Log Date: 1/25/96 Log Intro: In Doreel's hidden grove, Rillwhisper has continued to tend her venom-stricken friend Strongbow -- and much to her elation, the archer seems to be fighting off the poison of mad Doreel's spiders simply by the force of his own will. Doing her best to encourage this, Rillwhisper has coaxed Strongbow into deciding the path of his own recovery. It is Strongbow who asks if they can send for help, and Strongbow who suggests that Rillwhisper pace him and steady his addled thoughts when he sends to reach her lifemate Trollkiller. Gladly, Rillwhisper has done this, though the effort exhausted both of them. And it is then that the master of the grove chooses to notice them again.... ---------- Doreel paces from behind the tree, looking up at it, somewhat longingly. Rillwhisper has moved. She and her sick companion are now much closer to the stream than they had been, before; the chieftess sits cross-legged by the water, with Strongbow crumpled against her chest. Her forehead is leaning down agaisnt the top of his head. As sleep fades in the archer's mind, leaving him hazily in the present, he shifts, stirring against his golden-haired companion. As if he knows she sleeps on, he stills before one eyes slits open, watching the little rivulet babble by. Doreel glances over at the two of you, "He is not getting better. Is he?" Rillwhisper, wolf-napping, jerks uncomfortably at the sound of Doreel's voice, but doesn't quite awake. At least not immediately. Her head snaps up, but her gaze is blank, at the moment. Doreel looks at Rillwhisper curiously. Rillwhisper then blinks several times, gaze shifting round to the tall and ancient elf. "What?" she mumbles. Strongbow frowns down at the rivulet, still quite still. ** You think? ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sends a brief tendril of thought, encouraging gently for you to sleep on, to rest. There is soft gratitude twined about it before the tendril retreats. Doreel says "The poison is not kind." Rillwhisper then glances down at the archer, eyes unexpectedly softening, and she brushes a hand through his hair. "He's fighting it," she says softly, proudly. You locksend ** I'm awake, dear one... Doreel's here... ** to Strongbow. Doreel nods slightly, impassionately. Rillwhisper adds, a slow grin spreading across her face, "I think he'll hang on till Silversong gets here... it'll be alright....." Doreel says "If she gets in here at least." You locksend ** You hear me, archer? You're going to be alright! ** to Strongbow. Rillwhisper looks up once more, green eyes bright. "She will. Woodhawk and Trollkiller, too. Woodhawk's fire will scare the spiders, I'll bet." Strongbow lifts himself, gently, from his companion. Without a word or a send he reaches out to the water, gathering a scant handful and lifting it to his lips for a sip. Doreel shakes his head slightly, "They do not scare easily." With a triumphant tone, Rillwhisper declares, "You haven't seen Woodhawk call fire to him." As Strongbow moves, she stretches, stiffly, watching him to gauge his steadiness. Strongbow offers, with a bit of a sour grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, still staring into the water, ** They may burn easily. ** Rillwhisper then looks over her shoulder, up at Doreel. "We'll go, when they arrive. And stop eating your food and distracting your helpers." She half-smiles. Doreel says "Do what you will." Rillwhisper quirks an eyebrow at the indifferent tone, then turns back to Strongbow. "Well, what I will is to get my friend moving...." Rillwhisper leans closer to the archer, and asks him, quietly, "How are you feeling?" Strongbow locksends to Doreel, Strongbow requests, firmly, but without compromise, nor much hope for success, ** Send. ** Strongbow looks over his shoulder then, as if the water had held his attention, distracted. ** Better. ** Doreel glowers down at Strongbow. Rillwhisper smiles again, warmly. "What do you want to try to do? Think you can walk again, a little bit?" Strongbow looks past the green-eyed elf by him to meet the glowering gaze of Doreel with one of his own, one with a hint of a glittering smirk in the eyes. Absently, to Rillwhisper, he replies, ** Can. Not just yet. ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow adds, almost bemusedly, ** Want to try to -- ** He indicates Doreel, with particular clarity. ** Keep my head clear. ** Doreel narrows his eyes as he watches Strongbow, a hint of... something coming over his face. Rillwhisper's eyebrows go up. She nods, then glances between the archer and the shaper. She doesn't look particularly unpleased, though. That Strongbow has chosen to do something, anything, heartens her. Rillwhisper casually drinks from the stream, herself. Strongbow locksends to Doreel, Strongbow refirms his attempt. ** Send truth. Are you afraid? * You locksend ** I'm here, soul-brother. ** to Strongbow. Doreel scowls slightly, "I am not afraid. I choose not to send to one who is not a real elf." Strongbow almost growls, then, absurdly, chuckles, laughter rough in his throat. ** For fear you will become unreal? ** Rillwhisper blinks. Then snorts to herself. _That_ sounds familiar; Doreel's realized what a Wolfrider is, has he? Or is this his madness talking, simply? "Strongbow and I _are_ real, Doreel. We're not visions." Doreel chuckles slightly and folds his arms across his chest, "You perhaps are Rillwhisper. But this one is nothing more than a beast. He wears fur on his face like one... his growl... all of it." Strongbow shifts, rearranging his position on the ground, sitting cross-legged and cross-armed, waiting to see what meaning takes prime position. Rillwhisper says serenely, "We're both children of Timmain." Lira comes out of the helper's Hole, glancing at the three she pauses. Rillwhisper adds, glancing sidelong with another proud glint in her gaze at the archer, "As for him being a beast..." She laughs, gently. "Beasts don't send." Strongbow's glance shifts, arrow-quick, to his companion. Doreel shakes his head, "A lie. Timmain was a leader amoung the first comers. You are nothing like her. You locksend ** ? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** Timmain. ** He remembers...part. Not all. ** ** Rillwhisper tilts her head at Strongbow, suddenly, catching her breath. You locksend ** Yes. You saw her.... ** to Strongbow. Rillwhisper then flashes her gaze back up to Doreel and sends, levelly, ** It's true. If Strongbow's a beast, Doreel, then so am I, because we're the same kind of elf. But Timmain _is_ our foremother. ** Doreel narrows his eyes, suprised perhaps by her send... he knows about sending, at least what you elves think of it. Strongbow's gaze searches that of his companion, one brow raising. Doreel points towards Strongbow, "Then how.... do you explain that?" Meaning his beard. You locksend ** Do you want to tell him, or shall I? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow lifts his hand to run over the fur, eyes shifting back to Doreel. ** I will show you. ** His gaze glitters, and for a moment, he sends to Rillwhisper. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow shows not a breath of hesitation. ** While I have memory at hand... ** His tone is ironic. ** I will. ** Rillwhisper, seeming to realize on some level that she needs to, lightly drops a hand on Strongbow's shoulder. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper touches your thoughts again, steady. Doreel says "Show me then beast." Doreel says that with contempt. Strongbow locksends to Doreel, Strongbow lets into you, sending, clarity piercing, not at all the swirling mind that touched you a day before. ** Timmain. ** The name alone calls up memory, first of image: A silver wolf, stalking among those with whom the Wolfriders run. She is low-rank in the pack, but present...the wolf-elves and their lupine kin, in the archer's memory, explore a great stone memory, the turning magic about them of the Palace. It is near meaningless, but a cub notices...and then all notice, the silver wolf, stretching, shimmering, until in her place lies the thin form of Timmain, the wolf-mother, the elf-mother. It could be a dream but for one memory, almost pain: The High One _sends_ to him, to _him_, to Strongbow, piercing his mind with clarity and intensity that he, with all his power among his folk, cannot long bear nor match. He nearly cries. And, in sending, it is truth. Strongbow locksend to Doreel, Strongbow adds, a faint patter of words, ** Timmorn was our first chief, son of Timmain by a wolf, long ago. This world runs in my blood, and Rillwhisper's, and all our kind. ** Strongbow glowers at Doreel, sending almost clustering powerful