Log Date: 1/21/96 Log Intro: The Willowholt party consisting of Woodhawk, Trollkiller, Rainfire, Silversong, Dawn, and Dusk has ridden hard for Lostholt, each of them anxious to get there to discover news of their missing chieftess Rillwhisper. After days of hard travel, the elves arrive past an already-breaking dawn, collapse in a camp just south of Lostholt territory, and rest, intending to hail their allies and friends the next night... [NOTE: Rainfire's presence is spoofed in this log. Trollkiller's locksends are spliced in from his own log; this log is primarily from Woodhawk's point of view.] ---------- Dawn is playing with Dusk, giggling, and apparently oblivious to any seriousness in the situation. Trollkiller starts awake, jerking up from his wrapping of furs. ** ?! ** He looks around, remembering, and leans over to awaken his present lifemate. ** Up. Time to go on. ** He nuzzles Woodhawk's shoulder. Dawn perks up. "Are we leaving?" Woodhawk mrmrms, but snaps awake quickly, and scrubs a hand across his eyes. With a yawn, he mumbles, "Almost to Lostholt... got to talk to them..." He stretches, and sit sup. Trollkiller sends, ** Silversong, you awake yet? ** Trollkiller nods to Dawn and Dusk. ** As soon as we can, yes. ** He stands, and shakeshakeshakes. Silversong stirs where she lies next to her wolf, looking up. ** Mm? ** Trollkiller sends, ** We're the _last_ awake? Why didn't somebody awaken us? ** Trollkiller starts picking up furs, folding and tying them together. Silversong seems amused. ** You seemed so exhausted by the trip. ** Woodhawk half-smiles, but gets up, and does his share of the breaking-down of the camp. Dawn giggles, as Dusk imitates her father in a wolfish shake. She pats her daughter lightly, instructing her to gather her things. Dawn does her own share of tidying up, moving quickly and efficiently. Skitches wanders over and licks Trollkiller's face while he packs. He snuffles her, and keeps packing. Dawn sends openly ** I've been awake forever! Sleepyheads. ** Silversong joins the others in gathering up the camp, smiling. Trollkiller frowns, but keeps packing. Willowholt Camp(#6874AJe) This is a small and rough-looking campsite, set up somewhere as out of the way as possible, and consisting only of a few piles of sleepfurs, a tent or two, and a few wolves that mill about and make sure unwelcome intruders do not venture into this hidden, sheltered area. Contents: Ashes Dusk Trollkiller(#3442PVXc) Silversong Dawn You make your way out of the Willowholt Camp. Deep Forest Contents: Willowholt Camp(#6874AJe) Obvious exits: Trail North In the camp, Dawn brushes off her hands. "I'm done. Let's go!" In the camp, Dawn says "Dusk, wait here." Dawn makes her way out of the Willowholt Camp. Dawn has arrived. In the camp, Trollkiller gathers the last of his stuff. Trollkiller locksends to Dawn, Trollkiller sends, ** Stay here? We're leaving. ** Woodhawk, his part of the packing complete, steps out to the trees, his ancient wolf Swiftrunner stiffly joining him. In the camp, Silversong smiles after Woodhawk, and follows after her Recognized. Silversong makes her way out of the Willowholt Camp. Silversong has arrived. Littlefang has arrived. Dawn lets Littlefang down. Swiftrunner makes his way out of the Willowholt Camp. Swiftrunner has arrived. Trollkiller makes his way out of the Willowholt Camp. Trollkiller has arrived. Ashes makes her way out of the Willowholt Camp. Ashes has arrived. Trollkiller looks about. ** Everyone ready? ** Ashes pads after her elf, Silversong chuckling as she ruffles the wolf's fur. Woodhawk sends to the others, ** Not far now... we should send to Lostholt, when we're in range. Let 'em know we're coming. ** To his younger mate's question, he nods briskly, and slips onto his wolf's back. You vault up onto Swiftrunner's back. Skitches runs up to Trollkiller, whurffing. Swiftrunner whffs a bit, gruffly, and pads tiredly off. Deep Forest Deep within the southern portion of a nameless forest, you see a monolithic mountain rise out of its evergreen carpet into the sky. The top of the mountain is flattened and its surface black. The large thing is a hill. To the north a small, seldom used trail winds into the bowed depths leading to an unseen destination. Beneath ones feet is a dark, ash filled soil which gleams with red and white quartz. There is something eerie about the quiet stillness. Contents: Ashes Trollkiller(#3442PVXc) Swiftrunner