Log Date: 8/13/99, 8/17/99, 9/2/99, 9/27/99 Log Cast: Aureole, Doreel Log Intro: Once, the wolf-blooded Plainsrunner huntress Aureole led a fairly simple life, dwelling as a Pathkeeper in the canyons with her lifemate Briarcatch. Occasionally, she would take as lovemates the hunters Whistler and Peregrine; always, however, she came back to her beloved Briarcatch, who she'd loved ever since she was a child. All that, however, changed when she was lost in a twistwind that struck the territory of her tribe. Deprived of her memories by a blow to her head, she wandered northward... and eventually stumbled into the grove of the mad shaper Doreel. Captivated by the old one's manipulative magics and his madness, she grew to believe herself 'Elisel', one of Doreel's 'Dreams'. She might have remained forever captive in his grove if a solitary Wolfrider huntress, Thicket, had not given her own life to save her... and wound up with her soul entwined with that of Aureole's. Since then, though, for all that she has been reunited with her lifemate, Aureole has had a tenuous hold on her own sanity. With Thicket's soul sharing her head on the one hand... and the memories of Doreel's magics haunting her on the other... she has struggled for many years since to regain her sense of self. Without success. At last, growing increasingly tormented by the dreams that still swirl through her thoughts, she has made a drastic decision: to return to Doreel's grove, leaving her lifemate behind, and force the old one to heal her... ---------- She hasn't paid attention to how many days she's travelled... and she hasn't been quite sure if she's come the right way. Her course has been set by vague half-memories lurking in the swirl of jumbled recollection that lurks beneath her conscious mind. But the moment she stepped into this wood, the moment her sensitive nose caught the scent of the giant many-legged creatures on the breeze, she knew she was in the right place. And so she's stalked into the web-enshrouded gloom, wrestling with fear bubbling in her gut, clenching her spear and her flint knife close. The deeper she gets in, though, the more that swirl of recollection begins to leak out of the back of her mind. She knows these trees. And there is, building within her, a seductive and unsettling sense of... homecoming. A flash of memory: _her branches, uplifted to the light, her roots digging into the earth--_ No! She is _not_ a tree, she tells herself fiercely. She is Aureole. And she will make the mad one take his dreams back out of her head! This part of the forest is, more or less, as it is remembered: the great trees with their unnaturally twisting branches and roots, the wisps of cobweb hanging like tattered festival ribbons, the enormous, banner-like spiders' webs that make certain parts of the not-quite-path unpassable. An odd homecoming, if such it is. There must be a way in. She'll find it -- she has no choice, because if she doesn't find the way in, she has failed. Not for nothing did Briarcatch and Soulweaver teach her to hunt and to track. And thus the huntress creeps as quietly as she can, past tree and web, freezing in shadow at the slightest sound, sweat beading her brow. Nervous. So nervous, as though she were still a kit on her first hunt. But this hunt is far more vital than a mere search for food. Somewhere in the heart of this place is a piece of herself -- and she must retrieve it. The warped woods are oddly quiet this night, and very, very dark. Only half a moon shines overhead, and its welcomed silver rays have difficulty penetrating the dense foliage, resulting in odd stray beams of luminescence that streak downward in odd places. One such spot lies ahead of you, where moonglow courses down almost like a pillar to pool on the ground. Something sits in the center of it.. a strange and distorted thing of considerable size. In shadow, the huntress freezes. In one portion of her head, a wisp of an instinct not quite her own counsels caution -- and fortunately, so does the rest of her head. Her blue eyes narrow; her teeth clench. What is it out there, and can she get past it? Spider? Something else? Spider? Perhaps. Perhaps indeed. It is about that shape, if you were to take one of those creatures and let it curl itself up, tucking all eight legs up around its body. It is difficult to tell, though, for shadows and light collect in all the wrong places. The thing moves now and again, seeming to pulse slightly. It moves? Around it, then. Memory is piercingly clear on one thing, at least: those things bite, and their poison sickens the mind. If she is caught, if she is stung, if the spiders wrap her in their webs, she has failed. Careful, then. Look for a route around the thing. Quiet, so quiet. Move through the dreamscape moonlight and darkness. Get past the creature to its shaper, its master -- _her Shaper, her Dreamer, her Rememberer_ -- no, don't think that! As you consider this, something in the not-so-distance *click*s softly. Lazily, even. It