Log Date: 10/14/96 Log Cast: Dart, Trouble, Doreel Log Intro: After a conversation with Doreel that disturbed her -- for in it, Trouble admitted to the mad ancient her internal turmoil about her name and her parents -- Trouble has returned to keeping watch on Dart and waiting for him to awaken. And after a time he does... ---------- Dart yawns tiredly and rubs his eyes. Slowly opening his eyes he glances around getting his bearings on just where he is. Leaves overhead, dotted with multicolored, multishaped fruits. Scents, too, of green growing things... and nearby, the scent of Trouble. Not so nearby, but definatly present, the scent of Doreel as well, mingling through the pervading greenness. Everything is remarkably still. Dart sits up slowly, his stomach grumbling to let both Dart and anyone else know that it's empty and not likeing it. "Something tells me, there's not many ravvits around here." he mutters softly. At the sound of her companion's voice, Trouble suddenly jerks awake. She sits nestled in a hollow between the roots of the great central tree, just an arm's length away; now, she blinks rapidly and leans forward. "You're awake!" Dart nods, "Awake and hungry." He glances overhead at all the fruit and frowns, "Just when I was getting used to eating meat all the time instead of grazing like a zwoot..." Trouble glances upward herself, and shrugs a little. She offers, "I had a couple of the red ones... they're alright. I wouldn't mind some meat, either, though.... that might be a problem." Her voice drops to a husky whisper, as if she wants only Dart to hear it. Off on the other side of the grove, beneath one of the fruit trees, Doreel sits leaned well against it, lost to sleep or his thoughts or something somewhere in between. If he knows either of you are awake, he either doesn't care, or doesn't care for you to know he knows. Dart grimaces as he stands, "Think I slept on a rock." He reaches over head, "Red ones... hmm.. the orange ones look like the ones in the village." He plucks and orange fruit and sets to pulling off the skin of the fruit, letting the skin drop where it will. Trouble adds, then, studying Dart, "There's mushrooms, too, but I don't know if they're good for food. Doreel sent that they wouldn't harm me, but they made my arms and feet all... tingly." Her brow furrows, and she goes on, unusually talkative, "Are... you feeling better?" Dart nods, "Heh, Eagle was chattering about mushrooms when I was getting ready to leave. Seems Wing told him a little about the ones at Willowholt." What little smile he had in remembering, fades quickly as he glances at the now peeled fruit in his hands. The frown's probably not for the fruit, but for something else. Trouble smirks slightly. "Willowholt's full of shrooms that put dreams in your head, or so Ynderra says." Her expression, too, fades into sobriety, as the mention of that Holt triggers a chain of reminders. Willowholt. Its chieftess. And Dart's father, both stranded here. Still the old one stays quiet, and motionless, a living, breathing, growing part of the grove itself, like the tree behind him, or the grass, or perhaps the mushrooms that grow in a ring about him. And still he listens. Uncomfortable, now, Trouble glances at random about her, and blurts out, "Found your arrows, by the way..." She gestures at her bow and the quiver with an eight or so of arrows, lying nearby. Dart blinks and nods a few times, "Good... " He instinctively reaches behind his back checking for his arrow-whip.. it's not there. "You didn't happen to find my whip as well did you?" Trouble catches herself, then scowls, and shakes her head. Softly, annoyedly: "No." Dart sits down again and eats the orange fruit quietly, glancing around the grove. Trouble pokes at her own weapon, and continues gruffly, still with more words and at a faster pace than is usual for her, "Maybe we can get one of Doreel's helpers to look for it... or something... or maybe he wouldn't mind if we went for a bit into the trees to search? We'll have to try to hunt, we'll need the meat, don't want to get into the same trouble Rillwhisper and, um, your father did... if we're going to stay, that is." You say "Doreel says... he's lonely. There's another elf in the grove, though, somebody named Quickfire..." Trouble trails off at last, and fidgets, apparently disturbed. Dart says "We won't get into the same trouble as my sire and Rillwhisper, hopefully we'll be out of here before that happens." Doreel straightens now, sitting up and stretching. Might as well make a show of it, neh? He stretches again, slowly, then sighs to himself. It finally hits Dart that his comapnion is being entirely to chatty, "Are you alright, Trouble?" "I..." Trouble looks up at Dart, plaintively. Trouble finally sends to Dart, for his ears alone, and quite embarrassedly, ** I'm... scared. ** As she sends, her face flushes over, crimson. Dart moves closer to Trouble, sending openly ** I won't let him or anyone else hurt you, not when you've enough courage to admit something I can't. ** Doreel ignores the both of you. Quite