in the air about him. Strongbow leans back upon his companion then, in sending and a bit in form, lifting one hand to set upon her hand upon his shoulder, facing Doreel, daring him wordlessly to see. Perhaps already familiar with the kind of tone Doreel is using, Rillwhisper seems unruffled, and sits with equal attention both on Strongbow and their host. There might be a brief flash of sending about her; if there is, it is overshadowed by the archer's mental _presence_. Doreel wrinkles his brow, his face contorts in disgust. Lira watches the three standing in most often silence. Unsure of what to do, she goes to her own little 'refuge', the garden. Doreel says "That is the most perverse use of the powers." Strongbow's lip twitches slightly, catching the expression. ** Timmain is not yours to judge. I survived the black venom. ** As he sends it, he knows it to be true, and his eyes light the smallest bit. ** Perhaps this is why. ** Rillwhisper keeps her arms about the archer lying back against her, a bare whisper of a sense of green, water-rich coolness about her, almost unnoticeable in the sending Strongbow is putting forth. She smiles. Doreel sneers, "Timmain is not around to defend herself. She is long dead. Your beasts' blood probably killed her as it will kill you." Rillwhisper puts in, mildly, ** Strongbow and his folk saw her in the Palace. ** Strongbow raises a brow. ** Timmain is a High One still. She lives. ** There is truth there, too, piercing and undeniable. Doreel narrows his eyes at Strongbow. "They are all dead! I am the last one! The humans killed them!" Strongbow adds, with the slightest twitch of a smile, ** Send to me. Practice. Then send to her, and see. ** Strongbow's eyes darken. Doreel starts to send, it is dark, and menacing, he has been pushed, his madness slipping in at every angle ** You want to feel my send, beast? Both of you? ** Strongbow locksends to Doreel, Strongbow, for a moment impatient, simply floods your mind. Ancient elves, all those he can call to mind, in image swirl: A tall, ancient mother, darkened in sun and time, touch gentle in fingertip and in mind; another female, black of hair, long hair, past her feet sweeping tendrils -- like snakes, or like spiderwebs -- on stone floor, smiling a Healer's madness. Black venom, the archer thinks, and winces slightly at your sending; however, it seems he has borne worse. Strongbow scowls darkly, sending for a moment, then closing himself off, steeling himself in a way that implies having done this before, and against a greater power. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow gathers you in, welcoming. ** Stay with me. Send with me. ** It is gentle, but yet an order, slightly paranoid against Doreel's attack. Rillwhisper stiffens, then her eyes glimmer, ferally, over the archer's head. ** We send truth, Doreel -- we don't want to fight you! ** Doreel blinks, his eyes narrow as you send an image of the black haired 'snake', "That one. Who is that?" Strongbow's lip twitches amusement. He can't, or won't, keep up the contact, then. The archer has withstood far worse. His glance flickers to Rillwhisper, questioning. Lira watches Master and the Others, truly wishing Lar was around so he could help make Master stop what looks like a time of 'remembering' for all three. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper shivers, mentally, immediately drawing nearer to you. Ill though you might be, she is unnerved by the current of sending she perceives. As if huddling against the Old Willow for protection against a rainstorm, she leans in against you. Doreel sends openly ** Who is it! Who are they both? ** Strongbow sends, image of calm accompanied in sending by a greater peace, sun-darkened and wise with time, ** Savah. Child of High Ones. ** The concept is a bit past him, but not past what he knows as truth. The image trades for that with black hair and shadow. ** Winnowill. ** The archer adds no explanation for her existence, no excuse for her being, only truth that she is. Doreel mutters, his eyes blazing, ** I want to meet them. Both of them. If I heal you, you will take me to them. ** Strongbow's brows fly up, but his sending contains firm approval at Doreel's sending. ** If you let yourself be healed, I will. I don't need your healing. ** Rillwhisper frowns a bit. A thought is clearly