doesn't seem to come from the thing in front of you, mostly by virtue of the fact that it is the source of an echoing *click*. And not much more. It is certainly possible to go around it, by skirting off into the trees surrounding the tiny clearing. Of course, the brush is much thicker out there, and who knows what lies beyond? A glance into the thick undergrowth -- a glance back to the thing in the middle of the clearing. Sleeping, perhaps? Perhaps she can sneak past it? Her father was a Wolfrider -- _she is a Wolfrider_ -- no, no, she only has wolf-blood, she is a Plainsrunner! -- think, curse it, Ree, stay clear! Try to move past it, then, on the very edge of the moonlit clearing. Take a step. Another. One step at a time... One step, and nothing happens. Another step, and still nothing. In fact, nothing further happens until you get about halfway across the opening, when another *click* sounds from the creature in its center. Freeze. Go still as stone, Ree, and hope to the High Ones that the wind doesn't blow your scent at the thing. Can it hear the pounding of your heart? Wait... wait... if it stays still, step again, slow and careful, patience and cunning will get you into the heart of the grove... Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn't. At any rate, the thing in the middle of the clearing suddenly gets much larger as it uncurls, becoming mostly long legs, and then scuttles off into the trees on the far side. _Oh Timmorn's Blood--!_ The huntress chokes back a scream as that wisp of wise canny instinct in the back of her mind, that wisp that tastes of a Self other than her own, locks her muscles to keep her from bolting in panic. Only when the spider is gone can she seem to find control of her limbs again... and her steps are shakier when she forces herself to stumble to the far edge of the little clearing... and further into the wood. If she can get past the spiders, she'll be safer. _Safety in the heart of the grove_, the thought intrudes delicately on her mind, and for a dangerous, languorous moment she can think of nothing else. The grove. Safe. Secure. Her dreams are there -- no! But where, exactly? It isn't as though there are any trails to follow through here, or that anyone is about to ask. And you weren't exactly in any condition to remember where you were going when you came through before... and yet, there is a certain familiarity abounding. Something about this place conveys a certain sense of the fact that you are going in the right direction, that you are, in fact, very close. Silence again filters into the trees around you, allowing no further hint of the giant arachnids. Yet. Good... they can stay way from her. Makes her task easier. She can confront the mad one more easily if her head is clearer -- _is it clear? Memories of enveloping fog tease at her mind, hints of dreams color her consciousness, and she can almost smell the sweet scents of the things the Dreamshaper makes grow with his power_. A tiny whimper escapes her beforre she can stop herself, but she makes herself keep going anyway, her senses atwitch, her nose unconsciously seeking those scents even as her eyes and ears remain alert for any sign of the creatures' return. And even as her feet, half of their own accord, carry her further and further in through the moonshadowed trees. Quite uncalled for is the sudden burst of noise, off to the right: a frantic, angry series of clickings and tappings, intersperced with a long, rather alien hissing. This almost exactly corresponds with another break in the vegetation as you do, in fact, encounter a path. A narrow, twisting one that goes off at an angle from the way you were going: it goes sort of left to right, heading out into a different part of the wood. Oh no... does she remember that path? Indecision wars with the embers of a disturbing need coming to life within her. She must reach the grove. She needs to reach the grove... but she cannot let the spiders catch her. The path does not look like it goes the right way... but perhaps her memory is flawed? Her memories have been so confusing ever since she last left this place. Try the path then... slow and careful, try to think clearly, see if it feels familiar... Does it feel familiar? Were you even going the right direction in the first-place? The decision-making process is hurried along by the rustle of something approaching through the bracken beside you, clacking quite angrily as it comes. Go! Run! Do not let the spiders catch you! The older Self within her urges speed and caution, but the younger Self buckles under a burst of fear, a burst of desperation to reach the grove's heart, to be safe, to be sheltered... her mind blurs. She runs. You run, then, deeper into the woods. The thing gives chase, perhaps prompting you to choose certain turns over others, narrowly avoiding one of the largest spiderwebs you've ever had the opportunity to see up close and personal. The path criss-crosses in front of you, veering off to the other side now at a