an ashen-faced Faanshi close to her breast; neither the priestess nor the shudra dare to move, to speak, to breathe. Despite breezes, despite the Voice of the God-King, despite the fear that stinks the place, the hawk-winged halfbreed finally succumbs to her nature, and sleeps, where she stands, utterly relaxed. In Aurora's absence, finally, the air becomes utterly still. "You talk foolishness, Hashim. I have never heard of the Jhor being conducted in such a manner." Shaking his head, Khalid resettles into his chair as he states, "Guards, take the Warlord away. Oversee his Jhor in the morning, when he may face both my father and mother." As the royal guard move to take hold of the Warlord of Sarazen, the God-King murmurs, "May Ashur Masad have mercy on your soul, for I have none." Thalia watches all this with the same calm expression she's worn throughout the evening, her gaze slipping along the soaked darkness of Khalid's wings as he draws himself up. She is shielded from understanding Khalid's judgement by her ignornance of Varati culture, although her brow does dip down faintly as he offers Hashim a battle. As the man falls to his knees, as choices are presented, the gravity of the God-King's pronouncement begins to hit her. She shifts her weight, a subtle move of focus from one foot to the other, as a troubled gaze volleys between the Amir-al and the Warlord. Nervous? Uncomfortable? Yes, that, tied in with a compassionate instinct growing frantic within her heart. But she remains silent; calls forth no objection. He tried; that is all that crosses the mind of Hashim, as his offer to atone as best he could consider is rejected. The doomed Warlord, now as ashen as the shudra, now does nothing but bow his head in acceptance of his fate as the Agni-Haidar approach him. He gets to his feet under his own power, and departs the tent in the same fashion, but there is a mechanical dullness to his motions now, the lifelessness that had dulled his eyes now seeming to drag at his entire form. Still kneeling together on the floor of the tent, Ulima and Faanshi remain silent. The girl wears the face of one clinging to a single familiar object in the face of a universe turned utterly unknowable, while the old woman simply holds the maiden protectively near, her wrinkled mouth moving in a silent prayer to Ushas -- her own request that the Lady of the Dawn will be merciful upon the Warlord. In short order, the Kaimakam in black and silver returns, to report crisply as he salutes, "Fifty Lions and ten Akhunds have been gathered, Amir-al, as you have commanded." Residing in his seat, Khalid studies both Faanshi and Ulima. "The matter of the Warlord is settled. Now, I must decide what to do with the both of you. My Clanmate, Kiera, has asked that Faanshi be her shudra servant. I am agreeable to this idea. You, Ulima, may also act as an advisor within Clan Khalida, if you so desire. I free you both from Sarazen." He cocks his head as the Kaimakam reports in. "Clan Sarazen will be short one Warlord by the next morning. I wish to ensure none within the Clan feel a level of disloyalty for my decisions. You will take your troops and oversee the...exchange of power to the new Warlord. Cut down any who object and make sure the new Warlord is one I can trust. And one who has more sense that Hashim did. That is all." The Kaimakam promptly salutes again, saying brusquely, "It shall be done, O Khalid." He is gone again, swiftly, to oversee the advancement of the gathered men into the camp of Clan Sarazen. From outside the tent comes his barked stentorian orders, and the trampings of sixty pairs of feet that fade quickly off into the winter night. The two women, the old and the young, are left as the lone representatives of Sarazen within the tent. Faanshi's green eyes go wide again in shock at the words of the Khalid -- clearly, becoming one of Clan Khalida had never crossed her mind as a possibility, this night. Her glance flashes to Ulima, and although she does not voice her frantic question, it is communicated clearly enough to the old priestess. Through whatever inner sight the woman possesses, or simply through an adoptive mother's knowledge of her heart-child, Ulima smiles serenely and murmurs, "Choose as you feel is right, my child, I shall not leave you." With that, Faanshi nervously returns her gaze to the winged figure of the God-King. She has to swallow hard to secure control of her voice, but once she does, it sounds soft and clear within the tent: "I will willingly serve the imphada Kiera, Amir-al." Never mind that the imphada Kiera has yielded to the hawkish side of her nature and fallen asleep; Faanshi has not noticed, for her attention