in her eyes, but she doesn't voice it, not yet. The green sense of her mental presence lingers behind Strongbow's, as if she stood behind a tree to keep out of a driving rain. Doreel chuckles and takes a step towards the two elves, a wicked look in his eyes, "That is where you are wrong beast. You are the one who needs healing. My body is strong and healthy." Doreel says "The venom may be working its way out of you, but I made those Presevers what they are... they follow my commands. Withtout your help to get me to those two elves, your own companions will have no hope in getting here." You locksend ** Archer.... ** to Strongbow. Strongbow asks, calmly, ** Do they burn? ** Rillwhisper can't help but grin, at that. Fiercely. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow comforts you as best he can, questioning slightly, wondering what precisely your worry is. Doreel chuckles slightly, "No. You don't think that the small ones have tried that." You locksend ** Later. When he's calm. ** to Strongbow. Doreel sends an image of the spider's woods burning. The great beasts skittering away, unaffected by the flames. Doreel says "I have rebuilt after many such attempts. All to house the Preservers as their young. It is all part of the paradise mother told me about." Strongbow sends, for an instant, an image, pure, reflected right back: the spiders' woods burning. The grove, consumed by flames. Flames reaching up into the highest branches of the central tree... Rillwhisper's green eyes narrow slightly. And she suggests, a fleeting image almost like a reflection that appears, briefly, on the surface of a pond: ** ** Strongbow seems to find that almost humourous. ** There never was the like, Doreel. Only survival. ** From nowhere, as if out of the blue, he asks, ** Why are we captive? ** Doreel snarls and stops in midstride, "You will not destroy this paradise! This is the true home that you have always wanted to see!" Doreel reaches out a hand to grab hold of Strongbow. Rillwhisper jerks, as Doreel lunges near, and clutches Strongbow to her. ** No, Doreel. We won't destroy anything, if we don't need to. But my mates and our healer _will_ come. ** Doreel snarls, he turns his attention towards Rillwhisper, his eyes narrowing. Lira works no longer, only listening to Master and the Others, their talk greatly disturbing. Strongbow reaches out a hand to be grabbed hold of, sending a moment's comfort at Rillwhisper. ** No. _This_ is the true home. ** And with the most and the last, the clearest and most piercing of his strength, comes true the image of the Palace, having been in it, having felt it work its subtle truth and magic upon him, shimmering. Rillwhisper shivers a little, but doesn't falter, as she sends, ** Hear him, Doreel! We have both been in the Palace -- we've seen it! ** Doreel grabs hold of Strongbow's hand as tight as he can... harmful magic starts to work it's way from the mad elf, but with the archer's sending... it slows, turning itself around, as it starts to heal him instead. Rillwhisper gives a startled cry, preparing to jerk the archer out of Doreel's way if she needs to.... You locksend ** ** to Strongbow. Doreel seems to be drawing this sudden change in mood from the image Strongbow is sending. Strongbow winces and steels himself for the blow of bent healing and cruel sending, but blinks once as it fails to come, staring at the elf before him. Not understanding, he sends, hesitantly, the Palace again, stronger, every detail his memory-laden mind can dredge up. The Scroll turns for his memory now through the voice of his chief's cub...tales of those few who escaped...it is muddled in order, but the images are clear, the archer's sending sustaining upon his power, then drawing upon the support of his companion. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow holds to you, still letting himself be your Old Willow, but needing the vitality of the sapling to keep up the work... ** Send. You remember too -- send! ** Rillwhisper immediately puts in, her own images much steadier and ordered, her own memories of the Palace landed in her very own Holt. No Timmain within, but there was Rayek, making the Palace fly. Rillwhisper's elder lifemate walked into the Palace's halls, to commune with an enemy's spirit -- and to find the lost part of himself. Doreel grips hold of Strongbow's hand tightly, his healing magics continuing to flow into him. ** I... I must see this... The true home... the true paradise ** Strongbow nods once, slightly, sending wordless assent. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper urges you: stay here, stay now, let the healing work. Don't slip! Doreel gasps as all the images come from around him. He breaks his grasp from Strongbow's hand, leaving him healed for the most part. He stands and turns away. Strongbow lets his sending trail off, ending with one fading image of the Palace from without, stone spires in myriad colors of rock. Rillwhisper gasps a little, Doreel's abrupt cessation of the magic again startling her. She hugs Strongbow tightly, sending..... You locksend ** Soul-brother? Are you well? ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sends exhaustion and pride, clear and Now, memories drained enough to leave him be. His body, though strengthened, is willing enough to assent to his mind's cry for sleep. Strongbow leans back into Rillwhisper, eyes narrowing to weary slits. ** My thanks, ** he offers, a bit bemused, not sure who should be thanking whom. Rillwhisper cradles the archer against her, eyes bright with relief and worry intermingled. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper lingers, very near in your head. Rest, she agrees softly, that inner glade where she took you before shimmering ethereally in her contact. Rest, dear one. She'll be with you. Strongbow's eyes, after a time, slit the rest of the way closed, his body relaxing, calming into sleep. Doreel mutters and moves away, his head spinning, his eyes glazed over. Something is whirling through the ancient elf's mind. Rillwhisper looks up, at last, as Strongbow drops into exhausted slumber. ** Doreel... thank you. You helped me save his life. ** Doreel doesn't seem to hear as he leans back against the tree. The chieftess nods to herself, quietly. She won't disturb the shaper, then. Carefully, she settles Strongbow down to her lap, smoothing his hair out of his face. Lira looks from Master to the Others, still unsure about whats going on...she will have to talk with Lar about this. Doreel suddenly screams out. Something that just happened has sparked something in his mind, "NO!!!!!!!!! TASHEYA!" Rillwhisper, meeting Lira's gaze, smiles to the little helper... then starts, at Doreel's scream. Wha... Lira looks at Master, her face truly worried...Lar where are you runs through her mind.. She jumps to her feet and runs to Master. Doreel slumps back against the tree, shaking uncontrollably. Rillwhisper pauses, reluctant to leave her sleeping companion, then realizing, slowly, that she can't abide Doreel suffering, too. No more than she could allow Strongbow to remain spider-wrapped in the forest. Putting the archer down on the ground as gently as she can, she rises, then advances carefully to the other elf. Lira reaches Master shortly, her short legs pumping as fast as they will go. Rillwhisper says, carefully, "Doreel...." Rillwhisper offers, "Her spirit will be in the Palace..." Doreel has his face in his hands, covering it completely. Images shoot out occassionally of a female elf, and then of a child, barely a turn old... then, again, the humans... Lira looks back at the Rillwhisper, "The Rillwhisper say she help Master...help Master!" Kneels almost reverently by Master, looking at him, though she never touches him Rillwhisper comes up beside Lira. She glances down at the little helper, then, remembering her promise to Lira and Lar even before Lira pleas, now, she reaches a hand to Doreel. "Doreel? We can try to find the Palace for you... you should go there... Tasheya's spirit will be there. And the others." She pitches her voice softly, soothing. Doreel mutters quietly to himself. Doreel says "She is gone though... her spirit... her... gone..." Rillwhisper encourages, gently, "And you'll be able to see the other elves across the land... the humans haven't gotten us all. We can show you where Sorrow's End is, and Savah...." Stepping closer, she repeats, "Tasheya's spirit will be in the Palace. You can talk to her, there. Like Woodhawk did to Tash." Lira looks at the Rillwhisper hopefully, maybe the Rillwhisper can make Master stop 'remembering' she and the Other did it once... Doreel shakes his head, "No... no... I cannot leave