much sharper angle. If her mind were clearer, it might occur to her to wonder if she is being... herded, herded as efficiently as a wolfpack herds the sick and weak out of a gathering of prairie nohumps to take them down as prey. But her thoughts are blurring, her heart pounding harder within her chest. Her world narrows to admit nothing through her consciousness but the need to reach her goal... Then, abruptly, the trees thin out, as though you had reached the end of them. Even the underbrush becomes less dense, up to a point. The cold light of the half-moon shines down from above, bathing the sudden clearness in its radiance, and countless stars look down upon that which faces you now: a wall, almost twice your height, of wickedly twisted brambles. Something joins that which comes in persuit, running in from one side, and further away a third clattering can be heard. Are they herding? Maybe. Or maybe they've grown smarter since last you were here.. Oh High Ones... the wall... how can she get past it? Is she trapped? Her breath rattling in her throat, she flashes desperate glances in all directions. There must be a way through or around, which way to go now -- can she plunge through the brambles? Does she have a choice? It stretches in two directions for quite some distance, but there does not seem to be a way through it. At least, not here.. Run then, if she has a clear path, follow the wall. Look for a weak spot. Need roils in her belly, comes up to make a physical pang within her chest. She's close, so very close, if she can only find a break in the wall... does she remember the wall? She isn't sure, but oh, the Dreamshaper must have made it, he can make the green growing things bend to his will, the flowers, the vines, the trees -- _her_ -- no, she isn't a tree! Run... And so you run. The spiders come closer.. you can hear the sick whisper of chitin on branches, the liquid hisses from their maws, the ever-present clicking that draws ever nearer. The wall is not difficult to follow, though it curves slightly as you go around it. And there, up ahead, is the path again.. running straight into the side of it. A wild relief, a desperate joy, surges through her. She flings herself at the path, her heavy braid swinging out behind her as she goes... into the grove! You push your way through the woods and webbing to get to the light that seemed so far away before. You breath a sigh of relief as you see... Grove(#9784RLU) Life abounds in the center of this grove, not quite drowning it in profusions of vegetation. All around it plants grow, twisting about each other in a magical dance of life that makes the hair on the back of one's neck stand up. It is an oval, about an arrow's flight across its longest part and slightly less than half that across the narrowest, covered over with a lawn of brilliant verdant green. The distance is narrowed some by the many trees spread about the outer span of the oval, spaced rather neatly apart from one another. They are odd trees, though, filtering through the many stages of a tree's life: some are covered in flowers, others in thick summer growth, while the leaves of not a few are stained the colours of deathfall. Many of the trees are adorned with fruits, but not those commonly seen anywhere else on Abode. Beyond those trees rises a high wall of thorns, tangled and thick enough to prevent any idea of what lies beyond. A creek cuts across the middle of the place, winding this way and that with no apparent purpose, flowing both in and out under the wall. On one side of it grows a huge tree, one whose top towers far above any other, its trunk easily wider than half a dozen elves could encompass with arms spread. Twisted roots shelter tiny niches where grow odd patches of mushrooms and berry brambles. On the far side of the water is another tree, smaller and more twisted, with odd, raised patterns in its trunk. The space is almost deathly quiet. There are no birds, no chattering small animals, not even any noisy insects.. only the sound of the water. Contents: Doreel Obvious exits: Woods Path Hole Tree The wall does part there, forming something of a tunnel that winds through the tangle. Thorns jut out at horrible angles, attempting to claw you, to catch you, to stop you from entering, but they manage to leave only superficial scratches. And then suddenly you're through, and in the grove, were all is deathly silent. Aureole bursts through the wall of thorns, stumbling in her wild haste, barely aware of fleeting scratches dealt her and her travel-worn leathers, of the way her hair gets caught and the prick of pain along her scalp when she wriggles free. Momentum carries her forward several feet before her legs give way beneath her, trembling violently... and the trembling suffuses her entire frame. Made it. Here. Grove. _Dream-place, fog-place, home..._ -- no, no, don't forget, danger here too! But she is tired, bone-tired, her heart is racing and sweat glistens all over her body. Tendrils of her thick heavy