Littlefang Silversong Dawn Obvious exits: Trail North You disembark on the long trail north, through this deep forest. It goes on for quite some distance and takes a few days to cross. Eventually you leave the forest and arrive... Path Around the Father Tree(#1106RJ) The land of the Abode surrounds you. This path is used mostly by the elves for travel to the woods behind the great Father tree or to lay traps for small game that can be caught farther north, though during the season of falling leaves, the game is thinning. You can see the very top of the huge tree towering above you throught the thinning canopy of colorful leaves. The path is choked with gaily colored leaves of gold and red hues, crunching under your feet as you walk. The autumn sun shines warmly down from above on gaily colored leaves. Obvious exits: Path Path Clearing Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller emerges from a long trail to the south. Around Swiftrunner, Littlefang emerges from a long trail to the south. Around Swiftrunner, Ashes emerges from a long trail to the south. Around Swiftrunner, From Littlefang's back, Dawn looks around curiously. Trollkiller locksends, to Dawn, Ynderra, Silversong, Skywise, Woodhawk, Cutter: ** Hello, Lost Holt...? ** Around Swiftrunner, On Ashes' back, Silversong looks around, smiling at the friendly embrace of the forest around her, listening to the voices of the forest. Skywise locksends to Trollkiller, ** Hello. ** Woodhawk looks quietly relieved as the Lostholt territory reveals itself, as everyone rides. When Trollkiller sends, he pauses, and waits for a reply. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller receives a send in return. Around Swiftrunner, From Littlefang's back, Dawn listens.. Around Swiftrunner, On Ashes' back, Silversong guides Ashes to pause beside Swiftrunner, looking curiously at Woodhawk for a moment before glancing away. Trollkiller locksends, to Skywise, Woodhawk, Cutter: ** I am Trollkiller, of Willowholt. I come with four others of my tribe looking for Rillwhisper, our chief. May we enter your territory? ** ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller exchanges a quick series of sends with someone, awaiting a reaction. Woodhawk seems tense, but no more so than anyone else has been during this journey. He waits, watching the trees to the north, ears pricked as he listens for a reply from Cutter's folk. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller sends, ** I'm telling them we're here, and why we're here, and ask if we can come into their territory. ** You sense in a locksend to Skywise, Trollkiller, Woodhawk: Cutter's send is a touch groggy, but he answers nonethless. ** Willowholt's always welcome.. come in.. ** Around Swiftrunner, On Ashes' back, Silversong pats Ashes' flank, as she waits. You locksend, to Skywise, Trollkiller, Cutter: ** Thank you, Cutter. ** Woodhawk waves to Dawn and Silversong. "Cutter's sent... come on...!" You walk north along the path. Path The land of the Abode surrounds you. The path circumvents the holt proper, used mostly by the elves for travel to the woods behind the great Father tree. The path is now choked with gaily colored leaves of gold and red that crunch beneath your feet as you walk and leaves flutter softly to the ground. Clinging vines hang dying from the trees lining the pathways and small scurrying animals can be heard from under the huge piles of leaves. The autumn sun shines warmly down from above on gaily colored leaves. Obvious exits: Woods Path Path Around Swiftrunner, Littlefang arrives from the southern end of the path. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller arrives from the southern end of the path. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller looks around, trying to remember where... Skywise locksends to Trollkiller, ** We have meat, killed yesterday, if you are hungry. ** Around Swiftrunner, Skitches arrives. Around Swiftrunner, Ashes arrives from the southern end of the path. You walk through a stand of bushes and into another clearing. Behind the Father Tree(#650RAJ) The land of the Abode surrounds you. As you walk around the Father Tree, you come upon a large patch of ground that has been cleared away and covered over with leaves. It looks to have been perhaps a garden, something Redlance might have had a hand in creating and is now allowed to lie fallow, in anticipation of the coming white cold. A tiny opening leads into the back of the Father Tree, though it is now covered with dry and crunchy leaves. Off to the north-east lies another large tree, small in comparison to the Father Tree, but quite large enough to house many elves. The autumn sun shines warmly down from above on gaily colored leaves. Contents: Softwind(#3407Jaeop) Wrapstuff Obvious exits: Path Den Tree Woods Father Tree Around the Tree Around Swiftrunner, Littlefang walks out of a bunch of bushes to the south. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller walks out of a bunch of bushes to the south. Around Swiftrunner, Ashes walks out of a bunch of bushes to the south. You walk around to the front of the Father Tree. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the branches as leaves turn yellow as flame and red as blood. Brown weeds and night blooming wildflowers lie dead or dying in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a canopy high above the ground, though most of the leaves now decorate the ground and crunch under your feet. The autumn sun shines warmly down from above on gaily colored leaves. Contents: Skywise(#2945PBJXce) Adi's travel furs Bearpaw Mirrormoons Calmwind(#7032Jopq) Obvious exits: Into the Tree Around the Tree Clearing Around Swiftrunner, Littlefang walks around from behind the Father Tree. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller walks out of the Father Tree. Around Swiftrunner, Ashes walks around from behind the Father Tree. Around Swiftrunner, Swiftrunner steps stiffly into view, with a weary-looking Woodhawk on his back. Around Swiftrunner, Skywise waves, othe hand rea=sting on a pile of meat. Around Swiftrunner, From Littlefang's back, Dawn waves! "Ayooah!" Woodhawk calls, spotting Skywise, "Ho, friend..." He slips off the old wolf, and pats him. Around Swiftrunner, On Ashes' back, Silversong follows after Woodhawk, watching him with some concern. Around Swiftrunner, Cutter walks out of the Father Tree. Around Swiftrunner, Dawn lands easily on the ground by Littlefang, giving him a friendly pat on the back. Around Swiftrunner, Skywise grins. ** My eyes see with joy, Willowholters! ** Around Swiftrunner, Silversong slips down off of Ashes' back. Around Swiftrunner, Skywise hands pieces of meat to whoever shows interest. Around Swiftrunner, Skywise moves afterward to stand by Cutter. Around Swiftrunner, Cutter is still working his boot on the right way, when he hops the last bit out of the Father Tree. Grin fimrly in place, he echoes Skywise's greeting. ** Good to have the Willowholt with us again. ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller waves at the Lostholters, and at their catch a little longer than he intends, before turning to the arrived Cutter. He bows his head respectfully, and sends, ** My eyes greet with joy as well - or as much as can be had at this time. ** Around Swiftrunner, Silversong glances up at Cutter, a hesitant smile forming on her face as she remains silent, standing beside her wolf. Around Swiftrunner, Dawn takes some meat, happily. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller appears weary, stressed, and to be as close to depressed as you might have ever seen from him. Around Swiftrunner, Cutter's smile fades a bit. ** As can be had at this time? Trollkiller? What's happened? ** He looks then from face to face, one eyebrow lifting slowly. Around Swiftrunner, Silversong speaks up for Trollkiller, ** Rillwhisper is missing. ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller nods at Silversong, ** Our chieftain, Rillwhisper, has been gone for some time - far longer than intended... and lately, both Woodhawk and I have been having most unsettling... almost-sends, often in dreams, sometimes while awake... ** Around Swiftrunner, Dawn smiles to Cutter, looking quite at ease. Around Swiftrunner, Skywise looks about. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller sends, ** We're certain there's something to it. Unfortunately. ** Around Swiftrunner, Cutter's smile disappears entirely now, gaze shifting from Trollkiller, to Silversong, and back again. ** Missing? She was here.. just.. it must have been Newgreen? Whitecold, maybe.. with Strongbow. ** And the smile-that-was becomes a faint frown. ** Sends from.. where? You think it's more than losing sense of how many seasons have passed? ** Around Swiftrunner, Dawn sends brightly. ** We'll find her, than then everything will be fine. ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller looks oddly at Dawn. ** I hope so. ** He turns back to Cutter. Around Swiftrunner, Silversong nods at Cutter's question. "Almost everyone soul-close to Rillwhisper has been touched by these dreams, Cutter. It's too odd to be just dreams." Around Swiftrunner, Skywise listens, standing by Cutter. Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller sends, ** Yes. These were not thoughts of anything so innocuous. ** Around Swiftrunner, Dawn nods at Silversong's words. ** I had a strange dream, too. ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller sends, ** But she did make it here with Strongbow, then? ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller sends, ** Is Strongbow here, or nearby? ** Trollkiller locksends, trying to reach Strongbow, ** Strongbow, are you here? ** Around Swiftrunner, Skywise glances worriedly at Cutter. Around Swiftrunner, Cutter nods. ** She was here. And she was fine then, if concerned for the archer. ** He smiles, wryly. ** With Moonshade gone, he needed someone to.. eh? ** He shakes his head. ** No. He went off after Moonshade, and Rillwhisper followed after, to see that he'd be all right. ** Almost sheepishly he admits, ** We haven't heard word from or about any of them, but.. I suppose I thought that if there wasn't word, everything was as it ought to be.. ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller nods. ** Us too, until we got what we think _is_ word... ** Around Swiftrunner, Dawn looks to Trollkiller and Woodhawk, tilting her head. Around Swiftrunner, Cutter nods again. ** Tell me about these dreams? What you remember of them, anyway. ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller sends, ** So she and Strongbow both left? ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller shakes his head. ** No words, just sensations. Images. ** Around Swiftrunner, Trollkiller sends, ** ** You jump lightly off Swiftrunner's back. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) Contents: Silversong Dawn Cutter Ashes Trollkiller(#3442PVXc) Littlefang Swiftrunner Skywise(#2945PBJXce) Adi's travel furs Bearpaw Mirrormoons Calmwind(#7032Jopq) Obvious exits: Into the Tree Around the Tree Clearing Trollkiller sends, ** Except that it all felt of Rillwhisper, not me. ** Silversong moves over to Woodhawk's side. Trollkiller sends, ** That's what I felt at the mountain. ** Dawn goes over to Trollkiller, patpatting his arm gently. Cutter squints at Trollkiller's send. ** Spiders..? ** Again he looks around the gathered Willowholters. ** You all felt the same thing? ** Woodhawk says quietly, "Aye, I did. Rainfire, too, to a lesser degree." Skywise listens, frowning slightly. Silversong shakes her head. "I didn't. But I believe the others have." Dawn sends openly ** I didn't dream spiders, just... sorta trapped feeling, I think. ** You say "We felt it was best to come here, first, since we last knew they were going to be here." Trollkiller nods. ** We were wondering if they had gotten here, and whether she had left. I didn't expect them both to have left. Where were they going, do you know? ** Skywise shakes his head, looking to Cutter. Rainfire nods. ** That's about what I had gotten. That's why I wanted to leave _at once_. ** Cutter shakes his head slowly. ** Moonshade was gone, and Strongbow took it into his head to chase after her. Rillwhisper, as I said, went with him. If they said where they were going, I've lost the name. Just that they'd be back again.. ** He glances at Skywise, briefly. Trollkiller sends, ** Has Moonshade felt anything like this? Has _she_ returned? ** Cutter shakes his head. ** I haven't seen or heard from her either. I haven't been looking to catch wind of her, though. We.. at least -I- haven't had any dreams, or felt anything wrong.. you're dreams are the first I've even thought.. ** Woodhawk puts in, crouching beside his white-muzzled wolf, "Moonshade had a fight with Strongbow at our Holt, Rill said. Did they talk about that, at all?" You say "I mean, when Rill was here?" Cutter nods slowly again. ** That was why Strongbow wanted to go after her. ** Trollkiller sends, ** Oh... ** Dawn looks embarrased. Woodhawk frowns, and glances at his tribesmates, then at Cutter and Skywise. "You could know this better than we: where would Moonshade possibly go, if she was mad at her mate?" Ynderra walks out of the Father