is riveted upon the Khalid. "Very well, shudra. You will change your attire to wear the colors of Clan Khalida. You will also be paid. Eventually. For now, for the pains you have caused my army and my men, you will receive nothing more than food, clothing and shelter. Until I deem otherwise. Or my Shakir believes you deserve more." Khalid purses his lips, then says in firm tones, "You had best be skilled in your duties, girl, for disposing of a Warlord is no paltry matter, though his crimes were deserved of it." Glancing at Ulima for a moment, he adds, "You will stay with her, priestess. And ensure her magic does not go awry. When I have judged whether she deserves better, we shall consider the possibility of entering her into the Atarvani. Or perhaps the Ushasti." Though she does not say anything, Faanshi's embrace round Ulima grows tighter with this new pronouncement of Khalid Atar. _Paid_? Money of her own? The idea strikes her as beyond belief... and then, _that_ strikes her as ludicrous, in the face of everything else she has seen and witnessed this night. The young shudra pulls in a shuddering breath while Ulima calmly inclines her aged head, saying simply, "By your bidding, Son of the Dawn." And then, before she can stop herself, Faanshi blurts, "Amir-al, may I... ask a question?" "Yes?" Khalid had already begun to turn towards Thalia, for the matter in his mind was closed. "What is it, shudra girl?" His gaze resettles on the young halfbreed. Pausing for a moment, he speaks, "There -is- one other matter I wish to make clear. You will both be returning with us to Haven. I have found that city to be a corrupting influence on my people. If either of you, after the enormous generosity I have shown, begin to behave in a way similar to the candala, I will summarily put you both to death. Is this understood?" To this, Ulima only bows her head in deferential acknowledgement. Faanshi blanches visibly, and then hastily nods her own head, breathing out, "Yes, Amir-al. I only wish to know... what will my duties be? How should I serve?" She flicks a momentary glance to Kiera, and upon finding that the winged imphada appears to have... fallen asleep?, the shudra girl's features reflect a shy sort of disappointment. But there's also a hint of growing excitement there, a childlike delight, just barely kept in check. "Shall I ask the imphada, or..." Then, her temporary surge of bravery leaves her, and her voice trails off into silence. So quiet. Aside from that one time she was asked to offer her opinion, Thalia has said and done nothing to draw attention to herself, keeping company with her thoughts. A simple shadow observing from the background. Grey eyes trail about the tent, regarding its occupants in more detail. A greater amount of time is spent observing each person, pressing memories to her mind. Peering over at Kiera, Khalid arches an eyebrow at his currently sleeping Clanmate. "Yes, I suggest you speak with the Imphada on what your specific duties are. I am sure she will teach you properly. But -always- remember your place. You are shudra. That you serve Clan Khalida is no importance. Your freedom has been paid with a high price, girl." Despite the harsh words, despite the seeming coldness to the half-breed girl, there is a gentle note to his tone. "Thank you... Amir-al..." Faanshi does not stammer, but perhaps this is only because she takes the time to pull in breath enough to steady her voice every so often, between her softly enunciated syllables. "I will remember." She bows her head, clasping her slender hands at her breast now, as she tentatively pulls free of Ulima's embrace. The wise-woman gives the maiden another serene, maternal sort of look. "That is all. The Agni-Haidar will ensure your possessions are moved to the tents within Clan Khalida's camp. Find one of the Atarvani and ask them which tent you should reside within." Khalid twists his wrist, in a sharp gesture of dismisal. "That is all." Ulima bows her head again, and Faanshi, quickly studying her heart-mother for cues, mimicks the old woman's gesture. The shudra rises first to her feet on her young legs, turning automatically to provide an arm which Ulima can grasp to haul herself up to a standing position. Ulima sketches one last obeisance to the God-King; this, too, is mimicked by Faanshi, before the two women retreat to the tent's entrance. The warrior who had carried the shudra girl into the presence of the Khalid, his features impassive and revealing nothing, nevertheless steps forward to volunteer to escort shudra and wise-woman out into the winter night. Grateful for the man's offer, the two silently accept it, and with that, they are gone. [End log.]