hair, glimmering with that same sweat and glinting in odd rainbow shades in the chill moonlight, drop across her face. Must catch her breath, stop her shaking... The grove is cool after the fashion of a late summer's night, blanketed in darkness and gilt silver by moon and starlight. The air is scented with the smells of fruit and flowers, not heavily perfumed, but pleasant, far more so than the tickle on the back of one's neck illicited by the many forms of tampered life wrapped about one another. But it is quiet, and it does seem to welcome you back, the grass and ground beneath you soft and inviting. Come, it beckons, rest yourself.. forever, perhaps. Tempting, so very tempting, to crumple here upon the grassy earth. To rest. She has achieved her destination, has she not? But she cannot rest here. She might not wake up. The old-Self within urges her up again, to be wary and watchful. To find the Mad One and make her demand. The sooner, the better. And so on shaking legs she hauls herself erect, unaware of the way her hands clench with far too tight a grip upon her spear and knife. Wild blue eyes behind sweat-weighted strands of oddly hued hair flick their gaze in several directions, looking. Looking for Doreel. Master of this place. This lovely moonglowing place. This lovely, welcoming place... She starts forward, unaware that her steps are slower than she intends, her gaze lingering without meaning to upon green growing things she passes. The grove appears to be deserted, though it cannot possibly be abandoned. There is no sign of the old silvered elf, not here, and not out on the lawn. No movement of any type hints at his whereabouts, either. A splash of fear rolls down Ree's back as she makes herself creep along, makes herself focus on the input of her senses. Sight: no visible trace of him. Hearing: the grove is as eerily silent as she remembered (don't think about it! Don't think about how the quiet threatens to soak into your thoughts!). Scent: Can she smell him? Her nose twitches, and she sneezes once, briefly overwhelmed by the thick odors of green growing things blanketing this place. Something, though, keeps her from sending, arguably the fastest way to alert the Grovekeeper to her presence... for a corner of her mind shies away from the idea of touching her thoughts to his. Odors of lush vegetation mingle with deep flower scents, mingled through with the much brighter, more citrine smells of the many fruits that grow here, now watered with early dew. Though not overpowering, they certainly mask much.. but not everything. Not at all. Subtly pervasive are the smells of completely different things: a slightly muddy animal sort of scent, and the all too familiar breath that is the Shaper. This last scent, once found, is not difficult to pick up, for it can be found almost everywhere in the grove, mingling into the plants. It concentrates in places, though, eventually coalescing into a path that leads ultimately to the larger of the trees in the clearing. Step. Step. Something brushes against the thin leather of Ree's boot, and she snaps a skittish gaze downward. Her heart climbs into her throat as she notes the shape of a mushroom in the grass -- and as if it were a plains grass-snake instead, she leaps sideways in reflexive startlement, bent on avoiding it. She trembles violently, waiting for her pulse to settle down before she proceeds. _Can't do this must do this need my self back make him heal me..._ Her head snaps around again, blossom-colored braid swinging heavily across her shoulderblades, petal-hued strands of sweat-soaked hair falling across her frightened eyes. There... his scent... by the tree. Head to the tree... To the tree, then, looming as a huge black shadow against a dark starry sky. But one can get only so close to it before noticing the border that surrounds it: a barrier, of sorts, erected against who knows what. For there, visible as almost luminescent shapes in the non-light, grows an enormous ring of mushrooms. All different kinds of them. The scent-trail leads right through them of course, or over them. Memory surges. _The shape of a shroom pressed into her pliant hands, the taste of its flesh melting down her throat; her limbs turned slack and numb and tingling all at once; the honey-sweet, wine-heavy fog enshrouding her, protecting her; dreaming, dreaming, dreaming..._ The she-elf sways, trembling, very nearly dropping her weapons. It would be so very easy to take one. To lose herself in the Dream again. The need roils in her belly, whispering of vines curling close about her, caressingly close. Of flowers brushing against the soft skin of her cheek. Of her Shaper's magic bending her flesh to his will... _NO!_ She groans aloud, then, and hurls herself through the shroom-ring, blindly lunging for the tree. The tree is but four or five paces from the curve of the circle, its roots reaching out to welcome you in. Of course, little stands of mushrooms well up within them, too, along with brambles that grow riotously full of dark berries. Shadows pool along its trunk, concealing much of it in folds of darkness, but the fact that bits of stone have been set up in the next pocket over after the fashion of stairs might give some indication of where exactly the mad one had gone. She smacks into the tree, and for a long moment, cannot make herself move as memories of dreams... of nightmares... of reality?... crash over her. Tree. She can remember... _her roots stretching down deep into the earth, her branches lifted up to the light, green green leaves dappling her body in shadow. Sap flowing thick and sweet through her body..._ Another deep groan escapes her, and with an effort, she pulls herself away from the too-enticing support of the mighty tree's trunk, and towards those stone stairs. You climb up the winding stairs that have been shaped into the tree and walk into the very heart of it. Tree The inside of the tree hums with energy. Like the inside of a Wolfrider father tree, except a lot more. Similar images to those entwined in the limbs outside have been shaped into the walls here. Every once in a while you think you see one of the images move but when you look it is the same as when you entered. Narrow and steep stairs curve around the inside of the tree to a small area where soft and warm furs have been left lying for a sleeping area. Several windows line the highest parts of the tree and give a wonderful view of the sky and stars. This place is surely one of the most wonderous things you have ever seen. Contents: Doreel Obvious exits: Out The steps lead up to an opening in the trunk, covered over by a thick blanket of something organic. It is heavy, but not with such weight that makes passing through it difficult, for as you go through it proves to be not one solid blanket, but many fine strands of.. something. And then you're inside the tree, its insides ever so softly radiant with the light of glowing shrooms sprouting up from odd corners and pckets. They display, amongst other things, the all too familiar form that sleeps curled up in a pile of fur off to one side. "T-Timmorn's.... Bl..." Ree does not know which of the selves that have been occupying her head as of late come up with the curse; she doesn't think to care. The fine strands over the opening in the trunk send shivers coursing all along her skin as she stumbles through them... and only after she skitters away from them, further into the tree, does she realize that the place is lit within. The eldritch glow of the shrooms that line the walls freeze her in her tracks, and she shoots near-frantic glances in all directions before her gaze falls upon the prone form in slumber. Her mouth works soundlessly, before her voice finally croaks, "Doreel." Then, louder, in hoarse desperation as she staggers to him: "Doreel!" The figure curled in the niche doesn't stir at first. Not for a moment, anyway. There is sort of a delayed reaction.. a timing that would be unsettling, likely, if it weren't so imperative that he be woken. Nothing happens, and then everything happens: the pile of furs goes from motionless to sudden fury as the sleeper wakens, and in that moment goes for the staff leaned up against the wall. With a noise that's half-whimper and half-growl, Aureole whips her spear point-forward into both her hands, ready to defend herself, even as she demands in ragged tones, "H... hold it! Hold it!" Pale fingers stop breaths away from the staff, and once again the other is still. Doreel looks at it, and then at you, eyes narrowing slightly in the faint light that percolates through the tree. He stares, then blinks, then leans his head forward as though to maybe somehow get a better look at you. "Y . . you came back." This comment seems to fluster the disheveled, wild-eyed maiden with the spear somehow. Her eyes crinkle under her unkempt bangs for just a moment, before she gestures with the spear again and croaks, "For healing! You. Must heal me... need it... up, get up!" Doreel draws his hand back and to his eyes, which he rubs with fingertips and thumb for a moment or three before looking back at you and blinking. "You came back," he replies, as though not having heard you. The old elf sounds rather disturbed by this fact, as though not quite able to process it somehow. "They never come back." The spear prods at the old one, but not very forcefully -- and the weapon is shaking in Aureole's hands. "Have to heal me," she insists. "Fix me... I... I... get up...!" Gaze shifting now to the spear, the other looks somewhat confused. He lowers his hand now to push it away, though with no real force. "Heal you. Yes.. I can do that, can't I?" Shaking more visibly now, her expression strangely torn between fierceness, fear, and longing, Aureole wets her lips and then rasps, "You... you _made_ me like this... yes, yes, you can heal me... heal me...!" Those last two words come out of her almost more as a plea than a demand, however, and her weapon is at least briefly easily pushed aside. It is difficult to read the grey one's expression in the half-light, but what little emotion manifests on his face is thoughtful indeed. He sits for anoher moment or two before moving again, pushing the spear even more to one side, and drawing his other hand up to rest it on one of yours. Even it moves a soft glow wells up, a faint aura of pale, honied gold. Ree's breath catches in her throat as yet again memory churns through her, prompted by the shimmer that comes into being around the hand you take up into your own. She can remember that glow, oh yes. _The subtle spread of warmth and peace through her limbs, enfolding her body and mind. The fog. The dreams. This touch upon her, calling forth shoots of green from her branches and coaxing her roots to burrow deeper into the earth, holding her fast--_ A little groan escapes her, and her fingers quiver within the light while the hand with the spear wavers, first dipping down as if to hang slackly at her side, then jerking up again. "Right this time," she mumbles. The hand only barely touches yours, skin brushing over skin with moth's wing faintness. The light -- that translucent, not-quite-white radiance -- needs no more than that, though, for it snakes in tiny, flame-like tongues over your fingers, up your hand, and partway up your arm. The scratches melt away in its wake, but that.. for now ..is all. Aureole's eyes drift shut for a moment, tranquility threatening to settle across her features, wrestling with the apparent frantic nervousness that can be still sensed in her face and frame. She draws in an unconscious breath, her spear hand lowering again; for a moment, just for a moment, she sways slightly where she stands, her hand still trembling in yours. Familiar, so familiar, that fleeting kiss of light, and it sets off a strong roil of need in the huntress's system. Her eyes flash open again, darkened, yearning. "You... have to... mend my head," she insists hoarsely. The light fades, and Doreel pats your hand gently, though never actually withdraws his. "What is wrong with it, my dear?" Conversational.. that's what he is now. Nevermind the fact that it's the middle of the night, or that you woke him up with a spear, or everything that happened before. Totally irrelevant, or so it would seem. "You don't look well." It is easy, very easy, to let herself be lulled by that gentle inquiry. Aureole sways again, then shakes herself all over and blurts, "Forget... who I am... what I am... it changes. Wrong! Wrong!" Her face tightens then, in a renewed surge of fierce insistence. Tilting his head slightly to one side, Doreel arcs a brow. "You've forgotten who you are? Oh. Oh my." This too seems to perplex him, almost as much as the fact that you appeared did, if in a slightly different way. He frowns slightly, leaning back as if to muse. "Who do you think you are? Or are not?" "My name is... is... Aureole!" This bursts out of the maiden vehemently... but the pause before the name is noticeable, as is the flare of brief uncertainty that clouds her eyes. Doreel's brow furrows. "No it isn't," he replies. "I'm afraid you're right. You do need healed." The old one's words make the maiden violently start again, and her hand jerks unconsciously away from his. "Is!" she insists. "Am... am Aureole! Of the Plainsrunners... B-Briarcatch is my lifemate... and... and I've been broken... you, because of you..." She stumbles backwards a step, once more bringing up her spear, but in a strangely defensive posture rather than pointing it forward. "You must... heal me... so I can go home...!" "But Elisel," Doreel murmurs all but to himself, lowering a hand that again flickers with that strange, pale light. "You -are- home." The various diffused light sources shadow his eyes, making the look that he gives you utterly unreadable, but somehow odd. Eerie. Maybe, if you were thinking clearly enough, even frightening. "For good, this time." Between the light of your fingers and the wan eldritch glow thrown off by the mushrooms that line the inner bark of this great tree, Aureole is all too aare of the eerie, unsettling shadows in this place. Her gaze flashes across yours, skittish, frentic, and the spear comes up again. She groans audibly at the word 'Elisel', and with an effort, it modulates into a frantic rasp: "NnooOOooOOo, not Elisel, not... I'm not!" Again the grey one tilts his head sideward to gaze at you.. or through you, maybe. "Aren't you?" The words he speaks are soft, quiet, lulling.. like the magical radiance. "But, little one, I thought you had forgotten who you were? That is why you are here, is it not?" "No! Y... yes... but... not Elisel!" Ree babbles. The spear drops a few inches in her trembling hands, even as her gaze settles upon your shadowed face. "My name is Aureole..." "Is it? Are you sure?" And that's all Doreel says. Or does. Or otherwise inquires, save to stare at you. _Is_ she sure? Contradicting memories swirl through her thoughts, and the fierceness of her expression begins to waver, her gaze turning more uncertain. Slowly, she starts to shake her disheveled head... before catching herself and mumbling, "Briarcatch said so!" And still the gentle interrogation continues, still issued in that same, soft voice. "Briarcatch? Who is this? He is not here, is he? And you did not go to him for help, did you? How could he know, if he could not also help you?" "He is my lifemate," Aureole moans softly, even as her hands lower the spear further. Her attention remains upon your face, as she grows slowly but inexorably lulled. "Not... not a healer... can't fix me... had to come back..." Doreel sighs softly and shakes his head, the light in his hand flaring to deep amber, then going out abruptly. "Ah, Elisel. You shouldn't have left. Look what they've done to you." The maiden starts as the light winks out, her gaze flashing to your hand as though she half-fears it might be a serpent about to strike her. "No... no, _you_, you made me..." "But you came back," he points out, now almost accusingly. Confused, Aureole sways from foot to foot, her features crinkling in consternation. "Made me," she mumbles in distant tones, "shaper... n-no... no, I came back, I-I came back for..." Doreel peers for another moment as you try to work through this, then shakes his head. "Perhaps," he suggests, "you should sleep on the thought. Maybe you will think more clearly in the morning." "Sleep?" murmurs Aureole, plaintively, her voice very small. She... _is_ tired... so tired... A benign nod is given as Doreel meaningfully picks up a blanket. "Sleep," he agrees. "I'm sure you'll be better when you wake up." The maiden has lowered the spear entirely to her side now, the weapon forgotten. Her free hand lifts up to shove reflexively at the strands of oddly hued hair falling across her eyes, and bewilderment wars with exhaustion in those blue orbs. "I can't stay," she protests, but feebly. The other pauses at this, both brows going upward. "You cannot stay?" The sentiment is echoed with traces both of amusement and disbelief. "Where will you go, Elisel? You belong here. If nothing else, you need healed. You said so yourself." 'Belong'... that word, too, makes the she-elf sway a little, a small whimper dropping breathily from her mouth. "Go.. go home," she murmurs. "If... if I... sleep, will you heal me...?" "Of course," Doreel agrees, perhaps a little bit too readily. "And then all will be well, will it not?" Slowly, the maiden bobs her head, tension still visible in the tightly crinkled lines of her face and in the set of her slender body. But she nods, and keeps nodding, staring glassily at you all the while. "I'll... sleep," she relents. Doreel nods a single time. "Good." Kind of as an afterthought, he adds: "It'll be better. You'll see." Better... better is good. She wants it to be better, doesn't she? "Sleep... where?" she whispers then. Oh, she is so visibly tired, this maiden, still swaying on her feet, her eyes almost dropping closed right here and now. "Sleep.. ah.." Doreel pauses, looking around. This probably hadn't occured to him before. He muses over it for several moments before giving any kind of answer, and then it is a nebulous one at best. "Sleep wherever you are most comfortable." Perhaps 'comfort' is not something she expects to find here, for Aureole swallows hard, jerking her gaze off you and glancing nervously around, peering through the interplay of light and shadow. Where _could_ she go? Outside, perhaps, but.... that would require her to go past the mushrooms. Here, within, is only slightly less unnerving. Finally, she edges hesitantly away, approaching one of the windows. "Sleep there..." The aged elf watches for a moment or two, gaze diverting only when reference is made to the window, which he peers at. "That would be a good place to sleep," he agrees. "Lots of air, some light. Yes, I think you'll like that. Here, have a blanket." No time is allowed for a response to that: he tosses one at you. Frightened, wary blue eyes peer from behind bangs of oddly tinged white, and Aureole half-starts in nervous reaction... but she also catches the blanket. Nervously, she sniffs at it... and then, grudgingly, wraps it around herself and sinks down into a huddle by the window. "Sleep," she mumbles, eyes beginning to close. "Sleep..." "Sleep," Doreel agrees. He continues to watch for a little while longer, perhaps assuring both you and himself of the continuance of this idea. It would not, after all, do to have you jumping up and running off any time soon. It doesn't take long, however, before he gives up the vigil and stretches himself back out where he'd been sitting, lying down and folding his arms to pillow his head. She doesn't jump up, and she doesn't run... but it does seem to take the maiden some time before she finally subsides into something like repose. By the time you retreat to your own resting place, she's curled up on her side on the floor of living wood, falling into an uneasy doze... but definitely, exhaustedly, asleep. [To be continued...]