Tree. Ynderra has arrived. Ynderra peeks out of the tree, curiously. Oh! Silversong glances over at the maiden, smiling slightly. ** Hello again. ** Skywise shakes his head. "Moonshade doesn't talk much." Skywise grins, "Not to me anyway." Cutter's second eyebrow joins the first. ** Grove, I'd think, would be the first place she'd head. If she were going somewhere she knew. If she was blind-mad though..." He actually physically turns around to looks back into the woods of the holt, as he trails off, and then starts up again. ** She could have run anywhere. ** Ynderra smiles tentatively at the visitors, and asks, "This is about Strongbow and Rillwhisper, isn't it?" Trollkiller loks over at Ynderra, and blinks in recognition. ** Hello... ** Ynderra grins crookedly at Trollkiller. Trollkiller starts, surprised. ** Uh. Yes. You've been listening? ** Woodhawk allows a smile to Ynderra, while listening quietly to Cutter. Cutter starts a little, and turns around yet again, to squint at Ynderra. ** Do you know something about this, Ynderra? ** Skywise looks at her, curious. Dawn looks thoughtfully at Cutter. Ynderra bobs her head. "I heard you sending... anyway, I thought I should come down. Leetah talked about Strongbow and Rillwhisper, when they first got here, and I sort of kept an eye on them, too, though I didn't try to heal him." She adds earnestly to her chief, "Wasn't it Grove they went to? We haven't sent anybody down to Sorrow's End to look, but I'm _sure_ it was Grove they were going to check....!" Trollkiller listens attentitively. WindStorm walks out of the Father Tree. WindStorm has arrived. Trollkiller looks over as another walks into the area. Ynderra adds, piping, "I was actually wondering if we shouldn't send somebody to Sorrow's End to look, just in case, you know? I mean, most of everybody, I mean, everybody older than me, that is, lived down there for a while, so Moonshade knows that place too, right?" Dawn sends openly ** I think it's kind of strange, if they went and didn't tell anybody. ** WindStorm peeks his head out of the father tree... "Hello!" Woodhawk considers Ynderra's addition to the discussion, and allows to Dawn, "That' doesn't sound like Rill, no." He peers at Cutter. "She didn't send, when she left?" Silversong runs her fingers through Asher's fur, listening quietly. ** Rillwhisper wouldn't do this... she would try to return if she could, or she'd say where she was going. ** Skywise ponders, "I don't think Moonshade liked Sorrow very much." Ynderra ohs, and glances round at WindStorm, and smiles at him. Trollkiller nods at Silversong. ** She would. ** Cutter nods yet another time. ** Grove then. Clearbrook's here, but Treestump's still in the Grove. She might have gone to him, for advice, or just to bend an ear for awhile. ** Another nod. ** Or Sorrow's End. Dart's still there.. though she was eager enough to come home again. ** Dawn sends openly ** Maybe she got into wolfsong again.. and Strongbow, too? ** Woodhawk ohs.... "Aye, her cub _is_ down there..." Uncertainly, he glances at his tribesmates, gauging their reactions. Trollkiller sends, ** Grove is hubward, isn't it? ** Cutter chuckles a bit, despite the somber mood. ** Not certain how you'd tell the difference, with Strongbow in or out of wolfsong.. but Moonshade's not likely to slip in and out. ** Brightsky walks out of the Father Tree. Brightsky has arrived. Trollkiller sends, ** Sorrow's end feels wrong to me. ** Dawn scratches her head. ** Isn't it back the other way? ** Spidersilk walks out of the Father Tree. Spidersilk has arrived. Ynderra shakes her head briskly to Trollkiller. "That way!" She points off towards Sun-Goes-Down. Brightsky blinks and stands in surpise Spidersilk comes out with an enormous yawn, blinking sleep out of blue eyes and raking hair back. ** High Ones! ** Ynderra then jumps, at the arrival of the total stranger. She whirls, blinking wide-eyedly at the newcomer. Trollkiller looks towards sun-goes-down. ** Hm. ** Dawn sticks close to Trollkiller. Lots and lots of new faces. WindStorm jumps down from the branch he was on, and lands at the base of the tree. "Hmmm." Trollkiller sends, ** Perhaps they started that way and got side-tracked. ** Trollkiller snugs Dawn, and, for his own sake, Woodhawk. Lots of new faces. Dawn sends openly ** Wouldn't we have seen tracks? We came from sun-goes-down, now. ** Brightsky looks from new face to new face.. obviously not sure what to do or say.. Ynderra steps back, glancing at Cutter to let him handle the stranger as need be. Trollkiller sends, ** Maybe they were coming back home? ** Silversong glances over at Cutter and Ynderra. ** Was Rill's Preserver with when she was here? ** Woodhawk blinks himself at the unfamiliar elf that just, um, walked in. With a glance at the Lostholters, he determines that this stranger must not be unwelcome, or at the very least, he must not be a threat. He nods tersely to the stranger, and then returns to the conversation at hand, appending to Silversong's comment, "She'd brought Fallberry with her, aye." Spidersilk looks at you closely for a moment. Brightsky inches his was back out the way he came.... Silversong sends openly ** Then the bug's in trouble too... Rill would have sent Fallberry back, if only to leave a message of where she was going. ** Trollkiller sighs. ** I hadn't thought of that. ** Woodhawk exhales. "You think she'd have gone to Grove, then?" he asks Cutter and Skywise. As Spidersilk arrives, he includes her in his gaze as well, smiling wanly at her. Cutter sends openly ** The bug hasn't come back to the Willowholt then? I haven't noticed any extras flitting around here of late. ** Brightsky walks away from the tree, back into the clearing that marks the entrance to the Lost Holt. Brightsky has left. Skywise holds up his lodestone idly tapping the end, off to one side. Woodhawk shakes his head, quietly. You say "No sign of it, not yet." Woodhawk adds, "Unless it got there after we left...." He frowns. Cutter nods. ** Grove then.. that's where I'd check. I can send some of the holt with you, to go and look. If there's trouble for those three, we'll help anyway we can, in finding them and getting them home again. ** Trollkiller nods. ** As good a guess we've got as any. Perhaps as we go, we'll discover something more... ** Ynderra speaks up, to Cutter, "I'll help!" She then squints at Silversong. "Though, huh, you're a healer, so will you need me?" Woodhawk says gratefully, "Any help you can give will be grand, Cutter. For your hunter and tanner, as well as our chieftess. Between us all, we ought to be able to find them." Silversong sends openly ** Any help would be welcome, I believe. ** Trollkiller nods. ** Hopefully soon. ** Trollkiller sends, ** Well, then. We'll head for Grove holt tomorrow. ** Trollkiller looks at Woodhawk, Dawn, Silversong, and particularly Rainfire. ** Agreed? ** Rainfire, somewhat begrudgingly, agrees. Cutter considers. ** I'd go with you to look, if I could go.. but as things stand, I can't leave the holt. But for certain, some of the holt will go with you.. Ynderra, Skywise perhaps.. more than that, if they're needed. And we'll keep an eye out for them, or any word, here, of course.. ** Ynderra bites her lip, thinking too. "Somebody should go see Dart, to see if he's seen 'em..." Trollkiller nods again to Cutter. ** Thank you. ** WindStorm nods. ** If I can help in any way, please include me. ** Cutter nods to Ynderra. ** We'll send elves both ways.. ** Ynderra blinks, as WindStorm speaks up, then smiles again at him, brightly. "You want to go to Sorrow's End with me?" WindStorm blinks, and nods. "Most certainly." Trollkiller looks around as Cutter's fold decide where they want to go, and suddenly realizes how hungry he is. He goes over and accepts a bit of the kill Skywise had offered, thankfully. Cutter watches Trollkiller, and grips faintly. ** For now, eat, and rest. Our dens are yours, our food is yours. With luck, we can even steal a tale or two from Pike before he passes out again. ** Ynderra beams, and impulsively, hugs her chief, then leans over to hug WindStorm, too. Trollkiller sends, ** Thank you, again. It has been a stressful journey already, and will probably bevcomre moreso again soon. ** WindStorm smiles at Ynderra, then to all ** I hope everything goes well for all. ** Woodhawk smiles tiredly to Cutter. And again, thanks him. "We'll set out again tomorrow." Trollkiller agrees. ** I, for one, would like to stay around longer. Perpahs when we return with our chief and your tribesmates. ** Cutter nods. ** Once everyone's back where they belong, with kin and tribe, we'll howl. ** Woodhawk inclines his head. And, with that, settles beside his wolf Swiftrunner, to let the ancient beast rest against him. Woodhawk then, hoping to catch up on his interrupted sleep, almost immediately dozes off. [End log.]