them here alone... the preservers will kill them. Rillwhisper smiles down at Lira, then tells Doreel, "They might want to come with you, you know. You should ask them." Doreel looks up, his eyes bloodshot, as if he broke out of his 'remembering' too soon and it shattered his thoughts, "This is their home... everything they have ever knonw." Rillwhisper kneels in front of Doreel, quietly. And glances at Lira. "But you're their master. They love you. Right, Lira?" Lira looks at the Rillwhisper, "Lira, Lar, and Lir help Master. Listen to Master, keep Master safe when Master 'remembers'" Doreel looks at Lira, "But outside of here... I don't know it any better than you three do. And your child," he reaches out to place a hand on Lira's stomach, "It will not know this place." Lira blinks , surprised at Doreels gentle touch. "Master need be safe. Preservers hurt Master someday, will hurt child too. Preservers kill Lira's child" A brief look of sadness passes over her face and is gone again, replaced with concernn for Master. Doreel shakes his head, "No... you three... your child cannot die." He blinks, unsure of what he is doing, "I... I don't know if I can leave this place." Rillwhisper says softly, "Strongbow and I... and my mates... and our healer... can help you." Doreel shakes his head, "This is like mother said it was... like the home was... no humans... just the life around us. You must be able to feel it Rillwhisper..." Doreel looks around the paradise he has created in the middle of all the darkness. Rillwhisper follows your gaze, and answers, "I... _feel_ your magic, Doreel, and it..." She pauses, considering her words, then smiles a little and goes on, "It reminds me of the palace. And no, there are no humans here... but there are other safe places, too, where there are no humans. Like my Holt. And Sorrow's End. And many places, where elves have learned to dwell." Doreel bows his head, "But none like this place. This is like mother told me. Of where they came from... where they started..." Rillwhisper coaxes, "Is it? Can it really be, if there are no other elves here, to _make_ it a home?" Her eyes go a little more gentle. "Without elves to live in it, it's just... a place." Doreel says "But we are not meant to be here." Doreel says "It was an accident..." Doreel mutters quietly, and sends so that Lira cannot hear ** It was some of the small ones... ** Rillwhisper pulls in a breath, thinking of how to answer that, and finally she answers, ** I know... Timmain told Strongbow and his tribe... and Strongbow told me. But we _are_ here... and if we hide, we can't ever learn how to leave, can we? ** She finishes, still smiling a little, ** And whatever the first helpers did... it can't be Lira's fault. Or lar's or Lir's. ** Doreel shakes his head, "No... not their fault. But we still do not belong here. You sent an image... of the ship... flying..." Rillwhisper agrees, "Yes... the Palace has flown. It came to my Holt." Doreel blinks, "Then we can leave?" Lira sits quietly, leaning back on her heels, watching Master and the Rillwhisper. For a long while, Rillwhisper considers that. Then answers earnestly, "I don't pretend that >I< know how the Palace works. I can't honestly answer that question for you." She sighs a little, then goes on, "There's an elf who learned how to make the Palace fly. But the last time I saw him, he was sick, I think. I saw him at Sorrow's End. And Savah lives there too... she is very old, and very wise, more than I." Doreel says "Then... if he can make it fly... He has to be healed. We can all leave then... and the humans won't bother us anymore." Doreel looks optimistic, perhaps too much so. Rillwhisper half-smiles. She's not as sure as you of this, but she's even less sure that she should let on to that. She allows, "Healing Rayek is... well, up to Rayek. But I don't know where he is. Maybe they do in Sorrow's End." Doreel nods, his eyes returning somewhat to normal, "That... that is where this Savah is... The other one. The black haired one. Certainly she would want to leave if she is like me..." Rillwhisper stills, then says, very cautiously, "I would... suggest that if you go to seek Winnowill, Doreel, that you should be careful around her." How much information does she dare to give the ancient healer, at once? Rillwhisper's green gaze flickers uncertainly. Doreel