possibly a little too obviously. Instead, he closes his eyes again. Still blushing, Trouble meets Dart's dark gaze with her green one, long enough for hers to soften a little. Perhaps in acknowledgement, perhaps in gratitude. She nods at last, trying to look firm. Dart frowns slightly and whispers, "He's listening.. Does he know who my sire is yet?" Trouble bites her lip, glances sideways, then finally nods. Dart stands up and clears his throat, ** Doreel? ** The send is as terse as possible and if he were in the Sun Village, cause a few elves to flinch at it's tone. "Yes?" comes the reply, quiet and easy and as absolutely non-threatening as the old elf can make it. Dart says "Trouble and I are going to need to hunt, or at least get some meat. I doubt you want her to get ill, and she will without it." Not opening his eyes, Doreel quirks a pale brow. "And where will you hunt?" Dart says "I suppose you'll have to tell us where there's some meat nearby since you're intent on keeping Trouble here. And somewhere where those spiders won't try to attack us like they did before." "There is no meat in the grove." points out the elder, quietly. "You'll have to leave it, and that, as you might have guessed, is difficult." Dart frowns, "Then we'll just have to find a way because I'm not going to let Trouble get sick because you're lonely." Doreel nods lightly. "We'll see." Dart says "You could send a few of your little helpers to get some meat, that way you wouldn't have to worry about finding some more spiders to protect this place." Doreel opens his eyes, looking rather levelly at Dart. "They do not like the preservers any more than you seem to. As I said, we'll see. If you must have meat, a way will be found to provide it." Dart hmmphs, "If she gets sick..." Doreel tsks softly. "You don't trust me either, eh?" Dart says quickly and not all to carefully, "Why should after what happened to my sire here?" Doreel shrugs a bit. "Then live always by your sire's judgement, ever in his shadow." Dart snaps, "I make my own judgements, my sire's just happens to be a sound one for a change." Doreel baits the wolf. "You've made one of your own about me, then? Even though you haven't really had the opportunity to establish one?" Calm, serene, he remains seated. "What have I ever done to you, besides heal you?" Dart scowls, "What have you done to me? You're keeping Trouble here for no good reason other than you're lonely. You only healed me because Trouble asked.. begged you to." Doreel reaches out a hand to one of the mushrooms beside him, running a now-glowing fingertip over its cap. "Are you sure?" Dart growls, "IF there's another reason, you'd better forget it and stick to just loneliness." Doreel mmmmhms softly. Dart glares at Doreel, "Anything... anything at all happens to her... " He leaves the threat dangling for the imagination to complete. "You'll have yourself to blame. Yes, I know." Doreel smiles mellowly. "Don't worry so much." Dart scowls darkly, "And you'll find yourself seeing the Palace of the High Ones without any skin." Doreel tsks softly. "Such threats, son of Strongbow." Dart says "Not threats, Mad One, promises." "I have lived this long.." Doreel shifts positions, moving to stand up. "I fail to see much reason why I won't go on living." Trouble, listening to this conversation, grows more and more disturbed of expression, fiercer of eye. Finally she stands and barks out, "Enough of this!" Dart continues to glare at Doreel. Doreel, still quite calm, nods once to Trouble. "As you wish." Trouble puts in, fiercely, "Dart, please...is he keeping me, if I chose to stay here for a time to ease him being lonely? And you, old one..." She whirls to Doreel. "Don't criticize him for being Strongbow's son. You don't know anything of it!" Dart breaks off his glare at Doreel, looking at his feet instead. Doreel ever so faintly lifts a brow. "I wasn't criticizing, only making an observation." But he shrugs. "Perhaps I do know something, perhaps I don't." Trouble's mouth tightens into a small line. ** If you'd like us to stay willingly, to give you someone to talk to, it'd help if you didn't insult us. ** Dart sends openly ** I'm not staying here, not to starve or to be some twisted revenge against my sire. ** "I'm not insulting." Doreel folds his arms over his chest. "He's making threats." He looks now at Dart. "If you'd like to leave, please, feel free to go. I'm sure the preservers would like another chance to bring you down." Dart growls, "I won't leave Trouble here with you." ** Curse it, will you two please stop it? ** Trouble audibly growls now, herself -- and trembles a little. ** I won't stay with either of you if you keep snapping at one another like angry wolves! ** Silent once more, Doreel turns, reaching up into the nearest tree to pick a few pieces of fruit. That done, he nods once shortly to you both, then moves toward the tree in the grove's center. Trouble whirls away, hugging her arms to herself, furious. Doreel climbs up the winding stairs around the tree, and then moves inside. Doreel has left. [End log.]