shakes his head, "If this Winnowill is truely like you say... she will have the powers that may be necessary to get us all away from here, and the humans." Lira looks on, silently. Confused by the new names Mater speaks she wonders to herself...has he started 'remembering' others now..ones he had forgotten... Rillwhisper looks away, grimly. Her voice is quiet as she tells Doreel, "Winnowill is very powerful, yes. She heals, like you. But...." A sigh, and Rillwhisper looks back. "You've sensed what Strongbow and I are, Doreel. We're Wolfriders. And Winnowill doesn't like Wolfriders." Doreel shakes his head, "I am not like you." Rillwhisper goes on, "We've... fought with her. My tribe and Strongbow's both. It would be wrong of me to not say that." At the disclaimer, she almost chuckles. "No. You're not. She might like you, because you have magic, and you don't have the wolf-blood." Doreel looks relieved at that, "No... I am none of your beast. My magic... yes..." Rillwhisper shoves a hand through her hair, then adds, "For healing me and Strongbow, I'll tell you where Blue Mountain is -- that's where Winnowill lives -- if you wish it. And show you something of the way. But I shouldn't go there. Nor should Strongbow." Doreel reaches out to grab hold of your arm, "No! You must take me there. I have never been outside of the grove." Her gaze troubled, Rillwhisper allows you to take her arm, but it doesn't change her bleak expression. For a few moments, she peers at you searchingly, then sighs again. "Doreel... I'll happily take you to Sorrow's End, once I let my tribe know Strongbow and I are alright and do what I can to help Strongbow find his mate. But... the best I could offer for Winnowill is to take you near the Mountain. I can't go there." Doreel says "You will take me to the mountain then." It is more a statement than a question... Still troubled, Rillwhisper allows, "_Near_ the mountain. And only after my tribe knows what I'm doing. It's dangerous for a Wolfrider to be there." Doreel shakes his head and points to Stronbow, "I healed him. I healed you. You both would be dead were it not for me or my helpers." Lira looks at the Rillwhisper questioningly, "If bad for the Rillwhisper is bad for Master too?" Her voice is quiet, unobtrusive, her face unsure as she speaks out. Rillwhisper faces you and says quietly, "I'll be dead, or worse, if I go to where Winnowill is. I can't tell you not to go. But I won't go any nearer to her Mountain than I have to. Doreel snarls and stands, turning his back on the both of you. Rillwhisper bows her head. Curse it. Lira watches Master turn away. Used to the sudden change in mood she makes no outward response save for a slight sigh. Doreel says "I will find it myself then. We are not meant to be here, none of us." Rillwhisper says quietly, "I'll show you the way, but I won't go into the Mountain. Or near it, unless I have to. Wolfriders aren't welcome in the Mountain Winnowill rules, unless they suit her purposes." Doreel shrugs, "You do not want to help. You do not have to." Lira stands and walks over to Master. "Lira, Lar and Lir will help Master. We always help master, do what Master says and wants." Rillwhisper adds, "Frankly, Doreel, I believe Winnowill would be happy to leave those of us with the wolf-blood right here, humans and all. She doesn't like me or my kind, and she's hurt Wolfriders before." Sadly, she finishes, "Winnowill is dangerous, Doreel, and I'd be only doing wrong to you if I didn't tell you that." Doreel says "If some do not get away... then... if it is better for the rest of us." Rillwhisper, not having the heart to debate this, says simply, "When my mates and Silversong get here, I'll hold council with them. We'll decide then." With that, she rises, and pads tiredly back to the archer's sleeping form. Strongbow sleeps peacefully on. Doreel hmms and nods slightly and then paces towards the tree, muttering to himself. Rillwhisper sits down by Strongbow, crooking one knee up under her chin, wrapping her arms around that leg Lira watches Master walk away...maybe he heard her, maybe he didn't, oh well... Doreel turns and offers a quick smile at the helper. Doreel has left. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper wistfully lingers in vigil over you, disquieted. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper